
Pages and Post-Its


See all these pages?

I’ve been pouring over them this weekend trying to meet a deadline for a project I’ve been working on for more than a year now. It’s a book. Yeah, a book. Crazy, right?! Well, it’s written, designed and now it’s in the final stages of edits before it goes to press. Man, that’s weird to me. I’m soooo not someone who ever thought they would have a book. And, definitely not a book you could walk into a bookstore and find. I must be dreaming. Somebody pinch me.

Do you want to see some of it?


Sorry… I can’t show you the inside just yet. That would spoil all the fun.


I wish I could though. Really, I do.


For instance, I’d love to tell you what I did with these.

I think you’d smile.

But, I can’t

I can tell you this, though…

The book has everything to do with these…


At the end of 2008, I went cake pop crazy for a few weeks and made a gazillion pops in different designs. Many of them you haven’t seen yet. I decided back then not to show them all on the site… just in case I ever put a book together and tried to publish it on my own, I wanted to have some that were a surprise to make it more fun.

Try to publish on my own… hahahaha! I’m so glad I didn’t go that direction because I don’t think I would have ever finished it, let alone be able to stock and ship books from my pantry. I don’t picture that going well.

Luckily, I didn’t have to. The publisher I’m working with has kept me focused with deadlines. Deadlines, as much as they stress me out… deadlines help. I had no idea the amount of work that would be involved when I started this. From the hours and hours of writing, baking, dipping, decorating, photographing, and hair pulling for me … to all the time editing, typesetting, and designing on the publishers part. I have a huge respect for anyone who has ever written a book or been part of the process. It’s a monumental project.

I don’t have firm details yet, but it’s on target to come out later this year.

My biggest hope is that it answers your questions about cake pops and inspires you to create more fun designs of your own.

Thank you guys so much for loving these little cakes on a stick. I never would have thought I’d be here right now when I made these.

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523 comments on “Pages and Post-Its”

  1. I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy :) this is so exciting. Someday I hope Im in the same place as you.

  2. I can’t wait to get a copy!!! I’ll Pre-order it. Your great and very talented. Don’t get to busy where we can’t enjoy your beautiful creations.

  3. I am already saving a place on my calendar for the OKC booksigning….do you know when it will be?? JK
    Good for you and seriously, I want you to have a book signing. I would love it. :)

  4. Congratulations!!!! We’ll all have a virtual book launch celebration and make a special (picked out by you) Cake Pop recipe to share with friends, family and our fellow cookbook lovers! So let’s see….what day will be National Bakerella Day? ‘Cuz the book release date will be like a national holiday for your blog readers!

  5. I am super excited about your book! I am very interested in taking a look inside. :)

  6. Congratulations! That is amazing, and I cant wait to see it. And purchase it, of course:) I love what you do.

  7. That’s so exciting! Congratulations! I’m working on a book myself so I understand how hard it is. I can’t wait to read it.

  8. Ooooo, what is the title going to be so I can add it to my birthday list for August!!

  9. How exciting! Can’t wait to buy it!

  10. Hey Bakerella!

    Congrats! I knew it was only a matter of time that you’d come out with a book. How exciting! Can’t wait to see it. I’m so happy for you!

  11. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting this is for you…and US….Cant wait for all the details and to get a copy. Love cake pops and everywhere I take them they are a HUGE it…Like always thanks so much for all your inspiration and again Congrats that is such a big accomplishment!!!

  12. that’s so exciting! I’ll definitely buy one!

  13. Huge Congrats!!!! Can’t wait to see the finished product with all of your awesome photos!

  14. I can’t wait!!! How long we have to wait to discover the secrets? :)
    You are so talented! I’m glad you decided to make a book.

  15. Congratulations, I can hardly wait for it. When will it be out? How long do we have to wait, the anticipation is killing me.

  16. Go Bakerella go Bakerella go.

    Sounds like 2010 is going to be a huge year for you. Congrats!

  17. Congrats! I’m looking forward to buying the book and testing out all your creative ideas! :)

  18. Yay! You! I’ll buy it!!! Congratulations, what an inspiration you are to all of us who still don’t know what we want to be when we grow up.

  19. I love it!!! I’ve been waiting for you to come up with a book that I know I will treasure and enjoy. I’m one of your many fans who will buy and enjoy the book. Congratulations!

  20. Do you re-use the sticks when you’re done with them? It seems like such a waste to me.

  21. Interesting to note that you had “only” 208 comments on your first post. Look at you now! I’m proud to have followed you from nearly the beginning. Two posts I return to are the football (oreo) truffles and the “got milk?” peanut butter cup cake. Although, I LOVE your photography and recipes with every post. All the best to you as you publish your book. Can’t wait to see it! :)

  22. Serious Fabulosity!! Of course, I knew it was gonna happen- it just had to be in the right cake pop time ;-) put me down for 1 or, uh, 10 copies please!

  23. That’s amazing! Congratulations, Bakerella! Can’t wait til it comes out!

  24. Oh my gosh, what an exciting adventure Angie. You know we can’t wait to buy it. What a great thing to have done in your life.

  25. What happy news, congratulations! Very happy news to me so that I can buy it and use it all the time. I make cake balls for a lot of occasions and they are always a major hit. Keep ’em coming!

  26. Awesome news! Congrats! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy.

  27. Congratulations on your success. I enjoy your blog & will anxiously be awaiting your cookbook!

  28. Wooot! Best of luck with this – I know it’s going to be a best seller!!

  29. That is so awesome! You must be buzzing with excitement (and stress)! Congratulations – can’t wait to see the finished book!

  30. oh my goodness!
    i can’t wait to buy a copy! i’m sure your book will turn out fantastic, just like your baking creations do. (:

  31. Congratulations!!! How exciting. Can’t wait to hold my very own copy : )

  32. congratulations on the upcoming book release – so exciting. And, I love Chronicle Books – you’re in very good hands :)

  33. That is so exciting! You need to be so very proud of yourself. You bring me joy every time I look in on your blog. I can’t wait to have your book on my counter! Hope you can get some time to enjoy all the good things in your life.

  34. YEAH!! OK, everyone is asking you to come to Europe…I’m just sayin’: Omaha Nebraska is right in the MIDDLE of the U.S.A. (easy for you to get to!!).

    Love your stuff!!

  35. Way to go, good for you- I can’t wait to see your book someday :o)
    You are the Cake Pop Queen!

  36. Dear Bakerella,

    as a recent follower…I am hooked!!! and now so are all my friends…I can’t wait to buy your book!!!!

  37. Wow.. so many comments in such little time.

    I am very happy for you. Who knew you’d be here starting your website, still taking classes, experimenting with photos/recipes (though I’m sure you still do that now), and when you only had a few followers.

    I cannot wait until the book comes out. I tried to look it up on Target, but couldn’t find much (I was hoping to put one on reserve, haha).

    Good luck in all that you do. Continue being inspirational.

  38. i am so excited! i have been hoping you would make a cake pop book!

  39. Yeay!!!!! I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy! Bakerella you rock!!

  40. I knew it was coming! I just emailed you about that! ;) Thanks for sharing. Have you had a chance to look at the cake pop stand?

  41. CONGRATS!!! What an amazing journey, isn’t it??
    Doing what you love and sharing it with the world.
    You go girl!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!

  42. I am so tickled for you! Congratulations and I will stand in a book-signing line for 4 hours to see you again, too! :)

  43. CONGRATS!!!!! I can’t wait to buy it! :-D


  44. Love your site!!! I can not wait to see and read your book!!! So very very excited!! Keep us updated!!!! =)

  45. Congratulations! Let us know as soon as we can pre-order! I know I need one and I can already think of several people who need to be introduced to cake pops!

  46. Congrats on your upcoming book. I MUST have one as soon as they are available.

  47. So excited for you and I cannot wait for the book to come out!!! Are you going to do a book tour??? I would love to come and have you sign the book for me.

  48. Congrats on the book!

  49. Awesome! Make sure it’s available in Canada!

  50. That makes my Christmas shopping much easier this year! I’ll buy one for every gal in my family!
    Thanks bakerella for being so talented and sharing a little of that with us! We love you!

  51. I’ve been wondering when you would tell us you were going to do a book. I’m very happy for you! I know it will be beautiful and very sweet! Congratulations!

  52. Excellent! Congratulations! Can’t wait to buy it. And then make lots of pops. And then eat them. And then make more. And then eat them. I already find myself scouring the holiday specialty candy aisle at Target thinking, “Hmmm…I wonder what kind of cake pops I could make with THESE…”

  53. I love this idea because you deserve to be paid for all that you do! Thank you for all the free stuff on your site. I would gladly buy your book!

  54. Hola!

    Me da mucho gusto. Felicidades!! Y espero que el libro lo podamos comprar en México.


  55. Wow!!!! A book from Bakerella!!! I can’t wait. I will be among the firsts in line I’m sure when it hit the stores. Be sure to come to the DC area when on tour! Congratulations Bakerella! Cake Pops & your creativity are indeed worthy of a book!

  56. That’s AWESOME! Congrats!

  57. Can’t wait!!!! Please let us know when it will be available. I am already looking forward to pouring over it for hours!

  58. Congrats, can’t wait :)

  59. Congratulations!! I can’t wait to buy the book!! Love your site.

  60. Awesome! I cannot wait for your book. This is what happens when people work hard and get noticed. Yeah for you! I hope you give at least one away for free :) I’m already asking!!

  61. That is exciting! My students will be very happy when the books is published. I have a lot of bakers that refer to your site regularly!

  62. Oh, that is so wonderful–what an accomplishment! Congrats, congrats! That will be such a fun book–I’m sure it will just fly off the shelves!

  63. That’s AWSOME!!! Good luck and I can’t wait till it gets published/released! I will definitely put that one on my to watch for list!

  64. Congratulations!

    What a neat time we live in – you can start a blog on something you’re interested in, and be slowly building a book at the same time! Even if you don’t know it.

    Then, when the book comes out, you already have a fan base! Very excited for you.

  65. As I say every time, you ROCK!! Thank you for putting in such hard work so that we all may enjoy your little creations. I’m so excited and can’t wait to buy it. I hope you do a book signing, too! Keep it up – you’re almost there! Good job!

    I’m so excited- my head is about to exploooode!!!

    PLEASE say you’ll be going on a BOOK TOUR…please please PLEASE!!!


  67. I’m so excited for this book! You have been an inspiration and I can’t wait to see all the creations you have made. yay!

  68. So happy for you (and for us rabid readers!) Can.not.wait!!!

  69. I am so absolutely thrilled for you!!! Congratulations! I’m planning on making my first ever batch of cake pops for a party toward the end of the month. Very Exciting! I wish you ALL the best!

  70. Yay! That’s so amazing! Hope you come up to MD if you do a book tour… ;)

    Hope it’s been a fun project!

  71. YEA!!! a book! I know what everyone will be getting from me for Christmas this year! Just hope Santa brings one for me too – to go with my bakerella t-shirt :)

  72. Fantastic news !! Congratulations and well done.

    But now, because your book is going to be such a phenomenal success, everyone is going to turn up with cakepops at the next end of term classroom party :-)

    Doesn’t matter.

    Thankyou soooo much for being sooo talented and generous to share your skills :-)

  73. WOW! Congratulations! Such an exciting time for you and DEFINITELY deserved. You rock!

  74. Great, now I’ll never lose weight. Ha. I’m so excited about your book. Can’t wait!!!

  75. Pretty sneaky Bakerella! Even when I commented that I couldn’t wait until we were at YOUR book signing you kept it hush. Congratulations! Let us know the date soon!

  76. Congratulations! I knew it was just a matter of time!!!

  77. I hope you put instructions on how to make your wonderful creations in it. I stumbled across your website and it is ab-fab!!!

  78. Whoo!!! Congrats!!! Rich and I are so excited for you? i wonder if our Wedding Cake Pops will make the book??? We will be the first to buy it, regardless! So excited!

  79. Congratulations! I think I have to buy this! I absolutely love your cute, creative cake pop designs…and there are ones I haven’t seen?!

  80. Congratulations! I can’t wait to see the book.

  81. good for you – I know it will be beautiful. I don’t post here much but I stalk you quite often. I do like the pops but you also make beautiful cakes and cupcakes. Will be excited to see the book . . .

  82. Congratulations! Can’t wait to see the book!

  83. YAY!! I am SO excited for you, Bakerella!!
    What a book it will be… I am SURE of it :)
    Can’t wait to hear more details!!!

  84. Wow, that`s nice.
    I can hardly wait to buy it.

    Will you trancelate it also in Dutch (please;-)))))
    Here in Holland we also love Bakerella.

  85. Congratulations!! That is sooooo wonderful for you and I CAN’T WAIT to get it!! You’re the best Bakerella!

  86. Oh my goodness, VERY EXCITING! Congratulations, I know it will be absolutely wonderful. I am reserving a copy today ;)

  87. I want your book can’t wait and congrats you go girl. Paulette

  88. congratulations!!! you’ve had me sold on your stuff since the cupcake pops…i LOVED them, and so did everyone at my daughter’s 1st birthday party! I’ll be certain to get a copy of your book once it’s in stores!

  89. Finally! I can’t tell you how happy I am (and my printer) as I’m often printing out all the pages of your website and putting them in a binder for future baking needs. My daughter has just turned 2 so she’s been a little young to appreciate all these adorable sweet goods but that will soon change. Now I can just go buy your book and give my poor printer the break it deserves. Can’t wait to see it! You truly do inspire all of us!

  90. OH!!!! im so excited!
    I can’t wait to buy one! :D

  91. Maybe I’ll wait and get yours and The Pioneer Womans book at the same time!


  92. Congratulations! I look forward to getting my copy and sharing it with Savannah as she grows up.

    I am delighted for you!!!

  93. WOW, a book! I can’t wait to see all the new ideas for cake pops that you have come up with…I will definitely be getting my own copy once it is available. Congrats!

  94. I’ve been getting posts from you in my inbox, for a long time now. I always save them for the last email I open each morning, like dessert, it’s the best part of the day. I can’t think of any better book to have. Congratulations, you’ve earned it.

  95. congratulations!!! I’ve been there—-through allll the trials and tribulations and joys from start to finish, and it’s pretty dang thrilling. Chronicle is my fave publisher, too. Your book will be huge!

  96. CAN’T WAIT!

  97. Yeah! Looking forward to adding another book on my shelves! Can’t wait to find out the release date.

  98. Congratulations! I am so excited for you! I can’t wait for it to hit the shelves. Hoping for some pre-order options!
    Thanks to you, I have a fun idea for my son’s 6th birthday that also involves those cute little sticks. I’ll be testing it out soon as his birthday is next week!

  99. Wah congratulation n_n You should really be proud of yourself

  100. WOW!! A book by bakerella!! I will buy 2! One for the counter that I work from and one to keep on the shelf that will be clean and new!! Can’t wait to get it:)

  101. So deserved, I love your creativity!
    You have inspired so many of us to go out and try something new…
    I will make this book my go to gift for all my creative friends.

    I am sure someone will make those tiny little books for your book signing like you made for PW.

  102. Even the manuscript looks beautiful from this side view! I will hold my breath waiting in anticipation!

  103. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so excited and can’t wait. I have made a lot of creations and can’t wait to make more. This week I am trying your Shamrock Oreo truffles. Pleass keep us updated, so we know when it will be out.

  104. It’s a success already! What an amazing ride! Enjoy that first copy. We’re all waiting – impatiently!

  105. Wow! That is just incredible! I’m so excited for you….well, and for “me”, too *Ü* If you have something up your sleeve and thing its nifty…I’m all in! Can’t wait for that book to be released!

  106. Wow…what a great accomplishment! I know I will be keeping my eyes peeled for your book – I love making cake pops and need all the inspiration I can get AND you really inspire me! Congratulations!


  108. Well I will most certainly be purchasing your book! And I’m glad you held out on showing all of the cake pops. It will make it more exciting when I see them in print!

  109. A book!? How wonderful for all of us…can’t wait! Congratulations to you :)

  110. YAY! Can’t wait to see it. So are you doing a book tour? When does it come out?

  111. WOW!!! THAT is AWESOME!! I’m goinging to be getting one of those for sure!! You should come to London, Onatrio on your book tour!! I LOVE making cake pops!!

  112. Yay!! I can’t wait till the book comes out! Congrats!! :D

  113. I cannot wait to own a copy!!! Congratulations!!!! :D

  114. this is such WONDERFUL news!!

    congrats to you for all your creativity & hard work…
    cannot wait to purchase your book
    & hopefully meet you on your BOOK TOUR!!!
    this is sooo exciting…
    & clicked onto your publisher…you are in great company!!!

    ANGIE…wishing you ALL THE BEST!!!

  115. I can’t wait!..will be the first one at the bookstore to buy a copy!

  116. you are amazing!! good for you!!!

  117. Cannot wait to see the completed book! I will definitely get a copy!

  118. What an accomplishment ~ Congratulations! Can’t wait to see the finished product.

  119. Very cool! Congrats!

  120. My daughter and I are so excited for you. I am not the least bit surprised there is a Bakerella book in the works and know that a copy of it will definitely make its way into our house as soon as it is available.

    Congrats! Your hard work will be rewarded – greatly!

  121. Yay! Congrats to you! :) That is so exciting and you are so deserving!

  122. So exciting! I can’t wait to see the book, congratulations.

  123. I’ve been wondering when you would put a book together…call me old fashioned, but there is just no comparison between poking the button and flipping through thick, glossy beautifully colored paper. A big YAY from me! I can’t wait to purchase it!

  124. i was just thinking the other day that you needed a book!
    scout’s honor. with girl scout cookies on top.


  125. Congrats!! That’s fanstastic! It has to be so nerve wrecking and stressful, but we all know you can do it! Your blog has given me a little more confidence when it comes to baking, and that’s a big deal, Lady, you’re an inspiration!!!

    Please let us know when it hits the stores as I WANT ONE!!!!

  126. Please let us know when it’s released!


  128. This is amazing news! You are such a talented bakerella and I cannot wait to get my hands on your book! It seems you will have to go on a world-wide book tour! If you ever do, put Norway on that list! :D Thanks for spreading the love and inspiration<3 xoxoxo

  129. OMG, that is such good news. CONGRATULATIONS on getting the book deal.
    I love checking the website to see what new goodies you have each week.
    Your work is truly amazing, it’s so creative and I love all the ideas that you come up with. You really seem like you love what you do and I only hope some day I will be as creative as you.
    Conrats again.
    R x

  130. Oh my gosh! That is so incredibly exciting. Well done you! I hope it will be available here in the UK. I know a couple of us Manchester Bakers are complete Bakerella devotees.
    Thank you for spreading the cuteness!

  131. hi Bakerella – i think your cake pops are brilliant and made reindeer and polar bears at christmas for my family. I live in the UK – will the book be available in the uk?

  132. Omg, CONGRATULATIONS bakerella!
    I can say that I’ve been an avid follower of your blog for two years or so now, and I am absolutely ecstatic that you are coming out with your own book! Cake pops are by far the best things that you have baked and to know that you are dedicating a whole book to them.. oh my goodness! Best of luck in the final process and I will definitely keep my open for this book in stores!

  133. Congratulations!
    I love your work … even if I could’nt read the book yet. Think I’m your biggest german fan ;-) I know so many women, reading your blog…and than asking me to translate the recipes.
    What do you think about an german version of your blog and book? Even though my english is’nt that perfect – my german is!
    What do you think about the idea? I would be very pleased to hear from you (betty [at]
    Best regards, Betty

  134. So excited and proud of you! Congratulations in advance! That was the first post I read here. Two years ago???
    Looking forward to the published book!
    Kisses from Greece

  135. I can’t wait for your book. I am going to get one for each of my daughters. Will you be able to autograph copies for us? I just love your creativity.

  136. well 62 :P

  137. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh about time missy !!!!!! lol

    congrats……………………………i can’t believe you haven’t had a book out already………………………….you are frikken (can i say that here) lol…..frikken awesome !!!!!!! can you save me a copy…..a signed copy plz….i can’t wait for it to come to australia……….unless you do a book tour downunder !

    congrats on all the hard work and i can imagine the long hours………..and you still find time for us….your fans !!!! fans from all across teh world !!!!!!

    yeah……..i’m #60

  138. Ooooo!!!! I am so excited for you AND me! Soon I will have Bakerella at my fingertips. Joy! Good luck.

  139. Congratulations! Ooh, can’t wait! to see it and get a copy!!

  140. I’m so proud of you Bakerella!!!! I absolutely cannot wait to buy a copy of your cookbook and check out all those surprises! You have totally transformed my kitchen and opened up so many creative outlets! I will never look at cake the same again! Please, please please have a book tour…Indy is a great place for signing! Hoosier hospitality and all! ;)

  141. Hope you plan on a give away of an autographed copy!! Can’t wait to read it!

  142. hi bakerella!!

    I will keep a look out for this! Awesome!

  143. I’m soo excited for you! I can’t wait to buy a few

  144. FINALLY!!!! a book!! How exciting!!!!
    Hope it will be available for us Dutchies too?? Will it be available online and shipped to Europe?? PLEASE!!!!

  145. Congratulations !
    I’m so excited and so impatient to read your book !
    I’m joining Leesa saying PLEASE come to Paris if you do a book tour !

  146. thats an awesome news :)

  147. As an ex book designer I’m sure you’re a publisher’s dream!!
    Beautiful photos, great descriptions and yummy products.
    I’ve been reading your blog for a while and love all the great stuff you come up with, and the amazing attention to detail that each project shows :-)

  148. Send plenty to Australia… I can’t believe I was just perusing the cookbook aisle yesterday, thinking that I NEED a book from Bakerella – I’m so excited – can’t wait!

  149. i can’t wait to get a copy of your book when it comes out! it’s going to be fantastic :D

  150. I hear you there!! I never thought I’d ever have a cookbook and mine is coming out this July, published by Quirk Books, which I think is a sister company of Chronicle. Glad to hear that things are going well and can’t wait to buy it!!

  151. What a great idea.. Cant wait for the book to be out.

  152. This is GREAT news!!!!!! I can’t wait to buy a copy. What an exciting project! xxx

  153. Congratulations on your book!!!
    I really love your cake-pops and I really hope the book will be available in Holland too some day!

  154. I love your cake pops… I am going to buy your book as soon as it comes out! Can’t wait!!!

  155. About time! Lol, I’m really happy for you and desperately hoping they’ll be availiable in Australia!!! Can I pre-order???

  156. SOOOO excited to that hear that news!!! Love checking out your latest creations and cant wait to see the “secret” ones! Could you make Australia part of your book tour????

  157. would it be available here in east asia? :)

  158. cant wait to get my hands on ur book

  159. your an amazing lady!!
    cant wait to get my hands on this!! I am yet to attempt your glorious “cake pops” but have been very tempted, Maybe its time to get my 2 year old contained and give it a go… and use the idea of getting my hands on this book as an excuse to refine the making and throw a release party…. (ohh the ideas are buzzing!!)

  160. Wow, so happy and excited for you and for us:) I am so looking forward to reading your book when it comes out!! Congratulations ~ Tina

  161. This is sooo exciting! Congratulations!

  162. How exciting!!!!
    Cannot wait to get my hands on it :)

  163. I’m soooooo excited for you! And I can’t wait to pick up a copy of your book as soon as it comes out.

    Ever since I found your blog I’ve been absolutely hooked! You have definitely inspired me. I went from making cakes from store-bought mixes and frosting for family and friends to starting my own business from home baking and decorating custom cakes from scratch for ppl I had never met before in my life! Thanks to your food blog, I’ve decided that after I graduate with my Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, I want to go to culinary school to discover what I can truly do with this newfound passion for baking. :) Thanks Bakerella!!

  164. Congratulations. Even the teaser glimpses look delicious!


    I will be the first in line to buy your book. Heck, I’ll be the president of your fan club!

    You inspire me each and every week.
    CONGRATS to you. WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  167. congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  168. I cannot wait to see this! Weeee! Congratulations!!

  169. Congratulations, I’m sure it will be great

  170. congratulations! I love your website! Saludos desde Mexico! My family loves your receipes!



  171. How exciting!!! Can’t wait to see it! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  172. Congratulations!!!! I know how very exciting and nail biting the experience can be. Just the other day our (my sister’s and my) publisher said we could re-announce our own publishing date (which has been delayed for various reasons). Our own book is slated to come out next Spring! *bouncy bouncy* So we’ll be right there in the editing trenches with you.

    I can not express the sheer excitement and happiness that I feel for you right now! So much so that I had to do a little happy dance right here in my chair on your behalf. Again major congratulations are in order!!!

  173. I really really can’t wait for this!! I want a signed copy… Please please please!

  174. Congrats! Wow, I had a dream about 2 things 1) the Oscar
    contest hoping you pick my name 2) publishing your
    own book & I read this. Amazing your so talented :)

  175. CONGRATS! I can’t wait to pre-order it!

  176. Oh wow, I am so excited and for you too!! I really can’t wait to get my hands on a copy – hopefuly an autographed one. I just hope they see their way to South Africa.

  177. That is so exciting! Can’t wait to pick up my copy!!

  178. Wow! That is very exciting! Congratulations!!

  179. That’s so freaking exciting! I cannot wait. Please let it be available in Australia!

  180. Oooooh, I’m sure it’s gonna be great! Hope I can get a copy by then here in The Netherlands…Would be a great Christmas gift :)

  181. So excited! Can’t wait to see it!

  182. Congratulations! Looking forward to flipping through it!

  183. This is great! I definitely have to get one of these C:

  184. Awesome! I can’t wait til your book comes out…Good Luck!

  185. Oh my goodness I can’t wait to get this book in my hands!! Congratulations, what an exciting thing to be happening for you!!

  186. OOOOH I can’t wait!! Congrats!

  187. SO Excited! All your ideas are so amazing, you make everything so much fun! Mondays are my favorite days to come and check out all the things you have been up to… Cant wait for your book! I’ll buy one for sure!

  188. hahaha, didn’t think I would really be second lol. That was super quick!!

  189. Wow, I can’t wait for your book to come out!! Hope it makes it down here to New Zealand!! And wow, I too am in shock I am maybe second to comment!!! Congrats, I love your creativity!!!!

  190. cannot wait to read this book of yours, ill bet it is amazing!

  191. P.S. if you do a book tour.. PLEASE come to Paris… or at least– to London.. I’ll go there to meet you!!

  192. OH WOW!!

    CONGRATS to you!! Can’t wait to buy your book!! I’m sooo excited!!! You must be on a cloud! I can understand! You are a hero to soooo many off us!!! I’m really happy and excited for you… I can’t wait to see the book and hold it in my hands… I want to be the first in France to own a copy!! ; )
    Keep us posted! And try not to stress…

  193. Congratulations! I can’t wait to see it and have one of my own!

  194. Ooh, can’t wait! Will you be doing book tours like the pioneer woman?

  195. Congratulations! I can’t wait to see it and get a copy. It must be over a year since I found you because my first attempt was pops for St. Patrick’s Day. I am not a natural when it comes to dipping, twirling, or flipping.

  196. I can’t wait to read you book and I am kind of in shock am I really the first one to comment…that never happens!

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