
Mini Monster Cakes

Mini monster cakes are on the menu today. That’s right, these are little bitty cupcake layer cakes all dressed up and ready for Halloween.

Making them is pretty easy. I used this chocolate cupcake recipe. It yields 18 cupcakes or 9 mini monster cakes.

On half of the baked cupcakes, remove the mounded tops using a knife.

To assemble: Unwrap the cupcakes and place a cut cupcake, top side down on a 4X4 inch piece of wax paper. Then spread some frosting on its bottom and place another whole cupcake on top, right side up like shown in the pics above. Frost the sides and top with buttercream by holding the cupcakes together in between your fingers and the wax paper. Apply frosting up the side and rotate until covered … then frost the top. This will be your crumb coat, so don’t worry about specks of the cupcake getting mixed in your frosting because you’ll be covering it all up later.

Place in the freezer to firm up for much easier handling. You can also add a second layer of frosting to create more cylinder-like shapes like I’ve done in the fourth photo. Just make sure the cupcakes are chilled and firm to the touch before decorating or else you will have a mess on your hands.

To decorate, whip up some tinted frosting in fun colors and use different tips for varying effects.

You can use this buttercream recipe. You’ll need three batches… maybe four if you make all 9 mini cakes.

This guy is a little spiky. I used a round #12 tip to pipe rows around the cake starting from the bottom and working my way up.

The eye is made of regular and mini-size Oreo cookie halves attached with frosting.

Oh yeah … before frosting, place the mini cake on a 4-inch doily and then on a piece of cardboard so you can rotate for decorating and then for transporting.

I used a grass tip (#233) for this one. You can work with two different frosting colors for a fun furry effect. Just pipe in random shapes making sure to get the colors close to each other so the white crumb coat doesn’t show from underneath.

For the mouth, cut an Oreo cookie half … in half … and press on top of the frosting. Then pipe more frosting so it overlaps the top of the mouth. Make sure he has several candy eyes so he can see how cute he is.

And throw on some cute bone candies to top him off. But really… you can use any candies you have on hand and just get creative with different designs. That’s the fun part. The possibilities are endless.

This one is covered in tons of candy eyes. I used a #21 tip and piped around the base. In the places I wanted eyes, I piped in a circular shape leaving room for the eye to sit in. This is mainly so I didn’t have a bunch of orange frosting squishing out around the eye when I pressed it in place. But… maybe that would look all monstery-cute, too.

I like how this one turned out… kind of hairy and tattered looking. This is made with a basket weave tip (#48).

When you place eyes in position, then just overlap the frosting on top so it all looks integrated.

Oh yeah – this one is easy. I didn’t use a decorating tip. Instead I applied a thin layer of green frosting and then covered the cake with my green candy shred. So spooky cute!

You can give them little signs to hold, too.

Just wrap washi tape around a toothpick and cut into a triangle shape for pennants.
Super easy.

Hope these minis make you smile.

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48 comments on “Mini Monster Cakes”

  1. Do u bake the items giving the recipes out on and let people order them for delivery

  2. Cuteness Re-defined. Super Creative. Will surely give it a try. Specially loved how the whole eye thing was done. Cant wait to try these and see what response I get from my kid.

  3. These are the cutest mini cakes ever, my son would love them. Cant wait to make them on my own, thanks for sharing these and need more posts like this.

  4. These mini monster cakes are so adorable that my son would love them. Cant wait to make.

  5. wow???, I love this cute? minimonster.

  6. What a cute recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Wow! This looks really delicious and cute, i cant wait to make one of these on my own.

  8. Looks So Delicious. amazing cakes Art . keep Posting bro.

  9. Wow! What a creative and cute things these are to make. As i have got 4 little kids and was looking to cook something sweet for the desert tonight. But i thank god that i landed here, because no other thing would surprise them besides these. Mini monster cakes are the best that one could make for his kids. All thanks to you for sharing the recipe.

  10. Nice idea, Impressive

  11. Wow so cute. Love this blog too much!! Thanks for share with us

  12. These really look like a monster, A cake with the evil eye, great work!

  13. This looks so good! Thank you for sharing your extraordinary thinking.

  14. hi
    Awe, you seriously captured a few great freeze-frame moments with your little guy – love the last pic of him! Not so sure about the monster cake after all, hun? ? And… I LOVE your vintage cake plate – that one is a beauty!!!

  15. OMG! These are really cute. Thanks for sharing!

  16. I love these amazing design cake. love to share this cake with friends.

  17. That shape… I’m seeing R2-D2. How cute would that be? I bet Bakerella could pull it off without a problem. Those ARE the droids I’m looking for.

  18. They look amazing, so detailed! Awesome recipes on your site, so talented. Keep up the good work!

  19. These are far too cute!

  20. They are really cute :) cute little monsters

  21. Look quite time consuming to make, but very cute!

  22. Now I now what to make for ma doughter. Thank :)

  23. They all are adorable I would make some for helloween the neighbourhood kids will be so happy :)

  24. Super cute!

  25. Oh, these are so delightful!!

  26. These are so cute! I especially love that huge Oreo eye.

  27. I LOVE THESE LITTLE MONSTERS! So cute! I have to try these out – thank you for this great idea!!!

  28. Oh my gosh, these are adorable. I’ve never tried anything this complicated before, but these are so cute I think I have to try.

  29. They remind me of the guys from the Monster’s University
    movie. You are amazing!!!

  30. These are so cute! I’m holding a charity bake sale at my work for Halloween and these would be a perfect addition to it! Thanks for sharing!

  31. THE CUTEST!!!!

  32. these are the nice choice for halloween

  33. These are adorable!

  34. OMG these are so freaking cute! Thank you for sharing your talent with us!

  35. The cakes are so cute! Love this decoration!

  36. Omg! These are adorable!

  37. Everything you make, makes me smile!

  38. OMG the cute :D

  39. OMG, these are the cutest little thingies I have ever seen. My favourite is the one with green and orange “fluff”. Amazing. I need to practice my piping skills.

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