
Homemade Oreos

Homemade Oreos

I made some cookies yesterday from one of the cookbooks I’ve been wanting to dig into.

Home. Made. Oreos.

And all Halloween like with orange creme centers, too. So fun!

Flour by Joanne Chang

I found the recipe in Flour by Joanne Chang. This book is full of treats I want to try. Especially the Brioche au chocolat and vanilla cream filled doughnuts. Oh my. But I needed much more time for those … oh and yeast.

And since I always try to keep chocolate on hand… well, these cookies were an easy choice.

Cookie Ingredients

For the cookies, you need butter, flour, sugar, cocoa (dutch process), chocolate, 1 egg, vanilla, baking soda and salt.

Melted chocolate

Melted butter and chocolate … yeah, this is heading in the right direction.


Add the butter to the sugar and whisk away.


Then keep on going with the vanilla and melted chocolate.


Add zee egg.


Now whisk the cocoa, flour, soda and salt in another bowl.

I love love love to see cocoa blend with flour and watch the two colors mix together.


It makes me happy.

Cookie Dough

Add the flour and cocoa mixture to the chocolate mixture and stir together until the dough forms.

Shape the dough in to a log and wrap in wax paper. (I made two sizes to play around with)

Chill. And chill out because you need to let it firm up for a couple of hours…

Sliced Cookie Dough

… So you can cut out cookie slices. And if you’re like me, you’ll probably still be compelled to make the edges perfectly round.

Even though you waited all that time for it to chill so you could slice it.

But definitely not a requirement. Just a compulsion.

Homemade Oreos

Bake them and sandwich them with vanilla cream filling… tinted orange if you’re in a Halloween kind of mood.


Homemade Oreos

Creamless are good, too.

So I didn’t stop there, since I was already breaking out my round cutters, I finally opened up some mini cutters I’ve had for like three years.

A $2.99 Hobby Lobby score I’ve neglected to use the past couple of Halloweens.

Kitty cutters

I chose the cats. I was in a kitty kind of mood. I’ll show you why at the end of the post.


Slice the dough and then just use a cutter to make fun shapes.

For the cats, I used a skewer to make simple details. The flat end worked great for the defining the ears and eyes. And the pointed end was great for whiskers.

Kitty Cookies

Mini Meow Meows!

Yum! Yum!


Homemade Oreos
Yield: 18 2-1/2 inch sandwich cookies

Homemade Oreos



  • 1 cup (2 sticks/228 grams) unsalted butter, melted and slightly cooled
  • 3/4 cup (150 grams) sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup (200 grams) semisweet chocolate chips, melted and slightly cooled
  • 1 egg
  • 1-1/2 cups (210 grams) unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup (90 grams) Dutch-processed cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda


  • 1/2 cup (1 stick/114 grams) unsalted butter, softened
  • 1-2/3 cups (230 grams) confectioners' sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • Pinch of kosher salt
  • Food color, optional


  1. In a medium bowl, whisk together the butter and sugar until well combined. Whisk in the vanilla and chocolate. Whisk in the egg until combined.
  2. In another bowl, whisk flour, cocoa, salt and soda until combined. Stir flour mixture into the chocolate mixture. Mix with your hands if it helps to combine the two. Let the dough sit for an hour to firm up.
  3. Transfer the dough to a sheet of wax paper. Shape into a log about 2-1/2 inches in diameter. Place log along the edge of wax paper and roll. Shape as you roll to maintain a smooth cylinder. Twist ends of paper to secure and help keep the shape compact. Refrigerate at least two hours or until firm. If log settles and flattens on one side, rotate every 15 minutes or so to maintain a round shape.
  4. Heat oven to 325 degrees F and line baking sheet with parchment paper.
  5. Cut dough in quarter inch thick slices and place on prepared baking sheet. Bake for about 20 minutes or until cookies are firm to the touch.
  6. Note: I under baked mine (almost half the time) and they were still great. Just watch them because it's hard to tell by looks if they are done since they are so dark to begin with. These baked in batches well, so bake a few to test if you have time. And if your cookies are smaller, adjust the baking time.
  7. Cool and prepare the filling. In a mixer, beat the butter until smooth and creamy. Add sugar and vanilla and beat until smooth. Add milk and salt and continue beating until smooth again. Place about a tablespoon of filling on the bottom of one cookie and sandwich with a second. Repeat with remaining cookies and eat em up.


Recipe from Flour reprinted with permission from Chronicle Books.


Okay… now I’ll show you why I had kitties on the brain this weekend.

I am so excited to share another project I created for Woman’s Day Magazine. Check out these cute cat scratch cupcakes in the October issue! It’s on stands now if you want to get a copy. Meow. Meow.

Cat Scratch Cupcakes

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125 comments on “Homemade Oreos”

  1. Too much butter for this recipe. I made this and had a good taste but I wold use less than a half of the butter amount. About 100 or 80 gr. the cookies once in the oven, they melted 

  2. Oh my god, I had the worst time with this recipe!

    First, DO NOT chill the dough for ANY longer than the recipe prescribes.

    We did this, and tried to reheat the dough to the point where it was pliable again, and wound up with an un-salvageable mess on our hands.

    So, we quit and threw the dough away. I do not plan on making this recipe again.

  3. The Oreos at Flour are AMAZING!! (Just had one yesterday and was in Cookie Nirvana for a while.) Very psyched to have the recipe so I can “inflict” them on friends, family, etc. Think they may use black cocoa powder in theirs (as does Nabisco in the original Oreo). Not something you’re going to find on your supermarket, but the King Arthur Flour Company Store carries, it. So does Amazon. Worth picking up some to make these. It’s not just the color, it makes a difference in the flavor, too.

  4. How in the world am I supposed to have any dough left to bake?!? I can’t leave it alone!!!! And I don’t even like Oreos! ;)

  5. I love them I shared them with everyone that I know. I love the smiley face and the cat

  6. we had a kitten named oreo!

  7. hey just tried this recipe with my friend, it took 2 days!!! but it was worth it they are so yum!!!

  8. Hi there, These look great! Do you store them in the fridge b/c of the filling? If so, how does that affect the cookie texture? Thanks!

  9. Hi! When you say to let sit the dough for an hour (before shaping it into a roll), you mean at room temperature? Thankyou!

  10. OMG!! These look AMAZING!! I can’t wait to try them. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Wow! These aren’t just homemade oreos. These cookies are homemade cat oreos! I hope they taste as good as real oreos but since homemade stuff is always better than bought things I bet that these are no exception.

  12. Amazing! Did you know actual Oreos are vegan? They use coconut oil to make the vanilla cream. So, if you go ahead and do that too, it’ll taste EXACTLY like em. Love the website, by the way. :)

  13. This is the first time I’ve ever made an icebox cookie so I was planning on asking you why my cookies spread so much during baking but I have decided that I just didn’t make the log tight enough nor did I wrap it well enough to make smooth edges. I am definitely going to try these cookies again because they taste A-MAZING!! ^_^ Thank you for sharing!!

  14. I made these with mint chocolate chips and they turned out FABULOUS! I used green food colouring for the filling.

  15. I’ve made these twice now-once for Halloween with the orange frosting, and once for a Christmas party. For Christmas ones, I subbed 1/2 tsp peppermint extract for the vanilla in the frosting, and added some finely ground candy canes.

    The cookies are fantastic! Very chocolately, and not too sweet. I definitely think underbaking them is a good idea, though. Cooking them for 13 minutes was perfect for me. I actually think they taste better the second day, but then again I like softer cookies.

  16. So cute <3

  17. Does anyone know if these can be shipped?

  18. Made these tonight- def delish, the kids loved them….however I did NOT have luck with the log thing, I ended up rolling them out and using a small glass to cut out circles!

  19. The secret to the log is using a paper towel tube!! And a ruler to push the dough against the wax paper. Perfect edges :)

  20. I super love this recipe…delicious! Your pictures are adorable, too. :)

  21. Do you think these wafers would freeze well?

  22. I have my “log” chilling now but I didn’t get the dough feel like yours. Mine was more cake batter. Any suggestions?

  23. Me & my 3yr old have just baked these-YUM! And we haven’t filled them yet! My arm is in a cast at the mo and certain things are a bit tricky so I’m waiting for my 11yr old baking mad son to get home so he can pipe the cream inside, if there are any left by then!
    Thanks for sharing :)

  24. does anybody know id there is a substitute for the kosher salt?
    it simply doesn’t exist here in Brazil. Wouls the normal salt work fine for thes recipe?

    and can the wax paper be replaced for the parchment paper?

  25. i just finished making these based off this post.. they came out great! the icing is a little sweet, so i think next time i’ll add a tiny less sugar, but otherwise these are absolutely fantastic! thanks angie! <3

  26. These look great! Do you have the nutrition information for these cookies, such as calories and fat. I know it takes the fun out, but I am curious. Thanks!

  27. I’ve seen this question before – but can this be rolled out and cut like sugar cookies?

    I failed big time with the log and couldn’t find a cookie cutter small enough to work on the log.

    But they taste great!

  28. Thank you so much for this recipe! I just tried it and it worked so well. Except my Oreos are at least twice as big as the normal ones. ;)
    Thanks especially for the numbers in “grams”, this way I could make them here in germany and didn’t have to “translate”. :)

  29. You would not believe this but…I just pulled out the EXACT same $2.99 Hobby Lobby cookie cutters. Year after year I’ve had them in storage and forgotten to use them. Now I might just have to make some homemade oreos! Thanks!!!

  30. Happy Tasty Tuesday! We love this recipe and it is featured on our Recipes for the Food Holidays of October! THANKS!

  31. Yummy! Im making these this Christmas. Thanks so much!

  32. I would really like to know how these taste a day or two later? I am worried that home made filling which contains moisture (unlike real oreos which have nasty shortening) will make the cookies go soft or weird. I want to make them for a mailed care package and they need to still be delicious when the arrive!

  33. OREOS are way too expensive here in Sweden! Trying these home made ones today! Wiiie!!

  34. These cookies are so much better than oreos. I’m not a fan of the traditional oreos, but these were amazing. I didn’t try the shapes but will definitely be trying them. This recipe is a keeper. Thanks so much.

  35. Aw they look so yummy :) can’t wait to make them!

  36. I love Oreos! I’ve got to try these.

  37. Ooooh. FLOUR!!! They are right by my office which is quite dangerous. Definitely make the chocolate vegan muffins/cupcakes. We actually wager them with each other here in the office when things get competitive. YUM.

    PS: Love the Halloween kitties.

  38. MEOW!! These are adorable!! x

  39. I love Bakerella…from Rome!

  40. As soon as I saw this recipe I knew I had to try it. They taste exactly like an Oreo but better! Hubby loved them and will definately be making again :)

  41. Cute, Cute. Need to try these.

  42. Their bakery is right around the corner from where I work. (Behind the Boston Children’s Museum). I’ve had those cookies, and their other stuff too. Yumm.

  43. You could totally use that cat-head cookie cutter to make teeny little owl cookies. Adorable!!!

  44. The kitties are sooooooo cute!! I’ve tried a homemade oreo recipe before, but it was too soft. Is this a crunchy cookie??

    Congratulations for your adorable cat scratch cupcake article in Women’s Day! You’re awesome!

  45. Can I make this without wax paper or parchment paper??

  46. oh man! I love oreos! And now I HAVE to go make these!
    Thanks for sharing them….mmmmm….:)

  47. Bakerella, I love your blog!!!! It really inspired me to start my own baking blog! I’m also hosting a baking radio show on my campus radio this semester! Thank you for sharing your creativity! I’m from Ireland so normally I don’t have your books, but my Mom picked up Flour in Boston last year and I LOVE IT!!! Definitely have to try out this recipe!! I have never worked with yeast but really want to try out Joanne’s recipes, have you any tips for working with it? Thanks, mucho love! xxx

  48. Thank you so much for giving measurements in grams, so much easier for a parisian like me :) love love your blog, everythings always seem so yummy and your pictures are gorgeous!

  49. Clever! Thank you for this very creative recipe.

  50. Yay Halloween!! Love the cookie cutter set you found. And the kitties are adorable! (both the cupcakes and cookies.)

  51. These look DELICIOUS! They’d be good with a mint filling too! :-)

  52. Ok so I gush to my boyfriend all the time about your posts, but this time, I saw the drool as I told him about your homemade Oreos and now I’m obligated to make these ASAP! Can’t wait =)

  53. Love all of the post. Congrats on the Woman’s Day article.

  54. Suddenly, I’m hungry.

  55. My kids love Oreo’s. I have blogged about them but never made any from scratch myself. This is a must try. Thanks for posting.

  56. Adorable! So cute, I think I need to make some too!

  57. Love Oreos! So want to try this ASAP!

  58. Those kitty oreos are so cute! My sister has this book – she loves it. So many good recipies!

  59. OMG…perfect timing. I am an American guy that has moved to Sao Paulo Brasil. Certain things here I miss terribly. One of them being Oreos. Just the other day my Facebook status was “Really miss Oreo cookies”. it’s as if you heard me!! Cannot wait to try and make these this week!!

    Thanks!! Oh, love your blog.

  60. So I showed this to my sister and she said “don’t dare offer this to me if you bake them!” She is on a diet :D Thanks for sharing, I love Oreos – and seems quite straightforward to make them myself. Have a wonderful day!

  61. I’ll have to try these at Halloween. Too cute! And congratulations on the magazine article.

  62. Oreaos… yum! I always wonder if homemade oreos are a bit chewy and soft instead of having that crisp cookie exterior, though. I just love dipping crisp cookies into milk!

  63. ohh how fun! i’m going to tyr to make these myself (:
    xo, cheyenne

  64. These will be perfect rounds for the hats on my witch cake pops!

  65. dear bakerella:
    I write for my school newspaper, and i was wondering if I could use this recipe in my next article. I think that it would be a really good recipe article. Thanks!

  66. So cute!! I love the idea of making my own Oreos..but the cats are awesome. I am sooo trying this recipe. Thanks Bakerella! :)

  67. Can you use regular cocoa instead of dutch process cocoa? I can’t find that anywhere where I live!

  68. Loved the looks of those cupcakes in the magazine so much I was going to buy one. My oldest grandson beat me to it and brought it home to me! wahoo. Now to make the cookies for the grandkids then the cupcakes for me!

  69. Could I roll the cookies out and cut them or do I have to roll them into a cylinder? Let me know! Thanks!

  70. ? :/ HallOween svcks:)

  71. Those are some of the cutest cookies i’ve ever seen! The cats are sooo cute! I’ve gotta make these sometime soon!

  72. I was so excited to see your cupcakes featured in my copy of Woman’s Day! And the homemade Oreos sound awesome. Add them to the list of recipes to try! :)

  73. That looks ridiculously good!! Love the meow touch :)

  74. Oh my goodness…The kitty cookies are adorable! My two daughters LOVE cats.. (we have two adorable cats of our own) and I know they would be crazy about these. Going to have to try this sometime!

  75. Omg. I love you. And I absolutely agree with you about mixing cocoa and flour!!!!! I just love how it looks when I’m mixing! Also, I love your chocolate cake recipe. Best-est ever! :D u make me happy! :D

  76. Congrats on the feature! Those kittys are adorable.
    Do the homemade oreos taste just like real Oreos?????
    This could be a dangerous recipe for me if they do.


  77. Love ’em!!! Totally have to make these for my Boys!!!

  78. Adorable! I wish I had half of the creativity you had!

  79. Oh my, well doesn’t this look amazing…!

  80. Oh, I had the vanilla cream doughnut last time I was in Boston. SO GOOD. Might have to go back for it next time. :)

  81. Okay now I NEED to find mini cat cookie cutters!!!

  82. Oh man! These look delicious and soooo cute. I have a friend who is obsessed with oreos. I will have to make these for her one day. Thanks for sharing!

  83. Love how these can be turned into so many fun treats for Halloween. You’ve got my brainwaves just a buzzin’ with those adorable mini cutters!

  84. My daughter wants to be a black kitty cat for Halloween, and so these are JUST PERFECT! I can’t wait to make them!! Thank you for always coming up with something fabulous!

  85. I’ve been wanting to try homemade oreos forever! You have me fully convinced now :)

  86. I love Flour (living in the Boston area I have at least two shops that I visit on a semiregular basis)! I haven’t bought the cookbook yet, but hopefully I will get to buy it after the holidays when I buy books for myself again.

  87. Could these be rolled out and cut like Sugar Cookies?

  88. I just died from the cuteness of those kitty cookies. I have always wanted to try a homemade oreo cookie recipe. Thank you for sharing this!

  89. Angie! I am in love with the kitty oreos! How precious!!! Can’t wait to pick up my copy of Woman’s Day. Congratulations!!!

  90. Super cute and they look so yummy too – I love them! Will look out for the magazine too – the kids at school will go crazy for those!

  91. yum, I don’t really like eating oreos unless they are in something, the filling I love, its the hard cookie I don’t like. So yours look perfect, get it Purrrfect? I know, dorky.

  92. I love the cats! These look wonderful.

  93. OMG those look great :D. Lol@happy flour :D

  94. Angie you inspire me…everyday!

  95. I see…purple filling, lime green dipped, the possibilities are endless…why not a cookie on a stick?? Thanks as always for sharing!

  96. Mmmm….these look delish! Love the kitties! I need to pull this book out and look through it again. I’ve had it for awhile, but have not made anything out of it yet.

  97. It is amazing, what you do! Love the kitty cats!

  98. That book has been sitting on my amazon wish list for weeks. Now I am definitely going to buy it! :)

  99. NOW I have a really good reason to go ahead and buy the German wooden springerle cookie mold I’m “watching” on eBay – to stamp a design on the tops of the homemade oreo cookie dough using YOUR recipe… THANKS!!!

  100. I love it that you have translated the measurements into grams, it makes baking these so much easier for a Finn like me :) Thanks a lot, they do look delicious!

  101. Hehe, I’m laughing at you perfecting the circles… I would totally do the same thing! =) These look so delicious, and the kitties (both cookies and cupcakes) are adorable!!!

  102. Every dessert I’ve seen using a Joanne Chang recipe looks amazing…. your oreos look beautiful!!

  103. omg Mini Meow Meows ;__: *just died from cuteness*

  104. I have tried these and they are wonderful. I like my cookies soft so I bake them a bit less than the recipe calls for and they are heavenly every time! I give them as gifts to my girlfriends who in turn hide them from their kids and husbands so they can have them all to themselves!!! Love baking something that causes such innocent deception!

  105. Love these! Using the cookie cutters makes them even more fun and cute. These would be great for kids Halloween parties at school.

  106. YUM! YUM! YUM!! :) They look so beautiful, too.

  107. Oh. My. Goodness.


  108. OHMYGOSH these look SO good!


  109. I bet Oreo’s will be making new shapes for sale next Halloween! Very cute!

  110. Ooh I love the cookies! And the cupcakes.

  111. Meowreos! Love it! Pure genius, yet again. >^.^<

  112. wow! yum! I need to get that cookbook!

  113. Jennifer – Meow

    aussiemarina – Hey!

    Janine – crunchy, but I also baked some where I backed off the time so they would be softer.

    Hasita – those were m&m’s

  114. Love the homemade oreos! We’ve been trying to get away from storebought junk but still want treats every now and then!

  115. Very pretty! I love the cupcakes! What did you use for the green eyes?

  116. Okay, the kitty ones are just adorable! Oreos are so yummy I can’t imagine how delicious these homemade ones are! Are they crunchy like the store bought ones or more moist?

  117. oh your kitty cookies are sooooooooo cute………and i bet yummy !!!!!!!!

  118. i love all things with cute cookie cutters, (even though i am not the biggest halloween fan) i have a set of heart shaped cutters i found on sale, but all my cookie recipes arent made for cutting out into shapes so i am excited to see if this dough works. keep up your good work :)

  119. I thought, “ok, ok, I’ve seen people make homemade Oreos but meow meow Oreos?! Never!” So cute. Love the flour happy face, too. :)

  120. Those look so yummy!! How cool the different shapes!!

  121. Yes please, too bad its a little late for baking tonight!!

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