Pop Star: Hannah in Germany

114_popstars-hannah-lg [1]

“Hi Bakerella, I’m following your blog for a long time now and you inspired me to make one for my own. I’m a huge fan of the American way of baking. Last week I made Cake Pops for my dads birthday party. I made Coffee Pops. Its an self creation and I made them because they matched with the Italian Tiramisu which I also made for the party. I don’t know if they are stylish enough to appear on your website. Sure I’d be nice. But the main intention of my mail is to show you how inspiring your page is for me. Sorry for the English mistakes.” – Hannah [2]

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Hannah – They look great to me. And your English is just fine. – B

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://www.bakerella.com/images/2010/08/114_popstars-hannah-lg.jpg

[2] Hannah: http://www.monkeylovescandy.blogspot.com

[3] Pop Stars Index: http://www.bakerella.com/pop-stars/