
Give It Up for these Giveaways!

#1 Back-To-School Giveaway
Time’s up! The winner* of the Nickelodeon Back-to-School Giveaway is comment #42 – Rachelle. Thanks for giving back Rachelle. Now you get that cool back-to-school prize pack from Nickelodeon. Congratulations and a big giant thanks to everyone who gave suggestions and helped kids in need.

#2 Iron Cupcake
The voting is now OPEN! Closed! And, guess what? I won! I won! Yay! Thanks to everyone who voted for my cupcake. And thanks to everyone who just voted. It was fun seeing what people like.

Get on over to and vote for your favorite chili pepper cupcake. The winner goes home with gobs of great prizes like the coveted Cupcake Courier. *oooooo… ahhhhh* So, what are you still doing here? Go. Vote. (BTW – Mine was the Fire & Ice Cupcake – just in case you wanted to know for any special reason.)

#3 Cupcake Pop Recipe Cards
Still here? Then, check out these super cute letterpress cards that were sent to me from the uber-talented Adrienne at Dingbat Press. She totally made my day with these cupcake pop cards. And, guess what. She’s also giving some away on her blog. Enter to win by September 12th.

Cupcake Pop Recipe Cards

Cupcake Pop Recipe Cards

* The Nickelodeon winner was chosen at random using the integer generator from

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20 comments on “Give It Up for these Giveaways!”

  1. I love your giveaways.

  2. thanks anonymous and jawhite08!

  3. Awesome :)

  4. love the cards

  5. I’m not sure. If you can tell me which pic. I’ll see what I used.

  6. Dear Bakerella,
    I love your stuff!!!! I noticed what looked like a silicone baking from in one of your pics. Is it DeMarle???? I have recently been introduced to this sompany and their non-stick molds are so awesome!!! No greasing, and truly non-stick!!! They make your cakes look so professional and shiny!!!

  7. SarahHub – Yeah, she did a great job!

    morgana – more of them!

    hf52771 – they feel nice too!

    puglyfeet – I think so, too!

    sbilokonsky – Check out She has other great designs.

    Anonymous – love it. You did an awesome job!

    Holly Wood – thanks!

    Adrienne – I should do all those things, but I don’t. I just go by the way it looks on my monitor.

  8. Hey Bakerella, do you calibrate your monitor? I’ve noticed that if I use print calibration settings (SWOP or custom) that my images seem washed out when I look at them on an sRGB set monitor. I don’t know if I should use a print calibration (obviously) for all my print design needs, and then switch to sRGB when editing photos that are to be used for the web, or just not bother with it, maybe I’m just a color snob. suggestions?

    You rock, wait I’ve already told you that, I’ve been playing to much Guitar Hero!

  9. very cute cards!!!

  10. Hi Bakerella! I thought of you when I made this cake last week!
    I also took the opportunity to make your cupcake pops and everybody raves about them (I made a texas chocolate cake and used a white chocolate cream cheese frosting!)

  11. really like the cards!

  12. Those are niiiiiiiiiiiiiice letterpress cards.

  13. How very, very cool…. what a clever design! I am jealous!

  14. Wow! What a beautiful cards, I love the design! Cute and elegant, what else can you ask for?

  15. Those recipe cards are gorgeous!

  16. Adrienne – I did. I did. Thanks so much.

    sublime photography – go for it. the best part is eating your mess ups.

    benson – thanks for the heads up.

    rachelle – Yay! I’m glad.

  17. Whoo hoo! My girls are going to be so excited!
    The cards are just adorable!

  18. The Cupcakes Club ( is also giving away a cupcakes necklace and today is the last day to post for the Cupcakes clock and win!

  19. Those letterpress recipe cards are so cute. Although I am not much of a baker, your blog inspires me to try my hand at it, even if all I end up doing is making a mess of the kitchen.

  20. I’m glad you liked the recipe cards, they’ve been baking up for awhile now, thanks for inspiring me with all of your creative cooking ideas and beautiful photography!

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