
I have a cute post to put up. It involves cookies and cupcakes and Christmas. But I can’t. I think my camera is broken. Dead. Unresponsive. Lifeless. And my photos are on it. Well, they’re on the compact flash card, not actually the camera. Now, I know why people have card readers. I used to think they were unnecessary, since cameras come with a cable to connect to your computer. Not anymore.

Tomorrow… get a card reader. And maybe … I can hardly say the words… a camera. Hopefully, it’s just teasing me and it decides to start working in the morning. But, seeing as how I dropped it earlier today, things aren’t looking too good. Just wish I had noticed it wasn’t working before now. Ughhhh!

Kerplunk and camera do not mix.

In the meantime, enjoy this Cakespy stop animation cupcake video I did a while ago [1]. And smile.

URLs in this post:

[1] a while ago: http://www.bakerella.com/why-is-this-cupcake-decorated-like-a-cupcake/