Pop Star: Ashleigh

042_popstars-ashleigh_lg [1]

“I posted my chick pops on my blog beeinourbonnet.blogspot.com [2]. I was sent over the edge at the cuteness of your chicks. Mine turned out pretty darn cute and I put them in little pots/nests. I hope you enjoy the picture….. You are my hero. I love your site! It is truly inspirational! So glad I got to tell you that!” – Ashleigh

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URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://www.bakerella.com/images/2010/05/042_popstars-ashleigh_lg.jpg

[2] beeinourbonnet.blogspot.com: http://beeinourbonnet.blogspot.com/2010/03/chicky-snacks.html

[3] Pop Stars Index: http://www.bakerella.com/pop-stars/