
Ten Years!!!

Hip Hip Hooray! I’m celebrating ten years of tiny treats today. That’s right TEN YEARS of baking and blogging and Bakerella. I can hardly believe it. I mean when I started this blog a decade ago, I had no real intentions of doing anything other than keeping track of some baking attempts. The excitement I felt for decorating desserts kind of took over my entire being though. It was all I could think about and all I spent my spare time doing. I say spare time, because I’ve been doing everything over the past ten years while also working a full-time job. My excitement for creating and desire to make others smile has kept me inspired and ultimately led to some pretty unexpected adventures and experiences along the way that I will cherish forever. Want to take a stroll down memory lane with me? Okay, let’s go!

Cat Cupcakes

My first baking project
Just to give you an idea where things started, on the left are the first cupcakes I posted from Halloween back in 2007. Black cats – and beside them are some I posted just last week. Things have definitely come a long way since then. 

Cake and Cupcake Pops

The First Cake and Cupcake Pops
That following January, I posted my cake pops for the first time. And then my cupcake pops. I didn’t know it then, but these two posts would completely change the course of my life in ways I could never imagine.

Baking with Martha

Baking with Martha
… Like appearing on the Martha Stewart Show less than six months after my first blog post. This was completely crazy! Oh my gosh I have never been more nervous about anything in my life. The funny part back then was that at the time I had not told anyone I had started a blog or was even baking treats. So for friends and family it came as quite a surprise when I told them that I was going to go to New York to be on the show.

Pioneer Woman

Visiting the Pioneer Woman
In 2009, the Pioneer Woman invited me to her ranch for a few days to bake and have a cake pop party. It still feels like yesterday and remains one of my favorite experiences. I can remember people who weren’t familiar with Ree or blogging that much at the time being confused that I was going to go to Oklahoma to stay with a woman from the internet that I had never met – in some house on her land. But it’s the Pioneer Woman I would tell them. You need to go read her blog! Here’s all the fun we had.

Melissa and Rich

A Surprise Wedding Proposal
Say hi to Melissa and Rich. Okay, this just makes me all happy inside. Years ago, Rich, someone I had never met, emailed me and asked me to help him propose to his girlfriend. We planned and plotted and popped the question through one of my blog posts. Being a part of someone’s biggest moments in life is incredibly humbling. Here’s the proposal, her answer and a year after. Hugging you guys!

Friends and Fun

Friends, food and fun
Over the years, blogging has given me more than a bunch of baked goods. It’s given me the opportunity to travel, meet talented people and make some of the sweetest friends.

Emmy Fun

Emmy’s Fun
One of the trips I went on was this Emmy’s Red Carpet experience. OMG, this was soooo fun. The night before the red carpet was a party with some of that year’s nominees. Watching the red carpet festivities the following day with all the celebrities as they walked by was pretty exciting, too. This was so not my average day. (Neither was this trip  to Betty Crocker Headquarters to be featured on one of their magazine covers.)

Cake Pops by Bakerella

Cake Pops by Bakerella – The book!
In September of 2010, Cake Pops by Bakerella was published by Chronicle Books. It’s funny now, because before blogging, I had never, ever thought about writing any kind of book, being an author, or anything like that. But, as I kept posting my cake pop creations on the site, I had tons and TONS of questions, inquiries and interest from all over the world. It was overwhelming. My nights were spent answering emails and trying to help people make their own pops, too. It was a natural progression to put a book together. A ton of work, but so worth it. The book even made the New York Times Bestsellers list. Again, not real life.

Book Signings

Book Signings – THE BEST!!!!!!!!
When the book launched, I started out on a book tour at Williams-Sonoma stores. The book signings are by far some of my absolute favorite memories. I laughed and cried, hugged and spent time with so many sweet and happy people. I wish I could bottle up the feelings and happiness I felt during those weeks and share it with each of you. Euphoric. During the signings, I tried to take pics with everyone that attended because I wanted to remember every bit of it. Here’s a link to all the signings if you attended one and want to check out your photo.

Baking with Blake Lively

Baking with the VERY sweet Blake Lively
In the middle of my book signings, I had an unexpected adventure pop up. Blake Lively invited me to spend time with her in NYC while I was there on my book tour. We had dinner one evening and the next, my mom and I went over to her place and we spent the evening making cake pops. So surreal! Blake is completely charming and makes you feel like the most important person in the room. Whenever I’m around my mom and she happens to come on the TV, we just look at each other, smile and shake our head – like did that really happen.

Kidney Transplant

Getting Sick 
Okay, this is a big one. I would have to say that 2011 was my most important year. You see, I had started to get sick. Again. I have kidney disease and received a transplant in 1992. During 2010, my kidney functioning had started to deteriorate again and it was looking like I would need a new kidney. In March of 2011, I got really sick and went into the hospital. I came out eighteen days later on dialysis and hoping that my mom would be a donor match. Thank God she was and in June we both underwent successful surgeries. (I love you Mom!) 2011 was a really hard year, but I’m so grateful for my mom and thankful for all of you guys, too. I still think about all of your wonderful comments on this post. Your thoughts, prayers and concern made me feel so much better. Below is a recap of that time.

Twelve Days
Hello Again
Great news an random other stuff
Here We Go

Cake Pops Kit

Kits and Cards
After recovery and finally feeling better, I worked on a Cake Pops Kit and Notecards set along with these videos. Then a couple of years later I also had a few mini kits come out.

Cake Pops Holiday

Cake Pops Holidays
The next year I worked on my second book, Cake Pops Holidays. This one was so fun to do. I instantly fell in love. But probably because I had gotten a lot better at making cake pops over the years. Here’s a cute video promo for the book, too. I filmed it in San Francisco at my publisher’s offices and we all had a blast.

Cake Pops Toy

Cake Pops – The Toy!
Did you guys know I once had a Cake Pops toy… I know, I wouldn’t believe it either if I didn’t see it at Toys R Us. This project was a huge learning experience and so different from anything I had ever worked on before. The set included lollipop sticks, a cake crumbler, dipping bowl, mixing bowl, cake pop stand, cake pop tray and presses to make four different cake pop shapes.

Cake Pops Halloween

Cake Pops Halloween
The last cake pops book I wrote was for Halloween in 2014. The pops in this book are spooky cute and some of my faves. It’s funny, I look back at my first book now and there are so many I wish I could redo because I know I could do them better. My first book will always have my heart though, even if the ones in Holidays and Halloween are cuter.

Cake Pop Con

Cake Pop Con
In November of 2014, I spoke at the very first Cake Pop Conference in Philadelphia. (Here’s an instagram slideshow from the event.) This was such an amazing event devoted to these tiny treats. Being around so many people with the same love for creating, learning and and making others happy is an incredible experience. A big shout out to KC Bakes for putting it all together.

Bakerella for Make 'n Mold

Bakerella for Make’n Mold
This is cool. I worked with a brand called Make’n Mold to develop a Bakerella product line. Make’n Mold is the candy wafer company that I used when I first started making cake pops. We had colorful candy wafers, cute molds, decorates, candy eyes, cute lollipop sticks and more. You can still find some items on their website here.

Being on Jeopardy! Sorta. What?!?!
Oh yeah… this little nugget is pretty fun. Did you know I was an answer on Jeopardy!?!?!? Crazy town!  

Those are just some of the highlights that stick out in my mind over the years – outside of all the cute baked goods on the blog. If you’re a new reader or long-time follower, thank you so much for being a part of the fun with me. I wouldn’t have been able to keep things going over the years without you guys and your same love for little treats. Big. Giant. Hugs!!!

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56 comments on “Ten Years!!!”

  1. This was a lovely read, i hope youre doing well

  2. You are awesome and it looks like you’ve been having a great time all along. 

  3. I mean the “cupcake” (cute lady on a cupcake) shirt

  4. I still have my bakerella t shirt and love it! :-)

  5. Congratulations on 10 years!

    I love your cake pop creations. I have one of your books and you really do make the
    very BEST cake pops.

    Keep on creating!

  6. Happy anniversary! ohmygosh, I can hardly believe I’ve been following your blog so long :o And, you reminded me that you made me aware of the Pioneer Woman – I had never heard of her and had to check her out after your blog post – been following her ever since then, too :) You (and your mom) are so awesome – Cheers to continued good health and new adventures!

  7. Bakerella,
    Thank you so much for the trip down Memory Lane. I have been with you for many years, have all your books and use your method for my cake pops. Whenever anyone asks me how I make my cake pops, I send them to your site! The most I have ever made…1000! I was the school nurse at a high school and I was asked to make them for prom. I now live in France…and I have not seen a cake pop in my town. I wonder if I will need to introduce them here?  Best of luck to you and congrats!!! 

  8. Thank you for all the time you spend making your blog such a fun place to visit! I’ve only made cake pops a couple of times, but I loved making those. I really come here for some other great recipes … the 14-layer chocolate cake, your out-of-this-world chocolate chip cookies, the melty salted caramel hazelnut cookies, peanut butter pies … the list goes on and on. You put fun in baking! Thank you, Bakerella!

  9. Congratulations on a decade of blogging! I remember coming across you blog when making treats for my sisters’ elementary classes. I’ve been following along ever since, always delighted to see what you come up with next. Here’s to the next decade!

  10. I’ve enjoyed following you over the years and it was fun to read this highlight post. Wow, you are amazing! Thanks for sharing your talents, beautiful photos and fun personality with all of us.

  11. Congratulations to you!  You absolutely deserve every bit of success and happiness that you’ve experienced in the last 10 years. You ar amazingly talented and such an inspiration!

  12. I love you my sweet forever friend. I think of you often and all the great times we shared together. Yes, we had an age difference but, we shared everything with each other. All our laughs, ups and downs, crazy fun times, serious talks, and talks on every topic. I will never forget how once a month we went to a new fancy restaurant,  and enjoyed so many wonderful dinners. Remember pull a restaurant name out of a bag and then putting it back and re-pulling if we did not want to go to the one will pulled. And how about when Tom Lewis joined us once, and then we went store shopping. No more to be said on that topic, other than what a laugh and funny night.  I love you Angie, so proud of you and your determination in life and all you have accomplished. You are AMAZING. It was great to see you,  and talk at our last sad event for Lynda.  We must get together and I want a special cake pop! Many hugs to you! You are so very special to me, and always will be, and I cherish our memories of our friendship forever. Much love always. Congratulations on your 10 years of fame! Nancy.?????

  13. Happy blogiversary! It’s been so fun to follow your journey through the years. Your blog has been inspiring.

  14. Love the recap! Huge fan here… six years ago my friend’s daughter wanted cake pops got her daughters birthday…but without paying starbuck’s prices… and so it began for me…bought the machine…but wait, after reading your blog, that’s not a true cake pop…returned the machine…and started crumbling cakes, mixing in frosting..rounding cake balls, and melting candy wafers…..which in turn led to cake decorating and cookie making and turned into a side hobby that made me a little bit of money, but gave me a LOT of happiness…so THANK YOU! for inspiring me. (I have the first two books…and even though Halloween just passed, will be purchasing the Halloween book TODAY!)

  15. Amazing, Angie!! Congrats on 10 years!! Hope I get to see you soon again, it’s been too long!! :)

  16. Hi Angie, it’s Melanie, your evil ex-stepmother! I’ve been going through all your Bakerella memories from the past 10 years. Wow it has been a wild ride for you! I didn’t know about Blake Lively or Jeopardy, to name a few!! You’ve always been a SUPERHERO to me, and now I find out it wasn’t just me! I am SO proud of you! You are, and have always been a superstar! Congratulations and love always!

  17. Thank you, and congratulations!

  18. So glad to have been able to celebrate the journey along the way through your blog these many years!
    I was lucky to meet you at one of your signings, which was huge for me!
    Congratulations, blessings and more success to you!

  19. Wow, I can’t believe it’s been 10 years!! I remember being a senior in college reading your blog all the time, right when you were coming out with your first cake pops. I instantly fell in love with cake pops and a year later I started my own blog. Thank you for so much inspiration over the years – it was amazing to meet you at the Food Blogging Forum in Orlando years ago, and I will always owe you for inspiring me to get creative with my baking!

  20. Congratulations! I’ve followed your blog this past decade and appreciate it so much! Love the life you have created for yourself, too :)

  21. Congrats, lovely! 10 years is a B.F.D. You so deserve every ounce of success!! <333

  22. Congratulations!! ? and to many more years to come.??

  23. It must feel awesome to become such a success :D I wish you more success in your life :D

  24. 10 Years of Greatness. You are a superstar in so many ways. Sooooo happy for your good health and your success!

  25. I have yet to make a cake pop even tho I own your first delightful book, a pack of sticks, and a stand to hold the finished items – which I swear I will eventually use! Just being around your cute ideas makes me happy and I am so proud of what you’ve brought to the world via those cute little bundles of creativity! Happy anniversary!

  26. First I am thrilled that your health is good. And we are very fortunate for a second successful kidney transplant.   Secondly, you are the best daughter anyone could possibly wish for. Thirdly, you are an incredible artist and even better dessert artist.  I think you deserve all these good things you’ve experienced and look forward to seeing the new projects you’ll be working on.  Bakerella you work and give with your heart and that’s  what makes you You!
    I love seeing your excitement after you’ve made a new project you’re really proud of.   You are a gift from God and you’re spreading “good” in the world.   I love you so much and am proud of you and for you. 

  27. So great. I remember reading your blog about going to Ree’s house and I just thought it was the coolest thing ever. 10 years is amazing!

  28. I have never commented, but I wanted to tell you how proud I am of you, how much I admire you and just how much I’ve loved to see your success. I saw you on that first Martha show and you really changed my world. I’m in Atlanta too and I have felt a connection (although you have no idea who I am) with you from that show. Congratulations on your success, health strides and all you do!!! You Rock!! All the best! Julie

  29. Yes, I remember your first cake pops! My now 11 year old was still really little when you did the lamb and chick Easter pops. I did my best to replicate, everybody loved them, and that was my start into decorating with icing. My favorite hobby now is making mini decorated cookies. Congratulations on an amazingly successful career.

  30. OMG Angie, what a wild ride! I started following you just before you became ill. I have always been amazed at your talents! You always take a blank canvas and create a new work of art! Thank you for sharing your last 10 years and congratulations! Congrats on your health today and congrats on your talent! Keep the creations coming!

  31. Congratulations on 10 amazing years. You have brought smiles to millions of people including me. I love all your wonderfully sweet creations. Here’s to another 10 years!!!

  32. Happy Anniversary! I have been following you a long time, although I lack the artistic qualities and have resorted to making more cake balls then pops, which are just as big a hit. Congrats!

  33. Happy 10 years of blogging !
    I’ve been following along for 8 years now and I still love seeing what you come up with ! You always have the cutest decorated baked goods :)

  34. MAJOR congratulations!!!!!!!

  35. Such a great trip down memory lane! I remember when I first visited your page looking for a VDay treat and came across your cake balls in the heart box. Well I wasn’t patient enough to make the box, so I just made the balls and that became a thing I did every Valentine’s Day, showing friends how to make them and mailing them to those far away. I made them as Christmas gifts when I struggled as a poor college student. I used them as an excuse to see my now husband when he didn’t know how I felt about him, They became so popular friends asked for them for their weddings– I even made them for my own wedding! 400 in chocolate, mint, and strawberry.

    Cake balls have been a very important part of my life, thank you so much for making them and sharing!

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