
The Fourth

Freedom, independence & a marine named Carlos. Last week I was trying to decide what kind of Fourth of July sweets to make or if I was even going to make anything at all. Then I received an email from a reader’s boyfriend and I knew I wanted to… had to… do something for the holiday.

Here’s his letter. And by the way, I couldn’t make anything sweeter than this.

Hi there Bakerella!

My name is Carlos and I’m a United States Marine, and have been one since 1998. If you wouldn’t mind just giving my e-mail some thought, I’d be grateful. Here’s the story:

My girlfriend just went away to Marine Corps bootcamp not yet a month ago. She LOVES to bake, but unfortunately didn’t get much time to do so because her job took up most of her free time, so she lived vicariously through you. She’s a fan of photography also, so your blog was a welcome reprieve from a long, hard day at the office. As you may or may not know, bootcamp for Marines is 13 weeks long; the only contact with the outside world is through snail mail. I miss my girlfriend immensely and while I know she’s doing something for her country that she’s always wanted to do, it’s hard on me. I digress, she loves your blog. I know the 4th of July is coming up and I ask you this not only for her, but also for the men and women in the Armed Forces who really know and FEEL the meaning behind this holiday. I think it would be very patriotic and meaningful to bake and decorate something in the spirit of the military, not just flags and sparklers like everyone else is doing – but something to show people that our military needs support and we need to remember them while we’re lighting off fireworks at the family BBQ. You know?

Now, I’m asking this because I think it would touch a special place in some of your reader’s hearts. I’m willing to bet you have quite a following amongst military wives and/or girlfriends. How nice would it be to show your support? I’ve served 3 tours in Iraq and am due to go to Afghanistan for a year in the next few months. I won’t get to see my girlfriend graduate from bootcamp in September, I won’t get to see her looking sharp in her uniform, I won’t get to see the pride on her face as finally, at 28 years old, she joins the ranks of The Few, The Proud… so this would be my chance to show her I thought of her. This is your chance to show you think of our military, as many others should be doing. Maybe it’ll get people to look for ways to support us with baked goods? During the colder months overseas, my girlfriend would bake cookies and anything else she could that would hold up to the travel and heat, and send on enough for my whole platoon. A taste of home, a taste of love… opening up a box with the smells of back home was something you just can’t explain. It was magical. My girlfriend didn’t stop there though, she adopted Marines, Soldiers and Airman through and sent them care packages and notes of encouragement.

I realize I’m all over the place here, but trying to get my point across is difficult without writing you a novel. I think you get the gist. 4th of July is about more and I’d love to write my girlfriend a letter and say, ‘Bakerella appreciates the Armed Forces, when you get back to the real world and have access to a computer… go see her 4th of July post.’ Now, I don’t know if you’ll do this or not and it’s fine either way. I just wanted to tell you a little story and hope that maybe a tiny blurb in your blog would entice your readers into caring just a tiny bit more and thinking just a bit deeper on our Independence Day.

I appreciate your time in reading this!


What a sweetheart. When I read his letter, I immediately wanted to make and send something to surprise his girlfriend. I thought, how cute would it be for her to open a box of colorful cake pops! Then, Carlos informed me that they can’t receive food during boot camp. I pictured her being forced to eat all the pops at one time and then made to run 10 miles or something. I don’t think she’d like that too much. Picture it. Cute little cake pops. Marines. Lollipop sticks. Marines. Sprinkles. Marines. Not the best idea for her sake.

Now, I can’t send her anything sweet, but I can send her these sweet simple words of appreciation.

Military Pops

It’s not much, but I hope that if you do see this when your 13 weeks of boot camp are over, that it puts a smile on your face. And know that you and all members of the armed forces were thought of this July 4th.

Plus… that Carlos… he sounds like a keeper.

Cake Pops

Marine Pops

Cake Pops

What about you? Is there someone on your mind… or in your heart… this holiday?

Hope you all have a happy, safe and sweet Fourth of July!

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426 comments on “The Fourth”

  1. As the daughter of a Navy Chaplain (serving in WW2, Korean & Vietnam wars) & married to a man who still has the Marine way of life in his civilian company, here's a shout out to Carlos' and his hard chargin' girlfriend (I wish he had given us her name!) "Ooo-Rah and THANK You for your service to our country"…You and ALL the service Men & Women past, present & future-And Thank You, Bakerella, for your choice in honoring his request for a wonderful Military tribute! I LOVE your blogs and have had so much fun making some of your ideas! Thank you and stay safe this 4th of July weekend!

  2. What a wonderful sentiment and well thought out gesture from Carlos! As I was decorating my flag cake this morning I thought "I wonder what delectable beauty Bakerella is coming up with? I hope she shares with us!" This was wonderful! My husband is Navy and I am proud of all that he does! He is our hero! So thanks for putting it out there that the 4th is not just about food and fireworks. A lot is sacrificed every day my military men and women and their families. Thanks Bakerella! And thanks Carlos! Good luck to you and your girlfriend

  3. Oh, that is so sweet *sob*.. I couldn't imgine not seeing my husband for such a long time. Carlos definitely sounds like a keeper. Love the pops!!

    I live across the pond and don't celebrate but HAPPY JULY 4th to you all :)

  4. Only in a America! Happy 4th of July everyone! My heart is so touched by this.

  5. My husband serves in the US NAVY and has for 15 years. It's great to see that others appreciate their sacrifice and service in the military, in all branches. Thank You!!! I sympathize with Carlos and wish him a safe deployment. Thank you to all those who serve!!! Happy 4th of July!!!

  6. I am thinking of my husband who's currently deployed right now as I read this entry. He is in the Air Force and Carlos is right about how we should not forget the men & women in the Armed Forces fighting for our freedom! That was a great letter from Carlos and so sweet to think of his girlfriend.

  7. As simple as these are, they are among my favorites!

    Thank you, soldiers of all kinds everywhere! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Thank you, ancestors! Thank you for the sacrifice, determination, and eye single to a vision of the future. Thank you, too.

  8. This post made me smile not only because he seems like such an awesome guy (seriously… if I said anything about Bakerella to my boyfriend he would give me the funniest look) but because of all the people who are serving our country.

    I'm a military brat myself; both my parents served in the army and were stationed in Germany (before the wall came down – eek!) when I was born. Rock on Bakerella!


  10. What kind of camera do you use?

  11. AMAZING as always!

  12. What a fantastic letter from Carlos. Spot on, Carlos!

    And Bakerella, you are amazing, very amazing. The yellow ribbons were a fantastic touch.

  13. Yep, this one got me! My husband is currently deployed with the Navy to "somewhere in the Indian Ocean"….thank you for keeping our military in mind with your post!! Happy 4th!

  14. I loved this post! I come from a long line of military veterans and the 4th of July has always been my favorite holiday. Carlos' letter was great and I am so glad he called attention to all of your readers that have connections to our service members. I have made several long-distance friends through and think your blog was a perfect place for its mention! Thanks for such a sweet post.

  15. I teared up when I read this! I know how Carlos feels because I am a military wife and my husband is serving a tour in Iraq! So THANK YOU for reaching out and showing your appreciation to our soldiers who are keeping our country FREE!

  16. Oh my, cry, cry, cry and THANK YOU!! :0)

  17. Wow! Carlos is QUITE the catch! I have tears in my eyes reading the letter. Your cake pops for the military are divine. I love the sparkles. My husband is active duty Air Force so I appreciate your effort. :)

  18. Awesome…gave me goose bumps. Thanks for reminding us to take the time to appreciate all our troops do for us and sacrifice for us.

  19. Great letter Carlos! So very true for us that are serving. I am U.S. Navy of 12 years!

    Love the pops! :)

  20. Just beautiful…so moving, I had tears in my eyes. Happy 4th of July to my American friends xxxxx (You are one special lady Ms. Bakerella xxx)

  21. Thank you so much! My husband is deployed in Afghanistan right now, and if I could be guaranteed the chocolate wouldn't melt, I would send some of these myself.

    You are a sweetheart!

  22. Just picked up my soldier today from being at JRTC for 5 weeks to train for their deployment in Sept to Iraq. He's taking a nap right now after a long day traveling home… and I opened up your blog to find these wonderful cupcake pops. These are amazing.

    Thank you… for taking the time to recognize our military service members… and for sharing with your readers the importance of supporting our troops.

    God Bless My Husband, My Solder and God Bless the USA.

  23. AWESOME!!!!

  24. Bakerella, I think it would be really awesome (not that this wasn't awesome enough in itself) if you made a post listing the different options of sending stuff to our troops that were mentioned in the comments, as there are so many mentioned, and many people may not go through all the many, many comments to get to them all. I think you should put out a challenge of some sort to have your followers send some of our baked good to the soldiers deployed.

    Thanks Bakerella, and
    Thank you to all that are serving and have served to Let Freedom Ring here in the USA! May God Bless America and all our service men and women!

  25. I'm an Infantry wife and I follow your blog constantly. Thank you for those cakepops, those are definantly different! I will have to make those some day for an FRG Meeting or something. Happy 4th of July!

  26. You did good!!!

  27. Thanks so much! This is fabulous. Thanks for sharing what the 4th is really about.

  28. My son is currently serving in the US Army and stationed in Germany ~ thanks for supporting our troops!

  29. Thanks Bakerella…My husband is in the Air Force and set to leave any day now for overseas…We have a 7 week old baby and 2 boys…It's great to hear people think about our families :) Have a wonderful holiday everyone!

  30. To Carlos and all the other men and women protecting our country:

  31. Yes, that Carlos is a keeper for sure!

    As a Marine Mom I want to thank you for supporting our military!

  32. oh goodness! what a sweet man! i'm glad he posted about…I am going to go there now:)

  33. What a wonderful man and what a great couple they will make. I am so proud of our servicemen and women. They deserve so much respect for what they do and the sacrifices they make. God bless them!

  34. Im in tears over here. What a wonderful Marine and boyfriend. SEMPER FI!!!

    Thank you for honoring his request. I wish I was still a sailor some days.

  35. Very sweet, thank you for sending this and allowing Carlos to say I love you to his girlfriend. What a great lady you are. Thank you to all the armed forces that protect and serve and allow us to have this piece of freedom we have known and love as America!

  36. WHOA!!
    1) Those rock!!
    2) THANK you for including the overlooked Coast Guard!! My dad served 20 years!
    3) That Carlos DOES sound like a keeper. Lucky girl :)
    4) Thank you to all the military members from a Coast Guard kid, an Army wife and an Air Force sister!!

  37. What a wonderful post! Happy 4th of July! :)

  38. Those are so cute! Us military wives appreciate it!

  39. because of people like Carlos and his girlfriend ….I am proud to be an AMERICAN!!!
    Happy 4th !!!!!!!

  40. GOOOO NAVY! VAB military wife who loves your blog…and her Navy husband! Happy 4th everyone :)

  41. I have a guy on my mind. A 20-year-old boy who is serving his first tour in brutal Afghanistan…God Bless our Troops!

  42. As a retired military wife, my hat is off to all our men and women who serve…and to you Bakerella for such a "sweet" tribute!

  43. thanks for including the coast guard!!

  44. What a wonderful tribute :) Excellent work!

  45. This is a very sweet salute to the armed forces. I'm always looking for ideas for the 4th because my husband has spent the last 16 years in the Navy and happens to be a real live nephew of his Uncle Sam. Unfortunately his favorite cake is yellow cake with chocolate icing. It's not easy making that into a patriotic/birthday theme. And any gifts sent to our armed forces overseas is a huge blessing. My husband was so encouraged by books and notes he received during a year long deployment.

  46. To all the men and women serving our country, THANK YOU.

    Bakerella, thank you too for these great pops. And the chance to thank the troops.

  47. Hello there.. I love your blog.. I was really inspired by your last post. To do something great. So this is what I came up with. What do you think? My Blog

  48. Thank you so very much for this post! I, too, am a military wife and found out this week that my husband is leaving for Afghanistan at the end of Summer. I have been crying all week and utterly heartbroken over the fact that he will miss our children's birthdays, Halloween, Christmas, etc. You are an amazing person for responding to Carlos' letter!
    Cheers to Bakerella, the men and woman of the Armed Forces and the husband, wives and children that support them and their country!

  49. I am an Army wife living in Okinawa, Japan.
    I love your site and we are hunting down supplies to make cake pops!

  50. Carlos sounds like a fabulous boyfriend, and those cakepops look wonderful! Happy 4th and thank you to our military!

    **random tip: Pringles cans can be rinsed out and make great shipping containers for cookies being sent to troops!**

  51. Awesome post!!!! I will look at the 4th a bit different tomorrow. I have no family serving and I am going to the blog Carlos mentioned I can do that, the least I can do!

  52. This post made me cry.

    My husband is a disabled veteran; he was only in the Army for 3 years, but he went to combat in Iraq and came home a different person. I was a military wife for 2 of those 3 years, and I came to have an amazing appreciation for our men and women in uniform. My husband lost a few good friends in Iraq. And even more came home battered and broken. Still more are there again, for their 3rd or 4th tours.

    I'm thinking of all of them this 4th of July, and I thank you *so* much for this post.


    that letter was very sweet…and with my husband in Iraq right now I know exactly how Carlos feels …it's really nice to see them get appreciated.

    as for this 4th of husband and all the other men and women out there are on my mind.

    Thank you!

  54. In hopes that Carlos might see this.
    Best wishes and God Bless to you and your girl. And from the bottom of my heart….THANK YOU and all the military men and women serving for our country. We love and appreciate you more than you know. Thank you on behalf of a country that rests easier knowing there are people like you willing to give your life and your freedom to make this country a better and safer place to be. We are pround of you and pray for your sefety.
    God Bless

  55. Okay, so now I'm crying. You are wonderful, Carlos is wonderful. Our troops are wonderful. I need to go do something…

  56. Adorable!! Way to go Bakerella! Happy 4th everyone. I am so grateful for our country and all those who serve to help make it safe!

  57. What a lovely post! thanks for putting meaning back into the holiday! We’re planning on grilling up a storm this weekend. I just posted a recipe share link on my site. Hope you’ll stop by and add a favorite:

  58. My husband and I are avid readers and fans of your blog too! We're both serving in the Army over here in Afghanistan. We can't wait to bake up a storm when we get back. I think cake pops are first on the list!

  59. Just wonderful! I've been checking your site to see what you would do for the 4th and I was wonderfully surprised. My husband is currently deployed, serving in the Army. Thank you for using your site to draw attention to the men and women who are serving our country this July 4th!
    ~A grateful military wife

  60. My husband is in the Air Force, we're stationed in Japan right now and your blog is a delicious link to all of the baking I would be doing if not for the adorable 7-month-old girl taking up all of my time. One day, I'm going to get a sitter just so I can make cake pops!

    Thanks for the post, and thanks to Carlos, and thanks to my husband who is giving us this chance to live in an amazing country for a few years and have all of this fun!

  61. Thank you for that incredible tribute to our Armed Forces. Have a Happy Independence Day!

  62. Thank you so much for this post. My mom is currently deployed (AF Reserve) in Iraq but she is scheduled to come home THIS month! WOOO! I am actually going to make some of your oreo truffles for the occasion — with, of course, red/white/blue sprinkles. I will show them off and let you know what a big hit they were (because they always are) after the event. Thank you so much for all your support!! -Crystal

  63. I just cried!! Could be cause I'm an emotional pregnant lady, but that was touching!! Thank you to all those who serve our country! We love you!! Happy 4th of July!!

  64. You are awesome! These are amazing! Happy 4th to you and all our service members out there! Thank you Carlos for your service!

  65. Awesome tribute to those serving our county!! I was just at a military homecoming today…6 months at sea for thousands of sailors of the US Navy…our men and women sacrifice so much for our great country!! Happy 4th!!

  66. This blog brought such a smile to my face, and my heart a bit fuller!
    : )

    Happy 4th of July!

  67. What a wonderful and thoughtful way to celebrate the holiday! Thank you for doing this.

    I also wanted to direct you to this candy/dessert accessory (for lack of a better word haha) shop! It's an online version of the cake supply store in Georgia : )

  68. My fiance's in the navy in the submarine fleet, so not only do I not get to see him this 4th of July, I can't even talk to him (not a whole lot of phone calls and e-mails sent when you're miles under the ocean somewhere). Plus, I'm in Canada working for the summer, so I didn't even get to see him off like all the other wives and girlfriends were able to do. We'll just have to have our own 4th of July when he comes back in 6 months. I know who I'm celebrating this Independence Day.

  69. Oorah! Awesome tribute!

  70. Those are amazing – your talent and thoughtfulness shining through

  71. Oh, that's wo wonderful! Thinking of all the men and women serving our country… thank you.

  72. Fabulous!!

  73. I must say, Carlos is a very thoughtful man, and I must say that I 100% agree with his viewpoint that the 4th of July is about more than fireworks and BBQ's. It's about the freedoms that we enjoy that probably less than 1% of humans throughout all TIME will ever, or have ever enjoyed themselves. We are so blessed to live in this country. My husband is currently in the Air Force, and is deployed, and I myself am a veteran, and it is surprising how often the true meaning of holidays such as this one, or Memorial Day, go much underappreciated by the participants. Enjoy the sales, the picnics, the celebrations, but please take a moment to thank a veteran. There are many that you will never be able to thank because they gave their lives for you to enjoy these uniquely American holidays. Anyway….THANKS for doing this post!!!!!

  74. Another military wife here…my hubby is an active duty Army soldier. I certainly appreciate the post! It's sometimes hard to explain military life to those who don't experience it. Carlos did a great job.

    We give thanks this holiday for those men and women, both near and far, that are serving to keep us safe!

    And the cake pops are cute, too! :)

  75. So wonderful. It was a good idea you didn't send him anything. When my husband was at Naval Officer Training they found someone had food in their locker and they made him eat it in front of everyone while they did push-ups. Not a good way to win friends. Thank you for remembering those that make the 4th what it is.

  76. I cried after reading the letter and your thoughtful tribute.

  77. Those are grea!

  78. That was very sweet of Carlos, I agree, he's a keeper:). My husband is an Army officer and I remember how much I wanted to reach out to him when he was in Basic training during the 4th of July back in our dating days. The pops are darling:)!

  79. Chills! At the sight of cake pops! I'm getting soft.

    You are so incredibly talented and inspiring. I was feeling a bit "meh" about baking this weekend myself to celebrate the holiday, but no longer. Thanks for that!

  80. Thank You!
    It's so nice to know patriotism isn't politically incorrect for everyone in America!
    God Bless America! And the Armed Forces who protect it!

  81. Oh, this made me cry! God bless America! God bless our troops!

  82. Thank You for not leaving the Coast Guard out!

  83. Thank you so much for this post. As a wife to a former Navy man, I can say that this post was a very nice tribute to those who serve. Carlos is right… the 4th has a deeper meaning for those who are serving or have served.

    The pops look wonderful! Thanks for the inspiration.

  84. Aww, that letter made me all teary eyed. I'll be thinking of our servicemen and women this weekend while I'm enjoying a cookout and fireworks. Without them I wouldn't be able to do that stuff so I'm definitely thankful.

    Those cake pops look amazing, I can't wait to try and make some of my own.

  85. Thank you for the beautiful and touching tribute! Many thanks to our heroes in the military!

    Happy Independence Day!


  86. What a sweet story. I'd say he's a keeper!

  87. Holy Molee those are cute… I'm active duty AF… have been for 7 years and I really appreciate your post. (And I'm a photographer…. LOVE your photos).

  88. As always, Bakerella, you have shown what a class act you are! I just love this blog. Great of you to post Carlos' touching letter and honor our soldiers. Beautiful pops and photos! Happy Independence Day, everyone.

  89. This inspired me to visit the website and "adopt" someone to send a package to. Its easy to live our daily lives without thinking of the sacrifice these soldiers endure. Looking at their wishlists, it all basic stuff. If I can get together a package of stuff that makes their lives a little easier, then I'm all aboard! thank you for the inspiration!

  90. Ahh,thanks for the tribute Bakerella. And big thanks to all our military…on the 4th and always!

  91. What a nice letter! Thanks for posting it. Thank you Carlos for writing and reminding us all of a much deeper meaning behind our Independenace Day celebrations. And thank you and all of your comrades for your dedicated service. I will be visiting the mentioned website to hopefully adopt a soldier of my own! God Bless!

  92. Awwww! Im holding back the tears!! Thanks carlos! Thanks to all who serve! And thanks for baking!

  93. My dad is in the Airforce and is being promoted and I would love to make these for his big ceremony. I've made them before but don't know how to get them as smooth as yours. Please help!!!

  94. I'm an Air Force wife that reads your blog, too! My airman has deployed 4 times and he's actually home right now. And today's his birthday. Thanks for the tribute. Must make some cake balls, now!

  95. how lovely and sweet… gorgeous!

  96. WOW … God Bless America and God Bless Bakerella!

  97. What a great way to say thanks to the men and women serving our Country! We are lucky to be able to spend the holiday weekend with our son who is serving in the Army. Thanks to all our service men and women for the job they do every day!

  98. Thank you so much for this post. The letter was so sweet and I cried a little. I am a military wife who loves your blog and I appreciate you taking time to recognize the enormous sacrifices our wonderful military and their families make. Happy 4th of July.

  99. They look amazing! Good job!

  100. My daddy was a solider. He's retired now, but there is a lot of love and patriotism I learned from my upbringing in the military. These cake pops are awesome! Salute the troops! Hapy Independence Day!

  101. Lovely… absolutely lovely. :)

  102. These are amazing!! I am the wife of a Newly retired Marine, a Sergeant Major who has proudly served this country for 26 years! What a sweet and thoughtful tribute to all those in uniform!!

  103. Wow! So amazing! Thanks so much to Carlos and his Girlfriend for giving to all of us. I appreciate you. Cake Pops are amazing as always! I will say, my kiddos always bake something on Labor & Memorial Day all by themselves and we deliver them to the local Veterans as a thanks. The kids love it & they love them! Awesome Story! Tabtiha

  104. First of all, thank you so much for sharing that letter! Carlos sounds like such a nice guy. I love hearing from the dedicated men and women that serve our country. I am grateful for them and their supportive families. Secondly- I'm a huge fan! I love your site and ideas. Thanks for doing what you do :)

  105. How sweet! Thank you for sharing that!

  106. Wow, what a beautiful letter, and a beautiful post. And- what beautiful cake pops! Tell me, where did you get those Armed Forces discs that you put on the cake pop sticks? :)

    My daddy :) is in the Marines, too. He just returned from a deployment in February, that had lasted over a year.

    I can't even think of anything to say now…. Well, actually, i can think of a million good things to say, but next to Carlos's letter, it won't even matter.

    Happy Independence Day, and I am truly touched.

  107. What an awesome guy. Carlos, thanks for the reminder to remember the armed forces who do so much to keep our country safe. Thanks Armed Forces!

    Bakerella, those cake pops look like rows of soldiers standing at attention. So cool!

  108. Very touching – thank you for sharing that with us!! I hope she gets the message as well.

  109. God Bless the U.S.A. and those fighting for our freedom!

  110. Awwww! The email Carlos sent you brought tears to my eyes. As an Army wife and Navy brat, it hits close to home. The pops you made are awesome, as usual, just like everything you do! Thank you so much sharing this with us and giving a shout out to the men and women in uniform. Have a happy and safe Independance Day!

  111. I am so thankful for our freedom and for the men and women who have, throughout our country's history, served to protect it. It is so precious!

  112. *Sniff* Thanks, Bakerella.
    My B.I.L. is in Afghanistan.

    Lovely shout out to the troops.

    Happy 4th to you.

  113. I LOVE this!! I, too, was brought to tears by the Marine's letter and your fabulous response. You are so good to remember the reason we celebrate this holiday. Not only for the amazing men and women who came before us…but for those currently serving our country and preserving our way of life and the lives of others. 'The land of the free because of the brave' indeed!!

    My husband is in the Army and is currently deployed for 18 months in the Middle East. To say it is sometimes a challenge would be an understatement. :) However, we couldn't be more proud of him and are more than willing to serve our country via separation in honor and support of his dedication to this great nation.

    I would also encourage everyone to visit In just a few minutes, you can write letters of encouragement, pick a card design, press send…and Xerox sends the cards to those brave men and women deployed around the world at no cost to you.

    Happy 4th of July America!!

  114. *sniffle*
    That Carlos, he really got to me.

    Thank you for the reminder of what we are really celebrating!

  115. Very sweet!!!! Thankful for our military men, women and families


  116. That was a great letter (and how lucky they are to have found each other).

    I live vicariously through your blog – love to bake but not nearly as creative as you are. I do play with paper and scissors quite a bit though. Another option to help our men and women in uniform is to make some cards for them to send home. It can be done through

    Happy 4th!

  117. Thank you Bakerella. I am also married to a Navy Sailor, and to us this is what Independence Day is all about. Our men and women overseas work so hard, and miss out on so much. My husband missed the birth of our daughter because he was overseas. Again, thank you so much!!

  118. wow these are so nice! you re so creative. Happy 4th of July :)

  119. I hate to admit it but I actually got a lump in my throat reading Carlos' letter…then, when I saw what you did? Well, how can we not have a Happy 4th as well as celebrate our Armed Forces after that?

    Happy Independence Day, USA!

  120. My brother went to Marine boot camp the same time as Carlos' girlfriend it sounds like, and it's been hard on the family (and very hard on him from what we can tell in his letters). This means a lot that you put so much effort into something for them. I can't wait to show him this when he comes home. Thanks Bakerella!

  121. Jana said…
    shoot shoot shoot, I just woke up and I am already crying. I am an army wife. My husband is my bestfriend. Carlos thanks for your service! And congrats to your lovely strong girlfriend…Bakerella this is why I love you, your just the sweetest thing…no wonder you churn out such…uh…sweet things!!

  122. adorable and sweet as ever!

  123. These are awesome! What a great way to say thanks and show our appreciation to all those brave men and women who sacrifice so much for us.

  124. Thank you for sharing that sweet letter, it brought tears to my eyes! Our son is in the Army and stationed overseas so he won't be with us as we celebrate 4th of July this year. I loved the beautiful cake pop tribute you made!

  125. Happy Fourth of July ! This is such a sweet post. My nephew is currently in training for Afghanistan and will be heading there with the Canadian forces in january ;eaving behind his new baby girl. It is so hard to think about…but I am going to start thinking about goodie boxes to send too…

  126. Awwwww!!! That is about the sweetest thing I have ever read. I will most definately think of all of the people out there who are doing everything that they can for all of our country this 4th of July. Thank you Carlos, and thank you Bakerella!

  127. Sweet! My youngest brother has been a Marine for 5 years, and during that time we have grown to appreciate the 4th of July more and more. Thanks!

  128. Thanks for sharing this email from Carlos. God bless these men and women who are serving their country, who are willing to go through so much and then some… seriously, thank you for sharing, Bakerella!

  129. I've wanted to do something like that for a long time! I like the cakepops pics!

  130. LOVE it!!! God Bless America!

  131. the tears are streaming down my face…….I wish we could thank our armed forces EVERYDAY, not just on July 4th. Those little round tags are simply awesome!!

    Thank you, Bakerella, for taking the time to honor those defending our freedoms.

  132. I agree with you it sounds like Carlos is a Keeper! Those cake pops look great. Happy fourth of July!

  133. You got the spirit of the Fourth of July with that post….Carlos will be thrilled. Perfect, perfect picture of red, white and blue American pride.

  134. that brought tears to my eyes. we are an air force family currently stationed in germany, so i can certainly relate to the whole military aspect! thank you, bakerella, for your beautiful cake-pop-response, and God Bless the USA!

  135. That was sweet! I hope you don't mind, but I posted a link and your picture on my blog. Then, I sent a link to my adopted soldier!

  136. Aww that was so sweet! And the cake pops are beautiful!


  137. What a wonderful letter and post! May God bless our wonderful country and to our service men and women – THANK YOU for the sacrifices you make to keep us free!

  138. These are great Bakerealla. What an amazing job. I think you did all the military proud. I am so grateful to our service men and women. And while Carlos' girlfriend may not be able to receive treats at the moment, there are lots of other soldiers who can. I am a member of Soldiers Angels. We send letters and care packages to soldiers serving so far from home. There are many ways to get involved with this great organization. Including a team called Angel Bakers, who specifically sends homemade treats. If you or anyone else would like more information, check out or contact me directly, I'd be happy to answer any questions.

    Happy Independence Day!

  139. I do not have anyone in the military. But I have friends who have husbands or had and I tell you. I really feel for them. I have to say this post had me in tears. The pops are great. Plus what a great guy Carlos is!

  140. How beautiful. So many of us are sarcastic about this holiday, but it really does stand for so much for so many people. Thanks for that reminder.

  141. As the wife of an active duty Air Force man, Thank you! Thank you Carlos for the wonderful email in support of your dear girlfriend. Thank you Bakerella for showing your support of the military.

    God bless America!

  142. This made me tear up this morning. It definitely puts things into perspective this 4th of July. Thank you to Carlos, his girlfriend and all the other individuals involved in our military.

    And how awesome of you Bakerella! The cake pops are perfect.

  143. Love the Cake Pops. Sometimes less really is more. Love how clean and simple they are.

    I grew up as a Military Brat…my father was in the Air Force. He passed away last spring, so the holidays (especially the patriotic ones) are difficult. I don't live near my Mom to help as I should, but my thoughts are with her, and the rest of the Military Service Men and Women (present and past) as we celebrate this Independence Day. Happy 4th.

  144. I don't know if Carlos or his girlfrind will read all your comments, but just in case….Years ago after the Gulf War, I was at a 4th of July parade in a large city…there were MANY, groups of amrned forces marching in rank throught the entire parade. Everytime some came by the entire crowd stood and cheered. I was crying my eyes out, seeing all those brave people who love their country and serve their country; all together walking proudly in rank….It still brings tears to my eyes thinking about it…it was a very powerful, moving moment in my life….Thank you Carlos and all of our armed forces for your time, bravery, and sacrifice.

  145. That is probably the sweetest post ever. Not even kidding.

  146. Coming from a Navy girlfriend, that is so sweet and so appropriate. Please remember who is fighting to keep this nation wonderful! Happy Indepence Day everyone!

  147. Those cake pops fit the bill to a T!

    BTW, I am a military wife, and I also love your blog.

    Jen VG

  148. Oh Bakerella,
    I just cried my eyes out over tht post. I found your blog a few months bck and have been a avid reader every since. I cannot wait to see what you post next. It just brings a smile to my face after a long day. I military also. I have served in the Air Force for the last 12 years. I am also a military wife. I know what it is like to send your husband off to war. The men and women look forward to those care packages, especially those with homemade goodies. Thank you so much for posting Carlos' letter. I know that it means alot to him and his girlfriend. It sure meat alot to me. Thank you for your support of the military. The cake pops are great. The best part is the yellow ribbon, it has become a symbol for what we are celebrating. The men and women who are not with us today to celebrate. I may try to make some for our July 4th celebration. If you can please let Carlos know that I will pray for himn and his girlfriend and that we are very proud of them.

    Thank you,
    The Cake Lady

  149. I agree…Carlos is a keeper! What a thoughtful guy!! My husband is a nurse/medic in the Army & just arrived home from Active Duty on Wednesday. I have always loved these holidays, but they mean so much more to me & my family now that we have a soldier in the family. My favorite quote right now is "Freedom is not Free". I think that that says it all.

    Thanks for the patriotic cake pops! I love the sprinkles & the ribbon.

  150. Just the fact that you were willing to read the email, let alone post it, let alone create something special, and lastly give the g/f a shout out. Seriously, you ROCK!

    I hope this touches them and everyone else immensely.

    Just another reason I <3 your blog.


  151. My baby turns ONE tomorrow… Happy Birthday and Happy 4th of July!

  152. Thanks Bakerella, I knew you wouldn't let us down! I have a son and daughter-in-law in the military and I'm so proud of them! My son spent a year in Afghanistan and thinks he may be going back. If he does, I'm making some of these to send over!

    I won your edible ink pens, still trying to decide what to try with them!

  153. Truly the American spirit!
    Happy 4th!

  154. You have to find out when her graduation is taking place and send her some then (from Carlos). Besides it's Independence Day every day when you're in the military. And how sweet would it be to know he had been thinking about her all along…especially when he's away on her special day!

  155. Thanks for posting that. It brought tears to my eyes and made me want to do something beyond the ordinary for this holiday! We are so blessed to live in this country and we owe it all to our troops and those men and women who have sacrificed for us. Happy Independence Day!

  156. This made me cry. It is so sweet. Thanks to you and Carlos. I'm missing my husband something fierce today, he's deployed and this is our favorite holiday. I may just have to go make some cake pops to cheer myself up :) Happy Fourth to everyone!

  157. Just perfect! :)

    Happy Independence Day!

  158. This letter brought a tear to my eye. As the wife of a Marine, this holiday holds a special place in my heart. It is so much more than fireworks and hotdogs…it is about surviving deployments, raising kids alone, missing family and friends…and doing it all in support of the USA. Thank you for your support for those who serve this nation, both directly and indirectly. Happy 4th!

  159. Once again Bakerella – you have done it! You are amazing! And thanks to Carlos and his girlfriend! That is the TRUE spirit of America! Independence Day is one of may favorite holidays because of that! Thanks to all who have served!

  160. what a beautiful post!! i don't know if you've heard of operation baking gals ( but it's also a great way to support the troops! i've sent several batches of goodies already!

  161. Thank you for this post and thank you to all the armed forces out there. We really do all thank you.

  162. very nice pictures!! Greetings from Holland!!

  163. maybe its the hormones, but this post made me tear up! these are awesome! carlos and his girlfriend are awesome!

  164. Those pops are amazingly beautiful… Happy 4th of July. And it will be a glorious day when our men and women overseas can come home to their families!

  165. Awesome! If I wasn't married I'd be in love with Carlos, too! ;)

  166. Thank you for sharing this, Bakerella! And thank you for honoring our armed forced. I am actually doing Operation Baking Gals this week and sending some cookies to soldiers overseas. I wish I could send some cute red, white, and blue cakepops or cupcake pops or just cupcakes, but I don't think they'd make it still in their original, solid form.

  167. Thank you so much Bakerella! I myself am not a military wife, but my father-in-law was a career marine, one brother-in-law was in the navy, and another brother-in-law is currently serving in the army. He has been home on leave for a few weeks and has to go back to Afghanistan today (ironically). Since he'll have to fly through Germany and it's a long trip, he'll actually probably get there tomorrow. Again, ironically.

  168. These are adorable. What a great tribute! God Bless all the men and women who are serving our country in the armed forces. They are very much appreciated. Happy 4th to them, and thank you!

  169. Totally moving…cakepops..yeehaa!!
    Have an amazing 4th!!
    Hugs, Nerina :)

  170. As a military wife, I appreciate your heart felt tribute to the men and women who protect this great nation of ours. We truly are the "Land of the Free, Beacause of the Brave!" My husband is in the Air Force and has served 4 deployments to Iraq, Afganistan and Columbia. It is very special to have him home this 4th of July. My boys and I missed him so much last year at this time!
    Thanks again!

  171. you rock! my airman just got back less than a week ago from his second Iraq tour. God bless america and you!

    also Carlos is a keeper!

  172. This is so awesome – the letter as well as your response. If those in the military are reading the comments, I just want to say THANK YOU too!

  173. What a great email, a great guy and a great post.

    I love that the pops look like they're standing tall and proud like our soldiers.

    To every man and woman serving our country and those that have in the past: Thank you.

  174. You are awesome!

  175. I was going to mention the yellow ribbon too, but someone already did. Great touch!

  176. Hoorah! Thank you!

  177. That is wonderful!!
    I'm making your last year pops for tomorrow. I'm excited because these are my first to make!

  178. Thank you, Miss Bakerella, for remembering the US Coast Guard in your lovely tribute. Not only am I married to a Chief, but much more of my family is made up of hard working Coasties and it's always disheartening when the 5th armed service is not remembered with their brothers-in-arms. There has, after all, been Coast Guardsmen fighting and dying in every war since the Coast Guard's inception. So thank you again, for remembering all of our brothers, uncles, fathers, husbands, and sons this Independence Day!

  179. A wonderful post! Thank you Carlos and yours for all you do for us here in the US. Thank you to all of my students who have served and returned to sit in my classroom and write about what they know of their experiences protecting me and my family – all of us. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  180. How sweet. Would it be possible to use your Thank You photo on my blog for my 4th posting?

  181. What a wonderful post (and the cake pops are beautiful). Thanks to you and Carlos for the reminder of what Independence Day truly represents.

  182. Absolutely awesome! Those are just gorgeous. Thanks for your support of our troops. Good luck to his girlfriend in the rest of her bootcamp. And a huge thank you to Carlos for his service, and best wishes to him as he prepares to deploy to Afghanistan. Semper Fi!

  183. Thank you Carlos, Carlos' girlfriend and all those in the armed forces here and over seas who have devoted their lives to keeping us safe and free!


    Peace, love and cake pops!! <3

  184. This Battalion Family Readiness Group Advisor and wife of an Army Battalion Commander, who is about to mobilize, thanks you for posting this. They are, of course, beautiful. The letter made my day. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  185. Love the cake pops! And what a great letter :) Carlos is right – I know many military wives that read your blogs. I am one of them. My husband is serving in the Air Force – he has been to Iraq & Afghanistan but I am lucky to have him home for now. We are currently stationed in Okinawa, Japan – quite far from home! Baking is something I love to do to pass the time here and your blogs give me plenty of ideas to keep me busy!

    Happy Independence Day to all! Please remember those serving, those who have served and those who have lost their lives while protecting our freedom!

  186. It's people like Carlos who make this country great! Thank you for sharing him with us!
    (Oh, and nice pops!)

  187. As a wife of a soldier, this post made me cry a little. It's so hard being away from the one you love but I think Carlos hit it spot on with that email. He's a keeper and then some ;) Then there are those cake pops! I hope you don't mind, I might have to steal that idea for the FRG bakesale this week. They are perfect. You are amazing!

  188. That brought tears to my eyes. Happy 4th.

  189. Love it! I was reading your blog at the kitchen table with my Navy Chief hubby this morning and just had to read him this post! And of course the pops look beautiful!

  190. Those lollipops are adorable. What a great idea. That would work for canada day too.

  191. Aww Carlos is soo sweet! And your pops look great! Simple, still one of my favorites!!

  192. Love it! My husband is active duty Air Force and I'm a veteran myself. We're actually headed to DC tomorrow and I"m SOOO excited!

    Wish I could take a handful of cake pops with me! Those are adorable…er…I mean, very motivational.

  193. AWWWWW! Happy 3rd and 4th and 5th..and so on and so on!

  194. You're as sweet as your treats and I agree he is a keeper..
    Those pops are super!You're an artist.

  195. So cute, happy fourth of July

  196. Nice touch with the yellow ribbons. They look beautiful.

  197. That is amazing! Have a Happy 4th!

  198. That's precious.
    He seems like such a sweet guy, and I love you cake pops as always.

  199. This was so sweet. Happy 4th.

  200. SO Sweet! Happy Independence Day!

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