
A Bunch of Cookies and One Winner!

This giveaway was so much fun. I loved reading all your favorite cookies. It looks like good old chocolate chip is the homemade cookie of choice, along with Oreos for the store bought.

But, there were tons and tons of others that you guys like. I couldn’t list them all, but here’s a few that stood out:

  • Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies – I’ve never even heard of these, but now I’m on the hunt for a good recipe.
  • Snickerdoodles – Here’s another of your faves that I’m adding to my “to bake” list.
  • Molasses Cookies – Thanks for reminding me that I have a recipe for these. I think I’ll try them soon.
  • Cowboy Cookies – I just like the name, so I listed it for you.

Here’s some international cookies I thought were interesting. (Plus, they’re just fun to try and pronounce.)

  • Pfeffernüsse (Pfeffernuesse in English) – The name translates to pepper nuts in German, danish and dutch.
  • Hojarascas – A cookie from Mexico.
  • Palmeritas – Couldn’t really find a recipe, so here’s a picture of the store bought version.
  • Krumkake – A Norwegian cookie made at Christmas time.
  • Kolachki
  • Butterbrot – Here’s a recipe in German.
  • Pepparkaker – Ginger cookies from Sweden.
  • Tim Tams – I’ve got to get my hands on some of these Australian goodies.

For the store bought, you guys definitely have your opinions.

  • Grocery Store Cakey Sugar Cookies with gobs of icing and sprinkles. I wouldn’t want to get in between you guys and a box of these things.
  • Keebler El Fudge – Never had these, but I plan on trying them the next time I buy cookies.
  • Lofthouse Sugar Cookies
  • Milanos – Oh, how you guys love these…in mint, regular or double chocolate.
  • Trader Joes – their whole line seems pretty popular.
  • Mother’s Circus Animal Cookies – Reminds me of an animal cracker sugar explosion.

Thanks for sharing all your favorites.

Now, for the winner!

It’s you amylouwho.’s integer generator picked your number!

Congratulations on winning the book Cookie Craft! Now, get out your rolling pin and get ready!

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56 comments on “A Bunch of Cookies and One Winner!”

  1. And it’s much funnier that i wrote “view” instead of “few”. I should have added that I’m the worst English-Speaker in Cologne :-)

  2. Hi Bakerella,
    I saw your blog a view weeks ago and I’m so very impressed about your talent and phantasy!
    Actually I read your blog in chronolgical order and I saw your comment about the cookies above. I’m from Germany and I wanted to say a word about your link to the recipe of “Butterbrot”. “Butterbrot” is like a sandwich but in the normal way with another type of bred. The recipe, you found, is called “falsches Butterbrot”, what is false Sandwich. This is a bit funny for a little German Girl in the www :-)

  3. snickerdoodles are my favortie kind of cookie.

  4. i tried to find the pumpkin chocolate chip recipe this weekend at my parents but for some reason we can’t seem to find it! if we do… and i REALLY hope we do… i will send it to you! :o)

  5. Mel and Taylor – I tried pumpkin pecan this weekend… fantastic.

    Janelle – thanks for sharing.

  6. Several people have emailed me asking for my whole wheat oatmeal pumpkin chocolate chip cookie recipe. It can be found here.

  7. My heart aches at the fact you haven’t tried pumpkin chocolate chip cookies OR E.L. FUDGE!! Fav pumpkin one is the one kevin and natali mckee posted. So easy and yummy. Remember the cream cheese frosting!

  8. Thanks Debbie! Glad you like it.

  9. I just found you through Tanya who featured you as one of her “Favorite Things” today. I’m so happy she did because I’m already enjoying my first visit so much.

    Blessings – Debbie

  10. VegasJilly – thanks for the insight.

    Marianne – thanks for the info.

    iluvmyairman – I know what you mean. It's hard to decide.

    grandmacarnes – isn't it, though.

    Krishelle – I can't wait to try them.

    Penny – thanks for the link.

    LaDue & Crew – I'm glad you like it. You'll find that giveaways are a lot of fun.

    Jess – I'll have to try that.

    Pinky – OMG. That sounds yummy any way they are shaped.

    Amy – Thanks!

    Jeni – I will.

    I am LoW – Thanks a bunch.

    Anonymous – I just made some pumpkin ones and they were a little moist, too. But still pretty good.

    Jaina – thanks

    SweetSiren – I second that.

    Tia – I will. Just have to get some at the World Market first.

    Vanessa Contessa – Maybe she'll make you some cookies.

    Thanks for the Berger cookie info.

  11. Congrats to Amy! (who also happens to be a friend of mine so I couldn’t be more pleased) I listed Oreo as my favorite cookie, until I realized I had made a grave mistake. The best store bought cookie ever created is the Berger Cookie out of Baltimore, MD. There is nothing like these out there and sadly, I now live on the west coast and can’t get my fill. They do, however, have mail order. Check them out!

  12. OK I’m an Aussie and it’s indisputable Tim Tams are great, but when you get a packet take at least one and try a Tim Tam suck. It’s when you bite the ends of each side of the biscuit and then place one end into a cup of warm tea or coffee (too hot and you will burn yourself) and suck the other end when the liquid comes through quickly shove the whole soggy mess into your mouth, it sounds disgusting but honest to cake it’s a little taste of heaven! :D

  13. If anyone has a recipe for those fantastically addicting cakey grocery store sugar cookies with icing and sprinkles I would be so excited! I’ve been trying to figure them out for years to no avail…

  14. Yay! Congrats!

  15. I had the same idea as Jenny to try the cupcake pops with pumpkin and still plan to try it… However, I thought it would be tasty to try the pops with strawberry cake and strawberry cream cheese frosting. But I used fresh strawberry puree that I reduced in the cake and in the frosting and I think the strawberries brought a little too much water to the equation. Although, my husband swears they taste good, I’m not keen on the texture. They turned out a little curd-like, in that the cake and the frosting didn’t make that nice smooth consistency like chocolate does. I don’t think pumpkin has as much water in it.

  16. Best Pumpkin Cookie recipe I know of- (and this is the traditional recipe)

    Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookies

    2 C flour
    1 tsp baking powder
    1 tsp cinnamon
    1/2 tsp baking soda
    1/2 tsp nutmeg
    1 stick of butter, softened
    1 C brown sugar
    1 egg
    1 C canned pumpkin
    1 tsp vanilla
    1 C semi chocolate chips

    Preheat oven to 375. Line cookie sheet with parchment paper (or spray).
    Sift dry ingredients in bowl.
    In seperate bowl beat butter, brown sugar, and egg. Add vanilla. Alternate adding dry ingredient and pumpkin until well blended, but not over beaten.
    Stir chocolate chips in by hand.
    Bake 8-10 minutes.

  17. Congrats Amylouwho! BTW, I luv your blog. A friend recommended me to it and I have been enjoying it since! Keep it up.

  18. I have that book too! Great looking cookies by the way.

    I nominated you for the E is for excellent blog award on my blog :)

  19. Palmeritas are also called Elephant Ears or Palmiers. It’s just a puff dough brushed with melted butter and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar. The rolling bit can be tricky, but they don’t really need to be shaped that way… they are yummy in just about any form.

  20. So I have to say that I tried Martha's Snickerdoodle recipe a few months ago when I bought her cookie book, though yummy, I don't think they can be called Snickerdoodles. They are really just a sugar cookie rolled in cinnamon & sugar. It is lacking the cream of tarter found in most Snickerdoodle recipes.

    That is my two cents on that. I really wanted to say that you can get Tim Tams at World Market. I had them when I visited Samoa and bought a lot there to bring back. Then I found them at World Market. Later, we had a n Australian friend teach us to bite the ends off of the tim tams and use it to drink Milo (A chocolate malt drink made by Nestle). Very yummy!

  21. Thank you so much for THE most inspiring blog!! Even if I don’t win, you always make it so much fun! I took your lead (and gave you the credit) on my blog and am having my first ever giveaway! I don’t think I’ll ever get the incredible following you have, but I don’t think anyone ever could! Thanks again for a truly great daily read!

  22. Yay for Amy!!! :( for me. When I saw the sugar cookies in the giveaway post I got a hankering to try sugar cookies since yours were so pretty. Mine aren’t exactly Bakerella pretty, but still turned out pretty. Thanks for the inspiration! If you want to take a look, you can find them on my blog!

  23. I can’t believe you’ve never heard of pumkin chocolate chip cookies! They are soooooo good. I hope you find a good recipe – I am sure you will love them!

  24. I just got this little book at Barnes and Noble, it is a sweet little book!

  25. Congrats Amy! This was a great contest and a good reminder about baking some of my favorite cookies. Since I posted my favs, I’ve been through all my cookie recipes and am trying to decide what to bake first. So many cookies, so little time!

  26. I just love your blog!
    I just wanted to say that Pfeffernüsse in dutch are called “pepernoten”
    and they are very common here. I like them =)

  27. i love snickerdoodle cookies!!! i make them every year for christmas, my family begs for them….they always comment about how moist they are…the secret….yellow cake mix…the pumpkin chocolate chip sounds amazing!!

  28. Janelle – you can email it to me if you think about it.

    Amylouwho – yes. please send pics.

    Jessi Long – thanks!

    Seriously… Super thanks!

    Amanda – Hey, that’s nice of you!

    * TONYA * – I’ll look for them.

    rach – that sounds interesting.

    Kevin and Natali McKee – thanks! I like easy recipes like that.

    buttercream – I have her cookie magazine. I’ll see if it’s in there.

    Tammy (Mom to this crazy bunch) – maybe they’ll be mine too.

    The White Clan – Sure. that would be nice.

    Bobbie – I’m gonna check out the World Market near me first. They are supposed to carry them.

    Chelsie That’s cool. Thanks!

    Sara – Here you go:

    LisaB – I just used a frozen deep dish pie shell. The regular would probably not be big enough.

    And, thanks, for the book tip.

    sharyl – that sounds yummo!

    Chantelle – thanks and let me know your favorite one.

    Tiffany – I’m gonna have to check out my Grocery store.

    Annie – Thanks for the tip. I have one of those near me.

    Viktoria – thanks for the info. I just retyped how the commenter did.

    Katrina – thanks a bunch!

    elizabeth – hammenwhatsen?

    Claudia – I’ll check it out. thanks!

    Esther – thanks for the link!

    Yummy in my tummy – You know I like Kroger, so thanks!

    Atticelf – and pumpkin cake, too!

    Jenny – or pumpkin cake.

    Nicole – Me either!!!!

  29. I CANNOT believe you’ve ever heard of pumpkin choc. chip cookies!

  30. Speaking of Pumpkin Chip Cookies- have you thought of making pumpkin cake balls? Seems like you could use a pumpkin bread mix, combine with the cream cheese icing and then dip in chocolate.

  31. Lucky girl! I’ve never tried pumpkin cookies (yum!) but have am a sucker for a good pumpkin muffin.

  32. We have the Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies at our local Fred Meyer (grocery store here the Northwest. I think its called Kroger’s elsewhere). They have it at the bakery department and I just recently saw they had half of it dipped in dark chocolate! I will have to give that a try.

  33. ok lets try this again. I have a wonderful recipe for Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies. I posted some pictures of them on my site,

    let me know if you want the recipe. It uses oil not butter or shortening.

  34. Dear Bakerella lady,

    I love you work. Just wanted to give you a link to an amazing blog. The lady there has magical hands! You will go crazy!



  35. ooh! I forgot all about hammentaschen! yummy!

  36. What a fun contest! I posted a pumpkin chocolate chip cookie recipe recently. You can check it out if you want, it’s the only recipe I’ll use and really good!
    The cookie recipe is on the link above or here:
    Kathy Merrill’s Punkin Cookies (She called them punkin, so I do!) I halved this recipe today, but here is the full recipe.

    1 cup granulated sugar

    1 cup brown sugar

    1 cup unsalted butter, softened

    1 1/2 cups punkin puree

    3 large eggs (I used 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons Egg Beaters w/touch of yolk)

    3 cups flour (today I added an extra 1/4 cup flour to the half recipe)–used unbleached all purpose

    1 teaspoon baking soda

    1 teaspoon salt

    1 teaspoon nutmeg

    2-3 teaspoons ground cinnamon

    1/2 teaspoon cloves (I omitted as I didn’t have any) added a touch of ginger instead

    2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line baking sheets with parchment paper. Set aside.

    In bowl of mixer, cream together butter and sugars. Add eggs and punkin. Blend together well, scrape sides of bowl. In separate bowl, combine dry ingredients and whisk together. Add to wet ingredients and mix together well, but do not overmix. Add chocolate chips and stir with rubber spatula to combine. Drop tablespoonfuls on baking sheets and bake for 12-14 minutes. Let sit on baking sheet for 3 minutes before removing to cooling rack.

    Love your blog!

  37. Hi! I’m from Sweden and just for the record it’s called “Pepparkakor” not “Pepparkaker”. I’m annoying, I know. But what ever. Love your blog! Did you know btw that you can make a “Pepparkakshus” (house)
    That’s Christams for me! Google it, and you’ll find lots of pictures.
    Keep up with the good work! (:

  38. I have a wonderful recipe for Pumpkin Chocolate chip cookies.. The grocery store where I grew up always had them in the bakery department.

  39. I was going to say too, if you need me to send you some Tim Tams from the land of Oz – consider it done.

    So delicious! :)

    I’ve only just discovered your blog. I look forward to pouring a cup of green tea (perhaps grabbing a Tim Tam) and reading back over the old posts.


  40. oh lucky winner, how i envy you! hahaha Congrats! and yay! Milano made the list! oh and must i add alfajores. I think they’re peruvian shortbread cookies with dulce de leche filling.

  41. Congrats to the winner….

    Now I know what I need to put on my “Christmas Wish List”!! Hmmmm…can I wait until then??? I probably could use some of those recipes during the holidays….I may have to give a gift to myself in that case.

    I have a question for you…I’ve been wanting to make your chocolate chip cookie pie. However, it says to use a deep dish pie plate. I have a standard 9″ pie dish–can I use that??? It doesn’t seem like it’s deep dish though–and I have searched high and low for a “deep pie dish”. I would love to make it soon….I’ve had that on my “to bake” list for too long!! It just sounds way too good to hold off making any longer…anything chocolate chip is my favorite….

    Second, I have a favorite children’s book which I think is fitting for your blog, my 5 year old loves it and your niece would probably too. It’s called, “Pinkalicious”.

    Thank you for your beautiful blog and your fun games…

    Take Care…

    Lisa B in SoCal

  42. I just recently found your blog….I was reading through and noticed that you had made some Oreo cake balls, or Oreo truffles..something like that. Anyway, everyone said how good they were…I can’t find them…can you help? I would love to make them. Your blog is awesome! You are an excellent baker…so many great ideas!! Everything looks SO GOOD!!

  43. here is the recipe i use when making pumpkin chocolate chip cookies Hey if it’s good enough for my friend who was in the final 4 of the next food network star, they’re good enough for me

  44. I’ll send you some tim tams.. they are really good… I have sent about 4 packages overseas for my blog readers

    and our international students that live with us always take home bag fulls for relatives.. so they must be good

  45. I dont do pumpkin choc chip cookies, but do bread instead. It is fantastic. And it makes a ton! If you would like the recipe, e-mail me.

  46. Mmmmm… Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies!!! These are our favorites…

  47. Martha Stewarts’ Cookie book has the best snickerdoodle recipe I’ve ever tasted.

  48. I just made some Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies yesterday.
    1 box spice cake mix
    1 can 29 oz pumpkin
    11 oz bag of chocolate chips

    Combine Cake mix and Pumpkin, then stir in the chocolate chips.
    The recipe calls for baking them on 400 for 20 minutes but mine burnt on the bottom so I reduced the temperature.

  49. I’ve got a great recipe for yummy root beer cookies around here somewhere. YUM-EEE!

  50. I love Tim Tam’s. You can get them at Cost Plus World Market.

  51. Congrats amy!

  52. Here’s a yummy pumpkin chocolate chip cookie recipe I got from my friend’s mom Kathy. These were my FAVORITE growing up…just be warned, it makes a HUGE batch:
    Cream: 1 1/2 C shortening, 4 C sugar, 4 eggs, 1 Large can libbys pumpkin, 3 tsp vanilla. Add to this: 6 – 6 1/2 cups flour (she said it’s usually about 6 cups if she’s using gold medal flour, and 6 1/2 cups for other brands…), 3 tsp soda, 3 tsp baking powder, 3 tsp cinnamon, 3 tsp nutmeg, 1 1/2 tsp salt, 1 bag chocolate chips (or you could substitute raisins). Bake at 375 for 15 minutes. enjoy!

  53. Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread is awesome too. Just add chocolate chips to your fav pumpkin bread recipe just before baking.

  54. I am so excited!!! Thank you, thank you!! I will get out my rolling pin and send you some pictures!

  55. I have a really yummy recipe for whole wheat oatmeal pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.

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