
Mini ways to say Happy Valentine’s Day!

Heart Cake Pops

I made mini and many cake pops for you this past weekend. I had this idea I wanted to try just using basic round pops and color to make a sweet little display. So I set out to dip enough cake pops to get the job done. That turned out to be 350 plus. Yikes. Not quite sure what I was thinking … Around number 70, I was really starting to reconsider. I thought … oh my gosh I have to make five times that many. But when I start something I can’t let it go until I get to the end and see how it works out. I know this project doesn’t help you much for this year, but I thought the heart display could totally work for a lot of other things besides Valentine’s Day.

So keep reading below for the how to… or check out my big “mini” giveaway at the end of this post. It’s a mini way for me to say Happy Valentine’s Day!

Okay, here we go.

You can’t tell in the picture, but these cake pops are tiny. Like Cake Dots instead of pops. So tiny that you use a toothpick to dip them with instead of a lollipop stick. Yes a toothpick. The cake balls are actually about the size of a penny. But they are small for a reason.

  1. Regular size cake pops would take up a lot of table real estate.
  2. The lollipop sticks would be much taller and people would have a harder time viewing the design from above.
  3. I figured the proportions out so they would work on a pretty standard size piece of styrofoam to make it easier to recreate and transport.
  4. I only had to make one cake. Score.
  5. Mini is major cute.


I based the display design off of a template (see below) I made so that it works with a 12X18 inch or 12X20 inch sheet of styrofoam you can find in craft stores. Then I worked backwards to figure out how many cake pops you’d need to make the the shape look right. Once I had that, I knew how big to make the cake pops. Or how little.

  • Crumble cake and mix with frosting
  • Roll into tiny cake balls. (basic cake pop instructions here) You can use the circles on the downloadable template as a guide for the right size. They should be slightly smaller than the circle so that when you add the coating they will still fit together nicely.
  • Keep rolling and rolling until you have enough
  • Dip a toothpick into melted coating and then insert into a chilled cake ball.
  • Dip entire cake pop into the coating and then sprinkle with non-pareils. They are tiny and will be the best size for these tiny treats.
  • Place in styrofoam to dry.

A couple of things to note.

  • Use a small plastic bowl to melt the coating. You can work with a smaller amount of coating when dipping. Just melt the coating in batches as you go. Then you can take breaks and watch the Walking Dead marathon on AMC in between.
  • Buy more than one sheet of styrofoam. You’ll need more room than the display size so they aren’t touching each other as they dry.
  • Invite a friend over to help you. It will go faster and maybe your neck won’t hurt like mine does right now from looking down and dipping for so long.
  • I’d try Mercken’s candy coating for this project. It melts nice and fluid – you don’t want thick coating on these. It will add too much volume.
  • I’ve probably discouraged you already. Kind of like I felt as I was starting making these. But I had a feeling they’d be cute when I finished so I went on… like I’m going to do now. And by the way, these completely make me giddy when I see them finished on the table (looking at them now), so I guess it was worth it. And it will definitely be worth it if one of you decides to try it out some day. Hope you do… with a friend.


Use multi-color non-pareils for the second candy coating color. Minus the static.

Baby Cake Pop

Super cute.

When all the pops are done, prepare your display.


  • Wrap a 12X18 inch or 12X20 inch sheet of styrofoam with paper. I used the 19X25 inch single sheets you purchase at the craft store. You could also use wrapping paper though.
  • Packing tape worked best on the styrofoam to tape the paper down.
  • Print out the template provided centered on an 11X17 sheet of paper at somewhere like Kinko’s. The design is created for a 12X18 surface area but it is set up on 11X17 paper since that is a standard size to print. You’ll notice that some of the circles on the template are getting cropped off when they print, but that’s okay, you’ll have enough information to figure out where the pops on the perimeter should go. I hope that makes sense.
  • Tape the template down temporarily and use a safety pin to poke holes into the paper.
  • Remove the template and start arranging the cake pops using the template as a guide. Start in the middle and work your way out from the center. More than likely some of your pops will be bigger than you think and if you start at one end, left to right, they will start to tilt too much to make room as you place them in position. But if you start in the center, they will angle out equally all the way around. Again I hope that makes sense.

Heart Mini Cake Pops

Full of heart.

Mini Cake Pops on Toothpicks

But you can also rearrange them for a different look …

LOVE Mini Cake Pops

And spread a little love…


… Or some sweet hugs and kisses.

Here are the 11X17 inch templates for each.

LOVE Cake Pops

And because I love you guys and all things mini, here’s a little giveaway for you.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

  • To enter, just leave a comment on this post and tell me who your Valentine is, what your plans are (or were) for the fourteenth or just say hi.
  • Deadline to enter is Sunday, February 17th at 7:00 p.m. ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner Announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Sunday evening on this post.
  • Winner will receive a 16GB Wi-Fi iPad mini.

Good Luck.

We have a winner! YAY!

Congratulations to Brenda! Hope you and your Peanut Butter Man enjoy the mini iPad!

Giveaway sponsored by me.

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5,451 comments on “Mini ways to say Happy Valentine’s Day!”

  1. Wow…these mini cake pops look gorgeous! My plans for Valentine’s day are to have a fun evening with two of my colleagues, as one of them will be leaving us soon :-( But my valentine is – of course – someone else, who is rather special to me :-)

  2. My Valentine is my boyfriend Marco.
    We are keeping it simple, getting a redbox movie and ordering hawaiian food to eat at home. He came up with this plan, which I feel is perfect for us. Special alone time with just the two of us is precious, and though we are happy in southern California, I do miss the delicious Hawaiian foods from where I grew up. Also, our three year anniversary is on february 18th, and we are going out for fondue, so expensive dinner twice in a week span would be too much. I’m very excited to exchange gifts and maybe surprise him with some home made dipped strawberries! =D

  3. My morning Valentine’s day dates will be my two boys. I have a little present waiting for them when they wake up. My plan is to go out for ice scream, an a picnic at the park. Once daddy get home he will have a a beautiful steak dinner waiting by me and followed by Bakerella’s chocolate cake for dessert. ;)

  4. I will have dinner with my two valentines with special dessert. My husband Daniel and our kid Raul!

  5. I will be spending the day with my two loves- my husband and my month old son :)

  6. My Valentine is my husband – after 25 years of marriage we know better than to venture out to dinner on Valentine’s. We will have a nice dinner at home, and go out another night!

  7. Happy Valentine day ???

  8. This year, as every year, my Valentine is my grandmother! When she was a kid, it was tradition to chose only one special person, and, since my grandfather had passed away when I was young, she was without her one and only Valentine. Every year, I call her and send a hand-written note, just to say hello and I love you. Boyfriends come and go while heart-shaped boxes of chocolate spoil after a few days, but my grandma will always be my Valentine :)

  9. I will be spending my Valentine’s with my fantastic boyfriend of 4 years! We started the day off with a cute card, then off to a trampoline park to bounce the day away. This was followed by a cute (homemade) Devonshire tea (scones with jam and cream) and the mini cookies I made from your recent cookie stand post.

  10. Hi! = )
    That’s such a cute idea! If only I had your patience!

  11. I love all things mini! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  12. My Valentine is my husband and my adorable 2.5 month old son! We’ll be having dinner at home and I plan to bake a chocolate cake if my son cooperates ;-).

  13. Happy Valentines Day!!! My valentines are my husband and daughter :) … We wIll likely celebrate Valentine’s Day late since it is a weekday… So we will just spend the evening together. :)

  14. My Valentine is my boyfriend of two years and my three year old brother. But you know what I’m doing this Valentine’s day? JURY DUTY!

  15. I have the day off on Valentine’s Day so my whole family is heading to the other side of the island and going to Costco. LoL. It’ll be fun. And then I’m coming home and watching Glee. ^.^

  16. Oh my gosh you are so awesome! How cute are these minis! V-day looked to be a bit bleak this year with my boys being under the weather, but we will definitely be staying in and doing something fun -like cooking together :)

  17. my valentine is my fiancé, justin…we’re not doing much for valentines day since we are getting married next month!!! (: however, I thought I would make dinner in the crock pot for him to come home to after work (since I work nights and won’t be home when he gets home) happ vday!

  18. I actually don’t have a Valentine, but I plan to spend the evening with my amazing friends! We’re going to get together, eat good food, enjoy some wine, and watch movies that will make it impossible for any real man to live up to the cinema version. :) Love your blog!

  19. My Valentine is Nathan, Gavin, Chloe, and Sawyer. I love them all! We have a class party, then homemade heart shaped pizza for dinner!

  20. You always make me smile….Thanks

    My Valentine is my husband who still melts my heart. We will be staying home and enjoying our family together.
    Love is in the air!!!!

  21. not going to do anything too special. Maybe a nice dinner out with friends

  22. HELLO BAKERELLA! <3 My Valentine's day is with my boyfriend. I'm leaving the next day to go to Los Angeles, so we're just staying in and having crab. He's been really sweet to me lately and has been making me something in secret. I really want to know what it is because he's not usually the romantic type!

    P.S. I loveeee your blog!

  23. I will be spending my Valentine’s with my fantastic boyfriend of 4 years! We started the day off with a cute card, then off to a trampoline park to bounce the day away. This was followed by a cute (homemade) Devonshire tea (scones with jam and cream) and the mini cookies I made from your recent cookie stand post.

  24. Happy Valentine’s day. These are so cute, and seem like a good starting point for a novice cake pop maker as the decorations are fairly simple. I think I have some new plans for the weekend!

    My valentine is my fiance, who is sadly still on the east coast. So it will probably be a quiet day at work and home. But we are counting down the days till he can move out here to the west coast, so at least we have that to look forward to.

  25. My valentines is my husband who is in the navy and therefore at sea :-( so I’m sitting in bed pon valentines night drinking tea and eating chocolate cut off cuts… Which I’m now wishing I kept to make these cute little cake pops!

  26. Happy Valentines Day.
    My Valentine is my lovely icelandic horse and of course my husband. ;-)

  27. Ooh, can overseas readers enter????
    Valentines day is nearly over, here in Australia, so we have swapped cards, chocs and loving words. And my daughter made us both a card.

  28. Planning to watch a movie with the girlfriends!

  29. Happy valentines day to everyone. I have no valentine but that’s ok, I’ve got some baking to do :)

  30. In song celebrate Valentines Day. I don’t need to either because my hubby surprises me all year around with awesome things! He loves me lots! :)

  31. Hi! Made my sweetie her own dessert. I’m not much of a cook so she was impressed.

    Roasted pears with balsamic, brown sugar and cinnamon, alongside a heath butterscotch cheesecake ice-cream.

  32. these are too cute! and they must have been a lot of work! You went all out for us! Thank you! My valentine is my sweet husband! :) Happy Valentines Day Bakerella!

  33. My daughter is my Valentine!

  34. Love the mini pops! My Valentines are my two wonderful kids. Wish I had more time to spend making fun things like this. Thanks for the great ideas!

  35. Love these “minis”. My husband is my Valentine and this year, like every year we’ll stay home and make homemade pizzas together and have a good bottle of red – it’s cozy and relaxed and one of my favorite traditions!

  36. My parents are coming into town so I am excited to spend Valentines with them! I have a special dinner for them and my family!

  37. My husband is my Valentine. We had our little salmon pasta Vaneltine’s dinner last night. Continuing tonight with a Vietnamese theme with some pho ga. :-) It’s always about food.

  38. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  39. My valentine is my homework, since I’m jam-packed with tests on Valentines!

  40. My valentine is my daughter ad we will be eating pork tenderloin!

  41. Love the mini cake pops!!! Super cute !!!

    My Valentine’s will be spent with my 4 precious boys watching Hotel Transylvania and eating goodies ;)

  42. SO CUTE!!!

  43. my husband and i both have work but afterwards we are going to enjoy a home made chicken curry dinner with a raw chocolate cheesecake in heart shape with champagne and then probably spend the evening canoodling watching a film. :)

  44. I’m lucky enough to have TWO valentines this year! My man & my little Mia! They make every day Valentines for me!!! ;)
    Happy Valentines Day Bakerella!!! :D <3

  45. My husband and daughter are my valentines! Hubby has to work, but lil miss and I will be having a Romantic Comedy marathon while he is away!

  46. Hi :-)
    Hapy Valentine’s Day!

  47. Oh I just love to win the iPad! My sweet husband gave me a little book for Valentine, in the book are a lot of questions why he loves, so I can just read it again and again and again…. Happy Valentine to you too!

  48. My Valentine multipled – from Hubby to my 3 kids! :)

    Just a note to say, thanks for this fantastic idea! Now I’ve got an idea for my kids’ party in preschool! ;)

  49. My Valentine is my sweet little dog Pyret! With him, everyday is valentine, with lots of cuddles and kisses!

  50. I don’t have a valentine this year, so my bestie and I will be taking in dinner and a movie, since her fiancée is at work.

  51. My Valentines will be spent with my loving husband of 13 years & our 3 daughters. Planning a special dinner with the 4 loves of my life & perfect way to end the night would be these adorable mini cake pops!! I’m sure they would live it!

  52. My Valentine is my boyfriend. We don’t really have plans because he’s been sick and not feeling up to going anywhere or even having me over (doesn’t want me to get sick either) so we’ll have to celebrate some other time.

    Thanks for this great giveaway!

  53. My Valentine is my boyfriend. I’m cake pooped from making so many cake pops for Valentine’s Day… so we’re going to have a night on the couch with delicious take-out. :)

    Happy V-Day, Bakerella!


  54. cute valentine! we plan to go to yoga!

  55. My Valentine is my boyfriend! I’m baking him a heart-shaped chocolate cake and making Spaghetti Bolognese with heart-shaped noodles for dinner. Yum!

  56. My 5 year old son is my Valentine. 365 days a year he is also an actual heart patient with a congenital heart defect. He had his first open heart surgery at 8 months old. He is my hero. As is his amazing father that has worked 2 jobs 7 days a week for almost three years to pay off his medical bills and save for his next surgery. Valentines means much more to us than candy, it really is about the things that matter from the heart. Happy Heart Month!! Get your blood pressure checked and make sure EVERY newborn you know has their pulse ox checked before they leave the hospital. Donate Life!!

  57. What a lovely idea! You always have the best creations.

  58. Omg they look super cute ,wish I could pick one,,,:)

  59. My valentine is my baby sister, because she’s far away in college and I miss her!

  60. My valentines are my sweetheart, Todd and my two awesome kids, Makenna and Nolan <3

  61. My valentines are my parents because I’m coming home from college to see them :)

  62. Those look amazing! I wish I had the patience for all that! lol!
    My valentine is my amazing husband Matt. He unfortunately has to work all week and weekend but I will be baking some treats for him :) <3

  63. I still have hopes of finding my Valentine. I wish all couples/ family and their loved ones a wonderful Valentine’s filled with love and happiness that is not only limited to Feb 14 but all year long every day.

  64. That is one epic cakepop display!

    I will be spending my valentine’s day with my boyfriend of 7 years, our two cats, some homemade pizza, a bottle of wine, and our dvr/netflix. We’re wild like that.

  65. My Valentines are my parents and sister. Plans are just to stay in and have dinner. They’re all I need <3

  66. My Valentine is my hubby (honey bunny). I wish I had time to do these mini pops, my girls would love them! Happy love day to you;)

  67. My valentine is my boyfriend jack. Neither of us has a lot of money to spend on gifts and I work tonight so we don’t really have plans. I decided to get a pizza delivered from his favourite place in the shape of a heart while I’m at work!

  68. Valentines day will be spent relaxing and watching tv with my bf.

  69. Unfortunately I don’t have a valentine this year so perhaps I’ll make some valentine cake pops for myself instead :-)

    >—(“)—< HUGS

  70. My daughter is my valentine. She is my world and I love her so much. I’m going to surprise her with her favorite chocolates and flowers!

  71. My Valentine in my husband! We are going to have a fun breakfast and dinner together tomorrow with our 4 little valentines!

  72. I am my own Valentine this year. Thanks for the opportunity to win this prize and Happy Valentine’s Day to you Bakerella <3

  73. My hubby will be working out of town, so a yummy Friday dinner is planned. I made heart shaped cakepops for my youngest child’s class. He will be my sweetheart for the day. LOVE the minis I can’t wait to try!!!!

  74. Oh wow. You always kill me with the cuteness! I love the minis and the patterned display!!!
    My husband is my Valentine. :) We have to work all day, but we’re going to a beer event Valentine’s night. Romantic, right? I actually love beer, so it’s all good! I’m making him some beer candied bacon right now. Might even dip it in chocolate since I have some out from making cake pops, dipped pretzels, and dipped krispie treats for other people’s Valentine’s gifts. Must chocolate dip all the things! haha

  75. My valentine is my wonderful boyfriend.
    Going out for supper tonight of course.

  76. Spending Valentines Day with my hubby and kids!

  77. My valentine is my boyfriend Owen, we got sushi on the 13th as a dinner date and we will be hosting a game night for all of our friends on the 14th.

  78. My hubby is my Valentine and we’ll be spending Valentine’s day, just like we’re spending Valentine’s eve, CRAZY CAKE POPPING! Though truthfully, I have the best love ever…he only likes to eat cakepops, not make them, but whenever I’m swamped he always lends a hand! <3

  79. Afternoon tea with my hubby!

  80. My valentines are my wonderful husband and sweet daughter. We will be spending the evening together at home.

  81. My three adorable nephews are my valentine’s! I’m making treats for them so when they come over for dinner, I will have a few desserts ready for them (cake pops included)! :)

  82. Unfortunately i have work during the day, but afterwards my boyfriend and i are just cooking dinner together and relaxing.

  83. Staying in this time with my best friend and love of my life! Keeping it simple :)

  84. Hi

    Love cake pops :)

  85. My valentine is my husband of nine years. We are celebrating a bit late (the weekend) at a Strong Bonds retreat. It is a military sponsored retreat focused on marriage. We feel blessed to be able to go since he has been in the service for just over a decade and this is the first retreat we get to attend.

    P.S. love the displays and your incredible patience!

  86. Hello, I love your creative posts! Those minis, wow! You’re a rock star! My Valentine is the Rock Star in my life….. My 6 year old daughter. :) My little cake pop has been my Love day companion every year since she was born. Our tradition? Chocolates, flowers and heart shaped pizza. This year we may add cake pops…. But not the minis, we’ll save that for you lol. Happy Valentine’s Day from my mini family to yours ! Xo

  87. My husband (and daughter) and we like to stay in away from the crowds on valentines day ;)

  88. My husband has to work tonight so my valentine is my little man, 6 month old Jack…we will probably just snuggle and watch Law and Order SVU…thank god he has no clue what is happening on that show lol

  89. Hello Bakerella,
    Just thought I’d say how much I admire your creativity and through such a great medium. For Valentines day, I’m happily by myself.

  90. Hi & Happy Valentine’s Day!

  91. Hello! Happy Valentine’s Day :)

  92. My Valentine’s Day plans include going to the movies with friends and eating too much chocolate.

  93. Unfortunately I don’t have a valentine this year so perhaps I’ll make some valentine cake pops for myself instead :-)

    >—(“)—< HUGS

  94. My sweetheart is my husband. We’ve been married 9 years, have 2 amazing little boys and I still get the butterflies in my stomach feeling when he pulls in the driveway coming home from work.

    I think we’ll have a nice breakfast today, but since he works 3rd shift, the majority of our celebration will be this weekend. We might rent a nice cabin in the woods and have a mini family vacation. Sounds perfect to me!

  95. My boyfriend! I am away at school but we’ll make up for it over the weekend!

  96. My husband and 2 year old son are my valentines. Unfortunately they are in Los Angeles and I’m all the way across the world in India getting medical treatment for an autoimmune condition that I developed after my son was born. So this year we are separated for valentines day but I promised them both yummy cake pops when I return!

  97. I am actually out f the country right now. My valentine is my husband don. We are in India for medical help. And he has gotten sick and has been put into the hospital. But as soon as hes out, he will be my special valentine.

  98. Happy Valentines day! These are too cute! Well ..I don’t have a Valentine..since I ask my son..but said yes to his aunt and my husband ask my daughter..haha..But just plan in hangin out at home.

  99. WOW! You are absolutely crazy, and I mean that in the best of ways!! My valentines will be spent with my boyfriend since 8 years, focusing much more on the desserts than the actual valentines dinner :)

  100. My Valentine and I will celebrate our 29th wedding anniversary later this year. We will be working at our bakery to make sure that everyone else has a wonderful Valentine’s Day. We will most likely celebrate over the weekend.

  101. My valentines are my wonderful husband and sweet 4 year old daughter. We plan to spend the evening together at home.

  102. Happy Valentines day! These are too cute! Well ..I don’t have a Valentine..since I ask my son..but said yes to his aunt and my husband ask my daughter..haha..But just plan in hangin out at home.

  103. Hi! I made heart shaped vanilla biscuits with a glazed icing. Very yummy and full of love.

  104. SO cute!!! My valentines are my three sweet kiddos! I’m so lucky!!!

  105. My valentines is myself! I’m working till 8pm on the 14th so won’t be doing Anything too special. Happy valentines day to you and to everyone! I love your baking ideas. Thank you for sharing with us your love and creative ideas for cake pops and all other baking creations! <3 :)

  106. Those are so adorable! This valentine’s day i am going to go watch a movie with my friends.

  107. My boyfriend lives out of state. I’ll be drinking wine with him on Skype. :)

  108. My valentines are my husband and my 21-month-old little snugglebug. We will be making some chocolate mouse and having a nice dinner at home. My husband and I are going out for a nice dinner on Friday with a friend watching our son. First time out just the two of us since last April – I am so excited!!

  109. My honey is out to sea so a friend and I will enjoy a lunch at Olive Garden. Kids in tow.

  110. My Valentine is my husband and we are having a steak at home, he is a cpa so clients are coming over to drop off their taxes!!

  111. SO cute!!! My valentines are my there sweet kiddos! I’m so lucky!

  112. My mom’s birthday falls on Valentine’s day, and this year she is turning 60, so my hubby (Jeff) and our 3 children are going to be celebrateing her birthday/Valentine with her!

  113. My valentines are my husband and my 3 year old son. We don’t have much planned for the day other than enjoying each others company :)

  114. I just started doing Cake Pops from home since I can’t find a job I had to make money (to pay the bills) ????. I was inspired after I saw your Cupcake Pops, to do this from home. My Valentine are the Cake Pops since is my first time making $ doing A lot of hearts. ????????

  115. My husband is m valentine but we do not celebrate valentines day. He works in a restaurant so he will be there super late and I will be home with the toddler. Thanks for the giveaway, your ideas are always so cute!

  116. My husband and I have planned to stay at home for the night. I did get a nice surprise when I got back from grocery shopping, when I got a bouquet of chocolate dipped strawberries <3

  117. My Valentine is my boyfriend of 5 years.
    We aren’t doing anything special for valentines because we dont need a holiday to do special things for each other.
    Instead I will be playing cupid with a choco covered berry fundraiser for a school club.

  118. going to school and then dinner with my boyfriend! :)

  119. My children and I will be baking cupcakes and making cake pops :) and my hubby of 16 years, will be laying on the couch ready to eat them lol!!

  120. My Valentine is my sweet husband, this will be our 25th Valentine’s Day together. We’ll be celebrating with our 8 year old son and 5 year old daughter!

  121. just made my v-day cake pops for my boyfriend, Channing. its also my birthday so we are waiting til its less crowded to go out for dinner, but we’re staying in and spending it watching movies and i’m cooking dinner :)

  122. My valentine would be my boyfriend but he lives far away, so we can’t celebrate. But i thought about sending him some chocolate :D

  123. My Valentine will be my husband and this will be our 1st year celebrating Valentine’s Day as a married couple. I plan to surprise him with his favorite meal; Steak & Rice! I also plan to bake something but I haven’t decided on what yet.

  124. My valentine this year is myself. I always put others before me, so for this valentines day, it is all about relaxing and refreshing my mind.

  125. Hello! I don’t have a valentine but who cares :) I have 17 kids in a classroom who are more important!

  126. My valentine is my husband haha and our plans is to stay at home and eat a delicious dinner together :D

  127. I am spending valentine’s day with my man, i made him some heart shaped macarons and later on we are going out to dinner and a Movie ( the New die hard Movie, am I the best girlfriend or what :-P)

  128. I will be spending my Valentines’s Day with my 3 sweet boys and my grandson and eating lots of chocolate!! Cheerios for the grandson!!

  129. My poor husband who is in bed with a head cold.

  130. My valentine is my husband and it’s our first Valentine’s Day as husband and wife. We’re hitting the highway tomorrow and heading to Monterey and Big Sur for the weekend. Very much unlike our first Valentine’s Day together when we saw Rambo 4 :)

  131. With my dad, he & my mom’s 53rd wedding anniversary was yesterday, 2/13/13, his first without her (passed away 4/3/12)

  132. My Valentines are my hardworking NYPD boyfriend of 10 years & my breast cancer survivor mom! Two awesome people I’m proud to know. No specific plans other than baking cupcakes & relaxing!

  133. My Valentine is my husband and we plan to stay at home and spend the evening with the children. And, my son has basketball practice, too. :)

  134. I don’t think my last one sent through :s gig it didn’t then again I’m exchanging little valentines gifts with friends and made cupcakes and chocolates for my parents :)

  135. My Valentines are my hubby and 14 month old son. I plane on making delivers for V day orders, then having din din with my valentines. Happy Baking and Valentines day. LOVE this idea by the way…my mind os going crazy thinking of all the possibilities.

  136. Baked pink cupcakes today. Cooking my boyfriends favorite dish tom, the 14th amd he is taking me on saturday =)

  137. Spending it at home with my family :)

  138. I will be spending Valentines Day with my babygirl in the hospital. She is waiting on double lung transplant. She is 11 and loves to bake…

  139. Hi :] I have no significant plans for this Valentines but I’ll be spending it with my friends and people at work!

  140. Hi there fabulous idea the displays look fantastic and its given me some great idea for displays at weddings and partys so thank u very much ! :)

    As for valentines day i’m going to the Imax with my partner to see A Good Day to Die Hard they’re one his favourite films so how could we not :) happy valentines day everyone x

  141. Valentina’s day is my birthday! I’ll be spending it with amazing friends and family! Love this idea with the mini pops

  142. my valentine and i are going to write examina today. yeaaah, what al lovely day… :-//
    which me luck

  143. My husband Matthew is my valentine. It’s our 23rd valentine this year. :-)

  144. Dinner with the boyfriend!

  145. My valentine lives 132 miles away:] and has through out our 4 years together! so we will be celebrating at the same place we do every year on Saturday with my 4 year old daughter:]

  146. Oooh! These mini cake pops are soo cute…!
    My Valentine is my boyfriend Uri!

  147. Hi, love your cake dots display! super cute! i’ll be working all day today and hopefully enjoying a wonderful dinner with my fiance after. Happy Valentine’s Day to you & everyone else on this thread!

  148. Spending the day with my husband volunteering in our girls classrooms.

  149. Hi Bakerella, I plan on finishing up my Valentine treat orders and then I will enjoy my long weekend with my husband and daugther <3

  150. A dinner with my folks :) :)

  151. My valentine is my SO and our little girl :) We plan to go to the Walt Disney Museum just us two for the “Someday My Prince Will Come” event and then spend Monday together as a family, a Valentines day for a toddler!

  152. My Valentines are my husband, daughter and baby boy. I love this cute idea and might try it next year! For this year it’s red velvet whoopie pies :)

  153. My husband is my valentine! He is trying to rebel against valentines day… :( boring! but im planning on making a romantic dinner and then making him his favorite peanut butter cookies too.. heart shaped of course! and hopefully if i have time some cake pops..and im definately trying the mini version!! i love them! soooooo cute!!

  154. My valentines will be my grandkids!!! I love spending time with them & making yummy goodies with them. We have fun no matter what we do :)

  155. My husband is my valentine! We will be spending some much needed quality time together! Love the mini display..Soo cute!!

  156. My valentine is my hubby… our plans are to celebrate my birthday… I am a Valentine baby! :) This year… we are going to enjoy a trip to the Caribbean.

  157. Both my SO and I work night jobs, so nothing special for us today. We are going away to a lovely microbrewery on Sunday though…. ;-)

  158. Hi there. My boyfriend and I will go the the restaurant :) Can’t wait for it !!!

  159. My Valentine will be my best friend, we are going to Vegas!

  160. We have plans to go see a specialist about my leg to see why it’s still hurting after 6 years. Very unromantic. :(

  161. My valentine is my niece :) We are going to make some yummy cookies & decorate them for her mom, dad, & grandma :)

  162. My Valentine is my SO and my son! We will be having a nice night of movies and food at home lol.

  163. hi to every one, my love is life …………

  164. my valentines are my son and hubby. since he’s so young (2) we’re celebrating at home and the hubs offered to cook dinner which is a nice break for me. :)

  165. I have 2 Valentine’s this year. My wonderful husband and our 3 week old baby boy :) I’m a very lucky gal!

  166. My Valentine is going to be my two and a half year old son, William. We are planning on baking cupcakes, being that he loves to help mommy bake.

    The mini-pops are adorable!

  167. My Valentine, my husband, and I will be dining at our local steakhouse. We do this every year. He’s a CPA, so he only gets to come home for dinner, then back to work. Love him!

  168. Hi Bakerella! I made your mini panda cupcakes for my birthday party last year and everyone loved them! I also use your chocolate chip cookie recipe and I really liked your peanut butter/chocolate cookies.:) Thanks for the recipes! Happy Valentines Day! :D Eats lots of chocolate!!! ^U^

  169. my valentine is my boyfriend and during the day i will bake but at night we will be cooking together a heart shaped pizza :) <3

  170. My Valentine is my husband:) On the 14th we will be on a plane to TX (from CA) to visit our daughter and family…our oldest grandchild will be 8 on Sat. :)

  171. My Valentine is my boyfriend who is currently overseas, so I put a card in his suitcase before he left telling him to open on the fourteenth! :)

  172. My husband is my valentine. We will be taking my daughter and I out for lunch. He works nights, so he is staying up late to spend the afternoon with us :)

  173. My Valentine is my fiancee. We spread a picnic rug on the loungeroom floor and had a picnic for breakfast. My partner is a pastry chef and prepared a veritable feast of sweeties in a hamper.

  174. My valentine is my hubby!!! We are going to movies and dinner this weekend to celebrate! :)

  175. my valentine is joseph grodon levitt! (i wish)
    ill be working this valentines day unfortunately :(

  176. I made 128 filled chocolates for my classmates, so my day was pretty much about giving chocolates to everybody :) Seeing everybody happy reminded me why I did so much of them :)

  177. My Valentine is my husband….we’ve been happily married for almost 6 years and have 2 beautiful girls that make our life irresistibly sweet. Hugs and Kisses all year round in this house…spending time with each other will be our greatest gift this Valentine’s day.

  178. i dont have a valentine but im going out with a group of work mates tonight :) these are too cute!!! i will have to try and recreate these!

  179. valentine is me and my dog! hah, but that’s the best way to do it, more on-sale post-valentine’s day chocolate for me (especially since the dog can’t have any)!

  180. My valentine is my husband first, then my two babies. :) we will dine over a steak house meal after the babies go down. thank you for the lovely idea!

  181. My valentines are my husband, daughter and son! No big plans, just cupcakes and lollipops :) thanks for the giveaway!

  182. Hi there Bakey :)

    Today I left little love post it notes to by better-half husband Marc while he slept. I also left a handmade card near the clothes iron so he’d find it when he got up :)

    Boy, was he happy :) YAY! Hope you pick meee! Fingers crossed!

    From Sri Lanka <3

  183. Hi
    My plan for today is to eat a lot of candy/chocolad/sweet-sweet things

  184. You’re right – mini IS major cute! Love these!

  185. my valentine is me! Loving the mini cake pops, they are adorable!

  186. My valentine is my lovely fiance, but we’re not doing anything on the 14th (except work!) We never do – instead we do something a day or so after. Our ‘Valentine’s’ day tradition is to spend the day going bowling, playing pool and taking sticker photos :-)

  187. My Valentine is my boyfriend, my support when things go wrong.
    I’ll be preparing him his fave dishes for lunch, a really indulgent chocolate cake for dessert, and some croissants to bake in the afternoon.
    This day is just an excuse to go sweet xD

  188. No special plans for Valentine’s but I hope you have a great one :)

  189. My boyfriend is getting a Kelly from saved by the bell tshirt

  190. My hubby is my true love but we’ll be spending Valentine’s with several singles we’ve invited over just for fun including our neighbor who has wanted to be married for a very long time. Shepherd’s Pie and Quinoa Salad are on the menu, but I’m looking for a dessert idea. Of course I had to check out what Bakerella was doing!

  191. I live with my SO, but my kitty undoubtedly steals my heart every time. I’ll be coming home from work and showering him with Fancy Feast and snuggles!

  192. I have no big plans for Valentine’s Day, I love my husband every day. Nevertheless, your cake pops are very sweet!

  193. Hello Bakerella!

    My valentine and I are making a pillow fort and some lavender truffles, then watching some movies while we snack on said truffles.

  194. My valentine is my husband, and our plans is to stay in with the kids, haha. Love the mini pops! :D

  195. <3 My valentine is my best friend and husband of 14 years. I love him! :o) We're having a quiet family dinner for Valentine's Day…nice and simple.

  196. I will be working but when I get home I am going to bake the peanut butter fudge you reposted not too long ago and eat take out with my husband!

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