
Help me win!

Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes

Double Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes filled with Chocolate Ganache and Topped with Creamy Goat Cheese Frosting

Man, that’s a mouthful. (And it was a good one, too!) I made this cupcake to enter in the Ile de France Cheese Recipe Contest. The cheese I was given to work with: GOAT CHEESE.

I was originally going to make my first cheesecake with it. Then I remembered CHEESE was the ingredient for this month’s Iron Cupcake (IC) Challenge. So I switched from cheesecake to cupcakes. That way I can make a showing in both, even though I can’t win IC again for another year. But that’s okay, because I’m hoping to win big in the Ile de France Cheese Recipe Contest. The winner takes home a grand prize of $1,000. Man, I could buy a lot of butter with that… and some cheese, too of course.

So, vote for me in the
Ile de France Cheese Recipe Contest
before November 4th.

You can cast your vote by clicking on the five stars
at the bottom of the recipe at this link (HERE).

Now, here’s how I gave these Chocolate Zucchini cupcakes a french twist.
Key ingredient: Ile de France Goat Cheese

Ile de France Goat Cheese

What a cute label. I used the goat cheese in the frosting and it tasted really yummy with the chocolate cupcakes.

Then, I used Valrhona Semisweet chocolate (a french chocolate) mixed in the cupcake batter and also for the ganache.

Valrhona Chocolate

Valrhona Chocolate

Here are the cupcakes before they were frosted.

Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes

And here’s a picture of the inside so you can see the ganache.

Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes

You’re still here? You must have forgotten, I need your vote please.

VOTE HERE by clicking on the five stars at the bottom of the link.

But, if you absolutely don’t want to vote, here’s the recipe anyway:

Double Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes filled with Chocolate Ganache and Topped with Creamy Goat Cheese Frosting

Double Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes

1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup cocoa, natural unsweetened
1 tsp baking powder
1 1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup butter, room temperature
1 1/4 cups sugar
2 eggs, room temperature
1/4 cup oil
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 cup whole milk, room temperature
1 cup shredded zucchini
3.5 oz. Valrhona semi-sweet chocolate bar, chopped in chunks

  1. Preheat oven to 350º F
  2. Line cupcake trays with 18 baking cups.
  3. Stir together flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt with a wire whisk. Set aside.
  4. Cream butter with a mixer in a large bowl. Add sugar, eggs, oil and vanilla one at a time, mixing well with each addition.
  5. Add the flour mixture to the sugar mixture in three additions, alternating with the milk in two additions (flour, milk, flour, milk, flour)
  6. Stir in the zucchini and chocolate chunks until combined.
  7. Fill baking cups 2/3 full and place in oven immediately.

8. Bake for 15-18 minutes.

Creamy Goat Cheese Frosting

5 oz. Ile de France goat cheese
3 oz. cream cheese, room temperature
3 cups confectioner’s sugar, room temperature
1/2 tsp vanilla

  1. Sift sugar and set aside.
  2. Beat the goat cheese, cream cheese and vanilla in a large mixing bowl until creamy.
  3. Gradually add the sugar, mixing and scraping down the sides of the mixing bowl in between additions.

Chocolate Ganache

2 oz. Valrhona semi-sweet chocolate bar, chopped in chunks
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
3/4 cup confectioners sugar

  1. Place chocolate and whipping cream in the microwave. Heat in 30 second intervals, stirring in between until melted. Blend thoroughly.
  2. Add sugar and stir until thoroughly combined.
  3. Pour ganache into a small plastic squeeze bottle.

To assemble:

  • Insert opening of squeeze bottle halfway into cupcake center and squeeze ganache until you see it start to surface.
  • Then, spread creamy goat cheese frosting on top with a knife or small offset spatula.
  • Use any leftover semi-sweet chocolate pieces to sprinkle on top of cupcakes.


Okay, I’m giving you one more chance. VOTE FOR MY RECIPE HERE… please. Just click on the five stars at the bottom of the link to cast your vote. I think this constitutes begging at this point.

Learn more about Ile de France Cheese and check out the other cheese recipes here.

And don’t forget, Iron Cupcake voting begins Sunday, October 26th here in case you want to vote for my fellow Iron Cupcakers. IC Prizes include: cardboard cupcake art, a pair of cupcake earrings, Cupcake T-shirt, Head Chefs, Hello, Cupcake! Book, Jessie Steele Apron, Cupcake Courier and the Taste of Home Cookbook. Oh yeah, I’m donating this month’s Cupcake T-shirt. So, that makes another reason why I’m not eligible to win. Hope you like the shirt.

Thanks guys!

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105 comments on “Help me win!”

  1. Inadvertently see this blog, leave now, bye!

  2. I made these for a friend’s birthday – they were fantastic! The cupcakes were very moist and the goat cheese in the icing made them unique :-) This is such an awesome website, I’m never disappointed with the recipes I find here.

  3. I just made these cupcakes yesturday and they are amazing! The only thing I changed was the chocolate I used giradelli instead. I took a bite and I swear I died and went to cupcake heaven! Great recipe!!

  4. yummy cup cakes

  5. Those look great! Are you sure your not a pro baker?

  6. So delicious! I made the chocolate zucchini recipe on its own (no ganache and no goat cheese frosting) and they are so scrumptious. I usually screw up when I bake from scratch but these turned out perfect. I made a simple cream cheese frosting to top them off.

    I cant wait to try another one of your recipes!

  7. Bakerella your kiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiing meeeeeeeeeeeee with these things like am trying to make a list of thinngs i want to make and the lest is going on and onnnnnnnnnn without an end and its alll because of your sweeeeeeeeeeeeet things :P:D but am sooooooo happy to try these thanksssss

  8. Hey Bakerella! I made these last night and loved them, especially the cupcake. It was so chocolaty and the zucchini was very subtle. I will definitely put this recipe in my file :)

  9. Love the cupcakes…they look great! I just tried making them and they are very yummy! If only I could get my icing to look like yours!

  10. If I was going to leave out the zucchini should I add more or less of something else? Any ideas? Thanks Bakerella, I love love LOVE your blog!

  11. Erin – I’m glad to hear it. Hope you like the cupcakes. Lucky! I wish someone would bake for me sometimes.

  12. I found this blog purely by accident last night while scouring for interesting things my boyfriend can make for Thanksgiving (he's the cooker & baker. I just paint and write and stay the hell out of the kitchen!). Anyhow, I wanted to say that I'm super glad you won this contest. I would have totally voted for you had I seen this in time. I've talked my boyfriend into trying this recipe for me because I've been looking to add an extra tire to my torso. (HA!)

    I don't bake, but I've subscribed to your blog — you're inspiring kitchen dunces like myself!


  13. Glad you think so.

  14. this is the best cake site find everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. <3 thanks so much for the gorgeous photos.

  15. Anonymous – The easiest way would be to copy the text you want and then paste it in a word file or email and print it from there.

  16. How can I print out your recipes? When I save the page and try to print I get blanks.


  17. rima – I’ll have to look for the cocoa. Thanks!

  18. oh man, i LOVE valrhona chocolate. i don’t know how i baked before i discovered it. now i only use their cocoa for all my cakes, and the milk chocolate is so good for eating.

    your blog is great! you’ve given me some great ideas… i’m sort of an aspiring pastry chef but i haven’t had the time lately to make something really elaborate. i’ve got a friend’s bridal shower coming out, and i am pulling out ALL the stops!

    keep it up!

  19. ela’M – and you are too kind!

    CC – WOW thanks for the tip. It’s definitely worth looking into.

  20. Hi Bakerella, I voted for you. Hope you win. You are so talented; my sisters and I always "ooooo" and "aaahhh" over your posts! I happened across another recipe contest and don't know if you'll be interested but thought I'd share. I can't participate since it's only open to those in US. The prize is $5000 and your blog being featured for 1 year (or something like that). :P I saw it and immediately thought of you. :D If you are interested I copied the link for you:

    Take care and keep posting!

  21. its wonderful. you are perfect cake maker.

  22. Thanks Shreela!

  23. I voted for you 8^)

  24. I was too. But, I think I’m gonna end up second. One recipe is pretty far ahead of me right now.

  25. I’m really surprised at the small number of entries in that contest! Heck, for $1,000, too! Who WOULDN’T want to enter! Well, I voted for you, 5 stars – sounds delicious!! – and I think you have a pretty good chance there. Your rating is 4.5something with over 2,000 votes, compared to the paltry 100 or less the “competition” has. ;) Good luck!

  26. Thanks for the vote Gina!

  27. I voted for you… I LOVE goat cheese, I’m going to try out the recie when I get a chance too!

  28. Jennifer Foster – thanks!

    Courtney – Hope you like it.

    Gis – Thank yooooou!

    Happy Sunflower Girl – thanks for the vote.

    Jeni – thanks for the linkage

    Cakespy – They were oh so yummy!

    Cindy Lyles – glad I got your attention.

    Anonymous – I won’t tell!

    Marjorie – Grand prize is $1,000!

    Alejandra – thank you!

    Carmen – thanks!

  29. delicious yummyyyyyyyyyy

  30. Voted 5 stars! Good luck!!

  31. Ooooooh, sounds yummy! I gave you 5 stars General Bakerella – I hope you win! What do you win, by the way??

  32. Yes, Bakerella, I voted for you and your wonderful cupcakes! Must admit, I got busted (sorta) because I kept trying to vote for you more than once but guess I got caught because it wouldn’t let me! But I would if I could, ha! GOOD LUCK!!

  33. you had me at Valrhona… {wink!}. I adore you blog & off to vote 4U!

  34. I voted for you!! Of course!! :-) These look rich and delightful.

  35. I voted for you too! I’m a follower and linked to you from my food blog! You’re great.

  36. I gave you 5 stars! Your website makes me gain weight just looking at it…Yum Yum!! good luck.

  37. Voooted :D
    What a yummy pic!

  38. I voted! =) These sound amazing, I will definitely have to try this recipe (with definite credit to you if anyone asks for the recipe). Good luck!!!


  39. Voted!

  40. Thanks for your vote toxic_honey and stephanie!

  41. MMmmm sounds awesome! I voted because I love zucchini in my pastries. =) You rock!

  42. you got 5 stars from me ;)
    well deserved

  43. Susan – I’m glad I caught your attention. Thanks for the vote.

    Dawn@Embracing the Ordinary Life – wish you could too.

    Berlin Deluxxe – thanks!

  44. I love goat cheese! Who would’ve thought it would work in frosting? Why you of course! Beautiful blog :)

  45. I wish I could have one…

  46. goat cheese and zucchini???
    you’ve got my vote!
    i’ll do anything for goat cheese :O)

  47. the projectivist – ganache, I love that stuff!

    We Are Not Martha – thanks so much. They were surprisingly tasty. I was worried about the goat cheese taste, but it was good.

    BeadBag – awesome!

    CookiePie – thank you!

    The Blonde Duck – I hope so too!

    Alicia – Yay! I’m so glad you liked them.

    EB – thanks so much!

  48. you got my vote!

  49. Thank you so much for the yummy cupcake recipe I tried them out on Monday & they tasted amazing. You definitely deserve 5+ stars for that recipe- I made sure to cast my vote…Thanks for all your inspiration & great ideas…you have my creative juices flowing now & got me spending tons of time in my kitchen again…Alicia

  50. I hope you win! Those look fabulous!

  51. GORGEOUS! You got my vote!

  52. cupcakes look gorgeous – good luck – hope you win! (have passed the recipe on!).

  53. What an interesting combination…these flavors must be absolutely amazing together.

    I voted…good luck!!


  54. ok, i voted.
    i’m a sucker for begging
    that picture of gooey delectable inner chocolatey ganache was too hard to resist.


  55. Oh my goodness! Thanks everyone for taking the time to vote. I appreciate it.

    Isa – I know. I'll be set for a while.

    Fabby's Cupcaker – Thanks

    Isa – wow. thanks

    Marci Knecht – thanks

    Deanna – merci!

    Cherie – thanks

    My Sweet & Saucy – YAY!

    The Short – thank you

    Anonymous – cool.

    Natalie – thanks for the love.

    kat – I love LA

    Banana-head Pancake – I hope so.

    SarahHub – thanks bunches.

    Katrina – thank you

    Tanya – it's all because of you guys.

    Rox – hey, me either.

    noreen – let me check it out.

    Monica H – it was my first attempt, but they were realy good.

    Jen – thanks so much. I really appreciate your comments.

    cupcakesordeath – awesome!

    Geni – thanks or the vote

    Karen – thank you

    CuteStuffInside – thanks for the high rating

    lynne – zucchini bread is good. So moist.

    cakegirl20 – wow – many thanks

    My First Kitchen – I wouldn't have tried it if it had not been for the contest. But I was pleasantly surprised.

    heidi – thanks!

    nikivalentine214 – man, you guys are so nice.

    Katie – thanks!

    Atticelf I just thought it sounded decent.

    Atticelf – Oooh I want to see. Must go look for it.

    Dawn in CA – thanks Dawn!

    Stephanie Buire Smith – Merci beaucoup!

    Cynde – you're welcome. those liners rock.

    * TONYA * – thanks

    Anonymous – you're welcome

    Samie – I'm lovin all these five star ratings. Thanks.

    Clumbsy Cookie – good description.

    Min – thanks!

    craft pig – Many thanks!

    Skeeto – you're sweet!

    Jaina – thanks!

    Alison – thanks all the way to you in Ireland!

    dessert girl – It wasn't that different from regular cream cheese frosting.

    Siimonetha – thank you!

    Montee – they were

  56. Good luck! Oh my these look so yummy!

  57. I voted for you!!… Good luck!!..
    By the way.. yummmmyyy recipe!!!

  58. I love goat cheese! I can’t imagine it in a cupcake, but if you say that it’s good then I believe you! :-)

  59. Voted with a smile from Dublin, Ireland :-)

    Hope you will, goodness knows, you deserve it. Love your site :-)

  60. I voted for you!! Good luck!!!

  61. Yummy! How moist those cupcakes must be!
    5 stars for creativity!
    5 stars for the lovely pics!
    5 stars for using chocolate!!!!
    (Can I give you 15 stars?)

  62. I voted! Good luck!

  63. voted for you! :D

  64. Those are some posh cupcakes! Good luck!

  65. the cupcakes look fantabulous. Absolutely mouth watering, as usual. You definitely have my 5 stars. :)

  66. Oh man these sound so very yummy and the frosting is so creative and unusual. I cast my vote for you so good luck. Thanks for sharing this awesome recipe with us.

    Debbie/Phx AZ

  67. I voted for you. Your cakes are amazing.

  68. Great Receipe! You got my vote. Thanks for the listing for the cupcake liners also.

  69. Hi! I voted 5 stars, partly because I am sure the cupcakes will be awesome, mostly because I am French and I am glad you used those yummy French ingredients. Good luck!

  70. This unique combination looks sooo delicious! I took a peek at the other recipes, and yours is definitely one of the most inspired. Good luck! We’re cheering (and voting) you on!

  71. Totally unrelated, but I was leafing through the latest Sunset magazine and Cakespy was mentioned in there. Go figure!

  72. Mmmm…mmmm.mmmmm! I LOVE goat cheese and would so love to sink my teeth into one of your beautiful cupcakes. You’ve got my vote, girlfriend!

    What inspired you to pair it with chocolate? I’ve never considered that…


  73. Voted for you! Love the look of these – they sound yummy.

  74. I voted five stars! The cupcakes look yummy! I’ll be making these after school today with my daughter. Hope you win!

  75. I voted for you! :)

  76. Never thought goat cheese would make it to a chocolate cupcake and taste good. I’m sure you will prove me wrong. I’m off to vote. Good luck!

  77. Hi Bakerella! Wow! They look so good! I can’t wait to try them! I gave you five stars (and I think yours looked like the best entry, too!). Good Luck!


  78. Voted! What a great idea. I love zucchini bread and I bet these are even better!

  79. Okay – I voted and gave you 5 stars. Good luck!


  80. I voted you 5 stars too… they look totally divine!

    Good luck.

  81. YOU are so creative!! I voted for you and I hope you win.

  82. done! as always, you’re fab :)

  83. Okay Miss Bakerella! How do you do it all! I am amazed at the fun recipes you bake, and all the time that must go into this full-time blogging!!! I check your blog each day, and I love the fact that you are so real and down to earth! Keep it up- from one baker to the next, YOU ROCK!

  84. I voted because chocolate zucchini is my all time fave!

    Hope you win :-)

  85. I voted 5 stars
    I hope you will vote my girls too,
    Either go to my blog to vote and enter a contest or just vote on their page

  86. I never would have imagined that goat cheese was good for cupcakes ^_^
    Voted for you and I hope you win :)

  87. I gave you my 5 stars – good luck! It looks like you have an excellent chance at winning this.

  88. Looks de-lish. Voted!
    Good luck!

  89. Okay, I voted for you!

  90. I voted – I think you’re going to win!
    You should anyway, the recipe sounds so innovative!

  91. it looks amazing! sadly i’m a wretched baker. you’ll have to visit with a batch if you’re ever in los angeles.

    i voted for you – good luck!

  92. Bakerella:

    Love the blog! Just wanted to let you know I linked you! :)

  93. Oh man..I voted ..gave ya a 5 star rating..never tasted a cupcake like that one you blogged about. But, I do have

  94. Votes and oh my gosh those sound heavenly!

  95. My vote is definitely for you!

  96. You got 5 stars from me!

  97. With everything you do for us (contest giveaways, great recipes, amazing inspiration etc, etc), I will definitely vote for you!!!

    Thanks for everything and “Bonne Chance”!

    {That’s “Good Luck” in French!}

  98. I gave you 5 stars! I love your blog so any time I can help you, say the word. ;)

  99. When I said you got my vote I meant the 5 stars! Hehe, sorry

  100. I did it!!!

    Ya voté por ti! mucha suerte!

  101. The cupcakes look great. You got my vote (I’m dreaming of all the stuff you can bake with all the butter you’ll be able to afford with the prize. Haha!)!

  102. Thanks Amanda!

    Anonymous – I get them here:

    And I love them!!!!

    emiline – thanks so much!

  103. I’m going to vote for you!

    Good luck!

  104. Hi Bakerella – Where do you get the cupcake liners you have on this post?

  105. I voted for you, 5 stars! Good luck! Oh and thanks again for including my contest in your last post, I got quite a few visitors from your blog. I hope they’ll enter too. :)

    Your cupcakes look divine as usual!

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