
Morning Cows

See this lens. It is really, really heavy. And it weighs like three times as much as my Canon Rebel XTi.


But, it has a really good zoom. A friend let me borrow it and thank goodness, or else I never would have been able to take the following pictures.

It’s called a Canon EF 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6L IS USM Lens if you are wondering. And, if you have a small fortune, you can buy one yourself. But make sure you are pretty strong or have a tripod because it’s kinda difficult to hold steady.

So anyway, on Tuesday morning, MM, the punkettes and I went out on the ranch to feed the cows. I thought I was going to feed them through a fence or something, but let me tell you, I was way off. We rolled up in the truck. (Let me rephrase that) The feed truck … and the cows came running. MM said I could get out. What!? Get out? With the cows? For a second, I thought, “What if they stampede me or something to get to the food.” And the next second I had jumped out with my heavy camera in hand.

And if weren’t for The Pioneer Woman’s Action Sets I downloaded today, these pictures wouldn’t look anywhere near as good as they do now. I love Actions!

Here are some of the pictures I took.


There were baby cows everywhere.


And blonde cows.


And freaky, quit looking at me that way cows.


They all had so much character.


Look at this little cutie.


And this one.


And this one. It looks like he has a little frosting to lick off his lips. No, it’s just milk mouth.


And, look at this Longhorn. I stayed back a ways from this one.


These four might be my favorite. Just something about their faces. I think I am now officially obsessed with cows. I think I could take pictures of them all day. Maybe, I’ll start a cow blog. Oh, wait, I don’t have any cows. Okay, I’ll stick to cupcakes.


After we fed the cows, MM drove me around the ranch and we went to see the ranch horses. I love horses.


Of course, there were more cows, too. And look over to the upper left of this photo. Those are wild mustangs on the other side of the fence.
Hundreds of them live on their land. But, I’ll show you more on mustangs later.


This is Puddin’.

Puddin’ loves the punkettes and the punkettes love Puddin’. They both look so sweet.


Unlike this ranch horse. I think I must have scared it.

Now, since I’m talking about animals, let me introduce you to Charlie.

Back at the lodge


Remember how I told you he was sprayed by a skunk. Poor Charlie. He wanted to come in the lodge so badly. The party was starting and people were arriving and poor Charlie could only watch from the porch.


Quit looking at me with those eyes. I can’t let you in. Quit it I say.


No, stop it. I mean it, you can’t come in.


Poor Charlie finally gave up and walked home while we all took pictures of him through the window.

Wait a minute… Where did those people come from. Hmmm… the Pop Party must have started.

Next up: The Pioneer Woman Hosts a Cake Pop Party

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31 comments on “Morning Cows”

  1. again. amazing pics.

  2. My teeth got pain but thats just to cute!!!

    welcome to my Blog



  3. ok my mom makes the cake pop
    all the time whenever she sees your blog she siid o i have to make the cake pops all the time but the cake pops are so good and she has the cake
    pops in the f and yummy love kally

  4. I’m sorry, I just saw your post about the camera and lenses you use.

  5. Aww… poor Charlie. How can you reist that face? BTW, you take such great photos. What lens do you use to take photos of your baked treats?

  6. I see your point. But I already have a mixer.

  7. Now see I think I would have to take the Kitchen Aid mixer lol not the blue pot. Both of you look like you had the times of your lives. Great job

  8. I’m going to sneak back and move into the Lodge. I don’t think they’ll notice.

  9. That ranch is fantasy good. I like to just think about living Ree’s life, well maybe some of it would be hard work… like the kids, and the chores, and the blog. I just want to live at the ranch!

  10. Miss B. – maybe I should play the lottery.

    CalvaryGirl – I could hardly stand it.

  11. You are right, boy were those faces expressive! and Charlie looks downright pitiful. Poor baby.

    My Blogs: CalvaryGirl- Life, Designs, and Devotions

  12. You are the luckiest duck EVER!!! How cool!!!

  13. Yes, poor charlie. I wanted to squeeze him. But I was afraid of getting skunky.

    Jenkinson Family – I emailed you.

  14. Hi, I live in Peachtree City, GA and was wondering where you live in GA? We would like to see if you would come teach a class for our church group. My email is

  15. The day sounded like so much fun. I love love LOVE her kitchen!

  16. I rally love all of your pictures. It was nice to have that lense!

    I to am really enjoying all of the posts on both sides of your experience.

    Puddin is so cute! Oh and Charlie too but we all knew that already didin’t we? :)

  17. I love cows! And seeing your pics is awesome! My grandfather has a small farm in rural SC, no cows though…those were the days!

  18. loving your pics…it’s like I am visiting too – seeing the ranch through a fresh set of eyes!

  19. Charlie looks so sad. I would have let him in. I’m a sucker that way!

  20. gorgeous photos!
    aww…poor lil Charlie! look at those eyes!! LOL

  21. I love your blog and all things PW.

    Totally jealous of your experience at the ranch. Dreaming of going there one day myself.

  22. Poor ol’ Charlie. And poor you! I would have been heartbroken to go all the way to the ranch and not get to snuggle Charlie. The cows were sweet, though. I’m loving this crossover!

  23. Thanks guys! Seeing the cows really was one of the highlights.

  24. This makes me so jealous and homesick for Oklahoma. What I wouldn’t give to go out early in the morning and check the cattle with my grandpa one more time…

  25. Hi Stinky Charlie! Movin’ along!

  26. Lucky you! You got to feed the livestock!! For me ,that would probably be the highlight of the trip!

  27. I can only imagine how hard it was to watch Charlie in person that day! I’m only looking at pictures, and my heart has just about broken in a million tiny pieces. Those eyes, the begging! And when there’s lots of attention to be had!

    But skunk. Ick.

  28. Excellent photos! Wow, it makes me want to go there right now!! I just love the one of Charlie with his little foot up on the door!!!

  29. poor poor charlie.
    that picture of his fat lil feet on the window just about made me open the door for him.

    bless his heart.

  30. I am SO excited about the cross-posting with PW!! Love it. If you’re falling for cows, you have to check out the children’s book “Philadelphia Chickens” and especially the accompanying CD–the first song is called “Cows” and is just about the cutest thing ever.

  31. I used to help my great grandma milk her cows when I was little. I remember her calling everyone of them ‘Jersey’. Wow. I probably wouldn’t have even remembered that if it wasn’t for this post.


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