
I have a problem.

Sheep Cake Pops

I can’t stop making these pops.

Every time I finish making a batch, I tell myself that’s it. No more. I’m done. And, then the next thing I know, I’m buying more lollipop sticks. You know, just in case. The funny thing is, I have several bags of lollipop sticks. I buy them every time I see them. And in different sizes. I don’t do this with the other supplies, just the sticks. It’s weird. I can’t explain it. I guess I’m afraid there will be a stick shortage or something.

But, don’t worry, these are the last of the Easter Cake Pops. Promise. Thanks for hanging in there with me.

To decorate the sheep, I used some…
Sugar Pearls
Itty Bitty Heart Sprinkles

Mini Heart Sprinkles

Teeniny tiny. But HUGE cuteness factor.

Sheep Cake Pops

Sugar pearls for the body and tiny hearts for the noses. The ears are brown rainbow chip sprinkles and the eyes are melted candy coating dotted on with a toothpick.

Licorice Bridge Mix

I also used this candy mix (called Licorice Bridge Mix) that I found at the Fresh Market. The buttons were for the head and the pastels, cut in half, were for the legs.

Sheep Cake Pops

All in all… super cute. And also, super crunchy. I had never eaten sugar pearls before and thought they were too high on the crunch to cake ratio for me. But, if you like crunchy cake, you’re set.

Now, if you don’t like crunchy cake, then you might want to try these instead.

Bunny Cake Pops

So, I lied. These are the last of the Easter Cake Pops.

Little bunny bodies. I about ran out of steam on these. I think you can tell by the effort I put into their faces. But, that’s okay, because their bottoms are so cute.

Bunny Bottoms

Little bunny bottoms! Can you stand it? You want to bite them, don’t you?

Want to make some? Read the basic cake pop instructions first and then use the decorating tips below for the bunnies and sheep.

Sheep Cake Pops

White Candy Melts
Sugar pearls
Licorice Bridge Mix (buttons for heads and pastels cut in half for legs)
Tiny Heart Sprinkles (noses)
Rainbow Chip Sprinkles (ears)
Paper Lollipop Sticks
Styrofoam Block

  • Shape the cake mixture into an oval shape. Chill until firm.
  • Dip a lollipop stick in a little of the white chocolate and insert into the body almost halfway.
  • Then dip the sheep body in a bowl of melted white candy coating. Make sure the bowl is deep enough to dip and remove easily.
  • Tap off any excess coating.
  • When you make these, it’s best if the candy coating has set out for a few minutes after being heated. Because when you remove the pop from the coating, you will want to go ahead and attach the head, then the feet and then sprinkle on the sugar pearls. It’s really a timing thing. If it’s too hot, the adornments will slide off and if it has cooled too long, the chocolate will set before you can finish attaching everything. But not to worry, if that happens, then reheat the coating and use it as a glue to attach things.

Note: sprinkle the sugar pearls over a big bowl because these little guys are hard to catch. I’m still finding them in odd places.

Bunny Cake Pops

White Candy Melts
Tic Tac CHILL mints (ears)
Tiny heart sprinkles (noses)
Mini marshmallows (tails)
Pink and blue edible ink pens
Styrofoam Block

  • Shape the cake mixture into an oval shape. Chill until firm.
  • Dip a lollipop stick in a little of the white chocolate and insert into the body almost halfway.
  • Then dip the bunny body in a bowl of melted white candy coating. Make sure the bowl is deep enough to dip and remove easily.
  • Tap off any excess coating.
  • Insert the tic tac CHILLS in place for the ears. Don’t push too far in or they might crack later. Let dry.
  • For the tails, use a knife and make criss-crossing indentions on a mini marshmallow. Don’t cut through, just enough to give a cottontail effect. Attach the tails with melted candy coating and let dry.
  • Use a toothpick to place a dot of candy coating for the nose and attach a tiny heart sprinkle.
  • Draw on the faces.
  • Bite their bottoms.

Note: The tic tacs worked for the size, but feel free to try something else with a less minty surprise.

Happy Easter Cake Pops

And now, I’m outta here. I need to go buy more sticks. You know, just in case.

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453 comments on “I have a problem.”

  1. Way cute. I love all of them. I think you are amazing with your ideas. I don’t think I could come up with some of the stuff you do. Good thing I found your website. Now I just need to try to make them.

  2. You make me nervous when you say things like “last time” and “I’m done”. You can’t stop making cupcakes on sticks. You just can’t! They’re too amazing. You must at the very least make a very thick volume cookbook dedicated entirely to the cuteness. I made some cupcake pops when you posted your first pops, and people thought I was a genius. I directed them to your website and they now appreciate where the true genius lies.


  3. Those are awesome!! How long do they take you to make? putting those pearls on those sheep must have taken you forever! they came out great.

  4. Too stinkin’ cute!!!

  5. all hail the easter pops!! Oh I am so obsessed with these cute little guys!!! I don’t mind if you keep them coming! Because I am just as obsessed!

  6. K so I was thinking of another way to make the sheep without the sugar pearls because I know they’re a bit on the pricey side and aren’t always available easily … how about shredded coconut? I’ll have to try it out and see how it works. Thanks Bakerella!

  7. OMG I have a friend we call Shawn the Sheep. His birthday is the 18th of April and I am so going to make him some of these wonderful pops! I’m new to your blog but I just love it! Keep creating these wonderful works of art!

  8. Please stop! You’re tiring me out!

  9. OMG!!!!! I thought the chicks were my favorites but when I saw those sheep. They are too cute!!!! Thanks for all of your wonderful ideas.

  10. I LOVE them…too cute!! Your site is awesome…there are SO many things I want to try!! I just started blogging…once I try some of your recipes I will post them!! :)

  11. Wow! Just when I think you couldn’t possibly do anything cuter, I see these sheep and the bunny bottom. I love these!

  12. Please don’t stop. They are all so darn cute!!!!

    I can’t wait to try them.

  13. I’vre never been addicted to a blog before, but ever since my sister sent me your link a few days ago, I have been smitten! I am going to make cake pops for a family get-together this coming Sunday! They will all “ooooh” and “aaaaaah” but it will all be credited to you! The chicks are my favorite, but it was a close race!

  14. I am so glad you have this problem LOL
    & that you are sharing it. These are just adorable!

  15. You? Are awesome.

    That’s about all I have to say.

  16. Now I have a problem, too. I HAVE to make those little sheep (the problem is that I’d probably have to eat some). My dad and step mom are shepherds and would just Love those! I thought the chicks were cute as could be, but you keep improving the cuteness factor each time! :)

  17. Those sheep are too cute for words. You’ve made lots of cute stuff before, but those sheep really… take the cake!

  18. Wow – these are stunning. Very very cute – would like to try my own hamfisted attempt at these for a local charity egg hunt but I have a question – what’s the best way to display these? I know they look great standing rather than lying down, but how?


  19. I’m in love with the sheep! And so are my children. They will now be begging me to make these for them.

  20. Those little furry lambs are so precious I don’t think I could bring myself to eat one!

  21. Wow. Those are amazing. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the compilation picture. I think I am going to try my hand at these for Easter. Thank you so much!

  22. Ok—I do LOVE them all, but those sheep are AMAZING!!!! I can’t get over them! You MUST sell these and become a bazillionaire—seriously—I’d pay someone to make these —thanks for the great ideas, and for sharing them with all of us!

  23. Ok, yeah, you’ve lost it.}:P

    it’s time for an intervention. LOL

    Hand over your sticks!

  24. Wow these are so cute! I was thinking “that was really n ice of her to show us how to makes these” but I would rather just pay you and then you make them! :)

  25. I seriously can’t tell you how cute these pops are! I lovee the bunnies! Too cute!

  26. The sheep are DEFINITELY my favorite!

  27. Oh my goodness! I am so in love with you and your cake pops! I am planning my first attempt ever at cake pops today. Since I’m on a diet, I’m guessing DH’s coworkers are going to enjoy your cuteness tomorrow.

    Keep creating!

  28. These sheep are so cute! These pops just get better and better! Love them and your blog.

  29. Those sheep are just to cute and I love the bunnies! I wish I had just one ounce of your talent!

  30. Simply stunning! I just can’t get over how absolutely adorable your blog is.

    I blogged about your blog – it goes live on 4/3 at 8am. I hope you like it.

    twitter ID princesstimetoy

    Miscellaneous Finds 4u

  31. I LOVE all of these! Keep going on them if you want! I am the same way with candy making and baking supplies, I see them, I have to buy them! It is a disease I think, an expensive one!

  32. All of these are soooo adorable!!

  33. SHEEP!!! SO CUTE!!!!

    What Meg said in the second comment — love the sheep pops, am obsessed with sheep, but I can’t have sugar right now.

    OTOH, this is one reason I love your blog so much. I can look at all the cake/candy/pops I want, and yours are so clever and cute and photographed so nicely! Thanks for sharing!

  34. I love the Easter pop series…I can’t wait for Halloween to see what you come up with (that s my favorite holiday to I always have it on the brain) Anyway these sheep pops are so cute, and would be a perfect treat to bring to a knitting night!

  35. The sheep pops are adorable. You are seriously an artist.

  36. okay, you are just TOO DARNED CUTE! i canNOT get over how cute these little sheep are, i’m DYING at my desk right now!!!

    thank you for inspiring the rest of us!

  37. you never cease to amaze me……..pure talent!!!

  38. You have a problem! But your problem is our joy! These are too cute! If you don’t have one already, open a shop and start a business! Love them!

  39. Those Sheep!! OMG, the most precious cupcake pops ever!! I wish I like licorice so I could make them. Adorable!!

  40. you really really really make me smile!


  42. These are fantastic! And the only problem you have is your creative genius overflow-ith.

    So far I’ve only chronicled the making of your cupcake bites on my site but I have got to try some cake pops soon!

  43. oh my goodness – I do hope you’re selling these because they look so professional and amazing! Too pretty to eat! :)

  44. well whatever you do don’t stop I LOVE them all.

  45. The sheep! Oh my goodness! SO adorable! I mean, I thought the chicks were cute too, but the sheep! My first comment to your site, and it’s because of those sheep. You are amazing.

  46. I love these!!!

  47. I know, I have the same problem with Sprinkles. I have about a million differnt kinds. These are so freaking cute. Your the best!

    I can't wait until next weekend so I can make all of these!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can't find Sanding sugar, Do you think that these would work on the easter egg cake pops?

    LOVE YOU BAKERELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. These are very very cute. I find these to be my favorite of the pops, love em!

  49. Oh. My. God. I’ve been following you since I found your blog on PW’s blog… I’m always too shy to comment! BUT OMG!! Little sheep!! In cake form!! I squeed *out loud* when I saw them. (My boss gave me a funny look too…)

    I’m a knitter (to explain the sheep infatuation.) I might have to try these… I might make an insane mess in the process, but omg. So. Freaking. Cute. Thank you!!!

  50. The sheep are absolutely the cutest things you’ve ever made. Ever. I can’t stop looking at them!

  51. ATTN: NEVER GIVE UP ON “YOUR PROBLEM” lol.. These are beyond creative!!
    Keep your problems coming!
    I Love them!

  52. This is my first post, but I just had to tell you that I LOVE the cake pops. I’m a cake decorator, but have not tried the pops yet. I just love all of the ideas that you have and share with us. Thanks to you adorable Hello Kitty cake pops my daughter and I decided to do a Hello Kitty birthday party. I too am curious what you do with all of the cake pops. I admit I didn’t read through all 142 comments to see if you answered the question in there. I’m hoping that you are just stopping with the “Easter” pops and that you will have more pops at a later date with more wonderful ideas. May Day is coming up… can you do a May basket? LOL. Thanks for sharing all of your creativity. I love it.

  53. Oh, my goodness! Every time I looked in this past week I saw terrific cuteness, but I think the sheep are it for me. Too cute! I’m not a fan of eating sugar pearls myself (too hard on my teeth I think) but those little sheep are CUTE.

  54. Come on girl, Easter is still over a week awy, I bet you will come up with another “Easter pop” by then . . . ;-p Once on a roll, creativity keeps going . . .

  55. Those are so cute! I’m definitely going to make these this week! I just found a recipe for white cake that’s wheat free and this will definitely disquise the cake and no one will know!

    Thank you so much for doing these things. I just love this website.

  56. Stop the cuteness madness – I can’t take it anymore!!!!!!! And why, oh why, do my cake pops look like the wicked step-sister to your adorable ones?????

  57. This are amazing, you are amazing! Thanks for always thinking of new things.

  58. Good night girl! I can’t believe your talent. My mouth dropped when the pics loaded. LOL

    Adorable sheep, I love them!! I don’t think I have the patience to do even ONE of those.

    So when are you going to start selling them for those of us who can’t sit still long enough???

  59. Wow. I’m jealous . . . I’ve tried my hand at making cake pops and while they are delicious and ridiculously addicting (I love cake) I just can’t seem to make pretty ones. I think I just get tired . . . and I run out of money fast. Bleh.
    But, of all the easter cake pops, I love the chicks and these sheep! So cute! {excuse me while I just dream of making adorable things on my own someday . . . }

  60. I was yesterday at my local JoAnns I saw the pop…Ohhh I am in so much trouble!
    Thanks for making your problem, my problem! My favorite off all is chicks and sheeps!

  61. Holy Crap. You are amazing. For real. Never ENDING!!! I love it! (p.s. the word ver today is “unbra” – i promise not to Un Bra today!)

  62. I think the sheep and chicks are my favorite but I can’t decide I just know that your amazing.

  63. all of the easter pops are beautiful!!!
    I have just spent most of the day trying to find English versions of the candy that you use but with no luck at all – it was hard enough to find the lolly sticks. I really wanted to make rabbits.
    The UK is rubbish for sweets and decorating bits :o(
    Bakerella – keep on popping!!!!

  64. oh my goodness. simply adorable!!! i’m loving the sheep and the little chick the most.

  65. Just when you think it can’t get any stinkin’ cuter… come the “Sheep Pops!” I love, love, love them!!!

  66. Adorable!! I wish I had your creativity! I guess I will live vicariously through your blog ;)

  67. I say this every time, then you go and out-do yourself like this! Those sheep are the most adorable cakepops yet!!!!

  68. These are adorable! I absolutely love them! I have never attempted to make your cake pops, but I think I need to!

  69. You slay me with the cuteness of it all.

  70. These are my favorite of all of the Easter pops, I do believe. SOOOO cute!!! :)

  71. Oh. My. Gosh. We are going to have to make some of these!! My daughter is 8 and I know she would go CRAZY for this! Today's task: find some of these ingredients (little hearts & edible pens & the like) so we can try it!

  72. these are absolutely adorable.

    I was wondering if you sell the things you make, or if this is just a show and tell kinda of hobby :)

  73. I’ve never been a big sheep fan. I don’t hate them, but I could really take ’em or leave ’em. HOWEVER, those super-cute pops made me fall in love with the little guys! I think those are my favorite of all that you have made so far. WOW! Cute, cute, cute!

  74. So very high on the cuteness scale, as well as the WOW factor!

    So awesome and creative!

    I would totally buy a cookbook, as well. ;)

    Maybe I should start buying sticks. You know, just in case.

    Thanks so much for sharing all of your creativity!! I love it!

  75. I also want to know if you sell them…. i would love to try them!!! they are soo cute!

  76. Whoa…the sheep are the cutest!!! You have the most creative mind…I’d never look at some round white candies and think “hmmm, that looks like sheep wool”. Awesome!

  77. I wanted to give you a little tip that I have used for my cake pops, and I wish I had a picture too. Instead of using a styrofoam block each time, and/or over-using it and needing another, and another…I had my husband drill hundreds of little holes into a board, and I stick my cake pops into that. Its reuseable, EVERY time, and barely takes up any space in my kitchen, I love it!

  78. those are sooooooo adorable! I love them….can you sell them so I can buy some?!?!? very very creative

  79. STOP THE MADNESS!!! Those sheep!!!

    I mean they’re so stinking cute, how could you even eat them??!!!

  80. Great Job!!! So creative and fun! You’re right about the sugar pearls though. For those of us with crowns on our teeth, they’re deadly. I think we’ll have to leave the “crunchy” sheep to the kids!

    Beautiful job!!

  81. oh my. these are TOO cute. wow.

  82. omgosh…first the chickies. Then the eggs. And now these adorable sheepies?! Too, too cute!!!!! Love them!!!

  83. Too Cute!!!! My daugther and I are going to make some of these!
    Luv it!!!!

  84. Just when I thought you couldn’t outdo the doing of the ducklings, you go and prove me wrong by shaping shy little sheep. Love them! Most adorable thing you’ve done so far!

  85. Wow! Those are adorable! I wish I was as creative as you! Who eats them all?

  86. I have a request. Please make some graduation cake pops. My oldest son is graduating from high school and we are having a large party. I am purchasing a bakery cake, but I wanted to make some cake pops for decorations and little people to enjoy. Do you have any ideas??? Thanks in advance!!!
    grace and peace,

  87. Adorable!!!!!!!!!!!

  88. I don’t think it’s a problem, you’re just creative and gifted!

    Those are incredibly cute! Looking forward to the next batch!

  89. OMG these are sooo cute! Please don’t stop making them, I love them! Oh, and if you need someone to help you eat them, just holler. ; )

  90. What do you DO with all of those cake pops? Very, very cute!

  91. OMG!!!!

    Those sheep are perfection and the little bunnies look so soft, like little clouds of yum! haha

  92. It’s okay, don’t stop. WE LOVE THEM. Perhaps since there aren’t any holidays until July, and you are so awesome with the sheep…you could do barnyard animal pops or jungle animal pops. That would be awesome and kids wold love them.

  93. These are the cutest pops you made ever! :))

  94. So cute!!!

  95. You are so awesome! I love these…. and am sorta sad there won’t be more easter cake pops! What are you gonna do next, mother’s day ones? Memorial Day? Flag Day??! Any excuse to see some more cuteness, and I am SO there! ;)

  96. Oh please, do NOT stop! You might see it as a problem but I see it as a constant flow of inspiration! In my book this is better than therapy ;-) .

    Thanks so much for giving in,


  97. Those are freaking adorable! And you said the magic word for me, licorice! I love the stuff.

  98. Okay, you are officially the cutest baker in the country.

  99. Oh my gosh if these are the cutest things ever!!

  100. Simply Amazing! I get so excited when I see your new blog posts! Thank you for sharing every detail of your wonderful creations! Your ideas + my execution = squeals galore at many occasions :) Thanks again!

    I always give you all the credit ;)

  101. I made the chick pops last night. They really are yummy! I had some problems with them being misshapen and with the candy coating running down the stick (and on to the counter…and on to the floor…) but my mom was going NUTS over how cute they were. It was a trial run for Easter; I’ll probably make the chicks and the eggs for Easter.


  102. Oh nooooooooooooooo I thought it couldn’t get any cuter than the chicks, but these are the best!!!!! Wow……… We’ll start sending you sticks if you promise to keep making these adorable things and showing us.

  103. They opened a brand spankin’ new Fresh Market here in Augusta right down from where they closed the old one. You could come shop and drop some cake pops by my house. ;-) Just don’t come next week. The Masters is here and right across from the store.

  104. Hello, my name is Kelly and I’m a Bakerella addict.

    Freakin’ adorable…stop it!!!

    Here’s my homage to you:

  105. feature of Bakerella today.

    You’re doing a great job!

  106. Those sheep are the cutest things I have ever seen!!! You are incredibly talented. Come help me make some… :(
    Renee Green
    Calera, AL

  107. I think the sheep are somehow, amazingly your cutest yet. And that’s saying a lot!

  108. You may have a problem, but it’s a good problem to have!!!!! They are truly adorable!

  109. Too much fabulousness! I can’t even BEGIN to imagine how long it took to place those white candy pearls, one at a time, on those sheep bodies!

    Stunning, as always!

  110. Key-ute-est-es-sus ever!


  112. These little sheep would cover up all my “unsmoothiness.” Very very cute!

  113. GAH! You kill me! And you make me want to bake which I only do at Christmas! These are so so cute!

  114. Get out of here… you rock girl.. You make as many pops as you want.. I love to see pics of them!


  115. Hi there. I was wondering…do you have any suggestions for making these ‘pop’s for kids with allergies? my little girl just LOVED the pics of your easter pops but is allergic to gluten and dairy. pls help!!
    my blog is
    Tara :)
    I love your blog!!!

  116. Those sheep are the cutest things I have ever seen. ADORABLE!!!!

  117. These are the cutest ever! You are so creative, you amaze me!!!!

  118. AWWWWWW LOVE the sheep! if march wasnt already over id “make” you do lions. wait, im a long time reader have you done (april) flowers?

    ah and you are ‘normal’! with your sticks. so something i would do if i were you. and it explains my supply of non cute/edible things

  119. Love the sheep – you always impress!

  120. Too stinking cute! I have a problem too – I can’t stop reading your blog. Every time I sit down to do something I end up here! Oh well, there are worse problems to have. Hoppy Easter!

  121. The sheep are my new favorite!

  122. I’ve commented before and you are just so incredibly talented – there is no one that would want you sto stop your creations – I could see 10 000 easter creations and I’m sure you could think of that many – I did try to make some pops a long time ago without success but I see your recipe is evolving with more helpful hints – I really should try these again!

  123. I think I just woke up the whole house with my screech of “CUTE!!!!!!”

    The “problem” with these though is that I could never, ever eat such adorable perfection. I’d have that standing in a glass for months until it started to get moldy and all the white beads started to fall off and then I’d feel really guilty I didn’t eat it when I had a chance.

  124. If I was so god at making these I probably couldn’t stop making them either. Keep on popping!

  125. I wish I had an ounce of your creativity!

  126. How do you get to have the Bakerella logo next to your name?

  127. Oh my GOD, these are soooo cute… Please don’t stop making these cute cake pops.. I sooooooo want to try making them, but the problem is that most of the ingredients are not available where I live. No candy melts, no candy color (to use on white chocolate), no shaped sprinkles etc..
    Do you sell these? If you do, may I ask for how much?
    Thank you.

  128. They are so cute!!!!

  129. The sheep are the cutest things ever!

  130. oh my goodness! i don’t know if i love the lambs more or the chicks!!

  131. Love your pops. ill try to make them this weekend,thanks for sharing your ideas

  132. OMG~How do you come up with these ideas?! So wonderful!!

  133. Oh my GOD, these are soooo cute… Please don’t stop making these cute cake pops.. I sooooooo want to try making them, but the problem is that most of the ingredients are not available where I live. No candy melts, no candy color (to use on white chocolate), no shaped sprinkles etc..
    Do you sell these? If you do, may I ask for how much?
    Thank you.

  134. Hello bakerella!

    Great Cake Pops!.

    I tried making the pops the other day and found out that i have a teeny weeny bit of prob :(
    My cake pops keep falling off the stick when i dip it in choc. Do i dip the stick in choc first and then insert into the round balls and leave it in the fridge for another 30 mins?

    I’m afraid I could never make anything look so nice….but I just might HAVE to try these….if you promise they aren’t hard to make?!?!

    and I’m in Scotland…they are rubbish for baking supplies….

  136. How cute! The sheep are also perfect for a baby shower!

  137. Don’t stop! Don’t ever stop! Just when I think i’ve seen the cutest thing ever – I get an new update and my jaw drops again! They just get cuter every time. Thank you for sharing.

  138. Those sheep pops are to die for! I hope you keep this up. Any of your pops would make amazing party/wedding favors! :)

  139. Wow, you’re unstoppable! You must have the patience of a saint to do all those cute faces! I think I would change my sheep design to a cloud design sooner than later, because I have patience of a 3 year old. As always, THOSE ARE SO CUTE!

  140. Too cute. I’m a knitter – so I particularly love the little sheep. : )

  141. oh, the white bunnies are my favourite! i’ve been lusting after the stuff you make for some quite time now…i think i might just try making the bunnies for easter!

    one question tho, i always wonder this: what do you do with all these cake pops? cake pop party or do you manage to gobble them yourself?:)

  142. Too stinkin’ cute!

  143. I was racking my brain thinking of what you would come up with for easter and how you would manage bunny ears. You have really outdone yourself with these ones. Im so in love with the sheep, and the bunnies with the cotton tails!

  144. those sheep are freaking adorable! I want a life size one to put in my bedroom. Course, the kids would be coming in and pulling off pieces!

  145. Usually just pop :) over and don’t comment but really the lamb bum got me…you did GREAT on these!!!
    Robin Rane
    All Things Heart and Home

  146. I always love your posts. I always adore your pops but I love your text too. You crack me up. :)

    I’ve been wondering… you seem to make lots of pops – who gets to eat them?

  147. those are the cutest things EVER!

  148. “Hello, My name is Bakerella and I am addicted to baking THEE MOST ADORABLE stick creations!”

    The cuteness of these is too much – I love your ideas! There are certainly worse obsessions. ;-)

    Thank you for sharing your creative ideas. ONE day I will attempt these!

  149. You are funny! It has been entertaining to read your Easter pops posts these last few days. I just showed the sheep to my roommate, and apparently she now wants to make some pops for her family Easter celebration. :-) These things are addicting! Keep up the clever work!

  150. Ahahahah! Don’t stop! I also have a problem! I can’t stop looking at them…

  151. oh goodness they are all so CUTE!

  152. OMG!!!!!!!! Don’t stop if more cuteness like this pops into your head. These are ADORABLE! And I didn’t think there could be anything that would top the chicks. I was sooo wrong!

  153. Oh my god…I’m in love with these cute little sheep!

  154. love your are so creative.I want to try making some. now I have to decide which one.keep them coming.

  155. OMG I love these! I feel you made them just for me since in my previous comment(for the bunnies) I asked for Easter Lamb pops, but I’m sure they were already in the plan!
    It must be so time consuming to put on all those sugar pearls. Do you have help?

  156. HOLY SHEEP-these are soo cute! Not BAAAAAAAD, Bakerella!

  157. Really amazing, as usual. How do you get these wonderful ideas??

  158. I LOVE THESE! Seriously though… how do you have the patience to make all of these. I’m going to try my first pops this weekend (minus the sticks) so hopefully they turn out.

    I’m curious… what do you do with all of these once they are created? I bet you have some very happy friends!

  159. I’m just dying of envy because of all those sticks, shaped sweets and colored sugar I CANNOT FIND in my town. Crying but enjoying a lot your blog and your creations. Those sheeps… ARE LOVELY, so cute.

    THANK YOU for your imagination, for your creativity, and for sharing everything with us.

  160. tooooo cute!

    You are well known for your pops! Don’t stop!!

  161. Very beautiful – very inspiring:) I love them all?

  162. I’m now addicted to your blog! Thanks. You are so good at this and you make it easy for me to find great stuff to do with the kids when we have some free time, so, a true thank you.

  163. These are SO ADORABLE!

    I’m curious –what do you do with your cake pops? Do you sell them, give them away or (gasp!) eat them all yourself? :)

  164. Oh, these are so ridiculously cute! I want to make them all!

  165. There’s nothing I could say that hasn’t already been said! Please don’t stop making these. It’s okay if you lie! We’ll forgive you!

  166. So cute! Those sheep look so fluffy and cuddly – way too cute to eat! Love love love your blog!

  167. BEYOND cute. :)

  168. BEYOND cute. :)

  169. BEYOND cute. :)

  170. BEYOND cute. :)

  171. BEYOND cute. :)

  172. BEYOND cute. :)

  173. So when are you gonna do hands on classes? Huh Huh? I know the pioneer woman got some … I don’t have pony to offer though. Hum. I guess I should at least try on my own first – maybe this weekend.

  174. too cute…. just.too.cute

  175. Oh my. Those sheep have about done me in. I love sheep to begin with, but sheep cake pops? It’s almost more than I can resist! Thanks for sharing your Easter collection!

  176. WOW, so cute! I love it! What talent you have! you’re awesome!
    Thanks for sharing!

  177. Those sheep are my favorite pops you’ve done so far. SO CUTE!!!

  178. I wanna bite the little fuzzy butt, lol!! I need your help, Bakerella- Why can I make ornate, creative cakes, but I can’t conquer a cake pop for the life of me?!! I need a vacation with the pro!

  179. You are so funny, Bakerella. And so creative. I love this website! We made my daughter a lamb cake when she was turning 3 and was totally obsessed with lambs. Somehow I think these cake pops would be much tastier than hundreds of marshmallows stuck to pound cake. And so much cuter!

  180. You are the pop queen! When is your book coming out!? You get them so wonderfully perfect!

  181. Those sheep are the cutest thing ever!!!


  182. I wouldn’t stop making them if I could make them half as cute as yours! I wish you would sell them!

  183. Oh my gosh! Those are both adorable!!! You are so creative with what you come up with to decorate these things! AMAZING!!

  184. Oh my gosh, those sheep are absolutely precious.

  185. WOW! I think the sheep pops are my favorite so far. They are so darn cute. Wow, I wouldn’t call this a problem so much as I would an incredible amount of creativity.

  186. OK, without a tiny doubt these are the most adorable things I have ever seen. Maybe you could polyurethane them or something. They are definitely too cute to eat.

  187. So cute! I like the last picture.

  188. i love the sheep, so cute!

  189. Oh those little chicks….super cute…now if I could only wave my magic wand!!! HA ha..keep up the good work, I just love them.

  190. Don’t stop! These are great; the chicks and sheep make me want to take a few days off work to make them for the neighborhood (ha! if only).

    These ideas alone would be worth the price of a cookbook (hint, hint). Thanks Bakerella!

  191. These are the best yet. Awesome.

  192. Those sheep just may be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!

  193. wow these sheep are the cutest things I’ve ever seen!! I’m thinking I might be able to handle the chicks and bunnies…but the sheep look a little beyond me.I just wish I could stay in town for more than 2 days to try them!! Last time I was home I bought cake mix, icing, chocolate to melt and that’s it…I still need to shop:) Thanks for sharing!!

  194. Adorable. The best yet! Thanks for sharing! I really need to make some pops of some kind SOON! My mouth waters every time I read your page! :)

  195. Too cute I love the pops and all of the cute little ideas u come up with them :)

  196. Very high on the cuteness scale!

  197. soooo cute! i love these! great job!

  198. lol, too funny with your stick obsession :) All of the pops are super cute.

  199. Oh my gosh. I want a dozen of these, right now!! I LOVE SHEEP!! I’m OBSESSED WITH SHEEP!!

    But there’s two things standing in my way…

    1. I lack patience to piece all of those pearls.

    2. I’m on a diet.

    Thanks for the great eye candy!

  200. You are SO STINKING CREATIVE!!! So do you sell these things or just have this site to show us all your cute tricks???

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