
Hey Y’all!

Dark Chocolate Truffle Cake

My cake fell … and it was fantastic! Actually, it was supposed to fall. It’s a recipe for a flourless chocolate cake that I used straight from the pages of Paula Deen’s Chocolate Celebration Magazine.

Paula Deen's Chocolate Celebration

I bought this publication several months ago mainly because of the cover… Chocolate and Paula… you can’t go wrong there. But, to be honest I haven’t made anything from it until this Saturday. I’ve looked at it a bunch of times and made notes of all the recipes I want to try, but nothing until now.

So, this weekend, I finally decided to go for her Deep Dark Chocolate Truffle Cake Recipe because I’ve never made a flourless cake before and I was intrigued.
I mean, it must be pretty good if someone would make it instead of the one on this cover.

Springform pan

You’ll need a 9-inch springform pan. It has a latch on the side that helps you release the cake. Because there’s no turning this one upside down to get it out.

Place some parchment paper on the bottom so it hangs over. Close the latch to hold the paper in place and secure the sides. You’ll also want to spray the paper with some non-stick cooking spray just to be safe.

After your pan is ready, preheat your oven to 325 degrees.

Separate 6 large eggs. Yolks in one bowl and egg whites in another. Set aside.

Melting Chocolate

You’ll also need 8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate and 4 oz. dark chocolate. Break it up in a large bowl and add 2 sticks of butter (thank you Paula!). Melt in the microwave at 30 second intervals, stirring in between until completely melted and smooth.

Whisk in 1 1/4 cups sugar until combined.

Then add the six egg yolks to the chocolate and sugar mixture, one at a time, whisking after each addition.

Beating Egg whites

Now, in a medium bowl, beat the six egg whites on high with an electric mixer. Beat it for several minutes until stiff peaks form.


Then, gently fold your egg white mixture into the melted chocolate mixture until combined. Pour it in your pan and bake for 1 hour at 325 degrees.

Cracked and getting ready to fall.

It will rise pretty high in the oven, but when you take it out to cool, it will fall. And fall hard. Yay!

Let it cool one hour on the counter and then for at least four hours in the refrigerator before you release it from the springform pan.

Deep Dark Chocolate Truffle Cake

And, when you finally do… it will be worth the wait. I didn’t really know what the texture of the inside would be like, but oh my… it was glorious.

Rich and dense and fudgey! Definitely one for true chocolate lover’s. And, If you don’t like things too rich, then stay away. Stay far, far away!

Flourless chocolate Cake

I also sprinkled a little powdered sugar on top to finish it off.


Okay, a lot!

Paula Deen's Deep Dark Chocolate Truffle Cake

Here’s what it’s supposed to look like. Mine had a few more cracks, but I was completely and utterly happy with it.

But, wait a minute… let me tell you the real reason I made this cake from Paula’s magazine.

There was a slim chance I was going to be able to meet Paula on Sunday (thanks to my friend Ted and help from someone on her team) and I wanted to have one of her dessert recipes under my belt if I did. You know, in case we had a moment to chit chat and talk about butter and stuff. Yeah, right!

She was speaking at the Metropolitan Cooking & Entertaining Show in Atlanta, and to be honest, I really didn’t think I would get to meet her…

Me, my mom and Paula!

Or get a picture taken with her. Hey, Paula!

My mom and I were so thrilled. She is every bit as beautiful and funny and nice as she is on TV. (And I do mean funny. We also had the opportunity to hear her speak later on and she had the whole place laughing.)

Me, my mom and Bobby!

We also met her son, Bobby. Yummy!!! I mean, he was really nice.

Later on, we even met her other yummy, I mean really nice son, Jamie. Unfortunately, I spazzed and didn’t get a picture of him. But, he did help me out with something.

Something I think you’ll like.

Paula Deen Cookbook

See this cookbook. I bought it last minute at the show. (Sorry, her brand new one was sold out.)

But, that’s okay, because look what Jamie got his mom to do for me just minutes before she went on stage to speak.

Paula Deen Sig

Yep, that’s her signature. And, it gets even better.

I’m giving it away! The book… signature and all. Who wants it?

Seriously, at first, I thought I would keep it, and then, I thought… I would keep it! Then, I decided it would be much more fun to give it away. Besides, it could be a great Mother’s Day present for someone. And, don’t feel bad, I’m hoping (fingers crossed) that I can get another copy for myself later.

Better hurry and enter… The winner will be chosen Monday night.

Enter for a chance to win
an autographed copy of
Paula Deen’s Kitchen Classics Cookbook
  • Leave a comment on this post and tell me why you want it, why you love Paula, why you love butter, or heck, just say “hey, y’all!”
  • Leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win (either a blog link or email)
  • Deadline to enter is Monday, April 20th at 6:00 p.m. (recorded by the comment time stamp)
  • The winner will be chosen at random* and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.

* One winner will be chosen at random, using’s integer generator.

Good luck.

More links:
Paula Deen’s Chocolate Celebration
Paula Deen’s The Deen Family Cookbook – NEW!
Paula Deen’s Kitchen Classics Cookbook
Springform Pans
And, Paula’s also on Twitter. Go say hey y’all!

Yay, we have a winner!
Who’s it going to be random integer generator?
Me. Me. Me. ……… No. No. No.

It’s comment #598!

Congrats Angela… Today is your lucky day!

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2,343 comments on “Hey Y’all!”

  1. I would love it as a mother’s day present.

  2. I would be very happy if I could have the book autographed by laura

  3. I just got Paula’s cast iron dutch oven for my daughters bridal shower. This would go great with it. Or maybe not..Maybe I would just let her look at it and I would keep it. heehee
    Love your site!

  4. You just can’t go wrong with a Paula recipe. Whenever I am stuck I head to and find a perfectly fabulous Paula creation that always ends up being a hit. Her cookbook for kids is just as wonderful. My little boy chooses a recipe and (with a little help from Mom) makes really spectacular meals. Paula is the best!

  5. i am a sucker for good cookbooks. i like to read them like some people like to read novels, it always makes me hungry before i go to bed though.


  6. Someone who makes a recipe like that..heavenly!!!!
    So if I could get a whole book full of those… Yes please!!

  7. Wow this cake looks really goood, quite a few years ago I made Nigella’s Cloud Cake, which is a flourless cake, except you filled the fallen centre with whipped cream – it was delicious! I will have to try this recipe.

  8. Because butter makes everything better!!!

  9. I went through this WHOLE entry with Paula’s accent in mind hahaha

    and butter.. well, without it, popcorn and corn on the cob would be so dull ;)

    I’ve never made flourless cake, either.. but staring at it now.. I have to ask.. how does it compare, texture wise, to brownies?? It looks delish!

  10. Hey Y’all! Oh, I love Paula! She is so funny and her recipes are awesome! I would love to have this book for my mother in law…or myself :)

  11. Hol-leee crap! What a sweet giveaway – how giving are you?! I'll go with your "why do you love Paula" question. I <3 her because she reminds me so much of the fab female cooks in my family… all of who I've enjoyed countless amount of wonderful food from in my 24 years!

    Have a fab week!

  12. hey ya’ll. yummy butter.

  13. I *LOVE* both the Chocolate Celebration magazine and the deep dark chocolate truffle cake… it's my favorite recipe from the whole issue! I made it in a bake-off with friends with three variations: one slide with a Nutella reduction-y glaze; one with raspberry and blackberry coulis; one "PB&J" with a grape reduction and peanut butter cream sauce. It was UNBELIEVABLE and worth every bite.

    Congrats on meeting Paula Deen! That had to have been entertaining.

  14. I <3 Paula! I think my favorite Paula moment was when she was talking about her husband asking if she put butter on corn flakes.

    – Courtney

  15. I met her and the boys (all 3!) like 3 years ago at Universal Orlando when she taped a talk show and I yelled out ” I love you Paula” and she yelled back “I love you too Angel!” total highlight of my day! She was super cute in person and just seemed to be one of those genuine type people!

  16. What a great idea for a Mother’s Day gift! I am so jealous that you got to meet her!!!

  17. She has a recipe for caramel corn that I just LOVE…so easy and SO good!

  18. hey ya’ll!! haha…how amazing!! I watch Paula everyday on the Food Network…she’s so talented…and butter always makes everything better…especially a couple sticks of it!!

  19. I’m teaching my daughter (12) to cook, and as inspiration we watch Paula’s cooking shows because she makes it look so fun and easy. I would love to be able to give her that book for her birthday in 3 months – by then she should have mastered the basics.

  20. Hey Y’all!!!

    This cake remembered me about the valentino cake we made for Daring Bakers last… february, I Think. Delicious but yes, mine falled down too. Great with icecream or whipped cream.

  21. She gives real meaning to the words “Butter Love”.

    And I like to listen to her talk.


  22. I don’t love her as much as i love one of her cookie recipes…

    1 egg
    1 stick of (softened) BUDDDER (just like paula says)
    1 8oz brick of cream cheese (softened)
    1 tsp of vanilla
    1 box of moist chocolate cake mix

    mix together until combined and let the batter harden in fridge for like 15 min. roll it into golf ball size balls and then roll in sugar. bake at 350 for 10 min. let them cool on the pan and when you’re done, be prepared to eat all of them. we call them Evil Cookies in my house.

  23. I love all her recipes. I am so going to try this flourless chocolate cake. My favorite recipe of hers is pumpkin buttercakes. Please pick me!

  24. Hi there,
    because sugar and butter are 2 of my favourite things to use while baking at the moment being 28wks pregnant!!
    would love this recipe book to try out her devine recipes.
    thx Em

  25. Hey y’all! I’d love to have Paula’s book because I miss watching her on TV! I live overseas and she’s only on at 6 AM on Monday’s and I always forget and miss her. I need some Paula in my life.

    My email address is: nikki (dot) demarco @

  26. I absolutely LOVE her!!

  27. Cake/lady/book=DELICIOUS!

  28. my kids love to watch her just as much as i do. they call her the “hey y’all lady” since she always greets everyone on her show that way. they have called her that for as long as i can remember. we love paula!!!

  29. She’s adorable – and what’s not to love about butter?

    Lara Starr

  30. Hey, ya’ll! I would love to win the book to give to my momma on Mother’s Day because she ADORES Paula and we watch her on the Food Network any time we see that she’s on!

  31. You really are not going to give this book away are you?? That is just too darn sweet! I am so happy you got to meet Paula. I love
    the enjoyment she feels/shows associated with cooking and food. She always make me smile and that is not an easy thing to do.

  32. I actually told my dear, dear, beloved Grandmother that I wanted Paula Dean as my grandmother. I was joking, but wouldn’t that be awesome?

  33. I love Paula’s attitude about cooking, she would be so much fun to cook with no matter what she cooks!

  34. I love love love Paula! And I am gonna try that chocolate cake!

  35. I love Paula because she isn’t afraid to be fat.

  36. Ohhh, I love Paula! Ever since I saw a Thanksgiving where she deep-fried cranberry sauce. Awesome! (way to contact me is the name this is posted under at hotmail!)

  37. I love Paula. She may be crazy with her baking but, she is still a good cook.

  38. Oh my goodness gracious! I’m so jealous of you! My dream someday is to MEET her! That would be GREAT!

    I love how she always says “Hey y’all!” and how she has SUCH an obsession with butter. She is hilarious! I only wish I could be half the woman she is…

    I want it, I want it, I want it!!!

    Thanks, Bakerella!

  39. My mom loves watching her and I agree this would be a fantastic Mother’s day gift!

  40. What isn’t to like about Paula? Or butter for that reason! ;) My mom would LOVE this.

  41. Sure enjoy your site.

    Have you made anything out of this cookbook?

    Love making something easy with great taste.


  42. I love Paula Deen! She reminds me of my grandmother and her laugh is SO contagious! I’m always trying her recipes. soooo delicious! Thanks for another great giveaway.

  43. Your blog is so great… I live in Europe and WISH I could get the products you use over here. I try making some “pops” every now and then and I get a great response…but they don’t do yours justice. THanks for inspiring!

    I would love that book because I have to make everything from scratch and books in English over here are RARE… so this would be awesome!

  44. I’d LOVE to be entered!!! Paula is one of the things I miss most about no longer having dish service in our home….. Thanks!

  45. HEY Y’ALL!!!!!

    Oh gosh, I hope I win!! Just don’t let my doctor know…

  46. I’d love to win! I am a firm believer in lots of butter (real butter!) and I’d love to bake/cook with her recipes!

  47. sounds like an amazing time! Paula cracks me up!

  48. I LOVE me some southern food, so I could def use that cookbook :) Thanks for the chance!


  49. Oh my goodness! I love Paula! Butter and Mayo – and more butter. LOL!!!

  50. Holy Mother of God that looks divine!

    I must make it.

    I must make it today.

    Any chance you will chuck the magazine in too?

  51. Hey y’all – that cake looks delish!

  52. Hey y’all! I love watching Paula Dean and wish I could meet her someday. She is hysterically funny and just seems like such a warm and welcoming person. I don’t own any of her cookbooks although I would love to!

  53. I have never made anything by her but my parents have and rave about her…although I think my dad is on a diet now so their cookbook might be collecting dust, LOL! ;)
    Your cake looked VERY good! I have a total sweet tooth right now and that didn’t help!

  54. How exciting! What a cool giveaway. I love Paula Dean!


  55. I love how Paula loves better and uses it with abandon!

  56. “I’m your cook, not your doctor”, she said to Oprah…LOL!!! Then, she later drops a little glass measuring cup into the mixing bowl- the look on her face and then the laughter that followed, was absolutely pricless – ya gotta love Paula!!!
    Cindy Sherritt

  57. aw, you're always so generous Bakerella! I can always use a new cookbook, since I LOVE baking, almost as much as I love sugar…& butter….& chocolate…Mmmmm.

  58. Oops forgot to leave my email:

  59. I love me some Paula!!!

  60. I love her and would love an autographed book! How fun!


  61. Paula is a really nice lady and I love her recipes!

  62. That cake looks a little like step one of a chocolate mousse cake I’ve made several times in the past. After the cake falls, you fill the depression with reserved batter (that is really chocolate mousse), then cover the whole thing with whipped cream. Rich cake, mousse, whipped cream — what’s not to love?

  63. Hey y’all! I love Paula (and butter!)

    mledorman at gmail dot com

  64. I love watching Paula and am always amazed by her creations. Having her book would be a wonderful addtition to my library. Thanks for the opportunity to win it!

  65. What is not to love about Paula…yummy southern home cooking!

  66. I love Paula! My 6 yr old does too. She says “Hi y’all its Paula” I am so green with envy that you got to meet her and her yummy ones I mean sons.

  67. I absolutely love Paula Dean! If I won this book… I would totally give it to my mom as a Mother’s Day gift! She loves her as much as I do, probably more!

  68. Oh my gosh, I love Paula Deen! I love that she isn’t afraid of calories and that she is so joyful. I also love the smiley in her signature. :)

  69. That cake looks amazing, I am going to find a way to make it this week. You can’t go wrong with Paula!

  70. Paula is hilarious, I’d love a copy of her cookbook! I’m always up for trying new recipes… especially cake! :)

  71. My mom would just love this!

  72. She is so real and genuine! I love her style and her humor. She’s the real deal!

  73. Hey y’all!

    Paula reminds me a TON of my own aunt. Plus, everytime I watch her show, I feel my arteries clogging.

  74. Three words…..gooey butter cake!!
    Paula rocks!!

  75. Hey Y’all! I love me some Paula Dean! I’m from GA originally and watching her reminds me of home. Food is love and is always the center of our family gatherings. Thanks for the chance to win the book. That’s super sweet of you! : )

  76. A couple of years ago I had the supremely yummy experience of meeting Jamie and Bobby Deen in Savanna at their restaurant.They are two of the nicest and sweetest guys I have ever met.They autographed a set of cookbooks for my daughter.How awesome for a chance at one from fab Miss Paula herself.Thanks Bakerella

  77. well,

    1) i want it because, duh? paula signed it, and it’s her recipes, and i looove food that tastes good,

    2) i love paula because she rocks being a sophisticated country gal and i absolutely adore her accent,


    3) i love butter because, while it’s absolutely horrible for you, i cannot stay away from it. whether i’m spreading it on some toast or making no bake cookies, it gets me every time.


  78. I love her, love you, and I love chocolate.

  79. Your cake looks sooooo YUMMY! I have yet to meet a Paula recipe that I did not like;) I think I might even be related to her, because like Paula I believe you can never have TOO much butter! Hmmm….I wonder if there is a way I could deep fry a stick of butter;)

  80. That cake looks heavenly! You can never have too much chocolate.

  81. hey y’all! I love Paula…for her food, butter, accent, and adorable sons…she must be so proud! you lucky girl! What a fun day! Maybe I will be so lucky as to win this fab giveaway…

  82. HEY YA’LL!

    I just love Paula..because..well..because…what’s not to love!!!!

  83. I’ve been watching Paula since I was a freshman in high school! I LOVE HER!! I love that she ties her family life into her shows…. I went crazy when she said she was getting married and when her daughter-in-law had her little baby. Love the butter too! Life is too short to always go non-fat. :)

  84. Yummy recipe!! I have one that calls for ganache over the top – it is seriously almost too much to take!!

  85. Paula Deen might just be my hero… and my mom loves her even more!!!

  86. I love watching her show! She cracks me up.

  87. I love Paula, and I love butter. I have to try this fallen chocolate cake. I’m afraid though because I may have to eat it all by myself. I’d love more Paula recipes! meloniew a t g m a i l d o t c o m

  88. I am Irish…therefor I love butter….’nuff said!!! I have never bough margarine **gag**…**gag**

    This cake looks amazing! I just bought a Kitchen Aid (thanks to you and PW) and so looking for many ways to use it..this would work! :-)

    Pick me..Pick me…my mum won;t get it but I’ll bake her a cake :-) LOL

    Twitter me… irland1 (living in Canada now)

  89. Let’s just say that I need to win this because my other half gets a little perturbed at the fact that there’s no DVR space to record his shows because the memory is filled with Paula Deen (and American Idol).


  90. Hey Y’all, I’d sure love to win that book!

  91. I love Paula Dean! I love how beautiful she looks, her accent, her recipes, and mostly how she says “Hey, y’all”!!! I love her!
    I would love to have that book! and her autograph! :)


  92. Hey Y’all!

    OOh! I would be so thrilled to have this book. I just love Paula, and she is such an inspiration to me. What a wonderful woman! What an incredible time that must have been for you!


  93. I love Paula because she has true Southern charm and seems like one classy lady.

  94. Paula cracks me up. She’s fab and I’m sure I’d learn a lot from her book!

  95. I am not a born and bred Southerner, but my husband is, so we need something to keep us true to his roots, even if our home isn’t there right? Fun giveaway, thanks!

  96. Wow!! How exciting that you got to meet her!!I Love Paula!

  97. How neat for you! My mom grew up in Savannah, and I’m always saying “are you sure you don’t know her?”

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  98. Please count me in! I love cookbooks and that cake looks so yummy! ~ :)

  99. During college (I just graduated last year) I was always hungry at night. The dining hall closed at 7 and I stayed up to at least 3 so once midnight or so rolled around – starvation supreme. To battle the starvation, my roommate and I would watch the food network. Looking back, that probably made it worse instead of better…. but oh well. So many times when we turned on the TV we’d be greeted with Paula’s smiling face and we’d groan and moan with desire to eat the food she prepared…. If I win (I WISH!) I’d swap the book back and forth with my old roommate. It would be glorious. And we’d never be hungry again.

  100. Butter, butter, and more butter!

  101. I love that she isn’t afraid of butter and sugar! Go Paula!

  102. I love Paula. Her enthusiasm for cooking is so contagious!


  103. That cake looks sooo yummy–can’t wait to try out the recipe! pick me! pick me! :-)


  104. What fun to meet Paula Deen! The chocolate flourless cake looks oh so tempting! I think I will bake that this week! Thanks! :) We also love her spinach artichoke dip, but obviously the chocolate wins… it always does!

  105. I made the Williams-Sonoma version of this cake for Christmas and dolloped it with Creme Chantilly, which is divine. Here’s how you make it:

    In a deep bowl, combine 1/2 cup heavy cream and 1/2 cup creme fraiche. Whisk until thick enough for the whisk to leave a path when pulled across the surface.

    Stir in 2 tablespoons confectioner’s sugar and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract.

    After adorning each slice of cake with a spoonful of Creme Chantilly, you can sprinkle it with cocoa.

  106. Paula’s recipe for Lemon Blossoms is seriously the greatest. thing. ever.

    That chocolate cake looks delicious! Please count me in!

  107. Hey y’all! Paula is one of my baking and cooking idols. She’s so quirky and fun. I love everything she makes and I do try almost everything she makes on my own. I basically tought myself how to cook by watching her show. I never miss it!

  108. Bakerella + Paula Deen = Butter on a Stick ;-)

  109. Paula’s love of butter makes me smile. :)

  110. I do so love butter.

  111. This would be so great! I LOVE to cook and bake, and I definitely have an obsession with butter and chocolate (which, let’s face it, is not helping my post-baby figure). I love Paula Deen’s recipes, and would love this cookbook!

  112. Hey y’all! I would just love to have this! I adore Paula. I watch her every chance I get. I have dreamed about getting to meet her one day so this would be almost like me doing so!

    Even if I don’t win (but I really hope I do) I am thrilled for you!!! You sound like you were as thrilled as I would be to meet her.

    It’s nice to know she is the same in person as she is on the show. I would hate to have heard anything different.

    I would love to go to her home town, take her tour and eat at her resturant. I love her mac and cheese! I make it all the time. I’m going to try this flourless cake. It sure looks good!


  113. I love her show. I would so love to try her cooking!

  114. I recently moved to the South (Houston to be exact) and what a better way to fully embrace it, then with a cookbook from Paula! :)

  115. I love Paula! I love your blog! Pick me! Pick me! :)

  116. Omg I LOVE Paula. Her food is awesome, she’s hilarious, and she reminds me so much of my mother-in-law that I never get to see. I would so dig one of her cookbooks.


  117. hey ya’ll!! who doesn’t love her?!

  118. I’m originally from GA so when I hear Paula speak, it’s like listening to family!

  119. Thanks Bakerella for giving away the book. You’re so generous! I have never tried any of Paula Deen’s recipes, but if I get the book, I will definitely try it out!

  120. What a fantastic story an an aweseome giveaway! Your blog has truly been an inspiration to me, and I can’t wait to try the new flourless cake recipe now too :)

  121. i LOVE paula! i think she’s the only person on the food network whose recipes contain ingredients that i can actually find in the grocery store! i thank her for that..and for the 16lbs i gained when i LOOKED at that Deep Dark Chocolate Truffle Cake you baked. :)

  122. I love her if only for her wonderful accent and eccentric, albeit gorgeous hairstyles!


  123. I watched Paula so often when my daughter was a baby that she would start dancing whenever she heard the music! I love that she cooks with real ingredients, I just don’t make them every day. :)

    Love your blog, thanks!


  124. I Looooove Paula! Her restaurant in Savannah is my all time favorite. When visiting her restaurant for the first time her staff went out of the way to make sure that my son, who had severe food allergies, had a wonderful meal too. Paula Rocks!!

  125. Her recipes just turn out right everytime. Thanks Bakerella! I know you would have loved to keep the book. So thank you very much!

  126. I love Paula and so does my Dad. I swear he is one of her biggest fans. So, although I would love the book for myself, if I am chosen I will give it to him.


  127. Oh mercy, Paula and I would be kitchen pals if ever I could meet her! I love her recipes!

  128. I just watched cmt cribs this past weekend. Her house was gorgeous. And she had my butter and bacon loving boyfriend and friend drooling. I would love to win the cookbook so I could surprise them with an artery clogging treat.

  129. Butter is potentially the second best food only to bacon. Or cheese. Or chocolate. Ok, maybe it’s a 4-way tie.

  130. Her recipes always turn out perfect. That’s what I love! Thanks for being so sacrificial, Bakerella! ;)

  131. Don’t enter me. I don’t like Paula even though I’m 45 mins. from Savannah. I’m not fond of chocolate, either. *gasp* A woman who doesn’t like chocolate?
    I just wanted to say thanks for spelling “y’all” correctly! Yay!

  132. I love Paula and I love chocolate and I love butter!

  133. LOVE LOVE LOVE PAULA. I just want to keep her in my pocket, she’s that cute.


  134. I love paula deen so much!! My mom claims that her favorite food is butter, and nearly every recipe in her cookbook starts with a stick of butter. love it!

  135. Hey Y’all!

    She is so fun. How great you got to meet her!

  136. I love Paula because she keeps it real and she makes awesome food!

    Amanda from TX

  137. Its so hard to find Paula’s books way down here in Australia – though, we are even more Deep South than Savannah! (Dont worry Bakerella, i have an american address to ship to ;) ) Have always loves Paula’s down home recipes and amazing attitude, would love the chance to get more familiar with her recipes.

  138. I found your blog through a link from PW’s blog. I haven’t tried your wonderful little creations on a stick YET but it is definitely on my list of things to do with my daughter this summer. How FUN that you met Paula, she is the QUEEN of butta’! Hope I win! ~Michele

  139. Butter is better!

  140. Paula is the BOMB! I tape all her show and I get her magazine, too. I even want to take a trip to Georgia just to go to her restaurant! So, I’ll take that book, thank you very much! lol.
    You can email me at

  141. Yum, the chocolate cake is making my mouth water! And I’d love to win the cookbook to try my hand at it!

  142. Love the pics! Who doesn’t love a new cookbook to delve into?

  143. I would love to try out some of those recipes. It seems like I never refer to books anymore, I always search online. Haha! I love your blog Bakerella!

  144. Oh how fun.

  145. Your cake came out gorgeous and I am totally going to make that for myself for Mother’s Day!!

    And who doesn’t love Paula??? You HAVE to love a woman who won’t apologize for using lots of butter!

  146. She is such a funny Woman! And a GREAT cook!

  147. Because she once said “Baby, everybody in the South has a brother named Bubba!”

    She’s just good and Southern!

  148. Ah, yum! Paula’s cooking makes me happy. Cookbooks make me happy. Really, why drool on your computer keyboard when you could drool on paper and have a tangible reminder of a moment when a recipe just looked *that* good!?! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  149. Paula is fabulous..I just love her! You were so lucky to meet her.”Y’all!” I just blogged about her famous Gorilla Bread last week. Have you tried it? It’s totally addicting! Great job on the flourless cake! Looks delicious!!

  150. I love Paula because she just cracks me up…and every recipe that I have tried has been so yummy!

  151. Are you sure you are willing to part with it? I don’t want any regrets later on. If I win…and you want it back later…you realize it will be covered with chocolate smears and egg white wrinkles – just like all my other faves. Good Luck to all!


  152. I am in luv with Paula Deen. I buy her magazine and watch her show. Everything I have made has worked. I have teenage boys and they luv her stuff. Also she is a Southern lady just like my mom. My roots are from the South. Dad is from Texas and mom is from New Orleans. You can reach me at

  153. I love Paula Deen’s recipes and all the butter! I would love a chance at this book.

  154. I absolutely love Paula. I met her at a book signing once for a brief moment and I was literally starstruck. She said “Hey hon” to me and all I could say back was “Hey” it was so funny. My husband talked to her more than I did!! It was so exciting though! I am collecting her books now but I only have a couple so this would be a great addition to my collection!!

  155. hey y’all I love Bakerella and Paula!

  156. Hey Y’all! I’m originally from Texas so I’m gonna go ahead and Say
    Hey all y’all!!!

  157. I love butter because it makes everything better. And I love that the price of dairy has dropped so much so I can stock up on butter. Hooray for butter. :)

  158. I’m not the best cook…but I’m a great baker…if that even makes sense! I happened to stumble upon your blog and I’m so happy I did! I LOVE cookbooks and recipes…especially of desserts! So, I would LOVE to add this cookbook to my collection! Also, thank you for starting this blog, it’s so awesome and I can’t wait to make some of the things you have made!

  159. While I am very happily married now, for a longggg time I was a single mom. Paula gave me such inspiration. She made me realize that I was capable of a great many things, and that being a “foodie” was something to be proud of. She has shown single moms everywhere that a passion for what you do is what makes you succeed, not just the degree on the wall ;o)

  160. I would love, love, love to add an autographed copy of Paula’s book to my cookbook collection. I would give it to my mom for Mother’s Day but anything with butter and sugar in it would be wasted on her. She won’t eat either. I, on the otherhand, will eat them both! Thanks for the chance!

  161. I love, love, love Paula! Like her I do love my butter as well. In fact, the only reason I eat bread is as a vehicle to get to the butter. What can I say? I’m a southern girl at heart.

  162. I MUST make that cake! Yummy!

    How fun that you got to meet Paula Deen! I’d love to win the book. :)

  163. I heart butter. I heart Paula Deen. I heart Bakerella.

  164. She was hilarious on NPR this weekend, talking about what was in her fridge. She is always so warm and homey. The amount of butter she uses sometimes temporarily stops my heart – but I’m sure it tastes good!

  165. Oh, I want it! (Although I REALLY hope you get one for yourself!)

  166. If I won I would have to send this to my MOM! She collects cookbooks and LOVES Paula! I mean LOVES Paula! If I sent this copy to her then she would LOVE me. Not that she doesn’t love me, she does. I would just be her favorite then! LOL!

  167. aww!! what a cute post!! I will have to try that cake! I try to eat Gluten free as much as possible. That is so cool that you got to meet Paula Deen!! How fun :-) If I “won” your giveaway I would let you keep the book wit her autograph. I am sure you could make much better things with the book then I would anyway. I hope you have a fantastic week sweets!! huge hugs!!! Britt :-) xoxo!!!!

  168. Ooooh, I would love this cookbook. Paula is a hoot to watch, her accent is delicious and her recipes aren’t bad either. ;) Thanks for your generosity!

    shawneeh at

  169. My favorite episode was when Paula did a “light” cooking show. HA HA! It was…interesting…

    And I love butter, too. That cake looks fantastic!

  170. How do I love Paula Deen? Let me count the ways
    she is REAL
    she is a big girl and unapologetic about it
    she loves to cook and she loves to eat


  171. I love Paula! So funny and everything she makes is so yummers. I love her recipe for Gooey Cake! I would be over the moon to win the cookbook – what a treat!

  172. Because she's Paula! :) My husband and I just spent his spring break in Savannah and we ate at Lady & Sons …. SO good. I was keeping an eye out for Paula or her boys, but no luck. This is an awesome give away! Thanks so much for doing it.

  173. who does NOT love paula?
    i wish she were my aunt.

    please let me win. pleeeeeeeeease!

  174. Hey! I love that she’s not afraid to put ridiculous amounts of butter and other deliciousness into her food, even if it does occasionally get insane (deep-fried bacon-wrapped mac’n’cheese,anyone?). And I collect signed books! So this would be super awesome. =)


  175. OMGOSH!! Isn’t she just the funniest!! I saw her in Dallas and I laugheds so hard I almost peed my pants!!!!LOL!!
    When I grow up I want to be just like her she is the “real deal”!!
    Brains,Beauty and BUTTER!!!

  176. Paula Deen seems to be unchanged by her celebrity – just a good ol’ Southern girl – and I love that about her. The other thing I love is that she cooks a lot of simple, homey, comforting food – the kind of food I like, being a Southern girl myself :) Since I now live so far from Savannah, my chances of getting to visit her restaurant or have a chance of meeting her in person are pretty slim, so I would LOVE to have that cookbook :) you know how they say “The next best thing to being there…”


  177. Paula ROCKS!

  178. Paula totally cracks me up… and besides we share the same first name :)

  179. I love Paula because she keeps it real and uses the “real” stuff (butter, cheese, etc.). The cake looks delicious, thank you for sharing your wonderful tips!

  180. We cant get any of her book here in South Africa and amazon wont ship to here… thats why I need it!!!!
    have an awesome day.
    PS Cake looks yummy.

  181. I am SO jealous you got to meet Paula. My Grandma lives in the South and I’m in AZ! Paula totally reminds me of my grandma and I love it.
    My e-mail is ashley.whipple[at]

    Thanks for giving away your awesome treasure!

  182. I love Paula! Butter makes everything better ;) haha…

    Gorgeous flourless chocolate cake! We made two different flourless chocolate cakes in culinary class…the texture IS divine!! Very rich though…a small slice is definitely enough. :)

  183. YEEHAW! I love Paula! Sign Me up! Put me down! Count me IN!

  184. Hey y’all!

    I love chocolate and anyone who loves chocolate too: Paula I think is included in that category dont ya think?

  185. I’d love it because, well, that would ROCK!!! Though, my MIL might like it more, I’d have to consider it as a Mother’s Day present….

  186. Paula Deen reminds me of my grandma (if she was born Southern). My mom and I always joke about how much she’s like my mom’s mom! I would love to be able to give this to my mom for mother’s day!!! :)

  187. you have inspired me in ways that my waistline has not forgiven me…even though my kids are more then happy to be the taste testers.

    i dont know who paula is but the cake you made and the front cover photo of the mag looked way tooooooo good to est.

    hello from far north queensland australia

  188. Love Mrs. Paula!! You are such a lucky ducky to meet her!!

    Thanks for the chance to win the book.

  189. I love Paula. She is just so down to earth and her cooking is home style goodness.

  190. Looks like you may have had a good time, indeed!
    The more I bake, the more I am becoming fond of butter and the magic it causes.
    On my thighs. :o

  191. What’s not to love about a woman that embraces the good food (and things) of life?

  192. Oh my goodness! That cake looks DIVINE! I want some right now! She has such great ideas! I would love the book!

  193. I would LOVE to win this cookbook! I really love Paula and I really love you! And I really love to bake!

  194. I would like the Paula book to give to my mom for Mother’s Day. We are from Texas, but have lived in Asia for almost a year, and my mom thinks we’ve lost our Southern roots. What’s more Southern than Paula Deen?

  195. I adore Paula. She reminds me of my childhood best friend’s grandma! And I have never tried one of her recipes that wasn’t absolutely AMAZING!

    I’m dying to try that recipe now. It looks wonderful.
    – Amanda

  196. I just love that Paula Deen! Everything is just sooooo goood! I don’t have any of her cookbooks (gasp!), so this would be a great way to start off my collection!

  197. Hey Y’all!
    What a great story-lucky you!
    I love butter too!

  198. This would be such an awesome present for my mom for mother’s day! I love Paula – she cracks me up all the time. I’m going to have to try that cake recipe. If it wasn’t after midnight, I’d make it right now!


  199. I love to bake and your blog has inspired me- although I did forget to take a picture of my cake pops at Easter, darn it….
    I would love to get my hands on that book and try some of Paula´s recipes- you can never have too much sugar or butter!!!

  200. I just love her. That sums it up!

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