
Give Books

My publisher, Chronicle Books launched a fun Give Books campaign yesterday. They are partnering with authors, artists and blogs to encourage people to give books for the holidays and I’m helping them spread the word. Books are a perfect gift don’t you think. There’s one for everyone. For every age, for every interest. They are personal and the right one can really show the recipient how much you care. They feel good to hold and they make you feel good to give.

I know because I’m giving away 10 books courtesy of Chronicle Books.

I stuck with all cookbooks and I tried to find a good mix for keeping or gift giving. It’s up to you.

Want to see which ones I picked from their website?

Good… let’s check out some sweet reads! I think these would all come in pretty handy for holiday baking.


Now since I’m an equal opportunity eater,
here’s another set of 10 books you might want more.

These are less sweet and much more savory.


Want a chance to win one of these groups of ten?

You choose which one.

  • Just leave a comment on the blog and let me know which group of ten you’d like to win. Sweet or savory?
  • The deadline to enter is 6:00 pm ET on Thursday, November 15, 2012 SORRY, TIME’S UP! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Thursday evening on this post.

Good luck guys!

P.S. Here’s a post on Chronicle’s blog if you’d like to try and win one of the other sets of ten books chosen by others.

And now through December 31, enjoy 30% off + free ground shipping on all holiday orders at! Just enter discount code GIVEBOOKS at checkout.

Give Books artwork created by the amazing Julia Rothman!


We have a winner!

Yay Redheadwriter! I think I might have picked savory, too. Those covers all look amazing. Enjoy!

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4,336 comments on “Give Books”

  1. Definitely sweets… I align myself with baking more than cooking :)

  2. I’d have to go with the sweet collection.

  3. Wait, did you somehow look at my Amazon wishlist when compiling the Sweet list? Seriously, I have most all of those on my wish list, hoping that my hubby will get me some! It would be amazing to win those!!

  4. Definitely savory!

  5. Cupcakes please!!!!! They are all good books I will take them all :) thanks

  6. The sweet set for sure! I love baking, and making new things

  7. SWEET!! Definitely!

  8. I can never have enough sweets!!!! Sweets all the way!! :) LOVE this blog so much! All the yummy goodness makes me want to bake for ever lol :) Would like the sweet set :)

  9. Sweet, of course!

  10. Before I got to the end of this post I was worried we would have to pick just one book and all I could think was, “There’s no way I can choose!” Picking between sweet and savory is a little bit easier…SWEET!

  11. Sweet! Sweet! Sweet!

  12. SWEET!!!!!!!

  13. The savory, only because I have way too many sweet cookbooks.

  14. Sweeeeeet! :-):-):-)

  15. Sweet sweet sweet ! :)

  16. Sweets because that’s all I make!

  17. I think sweet, for sure!

  18. Oh my God, the Sweet collection looks so good, I’m hungry now!

  19. Savory for the win!

  20. Tough choice… But because I have to choose I’ll go with sweet:)

  21. I’m one of those people who have all books in my Christmas wish list and I think I just added more! I’d have to go with SWEET ;)

  22. Definitely sweet for me!!

  23. I think…. I would go for… SWEET! :D

  24. Sweet please!

  25. I normally for for sweet since I have a huge sweet tooth, but these savory books look amazing too. But I’m going to stick with sweet.

  26. everything looks so amazing… but i’d have to go with the savory this time QQ

  27. I would totally love the sweets book set. They all look so great.

  28. While I do have a huge sweet tooth, I love those savory cookbooks! My boyfriend and I are always looking for new, fun dinner recipes to try.

  29. You can never have enough sweetness in ur life!!! Would LOVE to win the sweet set :) This is such an amazing giveaway!!! :)

  30. Savory….because that cheese book looks amazing!

  31. That really is a hard one. Love both sweet and savory! Gotta go sweet :)

  32. Sweet! Not enough of those in my bookshelf :)

  33. Hardest decision ever o_o
    half and half? no?
    okay savory

  34. The Savory Set would be fabulous. I need many ideas for the holiday season.

  35. Usually I’m a sweet type of girl, but those savory books are looking awfully tempting. So savory it is! :-)

  36. Sweet is always my fav. but i have no savory in my cookbook collection. So savory it is!!:))?

  37. Sweet tooth must have sweet books!!!

  38. that’s one really tough decision, but as I already have so so many baking books, I’ll go with savory!!!

  39. Decisions, decisions! Love sweet, but there is ALWAYS room for SAVORY!

  40. Sweet for sure !!!!

  41. I like both set but, I will go for the SWEET one!!! :-)

  42. Sweet :)

  43. sweet sweet sweet sweet <3

  44. I’d go for Savory since that’s where I need more help!

  45. Luv me some sweet!! I’d love the sweet ones! It will be used for my future baking with my daughter. I already have matching aprons! Great give away!

  46. Why must you tempt me? As great as the Sweet side is, I’d have to go with Savory, especially since I’ve been going brain-dead over dinner almost everyday these past new months!

  47. Sweet all the way!

  48. I love to try new things on my coworkers I would love to have this week set.

  49. I would LOOOOVE the sweet set


  50. I would have to say sweet. They all look like wonderful cookbooks though.

  51. both sets look amazing, but i think i’d go with savory this time!

  52. I’d love to pick SWEET books!!

  53. I need to break out of my rut, so I would love the Savory.

  54. Sweet for me, please!!

  55. I would love to win the Sweets set!!! Even if I don’t win I am going to add a few of those to my to-buy list…Probably will add a few of the savory ones too, but the Sweets set is definitely the one I would want to win.

  56. All these books look so amazing!
    but of course, I have to go with the sweet!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  57. I love giving books to people. As for the collection I would have to go sweet, since some of the savory is of the carnivore cognizant variety.

  58. I’d love to win the savory group :)

  59. Sweet :D

  60. Oh that is a hard decision =] but I think I would have to go with Sweet!

  61. i would love the sweet set. i love to bake and I love to try new things!!!

  62. sweet of course! those books look good enough to eat – can’t wait to try how good the actual food is ^_^

  63. Omg! There is a TrueBlood cook book? I must get this! However I would say a give away before the holidays would best be a SWEET give away! Absolutely love the collection of sweet cookbooks.

  64. I’m going to have to go with SWEET!!!!! Though I love both…such great choices :)

  65. Oh! the sweet cookbooks are right up my alley, I’ve got a serious sweet tooth!

  66. Sweet! So many recipes to try!

  67. Savory! Seeing how I’m a bride-to-be within the year, I’m loving the Newlywed cookbook!

  68. Tough decision…but I’d have to go with sweet!

  69. tough decision to make but cake pops and handheld pies got the better of me! So sweets please!!! Sweet tooth is acting up again just by looking at the cover <3

  70. I would have to say sweet. They all look like awesome cookbooks though!

  71. Would love to check out the sweet ones!!!

  72. Oh tough choice! But I love the sweet more!

  73. YOU’RE GOING TO MAKE ME CHOOSE?! I suppose at the end of the day I’d have to pick savory. But only because I have a family who has to eat more then cupcakes on a regular basis. –at least that’s what they say, right?!

  74. The set of “Sweet” cookbooks are to die for! I would love the Cupcake or Flour cookbooks….although all look great! I enjoy all forms of cooking, but baking sweets is definitely my favorite.
    Thanks as always!

  75. Sweet, sweet, sweet for me,

  76. Wow, really neat collections! I think I would have to go with the savory set, since my meal plans are getting a bit boring these days!

  77. I’d love to pick SWEET books!!

  78. Sweet! YUMMM!

  79. definitely SAVORY :)

  80. Savory!!

    Savory, all the way!!

    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!!

  81. OMG! I would normally go with sweet, but I’ve recently been trying to become a better cook – so I’d say savory this time around!

    Although, sweet would be nice :) haha

  82. I would love to have the SWEET group!!
    Thank you for the chance!:)

  83. I would love to like the savory ones, but I am most definately a sweet tooth, so I’ll have to say sweet too!

  84. Wow…great choices. It’s a tough one but SWEET will always win out in my book.

  85. Sweet. These books are awesome!

  86. I pick sweet, in honor of my wicked sweet tooth!

  87. Sweet! I’ve been wanting your new book and the Flour book for some time now!

  88. Beautiful books!! I’d pick savoury :)

  89. The sweet books look delicious but Savory please! Those look so intriguing. I had no idea True Blood had a cookbook!

  90. Both are great, but sweet, there are a set of those books I’ve had my eye on for awhile now.

  91. Tough choice! But I have to go with sweet.

  92. I’m all about the SWEET life. I’m sure if I got any of those books, my family would be getting packages of cookies and little pies almost weekly. Starry-eyed over how great Flour looks. *___*

  93. The Sweet set, for sure…

  94. So many books! So little time! Sweets all the way for me! Would love to know the secret behind those great cakes!

  95. I was going to say savory, but… I would choose sweet based on those selections!

  96. Awww, SWEET!!!

    Really, that’s the set I’d go with! Savory looks great, but I would really love Sweet!

  97. Selfishly, I’d love the sweet books! But practically, I’d love ‘the newlywed cookbook’ – we’ve been married a month tomorrow and my newly minted husband could benefit from some new meals already!

  98. I really want the sweet books…but honestly I would not turn down either set…I really hope I win…fingers crossed!!!

  99. Ugh! S-W-E-E-T I love sweets! I’d love that! <3

  100. SWEET. Please. :)

  101. I think I would like the sweet books. I like to eat savory but I love to cook sweet!

  102. As someone who cannot cook to save my life, I should probably choose savory…but I’m a girl who loves her sweets! So sweet all the way!

  103. Savory! I have most of the sweet ones, lol. The brittle one is amazing!!

  104. Wow – hard to choose. I like both sweet and savory, but I think I’d like the sweet ones better!

  105. Sweet please!!!!!!!! Those all look FABULOUS!!!

  106. Sorry…guess that means that I would like “Sweet”!

  107. How I wish I serie lucky enough to win that set of SWEETNESS!

  108. Sweet, definitely! These are some gorgeous books!

  109. I’d love both, but if I had to choose I’d go for sweet:)

  110. The Savory…..I’ve already got most of the Sweet! <3

  111. Sweet all the way!

  112. Sweet for sure!

  113. Tough to choose…. I’ll go with savory, please!

  114. Sugar n spice
    Make everything nice!!!!

  115. Savory for sure!

  116. Definitely the sweet set! What a great giveaway!

  117. Either would be amazing, but SWEET!

  118. If I won, I’d definitely request the set of sweet books! The savory True Blood book is tempting but I’d go with the Sweet books all the way. I’d keep a couple of the sweet books and gift the rest. I’ve got three bakers in mind already for some of those books.

  119. It’s sooo hard to choose. They both look delightful, but I have to say that I have been wanting a copy of “Flour” forever and of course would love to have a “Cake Pops” book too. Oh, is anyone listening? Pretty please with a chocolate chip on top, help me win! Happy Holidays all!

  120. Savory for sure. I have a sweet tooth, but I’m always trying to find news ways to make meals an adventure.

  121. I have some sweet books already so I guess …SAVORY it is! They all look so good though! You have such good taste in cook books!

  122. Keys to the Kitchen or the Newly Wed one!

  123. I would love to have those SWEET ones! Sweet Christmas for the sweet tooth :D Thanks Bakerella!

  124. Most definitely sweet! I have a soft spot for baked goodies :)

  125. I definitely have a SWEET tooth.

    Fun giveaway. I hope I win!

  126. Sweet for me, please!

  127. Sah-weet! I Love to bake and I Love cookbooks!

  128. I’m gonna have to go with savory.

  129. Nice idea :) Tough choice between the sets though!! I guess there is a higher chance of me usung the sweet set, so I’ll have to go for that!

  130. I would love the savory books! How awesome is that True Blood cookbook? I LOVE that show? Vampire Eric ic my Edward <3

    Thanks for the opportunity!!

  131. Definitely the SWEET!! I <3 to bake!! =)

  132. I SHOULD say savory but I’m all about the sweets. :) Thanks for the chance!

  133. Definitely the sweet set! What a fun giveaway!

  134. YES! Savory.

  135. Loooove *savoury* items for myself(, but I love to make sweets for friends and family.) :)

  136. Savory! Thank you for the opportunity. :)

  137. no doubt about it, it the sweet set for sure

  138. Sweet for sure! Thanks :)

  139. Ruhlman’s Twenty or Pasta of Italy

  140. Savory! So many options! I saved a bunch of these books to my amazon wishlist in hopes for some books under the Christmas tree.

  141. so hard to chose! But I would LOVE the Sweet group please!

  142. Oh, those ALL look fantastic!!! I love the sweet… but for this contest I think I’ll go with SAVORY! Thanks so much!


  143. Sweet, sweet, sweet! :-) :-)

    You’re the greatest, Bakerella!

  144. Usually savoury, but at Christmas I’m stuck on sweets and can’t wait to start baking sweet treats for those that I love.

  145. Oh no! I would love either set! I guess I’ll go with savory though (since I have more baking books than recipe books, it might add more variety for me!)

  146. Wow! Those are lovely! I’m going to have to go with sweet.

  147. Sweet! I didn’t go to pastry school for nothing!

  148. I”m usually more of a savory person but I LOVE the look of all those SWEETS!!! I”m gonna have to go with SWEET SWEET SWEET!!!!

  149. Savory, definitely!

  150. definitely sweet!

  151. Gonna go for Sweet. Yum.

  152. Definitely savory! I want to get better at cooking meals and would love to have new recipes to try!

  153. Sweet….There are at least 6 out of those that I know would make a perfect gift for certain people. Thanks for the opportunity.

  154. Would Love a set of Sweet Books :-)

  155. Sweet! Definately Sweet!!!

  156. Sweet, please!

  157. Savory for sure!

  158. As much as I love sweets…I’d have to go for savory!

  159. Sweet! No doubt about it!

  160. Sweets! Sweets! Sweets!!!!!!

  161. Definately sweet :)

  162. Sweet! please! So much fun. :-)

  163. Savoury please

  164. I would absolutely love a set of the sweet books. Although the savory look amazing as well.

  165. I would love to have the SWEET group!!

  166. Savory! Although it was a tough choice.

  167. SWEET! SWEET!! SWEET!!! I can’t help it. As much as I love to find fantastic savory recipes for my family, I can’t pass up an opportunity to learn how to make all those gorgeous sweets.

    Snoopy :D

  168. Has to be sweet!

  169. savory please <3

  170. Savory would be my choice!

  171. They all look amazing, but I would have to choose the sweets group!

  172. I can’t pass up SWEET! Awesome opportunity!

  173. Both sets look amazing but I have more of a sweet tooth so I’d have to pick the “Sweet Set”. :)

  174. I’m all for sweet!

  175. So exciting, I love books!!!! Sweet please : )

  176. sweet! my husband and i LOVE sweets :]

  177. I just started drooling… Sweet for sure!!!

  178. Savory, please

  179. Sweet!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  180. Wow, amazing books! I usually think of myself as a sweet tooth, but I think I’d have to go with savory this time around.

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