
Easy as Pie

Pie Pops

I know. Genius, right. Perfectly-portioned, tiny pies … and on lollipop sticks, too. I can’t take the credit for this idea, although I would love to. The site Luxirare is responsible for this attack of cuteness. A friend at work sent the link to me last week and, the moment I saw them, I knew I would have to try them out. I just love to make things like this that are easy and say “Hi’ I’m the cutest thing on earth… now eat me.” I originally thought I would make some during the holidays and give them away as gifts, but they have been invading my thoughts all week. So this weekend they had to be made in an attempt to purge them from my mind.

Pie Pop

They really are easy. And if you have a little one around, you don’t even have to lift a finger. They can do all the work and tell you how to make them, too.

The following commentary is from my sweet “little miss bakerella.” She talked and I typed. So here goes… instructions in italics from an eight year old.

I’m getting ready to show you how to make your very own pie pops. They’re not made from candy, but they’re made out of dough. It’s gonna be a baketastic time!


Sprinkle a pinch of flour onto the dough.


Now we flop it onto the other side and do the cookie cutters.

ME: Dusting with a little bit of flour on both sides will make the dough easier to work with and move around.


Now we do the first cookie cutter. It feels great to do the first one.
There’s a lot more to be done, but still, it’s worth it.

Pie Dough

I’m trying to get close to the other hearts because it will give us more space for the cookie cutters.

ME: If you’re careful you can get enough for 8-9 pie pops from a 9-inch pie crust.


It’s time for the circles. Remember, I’m doing the same thing except it will be easier.

ME: The circle shapes are easier to assemble than the heart shapes because they give you more room in the center for the filling.

Circle cutouts

This is gonna be all circles here.


Time to get off the scraps. We don’t want those Nuh-uh! You can use the scraps for a different piece of dough.

ME: What she means is… you can save the dough scraps. Roll flat and re-use.


Now it’s time for pressing down the lollipop sticks.

Pie filling

Now, get only one cherry and a little bit of juice. Put it right in the center or it will squeeze out way too much.

ME: pie filling = juice :)


Ummm… as I said before, don’t put too much juice or it will squeeze out because you got to press down or it won’t bake very good in the oven.

ME: We used rolled pie crusts and canned cherry pie filling to play with these. Easy and fun for both of us.

Pie Pops, pre-baked

It’s time for sealing it. What you do is, you break a lollipop stick into a small piece and you press it down all around it. (But not too hard.)

ME: Using a short piece of lollipop stick helps you not to mess up the neighboring pie pops when you seal the two pieces of dough together.

Egg whites

Now you take a baking brush and you crack an egg. Don’t put the egg yolk in. Put the egg whites in a little bowl. Get the brush and put some of the egg whites on it. Now brush it onto the front of the dough.

ME: Brush the tops of the pies with egg whites.

Pecan pie filling

Now we got some pistachios and we put it onto the dough, instead of cherry. But I must say, it was mighty tasty.

ME: Ha! Guess you can tell she doesn’t eat too many pecans or … pistachios either for that matter. We did make a few pie pops using a pecan pie filling that I whipped together, but I still need to finesse the ingredients on that one before I post a recipe.

The pops baked in the oven on 375 for about 12-15 minutes or until the tops started to brown. Remove, cool and enjoy!

Pie Bite

I thought I would love these more than I did. But… (and I can’t believe I’m saying these words) … They needed more fruit! A little too much pastry to pie filling for me. But still good, still fun to do and still super-cute!

I heart pie pops

Don’t forget: Check out Luxirare’s ultra-stylish Pie Pop step-by-step. You’ll love the labeling system.

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403 comments on “Easy as Pie”

  1. Won’t the lollypop stick melt in the oven?

  2. I just made a savoury version using ham and cheese and my christmas cookie cutters.

  3. Wow… it’s looks delicious pie… I like it

  4. What cookie cutter size did you use? I used a 3 1/4″ one and the popsicle sticks didn’t hold. Any suggestions? Thanks! I love them and really want to make it work!

  5. We are going to make these using a Mickey Mouse head cookie cutter for my granddaughter’s 1st birthday. Thanks, thanks, thanks so much for this idea! Love it!

  6. Is the lollipop stick doesn’t melt if u put it on d oven?

  7. How the stick does not burn in the oven?

  8. really such a nice idea. i will try it

  9. They look delicious! How long will they keep fresh? And how is the best way to store them???

  10. Great for pepperoni slices and piece of cheese..close up and dip in sauce…yummy

  11. Yikes! I cooked them for the right amount of time and they were very golden brown but when I bit into it the next day it was very doughy and tasteless! None of my friends or family liked them and they were soggy and gross. Make sure you bake these until they’re VERY crispy before taking them out of the oven.

  12. Hi – i’ve been making pie pops/mini pies forever – my family and friends love them for get togethers. Here is my question – My crust is great the day I make them but its gets to softer after a day or two is there anything you can do to prevent this? I would love to make these a day or two in advance without getting a softened crust.
    Any help would be appreciated

  13. It looks easy,maybe i should try it. Thank you for sharing.

    Hope you won’t mind i recommend you one baking tool,the silicone brush.

  14. Good Morning,

    My name is Mary Ellen, I am Brazilian, and would like to get the recipe of this folder peach pies, if possible.

    Thank you,

    Maria Helena Bolzoni

  15. Good Day,

    I would like to get the recipe of this mass, if possible?

    Thank you,

    Maria Helena Bolzoni

  16. Thank you SO MUCH for the recipe! You’ve made one of our favorites finally seem simple! Mmmm, breakfast! I had featured u in the post of Top 7 Wonderful & Delicious Pie Recipes on AllFreshRecipes. I‘ll pay attention to ur updating recipes!

  17. I made these for a Fourth of July picnic at the Eiffel Tower! So easy and cute! Everyone LOVED them!


  19. They look devine!!! What type of dough did you use though? Do you have a receipe?

  20. Could you freeze them once baked? Or do you think it would be better to freeze them unbaked and then bake right before using?

  21. I think I would sprinkle or drizzle a little powder sugar or some icying over them.

  22. This looks fantastic! Can’t wait to try it!!!

  23. Well, three years later–

    I just made these bad boys (with huckleberries), and to get my homemade pie crust ultra thin I put it through a pasta machine. Super easy, consistent results :) Do it!

  24. I’ve made a variety of these pie pops and they always turn out great! My only issue is that once I package the pops (in cellophane bags) they turn soggy. Did you have this issue? If so, do you know how to fix it?

    Thanks so much!


  25. Do the lollipop sticks not burn in the oven or do you have to use a certain kind?

  26. I shall try these today but instead of cherries I am going to use dulce de leche :)

  27. I can not wait to make these!!!

  28. Made these for my boyfriend on a special occasion.. I made my own dough and used nuttela filling instead of fruits. They turned out super cute and yummy! Thanks, bakerella!

  29. i am definantly making these. perfect for our ucoming family picnic.poppy pie. pop pie. pie pop. popity pop pie.this doesnt look to hard. i love pie and where did you get your cookie cutter?

  30. Just made these. They’re amazing!

  31. First I’d. Like to thank you for teaching me how to make cake pops. Without you my store might not exist. I do more than cake pops. I do cute monster everything. Hats, truffles, gloves, ornaments, etc. The cake pops came first. :) Now you give me the perfect pie pop recipe. Which I had been looking for a good one for an event I’m catering. So thank you very much.

  32. I bet you that these would also be wonderful with a chicken pot pie filling as an appetizer :)

  33. Geared of some machine that makes these… Put in dough circle, spoonful of filling and add other dough circle. Sounds cool

  34. i am soooooo gonna try this tomorrow hopefully!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it!

  35. Amazing, how after 2+ yrs, a post gets new life. Found you thru a pin, from a friend, on pintrest.(charming rhyme! Ha). I love this idea. In my head, I’m a craft-making,baking,cooking fool thanks to pintrest. But these I think I might actually have to try for real! Can’t be any worse for me, than the Paula Deen recipe I cooked the other night. LOL. Thanks for the share! :)

  36. I was on the Babycakes site and they have casme up with a pie pop maker. It reminded me of this post,

  37. Can you do this with other types of pie fillings? Like apple? Apple is my favorite.

  38. Love the idea for these. I know I’m a little late, wish I had’ve discovered these before but none the less. Thank you!!!!

  39. These are super cute….cannot wait to make these with my nieces!

  40. Thought you might be interested in these pops

  41. Hi, What is the mixture of dough. What is the ingredients??

  42. is there no recipe?

  43. waou!!! I love this idea. I’ll try it for sur! Merci

  44. May I pin this on Pinterest, with full credit to you of course?

  45. What kind of doug did U used? I don´t know how to say in english but it looks like “hojaldre” can you tell me pleas where can I get the doug recipe? Thanks :)

  46. Hi! Thanks for sharing this beauty pop pie recipe! I wondering if the stik keeps firm when is already cooked. (sorry if I have mistakes, I´m from México and sometimes English grammar is not for me, hahahaha) Thanks and have a very nice day!!!!

  47. What if you made the pie crusts- sealed them and left a small opening on the bottom and used a pastry bag with filling to get more filling inside then inserted the stick and sealed the bottom? Sorry if this was already posted!

  48. HI! I´m from Argentina, I really love your job.I love cook and specially make cakes.
    I have a question for you, what do you do with the lollipops sticks, when you put them in the oven? because I think they are plastic lollipops sticks. If you can, tell me how to do.
    Thanks and congratulation, your Job is fantastic!

  49. pie have never looked so cute befor! ? awww x3

  50. I made these and they were such a big hit. Thanks for the idea and the great tutorial.

  51. i actually recently read about a pie pop maker machine sort of thing but the home made way looks alot alot better thanks again bakerella you always have the most wonderfull mouth watering treats

  52. I have been making these recently…and I may have “solved” the crust/filling ratio issue…I use graduated round cutters…using a slightly smaller one for the “bottom” and the next larger one for the “top.” This way you can put a little bit more filling inside and still have them match up when you go to seal them.

  53. Love this idea! I am going to to bake a bunch of these for a thanksgiving get together this week! Such a wonderful size for the children.

  54. I made my first attempt this evening. Glad I tried them out first before jumping in to serve them somewhere. I had a hard time getting the dough to stick together and I found the Pillsbury pie dough a little on the bland side it could have used something to make it sweeter. My kids loved them and had no complaints! Will try again and hope I do better. Might try with chocolate pie next time. Thanks for the idea.

  55. I saw these done on a food show the other night. After brushing with egg wash the instructor sprinkled the dough with sugar. The filling they used was cream cheese and pumpkin pie spices.


  57. I love this idea. I wonder if you could use filo dough?

  58. I want to make these for my friend’s birthday, but her favorite pie is lemon. How could I make a filling that would be thick enough for the pie pop?

  59. thx sooooooo much im using these for my fundraiser and should be a great hit im actually using a apple carmel filling which i like more than cherry thanx :)

  60. these are great! thanks!
    i never made pies (??) i need the recipe for the dough. thanks

  61. Think I will try a savory duo like ham and cheese and a pepperoni and marinara. For lunch or snack time at home. I will be making them for sure. Thanks for the idea will try the sweet ones too. Thank you so much.

  62. omg i love love loVE LOVE <3 PIE!!!!

  63. why do you have to coat it in egg white? sorry im a kid. dont know

  64. I suggest to have more filling in the pie pops you should make the top crust a size bigger so you have room for extra filling ….

  65. I was thinking if you iced one side and added sprinkles, they’d be like mini pop-tarts on a stick.

  66. yo quiero todoooooo!

  67. You are right more filling!!!

  68. Loved the idea of pie pops I just posted a link on my blog I hope you don’t mind. Soooooo…. Cute…..

  69. wow!! dessert pops are so revolutional…
    what’s next, pancakes or cheesecake? lol

  70. cute. I love them

  71. Awesome! My school is having a pi day I am going to bring these! lol!

  72. Awesome! My school is having a pi day I am going to bring these! lol!

  73. I made these with my daughters this morning (ages 6 and 7) and we had a blast!! I think we’ll be attempting pie pops with their Girl Scout troops next :)

  74. These are so cute! I need to make these one day.

  75. You by far have the most creative ideas out there! I LOVE your site!! Thanks for all of the great ideas!

  76. Those look super cute! I’ve got to try them! They look super easy!

    P.S. I love the site and book.

  77. This is the sweetest thing I have ever seen. I am not much of a baker but feel so inspired to go home and try this. Hope it works out for me.

  78. I made these last year for Christmas and I plan on making them again this year. I thought the crust to filling ratio was perfect.. although if I remember correctly I rolled the dough thin but not to thin and I cut the circles a little bigger. Oh and I just made them into pie bites, I didn’t use the sticks…

    I just used store bought pie dough and canned pie filling. This year I might use the suggestion of placing a Hershey’s kiss in the middle.

  79. these are so cute! i tried to replicate them last night (i made pecan pie pops), but unfortunately they aren’t as adorable – the filling leaked out everywhere!

  80. I just stumbled upon your site a couple of days ago and I am OBSESSED! I am ‘artsty-fartsy’ as my friends say, and LOVE to bake, so your clever ideas are right up my ally!! (Plan on making your Elmo cake pops next week for my daughter’s birthday) And have these adorable little pie pops baking in my oven this very second! Wanted to share an idea for identifying different pops with different flavors: I took markers and colored a coordinating color band of color for each different flavor. (orange for pumpkin pie, red for cherry, etc…) and it looks cute too! =) Thanks again for all of your creative ideas! Keep them coming!!

  81. So glad I found this! Some friends and I are hosting “Thanksgiving on a Stick” and I vowed to make pies on a stick. Thinking about using a ravioli mold to do this though. I think it will allow for a little more filling in each of the pies and less squishing of the “juice” :)

  82. that thing is soooo great
    but can anyone help me in the pie dough plz?

  83. I just did these in heart & bear shapes for my sister’s baby shower and she was blown away!

    I made my own home-made pie filling the night before assembling the pops so when they all came together, it tasted just like Nannie’s home made apple pie!

    Delish! and a total baby shower hit! Thanks for a great idea and your amazing site! :)

  84. OMG!! They are so cute ! Love them! Thanks for the recipe ! Sure i would try them out!! I have a little question… U can bake tose lollipop sticks?

  85. Know what’d be good???
    Teeny Tiny Shephard’s Pies!!!
    Think -Thanksgiving leftovers…MMMMM!

  86. I want to make these for halloween, but pumpkin pie. should i just use the recipe on the back of libbys? or will it be to runny?

  87. These are beyond wonderful! I saw them over at Ritzy Bee and had to feature these on my blog as well!

  88. There are great! I have just started making the various pops… Does anyone have any ideas for how to serve these standing up?

  89. oh the hearts are way too cute!

  90. Wow, SERIOUSLY genius idea, I love the little hearts, remind me of the red Queen ad her jam tarts :P tart pops? lol pop tarts!!

  91. Saw these in a Bridal magazine but they didn’t show how to make them. Can’t wait to try them!! Thanks for the recipe and pictures!

  92. Why did I not find your site sooner?! You have the cutest and most delectable treats I’ve seen! I can’t wait to try this one out with my little cousins. They will absolutely LOVE it! Thank you so much for sharing your ideas and experiences!

  93. I’m thinking if I use a slightly larger circle for the top than for the bottom, I can fit more filling in. Knew those nesting cookie cutters would come in handy someday!

  94. You wouldn’t miss the lack of filling if you put a glaze on them. My mom used to cut left over pie crust into strips and glaze it with sugar when we were kids. It was a special treat and we loved it.

  95. LOVE this idea! I tried them out for the first time for July 4th! I used a rounded star cookie cutter:) They were so cute! I filled them with some homemade peach and strawberry jam that my grandmother made:) YUUM!
    The only thing was that I couldnt get the sticks to stay in once they were cooked… so I ended up with tiny star pies…which were still cute:) any ideas on making the stick stick? :)

  96. These are so awesome! Have you heard of Suga’ Pies? ( I just found out about them and they make gift baskets out of pies sort of like these. I think they call them lolli-pies. Genius!

  97. this is so inspiring. I’ve been making cookie pops lately and they are such a hit. Thanks for this new idea.

  98. How about cinnamon, butter and sugar to make it more like a cinnamon roll?

  99. I wonder if a pudding center would be good. Chocolate mmmmm.

  100. Made these and they turned out great….but the stick doesn’t want to stay in…any ideas?

  101. Oh, yeah, and I didn’t use the lollipop sticks. they were just too cute w/out them!

  102. They were delicious! I’m only 12 and FAR to lazy to make my own crust so I took one from the freezer and used cherry preserves! I LOVED them!

  103. i love pie! i love any pie, pumpkin,carmel, strawberry,blueberry,apple. i have a great apple pie recipe, its the only pie that has no leftovers. its great its really a apple sause recipe but all i had to do is put cornstarch, and its great! i can’t what to make it a pie pop!

  104. I made something similar to these once and there was too much dough on mine too.

  105. Yummy!! I made an apple pie version of these! Threw one yellow apple, about 2 tbsp of sugar, dash of cinnamon and nutmeg, splash of lemon juice, and about 1 tsp of orange marmalade to give it some hold. absolutely delicious!!

  106. These are so fabulous!! And your helper is a doll. Thanks so much. These are a must do for the holidays. Just enough to let them know they are thought of during the holiday. For friends at work.

  107. I have you to thank for this idea!! Yesterday was National Pi Day and at a local irish pub, in Chicago, was having a pie contest…I made these babies and I won $100 gift card! Everyone loved tham! Thank you so much!! I LOVE your site SO much! I get so inspired by you and the cute things you do! You are so awesome!!

  108. My gosh…
    Perfect idea for coctail party!

  109. Found in Fairmont Sentinel

  110. It’s a great idea ^.^

    I wanna know the recipe of this Pie,please ??

  111. I know I’m late on the whole pop fad, but I just found this site over Christmas and I have tested the crust to filling ratio and the more “juice” and filling you have the harder it is to keep them on the stick. I love the idea and I will be back for round two of trying them out. My husband thought they made great pie a la mode :) What a perfect dessert without the stick and a little ice cream, now we are talking. These will be so great for the fundraiser we are doing at work, I’ll let you know how it goes… visit my blog for the update!!! :)

  112. YUM!
    Do paper lollipop sticks work ok in the oven?

  113. Def. on my to make list. Along with the rest of your website that I didnt already make ;)

  114. I’m looking forward to making the heart-shaped pie pops for teacher Valentine gifts. I’m filling them with a cran-cherry mix from cherry pie filling and whole berry cranberry sauce…… we’ll see how they turn out!

  115. Jan – it’s detailed in the post.
    Canned pie filling and refrigerated pie crusts

    Laura – no need to turn them over.

    Carrie – revive in microwave

    Nichole – blueberry, cherry, apple canned pie filling.

    Mimi – storebought already made crusts

  116. these are amazing!! but how do you make the dough??

  117. i love these! i have what may be a stupid question! sorry im new to this kind of stuff! i was looking at luxirare web page and it shows the fillings, but not how they are made. can you post some filling recipes for these please! thanks!!!

  118. Love this lollipops and will make them this weekend.I don’t bake at all because I feel its too time consuming but this will impress anybody thank you for sharing………

  119. Love the pie pop idea! Saw it first on Luxirare and love that you included the steps. Can’t wait to try it myself. I’d like to make them in advance and freeze them. Any idea how long they’d keep and what might be the best way to revive them? Thanks again for the great idea!

  120. My Daughter’s and I made these awhile back, Thanksgiving, and they were so much fun to make. Anyway, I’d have to agree with you about the fruit. I’m going to try and make them again today, but I’m going to change it up a bit, Apple Cinnamon Pie… wish me luck!
    Please continue the great work! I’ve made quite a few things from Bakerella and have yet to be disappointed :)

  121. Hello! Discovered your site through The Pioneer Woman – your site is so fantastic! When I saw the cake pops, I HAD to try them… I have a red velvet cake in the oven as we speak… sort of like a dog with a bone.. I’ll obsess till I can try something! Looking forward to more fun and creative challenges as I dig through your totally CUTE site!
    all the best!
    Julie in Canada

  122. Hi, I’ve been following your blog for a while, but never really baked anything from here.

    These are adorable and pretty tasty (… and easy to make)… i agree with you… they need a little extra flavor..
    I sprinkled a little powdered sugar on them afterwards and they were a little better…


    I’m officially hooked with your blog!

    P.s.: i know about you from the Martha Stewart show. :)

  123. I made these today and they were such a hit! Even my six year old niece went crazy over them. I used box mix pie crust and it turned out perfectly. Thanks for this idea! :)

  124. Hi! I just wanted to ask: do these need to be turned over at some point while baking? If so, at what point? I’m really looking forward to making these during my holiday break from school. =) Yum!!

    Also, I kind of pictured white sugary drizzle on these, especially cherry ones… Kind of like the frosting that comes with Toaster Strudel. Anyone have an idea on how to replicate their frosting?

  125. Oh my god! I am having a meltdown! Just discovered your site and there are so many amazing things I have never seen before! These wee pies are amazing!

  126. I would like the ingredients for the apple pie pops

  127. Ha! That’s…..AWESOME!!!! but for a girl like me i need like 50 of those!

  128. how could i have not found you earlier???
    you are a baking GENIUS!!!!!!!!!

  129. my suggestion would be to use puff pastery instead of pie crust, it would be more flaky and light!

  130. i think these are a great idea but its stupid because instead of making lots of those which will take over an hour you can make more than one whole pie in 30 min.s

  131. Olya – it’s premade refrigerated dough. You just open and use.

  132. I’m from Iowa and at our beloved Iowa State Fair, they have almost every food imaginable on a stick. However, I don’t think they have pie on a stick…and you know Iowans love their pie! I think you should come visit in 2010! ; )

  133. I have a GOOD TIP!!!:)
    If you use a slightly larger cookie cutter to cut the top pieces of the pie, then the pie pops are easier to put together and you can put more filling in them. I made pumpkin pie pops for thanksgiving and they turned out really well.

  134. What is the dough made of???

  135. Is this a philo cake?

  136. Just made these yesterday and they came out great! It was my first attempt making anything with lollipop sticks so I was a little nervous, but it worked out fine. Thanks for giving me such a cute idea!

  137. What a wonderful idea! Pies on a stick! Wow! :) Do they ever slide or are they perfectly fine being held? I'm thinking of making these for a dinner party.

  138. omg…those are just too darned cute! How fun and yummy looking!

    someone posted a link to these over in :)

  139. and I now HAVE to make these. My husband (of a week), LOVES pumpkin pie and he is sick…so I will make him these. Do you have a simple fool-proof pie crust recipe? I can never get mine right!

  140. woah. they look so delicious! :)

    just wondering…how do you bake them..but not burn n melt the lollipop stick?!

    aand also. what type of dough do you use? :/

    thanks a lot. LOVE ur site. :D

  141. These look so yummy!!!!soo super cute and i love how you show me these!!!what a brilliant idea!!

    Thanks for sharing

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  142. How do you keep the chocolate coating so smooth? I had tried Oreo truffles from a recipe from a friend and have since tried the cake balls, but I never get a smooth coated end product, its always lumpy and chunky….

  143. Ahh! The minute I saw these on your blog I got so excited! I love Luxirare's blog (she comes up with the most amazing culinary and fashion concepts), and have been meaning to try these out ever since she posted them. And now that you've made them, I think that's the extra push I needed to get them done… I shall have them by the end of this week! Muahaha… now to plan out the perfect filling.

    Pie on a stick?? Who can say no?

  144. I made these for a 'pie-party' and won the prize for most unique!

    Tip: be very generous when brushing egg white on the insides of BOTH pieces so that you get a really tight seal which reduces the leak of the pie filling.

    Also, I used what I had which was bamboo skewers instead of lollipop sticks – they worked fine after I cut the sharp points off of them.

  145. Yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!These look amazing..
    I saw these and thought they were brilliant!…great job thanks for sharing…

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  146. I am always way too late to post a comment..Just want too say again..another totally delightful inspiring post.

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  147. Janean – I used paper ones, but they weren't in the oven long enough to be destroyed or burned

  148. You're a genius…and patient.

    Do you need special lollipop sticks that can be baked? Most of Wiltons says NOT to bake them?

  149. These are super cool! I so want to have a try at these!!

  150. It looks yummy!!….
    It was wonderful to read this and thank you so much for linking me on your wildly popular blog…

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  151. i kinda thought it would help to drizzle some glaze on top to give it some extra sweetness. kind of like cherry turnovers from arby's. =]

  152. Hi Delicious!!

  153. These are absolutely adorable!
    I so want to try these.


  154. just made these. super yummy.
    next time i may leave the sticks out as they got in the way as i was shoving mini pies in my mouth.

  155. This is so cool! You are officially my baking hero! haha

  156. these are SO cute! I love pie, I just might try these!

  157. pie pops = brilliant.

  158. Vanessa Tuau – yes – scrapbook papers.

    Elsa's Daughter – thanks – it's a canon rebel xti

    Exysay – less than two inches wide I think.

    grandmabish – it's a 50 mm fixed lens

    Kristy – press them really good around the base of the stick and don't pick them up until they have cooled.

    Crystal – I saw that cake. too funny.

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  160. I tried these guys today…why does nothing I do, end up as cute as yours? *sigh* bake to the kitchen for more trial and error…

  161. wow! love this.Plan to make them this weekend.

  162. YUM these are so cute. I wish it didn't feel so overwhelming to bake. I'd be doing it in a second!

  163. That other site gave me nightmares last Sunday night… particularly the pyramid pistachio cake. and I am not kidding.

  164. Love these! So creative, and everything is better on a stick!

  165. PIE POPS??? Really? Thanks… another thing to get me fat. :-)

    I can't wait to try them!!!

  166. omg i think those are the coolest pops i have ever seen!

  167. I love all these pop goodies you make. I am just beginning to experiment in the kitchen and I already have several of your recipes waiting to be made, those tiny cupcakes are first!

  168. Oooh, I'm gonna try this one with the kids, yum!

  169. Over the past few weeks something has happened in our house and we're checking out recipes for more of our meals and trying to be more adventurous. Now we've tried some baking lately.

    I showed my fiance this blog and he LOVES these little pie pots. He wants to make them with his niece who is coming to stay with us next weekend and would adore something like this. Oh my gosh. He has never attempted ANYTHING like this. Should be great fun to watch!

    Thanks :)

  170. Wow, never heard of these!

  171. These are so CUTE!

  172. Sooo cute! Can't wait to try them! Love the directions – sounds like my 8-year-old!! :) Thanks for always having such cute ideas!! :)

  173. I am SOOOO making these for our sarting kindergarten party…I will share the photos.

  174. sweet! awesome.

  175. Help! My sticks keep falling out of my pie pops! I'm pressing them into the dough. Not sure what the problem is. And of course, mine don't look half as good as yours!

  176. I've always preferred more crust than filling, so these look like the perfect little pies for me!

  177. Sweet idea! I am wondering what lens you use to photgraph your baked goods. I like the blur on everything but the first item. Thanks.

  178. So I just made then minus the sticks. You're right, they need more filling! Guess I'll stick with mini pies in ramekins or something. But thanks for sharing. My daughter and I had fun making them!!! And they weren't too bad seeing that there are no left overs! ;)

  179. These pie pops look so good and how fun!

  180. This is fantastic! I've never seen anything like it before. Now, I just need to borrow someone's kid so I can have just as much fun making them as you did with your daughter.

  181. Cool idea, not the traditional desert. You ALMOST make me want to cook, they are so cutely delicious-looking. ALMOST, I said.

  182. Bakerella you are SOOO talented! You're my idol :)
    Happy Baking to a fellow baker!
    -Mini Baker
    ps. pie pops are next up on my "recipes-to-try" list!

  183. I love all the food projects you do… You give me some awesome ideas… keep them coming..

  184. Like everyone else has already said, these look amazing! My husband & I are excited to try these with our kids this weekend. We were also thinking about making a batch with spinach and feta for a savory treat for a cocktail party we're having! The possibilities are endless!

  185. This is a must try! What size was the cookie cutter?

  186. Bakerella,
    Check out this homage to your 14 layer cake…really cute and definitely lol funny!

  187. I love pie!

  188. Wow they look so yummy. I want to make them now.

  189. I love your blog and the gorgeous pictures you take. What type of camera do you use?

  190. wow! go bakerella! snd bakerella jr., love you lots!!!!
    xo Shannon

  191. Wow, thanks for this!! I LOVE this idea. It's goin on my blog.

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