Pop Star: Abigail in Australia

106_popstars-abigail-lg [1]

“I love your blog and have done for ages long so I decided to make some cake pops with my friends Grace and Bec in the school holidays. I made christmas pudding pops one year for my family and they turned out great so I thought it would be just as easy this time. But I think we were having fun more than really trying and it was also sooooo hot because I live in Australia which meant everything kept trying to melt. ONTOP of which, you cant buy cute decorations like you can in America..im so jealous. But anyway, we tried…we failed…we had a great time and felt very sick afterwards from all the chocolate. Here are our “lovely” creations. Please don’t judge : )” – From your number 1 fan and procrasti-baker, Abigail, 16

Abigail – I love them! Looks like you had so much fun. – B

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[1] Image: http://www.bakerella.com/images/2010/08/106_popstars-abigail-lg.jpg

[2] Pop Stars Index: http://www.bakerella.com/pop-stars/