
Give Books

My publisher, Chronicle Books launched a fun Give Books campaign yesterday. They are partnering with authors, artists and blogs to encourage people to give books for the holidays and I’m helping them spread the word. Books are a perfect gift don’t you think. There’s one for everyone. For every age, for every interest. They are personal and the right one can really show the recipient how much you care. They feel good to hold and they make you feel good to give.

I know because I’m giving away 10 books courtesy of Chronicle Books.

I stuck with all cookbooks and I tried to find a good mix for keeping or gift giving. It’s up to you.

Want to see which ones I picked from their website?

Good… let’s check out some sweet reads! I think these would all come in pretty handy for holiday baking.


Now since I’m an equal opportunity eater,
here’s another set of 10 books you might want more.

These are less sweet and much more savory.


Want a chance to win one of these groups of ten?

You choose which one.

  • Just leave a comment on the blog and let me know which group of ten you’d like to win. Sweet or savory?
  • The deadline to enter is 6:00 pm ET on Thursday, November 15, 2012 SORRY, TIME’S UP! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Thursday evening on this post.

Good luck guys!

P.S. Here’s a post on Chronicle’s blog if you’d like to try and win one of the other sets of ten books chosen by others.

And now through December 31, enjoy 30% off + free ground shipping on all holiday orders at! Just enter discount code GIVEBOOKS at checkout.

Give Books artwork created by the amazing Julia Rothman!


We have a winner!

Yay Redheadwriter! I think I might have picked savory, too. Those covers all look amazing. Enjoy!

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4,336 comments on “Give Books”

  1. Wow! I’d choose savory – some people have a sweet tooth, but I have a cheese tooth :-D

  2. Savory! Both sets look amazing, but I really want that pasta book! Plus, I have several of the sweet ones already. Tartine’s lemon bars are divine!

  3. That’s so nice of you! :)
    The sweet set would definitely be put to good use in our house…

  4. I don’t have a very big sweet tooth, however I love the sweet set just because I can share the wealth with friends!

  5. sweet please! I love cookbooks so much

  6. you always have the BEST giveaways!! hmmm, since i’m self-taught and aspire to be a better baker, i choose the sweets set!!! =D

  7. Ah! I’m a sweetooth, I am, but I know I already take much more sweet than I should xD
    So I’m going for savory instead :D

  8. All the books look so good. Very confusing. A combination of both? If not, then sweet.

  9. Sweet!!! :)

  10. OMG yes yes I want sweet books :D


  11. Me? Definitely have a sweet tooth! So obviously, I’ll go for the sweet package !

  12. I would love a little bit of both, but at heart, I’m a sweet, baking kind of girl. So I’d go with SWEET!

  13. Definitely sweets all the way! :)

  14. Definitely SWEET for me. I’ve always had a massive sweet tooth :)

  15. The SweetSet .
    Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win:)

  16. Sweet, of course! I would love to get my hands on that Holiday Cake Pops book :)!

  17. Savory!!!

  18. I am a savoury lass!

    Thank you for the generous giveaway and I look forward to seeing your Thanksgiving cake pops!

  19. Sweet please! I’m always looking for new desserts to try :)

  20. thinking to write a book…absolutely sweet….even if in this wonderful world is difficult to choose…!!!;)

  21. Sweets! I love sweets! Chocolate, cookies, cake, candy, cupcakes, brownies. YUM! Did I mention I love sweets :)

  22. Sweet! I love Chronicle, and I love cookbooks. This is just a dream giveaway! :)

  23. As much as I’d love the sweet set I think I would pick the savory! That True Blood cook book is calling my name!

  24. Savory please :-)

  25. Sweet! Although savory sounds and looks good too!!

  26. Yey :3

    Savory for sure!!!

  27. Absolutely sweet!!!! <3 I falled in love only seeing pictures..:)

  28. Sweet! The Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey one looks perfect for me!

  29. oh definitely sweet! no doubt bout that!

  30. Sweet, please!

  31. I love my sweets but I would have to say savory!

  32. wow! both sets look amazing! I wouldn’t mind either set, but since I already have a lot of sweet cookbooks, I would have to go with savory :)

  33. How can I choose between awesome cakes and awesome pasta and meat and cheese?!?! I guess if I’d HAVE to choose, it would be the savory–nothing beats a great home cooked meal!


  35. I would love to win the sweet group though I’d be happy with the savory too :)

  36. While the sweet ones are tempting I would have to go for the savory. My sweet tooth (and waistline!) are bad enough as it is!

  37. oooh, hard choice. i dont really cook but my parents LOVE to, so savory would be good for them; however, my sister and i like to bake (though she bakes far more frequently).

    i think it’d be sweets, cant pass up a cupcake.

  38. Savory please please please! Thanks!

  39. Sweet all the way! TFS!

  40. Sweets please:) great giveaway , thank you bakerella????

  41. Sweet! Sweet for the holidays!! It’ll be a SWEEEEET present!

  42. i usually go with sweet but this time i think i will go with savory. thank you for the giveaway!

  43. Savory! Due in large part to Michael Ruhlman’s book, but they all sound awesome. Thanks!

  44. sweet!! love your site!!!!

  45. Sweet, please!! :)

  46. Would definitely go for the sweets one, would love to try new recipes.????

  47. Sweet!! Totally.

  48. I would love the sweets collection. Thank you:)

  49. Sweet, please!!!! :)

  50. I would definitely go for the sweets one,would love to try new recipes .????

  51. Savory please! The sweet set is so tempting but I think I’d get much more use from the savory set.

  52. Oh gosh, never would have thought I’d say it, but the Cheese one is too much. Savory!

  53. Sweet, but barely! Would be happy with either.

  54. I’d normally go for sweet, but I’m thinking savory

  55. Sweet for me…those books look fab!

  56. Sweet set, definitely!

  57. Oh what a hard choice! But sweet wins!:)

  58. Sweet for sweet tooth :)

  59. Savory! That cheese book looks really intriguing!

  60. Sweet all the way!

  61. Definitely Sweet!

  62. Definitely Sweet!

  63. The sweet books for sure! I’d love that set :)

  64. I <3 chronicle books :) I would love to have the sweet set!

  65. Sweet….all the books look great

  66. I would say sweet because I love to bake…my husband might tell you savory because I am a horrible cook!

  67. Love the irony of offering a savory set on your website, I’m also going for sweet

  68. I am totally into the sweet set….Awesome collection!!!

  69. Mmmm savory for sure :) Thanks!!

  70. I would love the sweet books!!!!

  71. I think I would go with savory, though the sweet is tempting!

  72. Oh how *sweet* ‘twould be to win a set of SWEET cookbooks from thee! ;) Thanks for the chance! :D

  73. Tough choice- but it’s all about the SWEETS for me!

  74. Sweet all the way!! Thank you for hosting the giveaway!

  75. i want to say savory, but i can’t resist the sweets!!!

  76. You had me at cheesemonger…I’d take the savory!

  77. Oh my! Savory, sweet, savory, sweet? Ok ok, I’ll choose… SWEET! I’m always on the curious side, and I have to admit, on the sweet curious side ;-)

    Sweet books pretty please!

  78. I would chose savory, because I already have tons of books about sweets and I need some creative sparkle on the savory area!

  79. Um, obviously, SWEET! Although I would be happy to get any one of those books!

  80. SWEET! Those books would make excellent additions to my collection ;)

  81. Normally I’d say savory (and that pasta book looks AMAZING), but I definitely have to say sweet for those groups. NOM.

  82. Wow, those handheld pies look delish, but the savory set is just calling to me!

  83. Great selection on both sides, but I’m a sweet girl through and through ;)

  84. It’s so hard to decide. I would usually say sweet, but these savory books look too good!

  85. Sweet.. Every time!!

  86. Oh the two things i love the most, reading and baking! I would like a sweet book please :)

  87. Ahhh the sweet collection looks amazing!

  88. Both those sets look fab, but I’d love to win the Sweet set! :D

  89. sweet fo sure!

  90. Savory! Though, I always love a good bundt cake or trip to Tartine.

  91. Sweets, no question! Thanks for hosting this wonderful giveaway.

  92. Sweet, please. Love the books!

  93. Gluten free cooking is such a challenge, and a good friend just learned she’s allergic.. I’d love the Gluten free for the holidays cookbook. Everyone should enjoy yummy treats for the holidays!

  94. I would so love the sweet set. Great variety.

  95. Savory would be my pick. I love sweets and have lots of recipes for those, so savory would be a good addition.

  96. I would have to say sweet. I have a copy of Tartine Bread, but would love the other Tartine book as well.

  97. Sweet! PLEASE!

  98. Wow! What a great contest! I would absolutely love either set, but I’m going with the sweet this time. :)

  99. Savoury, they look amazing!

  100. Though one…but i think i’d have to go with SWEETS!

  101. Definitely Sweet!

  102. Such great books all of them! I’d love the Gluten Free cookbook for the holidays.

  103. I think I’d enjoy the savory side!

  104. I’d have to go for sweet!

  105. SWEET! I’ve heard nothing but great things about the “Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey” book, and the rest of the books in the set look amazing!

  106. My family has such a sweet tooth so …..SWEETS IT IS.
    I love books so I am glad I am able to help child learn to read more because I am in the reading lab at a school.

  107. I would love the sweet set, thank you!

  108. Oh my, I guess the sweet set. I’m always trying to come up with something easy and quick to take to work and the bundt cake book looks ideal.

  109. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but, savory please! Maybe I’ve just had my fill of sweet for the evening, after eating smittenkitchen’s awesome apple caramel tart…

  110. they all look amazing, but this time i’m going with savory :)

  111. Sweet!!!

  112. Oh, so hard to decide, they both look fabulous! My husband would love the sweets, though! He’s a great baker and we have fun making things together.

  113. The sweet for sure!!!

  114. Mmmmm, maybe it’s because I skipped dinner tonight. But I think I’d pick savory!

  115. Oh. My. God. You cruel woman, I’m starving now. And I’m meant to be eating healthy this week. Darn you. I love sweet things so very much, it’s sickening. I would love the Sweets one, although I have to say given my love for pasta, the Pastas of Italy book looks delicious…

  116. They all look so great, but I just got a new one for holiday sweets, so I have to choose savory this time! Happy Holidays!

  117. Yum!
    Hard decision but I will have to go with Sweet.
    All the books look awesome and would sure get a workout during the 8 week-long summer holidays comming up in Australia expecially with christmas around the corner.

  118. I have so many sweet books that I am ready for something SAVORY! Crossing my fingers and toes.

  119. Sweet! Our annual baking day is coming up and we’re always looking for new things to try.

  120. Savory! Such a great variety here!

  121. Savory!

  122. Yes. All of them. Or sweet if I must choose.

  123. I would love, love, love to win the sweet books! They would be perfect for Christmas baking and Christmas giving!!

  124. Sweet, of course!

  125. They all look great but will have to go with sweet since I think I can live off sweets ;-)

  126. I’ll have to say savory. I love baking, but I think some of those savory books would be really handy. Time to balance my kitchen a bit ;-)

  127. Yum!!! Definitely sweet! :)

  128. Absolutely, the Sweets! You can never have enough sugar in your life (although my dentist may disagree ;)

  129. Ooo…. hard to choose! I’m going to go……….sweet. Because baking is more fun to share with people

  130. Sweets! Yum! You are awesome!!

  131. mm..sweet! :)

  132. I love the sweet set! You picked amazing books, I hope I win!

  133. Yum!!! Definitely sweet. :)

  134. Sweet, please! Thanks for the giveaway!

  135. Sweet would be my choice! All the books looks amazing though. Thanks for sharing!

  136. Sweet all the way!

  137. Hi, I’m starting with cooking at the moment and I really got impressed with the page. Sweet will be great for me, thanks.

  138. Absolutely sweet, please :)

  139. What a hard decision, but I choose savory! Thanks for the giveaway!

  140. What a SWEET giveaway! Winning would be the icing on my holiday cake!

  141. Sweet sweet sweet!!!

  142. They both have amazing looking books but I would have to go with sweet :)

  143. Sweeeet please! I’ve strayed from my sweet roots and would love to get reacquainted!

  144. Sweet please

  145. Definitely sweet!! Thanks for the giveaway! Awesome picks!

  146. savory, please

  147. Sweeeet!

  148. Sweet pleaassssse ( the gluten free!!! Nice to make a tread for my gluten free family members)

  149. Savory! …. only because I already have most of the Sweet ones (and have loved them so much I’ve wrapped up a few for friends)

  150. Savory, without a doubt. Despite my love for baking, that category won me over Plenty, Cheesemonger’s, and True Blood.

  151. Sweet for sure! That handheld pie book looks like it is right up my alley, I love minis!

  152. I like the sweet set. :)

  153. Sweet please!!!

  154. Savory! I do love dessert, but I’m not a big sweet-tooth . . . the savory looks more versatile and practical for me. I LOVE cookbooks!

  155. Sweet hands down! Your picks are some of the books on my list as well!

  156. Sweet. By the last book my mouth’s watering and i need a sugar fix. Off to put the kettle on and munch on homemade cranberry and white chocolate cookies, yummy.

  157. savory for me!

  158. Definitely the savory group. “Plenty” looks amazing!

  159. The “Sweet” books :) I just love your website! Such an inspiration!!

  160. Ohhh Sweets for sure

  161. Definitely sweet :)

  162. Sweet! I already have several of those savory ones– they’re great!

  163. Savoury all the way!

  164. Savory for snacking, sweet for baking and gifts for others!

  165. Oh man, both groups are awesome…but I think I have to go with sweet. :)

  166. Both sets look amazing, but I think my sweet tooth wins this one! :) Sweet!

  167. I love de sweet selection…. Despite almost all my cookbooks are savory and I really, really want the Plenty book your sweet selection is awsome!!

  168. Ooh, the Sweet Set, please!

  169. Sweet please :-)

  170. Sweets of course! They all look like good cookbooks.

  171. Sweet Sweet, Please – with a cherry on top!!

  172. I’d like the savory set!

  173. Wow, they are both really great!!! But I would have to go with SWEET!!! Books are great gifts, awesome idea!! :0)

  174. For just me I’d pick the savory… but I’d have to select the sweet for this giveaway cause there are some great gifts in that selection!

  175. those savory books all look incredible!

  176. As much as I love sweets and desserts, I would have to choose the savory set. I’m sure I could find a lot of recipes I’d like my husband to cook – it would be a very merry Christmas for him if I won!

  177. Savoury please!

  178. Such a tough choice! But I’ll have to go with sweet!:) Nothing like looking through a book of pretty desserts!

  179. Savory would be my choice :)

  180. I wuold like to win the sweet set for my daughter. She loves to bake & makes such yummy things with her nieces. She makes a LOT of yummy stuff for Chirstmas with them every year so I know she would LOVE these books :)

  181. Sweets are always the winner for me!

  182. Savory (although sweet is very very tempting)

  183. I’m usually a savoury girl but the sweet set makes me want to bake more! Will have to go sweet this time around.

  184. sweet sweet sweet!!!!

  185. Sweet Sweet, Please – with a cherry on top!!!

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