
Pudding Cups


Wicked Good Chocolate Peanut Butter Pudding Cups. They’re from the book, Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey Treats for Kids by Jill O’Connor and just as good as their name states. Jill sent me and my niece a copy of her book as a little thank you for a post I did inspired by her Cheesecake Pops. We had a hard time deciding which recipe to try first, but we kept coming back to these pudding cups. They were really fun to make and even more fun to eat. You’ll see what I mean in a minute. And the best part… I didn’t have to do any of the work. My little helper did it all.


From separating the egg yolks, to the measuring and mixing.


She cooked the pudding.


And mixed in the peanut butter… (thank you, Jill) … and the extra chocolate chips … Oh my!

Let the pudding chill for at least four hours before eating.

Here’s a link to the Pudding Recipe so you can print it out.

Now, here’s the best part.

It involves balloons to make bowls.


Okay, I did help a little bit here. We blew up regular size balloons about halfway so they were still small, but found that water balloons worked best. They are a perfect size for this project, just hard to fill with air instead of water. I about busted a lung.

After you blow up the balloons, wash them off and let them dry. And before you use each one, spray a little non-stick cooking spray on each. Just a little.

Okay, here’s what you do.

Melt some semi-sweet chocolate, white chocolate or confectionery coating. I used the same candy coating I use for cake pops. Let it cool slightly before using. It doesn’t need to be super hot.


Spoon a small amount on a wax-paper-covered baking sheet.


Then take one of your prepared balloons and dip it in the chocolate. Dip it in enough so the chocolate makes a bowl shape around the balloon.

Remove from the chocolate and place the balloon gently on top of the chocolate waiting on the baking sheet.


And repeat.


Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.


It’s as easy as one…






And like I said earlier … just fun.

She was so proud. And so was I.

You can place the tray of balloon bowls in the refrigerator to speed up the drying time.


Then it’s time for the really fun part.

Pop them all with a pin.


Gently remove the balloon carnage from the inside of the cups and they are ready to go. If you want, you can also serve other treats in them like ice cream.


But we had wicked good pudding waiting in the fridge. Fill each cup as full as you want.


Then you can top them off with whipped cream.


Lots and lots of whipped cream.

To make Jill’s Sweetened Whipped Cream, just chill a metal bowl and beaters in the freezer for about 15 minutes (to help whip the cream faster). Then combine 2 cups heavy cream, 1/2 cup powdered sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat on medium-low using a mixer until the cream starts to thicken. Then increase speed to medium-high and beat until firm peaks form.

And yep, my niece made that too. Tired arms and all.


Finally, you can add some sprinkles. As few…


or as many as you like.


Want some?


Come on… you know you do.


And when you’re all finished, you can eat the bowl, too.


Enjoy making a mess!


And, check out Jill’s book. I think you’ll be glad you did.

Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey Treats for Kids

and the original…

Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey

Here’s a link to the Pudding Recipe so you can print it out.

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456 comments on “Pudding Cups”

  1. I can’t wait to try these! My 4-year-old daughter and I will make these, hopefully, this weekend. She’ll be so excited… she’s picky about what she eats, but (dark) chocolate tops her list! I also wanted to thank you for your previous post (Bake It Pretty.) I’m now addicted to the site and will be spending waaaay too much money! I. Can’t. Wait

  2. looks tassstttyyy, adorable, and FUN.

  3. I love that theres starting to be more cooking/baking books aimed towards kids, it fantastic!

  4. Those are cool! I’ll have to make some of these next week!

  5. Love the bowls! How clever!

  6. These looks amazing and SO yummy, but I have on question! Do the chocolate cups end up with a latex taste on the inside of them? I was just thinking about that nasty taste I get in my mouth when I blow up balloons and was curious if you noticed any taste on the chocolate? Hmm… definitely need to try this idea out! Maybe for our memorial day barbecue!

  7. Wow, this post is decadent, delicious and darling! What fun! I want to be six again. Luckily I have the heart of a child, and two darling chocolate-loving nieces to play with. Beautiful post bakerella, and beautiful book Jill O’Connor!

  8. I’ve loved these for years, however, I can’t eat them any more because I’m allergic to latex. Waaaaaah!

    For those w/a latex allergy, probably the best way to go is to “paint” the chocolate in a silicone muffin cup, let it dry and then peel them out.

    I love that there is now a SCMG for Kids! My girls and I need that!!!!!

  9. WOW!!! Those are FANTASTIC!!!! Love it!

  10. Fantastic!
    She looks like she had an awesome time making these.
    I love the little balloon bowls. Would never have thought of that!
    I definitely have to give that a try for my next party.
    Thanks again Bakerella!
    You rock.
    and so does that book.

  11. These are adorable with fresh strawberries….or raspberries in them!!!

  12. Can’t wait to try these with the girls! They will love them!!

  13. I have always wanted to make chocolate cups with balloons!! It looks so awesome. Also, I have the original Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey book. That is the best book ever! So many great recipes. I’ll have to take a look at the kid book. It would be great for my cousin and her kids!

  14. Yummy! These look great as does your photography!

  15. I hope you are feeling better. I have missed your posts. Take care, Nancy.

  16. Oh those are wonderful, I’ll try those with the girls!!!!

    Thanks for sharing

  17. Do make sure that your chocolate isn’t too hot before you dip the balloon or the balloon will pop spraying you and your entire kitchen with melted chocolate (a nearly impossible mess to clean up, I might add!) Yes, I am speaking from experience.

  18. Mmmm… They look SO tasty! :D

  19. I’m definitely doing this for mothers day..!

  20. Olá! Descobri o site há pouco tempo,e i love bakerella!
    Por que é muito legal,e da inspiração,principalmente para quem é confeiteira(o).Parabéns!
    xo .

  21. How cute and fun too! My little bakers are going to love these!

  22. I NEED that book!!

  23. Love it! I can’t wait to give it a go! :)

  24. Those look AWESOME and my kids would TOTALLY L O V E them!

  25. This looks so fun with excellent results and lots of various possible :)

  26. wow!!! these look so cute and yummy! love it!

  27. Hi,another well job done =) will definetly try that!

  28. Can’t wait until summer vaca so that I can make these yummy treats and then go work it all off.

  29. Those look great! Maybe they’ll be a new project for a rainy Sunday.

  30. Read this post this morning and been thinking about it all day. I love the chocolate bowls. Balloons? I would have never thought of it. I’m buying the book and adding ANOTHER recipe to my list of recipes to do. Great photography too. That picture of you neice putting chocolate on the cookie sheet is great.

  31. I think this idea is so cool, brings the kid out of me. I can do different color bowls! Thanks.

  32. These look amazing!! I’m going to make these with my children this week..:) Thanks for posting. I love your photos, too..

  33. OMIGOSH…my mouth is watering!! Sounds like a fun thing to make!

  34. would you mind posting sometime a picture of the chocolate you use for the cake pops? I purchased a baking bar and hten made the cake pops and failed miserably :( i am thinking the chocolate bar from the grocery store didnt work like I thought it would. And with the water ballons inside the chocolate..doesnt water get everywhere when you pop the balloons with a pin?!

  35. The bowls are so cute! You can use those for anything :D Thanks for posting!

  36. Your killing me, I love them, so adorable that I wouldn’t want to eat them.

  37. I want to make these, and I’m not even a kid! Well, I guess I am, but seriously…very very cool.

  38. What a great idea!! Oh the possibillities!!

  39. These are becoming so popular! Tons of uses for them and they taste great too! And as always…your pictures are great.

  40. WOW! What an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing we are going to have to try this and get the book!!

  41. Oh those look like so much fun! I’m going to be watching my friend’s kids next week and this would be perfect! I love those bowls, most brilliant idea I have ever heard of! I’ll have to get that book soon!

  42. I don’t have kids, or know anyone with kids…but I must try this and get these books!!!

  43. Fantastic. Many thanks for all your great ideas. I’m living in France and it’s not easy to find the same products to do your recipes. For this time, I could try with my kids.

  44. Oh my. I. LOVE. THIS. And now I’m going to put everything aside to make some right now… with or without the kids! ;)
    Thanks Bakerella!!! <3

  45. Oh good heavens. If all the ingredients were in my house, I’d be making those right NOW. I can’t wait to try these. What a fun party treat!!!!

    Thanks for sharing.

  46. These look fantastic – perfect for kids parties, or more grown up ones too :)
    Had a peak at the book and it looks great as well! Another fab post

  47. This looks like so much fun and super YUMMY!

  48. These are so cute. Next time I babysit my nephew, I’m totally making these! Or I could just make them with my friends who act like kids?!?

  49. …Isn’t this just the cutest thing ever?! How’d she come up with the balloons and the melted chocolate to make lil’ chocolate bowls? People like that just kill me with their creativity! And yeah Bakerella, you fall into that category…*giggle* ;o)

    …Thank you for sharing this!

    …Blessings… :o)

  50. I wonder if I could fool my husband into thinking my 3-year-old could make these just so I could eat the “failures”??

  51. love love the mess and fun of this project.. makes me wanna try this with my daughter soon.. looks perfect as a mother’s day activity :D

  52. These are absolutely adorable! I especially love the bowls they’re served in… I love that cookbook, too! Sticky, chewy, messy and gooey are my favourite words when it comes to desserts and food! :D


  53. Those are soooo adorable! Great idea for dessert cups! Going to have to try this some day!

  54. wow the chocolate bowls is such a cute idea! i will have to pick up a copy of that book for myself. thanks bakerella!

  55. those chocolate bowls are the coolest idea!

  56. I can’t wait to try these! My niece and nephew will go nuts!

  57. I need these….now!

  58. Oh my heck! That is the neatest idea. I love it. I’m going to try it and you know how much kids love to pop balloons.
    BTW…..your niece is soooo stinkin adorable, I love those eyes.

  59. Bakerella, get thee to a party store and buy yourself a balloon pump. 5 bucks and worth every penny. A lung is a terrible thing to lose.

  60. Could those little balloons cups BE any cuter?? What a super fun and adorable idea, LOVE it!!!

  61. How fun! My daughter LOVES balloons, but isn’t quite old enough to help with dipping them to make the bowls.

  62. Fantastic! This is irresistible, everything looks delicious and adorable and most importantly do-able. Your thoughtful and darling photographs of the step-by-step make everything clear and inviting. I am printing this out to leave on my daughter’s desk —- Mother’s Day is coming right up, and I think that chocolate pudding in its own edible bowl works for breakfast in bed — milk, eggs, a little cocoa to express the love…. beautiful fun post, thank you for sharing this can-do treat.

  63. Gosh, that looks delicious. And except for making the bowls looks like I won’t have to wash any dishes (in order to start making it). My community is still under a water ban, so I’m putting off all sorts of things so I can just do the dishes without boiling water first.

  64. Another reason to love chocolate even more!! SO cute! Thanks – always love to see what new idea you have found!

  65. :)

  66. now with my correct website

  67. wow! love the idea! will make them soon, thanks for sharing!

  68. Excellent idea…i Love it:)

  69. Oh, how fun! Another one to put on my To Do list (but in a good way). :D

  70. I want to try this and fill them with fruit salad! They look so good!

  71. Those look amazing! I would love that book (like I need another dessert book in the house though! haha!)

  72. This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! My niece’s birthday is coming up and my sister and I were just discussing the perfect party for her. Hooray for Bakerella!!!

  73. ADORABLE!!! I love the chocolate bowls! I am going to make some of those for my son’s birthday this weekend. They will be perfect for little cups of ice cream!

    P.S. I am also going to attempt to make a giant cake pop ball for the top of my son’s cake. He wanted an Indiana Jones Lego theme cake… so I am going to make the giant ball that rolls after him (from the movie) using your cake pops recipe! All he keeps talking about is he can’t wait to eat the giant ball! Wish me luck!!!

  74. i am always looking for ideas to wow people at work…well, this is one of them, so easy, yet looks extravagant…sweet

  75. Oh goodness, this website is going to be my downfall. I’ve already sent some of these recipes to my husband in Iraq and he’s addicted. I can’t wait to try these!!! They look absolutely delicious!!

  76. O.M.G. – That’s all I can say. Oh, and yum.

  77. This is such a great idea! And, the best part? I’m capable of doing this one! :)

  78. Awesome thanks for sharing, my kids are going to love this.

  79. been waiting all week for you to post and once again you have something awesome to share!!! You have one lucky niece :)

  80. O.M.G I loooooove those chocolate cups! I will SO be doing that! So simple, I can’t believe I never thought of it!

  81. I saw this balloon idea awhile back somewhere and had completely forgotten about it….glad to see it here Bakerella. Thanks so much for sharing with us…The face on your little helper bee is priceless!

  82. Hey! I made those too: But I had a few chocolate covered balloons explode all over the place before I perfected it :) Aren’t they yummy?

  83. These are just adorable and so fun to make. Very impressive!

  84. These are too cute! I want to make them so bad, that I am now reconsidering my Mother’s Day dessert plan. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  85. Love it!!! Guess what my girls will want to make this weekend?!

  86. This is ADORABLE! I think I may have to have my boys make this for me and their Gmas for Mother’s Day Sunday!

  87. Ooh they look brilliant! LOVE those chocolate cups!

  88. gosh, these look excellent! i may have to have one or twenty! yummo!

  89. These are adorable! And I’m so impressed that you managed to blow up those balloons — I’ve tried that, myself, and I can verify that water balloons aren’t easy to blow up with lung power! But, wow. Really worth it.

  90. Hi , I look and so yummy , delicius to my kids tanks

  91. Love this post. Great stuff! Those chocolate cups can be used for lots of great treats!

  92. Oh yum! I will definitely be trying these with my kids. Too cute!

  93. My dad and I used to do this trick with the balloons when I was little. We would fill them with ice cream! There used to be a show on tv called death by chocolate and we got the idea from that guy! I totally forgot about these and need to do them with my kids!

  94. I can’t wait to make these with my grandkids! They’re going to love doing this! Barb in Mn

  95. WOW! you are amazing! Thanks for this idea, it’s super adorable and looks sooo YUMMY!!!

  96. What a nice treat from Jill and a great project with your niece (who is downright adorable!). Love love love the cup idea. Your pics are fantastic, too!

    Have a great week!
    -Rachel from A Cupcake for Moose

  97. These look so fun and delicious! My daughter is a bit young but I will have to get this book for when she is a little older. Maybe I’ll get the “adult” version for me while I waiting for her to grow up. ;-)

  98. I love these!!! I am going to pre make the bowls and let the kids decorate at my sons birthday party. Absolutely wonderful!!!

  99. Wow! Love it! And love your niece doing the cooking so well under your watchful eye–and camera! Bakerella, you always take a fun idea and make it even cuter. So glad you had a good time with my new book! I’m looking forward to making cake pops from your book with my daughters, very soon:)

  100. What an AMAZING idea and the only dishes you have are spoons! ha.

    That also looks like so much fun to make. Double win!

    Cabin Fever in Vermont

  101. How cool! I love seeing what you come up with next! What an inspiration!

  102. Looks so yummy! Must warn your readers though of the danger of heating the chocolate too much. I did this several years ago as a kid, and made about a dozen balloons. Once I set them all on the counter, they exploded rapid-fire, one after the other! My friend and I were left with an incredible mess to clean up, and years later my mom said she still would find bits of chocolate on the ceiling or in the cabinets. I read through the comments and see that I am not the first to make this mistake, but it is a messy one to make! I would recommend cooling the chocolate long enough to where it is still melted, but cool to the touch. Good Luck everyone :) I think I’m scared of trying it again!

  103. Oh my – I wish I was your neighbor – these are precious!

  104. I’m just about drooling here. Wow!

  105. Those are awesome! I am soo making them. I don’t even have to make them cute, I am no good at that. I think you should add a Share button to your posts. Just a thought. I soo want to Share this on my Facebook page. Are you on Facebook?

  106. Oh my gosh! This is the 3rd chocolate bowl recipe I have seen in a week! (Yours looks the best, by far!) THAT’S IT! I’m making these:)

  107. OMG! That is so cute! How clever is that to use balloons to make chocolate bowls. That is something I will definitely have to try.

  108. The balloon idea is possibly the most creative and clever concept I’ve ever encountered regarding desert food. I am so in.

  109. Yum! Yum! Yum! You just can’t beat pb and chocolate together.

  110. SO CUTE!!! I only wish I had seen these a week earlier. Would have been fun to make on vacation with family. Definitely a keeper though!

  111. I think I’m going to go into sugar-shock just looking at that!

    I like the bowl idea – you could put just strawberry’s and whip cream in them :)

  112. L-O-V-E this!!! How clever…definitely going to try this out!

  113. O.Ma.Gah. thos look sooooo good :)

  114. When I saw this, I thought, Oh! Bakerella reads my blog!!!! It was so exciting there for a minute. Then I see that you found this idea in a book. Now I must find a copy of this book. Sounds like it’s exactly the sort of thing I would read. I’ve been making bowls this way for years!

    Read my similar post here:

  115. AWESOME….this is going to be the next cooking project for the daycare kids! They are going to LOVE it!!!

  116. Super cute! Love the creative way of making the chocolate bowls with ballons, so fun!

  117. what a fantastic idea and fun too!

  118. What an adorable and delicious looking treat for kids! I love kids in the kitchen. The books looks awesome. Will have to pick one up to share with my daughter.

  119. My mom does something very similar for her crafts, except instead of chocolate, she wraps string or yarn around the balloon, sprays it with a stiffening starch spray, and uses it to make a fragile egg-shell that she uses to make Easter decorations.

    These look great!

  120. oh how fun and cute, I would love to make these I am book marking this one!!!

  121. These would make awesome ice cream sundae cups too! :)

  122. Forget the kids – I can think of at least five grown men off the top of my head who would be over the moon for this. This is definitely going onto the ‘must try’ list!

  123. Super cute and looks easy! I will be letting my little helper (one of my sons) to do this one with me. I love looking at you site each day to see what you have new on it.

  124. Best idea since cake pops! =0)

  125. What fun! Thanks!

  126. For kids? No way! These are for ME! haha. Although I feel like a kid. 22 isn’t too bad, is it?

  127. You’re the best, you always surprised me with great ideas. Thank you very much!!!

  128. Always looking for new FUN things to do with my kids! YUM! this looks fabulous…thanks for sharing. I might have to add that title to my Mothers Day list. : D

  129. Those look fantastic! And so yummy!

  130. WOW…this looks so fancy and totally doable! TFS!!!

  131. That looks so yummy! My three year old is standing here saying, “I want to make some!!” Can’t wait to try it!!!!

  132. Those are an awesome treat! My daughter will have a blast making those! Thanks for the idea.

  133. This is a wonderful recipe to make with my grandchildren. Especially my grandson who has abundant energy when staying with me. This should keep him busy and he loves chocolate, but so do I. Thank you again for another wonderful idea. Paulette

  134. Oh My Goodness! I am so making these with my boys & my nieces too!

  135. Balloons and pudding. Every kids dream.

  136. AWESOME!!! I love that idea with the balloons!! Gotta try this very soon! I love your blog! So many great recipes… thanks for sharing it!!!

    Greetings from Austria :)

  137. omg how cute are those ……………………..and the best bit………i can eat the cup………..oh yeah, gotta try this for sure ! and soon !

  138. this is such a great idea – no washing up!

  139. Bakerella! I have been up so late all the time lately and being recently married I have been taking on my old hobby of baking. Needless to say I have been on your blog recipe gathering all night. Then this comes up. OOO! I am going to do this with my younger brother and sister in laws! so cute and so fun! Thanks for sharing!

  140. I like the idea so cute thanks

  141. Sweet Idea! Now there goes my diet plan… :)

  142. Those little chocolate bowls are the most clever things…!

  143. very cute idea….very clever ^^

  144. Wow, these are awesome! My niece would love it! :)

  145. Genial idea !!!!
    Me la apunto para hacerla con mis niños…..
    Quién hincha los globos ???????
    Algún voluntario ????
    Besos desde Castellón (España)

  146. wonderful. I have a kids ice cream birthday party coming up and this would be so fun!

  147. OH MY GOD! I might die of lust. Those look SO good! This is SO not helping me loose the baby weight! (in fact its making me GAIN!- between you an PW- I’m screwed!)

  148. love it… never thought that will be so much fun

  149. She did a fantastic job!! I love how chocolate bowls are made.

  150. Amazing. I gotta make these for my next event girls night in!!!!

  151. This looks incredible! Thanks for sharing this!

  152. They look so yummy! I think I will try them. I’ve been afraid of chocolate bowls since I tried making them a decade ago. The chocolate was too hot. The balloons popped and there was chocolate splattered all over my kitchen ceiling. Not to mention my face and clothes! And I should mention that I was trying to impress a new boyfriend who was sitting there watching . (He married me though, so not easily frightened). Maybe I won’t mention that I’m trying these again! Thanks for the idea and great pictures!

  153. Oh wow! I think these could grow up a little, using a mousse or something inside the bowls! Can’t wait to try it!

  154. I’ve made these using the candy melts in various colors. You can make some very pretty “chocolate flower bowls” by swirling or marbeling two colors together, then when you coat the balloon, roll the balloon first, from North to South, then from East to West and this will create 4 petals on the bowl resembling a tulip.

  155. fantastic! I’m adding the book to my wishlist right now. I have the original – Sticky, chewy, messy, gooey – and it has my favourite brownie recipe ever in it. It’s a winner and I’m sure the sequel is too.

  156. I love this idea. Wonderful.

  157. i love love love this idea!! i’m already wondering how i can tweak it a little for other stuff!! like, for cupcakes??? mmmmmmmm

  158. Any suggestions about how to make these without the balloons? I have a latex allergy and I wouldn’t want to have a reaction from something that looks so yummy. I would really like to try these though, my daughter would love it!

  159. One of my girls’ favorite things to do is make balloon chocolate bowls! There’s something magical about them! Their favorite is to start w/ white chocolate as a base, drizzle dark on top, then dip the balloons–it makes “zebra bowls”. :)

  160. Yummy! I’ve made those bowls for a few things before. I always have one balloon that bursts while the chocolate is still gooey and my kitchen and I get speckled!

    I’ll have to try them out for this recipe, chocolate and peanut butter and chocolate a combination that can’t be beat!

  161. oh my gosh! These are sooo awesome!! I will have to get the book!

  162. Yumm!! These look absolutely fantastic! I love the chocolate cups, too. Must keep them in mind for parties and what not. :)

  163. this is THE cutest and most innovative thing i’ve seen in a long time! i just love the idea of the balloons! i mean, WOW.
    such a great party idea!

  164. I adore these! I think I will make these with my kindergarteners! They look fun and easy! A combination I love!

  165. This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! I can’t wait to try it with my niece! Now if we could only speed up the 4 hour chilling time so we can eat the pudding sooner… :)

  166. Bakerella I was just thinkin havent seen your helper on here .and was just wonderin when I was gonna get to see her do her cookin thing !!.she did a wonderful job ..a good time had by all …I also wanted to shout out a congrats on the fun you had in Alanta with PW’s book signing …and a question as to how you are doing with your book project !!!
    ok time to make some choc pudding cups !

  167. Oh yum yum yummy!!! I wish I could press a button and just have it appear right in front of me so I could stuff my face full of it with out having to wait on making it!!! mmm….. LOVE IT!!

  168. I’ll be making these soon! What a fun project!

  169. These are so cute! It is so awesome that your niece made them, she did a great job! And her nails look pretty too!

  170. I can’t wait to show my 6 year old this project! Sounds like yummy pudding too!

    Thanks again!

  171. My kids will LOVE making these!! Can’t wait to try it! And as a side note, my son had a birthday last week and I made him your Oreo Truffle Pops…some in the shape of a Golden Snitch from Harry Potter as well as some Yoda ones from Star Wars. They were a HUGE hit! Thanks so much for your inspiration!!!

  172. Absolutely GENIUS!!!! I am going to try these for sure!!!!!!!!!!

  173. hello: i saw this bowl longggggg time ago on a magazine but they put ice cream, remembering this idea its nice and fun to try it again,love your site!!!!

  174. I love this idea… thank you

  175. This is SO funny — I’m writing a post RIGHT NOW about the chocolate bowls I just made to serve truffles in! I got the idea after seeing some chocolate bowls on tastespotting that were adorable.

  176. Oh, if only my son liked to get messy… shoot…

  177. OoOooOooH! My girls love helping me bake + they love all things chocolate + I *heart* peanut butter =!!!

  178. Oh my gosh my kids would love making these and I would love eating them! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  179. SOOOO FUN!!! I bet my kindergarteners would love this!!!

  180. can I please be your niece? :)

  181. OMGosh!!! this is so creative!! i’m going to have to find an excuse to make these =)

  182. Oh man, those look good! How cool that she made ’em all by herself :)

  183. Love love love!!!

  184. I may have just found my treat for our end of year 1st grade party – my students would LOVE making this!!! great find – thanks for sharing!

  185. What a fantastic idea for a rainy day!! With so many Spring showers lately, this will make it onto my list of yummy things to do! Thanks!

  186. that is so awesome. I’m going to make some for the upcoming party I’m planning. it will be the best.

  187. I love it! What a beautiful helper you have there :)

  188. Those look so fun : ) I can’t wait to make these with my nieces. Today we made our fist cakepops & they were SO YUMMY & my nieces had fun making them with me. Thank you for posting all the GREAT recipes!!!!! : )

  189. Cute idea…and yummy too!

  190. oh no. why did you have to post this!? looks fun and yummy!

  191. another great idea. i love this website

  192. Oh how fun and super delicious! I used to love making chocolate bowls. I can’t believe that I haven’t made these with my 4 year old. He’s going to love it!

  193. I love the idea! Looks so much fun, I wonder if nephews would have as much fun as nieces…I should try it out. Thanks for posting!

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