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Red Velvet Revisited

I wanted to try this Red Velvet recipe from the other day again for a few reasons: I had green food coloring and figured...

Pages and Post-Its

See all these pages? I’ve been pouring over them this weekend trying to meet a deadline for a project I’ve been working on for...

Fun with Films

You may remember these cookies. I did them a few weeks ago when the Oscar nominees were announced and to kick off a series...

Red Velvet Cake

After yesterday’s post, I thought it was only appropriate to follow up with the real thing. No purse this time. This is all cake....

Red Velvet

Cake, baby! Yes, this post is all about delicious cake, but just not the kind you eat. It’s about the kind you can carry....

Tartelette, these are for you!

Remember last month when I went to a macaron making class given by Helen of Tartelette? Well, we had never met before the class,...

Just plain sweet!

I received the best Valentine’s Day card yesterday and it wasn’t even addressed to me. It was from a sweet, eight-year-old little girl named...

Vintage Valentine Cookies

I decided a few of weeks ago, that I wanted to try to make some cookies using vintage Valentine cards as the theme. They...

Big Love

That’s what I feel for this oversized cookie. It’s the kind of love that involves brown sugar and it has everything to do with...

Are you ready for some footballs?

Okay, so I realize it’s almost too late to post something Super Bowl related and all – seeing as how the big game is...