
Christmas and some cookies

Okay… finally, the post from last weekend. My camera never did wake up by the way. But I did manage to get all the photos off using a friend’s card reader. Yay! Unfortunately, no built in card readers on my printer or computer… Boo!

And, I would have posted this last night, but I spent the evening at Pioneer Woman’s book signing in Atlanta. Fun! Fun! More on that soon. Thankfully, I did have a working camera with me for that. A brand new Canon Digital Rebel XSi that I borrowed. It’s nice having generous friends. But, I kinda wish I hadn’t started using it. I might not be able to give it back. Bigger screen, More megapixels. And I’ve convinced myself the photo quality is far superior. It is. I know it is. Maybe my camera will be unfixable. Is that a word?

Anyway, here’s the goods or goodies from last weekend.

It’s coming up on Christmas, so I wanted to make some decorated sugar cookies. But I didn’t really want to make traditional Christmas shapes. So instead, I used a cute little cupcake cutter I recently bought. I also went with a less than traditional color scheme and chocolate sugar cookies to help make the colors pop.


I love sugar cookies. Too bad I love them more than they love me. I’m still trying to perfect my piping. I will not give up. I will have non-lumpy lines one day.


These were two of the better ones.


These … not so much. But squint and they’ll look better.

Snowflake Sprinkles

See …… Okay, I’m kidding. I kid. These are the good ones. Well, the better ones anyway.


It helps to plan ahead when you work with royal icing. Draw out the colors you want for borders and the colors you want to fill with in advance.


The cookie recipe is from the book, Cookie Craft. Get a copy if you have any desire to learn how to make these kind of decorated cookies. It’s jam-packed with tips and tricks.

Or maybe you’ll win this.

Cookie Stuff

Yes, the original Cookie Craft came out with a mini Cookie Craft Christmas book.

Christmas Craft

Also with recipes, ideas, and tips. It’s very cute. And small, which you know I like.

Cupcake Cookie Cutters

You’ll also get this cute 2-piece cupcake cookie cutter set. Love it!

Cupcake Stencils

And some cupcake stencils. You can use these on cookies, too.

Cake Tester

A cupcake-shaped cake tester. This totally unnecessary utensil was too cute to pass up.

Mini Cupcake Spatulas

And so were these mini spatulas. I bought all the goodies (except for the cookie book I picked up at the bookstore) from Crate & Barrel if you want to look them up. I like finding cute things. Hope you like them, too.


And it all comes stuffed in a sparkly stocking.

Enter to win it all.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me what you want this Christmas. Big or small. Silly or Serious. Let’s share.
  • Me first… I want to spend time with all my family. Laughing. Hugging. Eating. And I want to take lots of pictures of them with my brand new, big, shiny camera. Yeah, that sounds good.
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, December 9 at 7:00 pm ET.TIME’S UP!
  • Winner selected at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good luck.

We have a winner. And it’s a high number this time.

#5935 – YAY CAROLINE! Hope you like the stocking full of stuff and hope you get that immersion blender, too.

And everyone else that entered. Thank you for sharing your Christmas wishes. I’ve smiled and cried multiple times reading through them. Some really important ones out there. I hope you get them granted. Hugs to you all.

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6,670 comments on “Christmas and some cookies”

  1. I want more than four hours of sleep at a time…(new baby boy) and some snow… also some more time to bake and craft! Santa does bring gifts of time right?

  2. um…i want to win the give away.
    I do.

    (please don’t do random on this one. come on. PICK ME!)

  3. All I want for Christmas is to win this giveaway! :) I won’t really see any family for Christmas & we’re all broke so there won’t be any gifts for anyone but the little kids.

  4. Oh wow those cookies look yummy. The giveaway is awesome looking. I would luv to make those cookies.

  5. Hi! Thanks for doing this CUTE giveaway!! I would LOVE if someone would grant my “Christmas Wish” and Sponsor Elkana from Kenya!! What a great Christmas gift THAT would be =) My husband and I sponsor a sweet 6 year old boy from Bangladesh through Compassion and have taken their Christmas Chanllenge to find a sponsor for another child!! I want Elkana to have a sponsor more than I want anything else!! Have a BLESSED and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

  6. Hmmm… I want an airbrush machine and a free apartment to stay in in Savannah while I do a cake decorating internship! A girl can dream..

    I’d LOVE the goodies though! And your cookies look fabulous, btw… as does everything on your site. Love your log!

  7. i cant believe i BARELY discovered bakerella! you are my new martha! love love loving your stuff. actually making my fist batch of cake pops right now :)

    this christmas i want all my friends to enjoy my homemade treats !

  8. I asked for all the baking essentials in a great big cabinet for my house! Lots of flour, sugars, sprinkles, mixes, great stuff so i can bake anything ANYTIME i need or want to! :)

  9. I want to be able to bake cookies like this for Christmas…

  10. I would like a stress-free christmas so I can enjoy all the little things the christmas season has to offer.
    BTW – your piping lines are WAY better than mine – I had to look very hard for any bumps!

  11. Honestly – I want a planner! And everyone’s laughed at me so I doubt I’ll get it. But I’m starting my Ph.D. in Jan and think it would the perfect start! Alas . . .

    I cannot wait until I get to where you are with piping! I’m envious of your so-called mediocre skills.

    Happy Christmas!

  12. All I want for Christmas and my birthday is a KitchenAid Mixer in Persimmon!

  13. I want to find peace and tranquility amidst all the hustle, bustle, and drama. To live in the moment and enjoy my children because they grow up so fast. :o)

  14. For Christmas I would like some cute new cookbooks to inspire me!

  15. These are seriously adorable! I never would have noticed the “imperfections.” Throwing my name into the mix as I would love to do those for Christmas this year.

    For Christmas, I wish for a drama-free holiday. I want a peaceful, loving day. May sound kitsch, but it’s what I want. :-)

  16. I want a fun cake pedestal and some SNOW for Christmas this year! I absolutely love cupcakes, and these cookie are amazing, what an adorable idea and I love your decorating color scheme!

  17. I’m making sugar cookies for christmas presents. please me!!!!

  18. I would like a bike. So I can ride off the calories from all the Christmas cookies I’m gonna eat. And a wide angle lens. And to enjoy the season with my family and friends.

  19. I want to make a dinner for my whole family (my 3 sibs +kids, parents and Hubby’s 7 sibs + kids and his mom) and finally have everyone all together. And for an actual gift, I want PW’s cookbook and the FarmChicks cookbook… And this cookbook now too! :o)

  20. I would like to have my life return back to normal! Unrealistic, a more realistic one is the new Wii fit game!

  21. Absolutely LOVE the cupcake cookies! They were worth the wait!
    For this Christmas I want happiness. I know happiness is something hard to ask for, but I have had a bumpy couple of month, and I really want to feel genuinely happy surrounded by family.
    Best wishes for everyone, and I hope everyone gets what they wish for!

  22. What a sweet giveaway! This is what I want for Christmas! ;)

  23. For Christmas this year all I want is TO SLEEP IN. Oh, and maybe someone to cook the big Christmas meal… I can dream, can’t I?

  24. I want my family and friends to show up at home :). I’m home sick…

  25. Wow, what a giveaway!

  26. I would dream of a Kitchen-Aid mixer so that I can be like you when I grow up! I’ve been getting by with a hand mixer, but maybe someday I’ll get to cook like a pro!

  27. Your piping looks great to me!

    For Christmas I would love a new baby cradle for my baby on the way!

  28. I want a Kitchenaid stand mixer realllly badly

  29. Joy, peace and love for everyone – including myself, of course ;) hehehe Would that be too much to ask, Santa?

  30. A trip to Walt Disney World.

  31. I would love to get some more free time this Christmas ;) But if that’s not possible then maybe a new pair of PJs! Or maybe a gym membership… hmmm.. I really don’t know. Anything someone thinks to give me would be nice :)

  32. I want to spend time with my puppy, not worrying about anything in the world but making him happy for a day!

  33. I want for someone to build a bridge from Alabama to Germany!
    I love living in Germany. It is a wonderful opportunity that will end all too soon for our family of four.
    But at the same time, the holidays are so hard when you are so far away from other family. We have a wonderful military family to spend the time with, but sometimes you just need a hug from your mom, or you want to see your little ones play with their cousins.

  34. All I want for Christmas is the ability to eat everything on this site and not gain an ounce for it…forever! Oh, and little trip to Disney World too please.

  35. To be home with family and friends for the holiday season! And a nice, new jacket wouldn’t hurt :)

  36. I want a carpet cleaner & for more people to know the true meaning of Christmas!
    …and now this giveaway!!

  37. Those cupcake cookie cutters are the cutest!!! All I want for Christmas is- all I have. Okay, I want a dining room table, but really, all I really really want is to be in this place in my life, with the sweet family I have. I feel so lucky that I feel guilty for asking for anything more.

  38. eat, eat, eat, and sleep

  39. I want a Kitchenaid Mixer like nobody’s business.

  40. I would love to have my entire family together this holiday…it’s been years since we’ve all been together at the same time!

  41. I want a new sewing machine. :)

  42. I already got my Christmas wish. I get to go home and visit family in January!

  43. The best thing about Christmas is seeing the joy in faces of family and strangers, and hearing about the sharing of Jesus’ love. And, I’d love a GPS/Bluetooth car kit! =)

  44. I want an uneventful, happy time with my husband and son, with happy thoughts of next year, when the little girl I’m carrying will be here with us too!

  45. I just want to see my baby, standin’ right outside my door!

  46. A Nintendo 64 and a BB gun!!!

  47. I live over 2000 miles away from my 3 year old niece. All I wanted this year was to be home in time to go with her when she “meets” santa. I’m home and we’re doing that in the morning so I’m a happy girl!

  48. i would like to be able to keep my head on straight. is there a gadget out there for that? no? well then, maybe just an ipod-radio and owl city’s new CD so i can at least listen to tunes while i procrastinate.

  49. I want to bake like you!

  50. i want the complete “kit” to make cupcake pops. My husband and I were at Williams Sonoma looking at the small flower cookie cutter and I gave him a hint that thats what I wanted…lollipop sticks and all.

  51. Just let my family be all around me and I will be so happy.
    Some new shoes and a new bag wouldn’t hurt!

  52. These are sooo cute, I’m going to have to give the chocolate sugar cookies a try!

    For Christmas I want to go back to Longboat Key, Florida!

  53. I want hard surface, wipeable floors! LOL – It seems there is not a day that goes by that I’m not using the little green or blotting up something. Carpet vs. my one and two year old…is just NO match!

  54. Forgot to share my Christmas wish: To have a healthy, happy baby on December 21st and have Christmas at home with my family.

  55. I have asked for (and am getting) a new cookie press–it’s a pre-Christmas gift, I guess.

    I have not asked for (and am not getting) an SLR camera. That would be the best. Some day!!

  56. I guess i want my Dad to finally put the wireless onto my new laptop so i can fianlly use it and get back on msn! :) love all your work bakerella! xxx

  57. Glad you have a camera to use. What a bunch of fun goodies, thanks for sharing!

  58. I want the weather to be good enough to travel to my parents’ house for Christmas.

  59. I would just like to be able to understand these darn websites so I could enter some of these wonderful things you sweet ladies give away!!!!!!!!!SANDI.

  60. What I’m most looking forward to getting for Christmas is black boxing gloves!

  61. did that last comment post?

  62. I saw those at Crate & Barrel and fell in love with all of it! Super cute stuff! I love finding new stuff to bake and decorate with. I would love to have that stocking (and the stuffers) for Christmas!! ;)

  63. I want expensive jeans. Shallow, I know, but I’m addicted! Fortunately I have a generous mama that always comes through. And btw, I think you need the newest Canon Rebel even if you have to treat yourself!!

  64. I want to snuggle with my kids, sing Christmas songs, and light the fire.

  65. I want peace, joy and hope for Christmas. I know that’s a pretty tall order, so I’ll settle for a watch!

  66. Work for the hubby and happy kiddos!

  67. I want to eat pretty cookies like these!

  68. I want a laptop. My desktop just isn’t cutting it anymore!

  69. I have no idea what I want for Christmas! I guess good health and peace for my family, friends and myself.

  70. I want to be able to find a house!

  71. I am flooded with anticipation…I have planned to try some of your ideas for my third annual Christmas (aka. CRUNKmas) party this year and to give as gifts!!! I can’t wait! For Christmas this year I want a pinch of “dough”, a dash of happiness, an overflowing cup of love and a brand new, smokin’ hot, DARK PURPLE Camaro SS! Pretty please ; ) MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!

  72. I want a stressless holiday with all the people I love gathered round! Thanks for the chance to win!

  73. I want one of the new ipod nanos this Christmas to take videos of my new baby girl! And to listen to music of course. My ipod got smushed around Halloween and I really miss it.

  74. Family all together. Than there’s always cookbooks, nordic pans, cookie stencils, bakeware, ect…

  75. I would like an I pod for Christmas! :)

  76. I would love a new camera too!!!

  77. All I want for Christmas…is to be done with finals and home with family!

  78. I want a bigger, cleaner house. :)

  79. For our new nonprofit, EcoVivarium, I would like to get a substantial donation to help up put our traveling herp exhibit on the road.
    For myself, I want Jeffrey Hammelmann’s “Bread” and a KA immersion blender. I could also use a new camera!

  80. You have endless creativity! I love how even your sketches are beautiful. As for my Christmas wish…everyone loves to open presents under the tree (myself included), but I really just want to have a memorable time and enjoy my family. My kiddos (4 yr old twins) are growing up waaaaay to fast!

  81. All I want for Christmas is to be surrounded by the people I love while they all enjoy the tasty treats and applesauce cookies I am going to bake for them! I love the holidays! An excuse to bake an outrageous amount of treats! Oh and a new camera does sound good… since my lens is broken too!

  82. I want to start my own cookie shop, make use of all the recipes I have.

  83. Hmm, what do I want…well it might seem silly but since our whole family of six has had the flu…well, I just want everyone to stay well :) No more fevers, or coughs, or grumpy munchkins, no more worried Mama, no more sick Daddy, lots more sleep and giggles and playing…more laughter and smiling…a patient happy Mama…yep that’s what I’d like for Christmas :)

  84. For Christmas, I want Pioneer Woman’s cookbook!

  85. AHHH so cute…cake testers are SO useful when you’re a cheap college student who doesn’t own any toothpicks (I burn my finger touching the cake to test it. Doesn’t work. Trust me).

    I have been hinting (over and over…shoulda seen me on Black Friday) for a KitchenAid mixer! Don’t think I’ll get one, but a girl can dream about owning a beautiful green apple mixer, right?

  86. for christmas, i would love all these cookie goodies so i can continue to try and perfect my cut out cookies and piping. like, you, i want no lumpy lines! one can dream…..

  87. i absolutelyy ADORE those stockings! you have totally paired the perfect items together for such a great idea! love love love it :) and the pink!! :D

    for christmas i want to be able to just enjoy the holiday. to step back and think about what is truly about. no running around the hustling and busting of shopping, just relaxing with family, friends, loved ones and happiness.. with a little bit of fun and sprinkles thrown in :)

  88. I really want my boyfriend to find a job. But for fun I’d love a new camera.

  89. I want plane tickets to visit my far- away kids/grandkids!

    Love your cookies! I just finished decorating 12 dozen! :)

  90. For Christmas I would love a Cookie Craft Christmas book with a cute cupcake spatula. :D

  91. I really want Beatles Rock Band for my PS3!

  92. I want a food processor or an engagement ring, the former is more likely.

  93. I want to spend time with my husband and precious puppy!

  94. I want a Durston Rolling Mill on a stand, a slab of Owyhee and Cherry Creek Jasper, a new dapping set with forms and mandrels, a drill press and a new planishing hammer. That’s all :)

  95. I want my Mom to visit from Michian. Can’t wait

  96. For Christmas this year I would love a Red KitchenAid Stand Mixer. See, I broke mine…my husband tried to fix it…it’s sad. I enter The Pioneer Woman’s contest every time, but I am a loser :( I think winning this would make up for it!

    P.S. HOW excited are you that LOST Season 5 came out on DVD today? I already ordered my copy!

  97. I want my Christmas sugar cookies to come out as adorable as these cupcake ones!

  98. I want our new company to take off like gangbusters!

  99. I want snow for christmas. I live in central oklahoma, and we dont get much snow.

  100. I’d love to escape somewhere tropical with my hubby…. but I’m pretty sure Santa can’t afford it :)

  101. random kindness.

  102. I’d love for my house to magically clean itself or Rosie from the Jetsons. It’s my Christmas wish.

  103. I want to laugh with my family, enjoy being being together, and of course I want it to snow!

  104. Hmm. I think I would like Photoshop CS4. But, as always, I will be absolutely delighted with anything my loved ones deem to give me!

  105. a new camera and red converse sneakers

  106. I want to spend it baking in our new house and filling the house with the wonderful aroma of fresh cookies!

  107. I am asking Santa for lots of shiny, new baking tools. But most of all I want to spend lots of good quality time with my family in CO this Christmas.
    Love, love, love the cupcake cookies!!

  108. I really, really want a Le Creuset dutch oven. The big one. In red or green. Or any other pretty color they have

  109. I want more baking stuff. Seriously, every time I read your blog, I want to try what you do and I’m always finding I’m lacking something or wishing I had more toys to play with!

    Other than that, I just want to see my kids’ happy faces on Christmas morning. There’s something magical about the day and I love sharing it with them.

  110. I have asked for a new lens for my camera, but I’d really like one of those cute cake testers too. I wonder if they are available in Australia?

  111. I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundered shot range model air rifle!!

    …or this sparkly stocking!!

  112. Bakerella – your baking and designing skills always amaze me!!! What do I want for Christmas? Pretty simple — to spend time with my parents, sister and dear boyfriend!

  113. Although I cannot give PEACE to all in this world, I do send this wish each and every country the world:

    May the Power of Love one day surpass the Love of Power.

    PS: If Santa brought me a new KitchenAid Mixer with flames… I would probably have his child! (Oh, wait…. I already did that!)

  114. I would just DIE if I won this.

    I really don’t have a list… well, I DO, but it’s not much to work with, I’m afraid….also not necessarily listed in order of preference:

    * Full time housekeeper

    * Pause/Mute button for the kids

    * Personal time…DAILY! Including, but not limited to knitting, sexytime with hubby, and being able to use the bathroom in peace

    * Daily massage

    * Spa meals prepared by on-staff nutritionist

    * Personal trainer, and time to actually exercise

    * All-inclusive, all-expenses paid trip to Club Med

    * Self-replenishing wine cellar

    * Magic stretch mark vanisher

    oh, and since we’re dreamin’….

    * the winning lottery ticket

  115. All I want for Christmas is baking supplies, cake plates, and tons of sprinkles! Okay and maybe a ring, and I don’t mean on the phone! This cute giveaway would be nice as well!

    Thanks for the inspiration and dedication to your followers!
    Kim L

  116. Hmmmm, I don’t celebrate Christmas, but I get to spend Christmas Eve with one of my best friends ever watching It’s a Wonderful Life and eating Chinese food. We’ve done it almost every year since 1983. I think I want for my kids to have great friends and great traditions.

  117. For christmas I would love to go on a trip.

  118. An engagement ring (but it’s not going to happen…)!

  119. I want a dulcimer for Christmas. :-)

  120. I would like an immersion blender…I borrowed one from my parents recently and it was amazing for making soups.

  121. I want to be able to have the rents and in-laws be able to watch my toddler open presents via video on Skype. Ooo, and I really want a kitchenaid mixer so I never have to whip meringue by hand again. :(

  122. this year is a special year for me as it will be the very first time we celebrate Christmas with our new member, my little darling baby Rachel! its not the same with her around, as i no lobger have free hands, free time to do as i wish! every year i take the whole of dec, baking, shopping and feasting away … thou time is taken away for personal pleasures, i am sure i will enjoy the whole new Christmas experience with my baby! her grin simply melts my heart!

  123. Nothing too big…a new apron, some new cookbooks. Most of all, lots of time with family and friends–can’t put a price on that!

  124. what i’d really like for Christmas is to have my shih-tzu back again. she passed away a few months ago and her birthday is coming up in a few days, i just want to play with her again. :(

  125. I want everyone I love to stop having to worry about money.

  126. I want time with my family!

  127. Oh I really want a treadmill so that I can burn off all the calories I am eating by cooking the things off of your website!

  128. All I want for Christmas… spend as much time as I can with my lovely daughter. (she lives 500 miles away from me…) and of course your blog candy!!
    The cookies look scruptuous!

  129. I want an ice cream machine… badly. However, my wallet and hips are pleading against it.

  130. All I want for Christmas is a nice set of pots and pans! :-)

  131. A Cuisinart Griddler!

  132. I would love to spend time with my family. Also, I hope to create successful goody-boxes this christmas for friends and family full of baked goods :)

  133. I’d love to get more than 4 hours sleep. Honestly. University is harder than they say it is.

  134. I want Paula Deen pots!

  135. Family is very important so getting to do Christmas traditions with them is #1. I want the new iPod nano that takes video (in blue) :) Also for the longest time I’ve wanted that 40 piece (?) Betty Crocker baking set that they advertised on tv. Throw in a bunch of classic films from the Golden era of Hollywood and a nice car and I’m set for Christmas :)

  136. I want me a referral for Christmas!! Waiting to adopt from South Africa….

  137. All I want for Christmas is my family and friends to get together for some fun and food!

  138. Your site makes me smile every time I visit!

    For Christmas I want a Bissell steam mop & will hopefully be trying it out Christmas day!


  139. I want to have a relaxing and fun winter break filled with lots of yummy food! And I’d love a cute pair of boots. ;)

  140. I want and need new tires and brakes for my car….as I learned today (first big snow for Kalamazoo, Michigan) my tires aren’t what I would like.
    but, for fun, i would love the sound track to Repo! The Genetic Opera, i have fallen in love with the music from the movie!

  141. Oh that stocking and its contents are super cute! Nothing on my list this year is even close to being that cute. I wish for needlenose pliers, a springform pan, and magnetic spice containers. Merry Christmas, Bakerella!

  142. For Christmas I want to be with my family…and win this contest too. hehehe

  143. Aside from a cookie now, thankyouverymuch, I would like a weekend away for us, my huband and me, no kiddos allowed. And by ‘away’, I mean anywhere there are no kids, a warm, cozy bed, a comfy reading chair and nice cool weather outside. A roaring fireplace wouldn’t hurts. Heck, my neighbors could leave for the weekend and we could set up camp there! Of course, that would probably necessitate meeting them first!

  144. All I want for Christmas is world peace… and a white, shiny road bike.

  145. I want smiles on my girls’ faces.

  146. i want to graduate from college…and i will on 12/20!! WAHOOOOo!!!!!

  147. Your piping is fantastic! Keep up the good work! I love your posts!

  148. A new iPod!! Also, a magic pill that will help me lose 20 pounds. :)

  149. I would like a nice, relaxing holiday spent with my husband.

  150. Oh my, what an easy question. What do I want? Books. Books books books! I love all kinds of books, mostly science fiction, but also children’s picture books (although I have no children), and young adult fiction. But I also love cookbooks, and craft books, and decorating books. Even books about books!

    No Twilight books, though. Been there, done that, had enough!

  151. For Christmas I would love a few new things for my kitchen that are a little worn…I would really like to see those less fortunate have a Christmas like no other. Although I must say winning this contest would be a perfect Christmas present in my opinion.

  152. I want to spend the day listening to my kids laugh and thank God I’m able to do that! Hoping I win, this is so cute, love your cookies! CK

  153. I would love to get some extra time off with my husband & daughter even if it is because of bad weather. :) I would also love a Bethany Pastry Cloth!

  154. I would love for my house to magically clean itself all year round, but I will settle for a dyson vacuum to help move things along.

  155. I really want a new camera this year, but I’m asking for a memory card for our camera. Also, I’ve seriously been wanting to try to make some of these cookies, so, I really want to win this giveaway. And my birthday is Saturday, so you could give it to me for my birthday!! Great idea?

  156. all I want for Christmas is for the season to slow down so I can enjoy it more being with my kids and family baking and eating a lot. Maybe with a new cute vintage apron! that would be nice.

  157. My Christmas Wish is that my husband doesn’t wake me up at 6 AM on Christmas morning because he’s too excited to sleep. ;)

  158. My serious Christmas wish is for a healthy baby boy in April! My more commercial wish is a set of stereo speakers for my iPod!

  159. I really only want one thing this Christmas. A Kitchenaid mixer. I wonder if I only ask for one thing, if I’ll get it?! I hope so. I’d love to win this!!!!!! *fingers crossed*

  160. Oh goodness, a kitchenaid mixer for sure! My kitchen is not complete without one! And of course my college boy home for Christmas. Our family is not complete without him!!

  161. I need a gym pass for Christmas but I want a new camera to make my treats look as incredible as yours!

  162. These cookies are so cute. I would really like a kitchen aid mixer.

  163. Hi Bakerella,

    I’d like to win this contest for Christmas but if not, I’m hoping that Santa brings Momma a new camera but that’s doubtful, lol. But seriously, I really would like my girls to be happy on Christmas morning with their gifts…not sure how we’re swingin’ it this year but we’ll see…

    Oh and the cookies look adorable! Love love love cupcakes so cupcake cookies…totally a given that I’d love them! =)

  164. For Christmas I wish that a certain boy with deep blue eyes would see me as I see him.

  165. I have so many wishes….but I’ll just go with the wish that has been pre-occupying me lately. I wish I could win the lottery so I can be able to build and decorate my own homeless/womans/kitchen shelter for the homeless. Also with my winnings I’d build a school in Africa and other poverty-stricken countries to educate women. I guess thats a cliche wish, but I really would do it :)

  166. oh, I forgot to say what I wanted – more time with my hubbie- he works WWAAYYY too much!

  167. these are adorable. want.

  168. I want the Pioneer Woman’s cook book. an Iron skillet. A yogurt Maker. and that’s it. oh yes, and of course, this beautiful cupcake christmas stocking! :)

  169. I’m with you on the whole spending time with friends and family. We just don’t do that enough!

  170. All I want is to have a happy and healthy Christmas.. And for my car to be ready!!

  171. Sweet memories with my family.

  172. For Christmas I would love a kitchenaid mixer!

  173. Please, please let me win! I have had probably the worst day of my life… I was caught in a blizzard, I failed two exams, and my two year old vomited seven times today.

    What do I want for Christmas? A break.

  174. For Christmas, I want a break…I’m a teacher and this year has really been a tough year with a bunch of students coming from rough home-life. I became a teacher to help, but this year has left me completely exhausted when I come home to my two little ones (3 years old and a 1 year old…in 2 weeks). But more than a break for me, I wish for a break for some of the students in my class….they deserve better so they can put their full attention in school and get the most of their education….=)

  175. I want to just have fun with the family – sleeping in because of no school, going to bed late because of no school, eating lots of yummy food, making lots of yummy food and laughing!!

  176. A new lens or two :)

  177. Happy and healthy friends and family!

  178. Love the cookies! I want fun times with family and my scrapbooking supplies restocked ;)

  179. I would like some new shirts. All my clothes have gotten too small. I think it has something to do with you & Pioneer Woman’s food blogs!

  180. You are just being modest! These cookies are adorable!!!

    Frankly we don’t celebrate Christmas. But if we would, I would’ve love a red wool peacoat. It’s sooo cold here! And red makes me happy! :)

  181. I’m hoping to spend Christmas day with my children & grandchildren.

  182. I want to spend the christmas with my husband and brand new baby. And I’d love for Santa to spoil her rotten!

  183. Thanks so much for sharing all your tips and techniques. Yours is the most inspiringly sweet blog in the blogosphere, in my opinion. I get so much joy and laughter and ideas from all
    your hard work. Thanks again!

    I just really want to be happy and healthy with my family this year; no stress of presents, bills, and the like. Just lovely Christmas music, good cheer, and lots o’booze. ;)

    *crosses fingers I win!*

  184. I would love a little point and shoot camera. Just something that takes decent pics that I can keep in my purse for those times I forget (or don’t want to bring) the slr.

  185. All I want for Christmas this year is a job :-) Oh, and to see my sister who is living in France.

  186. all I want is for all four of my children to be home together again. My 14 year old has been living with his father since June. We talk on the phone every week, but we haven’t seen him since then. His younger siblings and the rest of the family have missed him like crazy! I can’t wait til he comes home on the 19th for two whole weeks!!!!

  187. For Christmas this year #1 on my wish list is a better year in 2010…and if that is not to be then I wish for more patience to keep on keepin on.

  188. SO cute! As I’m getting into more baking, I’d love more pans & utensils for Christmas. :)

  189. I really want one of these… I know my kids would love one too! And I want my sugar cookies to look like yours. We made some here last night and they were a little scary! :-)

  190. i am so in :) this look so cute…

    and i’m wishing for a new bigger and improve camera lens

  191. For christmas I want that cookie book! I might have to put it in my stocking if I don’t win yours!

  192. I want a day off where I don’t have to DO anything!

  193. I wanted to visit my family for Christmas and now that I’m in a stocked kitchen, I wanted to try a bunch of your recipes on my family!

    The book looks too cute to pass up a chance to win!

  194. i would really like a Pomeranian, but i wont get one :(

  195. i would LOVE LOVE LOVE photoshop! (and an external hard drive so i can actually use it!)

    the cookies are fantastic!

  196. I would love to have a stand mixer. Even though I have a great hand mixer, I have been lusting over a nice stand mixer…hopefully Santa got my letter.

  197. I want to travel safely and have a white Christmas. What I DON’T want to do is WORK!

  198. For Christmas, I want to find a house to rent where my husband and I are moving to. We don’t know a soul there, so I need to love our house :)

    Also, I want to win a giveaway! I’ve never won anything in my life!

    Happy Holidays :)

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