
Cookies and Cream Cupcakes


I had a package of Oreo cookies that I have been waiting to use for a while now. I think since February. I know. I know. Unheard of. But, I was planning on using them for a Valentine’s treat, and for whatever reason… I can’t remember now… I didn’t. And on top of that, I’m not much of a snacker, so they’ve just been sitting on my counter as a constant reminder that I need to make something with them.

So this weekend I decided a good way to get rid of them all would be to make Cookies and Cream Cupcakes with cookies in and on top of the cupcakes.

So I got busy baking.


First the flour.


Then the sugar.


And cocoa.


Soda, salt and powder.


A quick whisk together. Fluffy and pretty.

Forgive me for all the close-up photos, but I just think the ingredients look so luxurious.


Next, add the milk, eggs, oil and vanilla and mix all together before adding the hot water.


You can fill the cupcakes with cookies two different ways.

With broken cookie pieces or with one whole cookie.

Then add the batter and bake.


Oooh. I like the look of these.


Yes, yes I do.

All they need is a little frosting.


Or a lot.

I usually make frosting with butter and powdered sugar, but for these, I tried it with shortening instead of the butter. I wanted to make sure the frosting came out white instead of off white. It looks prettier against the cookies and shows off the crumbs that are mixed with it. But I still like regular buttercream best.


Top each cupcake off with a whole cookie.


You can also apply the frosting in a mounded shape and dunk them in a bowl of cookie crumbs to coat. These cupcakes have the whole Oreos inside.


Just place a cookie in the bottom of each baking cup. The batter I used was very liquid. I thought they would stay on the bottom of the baking cup, but they actually rose to the surface before they went in the oven.


And I liked how they looked when they baked that way.

Now I just need some milk. Yum!

Cookies and Cream Cupcakes
Yield: one dozen cupcakes

Cookies and Cream Cupcakes

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 18 minutes
Additional Time 20 minutes
Total Time 58 minutes



  • 1-1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup natural unsweetened cocoa
  • 1-1/4 cups sugar
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 3/4 cup hot water
  • 24 Oreos, plus more for crumbs


  • 1 cup shortening
  • 1 lb. powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3-6 Tablespoons milk
  • 2 or more teaspoons Oreo cookie crumbs


  1. For the cupcakes: Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line tray with 12 baking cups.
  2. Place one whole cookie in each cup or break apart at least 12 cookies and place the broken pieces into each cup.
  3. Mix the flour, cocoa, sugar, baking soda, baking powder and salt in a large mixing bowl using a wire whisk.
  4. Add the eggs, oil, vanilla and milk and mix well until thoroughly combined. Add the hot water and mix until combined.
  5. Transfer the batter (it will be very liquid) to a large measuring cup and then pour batter into each baking cup so it's about three quarters full. You should have a little left over. Bake for 16-18 minutes.
  6. For the frosting: Beat the shortening in a mixer until smooth.
    Add vanilla and mix until combined. Add the powdered sugar in three additions, scraping down the sides after each addition. Add a Tablespoon of milk at a time and mix together until you achieve the consistency you like.
  7. Add the cookie crumbs and mix until completely combined. You can add more if you like, but I just wanted a light speckling to show off the white frosting.
  8. Place frosting in a decorator bag with a 1M tip and swirl on top of each cupcake. Insert a cookie on top of each cupcake.
  9. You can also apply frosting on each cupcake in a mounded shape. Turn upside down and roll the top around in a small bowl of cookie crumbs to coat.


Note: If you choose to pile the frosting on high like I've shown here, you should double this recipe to make sure you have enough.



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479 comments on “Cookies and Cream Cupcakes”

  1. omggggg.
    i have to have these NOW.
    will try making them soon!

  2. Oh dear sweet Lord. I already love cookies n creme frosting, and now you have to add cookies to the cupcakes themselves?! *looks sadly at gradually expanding stomach* Oh well. Life’s too short.

  3. The look absolutely delicious! Can’t wait to try them!!

  4. Looks delicious! Especially the lucious frosting, what tip do you use to frost them?

  5. I’m from Brazil, and, unfortunatly, they don’t sell OREO here.. just a simmilar version called Negresco.. but i’ll try it with those still, becouse all of this pictures made me so hungry!

    love it!!

  6. So happy that you’re back…i’ve missed you :-)
    You should really try this frosting…it’s so much better than just butter (or shortening) with sugar:

  7. Thanks Bakerelle for sending me the link for
    these cupcake can’t wait to make them

  8. I have these in the oven right now. I just had to have a go they look amazing! Nice to see you back and doing well!

  9. wow, that looks very delicious!

  10. Yumm! Must add these to the baby shower list for my sister. One tip. If you like buttercream with butter better (and I do!) you might try using americolor foodcolor in “super white”. It helps make the frosting white instead of off-white without having to give up butter. I’ve used it with other icings with good results so it should work well in buttercream.

  11. I shall try these as soon as I go back to LA from vacation! Welcome back bakerella :)

  12. YEAH! All is right with the world…Been so worried about you but if you are baking with chocolate, that has to be a good sign! Loved your mom’s comment and she was in my thoughts as well. Hope she gets some of these cupcakes! Thanks for the great photography, glad your back!

  13. I need to bite into a cupcake and get a mouthful of Oreo. I can’t believe I’ve never had that experience!

  14. I make mine with mini oreo centers and whipped cookies and cream frosting:

    Because the cupcakes are refridgerated, the oreo centers and the oreo on top get all soft and melt in your mouth.

  15. Wow, those cupcakes are absolutely decadent. I am going to have to try these out…for the kids. yeah, for the kids.

  16. Good to see you back, these look so delish, cant wait to try them.

  17. Oooo! These look SO yummy! I also had a pack of Oreo’s I needed to use up but I made some monster cakes with the kids. I’d love to show you the photo….

    I made normal vanilla sponge for the cakes, then topped with buttercream using a grass nozzle to make it look like fur. Then the kids made fondant eyes in black and white and we used half an oreo (also used some chocolate chip cookies) as the mouth. It’s really effective and looks (and tastes!) fab!

  18. Yum and beautiful!

  19. hi bakerella glad your back… Several times i made oreo cupcakes instead of cocoa i add oreo crumbs it was deliciuuuus… Im gona try this…

    God Bless You

  20. Mmmm these are super tasty looking! Yum!

  21. I am so glad you are healthy and baking again…I missed your amazing recipies! I hope your mom is doing well also, she was such a blessing so that you can continue to be a blessing to others!!

  22. Everything you make looks absolutely delicious. You are a true blessing & we’re glad to see you back : )

  23. Who can keep Oreos that long?? Certainly wouldn’t last that long at my house unless they were under lock and key.

    These little cakes look delicious!

  24. love this .cant wait to try!!!

  25. You might want to try Wilton’s white icing color…it makes buttercream white….I agree butter is best…also sometimes I mix half butter half shortening and it fluffs pretty well. Love your ideas…definately making this one soon! Thanks for sharing

  26. GASP! This is probably the best cookies and cream cupcake post I have ever seen. The pictures are nice and by the look of the cupcakes, i bet they taste decadent! (:

  27. Yeah! So glad to see you are back in the kitchen!! I, too, love the looks of the baked cupcakes with the broken up pieces of Oreos showing! Yum!!! What about making the buttercream with the butter and then adding the white food coloring? Would that make them yummy and white?? Thanks for the post!
    Welcome back!!! Hope you’re feeling as good as these cookies look!!!

  28. WOW!! This is the first time I’ve made something as soon as you posted it!! I had some leftover Oreos and couldn’t wait to try the recipe. They turned out great and you don’t even need icing on them at all!! I’m definitely with you…’real’ buttercream is much better and I can live with icing that is not snow white. I find shortening icing just leaves a not nice taste in your mouth. Glad to see you are back baking and feeling better!!

  29. You are such an inspiration!! I have some limited edition “creamsicle” oreos in my cabinet that my sister left here her last visit. Switch it up to an orange cupcake with buttercream sounds so good. Might be taking a “baking break” from my homework tonight

  30. Definitely going to try these! They look scrumptious :)

  31. These look so delicious. Must try very soon! Stay strong, love seeing new posts.

  32. who knew Oreos float in batter??

  33. These look amazing! So creative.

  34. Those cupcakes look absolutely gorgeous (and delicious)! I can’t imagine having the self control to leave a box of Oreos lying around for more than a few hours haha
    ps so happy to see you baking :)

  35. These are pure genius and once I showed Stud, he demanded I make them lol. I cant wait to try them :)!!

  36. YUMMMMYYYY!!!! I love the look of the whole cookie in the cupcake … can’t wait to try this. I am SO happy to see you bake and baking. I am an organ donor and have been since I was 18 and as a Mom there is nothing that would stop me from donating to my child. BIG HUGS to you and your Mom!!! XOXO

  37. Good lord! i gotta try those!!! … if they turn out half as good as yours i’ll be one happy chickie…
    hope you feel lots better… keep on baking ;)

  38. These look AMAZING! I just so happen to have a package of Oreos in my cupboard….so glad to see you baking again!

  39. Two things:
    1. Love the close, close-up pics
    2. They look soooooo yummy!!!!!

  40. omgosh these look amazingggg! cookies and cream anything is my boyfriend’s favorite, so i must try this recipe. he doesn’t read your blog but he’s definitely a fan via me. thanks bakerella!

  41. New here. Love these! Love how you did them two different ways! FUN!

    I love the butter flavor and the fluffiness of the shortening in frosting. I’ve mixed half and half butter and shortening before. It comes out pretty good. A little butter flavor with the lightness of the shortening. Not sure it would be white white though. Just an idea.

    I’m looking forward to exploring more here.
    Peace, Jennifer

  42. Oh these look awesome.. I must try them!

  43. OMG! This looks so amazing and delicious! Definately going to try this soon!

  44. I’m sososo happy to see that you’re baking again! I’ve missed your inspiring recipes and photos :)

  45. Yummy! Thank you!

  46. So glad to see a baking post from you! You’ve been missed! And these look sooo yummy!

  47. Oh my goodness these look amazing!!! I may have to drag my 36 week pregnant with twins self into the kitchen just to make these! Then I can eat them all before the babies come and not feel guilty about it! :)

  48. Yay! You baked :)

  49. Cute! We made some similar to these a while back and they were awesome!

  50. my mouth? watering right now.

  51. It’s good to see you again ^^
    These cupcakes look delicious !

  52. I’m glad to see you baking again!

  53. American Cupcake in London – I tried that first, but I wanted them even whiter.

    TheRachelSyn and Stacy – the cookies are semi soft. Easy to bit through.

    Maryanna – Thanks – and they are actually black liners. Even better.

  54. These look amazing, I can’t wait to try them! I have been looking for something to inspire me to get back into the kitchen, and these might do the trick! Its so good to see you baking and posting again, I hope you’re feeling well and recovering quickly!

  55. HUMMMMMMMM, miam miam, thank you for sharing

  56. OMG! Amazing! My husband would love these….. Gives me an excuse to buy Oreos too. :)

  57. I have a similar question to #123 – Stacey…what is the texture of the cookie after baking?

  58. Oh.My.Word!!! I love Oreos and can’t wait to try these!!! :)

  59. This is too funny because I made a cake like these cupcakes about two weeks ago! I’ve never made cupcakes with the chopped up Oreos, only cakes. But I have made cupcakes with the entire Oreo in them and all my friends went crazy for them! (If you want, you can check out my blog post: They’re soo good and I love how the cookies get a little softer inside the cake. I love Oreos so I’ll have to try making them the way you made them, they look delicious!

  60. Those sound awesome. Unfortunately my husband doesn’t like oreos (the chocolate cookie tastes burnt to him). I’ll have to find a different sandwich cookie to make these with.

  61. jummy!!!
    I can’t wait to cook & eat them!
    Today is my birthday and my dad gave me as a present the book “cake pops” I’m too happy n_n

  62. Yum!!!!!!!!!! Perfect way to treat friends and family! (Or just yourself!) ;)

  63. Those are some big chunks of Oreos. I like your thinking.

  64. …aaaand this is why you’re my favorite baker and decorator! So happy to see you’re up and about=) Yay for the bloggy world!!

  65. Yummy! And I love how you used brown liners and white liners (makes it more like cookies and cream). :)

  66. You are soooooooooooo creative. I want to make these cupcakes for my grandma. I think i might enter some of your recipes in the county fair. i have made cake pops 5+ times, and i am one of your biggest fans. Ilive in Newnan, GA. You are amazing. i am excited to make these cupcakes.

  67. yummo! Funny thing is that I was just looking at a recipe using Nutter Butter cookies and I like these better. Thanks!

  68. I’m so glad you’re up and about! These look incredible. Thanks for sharing!

  69. so good to see you baking again and what a treat!!! I have family flying in on Wed. I think this would be a very yummy treat to have!

  70. Ooh, those look amazing! I wonder if those new Oreo cream thingy’s would work with those or not since they’re fudge coated. Yum.

  71. SO glad you’re back!!! (My hips, however, are not…haha!) These look amazing – can’t wait to try them!

  72. Thank you Thank you!!!! Love this receipe!!!! We are having a back-toschool- fair for our youth group at church! Great touch!

  73. Amazing– you make even the simplest of ingredients by themselves look delicious! Definitely will be trying this recipe, thanks for sharing!

  74. I want to dunk the whole thing in a glass of milk!

  75. These look so delicious….I’m so glad to see you feeling better and baking again….YAY!!!

  76. Half butter and half crisco work pretty well for white colored icing and tastes a little better than pure crisco! Crisco will also stop it from melting a bit if you’re taking cupcakes outside.

  77. I am newer follower and am so glad I found you. These are just amazing. I also want to thank you for sharing your recipes. I have enjoyed other blogs and they have some great pictures of their finished sensation but don’t share how they got there. I will be trying these…very soon. I bet they would taste great with the strawberry milkshake oreos too! Thanks again and healing prayers are still coming you and your Mother’s way.

  78. Yummy! Are the cookies inside the cupcake still crunchy after you bake them?

  79. so happy to see you back ,love you and love your work :).

  80. Wow, I sure wish I lived next door :)

  81. Glad to hear both you and your dear Mother are doing well!! These look amazing I gotta try them!!

    Get well soon!! Looks like your already on your way!!!

  82. It is sooooo good to see you baking and having new food blogs! God is sooo good! Also, I absolutely adore these! Wonderful!
    I cannot wait to make them – the fam will go ga-ga!
    Your pictures are beautiful, too! I think I will make these with regular buttercream even if they won’t be as pretty!

  83. I am so glad to hear from you again. I hope you are doing much better and are on your way to feeling fantastic!

    You are in my thoughts.

    – Lindsey.

  84. These look so perfect! I need to try them

  85. one word: AMAZING. i could probably eat all of the ones i make, so i better make sure to have someone else around to help me out!! thank you for making my day a little brighter :)

  86. As others have said, welcome back to baking! I’m so happy you are up and about and feeling well. Much love to you and your mom.

  87. These look yummy, no kidney cake pops ? ;)

  88. These look incredibly beautiful and delicious. I’ve never made cookies n cream cupcakes, but I sure do want to now!!

  89. These look scrumptious!! What a fantastic idea :)

  90. These look yummy!!! Am going to bake them tonight for hubby

  91. Soo delicious!

  92. Those look delightful to be sure. However, I’m wondering how the Oreo cookies lasted on your counter since February. I thought you meant you had them in the freezer. Man Alive! What must be in those things to make them preserve that well. That’s kind of scarey, no?
    How are you and your mama feeling now? Best wishes to you both.

  93. damn, I wish I could make that!

  94. It is good to see you baking again. Glad you a felling well enough to bake and share you yummy ideas with us. These look great and I will have to try them soon.

  95. Yummy! What tip did you use for icing?

  96. So happy that you’re baking again. Beautifully delicious!!

  97. These look amazing! I was excited to see a new recipe on here!

  98. I love cookies and cream cupcakes, but not with the broken cookie pieces in the cake. I’ll have to try the whole cookie version. Hope you’re doing well!

  99. I needed this amazingness this morning. Thank you :)
    My biggest pregnancy craving lately has been Oreos. MMMmmm

    Cabin Fever in Vermont

  100. Mouth watering! I can feel my tastebuds dancing in expectation and be sure I am going to give these a try in the near future! By the way, welcome back to baking! We’ve all missed you!

  101. So good to see you baking again!!

  102. Looks delicious!

  103. Great to see you baking again!! :) I’m a HUGE Oreos fan ~ These look amazing! Can’t wait to try them.

  104. Welcome back, Angie. Hope you are doing much better now! These cupcakes are going into my special “binder”. You know, the one where there’s a serious chocolate craving and nothing will satify it like cookies & cream. Lol, surely I can’t be the only one? Thanks a bunch for sharing! :)

  105. OMG, these look heavenly! Thanks for the recipes :-)

  106. Angie, these look amazing! I just tweeted them for you and will feature them on my facebook fan page this week as favorite recipe. Hope you are doing well. Hugs!

  107. It’s so good to see you are baking again!
    You are Loved!

  108. Holy buckets. I need to cook up an excuse to make these!

  109. Woops….I just found your “search” on the left sidebar. Thanks.

  110. You are AWESOME Bakerella!!! Happy to see your new post (cuz this means you’re feeling better) & excited to try these new cupcakes :)

  111. How do we find your recipe for your “butter cream” icing? You always have the best so thought I’d like to try your “favorite” icing. Thanks and welcome back.

  112. These are so cute! We were thinking of hosting a Black & White Party and these would be perfect for the dessert table!

  113. These look fantastic and I love how the cookie rose. Although I’m not a fan of using shortening I agree it comes out pure white and it holds up to the shape you give it.

    Now I feel like a tall glass of milk just by looking at these darling little cupcakes.

  114. Lovely of course. So happy to see you feel well enough to blog for us again. Can’t thank you enough and wish you the best.

    Please list the chocolate powder prefered used in recipe and also which brand of shortning you prefer.

    Thank you

  115. Happy you’re back to baking and what a recipe! Love it.

  116. OMG. this look so delicious! I have to try it. :)

  117. Too many delicious options!! I must try them all!

  118. It is so great to see you back to baking, Angie. I hope you and your mom are going well and getting stronger with each day.

  119. They do look great you can get frosting whitener from wilton. If you would have like to used butter and I always use cream instead of milk. It gives the icing a creamier flavour and does help to make the icing whiter looking. lol its just not so good on the waist line lol… glad to see u back and hopefully feeling better.

  120. Those look so yummy! I think they look neat with the cookie baked in the top as well. Thanks for sharing!

  121. These look fantastic!! I made some similar ones last week that were to die for. My cake mix wasn’t chocolate so I’m going to definitely have to try this one! YUM!

  122. Well I for one must say that there has never been a package of Oreo cookies that has lasted more than 24 hours unopened at my house.. I remember reading that Marlo Thomas said she hid a stash of Oreos in her dresser drawer from Phil Donahue’s sons after they were married! That would be me also!!

  123. these look wonderful, I am going to try making these soon.

  124. These look amazing! I’m definitely going to have to give them a try. :)

  125. anyway you decorate them they look incredible! i mean what’s not to love…cookies, icing, cake…it’s all good to me!

  126. I will try this one soon … You’re the best!!!! I bought your book, I hope it will be soon here … i live in Argentina … Thank you to share your recipes

  127. wow – those look AMAZING! I would have never thought to use the cookies in the mix itself, you’re so creative!

  128. Im so happy that you baking again, these cupcakes looks awesome, thanks for sharing the recipe, i have to try this one.

  129. So glad to see you baking again! These cupcakes look amazing, especially the cookies and cream frosting!

  130. Oh my these look divine!
    Can’t wait for a reason to make them :)

  131. WOW! Those look amazing I bet this would make an Oreo fan very happy :-) Thanks for sharing everything and I love the pictures of the ingredients!

  132. Oddly enough I was thinking of making Oreo cupcakes this past weekend and then changed my mind to chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter icing/peanut butter cup on top. It surprised me when I saw your project and now I am anxious to make these. Thanks.

  133. Mmmmm so yummy! I have to try making these; looks so delish. Thanks for sharing the recipe and the method.

  134. These are adorable! I love how the ones with the broken up cookies look!

  135. This Cupcakes look so yummy! Can’t wait to try this recipe!

  136. ooo i dont know which i like more! The broken or the whole cookie ones, they both look delicious, definitely going to try out this recipe at somepoint. gorgeous as always! :)

  137. Feel like picking, one

  138. i am sooooooo trying them this way next time………today ……i actually made my mini oreos in the middle of choc chip cookies………..yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    p.s how you and your mum doing???????

  139. Yay!!! More food porn! Found what I will be doing this weekend. How do you make everything yu bake look so perfect and delicious?

  140. Don’t take this the wrong way, but my sister is SO going to blame you for this because I’m going to HAVE to make these at some point and I love to bake SO MUCH and we need to watch our weight!

    But… so… yummy….looking… cupcakes!

  141. So glad that you’re back to baking!!! I miss your regular baked goods :) And these look WONDERFUL! I MUST make them!

  142. been missing your posts, hope you’re okay now but these cupcakes look deelish!

  143. so good to have you back! these look AMAZING!

  144. Amazingly delicious looking! My hubby and I are wishing we had one of those right now. :)

  145. Beautifully done, perfectly photographed, and very tempting. I can’t wait to make some!

    Everything you make is so gorgeous. I hope that since dialysis is in your past you can now enjoy some chocolate now and then.

    Thanks for making the world a bit sweeter!

  146. Love! I actually made my own version of oreo cupcakes a few weeks ago and put a cream center in them as well, just like an oreo ( – they were fab and yours look amazing!

  147. Wow, those look amazing. Cookies and cream is in my top 3 of ice cream flavors. I’m going to have to come up with an excuse to make these. I think Monday will work.

  148. Hi! I am from Malaysia ..
    I like the way you take pictures ..
    This is one of my favorite recipes as well ..
    You are certainly creative

  149. Oh yum!!!!
    Certainly beats what I’m baking…. teething rusks for my bubba!

  150. Oh. Em. Gee! I have to make these, my husband is SUCH an Oreo addict (and his favorite flavor of ice cream is cookies and cream), he’d never forgive me if he found out I had access to this recipe and didn’t make him Cookies and Cream Cupcakes, LOL. So glad you’re feeling better, Bakerella!

  151. I love the full cookie inside! Cupcake surprises are the best but are often a lot of extra work. Love it!

  152. these look soo yummy! i cant wait to try and make them!

  153. They look great! I tried making them a few weeks ago and it was nasty! I’m going to try this recipe! Can’t wait!

  154. Those look sooo tasty and I definitely want to try them. Just a small tip; Wilton make an icing whitener called “white – white” (I know, silly name right?). I’ve used it in buttercream icing and it’s fantastic. I hate using shortening so when I want really white icing wilton saves the day.

  155. LOL! I’ve just realised commenting via iPhone isn’t a very good idea! Accidentally submitted my comment before I was finished AND managed to spell my blogs name wrong. I need to go back to bed!!

  156. Wow, these look fantastic! I can’t wait to try. Oreos are now on the shopping list. :)

  157. I’m so happy to see that you are back in the kitchen! These look yummy! I made the S’mores cupcakes for my sons’ birthday party in June and they were a hit! Maybe I’ll try these next :) Keep feeling better, it just wasn’t the same blog-o-sphere without you!

  158. How funny! I’ve had a package of mint Oreos sitting in my cupboard since we visited Texas (from London) in March. I’d planned on using them to make Oreo mint cookies & cream cupcakes last week but my friend who I was meeting & baking them for wasn’t free. I’m making them this week for her and am posting them on my blog soon if your interested in having a look. Love the way your cookie pieces went to the top of the cake! They look amazing, I just want to eat my screen!

  159. How funny! I’ve had a

  160. this is my favorite cupcake to make!!

  161. I love your photos. These would also be fun to make with the holiday Oreo’s, Halloween, Spring, Christmas, Summer

  162. So glad to see you’re up to baking! Always love new posts from you!

  163. QUESTION: What kind of cocoa powder do you use? The last 3 or 4 times I’ve tried to make something with cocoa powder, it tastes more like the cardboard box it comes in than the cocoa itself. I super duper want to try these, but, I’m nervous with my cocoa powder. Please help!!

  164. Looks yummy, I print the recipe. I am going to try soon.

  165. Oh my these look soooooo good to eat right now… on the to do list! Thank you!!! Hope you and mom are doing good…

  166. Ooo… We make a pistachio cupcake with Oreo buttercream here at Bloom Cake Co. But this looks good too. Must try!

  167. These look DELISH!!! I must try these!

  168. These look amazing :) Couldn’t imagine what your recovery must entail but thank you so much for posting your pretty pics :) Yummy!!!!

  169. So making these on on Friday.

  170. Wow, look at you baking and posting pretty pictures for us again. I’m thrilled, but at the same time (because I don’t know the in depth recovery time of everything you went through,) I’m still hoping you take it easy. But things are looking up and upper, so I’ll enjoy everything you bake and photograph for us.

    I’ll be trying these this weekend, for sure! Thank you for another wonderful recipe!

  171. I had to servings of cookies and cream ice cream this weekend, I guess I will have to make these instead of eating ice cream, then I wont feel AS guilty. :)

  172. Your S’mores cupcakes have become a “company” standard for me. Company comes, I make cupcakes. I go as the company, I bring cupcakes. Can’t wait to knock their socks off with these!! So glad that you and your Mom are recovering well and that you are BAKING again!!!!! :D Much love! XXX

  173. Yummy! So glad to see Bakerella back baking!

  174. Oh Wow, I love cookies and cream! This looks delicious. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful recipe.

  175. might have to try w/ the new oreos, white cookie outside & chocolate filling…. :)

  176. Um, yes please! Who could pass up an Oreo cookie in any form!

  177. Love OREO cookies and the cupcake ideas take it to the next level! Love it!

  178. I love that the cupcakes are chocolate! It seems most cookies and cream desserts have vanilla. I’d bet the taste knocks your socks off!

  179. YUMMO!!!!! Got a full bag of Oreo’s in my pantry…….surprised the bag is still full…..hahahaha! Delisioso!!!

    Hope you doing good and in good health!!!


  180. Your frosting looks AMAZING! So soft and ruffley! I have NEVER had a box of Oreos sitting around. Oink oink oink.

  181. Alana – Me either. It’s been kinda hard, but while I was on dialysis, I did my best to stay away from chocolate. Too high in potassium. And all of my levels were out of whack. Thank goodness I’m not a snacker or I would have been in trouble.

    Collettee – and the eighth : )

  182. Cookies and cream is one of my most requested cupcakes! Yum!

  183. I like how they look too! The overhead shots with all the pieces baked in look amazing!

  184. YAY! these look so yummy! this is DEFINITELY something i’ll be making in the next couple weeks. I’m not a fan of the original oreo’s but i LOVE the mint ones. I think i’ll try it with that flavor oreos! :) THANK YOU BAKERELLA!

  185. Beautiful! Glad to have you back, Bakerella =)

  186. yumyy!!! Its been a while since I made those too :) love cookies and cream cupcakes. :)

    I hope you are doing well B

  187. Uh oh! It just so happens that I have an unopened package of Oreo cookies, too! Your web site does say, “sweet inspiration & fun baking ideas!” I know what I have to do, lol!

  188. Oh wow, those look delicious! I must try making them as soon as the heat goes away!

  189. So happy that you’re back & baking! You always make my Sunday nights with your amazing creations. Hope you’re feeling great —

  190. YUMMMM!! Thank you for sharing . . . Hope you are well!

  191. Mmmmm nom nom nom I LOVE OREOS!!! <3

  192. ok, i guess i was the 7th one instead

  193. OMG, i can’t believe i’m the 6th comment! Ok so, I just wanted to say– THESE CUPCAKES ARE THE MOST AWESOME THING EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’re so creative, and i’m so happy you feel better now! :D

  194. Bakerella is back!!! Yippee! These look to die for- thanks for sharing :)

  195. these look awesome–must try these! i have no idea how you were able to resist a pack of oreos though :)

  196. Heaven in a baking cup!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE this. My husband is Swiss & had never had Oreo’s until he came to the US. He said he felt cheated his whole life. I have to make these! Thanks for the recipe… as always!!!

  197. Wow! Delectable!!! What a fun treat for a kids party.

  198. Wow these look decadent! I think I might have to try making them next weekend

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