
Cha Cha Chocolate

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Here’s a super last minute idea or more likely – an early idea for next year. Just something quick and cute.

And if you don’t need any treats, you might want to mosey on down towards the middle of this post.


I made little heart chocolates. Hi.


And packaged them up like tiny candy bars. Too cute. And thanks for reading.

This is super easy. You’ll need a candy mold though. The product number is in the photo below if you want to search for it. I found mine at Cake Art. The squares are 1.25 inch.

And because I have a mini candy coating store growing in my kitchen, I decided to use some of it up for these.


Melt pink candy coating and then using a toothpick, draw heart shapes in the cavity of the candy molds. Let it dry and then pour melted chocolate candy coating over the top. Mercken’s is what I used for these. Fill the cavity enough so it reaches the corners without overflowing and then tap the mold on the counter to settle and even out the coating. Repeat with the remaining cavities. Place in the freezer for a few minutes to set and then pop them right out of the mold and place on wax paper. Repeat and repeat until you have what you need.

Of course, you make these even easier and unwrap existing candy bars to use.


Now the fun part. I had these pink foil wrappers that were lonely and waiting to cuddle something. They were really too big for the bars I made so I cut them in half.


Lay the chocolate on the wrapper, fold the two short pieces first and then the long ones.

The foil is super thin so you can press it pretty flat.

These are also fun to wrap up your cake pops if you do simple decorations.


After your bars are all wrapped in foil, you can add paper wrappers.

I created these with different sayings.


Even one for the pinterest lovers out there.

Here’s a pdf if you want it.


Making your own wrappers is a cute gift or favor idea. Use the same process and create your own wrappers for your theme. You can turn any candy bar into something a little more special.

But now let me tell you why I really made these.

I bought something for myself a few weeks ago that I thought was the cutest thing ever.

Or at least the cutest thing that week.

It was on sale thank goodness. Wanna see?

It goes with the theme so far.

And it’s really what inspired these tiny wrapped chocolate bars.

But this chocolate is a little bit bigger.

And sassier.


The good thing is it won’t melt in my hands.

Check it out. A Cha Cha Chocolate Clutch.


From Kate Spade.

Loving the label.


And look at the chocolate candy clasp.

I die.


And the inside lining. So cute.


It’s pretty big, too. Actually it’s a really big clutch.


Big enough to carry all my cha cha chocolates.


Thankfully it has a chain strap, too.


And yes, I couldn’t help but make little Cha Cha labels. It’s just too much fun to say.

But I haven’t mentioned the best part about this bag. It turns out I didn’t just buy one.

Yep. Right now I have one for each hand and that just looks plain silly.


So who wants to help me out and take one of these off my hands?



Enter for a chance to win a Kate Spade Cha Cha Chocolate Clutch.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and say something sweet about someone you love. It’s that kind of day you know.
  • Deadline to enter is Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 6 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner Announced Below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Thursday evening.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day and good luck!

Okay, cha cha time. Let’s see who won the cute clutch. By the way, I’m so glad I didn’t have to choose based on your comments. I would have never been able to pick. So many of you have the sweetest sweethearts in your lives. It made me so happy to read your comments. Smiles and smiles.

But the random winner is………

chachawinnerYay! Congratulations Gayl! Hope you have fun with the clutch.

Note: Giveaway sponsored by moi.


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4,045 comments on “Cha Cha Chocolate”

  1. My special someone is my husband. I believe that he is one of the sweetest men on earth. He’s a wonderful Christian, spouse, and father.
    I married him on Valentine’s Day. :)

  2. i love mY best frIend, Jenna. she is the best listener and she solves teenage problems like albert einstein, and she is the coolest person on earth. and we’ve been besties since grade one, so i think you know what kind of relation ship that is..!

  3. these are super cute! if only there were enough hours in the day to try all you adorable ideas!
    that special someone – the person i love – is my best friend, she has gotten me through everything and she deserves the very best in this world. if only i could be the one to help her achieve it – she has flown half way around the world this month and i miss her more everyday
    thank you for the inspiration!

  4. I love these and will now be trying them for my friends birthday next week! thanks for the great idea! i love the wrappers!
    the special person for me will always be my mum – she is my best friend, my guiding star, my inspiration and my role model. I cant imagine a life without her – she really does complete me.
    happy valentines day x

  5. My special someone is my sister :)
    She’s the most awesome person I know and always tolerates my disorganized organization of everything. We’ve got some sister psychic thing going on even though we’re four years apart hehe :)

  6. I love that purse, so darling!

    I love my puppies because they are always puddles of big ol lovey dovey-ness.

    Tara O.
    taraophotos at yahoo dot com

  7. I love these chocolates so sooo cute ! What amazing ideas you always share , thank you.

    I love many people around me my boyfriend,my mum, my friends…I love their beauty, their eyes and their role into my life !

    Thank you , Ste

  8. My mom is the most generous soul you’ve ever met. She’s the type of person who will wear a $5 used coat from Salvation Army for 20 years and get her daughter a $600 Canada goose coat for the freezing winters. Best mom ever.

    And I love the purse!!

  9. I love my family and my friends (my chosen family) so much. I don’t know where I’d be without them.

  10. This is soooo sweet!!!!
    After having my 1st baby this year- I now know what is unconditional love. hope you all do.

  11. My sister just moved to Texas and she’s usually my V-day buddy, so I’m missing her something fierce right now. She’s my best friend!

  12. Amazing chocolates! So inspiring. My hubby loves me unconditionally and is so thoughtful and caring – even when I’m not. Sigh…… ain’t love grand!

  13. I love this Cha Cha purse and I love my niece, ‘Cha Cha’ (Chelsea) because she is running the Boston Marathon for the first time in honor of her late brother, Max. She is as sweet as those chocolates!!!!

  14. My bf who lives 2 hrs away still drives down to see me everyday — rain or shine.

  15. My valentine is my husband who makes every day better than the day before. I’m so grateful for him.

  16. Amazing post as always!

    My someone is my husband of 4 years. I still get butterflies with him and love him more everyday. He is an amazing father to our son and soon to be baby!

  17. I so love everything you do! I follow your blog for over 2 years I think, and still go ‘OEH! A new Bakerella post!’ everytime there is a new one.

    My very special someone is Bianca. She is a dear friend of mine who truly is allways there for me. I’m battling depression for 3 years now, and she always knows what to do and say. My boyfriend even asks her for advice on how to handle me sometimes! Even though she lives halfway across the country (which in The Netherlands isn’t that far, luckily) I know she’ll come running if I call, no matter when.

    I love her more than I can say, and truly, everybody should have a Bianca among their close friends.
    And maybe that gorgeous purse! I think I’m in love!

  18. After 35 years spent with my husband he is still my one and only Valentine

  19. This is so fantastic! My boyfriend doesn’t like cake (I know – how terrible is that!) so this is the perfect treat I can make him! Thanks Bakerella x

  20. My Valentines are my cute daughters. They are the light of my life!

  21. My husband is my valentine! I miss him every day while he is overseas working.

  22. oh what gorgeous chocolates! such a sweet idea… and such a truly tremendous purse, i think i’m in love xox

    oh, we have to say something sweet about someONE, not someCLUTCH that we love. i would have to split my sweetness three ways today, my gorgeous hubbie and my two crazy kidlets – all of whom make me smile on the outside and the inside :)

  23. Those are the cutest chocolates! I’m making them for my fiance next year.

    My special someone is my fiance Maarten. His laugh makes me giggle, his voice makes me swoon and his body makes me blush. He is my everything and I can’t imagine ever spending a day without him. We were living together a month after we met and we were engaged a year later. Sometimes you just know and with him I know for sure.

  24. Someone I love is my little daughter Clara: you’re my sunshine, my light in the dark, the glue that repaired my broken heart, the reason that I’m still alive and smiling, you’re wonderful, loving, giving, rebelious and caring, you’re the biggest gift in the world, nothing can ever compare to you.

    Clara is so sweet as are your treats.

  25. I’d like to honor those who serve in the US military and send a sweet Valentine’s greeting their way especially to my brother who is currently deployed.

    Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

  26. Happy valentines. I love my hubby and boys!

  27. As I’m reading this I’m waiting for some Cherry-Blood Orange caramels I made for my boyfriend to cool. He’s done so much for me over the past few months, and makes me excited for the future. :)

  28. I love the colours! Valentine’s Day colours are some of my favourites.

    My sister, only 18 months younger than me, is someone I love very much. The games we came up with as children were so fantastic and creative that we kind of blow people away when we tell them stories about everything that we invented back then. We live far apart, but we’ve become close again, despite the physical distance, and that’s something that makes me very happy.

  29. My Valentines in the sweetest man in the world! My husband Shane! I adore him, because he loves me no matter what. He is the perfect example of a Godly husband and he cares deeply!

  30. I can’t wait to see my Valentine this weekend… being far apart is hard, but perhaps absence truely makes the heart grow fonder!

  31. First, I would like to start with: I love the candies and wrappers! Very simple and something I see myself making in the very near future. Wondering how I will alter for end of school year. I also think the clutch is adorable and what a perfect carrier for such sweet tokens.

    My Valentine today is my daughter Olivia. Sure I could list my husband and how wonderful a man he is or my mom who has always been there for me being my biggest fan, sisters – one of whom I only recently met 3 years ago or even my best friends.
    Today tho, I’m doting especially on my Hugbug. She is uber excited more and more with each holiday that floats into our horizon, which I have to admit I need and makes them fun for me. To say she is an angel sounds like a cliche, however, I know this to be a fact from Heaven. Since before she was born she has been my stronghold, hope and light. Always caring, thoughtful and generous. I may not always get a kiss, but she is very giving of her love through hugs, smiles, daily handmade gifts, her time and positive nature. My ode to her right now is simply to share my overwhelming love and gratitude for who she is. Thank you for allowing me to share.

  32. Very cute! My husband is my Valentine and he is the most wonderful father to our daughter!

  33. I was baking tonight and I was also watching my husband and 3 yr old play cars & trucks. Too cute to miss out right? Well my choc chip cookies didn’t flatten out while baking! Turns out I miscounted the sugar and didnt put enough! Just as I was bummed for a bad batch of cookies & ready to throw them out, my husband tells me he’s going to eat them anyways. The cookies may not be sweet enough, but my husband made up for it by being the sweet one for trying to make me feel better by his willingness to eat the cookies anyways!

  34. So cuteeee!!!

    My lovely husband, my sweet Valentine, you are the rock I hold onto, you bring emotional stability to our marriage, but are still so passionate. I love you.

  35. These are awesome! Yummmmmmmm.

    I just gave birth to my third child three weeks ago and my hubby keeps me sane and keeps me going when the days are tough. Couldn’t do it without him.

  36. Both the bag and the chocolates look way too delicious! ^^
    My mom is the kindest, most caring person I know. She’s a perfect mom, and fantastic friend, and she deserves a Valentine’s day brimming with love, always.

  37. my valentine is definitely my boyfriend who will do anything to make me happy.. <3

  38. One of my special someone’s is my daughter, she is 2, almost 3 and cracks me up almost all day long. She says the silliest and sweetest things sometimes, but the best is when she say’s, “I love you mama!” Definitely makes my day.

  39. What is so sweet is my boyfriend who is taking leave to come home and spend some time with me this upcoming weekend! We have not had any Valentine’s together yet and we will miss this one and next years for certain. But he always makes it up and has proven to me that even though the Navy takes us apart from each other Love does conquer all <3


  41. My some one is my husband. No matter how crazy my life gets he knows just what to say to calm me down. I’m so glad my co-worker, his best friend’s wife talked me into going on a blind date 13 years ago today. Happy Valentines Day!

  42. This years Valentine is special, since it is our last Valentine as fiancées. Next time, we will be husband and wife :D.
    Our marriage is this April. Since we are together, my boyfriend makes me feel like its Valentine every single day. I love him with all my heart, he’s the sweetest! These sweet chocolates will make the perfect gift, so I will surely try them out. A clutch to go with it, would make it even more perfect ;)

  43. Love-Love-Love the purse! My valentine is my fiancé and my little girls, 3 big joys in my life!

  44. hello hello (:
    I love your valentines day idea! so cute!
    I am currently single at the moment but that doesnt mean my life is love-less. I love my mom and my sister, along with my two little doggies <3 (:

  45. That is super cuteeee
    I don’t have anyone to share valentine’s day with today plus I am so far from home.BUT,I LLOVE my family,I thank God for them everytime.If I were to do life over and over again,I would pick my family to do it with.
    And of course you’ll have to be in it too Bakerella because you’re such an inspiration and your litttle treats brings smiles to my face. I made your valentine’s cupcakes with a little twist of my own

  46. Oh that looks very sweet and yummy
    xoxo Ronja

  47. Been with my wife for more than half our lives, and wouldn’t have it any other way!

  48. I love my wife and I want her back.
    Please come back, I made a misstake and I’m sorry.

    Don’t move I will do everything in my power to make you happy and secure again. I’ll support you and I will highlight all your superness always.

    Michelle I love you like you like french toast. I love you with all my heart, I want your advise and support. I will keep your morning smile in my mind all day, so I get home happy. I will support you and your talents. I want our kids to be raised by us in a loving home. I’ll wait. Wait forever, you and me are madly in love, we just forgot about it.

    Lina <3 Michelle

  49. My husband is the best person I know. Thoughtful, warm, so unbelievably smart, compassionate. And he and my son spent tonight making cheesecake to give me on Valentine’s Day!

    Such a cute clutch.

  50. I love it! Pick Me!!! Please =)

  51. my darling boyfriend is the most thoughtful person i know. he does everything he can for the ones that he loves!

  52. I love the clutch but also love the chocolates, I made them for my beautiful granbaby , she is the most wonderful gift any day of the year and she’s as creative as I am! I don’t know what I ever did before she arrived.

  53. The chocolates are adorable and the bag is delicious :) Mu husband is my sweetie! <3

  54. That clutch is adorable, thanks for generously hosting this giveaway.
    The sweetest thing I could ever say about the people I love is that I love them. ;)

  55. I will spend this evening with my wonderful, caring boyfriend. I knew I couldn’t let him go when after two months of dating I came down with mononucleosis and he wasn’t discouraged by me not wanting to see him in such a miserable state and he came every day across half of the country to see me. (It is a small country but… anyway :-)) He had to drive 3 hours every day on snow, ice and in the dark! You can’t not love him :-)

  56. Awwwww! This is amazing! Such a cute clutch! I dedicate today and most other days to my mom, she’s my Valentine and A-MA-ZING! She’s been there every step of the way for me and the older I’ve become, the more effort I’ve put into being there for her too! I might even share the clutch with her if I win :-)

  57. That is the cutest clutch ever.

    My special someone today is my boyfriend of 6 years. He is without a doubt the funniest, sweetest & handsomest guy ever. He’s the very best & I am so, so lucky to have him in my life.

  58. Thanks so much for all these cute ideas!
    I will spend this special day with my supersweet boyfriend. He is the sun of my life :-)
    Hope you will have a nice day too!

  59. Oh my gosh! These are adorable! I bet they taste great too! Love the clutch!

  60. Oh, this a cute idea. I really love the design of the wrappers!

    My Valentine is my fiancee, but unfortunately he is not with me for the next two weeks, because he is on a business trip. But when I drove him to the train station yesterday, we promised to have our special Valentine’s Day when he is back. I am looking forward to this day! :)

    I hope you all have a great day!

  61. A sweet comment? Any sweet comment? Well then.

    I’m currently texting Josh. It’s almost 6PM in Korea right now, and his dinner date bailed. He’s my valentine even though he’s halfway across the world from me, and he is an absolute sweetheart.

  62. must. get. those. moulds. now~ ;D

    my favourite person i love most is my grandmother. she has been on this earth for so long and has always been a pillar of support for us and especially for my grandfather when he got struck with stroke, twice. my grandmother always kept a resilient attitude and took care of him. when my grandfather passed, she did not shed a tear but i know she must be crying inside. so here’s to my granny who is always like superglue, strong and helps sticks the family together! <3

  63. This is seriously cute!
    My best buddy is my dad…he is a rock and has always been there for us all, and always seems to know what we need, be is a bit of a shove or a hug.. he is sooo very special!

  64. Wow, I can´t thinl of a more appropiate purse for a choc-aholic like myself, thankyouverymuch!
    Also, i love my sister because she loves chocolate too… ;)

  65. You always do these sweet things, buying extras and giving them away. :-) That’s really sweet of you.

    Well, just a shout out to my hubs of almost 3 years (this August 8th we’d be 3). It’s sweet how you’d eat anything I put on the table, be so gracious when I mess things up and most of all, love my flabs even though I think they are grody. Nothing better in the world than to be married to my best friend.

  66. Too cute and too yummy

  67. Even though my hubby can drive me nuts sometimes… I love him more than anything. He has given me everything I’ve ever dreamed of in life… love, stability, a father for my daughter, a new baby, family, and the chance to see the world. <3

  68. So cute…and a must for chocoholics like me…

    My valentine is my 18-year old little sister, even when there are 10 years between us we have a wonderful sisterhood and I can’t wait to se her sunday…

    happy valentine for everybody…

  69. Thanks for the inspiration. Your website is a great help to me as a starter ;)

    My husband of 10 years is my Valentine date this year. So lucky to have such a patient, loving and a very understanding husband. Everyday feels like our dating phase. We still have that “spark” after all these years ;)

  70. Wanted to give my love to my roommate of 2 years. Our friendship anniversary was yesterday! She’s been with me since the first two months at my time here at Brooks Institute and the one friend I have always been able to count on. Our 3-years is coming to an end soon, and I hope we will remain in each other’s lives for a long time. I love you roomie!!

  71. Just made my hubby a delicious breakfast in bed before he had to head off to work! He’s so special to me and I honestly don’t know where my life would be if it were not for him!

  72. Those are almost too cute to even eat! I can’t say enough sweet things this Valentine’s day about my husband who is so completely selfless in every way. We work opposite shifts and after a hard day at work he comes home, makes dinner, takes care of our 3 girls, does dishes, makes lunches, including mine! and showers me with constant love and affection. I am truly blessed.

  73. Awesome bag! My special someone(s) would have to be my parents. They’re really amazing people, and I hope I can someday have a relationship someone like they have with each other.

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  74. You inspire me in SO many ways Bakerella! <3 <3

    This is for my lovely mom, who was the first to wake me up and wish a warm and loving Valentines Day :)


  75. My daughter is the light of my life and sweeter than sugar. I can never regret even one tiny little misstep in my life before her because everything has led up to the moment I had her. My goo goo bear. hearts.

  76. Those chocolates are adorable! I love them.

    My sweetest persons in my life are my husband and our son.
    I love them both!

  77. I know it’s not the right holiday, but I think my mom is the best mom anyone could ever have- she knows exactly what I like to eat and it seems like she can predict what I want even before I know <3

  78. To my Honey, once you were a boyfriend, for a while a fiance, now a husband and soon a daddy. I love you more everyday and every way!

  79. Today would just be a Tuesday, if it weren’t for my dad!

  80. 80% charming, 20% rebellious… that’s me! (:
    and I gotta say I love the mini chocolate hearts! I can’t seem to work well with candy and chocolate melts yet..
    Hmm something sweet about someone I love. This person seems to be there for me whenever I feel the need for support and inspiration!

  81. Aaah! Too much cuteness in one post! The chocolates turned out wonderfully!

    I just want to say Happy Valentine’s Day to my daughter, Olive. You are the sweetest little girl that I never knew to ask for. You are such a blessing to me and just the most precious thing I’ll ever make. Love you!

    -Mandy Q

  82. You are so right, these are so cute omg :) Really nice idea with the wrapping, certainly does spice things up, who wouldn’t love to receive hand-made personalised gifts on a day like today, or like a birthday, or Christmas gift? :)

    Speaking of hand-made, Valentine’s day for me was really wonderful, because it was the first time i was actually bothered with the Vday concept, and it was the first time today that i could celebrate it with someone I love :) He made me a ferrero-rocher mini flowergarden with chocolate soil :) I made him red velvet crem cheese swirl bars, but I’ve baked for him so many times, and so it makes the times he bakes for me so uch more special :)

    A few weeks ago, when he told me the idea that we should handmake our presents (actually, it was a “we must handmake our presents”), I admit I was a bit hesitant, because I already thought about buying a good Vday present for him from December last year.

    However, I’m really happy to have followed on with his idea, because Vday isn’t just about buying roses and chocolates, because that’s easy to do. I guess putting effort into the present really made my day. And everyday with your partner/bf/gf/etc is a special day. But yes, nevertheless he made me really happy today, and I’m glad he knows how special he is to me :)

  83. Those chocolates made my mouth water!!

    My special someone(s) are the boys in my life – my hubby and of course my two little boys! They make me crazy in more ways than one, but I wouldn’t have it any other way :)

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  84. All the way here in South Africa I wish you all a very Happy Valentines Day!!! Love everything Bakerella does! Thanks for the inspiration!

  85. My hubby’s so hot he makes my crayons melt… :)

  86. Oh my… this clutch is so adorable! Kate Spade should sell it with your chocolates. Although that would probably mean one could never find it in ‘sale’ section hihi.
    I stayed at work quite late yesterday. And I got to think that in my life I’m missing a person who once for a while could sort out my priorities, made me get up from behind my desk and come home because the dinner was almost done. And then I realized it was Valentines the next day.

  87. Oh these are so adorable!

    Kind of like my Dover who’s always giving me more love than I deserve. I’m going to make him fabulous dinner/dessert tomorrow night! <3

  88. Cute clutch; I’ll enter~ My sweetie is currently in northern Germany on an extended business trip, & I get to spend Valentine’s Day traveling to meet him. I won’t get to see him until the 16th, but hey: the 16th gets there sooner than in the western U.S.! He is the best husband & Dad, & has taught our two almost-grown sons how to be strong & caring men. He does a lot of the housework, too, voluntarily, because my fibromyalgia sometimes really slows me down. He’s the best!

  89. those are so so cute! I love how you wrapped them in foil and made up your own phrases. LOVE it!

    I love my husband who is working hard these days in an uphill battle to support our family in these financially hardy times. He does it all for our family and I love that about him..

  90. Love the clutch! :-)

    Normally I’m not a clutch person but I LOVE chocolate and this clutch is just sooooo cute!

    As a person I love I want to mention my big sister. She works as a florist and Valentine’s day is THE holiday for florists so she was/is really busy these days… My sister goes to work with a smile every day because she absolutly loves what she’s doing!

  91. I love my wonderful husband. He makes me smile and gives the BEST hugs in the world!! And…he likes the nuts…and I like the chews :) So it’s a match made in Heaven! lol!

  92. SWEEEET!!!!! I love this clutch and those cha cha’s! ; D
    Its not someone but someone(s) that I love…my family. Not only am I fortunate to be related to them but they are all my best friends; my dad, my mom, my in-laws, my sisters, my brothers, my cute hubby and my sons. That’s a lot of LOVE!

  93. What gorgeous chocolates and labels! I am shouting out to my fancy new husband- I’ve been having a bit of a rough trot lately and he has been helping me stay sane and well cared for.

  94. Wow, too cute! :)
    My special some one is my fiancé. I just love it how he always takes care that the seat heating in the car is switched on, so I won’t freeze in this awful winter! :)

  95. I just finished making Valentine’s Day cupcakes tonight when I checked your blog to find even more Valentine’s inspiration! I’ll file these cute chocolates for next year.
    My special Valentine this year, and every year, is my sister. Since I’m married and she’s single, and we lie very far away, I send her a valentine package every year. This year, she’s obsessed with cute owls, so I set her an assortment of owl accessories and trinkets. she knows that no matter what, her big sister is there for her.

  96. A deployment seperated me and my Valentine last year and we are together this year! I have loved this man for almost 14 years and look forward to many more Valentine’s Days with him. <3

  97. What an adorable bag and cute little chocolates – great idea to make a personalized gift. My Valentines are my two lovely daughters that I adopted from China as a single mom. I am so blessed to have them in my life.

  98. My special someone is the one I can always count on and never lets me down. He also always knows the right things to say when I need them the most.

  99. Love that clutch, we would be the perfect match, that chocolates are so cute, pretty, small, pink and delicious! Chocolate makes people happy:D in my case they do because i love them!!!
    Someone i love is my little sister, she’s just 3 months old, and everytime i see her i want to squeeze her cheeks, they’re like marshmellows, so soft! and when i see her smiling, she just make my day! she’s a lovely little girl

  100. I am very excited to spend Valentines Day with a new male in my life. My beautiful little man, AJ, 5 weeks old.

  101. Omg! I saw that purse at Nordstroms and wanted it so badly until I saw the price tag! My daughter, who is 8, is the sweetest Valentine anyone can have. She makes me lots of cards and leaves them for me in places that are unexpected. Then she showers me with hugs and kisses.

  102. I have a special friend who I think the world of! He’s been my rock when I have struggled through rough times and he always makes me feel better.

  103. Love that clutch, we would be the perfect match, that chocolates are so cute, pretty, small, pink and delicious! Chocolate makes people happy:D in my case they do because i love them!!!
    Someone i love is my little sister, she’s just 3 months old, and everytime i see her i want to squeeze her cheeks, they’re like marshmellows, so soft! and when i see her smiling, she just make my day! she’s a lovely little girl:)

  104. I love my family – I miss them like crazy now that we all live so far apart!

  105. Ohhh so cuuute..
    I am a single gal so I will say something sweet about my 3 sweet valentine… My kiddos..

    Gabe – you are the funniest dude I know
    ChaCha – you are the sweetest most loving girl in the world
    the Zeke- by god you rock my world.. you love melts me..

  106. OMGosh I love the chocolates and just happen to have that mold!! I am going to have to make some of these for a friend’s baby shower, will just have to change up the theme a tiny bit! Thank you so much for the awesome idea and your talent that you share with us so freely! I just love BAKERELLA!!!!! Also thank you for the awesome possibility of winning the cute CHA CHA Chocolate Clutch by Kate Spade! Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!

  107. Oh Bakerella, you always know the way to our hearts!

    My Valentine just gave me his cold…I told him I appreciate his gifts but I’d really rather chocolates or flowers. :) But he’s a sweetie so I guess I’ll gladly take his sniffles.

  108. Adorable chocolates! I worked with chocolate over Christmas and it was a disaster. I burned it, ruined it, melted it too much, dried it out. But I think I’m inspired to try these you made.

    Something sweet…my husband is awesome. He sacrifices so much for our family and puts up with and supports all my crazy ideas from redecorating to new hobbies and crafts. Also, my 2 beautiful daughters. They are my heart and soul and my special valentines this year :)

  109. I love these little chocolate bites. You always make something amazing!

    I’ve been together with my boyfriend for 6,5 years. He is not into cooking very much but sometimes when he makes something for us for dinner it tastes absolutely amazing. I can feel his love in the meal! :)

  110. I love my family, unconditionally and wholeheartedly. They make me who I am. My daughter makes me a better person. My husband challenges me and thru that I grow. I couldn’t live without them :o)

  111. Bakerella…I’ve never been so excited to open an email….on Valentine’s Day. You gave my single self something to look forward to! I worship you DESSERT QUEEN:).

    So many special someones and not enough days in the year to name them. However, the one particular person that comes to mind is my dear daughter Bella (my dog). She loves me unconditionally, gives the best wet kisses, and keeps me warm at night. Bella is my Valentine’s Day date and I couldn’t ask for a better person/dog. Happy V-Day!

  112. This is a great idea for graduations also…love it!

    My daughter is precious to me. She is 13 now, and so much fun to be around. She respects me as her mom but still has fun and jokes around with me all the time. I love spending time with her <3

  113. Oh this is such a great idea!

    My someone special is my husband for many many reasons. Right now for not sending me to a 12 step program for my addiction to sprinkles. I need to post you a photo on your FB page. But he supports me in my new baking adventures and my new business of making cake pops for friends n families!

    Thank you for the constant inspirations. I hope your Valentines day is amazing!

  114. Oh my goodness, I love how the paper wrappers match the clutch perfectly! Someday I WILL have your talent!

    My special someone today is my boyfriend. We’ve both been there for each other through some serious situations where I know if I hadn’t had him by my side I wouldn’t have been able to fight and persevere through adversity. He is my everything and I wouldn’t be here without him.

    Hope your day is filled with love and joy and, of course, chocolate!

  115. I love how my robotics team is banding together on Valentines day, to work on our one true love… engineering!

  116. I have the best Valentine ever, my two year old daughter, wouldn’t spend it with anyone else but her :)

  117. My boyfriend is great, he loves me and takes care of me…even when I don’t deserve it! He works hard and provides a lovely home and life for us.

  118. My valentine is overseas but I am thinking about him today and wishing he were here! ( and maybe I will eat some chocolate for him as well….)

  119. Wow!!! I want to do these candy bars!!!! I love them!!!! Thank you for the post!!!!

    And today…. and everyday… thanks to my parents, my brother and my hubby (not married yet, but I feel as we were)… thanks to be with me, to help me…. you are the best in my world!!! I love you so much!!

  120. wow! love the wrappers!! I think I need to make these for my valentine – the two most precious persons in my life – my husband and daughter who makes my everyday a valentine day :)

  121. I actually planned to bake a red velvet cake with my valentine today it’s going to be interesting since i just got a stand mixer xD

    but yeah, my mom is my valentine, it amazes me how much love and support she’s always given me, I don’t know how she does it sometimes.

    but you know shes the greatest, not that I’m biased or anything :]

  122. I am surrounded by so many sweet people. My friends are truly amazing!

  123. My husband knows how to make smile! And it’s our 8 year wedding anniversary today!

    Happy Valentine’s Day! :D

  124. These are the most adorable chocolates! My hubby proposed to me 35 years ago on Valentines Day. I am still in love with him as much today as I was 35 years ago. We have raised 4 beautiful children who are blessing us with grandbabies now. I need to make him some of these chocolates to let him know how much he means to me.

  125. My boyfriend deserves all the love I can muster up for him. He is more amazing than any man I could have dreamed for myself. How lucky am I?

  126. I love my boyfriend, he makes every day feel like Valentine’s Day because he is a beautiful poet!

  127. Will get those molds later! Such pretty chocolates :D
    My special someone is my boyfriend who is always there for me and always make me happy <3 Will definitely try this to make a special gift for him!

  128. Oh my this is so sweet! I will say something about someone I love. My daughter is 13 and she tells me all about her day everyday. I love it so much. This week she is gone on a school trip. She has called me twice every day just to tell me all about the gossip that is going on. I told her she doesn’t have to call, I know she is busy and having fun, but she keeps calling anyway. It makes my heart melt! I’m so happy to have her as a daughter. I miss her this week but I’m glad she loves me just as much as I love her <3

  129. what can I say, I love life that is my best valentine’s love life, and love all around it, love my husband and love my daughter, love my everyone ….. good luch to all of you!!! and les keep making tummys happy!!!

  130. I also made homemade chocolate goodies for my husband :D

    And I love Jesus because He first loved me!


  131. These look adorable! And so professional too!

    My supergeek is just amazing, from he hugs to his smile . ?

  132. wow so cute!

    my special someone, my cutie poops ~ love the way he blinks with his long eyelashes while giving a goofy smile c:

  133. Your chocolates are so cute! I must try these for next year.

    My boyfriend is amazing… He is a great father to our daughter as well as the 2 daughters I had from a previous relationship (he loves them as his own children <3)… He also works at night as a full time LVN for the dialysis company we met at and does most of the cooking/cleaning so that I can go to nursing school during the day. We are truly blessed to have him in our lives.

  134. My V-Day shout out goes to my roomies for always being there for me this past year. And I would totally let them borrow the clutch :)

  135. I found your site just now and I absolutely loved this idea! I have never made candy before but I love baking, so I will try it for my wedding =)
    My special someone…. my fiance of course. He helped me to understand what love was, through the peacefulness I feel when he hugs me =)

  136. Love the tiny chocolates, I’m going to have to make these!
    My special person right now is actually two wonderful children, they are 20 and 23, it’s so fun watching them grow into their new lives as 20 year olds!

  137. OMGooosshh this is just to adorable! I love it!

    My special someone, hmmm I have 4 little special someones… my babies they are my reason for breathing without them I’m nothing, I just love the way they all support me in all my crazy ideas and how they help me with my sm business!!! Happy Valentine’s Day Bakerella, and to everyone tooo!!!!

  138. My best friend has taught me more about the world than anyone.

  139. The men in my family, my 2 little boys and husband, mean the world to me (even when they drive me up the wall with their shenanigans, I think they have a secret language of their own sometimes).

  140. Another amazing post from you, and the bag is to die for! Here in Denmark, Skandinavia, we don’t celebrate Valentines like you guys. Here everybody only seem to think Valentines is for couples. So nobody sends friends and family any valentines. So my post is for all of my friends and family, because they all make my life worth living. And lastly for my amazing husband! He puts a smile on my face just by thinking of him, and is my rock!

  141. I just love these! Too cute.

    My special people are my parents who have done so much for me. I am about to move out and into the “real world” and I know I am ready to face anything because of them.


  142. Toooo cute! Your hearts came out so perfect. ;-;

    I certainly love my boyfriend and the fact that he’s worked really hard the last few weeks keeping my apartment clean while I’ve been working late and making dinner. He even helped me with cake balls, even if all he did was hold the cookie sheet while watching Harry Potter.

  143. My hubby had been the reason I’ve been able to go for and accomplish my dreams. He’s been my friend to laugh with, my cheerleader to push me and a shoulder to cry on. I couldn’t ask for a better blessing in life.

  144. I LOVE this!! And you can make all kinds of shapes in he squares!!! :)

    My special someone I love is my daughter Kady, because she is in an amazing relationship with an amazing guy and seeing their “love” is so refreshing!! While I have been married for 23 years to the greatest guy on the planet, it is great to see that the “love” we shared is rubbing off on her. :)

  145. My mum and I have our own eye language so that we can speak about shopping and spending money behind my dad’s back. I love her and am so grateful to have her! :)

  146. must have! :)

    Sat on the couch enjoying some me time! Boys went to bed and husband went to play basketball. I was missing him and thought how wonderful it is that after 22 years of knowing each other that I miss him still even if he is gone for a couple of hours. How I can’t wait till we snuggle on the couch together :)

  147. I can’t imagine having the time or patience to,be so crafty! You are amazing! Something sweet about my kids… They are the best thing in my life and inspire me to be a better person. Happy Valentine’s day! <3

  148. I love love love Chocs!! My special someone apart from my lovely husband is my newly addition to the family.. my newborn baby girl. Love her sooo much.. my little sunshine…

  149. Wow! That clutch is the perfect match for the Chocolatey Bath Things the best hubby of them all gave me for my birthday last week! He knows me so well and always, always wants me to be happy. I hope I’m making him as happy as he makes me!

  150. Those chocolates are so very cute!!
    I’m so happy to have my husband in my life, who understands me & makes me laugh harder than anyone else.

  151. Today I want to say to my Irish : I LOVE YOU. You’re my giant freckle, my skitten with whiskers, and because you’re sooooo cute, i can’t help but finding ridiculously cute names for you… Sorry my love. I’m just mad about you!

  152. So adorable!

    I appreciate all that my 6-year-old does to help out with her 2-year-old brother – she’s so patient, so ready to entertain and distract him, so quick to give hugs and kisses. I know – give it a few years and we’ll see a lot more sibling rivalry, but for now it’s a little slice of heaven.

  153. I absolutely love this idea…will have to bookmark it for next year, for sure! So sweet and professional!

    I love my mom. She is my rock and I would never be able to get through the day without her. <3

  154. These look delicious!

    I love my husband. He’s just as smart witted as me. His humor and kind ways keep me grounded and I love how much he loves our two boys and me. He is such a hard worker and will do whatever it takes to make sure that we have everything we could ever need or want.

  155. iLove the chocolates you made.. and iLiked the wrappers more ;)

    iLove God more than anything else because he knows whats in my heart more than anybody else.. and he is a good listener too :)

  156. Right now I’m watching Star Trek with my boyfriend, and I can’t imagine doing anything better. He is wonderful, and I’m lucky to have him!

  157. wow, that is a beautiful bag. The epicness of the blog post blew ma mind! As a single lady, I proudly love valentine’s day! If only I had time to make handmade mini choco bars for my loving friends and family *sigh*

  158. So cute! I still need to make a Valentine’s Day goodie, so thanks for the inspiration! The bag is awesome – it definitely had me fooled for a second.

    So, someone I love… I’m going to have to go with my dog Rio on this one! She is the one that’s always there for me to kiss and snuggle with. I love her more than anything. And I don’t have to worry about her breaking up with me, ha!

  159. I have had the same Valentine for 31 years (my husband)!

  160. I’m the luckiest girl is the world, my special person is the most amazing and perfect man for me. He’s my best friend and the love of my life….I’m so lucky to he picked me….and continues to be so supportive as I pursue my dreams in graduate school. He’s my rock, my hero, my love, and I couldn’t be where I am today without him. He’s the one that has my heart…

    I love your chocolates and am in love with the kate spade purse. It would be the perfect accessory for date night! XOXO

  161. Cute as always, Happy Valentine’s Day! My shout out is to my wonderful hubby, he’s my Happily Ever After! I’m thankful for him & our life together.

  162. Love this, so sweet! Happy Valentine´s day! :-)

  163. Love the chocolates!!

    My valentine is my wonderful husband, whom I absolutely adore. :)

  164. OH MY gorgeous!! I am so thankful to have the love of my life by my side. Even tho he may be deployed at times and fighting overseas he is always near me. He is the best father and husband I could ever ask for!

  165. cute bag… and cute chocolate… happy valentine

  166. oh this clutch is adorable.

    my best friend H is someone i love dearly. no matter how crazy and neurotic i get, his unwavering loyalty and understanding have helped me through it. he’s one of those once in a lifetime people that enter your life and make it instantly better.

  167. My best friend Ruby. Even though we live on opposite sides of the country she is always there for me, no matter what. She is such a beautiful person and there’s never a day where I don’t realise how lucky I am to have her in my life ?

  168. So cute!! Both the cha cha chocolates AND the purse! :) My sweet husband just rocks my world. And he saves us from celebrating Valentine’s Day, since his birthday is Feb 14th! Of course I still buy him heart shaped candies since he’s a chocoholic and I <3 him.

  169. Sooo cute! I wish I saw this post earlier. I just made Oreo cookie candies coz they were pretty easy. Your Cha Cha Chocolates are waaayy cuter! Thanks for all your fun ideas, Bakerella!

  170. My favorite valentine moment so far this year is my daughter the morning after getting chocolates from her grandma saying”ah that is so sweet she got me a movie and chocolates! she must really love me” The wonder and simple joy of being four years old.

  171. My adorable children are my valentine this year! I have somehow created 3 children who love to cuddle, share their love, and give lots of kisses, to me, to my hubby, and to each other! I will say about them what my mom recently said to me: “I don’t need to give them happiness…they have the natural ability to find it!”

  172. My hubby is sweet and understanding, he didn’t get at all upset when I forgot to buy the chicken to make tonight’s special Valentine’s dinner. Now we’re going out for dinner tonight and I’m cooking tomorrow night, instead!

  173. i love cute gifts like these!!!

  174. Woooow how adorable are these! Totally Bakerella and would love to try them. Thank you for your amazing ideas, the only thing is I live in the I have a chance to win? Or is it only for the people in USA?

    I don’t do Valentine’s day, but I really love my parents, because they always care about me and help me with the hard things in life. <3 them forever!

  175. I would love to have that for my best friend who has been there beside me through some extensive medical treatments. It would be a very sweet way to thank her for her devotion.

  176. I absolutely adore Kate Spade! Those chocolates aren’t half bad either!! I absolutely adore my good friend Jess. We just get each other and can do nice little things for one another without asking or feeling obligated to pay it back. It’s a fantastic friendship and she’s my Valentine this year! :D

  177. If only I had seen these prior to right now! Each year for Valentine’s Day my boyfriend and I (this will be year 6) have a little competition to see who can get each other the best gift for under $10. So far he’s won 4 out of 5, and with these chocolates I might’ve had a chance. I guess there’s always next year. And besides, even if he gloats when he’s victorious he’s a great guy and I love him to pieces (preferably reese’s pieces)

  178. adorable lead in!

    I want to say thank you to my mom. Even though it’s said by millions and billions of people: it will never ever be cliche or said enough because their love, her love, is just so enormously great: mind-boggingly sweet to my soul.

  179. Sooooooooo cute!!!!!!

  180. I am feeling bittersweet about my husband working soo much, but he is the sweetest man whom I love soo much!!!

  181. Loved the post! Valentine’s shout out to my dad who sent me the sweetest valentine’s card! Love him to pieces =)

  182. My husband is the best father to our two sons. Everyday I am so thankful to have found someone so wonderful and loving.

  183. Those are so cute! My special someone is my mom. She always does so many cute and wonderful things for me. I love her so so much! :)

  184. This clutch is to die for – and your little chocolates are so sweet looking! My best friends have been there for me through a tough year (love life wise at least) I don’t know what I’d do without them especially Breton who is my honorary valentine this year! :)

  185. love it! My husband is the only person that I can be a total jerk to sometimes and he still loves me! haha 12 years strong and a lifetime to go <3 him to pieces =D

  186. Cutest clutch ever! I don’t get to spend V-day with my little loves, but the nice thing about a 3 and 5 year old is Valentine’s day is whatever day I tell them it is, so we are going to celebrate together on the 15th instead <3

  187. Everything about this post is just adorable!

    I have two someones, my parents! I’m struggling to make it out of college (last semester!) and they have just been amazing and helpful and understanding and I love them very much.

  188. My mom is seriously awesome. I’m a college student and she still sends me a Valentine’s Day card in the mail each year. She rocks! <3 I love her so much!

  189. Oh my gosh, this post is just full of amazing. I love your little chocolates (so sweet!) and I laughed out loud at the nice shoes heart wrapper ;) The clutch is absolutely brilliant. As an avid chocolate lover, naturally I’d love one. We don’t usually celebrate valentines day, but I made my boyfriend a small card yesterday night because I just love him so much and it felt like a good opportunity to tell him that. Again. ;)

  190. Love Love Love the Chocolates! A must try! I would Love Love Love to win that chocolate bar clutch too stinkin cute!

    My special someone is my hubby. The most amazing husband and father. I could not ask for more. One lucky girl here! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  191. Nice clutch! I love Valentine’s Day because my boyfriend always makes me feel like a princess. Also he gives me lots of chocolate.

  192. Happy valentines day! I love my husband and two boys and can’t wait fir this third one to get here. Hoping he us a valentines baby.

  193. Those chocolates are ADORABLE. I want one ;D

    My someones are all the wonderful friends I made here in the scary place we call college. I wouldn’t have survived the first quarter without them!

  194. Incredibly cute and wonderful idea!
    My hubby is sweet & thoughtful all year round really and this year I made him a few baked sweet treats that I hope will make his heart happy!

  195. Oh my goodness!!!! You made tiny candy bars! That’s so stinking adorable. I’m seriously impressed that you even made custom little wrappers. *gush*

    My valentine is my whole world, and I’m still excited to see his face every single morning even after 5 years of marriage, and him spending the night snoring in my ear. I love him to pieces, and I were to painstakingly wrap chocolate for anyone, it would be for him. =)

  196. I know I probably won’t win because I’m the first post but Iove this clutch and post too much to not comment! My boyfriend is not about to send valentines day with me but he sent me this very sweet and very thoughtful poem at midnight^^ I love him very much.

  197. I love these chocolates! You inspire me every day! My special someone is my hubby. We don’t celebrate Valentine’s day as it is his birthday and that is way more important! I love him and he is an amazing man, husband and father.

  198. i would love to win that clutch! i love kate spade:) and the chocolates are adorable!

    my special someone is my loving boyfriend, because without him I’d never get through my hectic life! He’s always there for me, through good and bad, and words just can’t describe how thankful I am to have him :) I’m a lucky girl!

  199. I love these chocolates! So simple and sweet. My someone I love is my wonderful fiance who can make me smile even on the worst days

  200. Love how you decorated the chocolates! I gotta try that sometime :)

    My special someone is my mom. Thank you for all the sacrifices and the unconditional love. You’ll forever be my valentine <3 Love youuu!

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