
Homemade Marshmallows

Vanilla Marshmallows

I’m giddy right now. I totally made a marshmallow.

Well, a bunch of marshmallows. I feel like a magician or maybe a scientist.

But definitely not a chicken anymore. I’m so excited that my first go at these sugary squares worked out so well.


Off to a good start. Thank goodness.

Making Marshmallows

Anytime I deal with boiling syrup and a candy thermometer, I get nervous. Really nervous. I think it’s because I don’t feel like I’m in total control of what’s happening. Especially when there are several steps that depend on previous steps being done correctly. And then waiting several hours to find out if the finished product even worked. But I have to say, these were super easy to make.

And even more fun to cut.


Into circles…

Marshmallow sticks

Rectangles… like buttah

Dusted Marshmallows

And squares…


I’ve never been much of a marshmallow fan. I could have a bag of marshmallows in the house forever and never think twice about eating any of them.

Until now. Now that I’ve made homemade ones… I am smitten.

Plus, I love the way they feel. So puffy and soft. Definitely a food that’s fun to play with.

Classic Vanilla Marshmallows

These classic vanilla marshmallows are fantastic. The recipe is from the Puffalicious book, Marshmallow Madness.

Marshmallow Madness

Cute, huh!

I know, because I couldn’t help myself. After super success with the basic marshmallow recipe, I couldn’t wait to try another version from the book.

Buttered Rum? No.
Sea Salt Caramel? Nope.
Bubble Gum Marshmallows. I wish.
Maple Bacon? No. I didn’t have any bacon or those babies would be stuffed in my cheeks right now.

Instead I went for a layered marshmallow. Two tone. Two tastes. Too much awesome.

Can you say Peanut Butter and Jelly Marshmallows?

PB and J Marshmallows

Well, you should. Because they rock.


I was a little skeptical that I could taste the full PB&J effect. But, I was happily satisfied.

They totally taste like peanut butter and jelly. Crazy.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Marshmallows

Puffy PB&J. And I loved them. La-la-loved them.

Here’s the recipe so you can love them too.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Marshmallows

Peanut Butter and Jelly Marshmallows


Peanut Butter Marshmallow

  • 4-1/2 teaspoons unflavored powdered gelatin
  • 1/2 cup cold water
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup light corn syrup, divided
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 3 tablespoons creamy peanut butter

Grape Marshmallow Layer

  • 4 1/2 teaspoons unflavored powdered gelatin
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened Concord grape concentrate, thawed but still cold
  • 1/4 cup cold water
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup light corn syrup, divided
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1-1/2 cups confectioners' sugar
  • 1 cup cornstarch


  1. Peanut Butter Marshmallow Layer: Lightly coat a 9 X 13 inch baking pan with cooking spray. Use a paper towel to wipe and coat the surface of the pan evenly.
  2. Add gelatin to a bowl of cold water. Whisk together and let soften for about 10 minutes.
    In a 1-1/2 quart saucepan, stir together the sugar, 1/4 of the corn syrup, water and salt over high heat.
  3. Boil, stirring occasionally until the temperature reaches 240 degrees F on a candy thermometer. (Make sure the tip does not touch the bottom of the pot)
  4. While boiling, pour remaining 1/4 cup of corn syrup into the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Microwave gelatin on high for about 30 seconds. Stir again and pour into the mixer bowl. Set the speed to low and keep it running.
  5. When the syrup reaches 240 degrees F, slowly pour it into the mixer bowl. Increase speed to medium and beat 5 minutes. Increase speed to medium high and beat 5 more minutes. Increase speed to highest setting and beat 1-2 minutes. Beat in vanilla.
  6. Place peanut butter into a small bowl and add a quarter of the batter. Quickly stir until well blended. Scrape the peanut butter mallow back in the mixer bowl with the vanilla batter. Use a large spatula to gently fold the two batters together until mostly blended.
  7. Pour into prepared pan, using an offset spatula to quickly smooth it out. Prepare the grape layer.
  8. Make the classic coating: Sift the 1-1/2 cups confectioners sugar and 1 cup cornstarch together and set aside.
  9. Grape Marshmallow Layer: Add gelatin to bowl with cold water and grape concentrate. Whisk together and let soften for about 15 minutes.
  10. In a 1-1/2 quart saucepan, stir together the sugar, 1/4 of the corn syrup, water and salt over high heat. Boil, stirring occasionally until the temperature reaches 250 degrees F on a candy thermometer. While boiling, pour remaining 1/4 cup of corn syrup into the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Microwave gelatin on high for about 30 seconds. Stir again and pour into the mixer bowl. Set the speed to low and keep it running.
  11. When the syrup reaches 250 degrees F, slowly pour it into the mixer bowl. Increase speed to medium and beat 5 minutes. Increase speed to medium high and beat 3 more minutes. Increase speed to highest setting and beat 1-2 minutes. Beat in vanilla during the last minute.
  12. Pour into prepared pan, using an offset spatula to quickly smooth it out.
  13. Sift classic coating evenly and generously over the top. Let set for at least 6 hours in a cool, dry place. Use a knife to loosen the marshmallow from the edges of the pan. Invert on a coating-dusted baking sheet. Dust with more classic coating.
  14. Cut into squares or use a cookie cutter. I used a bench scraper and it worked great. Dip sticky/cut edges of marshmallows into the classic coating and dust off any excess. Or drop several coated mallows in a sieve and shake off any excess.
  15. Store in an cool dry place in a pan with the lid slightly ajar to allow air flow. If the mallows resist drying, you can simply dust with more coating for any edges that are damp.


To make Classic Vanilla Marshmallows: follow the directions for the Peanut Butter layer and omit the peanut butter. Pour into the pan and dust with classic coating. Let set for 6 hours. Invert on a baking sheet, dust with more coating and cut into squares. Dust again to cover all sides.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Marshmallows

Enjoy and I hope you make some mallows. It will make you feel smart. And if you’re a little nervous, check out Marshmallow Madness for tons of tips.

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137 comments on “Homemade Marshmallows”

  1. Peanut butter and marshmallow cream sandwiches are my favorite! These sound right up my alley…will be making them tonight!

  2. Would you happen to know the shelf life of homemade mallows?

  3. Just made these last night and finished them up (cutting & dusting) about 5 min ago. They are gorgeous and taste just like PB&J.
    I forgot to buy a roll of concentrate grape juice so crazy enough I substituted a strawberry daiquiri roll I found which does NOT have any liquor in it lol. These now taste like PB& strawberry jelly :) it’s nice to know it can be substituted and still turn out delish! I have been making marshmallows for about a year now and these were just the nudge I needed to take them to the next level. THANKS FOR THE RECIPE!

  4. Thanks for sharing this interesting blog I really like this information keep on sharing new ideas I am looking towards you.

  5. Look So great!

  6. Very nice flavors. These were a HIT!

  7. Love this idea!

  8. Made these and brought them to school. Everyone thought they were so cool! Thanks so much, BTW I love ur blog!

  9. Mmmm…….. Those look so fluffy and light. I have never had homemade marshmallows but I am sure that they are 1,00000 times better than the sticky store-bought kind. :-)

  10. You recipie sucks it solidified before I could even pour it into the pan and it wasn’t even enough to cover half the pan.

  11. to the person who didn’t have corn syrup on hand or fot those who’d rather not use it, try this link, maybe they will work. :)

  12. Hi.. I tried this recipe today and was really happy that it looked just like yours. I did the basic one and coated it with basic coating. rested it for 6 hours and cut it. coated it and it was nice and soft… but after some time it all stared to stick together and when i tried gently pulling it away it started to break as it had got really soft. Maybe i have done something wrong… i would like to try it again but is there any suggestions you can give me as to why this might have happened?

  13. Never tried a homemade marshmallow before!! they look soo good!! will have to try!!

  14. These look fantastic! I want to make these asap! My little family is vegetarian and the ones you buy at the store have gelatin in them. My 16 month old is about to have his first s’mores thanks to you! :)

  15. Amazing post…amazing site…amazingly well-crafted!…Just wanted to “second” the comment above from the person mentioning Lyle’s Golden Syrup as a suitable substitute for those wishing/needing to avoid corn syrup…It is thicker…and sweeter…so keep this in mind when converting recipes!

    Intrigued as all get out about the Christmas ‘mallow a reader described with edible copper powder, cinnamon oil and Kahlua-ish liquor…Where might one procure copper powder?..How does it affect taste and texture?…

  16. I love your site. Love what you make. I am a marshmallow freak and going to try and make them for my readers…oh goodness!!! :) Let you know how it goes. Lisa

  17. the pb and j marshmellows looked amazing there like lunch of the future since its pb and j in a little cube. and i have a question for u bakerellla. where does ur inspiration come from

  18. this looks seriously good!
    Is it ok to use dark corn syrup instead of light?

  19. Looks delicious! What a great taste and food texture these must have, thanks!

  20. Wow – what a beautiful post and love the flavours! So having a goat marshmellows this weekend!

  21. Thanks do much for the recipe!! Have you ever tried it with agar flakes? My family is vegetarian and gelatin free marshmallows are so hard to find!

  22. Cool idea to make homemade marshmallows. Apparently there are many more flavors of marshmallows then I ever thought possible. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  23. Very inspiring. I’m a little overwhelmed by the thought of all the stickiness.

  24. I make my marshmallows at Christmastime with a couple of drops of cinnamon oil. Then when they are spread in the pan, I marble them with edible copper powder mixed into a tablespoon of Kahlua-coffee liquor. I sprinkle the top of the marshmallows with cinnamon-sugar mixture, and roll them in powdered sugar when they are dried a few hours. They are so delicious and great for gift giving.

  25. I made marshmallows from scratch one time. They stayed fresh and edible for a long time. They were so delicious. When you roast them for s’mores the outside of them turn this goldey delicious crustiness that is awesome. I can’t explain it. Soo good though!

  26. I love it that even the cover is puffy =) I need to work out of my chicken. I love this book!

  27. Bakerella, what is the classic coating? I’m getting ready to try and can’t seem to find a formula anywhere….

  28. Now you’ve done it. I’m going to spend hours trying different flavors. Thanks, I think!

    Have you ever tried the dark chocolate covered homemade marshmallows from Schwatz Candy? I can’t recommend them highly enough. And, their choc. covered grahams, and their non-pareils — I’ve been buying from them for over 40 years–the best!

  29. Would like to make just peanut butter flavored ones…for s’mores. Do I just double the PB batch and omit the jelly batch?

  30. Oh yum! They’re so pretty too!

  31. Those look so good! I feel the same way whenever I make any kind of candy – like a magician!

  32. I was like you, I could buy a bag and not touch it until it had to be tossed out. Two years ago several bloggers did some marshmallow recipes and I made one for a neighbor. Wow, homemade is so different. I’ve made so many flavors, used crushed candies or toasted coconut or nuts or cocoa powder as a coating. Last winter I discovered Beer marshmallows. I wanted to send you some, to toast and put on Biscoff cookies! (A good sipping beer does not always make a good marshmallow, you can also use wine or Lillet.) Mmmm, toasted peanut butter and jelly marshmallows on Biscoffs……or Biscoff marshmallows coated in crushed Biscoffs!

    Martjan-check the Internet for a homemade replacement for corn syrup. The recipes I’ve seen are corn free. You can also substitute Lyle’s Golden Syrup. Agar agar can be used but it varies in strength, and must be heated to set up. Use agar agar from a professional supplier. I wasted a lot of ingredients before I found out that the Asian brands have an off taste with the amount used for marshmallows.

  33. I have been waiting until winter to try this (can you say peppermint spiked hot chocolate with homemade marshmallows?!) but the pb&j version I might have to do sooner! They look amazing.

  34. Loving your marshmallow recipe . Just blogged about my crafty weekend with my girls. I love all the crafty things. So relaxing and great fun :)

  35. I’ve been making marshmallow for so many years really I’ve lost count…but when you announce a few books you where interested on I had to try it so…I ordered mine , fortunately arrived on a few days and voila’, new recipe, new aproach and love it!! Love the combinations. Love the Sea salt caramel marshmallow, you love it!. I’ve become a huge fan of marshmallow and so do my guest, If I where to have a BBQ. they expect the whole entire campfire experience and you can not have marsmallow como out of a bag.

  36. You did a great job, just two questions since I’ve tried to make these as well, what did you coat your glass pan with before pouring the mixture into it and second, did you coat your cutters with anything before cutting into shapes…these are just a few problems I ran into that hindered my cuts from looking good once completed. thanks

  37. Hi Dear
    We were on vacation when I read about your celebration for you kidney. I am sooooooooo happy you are doing well. It brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful gift. Love, prayers and many kind thoughts,
    Tracey A

  38. oh those look so sweet and fluffy :D

  39. I have never been too much of a marshmallow fan myself, but my husband just the more. And he love everything that involves peanutbutter & jelly. I definitely have to try those for him. I cannot believe that I actually have all the ingredients at home already :)

  40. I love your blog and your cookbook so much! i hope my blog can be as successful as yours one day!

  41. I want that book so bad! Where do you get it???

  42. These look amazing! I had no idea marshmallows could be made into so many different flavors!!

  43. yum! i’m fancying these marshmallows too :) if you don’t mind, may I know what brand of candy thermometer did you use? I don’t have one yet..

  44. These look so delicious! I’ve been meaning to tackle marshmallows for a while now, but it’s always something in the way (the biggest something being that I don’t have a candy thermometer. Seems easy to fix, but I haven’t been able to rationalize the cost). Anyways, you make it seem so easy, and those peanut butter and jelly ones?! Ohmygoodness. It’s sweltering here so I can’t imagine making them anytime soon, but once Autumn rolls around, I’m sure I’ll be visiting this page again.

  45. I’ve never tried marshmallows, but feel inspired to try them now; especially such and intriguing flavour!

  46. I made marshmallows for the first time last year, and they were excellent. I made these chocolate covered beer marshmallows. I liked them better without being chocolate covered, but it was still good!

  47. bakerella, i was wondering if you could post a recipe that’s delicious, easy, and you can make alot of easily. please help me, i’m doing a bake sale to help the hungry.

  48. Wow, I’d been wanting to try making homemade marshmallows for a while but, let’s face it, opening a bag is soooo easy.

    But PB&J flavored marshmallows? Whoa, Nellie, that is SO worth trying!!!!

  49. Home made marshmallows?? They sound divine! I’m going to have to try them soon!

  50. those marshmallows look amazing!

  51. yummmmmmy they look so yummy……..ds made some at school…..but i don’t think they worked out lol

  52. I love homemade marshmallows! They’re always such fun to make!

  53. Oh, I LOVE homemade marshmallows. (And caramels. But we’re still talking about marshmallows.) I’ve made them the past two years at Christmas, but have been so attached to the classic vanilla that i haven’t ventured into other flavors yet. I think it must be the homemade vanilla extract that really does me in.

    They are so good in hot chocolate. And dipped in chocolate. And dipped in chocolate and then into crushed candy canes. Mmm.

    One of my favorite parts is holding and gently tossing a few freshly cut and coated shapes around in my hands. I compare the feeling to holding fluffy (and delicious) clouds. :)

  54. ooh I love these! I’ve never thought about homemade marshmallows before – will definitely have to give it a try sometime :]

  55. I’d really like to know of any good vegetarian marshmallow recipes that you’d recommend! Loved the post.

  56. I was thinking of making my own marshmallows but seriously had no idea where to start! Thanks for this post!

  57. Wow! These marshmallows all look superb! The peanut butter flavor is such a great idea!

    Check out my latest recipe @

  58. These are so cute. I’m hearing what your saying about sugar syrup!

    Great job, they look fantastic and I can’t believe you made peanut butter and jelly flavour. love it!

  59. How lovely that marshmallows have been elevated to adult fare so the the kid in all of us can enjoy them. Yours are absolutely dreamy.

  60. Congratulations! I have been making marshmallows for a couple of years now and they are very popular. I make a huge batch and then cut them very small and dip them in homemade caramel. They are so good! Addictive I dare say. I only make them around the holidays to give to people because we all love them so much we would eat a ton if I made them more often. Thank you for sharing!

  61. My mom always made her great-grandmother’s recipe for marshmallows every Christmas to give out to family and friends. She would make lots of flavours – raspberry, coconut, and my favourite, lemon rolled in toasted coconut. Delicious! I would love to try the PB&J mallows – I know my nieces and nephews would be all over them! :)

  62. They look amazing, but I’m won’t be able to make them since I’m a vegetarian. Maybe it’ll work with agar agar powder too, I could try!

  63. So, these look delish….but is there a Corn-Free recipe version? I have a kid allergic to corn, and haha corn is in everything. gah!!

  64. I just saw that book in a bookstore! It is so magically pretty & lovely. Never tried to make my own mallows before, but these look tempting!

  65. i’ve always used ina garten’s recipe, but this book looks really lovely. i want to give it a try! the only reason i don’t make marshmallows more often is the fact that i do not have a stand up mixer…and the process is a teeny bit annoying with a hand held! haha :D

  66. It’s official, I need a Candy thermometer! I’ve avoided getting one for so long, but the ideas of making my own marshmallows is too exciting to put it off any longer! Thanks for sharing :) Jem of iced Jems x

  67. I too have been smitten with homemade marshmallows since I tried them last year! I have one marshmallow cookbook..but I have been eyeing this one for a while. Time to go shopping! Love your pretty PB&Js!!

  68. That looks like so much fun!

  69. I made homemade marshmallows for the first time this weekend, too. Loved it; easier than I ever thought and so tasty. I used a recipe from the Back in the Day Bakery Cookbook by Cheryl and Griffith Day which is very similar to the one you must have used. If you haven’t checked out this book yet, you should! It’s wonderful!!!

  70. I’ve been making marshmallows for a couple of years now – they get sent out with all of my holiday goodie gifts – gingerbread, white chocolate liqueur, lavender, rose water… I thought they would be hard to make – but as you said, easy peasy – once I got over the boiled sugar fear LOL

    I will be trying these PB & J ones, too – and thanks for the heads up regarding the book… had no idea there was an actual collection out there!! Now i need to figure out some savory mallows to go with savory brulees… any suggestions people?

  71. Yum, these look so delicious. Do you know if this recipe will work with agar powder? I’m vegetarian, but I would so like to have one of these with a cup of hot cocoa!

  72. Homemade marshmallows are part of my yearly Christmas homemade/baked gifts to everyone, but OMG I don’t think I can wait that long to make the PB&j ones!!!

  73. Making marshmellows is a Christmas tradition at our home….We also make marshmellow pudding, kind of like a triffle arrangement and then served with custard (homemade of course!)
    Keep up the great work you do…you’re such an inspiration. My little girl and I love reading and admiring the beautiful pictures on your blog. She’s 5 and wants to be a baker someday :-))))

  74. take those plain marshmallows and dip into tempered, melted semisweet chocolate (the guaridelli-however you spell it). Let them dry. Thank me later.

  75. My girlies and I just made marshmallows for the first time last week…to go with the homemade graham crackers we made! I will definitely have to pick this book up…soon…so we can try all the other varieties!!!


  76. Someone told me that it isn’t possible to do marshmallows without gelatine…Does anyone know if there is a possibility??? I would be so lucky!

  77. I adore marshmallows, but my one attempt to make them was an epic fail!! Maybe I should give them another go, these look so delicious!

  78. Sorry for multiples. I think the blog site hiccuped!

  79. These look so great I ordered the book! Thanks as always for your great photos. I can’t wait to make some marshmallows! (for some reason your blog thinks this is a duplicate comment – I added this sentence hoping it won’t think that any more and will post it!)

  80. These look so great I ordered the book! Thanks as always for your great photos. I can’t wait to make some marshmallows!

  81. These look so great I ordered the book! Thanks as always for your great photos. I can’t wait to make some marshmallows!

  82. Agghhh I must make these! PINK ONES. I wonder if you can add cotton candy to them…

  83. Gah! That reminds me that I wanted to make chocolate chipotle marshmallows for my hubby (I need to search again to find the blog).

  84. Mmmmmmmarshmallows!!! Love, love, love it! I can feel how soft and fluffy they are just by looking at your pictures…. I want that book!

  85. Ha! Just bought this book yesterday @Amazon. Can’t wait to make flavored marshmallows. I’ve made Martha’s before and they were yummy!

  86. I have been wanting to try making marshmallows forever, but am always too chicken to dive in!

  87. I am going to the store today, must make them NOW!! They look yummy…. Thanks for sharing.

  88. I love homemade marshmallows! My recipe came out of an old Williams & Sonoma catalogue. You can put crushed up peppermints in them or swirl in some cocoa powder. It’s a perfect addition to hot cocoa in the winter. We even roast them in the fireplace!

  89. I love making marshmallows at Christmas. It’s become a tradition. I haven’t tried layering, but now I’m thinking chocolate & peppermint or chocolate & Kahlua. Thanks for the great idea!

  90. They look delish… going to try these!

  91. I love this book. I have made several recipes from it, including the caramel swirl and the one that is a peanut butter swirl. All recipes are awesome. I made some for my dad and he took them on a camping trip and they were a huge hit. :)

  92. Are you CUTE or what!!!
    I’ve always wanted to make homemade marshmallows!
    This book looks so adorable!
    Love me a kitchen full of boiling syrup and powdered sugar!
    Love these!

  93. I’ve been chicken to make these but they are so pretty! And if you say they’re not that difficult, I trust ya. Maybe I should make some with my kids. They are big marshmallow fans.

  94. This is so cool because I’m planning on having a week of s’mores on my blog in the fall, but I’ve never made marshmallows before. It’s good to know they really aren’t that hard to make and that you can really taste the flavors! :)

  95. I totally got this book when I saw it in your stack awhile back. I have a gluten-free kid and I knew he would love them. We all did! I felt the same way about the candy thermometer, but I succeeded. We have made vanilla, chocolate mint, raspberry and strawberry – Next are the fluffernutter.
    Shauna was so gracious, too! I emailed her to thank her and to let her know how thrilled we were to have a fun new treat to make and eat together. She was awesome!
    Thank you for sharing!

  96. I made the PB&J marshmallows a few weeks back and I agree, they tasted just like a PB&J sandwich! Although, some of them weren’t smitten with staying stuck together and the layers peels apart. Must be the peanut butter…

  97. Bakerella, so glad you have joined the marshmallow realm! I’ve been making them for a few years now and the smitten-ness never wears off :) Just wait until you dip those babies in chocolate . . .hello nurse! My family and friends love them as do I. It’s a great alternative to baking during the summer months. And they are a gazillion+ better than any ol’ store bought marshmallow. Enjoy your new love :)

  98. These look so good! I think I need to pick that book up…

  99. last year i gave my niece a bag of HUGE campfire marshmallows i found at a store… she said “Did you make these? (wide eyed) and one of my brothers friends said “of course she did” (like you i have to try bake everything) and i reluctantly had to say no….. but promised myself that i would show up with homemade ones this year! (Thank you for being the guinea pig! LOL)

    Q: Do you pour the jelly layer over the PB layer, then let set for 6 hours?

  100. I felt exactly the same when I first made marshmallows! They are absolutely like an amazing culinary science experiment and magic trick in one. I always line my pan with parchment paper though, just to be sure I can get them out later on! LOL

  101. Love, love Bakerella!! Thanks for being such an inspiration! I’m taking the easy road on the marshmallows though. One of my friends makes flavored marshmallows stuffed with different types of chocolate. Tempting treats like Peppermint stuffed with dark chocolate, Key Like Pie with white chocolate? Take’s camping to a whole new level. Check them out at

  102. I cannot wait to try the PBJ marshmallows! Yum.

  103. espero que ami tambien me queden sabrosos porque el termostato me es dificil de manejar

  104. I’ve been nervous about making marshmallows as well. It’s on my bucket list this year! Gotta try something new.

  105. My niece LOVES Marshmellows. We are gonna reck these. lol. Shes very excited.

  106. They look so fluffy I could die!! :) great post, I’ve yet to try making marshmellows, but this certainly did a lot of convincing.

  107. I bought this book a month ago and haven’t used it yet. But after seeing your pics, and that it was your first time making mallows, I have more courage to try it!

  108. I’ve been doing homemade mallows for several years now and it’s one of my favorites. The possibilities are endless and everyone thinks you’re a magician when you gift them! They are so very easy to do! Great variation with the PB&J. Thanks!

  109. homemade grahams with a star cut out… red , white and blue marshmallows and made into smores… yum ;) thanks for showing us the ropes……

  110. I’m SO in love with Shauna’s book, too! I couldn’t not believe how HAPPY those fluffy homemade marshmallows made me.

    Love your PB&Js! :)

  111. I love home made marshmallows! the first time I made them I was so worried because I had never used my candy thermometer ever, and they are now one of my favorite things. I love to cover them in chocolate:)

  112. I’ve always been afraid to make them, too, but your post has inspired me to try! I never even thought about different flavors, but they look interesting. Thanks!

  113. Really want to try these. Does it work with vegetarian gelatine too?

  114. Those PN&J marshmallows sound amazing!!!

  115. These look fabulous! Never thought of all these different flavors.

  116. Wow, that looks great. I hope to get the book in a few days and than I will try. The only problem is Cornsyrup. I think we don´t have it in Germany .

  117. I relly wanna make these !!! Unfortunately corn sirup isn’t available in the Netherlands: (

  118. Wow they look sooooo good ! I just brought a thermometer last week so will break it out and give it a go !

  119. Thankyou for these yummy delights. I came across this book the other day and I now need to order it. My parents are visiting my brother in Vermont and will return home to Australia in 2 weeks… Better get that Amazon order in now

  120. Candy making totally intimidates me! I saw someone, Barefoot Contessa or Martha make these and they looked so awesome… But now I REALLY want to try! That cookbook looks insane, you could make some awesome party treats with marshmallows!
    *off to maybe think about actually purchasing a candy thermometer*

  121. These look AWESOME! Planning on getting my hands on that book soon! :-)

  122. I have ALWAYS wanted to make two toned marshmallows! Peanut butter and jelly is such a delightful combo! I love her lollipop marshamllows they are just too gorgeous! U do agree thou, bubblegum marhsmallows so sound awesome!!!!

  123. It’s seems to be delicious!
    Congrats for the results, it’s very beautiful.

  124. Wow, total madness! Tasty madness :D

  125. Oh my gosh, I am in love!!! I seriously need a PB&J marshmallow! :)

  126. these look yummy! cant wait to try!

  127. I’ve made homemade marshmallows before.. but never peanut butter and jelly! That looks seriously good! I have to try this..

  128. I have made marshmellos before, it is so much fun!

  129. I have never had a homemade marshmallow before. I may have to try thees

  130. I love your blog, Bakerella! This definitely looks delicious, can’t wait to try it out!

  131. Oh my god, fluffy peanut butter and jelly!! They look soooo fluffy-licious!

  132. Just promised Savannah that I would make her homemade marshmallows to hide her medicine in…without it she will need IV to place it in…can’t tell you how amazing your timing is…I am going to try the PBJ one’s for her!

  133. These look FANTASTIC!! I can’t wait to try them!!

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