
Teapop Party!


Teapot cake pops. Mrs. Potts Teapots to be more specific.

This project for Disney is just in time for the Diamond Edition Blue-Ray / DVD release of Beauty and the Beast. Are you going to get one? Do you still have the VHS version?

If not, do you want one? Can I give you one?

Ok. Enter to win one below.

But first… if you’re wondering how to make these cutie pots using stuff like this………


Then check out the how-to on Disney’s


You can also see how to make this version with a decorated base, too.

Enter for a chance to win the Diamond Edition Blue-ray/DVD combo pack – Limited Edition release of Beauty and the Beast.


  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me which Beauty and the Beast character is your favorite. Easy!
  • Deadline to enter is Friday, October 8th at 9:00 pm ET. Sorry. Time’s Up. Winners finally announced below.
  • Three winners will be chosen at random and announced sometime Saturday on this post.

Good luck!


Disclosure stuff: Disney projects are created for their website, but the giveaway is from me if you’re curious.

So sorry it’s taken me extra time to pick the winners. I’ve been a lot busier than I thought I would be on the book signings. But finally… Here are the winners.

potts-winnersCongrats guys! Hope you enjoy the dvd!

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4,914 comments on “Teapop Party!”

  1. Belle is our favorite here!

  2. Belle was ALWAYS my favorite. And Beauty and the beast was my favorite movie. (untill Pocahontas.) I even walked down the aisle to the Waltz from the movie.

  3. Beast! But not when he turns back into Prince Adam. Boo. There’s only room for one Prince Adam in my heart, and that’s He-Man. And my boy.

    Or Lumiere. Hahaha.

  4. Belle is my favorite. And those Mrs. Potts teapops are amazing!

  5. Belle is my favorite! Very cute teapot pops!

  6. Lumiere is my favorite! I also agree that Chip is adorable! :)

  7. Belle is my absolute favorite! I used to sing those songs all the time and I watched the movies over and over and over again! I would love to upgrade from the VHS to DVD :) You rock, Bakerella!

  8. Chip is the cutest!

  9. You’ve outdone yourself once again!! So incredibly wicked adorable!!! I have 2 girls whom will love these – can’t wait to try and make them!!! Thanks for the great posts!!

  10. Tough choice, but I’d have to say Lumière! I love his French accent!

  11. oops.. guess I should read what you asked..

    I loooovvve Chip. He is just too precious!

  12. Chip! Is there any better character :) SO cute

  13. I like Cogsworth!

  14. i loooove disney!! chip is my favorite, but these mrs. potts pops may just change my mind! :D

  15. YES I still have the VHS tape, and it works. We plugged it into our 42 inch LCD and it was wonderful to watch. Belle is my favorite has been forever. <3

  16. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie!!! I’m so excited it’s out of the vault because I no longer have anything to play my VHS version on. ) :

    My favorite character has to be Belle, I know it’s obvious, but how great to see a beautiful woman allow her perceptions about a man (beast) be changed and to fall in love with him, not because of or in spite of his looks, but because of who he is. *sigh*

    Favorite movie.

  17. Lumiere is definitely my favorite!

  18. Belle because she’s not the typical princess that falls for a handsome prince. She follows her heart which is a good value for girls to learn. I married my husband against my families wishes and followed “my heart” and we have been happily married for 7 years. She also loves to read which is great for young girls to emulate.

  19. Chip is definitely my favourite character!!!

  20. These are my most favorite cakepops EVER! Beauty and the Beast is my fav movie, and I have to say I love Belle! I also have the movie on VHS and DVD, I would love to add the blue-ray to my collection.

  21. These are the cutest ever! My 2 year old little girl loves her “Belle and the Beast” :) Chip is my favorite.

    I can’t wait to surprise her with these for a mommy-daughter day of cakepops and watching Beauty and the Beast while curled up on the couch.

  22. I just LOVE Lumiere! He is so charming… so French! :)

  23. Chip is just way cute !

  24. Definitely Chip! He’s adorable!

  25. It’s been so long since I’ve even seen this movie…I think I remember really liking Chip when I was little!

  26. Oh I love Beauty and the Beast! My all time favorite Disney movie! I would say Chip is one of my favorite characters, he is too cute! : )

  27. I love Lumiere! He’s the best but I love them all….

  28. The beast!
    he really shows that to find the right man, just look in the inside not by appearance :)

  29. So cute! I DO still have the VHS version and attempted to convince my hubby to hook up the old VCR just tonight… alas, he wouldn’t do it…

  30. for sure Beast!
    love happy endings and love your cake pops!!

  31. Absolutely awesome!! You inspire me to try and perfect my techniques.. I need to become more patient with mine..

  32. You’ve done it again! These are absolute perfection!

    My favorite character is actually Belle’s father. He’s so sweet and scatterbrained, and he would do anything for his daughter.

  33. Belle is my favorite! She is one of the princesses and they are all my favorite!!

  34. Cogsworth is my favorite!! Love him!

  35. My favorite is Cogsworth. He is such a worrywart but he means well!

  36. My favorite character is Belle. I love that she is a smart, independent Disney princess

  37. Belle…love her!!

  38. Belle is a beauty!

  39. Belle! Who doesn’t love a strong independent woman who likes to read and wants to travel?! My favorite Disney heroine ever actually. Cute pops.

  40. Belle! Oh how I wanted to be her when I was little. I sang the songs and danced around like a princess. I, now, am fortunate to see this same behavior in my own little princesses! We love singing the songs together.

    These Cake Pops are adorable! My girls just squealed with delight at the sight of them!

  41. My favorite Disney movie!!! Belle is my favorite:)

  42. Cogsworth, hands down THEE best Disney character, period.

  43. Chip is my favorite character and I absolutely still have my VHS version, as well as all of my Disney movies!

  44. Mrs. Potts is my favorite.

  45. Definitely Mrs Potts, I try to be like her. Cheerful, caring & round; the round part I’ve managed well!!

  46. love the pops! I really need the movie for my 5 year old princess!

  47. Beauty and the Beast is my top Favorite movie. I love Lumiere for his singing.

  48. My 2 year old watched Beauty and the Beast for the first time this afternoon. She just told me her fave character is Belle.

  49. Chip!!! He is my favorite!

  50. I love Mrs. Potts!!!

  51. Chip is my favorite. He’s so cute! :)

    Those are amazing! You do such great work!!

  52. Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite Disney movies of all time. I can still sing all the songs! Lumiere is my favorite charachter.

  53. Mrs. Potts, no question. I love anything Angela Lansbury touches!

  54. Very cute pops! I love Mrs. Potts.

  55. chip! Soooo cute!! Thanks for sharing such sweet little treats!

  56. I LOVE this movie..Belle is probably my favorite character followed by The Beast.

  57. My favorite is Lumiere

  58. I remember going to see this in the theater when it came out…I was 21! I love chip.

  59. It’s a favorite movie of mine and my girls!!

    Beast is my No. 1 Favorite!!!

  60. As a book loving girl, how can I not love Belle the most?

  61. I like so many of the characters from Beauty and the Beast, but if I have to chose just one, I would chose Lumiere.

  62. I love Beauty and the beast! I was just about to buy it. I love the candlesticks.

  63. Belle is my favorite! Beauty and the Beast is my all time favorite Disney movie! I love the songs in it!

  64. Those are freaking adorable!
    My favorite character is Belle. She always captivated me- I loved the yellow dress and the fact that she loved the Beast for who he was, not just what he looked like.

  65. I love chip…adorable!! Definitely my favourite!

  66. Why, Lumiere, but of course! Oh, how I miss Jerry Orbach…

  67. Belle for sure. I alway’s loved how smart she was and how gorgeous her gowns were.

  68. my favorite character?? i don’t have one! i LOVE them all! but if I have to choose, it would be Cogsworth and Lumiere. They are a pair, I feel like I can’t like one without liking the other!

  69. those are stinkin’ cute!!! I love Mrs. Potts and Chip!

  70. It’s Belle for me. The fact that she is an intelligent heroine who loves to read seals the deal. My 7 year old daughter has taken her on as her favorite Disney princess because of her love of reading.

  71. It has been a very long time since I’ve seen Beauty and the Beast, but for awhile there we watched it every day. I think I enjoyed the candelabra the most because he was witty.

  72. Oh, it’s so hard to choose, I love all the characters! If i really have to choose i’d say…ummm.. Chip!

  73. I LOVE THEM!! Chip is my favorite!

  74. Belle is my favorite! She’s so beautiful.

  75. Chip! He is the sweetest in the movie

  76. I think Chip would have to be my favorite, he is just too precious :)

  77. Belle. She has always been my favorite Disney Princess. I have a 4 year old that also loves Belle & would love this movie!

  78. Lumiere! He is cute!

  79. I always like Lumiere, with his charming yet libidinous ways. ;P

  80. I loved Mrs. Pots and her son Chip.

  81. Belle, for sure! I loved (and still do!) singing along with her!

  82. This is my hubby’s favorite Disney movie!
    My favorite character is actually Gaston. I know, weird, right? But he’s so TYPICAL! And it makes me laugh :)

  83. Belle is my favorite….love her. Beauty and the Beast has always been my favorite Disney movie. I just love her and the sweet story!

  84. Belle!

  85. Lumiere is my favorite!

  86. My favorite is Chip- so cute!

  87. I love Belle :)

  88. Lumiere. He rocks!

  89. Chip is such a sweetie!

  90. I love Belle’s Papa. He reminds me of my 5th grade science teacher with all the wacky inventions! : )

  91. Oh my gosh! I totally am watching the Blu Ray version of Beauty and the Beast right now haha. I love this!

  92. It would have to be Chip :)

  93. I love, love, Belle….and Mrs. Potts….Your “cakes” are too cute!

  94. Oh dear! Those are adorable!

    I think the Beast is my favorite. But I love them all!

  95. I like mrs pots because she is so loving caring and wise

  96. Gaston!!! his ridiculousness is just too magical :D

  97. Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite movies! My 3rd grade students just watched it last week and I sang right along with them! I love ALL the characters but if I had to pick one, it would be Chip. I just love his comments!

  98. Chip is definately my favorite!!

  99. I <3 them all,but I think Belle is my favorite :D

  100. I think Belle is still my favourite. She’s one of the strongest Disney princesses, I think. :)

  101. Belle is the favorite by all means!….

  102. My favorite is Beast, (prince adam) My husband and my movie is beauty and the beast. And his name is Adam. So, beast has a soft spot in my heart

  103. the beast :) there’s just something about him

  104. Lumiere! Love him

  105. Chip is adorable, Lumiere is hilarious, Cogsworth is cautious, the ottoman/dog is loyal, but my favorite character HAS to be Belle. Beautiful, smart, caring, and didn’t fall for that idiot Gaston.

    And yes, I still have the VHS version!!!

  106. Oh I love them all! But I especially love the teacup and candlestick!

  107. Hmmm, hard to choose but I will go with the beautiful Belle…she makes all little girls feel beautiful!

  108. SO cute! I am just getting into making cake pops, and as an art major it is a BLAST!
    My favorite character is Cogsworth :)

  109. I love Chip! My daughters love Belle!

  110. That is a tough one it is between Lumiere and Gaston…I just love that whole soundtrack…These Mrs. Potts are amazingly cute!

  111. I gotta go with the beast himself!

  112. I love chip!!! He’s SO cute!

  113. Belle is definitely my favorite!

  114. I always liked Lefou – the loyal henchman.

  115. I absolutely love Belle – hands down.

  116. Belle.. she is beautiful and sweet!!..LOVE that movie! <3

  117. Those are ADORABLE!!!!! My fav are the stupid blondes that lust after Gaston. They crack me up!

  118. We love Belle. And we watch the VHS version.

  119. I think Belle is still my favourite – she’s just the classic humble princess. Favourite movie of all time!!!

  120. BELLE! I’ve always loved her! when i was younger i was Belle for Halloween and i even saw the movie 6 times in the theater! :]

  121. I love Belle! She is so great! And I love the pops! I’m attempting them for the first time tomorrow and I can’t wait!

  122. Awesome cake pops! I LOVE Mrs. Potts! Angela Lansbury’s voice is perfection.

  123. Chip. Too darn cute.

  124. I love the Beast. So gruff and grumpy, but deep down he’s so sweet.

  125. This was the first movie my sister saw in the theater and it’s still her favorite! Belle would be her favorite but I would have to go with Mrs. Potts :)

  126. I love lumier!

  127. Belle is my favorite – she is kind hearted and sweet, and boy can she sing!

  128. My favorite is Mrs. Potts Teapots!

  129. My favorite character is Belle because she was one of the first female Disney leads who was intelligent and independent. I love that my daughter loves her too (and she loves to read too!). Great Mrs. Potts cake pops!

  130. Belle and Mrs. Pott’s! This is a perfect idea for my daughter’s 5th birthday tea party that we are planning! :)

  131. I love Beast the best. He’s so kind.

  132. Belle is my favorite :D

  133. Belle is my favorite!

  134. Lumiere is my favourite! Such a cute character!

  135. love Beast!!

  136. My favorite Beauty & the Beast character has to be Mrs. Potts.

  137. Gaston. I’ve always had a thing for villains.

  138. Cogsworth! The clock! I think hes adorable.

  139. It’s a toss-up between adorable Chip with his missing tooth, and Belle, who reads voraciously – just like me!

  140. Lumiere…he lights up the movie!!

  141. I just saw the Beauty & the Beast live in Honolulu. From that performance i really liked Lumiere!

  142. Chip! He is adorable.

  143. lumiere!!! and gaston and his eggs, of course.

  144. Belle! Cute cake pops!

  145. Belle because she had the best book collection ever!

  146. Chip! Such a cutie :)

  147. Belle is my favorite character!

  148. Chip is my fav! Love Belle too

  149. Belle!
    I wish I could have come by your book signing today in Seattle! Unfortunately, law school prevented me from going :(

  150. Lumière because he was such a rebel but still Beast’s best friend, after Belle of course.

  151. Belle is my favorite… I love the fact that she loves to read. :)

  152. Oh Em Gee…how stinkin cute!!

    Lumiere was always my favorite. He’s the bomb.

  153. So cute, and perfect timing- I’m hosting a tea party for my DD’s 7th birthday!

    I love Lumiere- he’s my favorite!

  154. I love Chip. He’s so adorable!

  155. Chip <3 I had the little teacup when I was little girl.

  156. I used to sing and dance around my room as “Belle”. I guess I always wanted to be her.

  157. Has to be Chip, I love that voice!

  158. oh, i really love Chip! sooo cute!

  159. Belle, she was so beautiful!

  160. Cogsworth!! But of course I love belle. Its my favorite movie!

  161. Belle is my favorite!

  162. Luminere is my favorite! =)

  163. I love the little teacup! He’s adorable!

  164. Lumiere! Love him!

  165. Belle’s father, the inventor.

  166. The beast, there is good in everyone!!!

  167. I love Beauty and the Beast! I think I like the Feather Duster the best :)

  168. Lumiere lights my fire!

  169. Actually I’m a Mrs Potts fan. I love how she just looks like her voice. (If that even makes sense…)

  170. Gaston and all the others. My sister, cousin, and I used to sing along to Beauty and the Beast every sleep-over we had!

  171. Why Chip, of course!

  172. Chip cracks me up!

  173. Beast for sure :) Love him!

  174. The teapops are so cute, seriously madness cute!

  175. These are so cute! My favorite is Lumiere. <3

  176. Oh, so very, very cute!! I wish I could get the candy coating as smooth as you do, and then I could make these too!

  177. My daughter loves Belle. She would love to have this movie.
    I think Chip is the best though!

  178. Lumiere…he’s so funny!

  179. Oh My Goodness! So cute! You amaze me. I think Belle is my favorite.

  180. LOVE Chip!! My all time favorite.

  181. I love the dog/ottoman…so cute!

  182. Lumiere just makes me laugh.

  183. I really love Chip too, but I must say that the woman that sang Belle’s part has the most beautiful voice! I love her. And i love Lumier’s accent!

  184. oooh. I totally don’t have a favorite character. I have a favorite song!! The first one- “Little town full of little people, every day like the one befoooooooore.” Does that count?

  185. Chip! By fair the cutest tea cup EVER!

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