
I lied.

1. I told you I would post the winner of The Pioneer Woman Cooks cookbook on this chocolate sheet cake post.

And I didn’t. I’m announcing it here.

2. I told you one person would win it.

And that’s just not true either.

You see… you guys blew me away today with all your comments. I can’t believe how many of you have made Ree’s recipes. Seriously… UH-MAZING! (And, thanks for all the suggestions by the way!) It makes me smile inside to read how many people enjoy her site as much as I do.

So, today, because reading all your comments put me in such a good mood.

And also, because I realized my blog had it’s 2nd anniversary over the weekend. Yeah … two whole years. Well, that made me pretty happy, too.

So I ran to the bookstore to score some more cookbooks for you. You guys have made this blog so much fun. It’s been an adventure every day. I’m not going to get all mushy or anything, but I just want to thank you all for being so great and stopping by to visit. There. I’m stopping right there before I make myself cry.

Anyway, there’s not gonna be one winner. There’s gonna be four. (That’s all they had left.)


Here are the lucky numbers.


And the winners are……………



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118 comments on “I lied.”

  1. Oooh.


  2. My wife follows both yours and the pioneer woman’s blog…both of you have really insired her. She even drove to Denver to meet her and have her cook book signed.

  3. I just found your website!! I am SO excited!!! I am the room mother for my son who is in the 2nd grade, and I can’t wait to make the “cupcake pops” for his Christmas party!! I just know the kids will LOVE them! I kind of want to keep your website a secret from all my baking friends!!! Ha! Ha! Thanks a bunch for all the great ideas!!

  4. I can’t wait to see this week’s topic!!! Eeek!
    So very excited! I love your website Bakerella!

  5. Great job on the photography and everything, as always!

  6. Just wanted to tell you I picked up the book last night (while at the CakeWrecks booksigning at B&N.) I only know about her through your blog and have really enjoyed the book so far – so many tasty things to try… I’ll make sure I add her blog to my reader! Thanks again for introducing me to Pioneer Woman.

  7. Congrats to the winners and to Bakerella! I need to start entering these contests. I am just so busy baking I am not on the computer as much but I will make it a point from now on to take a peak every week. This is a great, inspirational site full of creative, unique ideas. Love it!!

  8. I just found your blog today & I LOVE it! How funny I just found out about Pioneer Woman last night! I can’t wait to try her ‘cowboy nachos’!

  9. congrats to the winners!

  10. Emelie – You are most welcome. Your mom is fantastic, but I’m sure you know that. Let me know if you need anything. Have fun baking.

  11. Sweet Bakerella,

    How in the world do you set up your pictures of your fabulous creations? I love the backgrounds….do you have a staging area? Seriously, backdrops or what? Please dish!

  12. Congrats to the winners and you are just wonderful Bakerella to have more then one winner! You and your cake pops are the greatest. “In our parts of the country” this same sheet cake has always been a staple at the church potlucks. There was always more than one brought and not one, not one of those pans goes home with nary a crumb left on it. Coconut can also be used in addition to or in place of the pecans. Yum-yum!

  13. Congrats to the winners! PW was just on a local show this week. I think that I am going to have to go out & buy her book…since I didn’t win & all :(.

  14. I am hosting a dessert competition and our categories are best chocolate, best non chocolate, best presentation and most creative. Do you have an idea for how the judges can judge the sweets? I was thinking a lichert scale on each of the categories and then we add up the scores for the winner?

  15. Oooh you are so generous! Congrats on your blogiversary!

  16. I have looked around your website after my Momma did your website. I LOVE to bake and find this website perfect! Thank you for sharing ALL of these recipes!

    I see a lot of cakes coming to my family’s stomachs in the future! Hopefully, nobody will blame me for fattening them up. *sigh* Thanks, again!

  17. Hi there, I love your creations and just wanted to say thank you for sharing…..I love your cake pops!!

  18. I couldn’t wait to see if I won, so I was checking the bookstores again….still no books! They swear they had some…I guess they are gone faster than I can get there!

  19. Bakerella,
    I think your blog and I were destined to meet! I’m glad I found you. PW adds laughter to my life and I see you will be adding pounds to my hips if I’m not careful!
    Love, Rae

  20. Aww, to bad I didn’t win! There’s still Christmas thank goodness! Can’t wait to see what you put up next on your blog, your so creative! :)

  21. Bakerella! You are too cute!
    Congrats to all the winners! Happy cooking guys.

  22. Congrats to the winners. I ordered my cookbook yesterday because I never win anything anyway. Thanks to PW though – I found your site.

  23. Congrats everyone!

    1. As someone else said, you need a cookbook too Bakerella! No one comes up with cute, creative and droolworthy recipes like you.
    2. You really make Mondays fun. Would it be selfish to ask you to bake 7 days a week? Probably. Damn.

  24. I just found your site, my friend suggested it too me as I am mad about baking too. Congrats on the anniversary of your blog. It is a great site and loads of fun.

    Look forward to reading, seeing, and baking some more.


  25. I’m sad that I missed the change to win! haha But I have cooked many of her recipes. I love the whisky glazed carrots (but be prepared for your whole house to smell like whisky… if that’s a bad thing!), Ranch dressing, creamy herbed potatoes (delish and perfect for thanksgiving!). Anywho, now I need to get a copy of her book for myself!

  26. Congrats to everyone who won the cookbooks!

    I just wanted to say THANK YOU for talking about Pioneer Woman because I checked her site out and fell in love! This morning I made the “Egg in a hole” recipe and it was a big hit. Love love love it!

  27. What a sweet treat for the winners! I hopped over here to find some inspiration for making dessert for my in-laws anniversary party. Sounds like the chocolate cake is a sure bet!

  28. Thanks for being so generous! Your site is fun!

  29. I had already ordered my cookbook so I didn’t participate, but when you run out of recipes in the 4000 comments to try I have to recommend the apple cake in an iron skillet. I don’t know if it’s in the book but it’s definitely worth a trip through her archives to find it. Also fettucine alfredo. Actually I’ve never made one of her recipes that I didn’t want to make again.

  30. He Bakerella,

    I’m from the Netherlands, and absolutely love your blog! :)

    xxx Nanda

  31. I didn’t even SEE the offer! :( Somehow my feed is not working and I just happened to go to Bakerella to check on her.. lol

    Anyway, I have been making this cake for YEARS and it is the best chocolate cake (or ANY cake) ever. My children grew up loving it and requesting it often. I want to suggest you try her blue cheese/onion sauce on a Rib eye steak! YUM! I marinate my steaks in a wonderful marinade and they are so tender and tasty but this sauce really added something to a steak! Mouthwatering… you won’t be sorry you tried it! Also, we enjoyed her brisket, but alas, I made a 12# one and we had to eat it for a week, so right now I am a little reluctant to recommend it! lol (Was delicious, though, initially!)

    Congratulations to all the winners! What a nice prize!

  32. Even though I didn’t win, I did want to say that it’s awfully nice (and generous) of you to go out and buy more books for us blog readers!
    Thanks for the fun!

  33. I’m going to have to make this cake, again. Love it, but I need to loose some weight!!!!!!!!

  34. can’t wait to see your next cake pop idea for thanksgiving :)
    thanks for making our lives sweeter

  35. Felicidades a los ganadores. Congrats to the winners and to you bakerella, Happy Aniverssary

  36. Congrats winners and Bakerella! I am going to Amazon right now and order one, since I didn’t win on PW’s site or on this one. That’s okay! Enjoy the cookbooks! I know I will!!

  37. well congrats on the 2 years! how very generous of you to give away 4 books as well.

  38. WHY do I have to come to blogs AFTER the giveaway?!! Oh well, I’m being like you and giving away a cookbook on my blog too…..
    I love your site….am excited to visit back!

  39. congrats everybody!

  40. Happy anniversary! Obviously you need another chocolate sheet cake! I wonder how it would be if you poured the chocolate over a layer of caramel. Even more yummy!

  41. Bakerella! Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where’s the fancy shmancy cake????????? I guess one of us will have to make it for you……………

  42. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINERS… and also I want to congratulate you bakerella… for your 2 YEARS!!!…. I’ve been a fan of you since my little girl was born (she is turning 2 in march!) so I started reading a almos since you started! :)

    Againg.. CONGRATULATIONS!!… you’ve done a wonderful job, and also made me gain a few pounds hahahahah……

  43. congrats on your anniversary and all the winners….I was really hoping my number would come up….oh, well….lol

  44. Congratulations on your blogiversary, Angie! You are so generous! Just so you will know.. I think that I have visited your blog, every day, ever since you have started – that’s how amazing I think you are! ; )


  45. Congratulations to the winners! That is awesome!!!

  46. Lucky ducks! I’m off to order a couple copies of the book from Amazon!

  47. How cool that you over 4000 comments. That just amazes me. I gave away a copy of PW cookbook on Monday as well. I was celebrating 20 followers, so your two year blogging anniversary is a way bigger deal.

    My copies came in the mail’s so fun. Lots of family and friends are getting her cookbook for Christmas.

  48. Actually, I didn’t enter because I’d already bought PWC… two copies, in fact, one for me and one for my excellent cook of a future son-in-law. He and I bond over cooking, which is great. In fact, on my most recent visit, we baked up your wonderful mini-pumpkin pie bites. Nom nom nom…!

    I just wanted to say how much I enjoy I found you through PW’s site and check both blogs frequently. I am constantly surprised and inspired by the creativity. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  49. I’m not a huge cook, but when my neighbor had her first baby I made Pioneer Woman’s lasagna and fabulous chocolate cake for the family. Needless to say, I became a new favorite neighbor!!

  50. My MIL gave me this recipe from the back of a Hershey’s cocoa container. I’ve made it for years and it is requested from my kids instead of birthday cake almost every year. Isn’t it delicious!?? And thankfully, it’s so easy, once they gobble one down, I can whip another one up pretty quick.
    Thank you for a wonderful site!

  51. dear bakerella,
    you are ONE CLASS ACT!
    your generosity of spirit is enormous & going the distance for more giveaways…amazing!
    look forward to baking with you!
    happy 2nd anniversary &…
    congrats to all the weiners (as the pw would say!)

  52. Thanks for all the mushy-gushiness, Bakerella. It makes coming here just that much more special. Also, thanks for the generosity. :) Yesh, that will make you friends, quick and in a hurry. LOL :) Also, happy 2nd year Anniversary. What???!! Only two years? And you are this insanly popular? CONGRATS! :)

  53. I didn’t win! But the cookbook went right to my Amazon wish list for Santa. Congratulations for 2 years of beautiful images that have caused me to get back to baking. Now if there was only something you could do about the calories!!!!

  54. Congrats on two years! We love you Bakerella!

  55. Happy two year anniversary! I actually just stumbled upon your site a few days ago through Blastoff, but I’m loving it!!

  56. Well… either way I think I may actually get it.. Whenever I manage to drag myself to the bookstore. I think it might just be my guilty treat to myself.

  57. Lucky duck for even finding one book! LOL. I have looked for days and we are all sold out in my Ohio area. I’m not losing faith, I will have one by Thanksgiving… that’s my goal! :-)

  58. Very nice of you!

    Happy Anniversary!!! LOVE your blog!!

    Congrats to the winners!!

    (I’m still going to make the cake! =)

  59. *sigh* Well my silly self saw over 2000 comments and thought “no way in the world would I ever win….” now I’m kicking myself because odds would have been quadrupled! :)

    Oh well, I’ve now added another item to my Christmas Wish List.

  60. Congrats to the winners!! :D
    Congratulations to the blog! :D

    I just loved the chocolate cake, so moist and so intense. Divine.
    I love coming here on your blog, it is very tempting!

  61. Congrats to all the winners….and thank you for the opportunity :)

  62. Man!! I’m not one of the lucky ones!! Oh well, congrats to the lucky winners and hope they enjoy the book.

    And congratulations to you Miss Bakerella on your anniversary. May you have many more!!

  63. You are so sweet to buy more books. Congratulations on your second anniversary. I’ve enjoyed your blog for quite a while and have made your Oreo cookie truffles many, many times. And your hamburger cupcakes! Always such a bit hit.

    Thank you again, you are a source of constant inspiration (plus such gorgeous photos) Here’s to many more years!

  64. I think Ree’s done a lot towards making home cooks more confident in their kitchen endeavors. Her step-by-step photos make all her recipes actually look do-able! Sorry I didn’t win, but I already have my copy anyway. Thanks for the contest and congrats to all the winners!

  65. Congrats to all the winners, and congratulations on 2 years!!

  66. Thanks for the contest! I have to admit I had never heard of PW before yesterday, but I will without doubt get her cookbook. It looks great. I’m a recent bakerella addict as well, so happy anniversary and keep it up. Your scooping up new fans like myself everyday I’m sure. Thanks again!!

  67. Congrats on your 2nd year…. I’ve been a fan since the get-go.. Keep up the fantastic work and photos… I swear my hips are bigger from just reading… ok — so maybe there’s another reason…. lets just not go there..

  68. Keep the posts coming I love finding new entries and revisiting the old ones too! Happy Anniversary and cheers to many more!
    ?*¨) Have a dessert wine!
    ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸*´¨(? *~*~**~*~* Lillian

  69. I can’t wait to make that chocolate sheet cake!! I just ordered the Pioneer Woman’s cookbook last night!!

  70. Happy Anniversary Bakerella! I too love your site & will be a regular visitor now that I’ve found you through the Pioneer Woman. I made her red potato’s & rosemary rolls last night – YUMMY!!!!

  71. I’m actually bummed out about not winning that one. Oh well, I can put it on my Christmas List! :)

  72. Wow, I just found your blog and it’s, well, *beautiful*! My three-year-old is standing next to me, looking over my shoulder, and saying, “Yum. Can you make that? Yum. Can you make that?” as I work my way down the page. And I have to say, the wedding proposal was the best!

    I just started my own brand-new blog this week. If you’re interested, I’d love to have you check it out! : )

  73. Happy Anniversary, love your site, love your baking

  74. Congratulations to all the winners! That was so generous of you :)

  75. How nice of youto have 4 winners! Congrats to everyone!

  76. Happy anniversary! We here in Finland enjoy your site very much!

  77. Bakeralla, when are you gonna pick me?

    anyway, congrats to the winners, and to you!
    and hope to see more of your lovely, and sometimes heartbreaking ;-) blogging!

  78. You are so funny to give more books.
    congratulations to the winners.
    Happy birthday to the blog! two years!

  79. Thanks for always adding a smile to my day.
    P.S. Happy 2 year anniversary.

  80. Congrats to the winners. You are too kind.

  81. I just got this email and the contest is over. I would suggest making the flat apple pie next and show it to us. That chocolate cake has my name written all over it. Oh well, maybe there will be another contest one of these days. I think cybergremlins get my mail before I do. :-)

  82. Yay for bakerella and giveaways! Seriously – you are my hero! And YAY for two years!

  83. Congrats winners! I just “entered” the giveaway because I got excited before I read that it was over, lol. Glad you gave away 4, and happy anniversary!

  84. Congrats on your anniversary #2. Your blog is the very first I ever read and I don’t know what I would do without your brilliant Cakeball recipe. Thanks for the time and effort you put into Bakerella. I love visiting.

  85. Well, poo. But congrats to the winners… AND big, giganic congratulations to Bakeralla on her two-year blogging anniversary!

  86. Congrats on 2 years!! That’s an awesome accomplishment :) I just found you recently and love your site and I’m INSPIRED by your ideas!! Cheers!

  87. Thank you so much! You are such a generous person! I hope to own a Bakerella cookbook one day too! Happy 2nd anniversary!!!

  88. Guess PW’s cookbook goes back on my Christmas list and I have to wait until December…..sigh…..

  89. well darn. I NEVER win! Congrats to the winners though ;)

  90. By the way, I can’t help to say one more


    Thanks again Bakerella for everything!

    Your super fan,


    PS. I hope to meet you one day. I will make you a huge cake. I PROMISE!

  91. That is great! Congrats to all the winners and Congrats to your Two years…It’s been a GREAT two years and I can’t wait for another because you have so much talent and I look forward to viewing your blog when you post…I can’t wait until Christmas to see what you post…

  92. WOW Bakerella! You got more books! That is so nice of you!


    Yes, that is how much I LOVE YOU. If I was straight, I would have a HUGE HUGE HUGE CRUSH on you! I am such a fan of you. You are very inspiring and I LOVE YOU. You are the best! THE BEST!

    Congrats to the winners.


  93. No no no…they’re all wrong! Iny’s prune cake is where its at.

  94. I’m glad you ended up giving a bunch away :)

    I’ll just have to add the title of PW’s book to my Christmas Wish List!

    (pssst … I plan on doing the chocolate sheet cake soon … despite what my comment on your previous post said)

  95. Happy blog anniversary… Congrats to the winners…

  96. Yay!! So glad for all the winners, they’re gonna LOVE their new PW cookbook!!
    Sooooo, when are YOU coming out with a cookbook? Er, I mean, a bakebook??? :)

  97. I see myself buying a few for gifts and hope to go see her at the signing in DFW.

  98. I can’t believe you got over 4,000 comments. You are one popular lady.

  99. If I didn’t already have the cookbook in my grubby little hands I would be very disappointed! Although, I was hoping to win so I could gift it…lol

    Love you blog, you are very inspiring.
    I’d love any advise on mine you may have to offer :)

  101. awww <3 How sweet! Happy Blog 2-year anniversary too!! Ive only been reading since a couple of months ago but this blog is really made out of awesomeness (and cuteness)!!! … and yummyness. ^__^ Thanks for posting all these great recipes and ideas all the time!

  102. Drat! Half of the winners were named Amy and still I didn’t get picked. =P

  103. Oh fine! I’ll just go purchase my own. :)

    Congrats ladies.

  104. Happy birthday!!! Thanks for making this blog. You spread joy to many people with every single post.

  105. Happy two year anniversary!

  106. You are AWESOME, Bakerella! Congrats to the wiinners. Oooh, I have a Border’s coupon mom just gave me… maybe I’ll get this!

  107. Must think more randomly next time.
    Hippo Birdie 2 you Bakerella!

  108. I have the cookbook and I love it!

    Congrats on 2 years! I am still waiting for YOUR baking book to come out!!! :)

  109. Me neither… le sigh…

    Congrats to the winner!

  110. make us proud, winners of the books. make your homes smell like freshly made deliciousness and love!

  111. Ahhhh! Congrats to everyone, oh how I wish I could have won.:)

  112. Happy Anniversary!!! Luv your site.

  113. That’s awesome of you to give away 4 books! Congrats to the winners! :-)

  114. Darn!

    I mean…Congratulations! I really am happy for you! :-)

    Thanks for the contest, Bakerella.

  115. Congrats to the winners. :o). I have my 40% off coupon from Borders…I was saving it for PW’s book. Heading out this evening to get it.

  116. [[sigh]]…yeah me either. One of these days…one of these days…lol

  117. sigh. i never get lucky with these things..
    but congratulations to them!

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