Pop Star: Dee in Texas

076_popstars-dee_lg [1]

“Hi Bakerella! I just wanted to share with you my Twilight inspired CAKEPOPS! All the girlfriends loved them and asked me to come up with a Team “Bella” for the next movie release. Team Edward is Red Velvet and White Chocolate with sanded sugar, and Team Jacob is German Chocolate Cake with Coconut Pecan Frosting dipped in Dark Chocolate rolled in toasted Coconut and Pecans. I have so enjoyed your creativity and the spark you ignite in my baking brain!” – Dee

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[1] Image: http://www.bakerella.com/images/2010/07/076_popstars-dee_lg.jpg

[2] Pop Stars Index: http://www.bakerella.com/pop-stars/