
Vintage Valentine Cookies


I decided a few of weeks ago, that I wanted to try to make some cookies using vintage Valentine cards as the theme. They are so sweet and the artwork is just darling.

I’ve seen cookies and cakes with artwork printed on them online and in bakeries, but I didn’t realize this was something I could achieve at home. After doing a little research, I found out you can buy frosting sheets and edible ink cartridges for certain home printers.


And mine was one of them. YAY! So I bought the inks for my printer. Then I realized I would have to clean it somehow, which sounded like a whole bunch of trouble, so I decided to buy another printer just like it. No such luck. My printer is too old for stores to still carry.

So, I had to get a newer printer, which meant I needed different inks … of course. But I was determined, so I went ahead and exchanged the inks while I waited for the new printer to arrive.

After it arrived and I started to set it up, I thought something was strange. It called for six cartridges, but the edible inks I bought came in a set of five. I really should have stopped here to investigate. But no, for some reason, I thought it would work because the website’s form said that printer worked with those inks.


But they didn’t.

So I went back to the list of compatible printers and the company had updat ed their list and removed the printer that I had just shoved five edible ink cartridges into. Five messy cartridges I might add.


Let’s just say I was not a happy camper.


But… I was able to find another compatible printer in time to make these for Valentine’s Day.


Yes, now I have three printers. One for my computer, one for cookies and one for a doorstop.

Seriously though, it’s not that bad, printers are so cheap these days, it’s like buying a set of ink cartridges and they throw in the machine. I’ll find a use for it.

Anyway, I’m over it because finally… finally I was able to get it all to work.


Frosting sheets. They went right through the printer and came out with edible ink on them.

Crazy talk.


I made puffy sugar cookies for the valentines to go on. I was going for those fluffy ones with frosting that they sell in the grocery store.

These were okay. I’ll give you the recipe below if you want to use it or improve on it.


To use the frosting sheets, separate them from their backing and apply to a frosted cake or cookie. The frosting needs to be moist. If it starts to dry out, you can spray it with a fine mist of water.

Now, since I was doing cookies, I cut the shapes out with scissors first using my cookie cutter as a guide.


And, instead of frosting the cookies, I frosted the back of the frosting sheet so I could apply it to the cookie with less mess.

Keep the frosting sheets you aren’t using in a ziploc bag so they don’t dry out.


I could die. These are so dang cute.


From every angle… cute!


Circus Bear… cute.


Panda pair … cute.


Oh deer!


Cowboy kitty… cute.


Chicks … well, you get the idea.


I may never eat them. Ever.

Puffy Sugar Cookies

Puffy Sugar Cookies


  • 4 cups flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup butter
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup sour cream


  1. In a large bowl, sift flour, powder, soda, and salt using a wire whisk and set aside.
  2. Cream butter and sugar in a mixer until fluffy. Add egg, vanilla and sour cream. Mix until blended.
  3. Add flour until dough forms.
  4. Separate dough into four sections. flatten into a disc and cover in plastic wrap.
  5. Place in the refrigerator for a few hours. This dough is a little sticky, so flour your hands slightly when working with it.
  6. When ready to roll, preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  7. Place a sheet of parchment paper on the counter. Put one of the dough discs on the parchment paper. Then place a piece of plastic wrap or another sheet of parchment paper on top and roll the dough flat with a rolling pin. (I like the plastic wrap on top. I think it’s easier.)
  8. Cut out your shapes using a cookie cutter. If the dough sticks, use a toothpick to separate and remove the scraps.
  9. If you want cookie pops, then place a paper lollipop stick about an inch over the dough and press the dough around the stick slightly.
  10. Transfer parchment paper with dough cutouts to a baking sheet.
  11. Bake for 8-10 minutes and cool completely.

You can make buttercream frosting and tint it fun colors to frost the tops.

Or if you are adventurous, you can make cookies like these.

You’ll need frosting sheets, and edible ink cartridges with a compatible printer. I ended up using this printer.

Here’s the Kopykake website where you can see more printers and their compatible inks. You can buy the inks and frosting sheets from there, too. Check it out if you are interested.

You can use this pdf to print out the Valentine graphics on frosting sheets. You can also scale them down and use a paper punch and they would make great cupcake toppers or even tags for cake pops.

Use royal icing to dot a border around the outline of the frosting sheet after it’s applied.

Enjoy and Happy Valentine’s Day!


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318 comments on “Vintage Valentine Cookies”

  1. I think you may be my kindred spirit! Buying 2 extra printers just so I could do a project is something I would do. I love when I find other crazy people out there!

  2. I just wanted to say I think these are beautiful and super fun!!! I love your site, the work that you do, and the amount of heart you put into stuff, Amazing!!! If only I had the time, I would try some of your beautiful creations!!! Take care and Have fun!!!

  3. The cowboy kitty kinda scares me for some reason. I think guns and Valentines Day is not a good combo. LOL. These are so cute, but just may be the one post I don’t attempt. Edible ink and paper also creeps me out, I think all the birthday cakes with pictures on them and all the times I’ve ended up with the piece that has peoples heads on them. LOL. I have issues, but still think these cookies are cute. Great job as usual. You have the baking/decorating skills of a goddess and the patience of a god.

  4. Fantastic. They are just to darling.

    Happy Valentines Day
    Happy Pink Saturday
    Gail – Decorating My Tin Shack

  5. Unstinking believable. These are just too cute for words. Stunned. Completely stunned by how these turned out.

  6. Jaime wants the one with the Panda on it! YUM!

  7. Whoa. *I* would never eat them either. Ever. Awesome.

  8. You have the yummiest blog! I get such a sugar rush from just reading about all of your creativity.

  9. I am always intrigue by your ability to do these things…but this is just adorable!! I’m thinking…I could buy a printer and make cookies like this to sell for b-days, holidays, weddings….I never will, but wouldn’t it be neat if you could find them???

  10. I’m crazy with envy…the creativity and pure talent. I’ve already shared this with everyone I know…

  11. Thanks for the PDF where can I find more? They are super cute, and your cookies are too!

  12. oh my goodness they ARE so cute!!!!!!! thanks for sharing. I’ve been wondering how to do this and now I know! =] This will be very handy.

  13. I wonder if hubby is ok with another printer in the house for my baking adventures!

    I was just hinting that the crappy oven I’ve got needed replacing!

  14. LOVE THESE COOKIES!!!! Seriously these are the best. Right up my ally. I am so in love with the vintage cards. Great job!!

  15. Yes, these could absolutely, positively, with out doubt be the most adorably cute things…EVER!

  16. OMG>>> they look heavenly>>> <3 <3 <3

  17. This is so amazing! I had never hear of such a thing as edible print cartridges. I absolutely love the “vintage” pictures you choose too! So very creative!

  18. oh my gosh! AMAZING! What a brillient idea and the creative projects could never end!

  19. i don’t think i’ve ever seen anything like this ! great job :D they’re so cute <3

    happy valentines day ! :}

  20. I love these. Thank you for posting the pdf for the vintage images. They are adorable. Where did you find them? Any recommendations for good image sites?

  21. Oh my those are so cute!! I love the idea of edible inks and paper, just think of the possibilities.

    I wonder if you could clean an old printer?

  22. Amazing! You never fail to come up with the most original ideas!

  23. seriously! you are soooo creative. i wish i had an ounce of what you possess! every post gets better and better!!! thanks so much for the wonderful ideas! happy v day! xoxo ~terri

  24. These are ADORABLE! I want to buy a second printer now! Well, maybe I should hold off on that, since my current printer might die and then I’d have to buy two.

  25. You website is really inspiring! Thanks for going all out on these adorable cookies!

  26. Brilliant….and adding the frosting to the sheet instead of the cookie? It’s like a light bulb went off in my head! I have tried this before after ordering from ebay and just made a complete mess. Wish I would have put the frosting on like you did instead of the cookie! These are AMAZING!

  27. Those are so cool!
    Last time I had a regular printer and needed ink we accidentally broke the printer trying to get the ink out so we could see what kind it was, so I had to buy a new printer. A printer with a cartridge was actually cheaper than buying just the ink would have been.

  28. What an awesome and successful idea!! They turned out so well!

  29. I love these cookies!!! My passion is to decorate beautiful cookie and this is just another great idea!

  30. The website Fancy Flours has vintage valentine’s printed on edible paper that you can buy. I think that’s an easier way!

  31. You have really outdone yourself – these are unbelievably adorable! Thanks for the eye candy!

  32. That is just amazing.

  33. Way to go Bakerella and HVD! I have found my edible ink printer to be a hassle most times I take it out and can’t figure out if it’s a problem with Canon or Kopycake. The black ink just doesn’t want to print (even replaced those little chips). Probably got 3 good print sheets from the first $75 worth of ink. Anyway, LOVE Cowboy Kitty. You should send it to Pioneer Woman.

  34. You just amaze me with your talents. Such a fun site and I enjoy it so much. Keep up the great work. Happy Valentine’s Day. Paulette

  35. Those are the most darling thing I have EVER seen. They take the cake (pop)! I made cookie suckers yesterday, too. They were darling, but not quite in the same degree of darlingness! I haven’t blogged them yet, but here is a picture:!/photo.php?pid=1022401&id=1027022632&fbid=1319909390943

    You’re just awesome. Yep.

  36. These are adorable!! I really like the vintagey look! I wondering if I chould use one picture on my blog when I write about your lovely cookies? you can answer on my email!


  37. I have a great big girl crush on you right now!

  38. adorable….but what printer did you buy and where do you source the edible ink cartridges…you know we want the info LOL

  39. Those are amazing. My grandma had some of those Valentine’s in her house! I can’t believe how sharp the pictures came out.

  40. They turned out amazing. I’m totally wowed by how vibrant the colors. Only you would try and do this at home. I would just call around and find a bakery that would print the sheets for me. Now I don’t have to do that – I’m just going to send YOU my artwork and you print them for me – on one of your 3 printers( ha ha). I can only imagine the frustration – but the results are well worth it. Beautiful!

  41. so darn cute!! Love them! You do good girl!

  42. These are adorable!

  43. OMG these are the best!! now i want a 2nd printer…how great is that!

  44. Okay. For real, this is my favorite post ever. Even more than the Hello Kitty cake pops. And that’s saying something.
    Forget about the fact that the cookies are so dang adorable I could die. Your depiction of the events leading up to the cookies make it classic.
    Perhaps I enjoyed it so much because it just TOTALLY sounds like something that would happen to me.
    It’s clear that you are a woman who is willing to suffer for her art.
    But you had to know, on some level, that it would be entirely worth it just because it provided you with the greatest story that you can tell for years to come. Kind of like baking bragging rights.
    I have LOVED reading this blog and I’m so glad my mom introduced me to it.

  45. I had no idea I could do this at home! Thank you so much for posting the links, I can think of a thousand ways to use this.

  46. These are adorable! You amaze me with your creative treats. I love the panda pair one the most! :)

    Have a Happy Valentine’s day!

  47. You are so ridiculous! LOL! Three printers?! You are so much more persistent than I am seeing how I was so mad at my ONE printer that I gave up and let my husband fiddle with it to figure it out. (It’s still not printing clean colour — augh). These cookies are adorable and, no, please don’t eat them!

  48. Love it!!!

    Where did you order those valentine sheets- the vintage ones? love them! too late for this year, but this is being filed in my next year folder for the kiddos’ school party!

    Did I mention I love this?

  49. I just wanted to express my profound appreciation for your AMAZING blog. It is truly extraordinary. You are so creative and you make such beautiful and amazing cakes and edibles. Thank you so very much for sharing these amazing ideas with us. You are a true artist of the highest caliber. Thank you!!! Lia

  50. I love your determination!!! I’ve always loved the vintage artwork too- what a creative way to use it!

  51. Oh why oh why did I have to get a place so small? I would never find room for a 2nd printer or be able to make these cookies now. They are simply too cute for words.

  52. cute cookies!! you should make some olympic themed cookies in spirit of the winter olympics!

  53. Oh. My. God. I must try this, even if it takes FOUR printers!

  54. dear bakerella

    let me count the ways that i love you so. you are AmaZing!

    today was a huge day for me. HUGE. i was finally able to recreate something similar to what you do AND…it turned out somewhat good looking.
    i cannot tell you how many times i have tried to do some of the stuff you do & have failed miserably.
    but TODAY ~ was a different story. FINALLY.

    i hope you have a super valentine’s day!


  55. They are sooo adorable!! :) I adore your blog!

  56. So freaking cute! I wouldn’t want to eat them either!

  57. I am in LOVE! This took me back to my childhood! Completely ADORABLE!

  58. Well after all that trouble with the printer, at least they turned out absolutely gorgeous!

  59. I agree, printers are so cheap they really are about the price of the ink. I love these cookies. Adorable! Thank you for sharing them with us!

  60. I love your website! Thank you!!

  61. Those are so cute !!!

  62. These cookies are absolutely AMAZING!!!!!

  63. You are so creative and talented. I really enjoy following your blog to see all the wonderful ideas you come up with.

    Thanks for sharing!

  64. Adorable cookies! The old valentines take me back to my grade school days. What a great idea to print them out on frosting sheets and put them on cookies! You are one smart cookie, Bakerella!

  65. Those cookies are too dang cute!


  66. Oh my god! These are so ridiculously cute! I wish I saw these sooner so that I could’ve made them in time for valentine’s!! Now I’m searchinig my brain for the next occasion I could do something like this. Thanks so much!

  67. OMG….I want to do these for Easter! You rock!

    it’s one of the best valentine’s sweets i’ve ever seen ..
    wow .. u really blow my mind with ’em ..
    hopefully one day ill get the same stuff n try making ’em by my own .. keep it up .. u’re really gr88888

    & happy <3

  69. Wow!!!!!!!!!! Once again you’ve amazed me. THis might be one I can’t copy. LOL!
    This is the best and my kids are at awe.

  70. Those are the CUTEST cookies I’ve ever seen! I can’t wait to try them someday!

  71. So very, very pretty!!!

  72. Wow. I always love everything you post, but these have blown me away. Just amazing!


  73. These are the cutest cookies ever!! Too bad the recipe wasn’t as good as you expected. I have a good recipe that is similar to this one. I just blogged about it the other day, too!! You should try it out…it is a copycat recipe of the Lofthouse cookies you see at the store. They are cake-like and very good. My students loved them.

    I wish I could be as creative as you. You really are dedicated to your treats. I love your photos.

  74. Oh they look adorable!! I love your vintage images!

    I’m so excited to try my edible ink printer package now! I’ve had it for over a month but haven’t gotten around to trying it yet. Hope it all works out for me but I’m sure I’ll end up full of ink too!

  75. seriously??? like really??? i can’t handle it…really…seriously seriously can’t take it…you really should not do this to people…i want them…really really want them…unbelievably adorable…i would never ever eat them, i promise!!! you kill me!

  76. First of all, I admire your stick-to-ness and second of course, I love the cookies! They look wonderful…too cute to eat. Thanks for sharing your creations :o)

  77. Excellent and incredible!!! You continue to amaze us! Thank you Bakerella!

  78. I’m pretty sure I’ve said before but you are a genius! Your work is amazing.

  79. Amazing!
    Now I want t go out and buyt a printer so I can make this!!!

  80. omg these are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute………if you think you will never eat them……..send them my way…..i will eat them for sure !!!!!! yum………………….you are amazing !

  81. I love these cookies! I am not as adventurous as you are so my cookie pops will just be iced. The printed frosting sheets are intiguing though! They would be great for a kids themed party or for Easter.

    Thanks for the idea!

  82. OMG! First of all, your cookies are adorable! I love the vintage Valentine’s Day card themes. It really brings me back. :) Second, I now HAVE to buy a new printer along with edible ink and frosting sheets so I can decorate my cakes like this! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you sooooooo much for posting this!!


  83. soooo cute!!! you are soooo creative!

  84. I can’t believe you posted this! I’ve been thinking about getting a printer just for frosting sheets but I”ve been afraid to do it. You read my mind! Looks easy enough.. What printer did you get?

  85. OMG =O *dies*

  86. Absolutely adorable! I don’t think I could eat them either!

  87. these are truly pieces of art work! I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I ate it!!

  88. Congratulations! Job well done. Those are cute, cute, cute!

  89. Imagine how beautiful these would be with vintage Christmas scenes. Using an ornament shaped cookie cutter, they could be made into editble hanging ornament with a hole and some pretty ribbon.
    Thanks for the post. Very inspiring!
    Happy V Day!

  90. I swear to god these are the cutest! OMG! GREAT JOB!
    XO Renee

  91. thanks for the trip down nostalgia lane…I so remember sending valentines just like this when I was young…you are incredible, thanks for sharing your many talents.

  92. It is so funny because I have a printer in the garage that I bought for this very thing – I also have had copycake bookmarked for a long time – I was just super nervous to go through with it! i really hope this works as I am so excited to make edible image cookies.
    Yours are gorgeous!

  93. Wow! These are wonderful! And, kudos for all our persistence! I would have given up much sooner with the whole printer debacle!

  94. I’ve always wanted an icing printer. And I have a collection of vintage valentines. And I love cookies.

    Well…that’s it; you’ve combined my 3 loves. I MUST have one now.

    Will you be my valentine? ?

  95. Oh, my goodness! Kudos to you for sticking with it! They turned out to be SO adorable. hank you, though, for being so honest about the trials you went through to get to that point. It does make a great story.

  96. You are just much to ambitious. These are amazing!

  97. Cutest stinking things EVER!!! I would never eat them. They’re just too adorable.

  98. You make me crazy with your creativity. I wish my printer would do this because I would do this in a heart beat. I hope you are staying warm in all the snow we got. I am baking and getting FAT, you have been my inspiration on a few of the things, hopefully I wont eat them all before I can post pictures. Thanks for keeping me inspired and pushing me to try more. Your my Fav, but you knew that.

    Cha Cha

  99. Adorable! I love vintage cards of any kind! I was thinking about a very similar idea for vintage postcards!

    Beautiful job!!

  100. I LOVE the edible paper sheets. They are so fun when you have some great embarrassing photos of your sisters naked as children and then use them on cakes and cookies for when they’re older. SURPRISE!

    Man, I love being the oldest…

    Cute Cookies though…I’d eat them. But then again, I’d eat anything probably.

  101. These are so darn cute, you have great ideas. I have your site as my homepage so I won’t miss a thing.

  102. I am figuring 2 doz. cookies at $!50/printer x 2 + edible ink cartridges = about $16.00 per cookie , BUT, oh, are they cute !!!

  103. Hi Bakerella and Happy Valentine’s to you!

    What a perfect craft to do for V Day!! You never cease to amaze me, honestly!! You are so darn craft and artistic! I’m just sooo thankful that you put your talent to good use and then share it with all of us!!
    This is a wonderful idea and I’m glad it all worked out in the end for you!!

  104. WOW!!!!!! I’m in love. :)

  105. those ARE adorable! hmm… I have an extra printer lying around that came for free with my laptop…

  106. These are just adorable!! I hate that you had to go through so much hassle, but it was SO worth it!!

  107. I’m coming out of lurkdom for this one. They are absolutely fantastic

  108. i am begging…please come to nyc & teach classes …please!
    you are so talented & creative & these are just AMAZING!
    happy dear bakerella!

    angie, please come!!

  109. Those are adorable! I would have a tough time eating them too! I love how they came out!

  110. How is it you don’t do this stuff professionally??? These are adorable! You’ve got a lot of talent, and I am so glad you share it with all of us! :) Hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s day!

  111. i love the vintage valentines! printers that make edible images at home??? hooray!!

  112. Oh my goodness! They are so cute! I need to make something like this- think of all the possibilities!!!! I am going to look into ordering some frosting paper etc.. right now!

  113. Way way cute….absolutely and so muc trouble u took to get ’em going sweety….
    Que Magnifigue este…bravo!!!!


  114. SUPER CUTE! Those need to be published!

  115. You NEVER cease to amaze me! Way, way cute!

  116. So adorable! I love seeing what you are going to do next!

  117. I never cease to amaze me..

  118. Cute, cute, cute love it!

  119. You never cease to amaze! These are adorable and as always your work is perfection!

  120. You are too stinkin’ talented!! LOVE THEM!!!

  121. I am amazed at technology. I didn’t realize that you can make edible ink at home. How fun!!

    Also, I was looking at the Cricuit site and they are coming out with a machine that cuts frosting (the fondant -sp? kind). I sat there in amazement watching that little tool.

    Just amazing… Happy V-Day!

  122. I love that idea, but I think my husband would DIE if I suggested putting edible ink cartridges in his baby… I mean, printer. *sigh* I’ll have to live vicariously through you!

  123. These are beautiful. I love the idea! Man, those cartridges are expensive!

  124. these are infinitely adorable. ive been on the fence about buying an edible printer set, and you might’ve just made up my mind.

  125. These really are just too adorable!!!!

    I love the vintagey look to the printouts you chose.

    I’ve been wanting to play around with edible ink and frosting papers for some time, but haven’t been able to convince myself it was worth it to buy a whole new printer.

    You may just have convinced me!!!!!

  126. unbelievably amazing! i’m in love!

  127. Wow. You raised the bar…again. So impressive and adorable! Great job!

  128. Honestly, these are the cutest thing ever!!!! I sent my hubby a vintage Valentine in a little package when we first started dating. I wish I could throw these together as a little Valentine’s surprise. Perhaps next year!

  129. I literally just finishing drying my hands after making 50+ valentine’s cake balls. So thank you for that.

    And thank you for this. I am completely in love with this vintage pops. Your creativity amazes me. I also want one of those cards on a t-shirt.

  130. just wanted to say that you’re one amazing & creative baker. i love all your ideas! you’re so super!!

  131. So cute! I know its a little late now but fancy has the sheets already printed and you can skip the at home printing.

  132. These are so great! I was just thinking about how no one talks that way anymore (in lovey-dovey puns as on the valentines, I suppose), and then I wondered what would one day be considered “vintage-worthy” about the language of this particular point in history. Put THAT on a card, America!


  133. That is just insanity. Fabulous, wonderful insanity. I could never imagine printing on frosting with my printer, but I love it! These are indeed adorable.

  134. Those are SO cute! I always wondered how they got those images on the cookies. Now I know! I may have to buy a doorstop–I mean, printer–to do the same!

  135. I have been wanting a printer for the kitchen. You have inspired me to get one! Thanks!!!

  136. These are the coolest cookies ever :) Nice work Bakerella!

  137. These are so cute! Once again you have amazed me! How fun!

  138. You are amazing! So creative and your technique is so precise. I love these cookies!

  139. I’m in LOVE with your cookies! I’ve seen sites for these edible inks and wondered if it would work well or not, and obviously it does! I might have to get one! Suzie

  140. those are so cute! I wouldn’t be able to eat them either, their just too precious.

  141. So cute! How does it taste?

  142. Wow these are amazing, I love the panda one hehe :).
    That frosting paper looks great. tee hee :)

  143. Ah! Those pandas are ADORABLE! I could make an entire batch of those! :)

  144. What a great idea…I want to place an order for next year!!!

  145. These are so cute I could just die. Absolutely perfect!

  146. Those are darling!

  147. OMG … you always manage to outdo yourself.
    Adorable – I wouldn’t want to eat these!

  148. HOW do you get those little royal icing balls SO perfect? Mine always have little points on them as I bring up the tip.

    These cookies are so cute. Did you calculate the cost per cookie using the cost of the used and unused cartridges and the two printers? I’ll bet those are some nice cookies!

  149. These are ridiculously awesome.

  150. This idea would be PERFECT for baby announcements! I’ll definitely be setting myself up to do this as soon as I get moved!

  151. Those are adorable! I love your creativity and admire your patience!

  152. Wow, these are so very cute! Thanks for sharing. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  153. The cookie suckers are stinkin’ cute! I never knew there was such a thing as frosting paper and edible ink for a printer! That is awesome! I want one. :)

  154. Wow!!! That is insane!!! They look unbelievable! Happy Valentines Day!!

  155. You’ve outdone yourself this time Bakerella! I’m still sitting here in awe, gaping like an idiot.

    Also… in honor of the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, I think you should make some Olympic themed baking goddness… just sayin’.

  156. Those are so adorable…ohmigosh!

  157. You’ve out done yourself AGAIN! Wow!

  158. Just wondering on the Printer….. I can see its a cannon. Can you share the detail of the model? Thanks….I can’t wait to start. Did some research but know I’m gonna have to invest in a different printer the Hp isn’t gonna cut it.

  159. The printer ordeal was definitely worth it.. those are ADORABLE!! Thanks for the links to the edible ink and paper – I’m tempted to do a project of my own!

  160. You are going to be dangerous now with this new media..I can’t wait to see what else you are going to create. Adorable!!!!!!!!

  161. Darling, darling! These vintage valentines are so much cuter than the ones you see in stores now. You just keep coming up with one cute idea after another!

  162. Too Cute! You are the best! Happy V-Day!

  163. Wow. That’s really all that comes to mind. You are absolutely fantastic!

  164. I must confess that those ARE indeed the cutest Valentine cookies I have ever laid eyes on! Completely worth the printer fiasco! Well done and Happy Valentines Day!

  165. They are so unbelievably adorable! You are so very cool!
    ps…Happy Valentine’s Day :)

  166. Bakerella, did you know that Target carries Cherrybrook Kitchen? Its gluten-free cakes and cookies found in the baking aisle.

  167. Oh my gosh, ADOREABLE! I love it!

  168. These aren’t cookies, but works of art! You are so amazingly creative. I know the printer was a PITA but just imagine what you can do with it now that it’s up & running!

  169. I wouldn’t want to eat those either …. they are way too cute! Especially after all the trouble you went to to make them!
    I love the panda one so much, wish I could make one too!

  170. Sooooo cute, I’d be sorry to eat them (or give them to anyone!) :)

  171. I want to make those so badly! They are adorable and perfect! You are one talented lady!!

  172. I love these! But don’t envy the machine. Even if you can’t buy the whole printer set-up, you CAN print your own pictures on card stock. Then take it to any grocery store bakery that does those photo cakes and have them print it for you! I do that all the time. Easy-squeezy! Especially for my sister, the Tarheel Fan!

  173. These are adorable. Can’t afford the printer but I’m about to start playing with making cookie pops.

    I made cupcake bites yesterday. It only took about 4 hours =( I can’t figure out how to dip them while holding them because it seems like the chocolate starts melting instantly and I end up with a cupcake bite with my fingerprint all over it.

  174. These are about the cutest things I’ve ever seen. I must add it to my list (my husband is going to roll his eyes at this one)!

  175. Those are ADORABLE! Love them!

    I just made sugar cookies yesterday and used K.A.F. Fiori de Sicilia extract instead of vanilla or almond and they’re the most amazing cookies ever.

    Also, I use powdered sugar in my sugar cookies vice granulated. It makes for a softer cookie.

  176. Absolutely adorable! A great v-day treat for your friends and family!

    P.S. I love love love your cake ball recipe! I used Betty Crocker’s Party Rainbow Chip cake mix and covered them in white chocolate coating and they were a huge success! Everyone loved them! Thanks for sharing all your great recipes with us!! =)

    Happy Valentine’s Day!!

  177. Edible ink? Oh.My.Goodness.

  178. I just had to comment, because I had the SAME problem with that company – which I didn’t find out until I called them with the SAME problem. $75 worth of new ink cartridges later (plus the SAME messy hands), I ended up buying a new printer too!

  179. Darling! I wonder if I can talk my husband into getting us a “baked goods” printer…

  180. Wow, that’s cool…I think I’ll save the trouble and wont even try to make anything like that, but they sure are cute :)

  181. OMGosh! I laughed so hard at this post. I love how you have a 3rd printer as a doorstop now and what is with ink prices being so ridiculous!! Thanks for the laugh….and your cookies look beautiful as always. LOVE!

  182. When I first saw the picture, I thought the images were from Very cute!

  183. I’m inlove with this method, however – you purchased a specific printer for this use, no? I know they sell them at cake art, but I haven’t seen one I was willing to purchase for anything less than $300 or so – any ideas or tips?

    As always, thank you :)

  184. Those are just so cute! Last year my sisters and dad and I found some vintage valentines at a thrift store last year, and you’re right, they are just the cutest things! It’s almost cruel to eat them….almost…..happy valentines day!

  185. They are just adorable, love them! So sorry you had to go through so much trouble :( , but they are about the cutest Valentine cookies I have ever seen. Happy Valentine’s Day! :)

  186. Those cookies are too adorable to eat! Whatever will you think of next?! You know I actually thought I was good at baking…until I started reading your blog :D Happy Heart Day !!

  187. Love them! I always heard about printing using edible ink. Very interesting.

  188. Super cute. Happy Valentine’s Day, Bakerella!

  189. I have been thinking about getting a printer for the edible ink and you may have finally convinced me. Those cookies are super cute!

  190. These are amazing. So cute. Would this mean that you could print from photographs as well? I think you have lots of possibilities now with your stockload of equipment! I believe in ‘being prepared’! :) It’s a comfort…

  191. I’ve always wondered how easy that whole edible printing thing was. Good to know. Now, you’ve opened up a brand new area for your baking….can’t wait to see what else you create!

  192. Super cute! Now I want a new printer and some cartridges, darn you!

  193. So cute! I would be ticked about the printers, though. But now you will be prepared to do this anytime!

  194. Those are so stinkin cute. As Always your works is awesome! Happy Heart Day!

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