
Mini ways to say Happy Valentine’s Day!

Heart Cake Pops

I made mini and many cake pops for you this past weekend. I had this idea I wanted to try just using basic round pops and color to make a sweet little display. So I set out to dip enough cake pops to get the job done. That turned out to be 350 plus. Yikes. Not quite sure what I was thinking … Around number 70, I was really starting to reconsider. I thought … oh my gosh I have to make five times that many. But when I start something I can’t let it go until I get to the end and see how it works out. I know this project doesn’t help you much for this year, but I thought the heart display could totally work for a lot of other things besides Valentine’s Day.

So keep reading below for the how to… or check out my big “mini” giveaway at the end of this post. It’s a mini way for me to say Happy Valentine’s Day!

Okay, here we go.

You can’t tell in the picture, but these cake pops are tiny. Like Cake Dots instead of pops. So tiny that you use a toothpick to dip them with instead of a lollipop stick. Yes a toothpick. The cake balls are actually about the size of a penny. But they are small for a reason.

  1. Regular size cake pops would take up a lot of table real estate.
  2. The lollipop sticks would be much taller and people would have a harder time viewing the design from above.
  3. I figured the proportions out so they would work on a pretty standard size piece of styrofoam to make it easier to recreate and transport.
  4. I only had to make one cake. Score.
  5. Mini is major cute.


I based the display design off of a template (see below) I made so that it works with a 12X18 inch or 12X20 inch sheet of styrofoam you can find in craft stores. Then I worked backwards to figure out how many cake pops you’d need to make the the shape look right. Once I had that, I knew how big to make the cake pops. Or how little.

  • Crumble cake and mix with frosting
  • Roll into tiny cake balls. (basic cake pop instructions here) You can use the circles on the downloadable template as a guide for the right size. They should be slightly smaller than the circle so that when you add the coating they will still fit together nicely.
  • Keep rolling and rolling until you have enough
  • Dip a toothpick into melted coating and then insert into a chilled cake ball.
  • Dip entire cake pop into the coating and then sprinkle with non-pareils. They are tiny and will be the best size for these tiny treats.
  • Place in styrofoam to dry.

A couple of things to note.

  • Use a small plastic bowl to melt the coating. You can work with a smaller amount of coating when dipping. Just melt the coating in batches as you go. Then you can take breaks and watch the Walking Dead marathon on AMC in between.
  • Buy more than one sheet of styrofoam. You’ll need more room than the display size so they aren’t touching each other as they dry.
  • Invite a friend over to help you. It will go faster and maybe your neck won’t hurt like mine does right now from looking down and dipping for so long.
  • I’d try Mercken’s candy coating for this project. It melts nice and fluid – you don’t want thick coating on these. It will add too much volume.
  • I’ve probably discouraged you already. Kind of like I felt as I was starting making these. But I had a feeling they’d be cute when I finished so I went on… like I’m going to do now. And by the way, these completely make me giddy when I see them finished on the table (looking at them now), so I guess it was worth it. And it will definitely be worth it if one of you decides to try it out some day. Hope you do… with a friend.


Use multi-color non-pareils for the second candy coating color. Minus the static.

Baby Cake Pop

Super cute.

When all the pops are done, prepare your display.


  • Wrap a 12X18 inch or 12X20 inch sheet of styrofoam with paper. I used the 19X25 inch single sheets you purchase at the craft store. You could also use wrapping paper though.
  • Packing tape worked best on the styrofoam to tape the paper down.
  • Print out the template provided centered on an 11X17 sheet of paper at somewhere like Kinko’s. The design is created for a 12X18 surface area but it is set up on 11X17 paper since that is a standard size to print. You’ll notice that some of the circles on the template are getting cropped off when they print, but that’s okay, you’ll have enough information to figure out where the pops on the perimeter should go. I hope that makes sense.
  • Tape the template down temporarily and use a safety pin to poke holes into the paper.
  • Remove the template and start arranging the cake pops using the template as a guide. Start in the middle and work your way out from the center. More than likely some of your pops will be bigger than you think and if you start at one end, left to right, they will start to tilt too much to make room as you place them in position. But if you start in the center, they will angle out equally all the way around. Again I hope that makes sense.

Heart Mini Cake Pops

Full of heart.

Mini Cake Pops on Toothpicks

But you can also rearrange them for a different look …

LOVE Mini Cake Pops

And spread a little love…


… Or some sweet hugs and kisses.

Here are the 11X17 inch templates for each.

LOVE Cake Pops

And because I love you guys and all things mini, here’s a little giveaway for you.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

  • To enter, just leave a comment on this post and tell me who your Valentine is, what your plans are (or were) for the fourteenth or just say hi.
  • Deadline to enter is Sunday, February 17th at 7:00 p.m. ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner Announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Sunday evening on this post.
  • Winner will receive a 16GB Wi-Fi iPad mini.

Good Luck.

We have a winner! YAY!

Congratulations to Brenda! Hope you and your Peanut Butter Man enjoy the mini iPad!

Giveaway sponsored by me.

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5,451 comments on “Mini ways to say Happy Valentine’s Day!”

  1. Hello….I plan to bake sweets/dinner with my little guy and watch a movie.

  2. My Valentine is my wonderful husband, Mike. Today we spent time as a family and Mike made dinner for myself and our girls. :) Had a great day!

  3. Happy Valentines to all!!! My husband and I plan to spend a nice quiet evening at home. Very cut mini cake balls. Will have to do that for my grandkids next year.

  4. We’re doing a family thing this year for Valentine’s Day. I’m picking up a couple of heart shaped pizzas and then we’re going to see the new movie, Beautiful Creatures. Getting to spend the day with the people I love…priceless!!


  5. My valentine is my husband and we already celebrated Valentine’s day last night! We like to try and avoid the craziness that comes on the actual day, and that lets us enjoy it even more! We went out to my favorite restaurant and had molten chocolate cake for dessert. Yum! Maybe when we stay in tonight we’ll make some of these mini cake pops…. but I’m not sure about making over 300! Good for you!

  6. Super cute display of mini pops!!!

    My Valentine is my awesome husband. We’re spending the night with our kids, but we plan to have a little date night out in a few weeks when our babysitters (the grandparents) get back into town.

  7. My Valentines are my hubs, 2 sons and daughter. You can never have enough Valentines! My husband works all day, so the kids and I will be making cake pops (which we had planned on doing for weeks!) If I win, my boys will probably be sending you Valentines!

  8. My Valentine is my husband and we are having lunch together today! And I made him a tiramisu.

  9. My husband…it also happens to be our 9th wedding annivesary today. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  10. My wonderful wife is my valentine!

  11. I wish I had the patience to make such cute things like you do! Our Valentines will be spent at home – eating yummy chocolates.

  12. My Valentines are my adoring husband, Jon, and my beautiful children: Drew and his wife Amanda (baby Ella who’s due in 4 weeks); Eric and his wife Sarah and my daughter Jamie. My husband and I will spend the evening at home while the kids all have their own plans. My daughter, her friend and I spent last night making heart cake pops for my husband and their boyfriends. Thank you for this idea and for giving my a chance to create more memories with my daughter. Also, thank you for the opportunity for the giveaway!

  13. My valentine is my hubby! Not sure what we’re doing it’s usually pretty laid back! :)

  14. I have a series of midterms coming up so the 14th will be spent doing university coursework!

  15. The boyfriend isn’t a fan of valentines day so I’m doing my usual, work, make dinner, go to yoga!

  16. Happy Valentine’s Day! What a creative way to display the cake dots! Love them! My Valentines are my husband and 3 kiddos. We will spend the day delivering yumminess to our loved ones then the evening at home celebrating my godson/nephew’s birthday today! A day full of love! Enjoy! :)

  17. Driving to Philly after work to spend the night with my valentines watching the Mighty Ducks! (They are my 14,11,and 9 year old cousins) :)

  18. Valentine’s to me shouldn’t be just one day, i would prefer showering my husband and daughter with love everyday!

  19. My husband is my Valentine. It took a long time to find each other, so we really love just chilling together on 2/14.

  20. I don’t have a valentine but I’m going to spend the day with my amazing family.
    The cake pops look so cute! I would love to get these on valentines day :)

  21. My Valentines are my husband and 12-year-old daughter. We have a traditional candlelight dinner at home. No crazy restaurants for us on Valentine’s Day!

  22. My valentine is my husband…the light of my life!! Our plans our simple: take-out and some quality time together. We’ve both been working so much, I’m looking forward to hanging out and laughing together! xoxo

  23. My husband and my daughter!

  24. My valentine is my husband! He is the best valentine anyone could ask for!

  25. My husband is my valentine and we’re staying in with our son. Love the mini cake pops! Love everything you do!!

  26. No big plans. Your cake pops always look wonderful!!!!

  27. My husband is my valentine :) We celebrate last night as I have class tonight. I made a special dinner and we sipped sparking grape juice since I am expecting.

  28. Just a normal night with my fiancee, but we are grabbing some froyo for a special treat!

  29. that looks so awesome!!!! Well, my valentine are my three cute daughters.

  30. Hi Bakerella, I am a Singaporean girl & my Valentine is my Hungarian boyfriend who flew all the way from Europe to be with me. He made me a pizza for dinner and we had some dessert. He’s a pastry chef :) Will get him to make some cake pops soon. Happy Valentine’s Day :)

  31. My valentines are my husband and 2 year old son!

  32. I love this mini display…so cute but sooo much work. Great idea for a bridal shower “cake”. No plans today… :-(

  33. My valentine is my husband. Love him!

  34. Darling hubby is my valentine!! Celebrating in hospital after thyroid surgery. My beloved lovingly cared for me through my illness. Xx

  35. Made chocolate cookie dough truffles for V-day. Dipped them in white chocolate & covered them in mini heart sprinkles.

  36. happy valentine’s day! my valentine is my sweet 4 year old golden retriever named callie!

  37. Hi Bakerella! Happy Valentines Day! Love the mini cake pops idea. I can’t wait to spend valentines with my husband and my daughter and bake them their favorite blueberry oatbar.

  38. Happy Valentines Day!!

  39. My valentine is my husband and best friend since I was 13. We will have a relaxed evening just hanging out and spending time together!

  40. We don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day, especially since both my husband and oldest daughter’s birthdays are days after the 14th. I figure birthdays are more important.

    Tonight I’m babysitting grand kids while hubby is out doing singing Valentines with his barbershop quartet. (Oddly Enuf videos on YouTube).

  41. Going away for a fun weekend with my Hubby Valentine of 45+ years!!

  42. I’m spending tonight with my valentine of 10 years, my husband! We will be at home because he has the flu and bronchitis :(

  43. My three daughters are my Valentines :) We made heart shaped pancakes for breakfast before school this morning. When they get home, we’re going to make brownies!

  44. I have two valentines: my husband and my baby!

  45. This display is amazing. The mini pops are darling.
    No plans for today…work I guess!

  46. Happy Valentine’s Day! These are too cute. :) My Valentines are my 2 beautiful little munchkins. No special plans. We are just going to celebrate at home, since all of us have the sniffles.

  47. My hubby and my two kiddos are my valentines. We are spending a quiet evening at home this year. Happy Valentines Day!!

  48. 15 years ago today, my valentine proposed. Happy Valentine’s day to my sweet husband!

  49. My Valentine is my handsome hubby, though if you ask any of our three kids, they will probably claim the Valentine title! We are going to hang out at my sister-in-law’s house tonight because her hubby is on a business trip.

  50. Husband is out of town so..I will spend time with my two other kids. We will just be together at home.

  51. I made my hubby M&M cookies, his favoirte. Also, when he woke up this morning I had an egg casserole all prepared for him to start his day off. I love him very much!

  52. My valentines are my husband and 2 wonderful children….. I got flowers and candy this morning….. To celebrate v-day we all drew a part of the meal…. Son chose main dish, daughter and husband have side dishes and I picked dessert…. Should be an interesting meal…..

  53. Cute designs! BF and I are going to make some spicy jambalaya!

  54. My Valentine is always my husband, but this year we’re having a special Valentines dinner for our whole family so our kids know How special they are to us, too!

  55. Um, wow! What a generous Valentine giveaway!! Thanks!! I am thankful to have been married to my Valentine for 12 years now and to have 3 kids to share the day with too. :-) We are having red jello and tacos for dinner, since everyone LOVES that!! :-) And chocolate fondue tomorrow when we have a more leisurely dinner date… :-)

  56. My best friend – my husband!

  57. I’ll be working most of the day but I left Frank (my hubbie) some homemade macarons shaped into hearts with a nice card! We will probably watch something fun on TV and eat a nice steak with baked potatoes for dinner!

  58. I love your website! And what a beautiful display for Valentine’s Day! I’ll be spending the day with my sweet kitty, Hubble.

  59. My Valentine is my sweet Husband, Tom. We are celebrating by going with some friends to dinner and a comedy club!

  60. My husband is my Valentine and has been for 45+ years!! He is sweeping me away this weekend for a romantic get away!!

  61. I’m going to spend a quiet evening at home with my husband and daughter!

  62. My husband of 20 years is my wonderful Valentine. We will be having a family dinner tonight of everyone’s favorites. Dessert will be your Valentine Candy Hearts cake pops from your first book! :)

  63. My valentine is my husband! We are going to celebrate this weekend by getting a sitter and going out to dinner. :-). Happy Valentines Day!

  64. This is fantastic! I’m really craving cake pops right now.
    My valentine is my husband. We’re not doing anything fancy, or anything at all, so cake pops might be in order…

  65. I’m staying in with my boyfriend and we’re making a big dinner- french onion soup, venison, brussels, etc. And chocolate for dessert, of course!

  66. For my Valentine’s Day, I’m having a movie night with my roommates and some friends.

  67. My sweet Pooka Valentine is my Mister Mr. Fitch and I am so delighted to be spending our second Valentine’s Day together. He even got me a my little pony to celebrate…

  68. Today I am planning on cooking special dinner for my husband and making some cake pops for my family. Second time making cake pops so it will be interesting. I love them already!

  69. Super cute (or should I say sweet)! I have no Valentine’s plans other than to take my son to basketball. Hubby and I aren’t that into it, so we’ll just spend time with the kids and each other.

  70. I have four valentines of varying ages and height.

  71. My hubby and bitty baby boy are my valentines this year!

  72. my valentine is going to be my husband on saturday!!!! so today is pre wedding family time!

  73. My Valentine is my husband Casey and we are going to Medieval Madness tonight for Valentine’s Day :0)

  74. My hubby and two kids are my valentines. We are having a quiet evening at home tonight. Happy Valentines Day!!

  75. My valentine is my husband…we have been thru some hard times these last few months but we love each other and hate the thought of ever spending a valentines without each other…today goes to the kids but come saturday we get the whole day to ourselves cant wait!

  76. This is adorable. I’m tempted to try it for a shower I am hosting.

    My Valentine is my husband.

    Thanks for the give away.

  77. My special Valentine is my husband of 41 years!!! We will save our date for the week-end and have a special dinner! You are so very generous and creative – I hope you and your family have a fun filled Valentines day.

  78. My husband is the world’s greatest Valentine. We are probably going to get cozy at home tonight. Yesterday we went to an Irish pub and to see Les Mis.

  79. My Valentine is my husband….and our valentines day plans? He’s heading to the lake for poker with his buddies and i’m heading up north to visit our daughter at college! But that’s ok, after 23 years of marriage we can handle a Valentine’s Day apart :). (Love the mini-cakepops!)

  80. Just love your creations and your site. Too Cute!
    No special plans for Valentine’s day. I will be spending the day with my family enjoying yummy treats and going to a basketball game.

  81. If I wasn’t at college right now with no kitchen I would DEFINITELY be cooking with my mom some valentine treats for my loved ones. I remember we have made cookies and cakes for the past years and decorated them. This year I guess I am just going for lunch with a friend and having a job interview. So thats my valentines. But looking forward to getting home and making some cake pops with our new machine.

  82. Happy Valentine’s Day! My valentine is my hubby Kevin and my two wonderful stepkids, Morgan and Connor. I surprised them all this morning with a fresh bakery donut and a handmade card and sprinkled the dining room table with hearts. I even whipped up a v-day bag for my 10 yr old stepson’s party at school today complete with a basketball hoop on it – all before 7 am. We plan to have chicken and rice for dinner and maybe go to a high school hockey game. Thanks for your fun blog and great photos. I tried to make cake pops once. You are true professional. Mine looked a little scary!

  83. Mini cake balls, small but big idea! I can’t wait to try this out.

  84. Sent valentines to widows and single friends I know to brighten their day.

  85. My valentines are my husband, son and great nephew. No special plans. Made homemade heart shaped cookies for all.
    Your cake pops are adorable!

  86. I love my Valentine! He supports me and makes me feel special in so many ways. Happy Valentine’s Day!!

  87. I have no Valentine this year, other than my dog!:)

    I’m going to be in school, making a wedding cake…on valentines day..
    Oh the irony:)

  88. My Valentine is my boyfriend of almost 6 years. He works nights, so we moved our Valentine’s to Friday evening. We’re staying in this year and having dinner at his place. I’m going to make gnudi for the first time and hopefully not screw it up, and he’s going to make sure there’s plenty of wine. <3

  89. My valentines are my husband and my three kids! Unfortunately, my husband is in L.A. and won’t be home. My kids and I are planning on making heart shaped mini meatloaves and having a movie marathon! Nothing beats a night at home with the kids!

  90. My valentine is my sweet husband of almost 20 years (next month), Dwight. This year we went out to eat early (the 10th) to avoid the crowds and craziness AND, best of all, we made handmade cards for each other. TREASURE!

  91. no plans for v-day here, though I do consider my 14 year old daughter to be my valentine :) Love the mini cake pops!

  92. Not sure of the plans yet. My husband only said he would call me at noon with further instructions!


  93. My husband is my Valentine and has been for 45+ years!! He is sweeping me off for a fun weekend away from the kitchen!!

  94. I want those mini pops to be mine! Hehe

  95. My valentine is my husband :)

  96. My Valentine is my husband of 9 years and our little boy. We’re staying home and having family time. Also making some lava cake for dessert!

  97. My Valentine’s Day will be spent with my husband and 3 kids. We just usually do dinner at home with a special treat for dessert.

  98. My sweet hubby and I are going to try and fight the crowds tonight and have a dinner out on the town.

  99. My Valentines this year are my hubby, and my beautiful 14 month old daughter. We will probably end up having dinner together tonight.

  100. Sarah, Nick, and Mike you will forever be my valentines! i love you all to the moon and back! We will spend the evening doing homework I am sure!

  101. This is so cute. Think I might use this for a birthday!

  102. I have to work. Baked cookies to share with 80 co workers.

  103. My hubby is my Valentine and we’re going to a concert and dinner tonight! Yay!

    By the way, love love love that mini pop display!

  104. My valentines are my husband, Steven, and my two daughters Addison and Cameron. First, we’re having lunch with Addison at school, then later we may eat dinner and come home and make red velvet cake pops!!

  105. My Valentine of over 33 years is my husband! A quiet nigtht in is on tap for this evening {14th} This weekend he is wisking me away for a night away where we met, and then on Sunday we’ll celebrate with our kids…our special Valentine, “by-products” :-) Your mini’s are just adorable!

  106. Oh my goodness! Those are so cute…and it looks like it took FOREVER to make all those mini balls! They are super cute though, so worth it in the end:) My hubby is my Valentine, and we are going to be at soccer practice with my middle son tonight. Very romantic!

  107. I don’t have a Valentine this year… But I do have a niece and nephew that are twins that I’m sure I’ll be spending my evening with. :) (They got me your book for Christmas and I love it!)

  108. My Valentine is my hubby and also my 3 kiddos! No plans other than to make some Valentines cake pops and enjoy eachother’s company :)

  109. Love this, my valentines are my hubby of 7 years and my two kids, Andrew who is almost 2 and Kaitlyn, who is 4. We’re planning a pajama movie night to celebrate =)

  110. No Valentine this year, but my brother-in-law is out of town, so my sister and I are going to a boxing class for the first time.

  111. So cute!! Meeting up with my hubby tonight after he drops our daughter off at her grandmothers for the weekend, but will actually have a romantic dinner and a movier tomorrow night.

  112. Happy Valentines day!

  113. My husband! We celebrated on Tuesday due to schedules.

    Tonight? Special treats for the kiddos.

    Happy valentines to you too!

    <3 Jules

  114. My wonderful husband has been my valentine for 5 years. I love him with all of my heart.

  115. My dear husband is my valentine! And my seven terrific kids. :)
    Dh and I are going to see Zero Dark Thirty.

  116. Since I have come down with a nasty bug, my valentines plans with the husband are shot. Luckily we have many more years to make it up!

  117. My valentine is my wonderful husband, Steve. Happy Valentine’s Day! Love your blog… you are so very talented.

  118. This is our second Valentine’s Day together again… It’s kinda like the lost and found after 17 years. I love it! James is a teacher so I have hired a saxophonist to serenade him in his classroom in front of the kids. He teaches Life Skills to 11th and 12th graders, and is also a varsity football and basketball coach… so this should be great! The best VALENTINE’S DAY yet! I can’t wait to see those red cheeks :-)

  119. Happy Valentines Day, in Mexico it’s call el dia de el amo y la amistad. Which translated to the day of love and friendship… This year my Valentine will be my Husband , Daniel and my two wonderful children Emily (8) and Sean (6)… I hope you enjoy your day!!! xoxoxoxo-April

  120. I have a wonderful boyfriend and a beautiful 7 year old girl. They are my world. As far as I know we just have at home plans for the evening. Hoping for a wonderful surprise though!

  121. Happy Valentines Day..Those mini cake pops are cute!!
    I am going to spend my evening delivering valentines to my favorite people :) as my husband is out of town, daughter in germany as an exchange student, my son is in college…I think i will eat cake and look forward to the weekend :)

  122. My husband is my valentine! We just order out and relax at home!

  123. My sweet Valentines and I are having dinner and dessert at home, Thursday is our only night that we have nothing going on, so it’s a double treat!
    Happy Valentines to you!

  124. Today 2/14 is my daughter’s 16th Birthday! Happy Birthday Kailey Taylor! What an awesome day to be born.

  125. My valentine is myself and I think I will go scrapbooking tomorrow night. An ipad mini would be a lovely thing!!

  126. Spending Valentine’s Day with my husband and daughter! Happy Valentine’s Day! Thanks for sharing your creative ideas with us! Keep them coming!

  127. I have 3 Valentines, my hubby and my 2 daughters. Our plans this evening include dinner at home and going to the rec center to work out…I know, getting cra-cra-crazy!!

  128. My Valentine is my husband. We have been together 33 years, married 30 in June! We will spend the evening with our wonderful daughter, just hangin’ and enjoying each others’ company!

  129. My Valentine is my husband! No big plans as our whole family has a nasty cold – we’ll be hanging out at home!

  130. my valentines are my husband and our sweet little girl due this april!

  131. Celebrating with hubby in hospital after thyroid surgery. Beloved Husband is my valentine, he has lovingly cared for me through my illness. Xx

  132. Love these!

    My valentine is my husband and we went out on Tuesday to celebrate. Too many commitments today!

    <3 Jules

  133. This is my first Valentine’s Day as a wife…my husband of 8 months and I will celebrate this weekend by telling our family that we are expecting our first baby! My husband sent a pic to you of the cake pops we made that will help us share the news!

    I am amazed by your patience in making these mini cake pops! I barely have the patience to make the regular size pops!


    My valentine this year is my wonderful boyfriend Adam. We’ve been dating for 8 months so it’s a year full of firsts! Valentines, Christmas, birthdays…

    Hope you and yours have a lovely day!
    xoxo <3

  135. since the day I married my high school sweetheart, Ive known to him the 14th was just another day – so I have my children (all four) be my little valentines – no special plans at all just haning out together & gorging on chocolate!!

  136. My valentine is still my best friend. We’ve been together for … um…wow, what 14years? I gave him a cake pop this morning in his lunch and plan on setting up a board game for when he gets home! Probably Ticket to Ride or Pandemic.

  137. My hubby is my Valentine. I plan to dip strawberries for my boys tonight. Love your blog!!!

  138. My Valentine is my husband. He is always putting my needs first! I love him!!!

  139. My husband! I think we’re just going to stay home and take it easy and enjoy each other’s company, which we haven’t been able to do much these days!

  140. These minis are adorable and I would love to win the iPad mini! My valentine is my sweet husband!

  141. With my hubby! Our tradition – heart shaped pizza, good craft beer and board games :)

  142. The hubby and I are planning for a quiet dinner at home with our 1 year old boy.

  143. This is WOW on so many levels! Not commenting for the giveaway (but nice one btw!), just wanted to let you know I LOVE them. The heart cake pop design was already amazing, and then to scroll down and see more – crazy awesome!

  144. My husband and I plan on having a lovely (late) dinner out with our two best friends….after all the kids are in bed so that we can spend a valentine evening with them.

  145. My Valentine is my husband of 15 years. He is active duty military and is HOME this year! :o) We are both working today, but plan to go out for a nice dinner tomorrow night, maybe the Melting Pot…

    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

  146. I love all of your “mini” pop displays! Today I am cooking lobster tails, steak & shrimp at home for my lil valentine: my 6 yr old son, my biig valentine and NEW FIANCÉ as he ask me to marry him last night (yay!) and my MINI valentine, our 1yr old daughter!!! Best Valentine’s day EVER already! Can’t wait to see him when he gets home from work! God Bless!

  147. No special plans, just stayin in and curling up with a movie. Hope everyone has a great Valentine’s Day!

  148. Absolutely amazing! I live in a house of boys…I mean men ;-) I gave my honey Derek a card, chocolate kisses & kisses this AM, have 32 veg and dips with heart shape cucumbers for my youngest’s class and a warm home cooked meal tonight made with love. May everyone feel so loved!

  149. Hello! Very cute!

  150. Crazy cute. I will be loving on my hubby and 3 boys when I get home from work. Dinner in and some family time.

  151. My valentines are my DH and my 4year old DD. I am making cupcakes for DD tonight and dinner with the family.

  152. My valentines are my husband, 1 year old Sally, 5 year old Dana and all 20 of her kindergarten classmates.

  153. This would be a great idea for a wedding!! I’m looking forward to spending a quiet night at home with my husband, our first Valentines day as a married couple. I’ll be baking his favorite cookie cake :)

  154. I have three amazing valentine’s, my husband and two daughters. My girls and I are making some valentine’s crafts for Daddy before he gets home from work!

  155. My sweetie pie husband, Scott is my valentine. We celebrated yesterday as I have to work all day and evening. He made me breakfast in bed, we watched the movie we saw on our first date, we even went to a hockey game where he spoiled me with cotton candy! I hope your celebration is as special to you as mine was to me!

  156. Hi. My husband is my valentine and we’ll have a nice dinner with our 3 kids tonight.

  157. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  158. These are too cute :) :) My Valentine is my sweet hubby who asked me to marry him 8 years ago today! We won’t do much except hang with the kiddos tonight. Our anniversary is on the 18th, so we wait and celebrate Valentines with our wedding anniversary all in one. yay :)

  159. My valentine is my boyfriend and we will be going to hal’s steakhouse. yumm!!

  160. I’ll be working and baking challah for Valentines Day…and maybe some laundry :)

  161. You are so sweet to do this giveaway! My valentine is my husband, Ian – today is the 9th anniversary of our first date! :)

  162. My valentine is my mom, and I’m going over to her house today so we can bake today (we always make Linzer Tarts for Valentine’s Day!) and then we’re going out for Thai food with some family friends later. We’re both really silly, so I’m sure we’ll have tons of fun! Happy Valentine’s Day! :-)

  163. I will be spending Valentine’s Day with my wonderful husband enjoying a quite dinner and evening at home.

  164. My Valentines are my awesome husband and wonderful 4 kids. We have no big plans as all my kids have activities/sports after school and we will be doing all our usual taxi cab driver duties all night long! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  165. Since today is also my BIrthday, I get the day off:)

  166. I have a new Valentine this year (in addition to my lovely husband) our sweet little girl, Esther! :) We celebrated yesterday with a heart shaped pizza.

  167. I’ve been married for 31 years and every year my husband and I share a box of Fannie May turtles, our favorite. We went for dinner last night so no crowds. Guess you do that when you get old hahaha. Anyway, definitely going to try the mini cakepops display but on a smaller scale…otherwise we’ll eat them all!!! Love your site. Happy VDay to you.

  168. My hubby of 9-1/2 years is my valentine. No plans for the 14th, but we’ll be going out to eat on the 16th to celebrate Valentine’s Day and my in-laws’ 50th wedding anniversary!

  169. My valentine is my husband, we celebrated two days ago with an adults only trip to Disneyland!

    Tonight will be for the 4 kids, I made them special cake pops and ordered an ice cream cake for them.

    <3 Jules

  170. I am actually spending Valentines Day with my parents and sister! We have not spent much time together recently, so I am looking forward to going out to dinner and spending the evening with them!

  171. My children are always my number 1 Valentine :)

  172. I’m lucky enough to have 3 valentines! My husband and our two dogs will be spending a romantic evening at home! I will be making us steak and potatoes, and this is the first night we’ll be able to spend together by ourselves in such a long time, due to busy work schedules.

  173. Hi. My husband.

  174. My husband planned a romantic dinner at home for the two of us. He’s making a delicious southwestern dinner and I’m making cupcakes!

  175. My hubby & 6-year old are my sweeties..I’ll be at CrossFit tonight and my hubby will be with our sweet girl taking her to gymnastics…nothing romantic, just good old group effort to get her in the right place…Everyday is <3 for our family, not just on Valentine's Day.

    Thank you for your continued inspiration and creative goodness!

  176. I have two valentine’s this year. My husband and our gorgeous six month old daughter!!!! I’m so excited for her first valentines day!!

  177. Hanging out at home with my best friend and husband on our 25th Valentines Day together. Love him more every day!

  178. Love those mini pops!! :)

    My valentine is my wonderful boyfriend, Ryan. Today we are just going to have a nice home cooked dinner (I’m thinking ill surprise him and do the cooking since he usually does), but will be going on a nice little love trip this weekend to Pittsburgh to see our first ballet, Moulin Rouge. I’m so excited!!

    Happy Valentines Day!

  179. My valentine is my husband!

  180. I will be spending Valentine’s Day with my wonderful husband enjoy a quite dinner and evening at home.

  181. Love the mini cakes! I went just the opposite and made giant decorated cookies for my valentine! Happy valentines day!!

  182. my hubby and we’re making sushi like always

  183. it’s been too long since i’ve made cake pops. these are adorable! i’d have to either do them after bedtime or have a toddler covered in melted candy :)
    we are just going to love on each other today. and buy half price candy tomorrow . LOL

  184. I’ll be visiting my newly married daughter in Denver on Valentines Day and we will go out to a special dinner. She moved to Colorado from Texas and we miss her.

  185. My 11 yr old daughter is my valentine. She made Cookie Dough Cake pops for her BFF’s – they don’t get to circulate valentines in class in Middle School. She was so bummed, she decided to create mini valentines for her friends that she sits with at lunch. She took the Cookie Dough Cake Pops and put them in small Chinese Take Out Boxes – so creative. She loves all your creations, as do I and we usually attempt them together. This one will be saved for Mother’s Day. We can make it for her Grammie. Thanks for all the inspirations! Happy Valentines Day!

  186. Spending valentine’s day with my hubbie and 2 boys. We’re going out to a “surprise” restaurant because Mom shouldn’t cook on Valentine’s Day!

  187. I dont have that special someone right now. So my Valentine is my mom. she’s always there for me. I love her so much!

  188. My boyfriend is my Valentine but he coaches high school hockey and has a game tonight.

  189. Just with some steaks and the hubby and kids. We have a couples massage planned for this weekend, not because we were trying to be extra lov-ey but because then we could both get it done with less child care time involved!
    So cute, but so crazy to make 350!

  190. Happy Valentine’s Day!
    It will be quiet evening at home since my honey has to work tonight, and I am just getting over the flu. Thank you Bakerella for sharing your talents with us!

  191. My valentine for the past 25 years is my precious husband! We’ll have dinner at home with our kids (most of them!) – it will be spinach lasagna rolls and a heart shaped chocolate chip cookie for dessert! Right after dinner the hubby and oldest son will be off to church to set up for a yard sale this weekend – the commitments never end!

  192. Hanging out with my handsome son . It’s our last Valentine’s Day before he is in the Navy.

  193. Just saying hi! For the 14th, I am going to work. I don’t have a squeeze as in a husband or boyfriend. Thanks so much for the opportunity to enter to win the iPad mini!

  194. My Valentine is my wonderful husband! We will be celebrating this weekend instead of today. Hopefully going to a nice dinner with no kids. I am VERY pregnant right now (2 weeks left to go) so we don’t have any getaway plans or anything, but just a nice dinner out with my Beloved would be nice. We are going to get my daughters ears pierced today for her gift (her idea). Happy Valentine’s Day to you! And thanks for such a great giveaway.

  195. I have made mini ones before, but never on a tooth pick, I have this tiny little ice cream scoop, so now, now I need to make them again and put them on toothpicks! I also would love and Ipad:)

  196. My Valentine is my hubby Brett and we are going out for an Italian dinner tonight. :)

  197. My wonderful husband is my Valentine. =o] We didn’t do anything for the 14th this year, but we are planning a trip to Disneyland, and plan on having a romantic dinner while there for Valentine’s Day. Who says you can’t celebrate a little late!

  198. This is my first Valentine’s Day with my boyfriend who also happens to be my best friend for 6 years. We don’t have any plans today since I have school from 8-5:30. He is making me dinner tonight and tomorrow we’re going out to dinner.

    Oh man I hope I can win this! I’ve been wanting to get an ipad for school for ages!

  199. My two little boys, ages 5 and 8. Dad is out if town, so I am taking them to Friendlys and letting them (and me) have ice cream for dinner!

  200. you never cease to amaze me with your ideas! This is a great idea…our family will be celebrating with lovely treats for the holiday! Thank you for your ideas. Many blessing for those magic hands.

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