
Spiders, Spiders, Spiders

I can’t stand spiders (ick), yet I can’t seem to stop making them for Halloween.

Spider Cupcakes

Some of the first cupcakes I ever tried to decorate were these spiders two Halloweens ago. The legs are licorice. They’re really easy to assemble. Just sprinkle chocolate jimmies on top of dark chocolate frosting and insert licorice legs. Plop on a couple of red mini m&m’s and you’re good to go.

Spider Cake Pops

Then, last year I tried to make some Spider Cake Pops. Again with licorice legs. (These aren’t as easy because the legs are too fragile hanging like this. Not one of my favorite cake pop designs.)


A couple of weeks ago I made these Spider Cookies. No licorice this time. Just cute.

And now…

Some more spiders… scary spiders. And you guessed it… licorice legs once again and with fangs, too.

Spider Bites

But, these aren’t cookies and they don’t have cake inside. These are brownies. They’re brownie bites… No, they’re Spider Bites!

A website hired me to contribute a recipe for a fun Halloween treat. Me? That’s really hard to wrap my head around. I wonder if they realize I don’t really know what I’m doing half the time.

Now, if you pay attention, you might figure out who I made these for before I even tell you.


You just need some basic ingredients to make the brownies.

Brownie Batter

These are gonna be good.


So good that I wanted to stop here and eat them. All of them.

Brownie Bites

But no. Then I’d have to make another batch of brownies to roll.

Licorice Wheels

Licorice wheels. I blame you.

There’s something about these things that make me want to unroll them and stick them in food.

Did I mention that I don’t even like licorice?

Licorice Legs

Admit it. You want to play with them, too.

Black and red

These are raspberry and blackberry gumdrops. The red ones make great spooky eyes.

Spider Bites

Did you guess who I made these for? Did you see the hint? Please tell me you did.

Alright, if you really want to know, she has several cookbooks, TV shows, a newly re-designed website and best of all she loves butter.

Here’s the recipe on

Y’all Enjoy!

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181 comments on “Spiders, Spiders, Spiders”

  1. These are soo cute! What store did you find the licorice wheels and gumdrops at?

  2. Cute! I blog over at and this Thursday I will be doing a round up of Halloween treats and party ideas. I plan to include this. Please let me know if you are not ok with that:)

  3. What are the fangs made from? Are they individual grains of rice? I don’t see them listed in the recipe.

  4. And since then I have not taken my passion for collecting all natural gems. I drag in winter peg and Co.

  5. Because I know how it is moving, his lover, his lover to see at the wedding for the first time, I give the preliminary planning of this moment with my couples like a lot of space.

  6. They are the cutest (delicious) little fuzzies I ever seen! Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Hey Stephanie. I don’t know who you are but, I am ten years old too. Bakerella showed me some really cool recipes. I want to be a baker when I grow up too. Bakerella is awsome!! I always look here for new baking ideas. This website is an inspiration!

  8. wow! Who came up with the idea????

  9. Those are so cool and creative. I will put them on my to do list

  10. It’s cutie!! gente nw sei se isso ta nw sei mto ingles auhushaushauh’
    I love it!
    spiders, spiders, spiders!
    I love

  11. i used twizzlers for legs because my daughters dont like licorice

  12. I love bakerella! Im only ten years old and I love your website!
    Me and my mom are going to use some of your halloween themed desserts for our halloween party and I can’t wait. There have been so many things I’ve wanted to be when I grow up, but now I want to be a baker!!! :)

  13. we tried this but they are HORRIBLE! are kicthen was a disaster. we think there super cute but they look terrible when we made them. they taste good but nobody knows what they are. we had a lot of fun though. were gonna do it for christmas so we will be prepared for next time. you are super duper talented! great idea but not made for us.

  14. Your licorice legs are a brilliant idea! I will definitely try it out!

  15. So cute! I’m thinking of making brownie pops for a bake sale coming up, have you ever done these in pop form? How do they work?
    Thanks so much!

  16. Crystal check out these cake ball pops they would be great for a birthday party.

  17. goodness u are just the best!! i love u, lol

  18. it’s amazing!

  19. Betty Crocker Answers-

  20. Oldest Betty
    Newest Betty
    Wish me luck!

  21. Thank you Bakerella for this contest. Below are my answers.
    1 =B
    2 =A
    3 =H
    4 =F
    5 =C
    6 =G
    7 =D
    8 =E

    Love love love your site!

  22. I am way behind on ‘keeping up’ on my blog subscriptions, so I’m not sure if you will actually know you got this message or not …

    Y-e-a-r-s ago I first made some spider cookies that turned out so realistic one of the moms helping do the paarty in one of my sons classrooms FREAKED when the Tupperware pie taker of them was opened ;-D (Best compliment ever!) ;-p

    I made the cookies using the no-bake oatmeal/peanutbutter recipe. The legs (spiders have 8 legs, so 4 on each side) were roman noodles I had pressed into the still very fresh cookies. And while spiders also have 8 eyes, I stuck with two, made via implanting mini choc. chips (point side into dough) on top.

    All four sons are now in their 20’s, but they still think those cookies are ‘cool’ ;-}

  23. Mandy – I use the Americolor brand and it works pretty good.

  24. I loved your spider bite creations, but I didn’t have time to make them, so I thought, what else can I do for Halloween? How about dip them in orange, add a piece of green gumdrop for a stem, and draw jack-o-lantern faces with edible markers? Cute idea, but the edible (Wilton) marker wouldn’t work on the candy coating (which was also Wilton). Any suggestions? I ended up just making plain pumpkins, which were still cute.

  25. I made these yesterday (a little past Halloween, I know). All three of my boys were sick and I needed a stress reliever. I used black candy melts and red sugar on the top. I also substituted the raspberry gummies with red, chocolate covered sunflower seeds to make them look evil. Considering it was my first attempt at using candy melt, I think they turned out really well. After ALL that work, I forgot to take a picture!!!! Everyone at work and my family loved them!

  26. Emmy – yep!

    Becca – World Market, Fresh Market

    choco-lemon – I eat :)

  27. I made a slightly simpler version of your spider cupcakes! (Pics on the blog.) They were a big hit and totally cute! I had made the cupcakes in advance, so I just pulled them out of the freezer and threw some chocolate buttercream on there with the legs and eyes. totally cute! Thanks for the idea!

  28. Awww! They’re so cute I want to hug them! I love their googly red eyes!

  29. Your spider bites are so cute. I will have to remember that for next halloween or a family get together.

  30. I love your blog! I don’t know if you take requests/suggestions for recipes but I’ll give it a shot. There is a bread that I LOVE called Finnish Coffee Bread (or pulla), my great grandma used to make it but no one bothered to learn it from her.

    I found a recipe online that is fairly close:

    But I’m not much of a baker (yet!). Maybe you could work your magic with the recipe and make it even better.

    I look forward to more creative treats :)

  31. Wow!! These are super cute!

    I’m way cooled out that you made these for Paula Deen! You go girl!! :)

  32. oh I love these! I work with children and would love to make these with them! They would have so much fun constructing them!!

  33. very veryyy niceeeeeee…..

  34. Hello!
    It’s so cute! You have a lot of imagination but I would know what do you do with all the cake? You all eat them or you sell them?

    sorry for my bad english because I’m french.

  35. Oh, Bakerella. How I love thee! :) You are so incredible!! The spider bites are by far my favorite, but all these spooky spider confections are little bits of heaven. You are amazing!!

  36. You inspired me to make some insects of my own! I couldn’t find any licorice wheels, but they still turned out pretty cute! Thanks for the great idea and ALL your inspiring treats!

  37. ohhhh, you are such an inspiration. Your posts are so much fun ! I am a college student studying Nutrition in Texas. I look forward for your posts to distract me from my heavy studying!!

  38. Bakerella this is soo cute! I love the legs, hehehe.

  39. “You may even find yourself smiling from all the sweetness.” Paula Deen is SO right! I always smile when I visit your site!

    Happy Halloween Bakerella!

    Much love and sweetness from Indiana and A Cupcake for Moose!

  40. These spiders would be welcome in my home any day. :-]

  41. Oh my goodness, I made your cake pops for the first time and am obsessed! Had to share the end product with you. Thanks!!

  42. I love these spider ideas! I decided to blog about them on my blog…
    Thanks for the tasty ideas!

  43. I made spider Brownieballs, but instead of licorice, I used chocolate covered pretzel sticks. Yummy! Perhaps pretzals would be sturdier for pops.

  44. These are all so cute! How awesome that you made them for Paula Deen! Congrats!

  45. I love the spiders! They are so cute! Can’t wait to try to make them this weekend for our Halloween party!

  46. So where do we find these licorice wheels in atlanta??

  47. LOVE so cute!

  48. Hi Ms Bakerella,

    So I get all of my best ideas from you of course and I just wanted to show you what I made. You see, my 4 year old niece is being spider girl for Halloween (she’s crazy about everything Spiderman) and I signed up to do the cupcakes. When I asked her what she’d want the cupcakes to look like her only response was “SPIDERS”. So I was so excited to see that you had just posted this entry about your many different spiders! Well..since this is for 4-5 year olds, I needed to make sure that the portion sizes were good for them so I decided on mini cupcakes. This was the results:
    and then to add the Spiderman colors I made some smaller spiders so I could make the webs on the mini cupcakes.
    From what I hear it was a big hit!! So I just wanted to say thanks for all the great ideas!!!!

    Take care!

  49. Oh my god! I just love ’em!!! :D

  50. Look’s great! A good tip for halloween! I’m going to do small chocolate pumkins and pumkin pie for the holiday here in Sweden, check out my blogg and say what you think!
    Best Regards,
    Baking Fia

  51. i totally missed the hint because i was so focused on the brownie goodness!

    great work and congrats!

  52. I printed off this recipe and noticed it said to use an 8 x 8 pan, Is that right? Thank you so much for sharing all your great ideas!!! I love them and look forward to more!

  53. I love the spider bites…I have way too much going on right now, but I might just have to whip these up for fun!!

  54. Bakerella–I love your blog. Your creativity kills me! One day I’m going to be brave and attempt some of your cake pops. Do you sell them? Because you should…

  55. Ahhhh! I just love these!! Your spider bites are just awesome!! and wow for Paula… lucky girl!!
    Your creations are just amazing!!

  56. Congrats! Bakerella & Paula Deen, what a fun treat!! Those spider bites (haha!) look really scary “EEK!”

  57. So here I am…Wednesday is my day off from school with an empty kitchen which makes me sad. I found your website last night and was squealing with joy as I showed my boyfriend! He knows how passionate I am about cooking and baking…your website has inspired me…I’m heading off to our local cake shop to get supplies and will attempt to make some halloween cake pops! I’m so excited! Thank you so much…I’m now a follower of yours!

  58. Bakerella – I just had to tell you that I totally used this as the springboard for my halloween costume!! I am wearing all black, putting a red hourglass on my stomach, and carrying around a plate of these cute treats all night – so I’ll be a “Black Widow” and I’ll be giving people “Spider Bites!” Fun, huh?! (I’m just guessing they won’t last long, which means I’ll just be a Black Widow for most of the night. :) ) Thanks for the inspiration!

  59. OMG how cute are these!!! Love it. Happy halloween!

  60. Congratulations!! So when does your baking show start?

  61. So cute, still trying to carve out some time to make some of your fabulous creations! How exciitng to be contributing to Paula Deen! Congrats on all your success.

  62. I’m lovin’ the spiders! That is great that Paula Deen hired you, maybe soon we’ll see you in your own show and publishing cook books too! I cannot wait to bake all these Halloween treats to take into work on Halloween!

  63. Ashley, Tina, Ginger, Linda J-H – I found the gumdrops at The Fresh Market. I’ve also seen them at the World Market. Look for stores that sell candy by the pound out of big buckets.

    Lacy – You must use candy coloring. It contains oil instead of water.

    Elena – Yeah, I didn’t add the frosting to the brownies either. I only did that with the cake pops.

    Katrina – I have done that. It will be fine, but it does sound like you may have used too much frosting. That’s about enough for a 13 X 9 cake

  64. I’m sorry, but you are badass.

  65. Does anyone have any idea where I can find licorice wheels in the Denver area?

  66. those are so cute! congrats on being featured on paula deen.

  67. So cute Bakerella – so cute. As always.

  68. Can I just say, WOW! Congrats on making it on Paula Deen! She is one of my favorite people ever! I’m so jealous!!!

  69. I love your spider bites!!!! So cute!!! Unfortunatelly here in Brazil there´s no such thing as licorice wheels. I´ll have to work hard to make something like that!!!

  70. These are awesome! My nature-loving, veterinarian-to-be, youngest daughter will LOVE making these! Thanks for your inspiration!

  71. Oh my gosh those are so cute. I have to do a snack for my daughters class this Friday. I know what I am making! Love the spider bites :)

  72. I didn’t see it! When you revealed I too scrolled back looking for a hint involving butter. LOL. Next time you’ll know how to be more obvious. ; ) Congrats, that’s a big break for you!

  73. Those are the cutest (yummiest) looking spiders yet! Fun for you to post on Paula Deen’s site!
    Hey, I’m making some cake balls with homemade cake and frosting instead of boxed stuff–have you done that before? Just wondering how it will turn out. I may have put too much frosting in the cake. We’ll see! (I only made an 8×8 cake with about 1 1/4 cups frosting. It was quite sticky, but since I’ve never made cake balls at all before, I don’t know what it’s supposed to be like.)

  74. I love Paula Deen. In fact I’m obsessed with her. You are so lucky. The bites are wonderful.

    I wanted to share that I have a giveaway on my site. Just click on the giveaway picture on the right.

  75. too cute and just in time for our Halloween Party on Friday!

    Thanks! I’ll have to try these out.

    So creative and I thought my mini cherry pies were so cute! Maybe I should have put a spider on them! LOL

    Congrats on paula deen!

  76. so cute!
    for some reason those paired up twizzlers look like a chromosome chart to me

  77. Your spiders are so cute, I love the fangs !! Last year I made the equivalent of your first spider cupcake and they were a huge hit ( ! It’s really nice to do what you like and have to write an article about that, congrats :o)

  78. You freaking rock Bakerella! I know I always post the same thing. I’m just speechless! I wish I had an iota of your talent and wit and photog skills! You are so funny! I DID see Paula’s (love her!!) cookie sheet but still did not get it! Keep it up!

  79. yet another excellent post, will try brownie pops soon, u r mentioned in my new blog post of macaroons :) a big thank you deserve :)

  80. I love paula deen and I love your spider bites!so cute!

  81. I love your work, you truly rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  82. How fantastic that you were hired by Paula Deen! Congrats! But, I’m not surprised. You make amazingly creative treats :)

  83. Congrats on the Paula Deen gig.
    I’ve been making brownie bites (we call them brownie truffle bites) for a few years and my kids love ’em. I’ve never done it with frosting mixed in, though. The trick, as you mentioned is doing it while warm. I don’t even cut the brownies into squares; I just use my mini cookie scoop to form the balls.

  84. @Crystal:
    The hint was the Paula Deen cookie sheet that the non-dipped brownie balls were photographed on – but the butter seems like a bonus hint to me! :)

  85. The hint:
    Two sticks of butter.

    Everything Paula makes has two sticks of butter in it.

  86. Paula-freakin’-Deen?! That is awesome! Get it Bakerella! Congrats!

  87. These are absolutely adorable! My mom used to work on the Paula Deen show when it was first created!! That’s were I discovered my passion for baking…Check out my blog late in the week for a Paula Deen giveaway!
    Best of luck!

    With love and cupcakes,

  88. Where do you find the shoelace black licorice?! I checked Kroger/Smith’s, Wal-Mart, and Dollar Tree. Dollar Tree was the only one that had red pull-and-peel red licorice, and I ended up also getting the black Twizzlers from Wal-Mart and black RedVines from Smith’s. We’ll see what works out. I’m just bummed I couldn’t find the thin black licorice!!!

  89. (Long time reader, first time poster.) Congrats!!

    I am not that crazy about licorice- I might try some piped confectioners chocolate? Make some little legs on parchment and “chocolate glue” them on?

    You never fail to inspire! Yum!

  90. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be Paula Deen or Bakers Chocolate. I figured either one was possible.

    I exercise through Paula’s show, and can feel myself getting huge just looking at all of the butter she uses! It’s amazing.

  91. You look so cute in your picture on!

  92. “Spider Bites”–GREAT name! :)

  93. Paula Deen! I love her! What an honor! I can see why she picked you! Your spiders are so creative!

  94. Yay Paula Deen! I love her. And I love those spider bites. Mmmm brownies. They look mighty tasty, I just might have to try them this Halloween. You can’t go wrong with brownies. Yum!

  95. Very cool! Congrats on another great project. You amaze me!

  96. Paula Deen! Congrats! What a compliment! Your creations are amazing, as usual.

  97. I really want to try these spider bites, I am also not such a fan of black licorice but based on the sheer deliciousness of the brownie wrapped in more chocolate plus the Halloween spirit, I’m all about making these. Also congrats on the Paula Deen Love, she’s awesome.

  98. Your halloween treats are always cute but I would love to see more Fall themed decorations. I would love to make some fall cupcakes or cake pops!

  99. LOVE these! Seriously… just when I think it can’t get any cuter… it DOES! LOVE it!

  100. I saw the hint!! Way to go how fun for you.

  101. Really… can I just be you, maybe for a day? I {heart} you bakerella! maybe you can run for president… who cares about political issues, just make each day a Bakerella day :)

  102. Congrats on the Paula Dean gig! That’s a testament to your awesome work!

  103. Oh boy! Will have to show this to my 11 yr old son who loves to cook. He’ll love making some of these this week. As always, your creations look amazing!

  104. That is awesome. They turned out so cute!! Awesome job!

  105. Hehe….saw the hint, had to look it over one more time to catch it but giggled to myself when I found it!! I think I might try the spider bites, they look super cute!!

    P.S. I don’t like licorice either.

  106. you’ve done a great job with spiders. Enjoy the holiday.

  107. Omg so fun!! I can’t wait to try them. Will def. be making them for my halloween party! Thanks for your great recipes & ideas.

  108. Oops! I mispelled Paula Deen! My apologies to the southern food goddess! :-)

  109. I had to look and look and then I saw “Paula Dean” on the cookie sheet. Of course, at that point I knew who I was looking for. ‘-) Congratulations! Even if spiders in general are icky, creepy, crawly ugggghhhhh things! Good thing yours are cute! hehehehe


  110. wow!!! that is soooooo huge! I LOVE Paula Dean and I love you! What a great combo!!!!!! : ) Congrats girlie, you DESERVE IT!!!! hugs!

  111. “Now, if ya’ll pay attention, ya’ll might figure out who I made these for before I even tell ya’ll.”

    That’s a hint I would have picked up on. I’m not very observant!

    Congrats on contributing to Paula Deen! That must have been a huge honor :)

    And these are cute, as ALWAYS!

  112. Get out, Paula Dean! My gawd you have gotten awful famous women! Love the spiders, I don’t like black licorice either but I’d still make them. Too cute!

  113. PAULA DEEN???? Are you freakin’ kidding me?! I LOVE LOVE LOVE her!!! Congratulations to you for getting paid to put a recipe on HER website, that’s AmAzInG!!!!! I would still be doing backflips!
    I totally didn’t get “the hint” but once you mentioned butter I knew it was her!
    Very cute, and what’s not to love about a creepy crawly brownie?!

  114. Brilliant!

    I’ve searched a long time for a cute spider snack that was so loaded with” looks-good-enough-to-eat”, the presence of licorice wouldn’t deter me (or others) from eating it. These go w a y beyond appealing. You ARE an artist!

  115. OK, so when are you going to create a book full of your sweet art?! You are so creative…..and your writing is so easy and fun to read. Those two ingredients are all you need for a beautiful Bakerella book!! ….please consider it!

  116. Congratulations! I thought it might have been from the cookie sheet.. =] It’s so amazing to see that a simple (heh, simple) bake blog is getting one of the highest glamorous awards.

  117. SO exciting that you make these for Paula Deen’s website. Congrats!! They are super cute!

  118. Yes, I saw it, how cool,Congrats! I love these and I’m sure my kids will too, thanks for sharing!!

  119. For someone who hates spides you sure do a good job of recreating them! And on Paula’s website too. Wow. Nice little hint with the pan.

  120. I got the hint – it was the Paula Deen pan, right? Love the cupcakes and cakepops…and everything else! LOVE IT!!!

  121. GROSS! But, I would say these are the best looking spiders I’ve seen. So, maybe they aren’t so gross. :)

  122. Those are all so fantastic! I don’t know which one’s I like the best.

  123. Your best spider treats yet in my opinion! Although, the trix spiders are adorable. Congrats on featuring on Paula’s website! What fun!

  124. I think I love you. :] I love everything you post so much. i tried making cake pops last nite for halloween and used almond bark. I tried to dye it with food coloring and it was a disaster! Do you buy your candy already colored?

  125. sooooooo cute!

    Great idea for my niece’s 16th birthday on Halloween :) I was already planning to make vampire bites (red velvet cake dipped in black candy melts) and monster balls (ok, that name needs work- doesn’t… very proper) yellow cake tinted green with green candy melts.

    these might make the list, tho I’m not sure where to find the gum drops??

    And YES. I saw the Paula Deen on the cookie sheet.


  126. Hey, these rock! Not surprised at all that Paul Deen would be asking for your treat ideas! You rock! Keep it up!

  127. I am so impressed! I love Paula Deen and, of course, you too!! Y’all would make a great team for a show!!!

  128. those are sooooo cute. i hate licorice too but i might just have to make these. and thats amazing that you did these for paula deen!! i envy you soooo much.

  129. This is unfair =( in my country there is not licorice in any store, and this spiders looks so cute!!
    I’ll try to figure out how to replace the licorice for making the legs, I’m not giving up!

  130. I’m the same way. I hate spiders, but you’ll find them all over the place at my house around Halloween. I love decorating with them. Must be that fear part of Halloween. :) That’s so cool that you did this for Paula Deen! You both kick butt!

  131. I saw the hint!! You are in some serious big time now! Paula Deen is the (butter) bomb!! Congrats!

  132. I must say I’m totally amazed by your creative ..
    I’m a big fan of you :)
    those spiders are really good though I’m so
    afraid of them :) ..

    Noura – Middle East

  133. Amazing spider bites – I might make these for our work Halloween party tomorrow! You are linked from Paula Deen’s website!!! That’s awesome!

  134. My favorites are the spider bites, they are so awesome with those big red eyes!

  135. These are so fun! I love how you did the eyes! and Brownies… (as Paula Deen would say) yummmmmm!!

  136. from wedding proposals to pd!
    how very exciting for you & us!
    these are adorable! :)

  137. I did catch the “hint” and even if these were for Betty Boop, you just rock, Bakerella!!! These are just great and I can’t wait to try them myself!

  138. SO cute! I may love them more than the cupcakes!!

  139. Love your site bakerella and just love those spiders. Can’t wait to try them. Paulette

  140. First Martha Stewart and now Paula Deen…I am sooooo jealous! Your spider bites are adorable as are all your creations.

  141. They are gorgeous AND, I wish I could eat one. Yummy and so cute and creepy. Well done Bakerella.

  142. This looks soo perfect for Halloween..

  143. I love them!!! The red eyes… Eeeee. so disgusting. Hahahaha.

  144. Those are so darling. And I LOVE, LOve, lOve, LoVE black licorice!!!!

  145. These are so fantastic! My two sons actually thought your Spider Pops looked like the weird character in “Predator”

  146. Oh and may I ask where you found the adorable raspberry and blackberry gumdrops!!??

    Or maybe you tell us in the recipe! I’ll check!


  147. Oh Bakerella! I just love you, do you know that??? You get me every time with your creativity!

    Congrats on becoming so well-known and appreciated, you deserve it!!!! :)

    Happy early Halloween,

  148. I was another one looking for writing in the licorice! Then I noticed the subtle little Paula Deen. Way cool! And cute spiders!

  149. hello there! I’m from australia and i absolutely love your website! I just recently got into baking cupcakes
    and i get heaps of great idea from here.
    Keep it up! you are very insipiring :)

  150. beyond cool!
    always love to see what you are working on
    just wish I could eat them!

  151. Halloween Came Early

    To my surprise I was met with a HUGE spider, I mean gargantuan, elephantine even. Well this was not cute like spiderman, didn’t have his buff arms or legs, and I am damn sure he wasn’t cute and handsome under the mask, and don’t ask me how straight is teeth were, because I didn’t get close enough before I screamed for the Mr.??It was harmless.. but still… those are big here in Japan

    I don’t do bugs! Most likely one of the main reasons why I never traveled outside of “The Valley” or “LA” in fear of what roams around in the dessert in California.??If the Mr. was not around, I would have miraculously put my clothes on, grabbed my keys and dogs, and went to the car, called someone… I’m a drama queen about bugs and things that crawl.??When I was in NYC, I did see a roach or two…. “heard a rat within the walls once”, I moved the next week.??I’m just terrified of the buggers.. as much as we need them… they scare me.

    I also rented a house here once, a Terrace House I talked about a while back.. don’t even get my started, I was counting the days down until that contract was up.

  152. Yes, I saw the clue but living in Australia I had no idea who Paula Deen was until I clicked the link – she was on a re-run of Oprah last week (shhhh…don’t tell my hubby I was watching). She accidently dropped a glass bowl in the mixer while making a sour cream cake and then she came back via Skype to do it all again! She seems like a great character!

    That Spider Cake Pop looks a LOT like “the shadow” from Lord of the Rings!! VERY SCARY!!

  153. eek! I’m terrified of spiders! Yet, these are fabulous!!! (California Raisins asked me to make spider treats–see them on my blog, they took every ounce of my bravery to make–and I used the black licorice wheels, too. Yucky, but perfect legs).

  154. I have to admit that at first I did not see the hint. So then I went back and thought maybe you had tried to spell it out with the licorice. Ha! Then I finally saw her name on the cookie sheet! Congrats! I love Paula Deen!

  155. Wow – I didn’t even know they made licorice wheels – and I love licorice! So cute!

  156. Paula DEEN! How COOL! I love her so much… so much I want to move to Savannah.

  157. OMG THATS HUGE!!! I’ve been following your blog for over a year now and its awesome to see how famous youre getting!!! congrats!!!

  158. Awesome!
    First I thought it was Martha Stewart because of the green background but then I saw the pan =) cool! congrats and thanks for the inspiration, I can’t wait to make this ones on Saturday

  159. Congratulations! I love Paula Deen. Wouldn’t that be awesome to get paid to bake all day??? I wonder who is going to call you next….. I know!

    The Food Network for a…… challenge!

  160. Not only are these perfect for Halloween but Spiders also happen to be my school’s mascot (We get e-mails every morning cleverly named Spider-Bytes)! Needless to say these will be the most adorable pre-game snacks! Thanks!

  161. Those are awesome! :)

    Also, Paula Deen?! Totally cool! I LOVE Paula Deen!

  162. Paula Deen?!? Sister, you’ve hit the big time! Congratulations and best dishes ; )

  163. How cute are they!! And Paula Deen, how awesome it that. I just luv her. Good for you.

  164. That is really exciting and they are adorable!!! CONGRATS!!!

  165. I kept trying to make letters out of the licorice legs in the photo, trying to figure out the clue! I couldn’t think of anyone with that many Xs, Os, and Cs in his/her name!

  166. You never cease to amaze me!!!

  167. Oh, delish! I’m completely stealing these (and all the credit) for my son’s pre-school Halloween party on Tuesday.

  168. Very CUTE!! These are now on my to do list for my halloween treat! Thanks!

  169. I hate spiders too, but those are some pretty awesome spiders! And even look like something I MIGHT be able to pull off!! Adorable (never thought I’d say that about a spider)…

  170. I was like “What’s the hint? Butter?!” Then I saw the pan! lol! Cute!

  171. They are so cute. I actually took a crack at your peanut butter cake today. I can’t wait to taste them tomorrow when I take them into work!

  172. so cute! and it’s so cool that you’re doing those for paula deen!

  173. Wow! Paula Deen? That’s huge! Congrats Bakerella :-)

  174. I love it! I love Paula deen too. Thanks for all these wonderful ideas. You are the best!

  175. These look fun to make and eat! I think I’ll try these out with my kids. Thanks for all the inspiration!

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