Pop Star: Caroline in London

062_popstars-caroline_lg [1]

“This is Caroline, from Atlanta (we’re neighbors!). Well, I live in London but am from Atlanta and made these cake pops when I was home in the ATL this Christmas. They are your adorable reindeer pops, and I made them with my niece and nephew. We left them out for Santa on Christmas night, and according to the note he left us, they were a big hit with him and all the reindeer :) I’m not used to baking with kids, so you may be able to see the panic on my face in the attached picture as my niece Annie was flinging chocolate everywhere! Thanks for your amazing website – I absolutely love it and you have provided me with so much inspiration.” – lots of love, Caroline

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[1] Image: http://www.bakerella.com/images/2010/07/062_popstars-caroline_lg.jpg

[2] Pop Stars Index: http://www.bakerella.com/pop-stars/