Pop Star: Rebecca in Michigan

243-popstars-rebecca-lg [1]

“I’ve been making the cake pops for about 6 months now, ever since a friend sent me a link to your site because she just KNEW that I would go crazy for it… and I did! They are always time-consuming, but it’s like a compulsion that I just MUST try making different ones. Well, I was going to make some very easy red pops, white pops, and blue pops for the Fourth of July, but when I saw the Burgers and Bees that you posted just a couple weeks before the holiday, well, needless to say I couldn’t pass it up. My family when CRAZY for them and they were the first dish to be completely eaten out of everything at our family picnic.” – Rebecca

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[1] Image: http://www.bakerella.com/images/2011/06/243-popstars-rebecca-lg.jpg

[2] Pop Stars Index: http://www.bakerella.com/pop-stars/