
Paper Straws


I bought the sweetest pink striped paper straws the other day and I couldn’t wait any longer to play with them.

Every time I see striped straws used, they make me smile. They just make me happy.


And even happier in these pseudo milkshake cupcakes. Milkcakes anyone? Cupshakes maybe?

Strawberry cake for the shake (I just used a mix I had on hand)
Chocolate ganache for syrup (recipe on this post)
Buttercream frosting for the whipped cream (recipe on this post)
Gumballs for the cherries
And sprinkles for the sprinkles : )

You could also just use syrup for the syrup and whipped cream for the whipped cream, but this way, they won’t melt.


I used these clear silicone baking cups so they would kinda represent frosted glass and also allow you to see the cake color. I found them at Crate and Barrel a while ago. They were perfect for this project.


Place the cups on a baking sheet and fill the cups about halfway with cake batter. You don’t want them to bake too full because you want to have a little space left for the ganache.

I love ganache by the way… By the spoonful… By the bowlful. Who’s with me?


These cups are great, because they are sturdy and hold the weight of the ganache filled right up to the rim. This way, when you add the frosting, you can still see a layer of “chocolate syrup” underneath. Makes them look prettier.


See. Just let the ganache sit for a bit before you fill the cups and spoon a little right on the top of each cupcake. Let it set a few minutes more. It will harden a bit and make adding the frosting easier.

For the frosting, I used a Wilton 2D tip and towered it on top of the cupcake. Add sprinkles after piping each cupcake so they will stick right away.

Lastly cut a paper straw in half and insert it into the cupcake and top it all off with a big red gumball.



Speaking of sprinkles. I’d like to give a big hip hip hooray to Mr. Sprinkles. He’s back in full color… different label, but full of color. If you’ve followed the site for a while, you may remember when they switched to only making all natural colors. Mr. Sprinkles just didn’t look right in drab colors. But he’s back. Now if I can only get them to make the original colors. They were/are my favorite sprinkles to use for my cupcake pops. Pastel and perfectly delicate. Check out this old post if you want to see what I’m talking about.

In the meantime, I still heart you Mr. Sprinkles. You helped make these cupcakes super cute.


Kiss. Kiss. Cake for two.

Okay, so I didn’t just buy myself these pink straws.

I also bought a bunch of other colors, too. Yellow and green and black and red/blue striped straws.


Want to win some?

Ok. Let’s play a guessing game for fun.

Enter for a chance to win some happy striped paper straws.

1. Leave a comment below on this post. Just take a look at the photo below and try to guess which straw is the shortest. One of them is. I have a picture to prove it that I’ll show when I announce the winner.

2. I’ll pick one winner at random. The winner gets a bunch of straws in the color they guessed. And if the color they guessed also happens to be the shortest straw, then they’ll get a bunch of straws in all the colors. (Red/blue, green, pink, yellow, and black.) Fun. Fun.

3. Deadline to enter is Monday, January 10th at 7 pm ET. The winner will be announced sometime Monday evening on this post. SORRY, TIME’S UP. WINNER ANNOUNCED BELOW.

Good Luck.

P.S. I bought the paper straws from Bake it Pretty if you need some of your very own. Plus, they also have polka dot straws. Too cute.


Okay, I picked a winner.

Let’s see who it is…


YAY, Merry!

You just won some paper straws. You’re guaranteed the pink ones. Merry, I promise they’ll make you happy.

Now, let’s see which color straw was the shortest.

Drumroll, please.


Green was the shortest.

I’m so sorry Merry, you didn’t pick the right color but, I’m also nice… I want you to have all the colors anyway.

Come on, you guys knew I was going to do that… right?

Congratulations Merry.

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3,951 comments on “Paper Straws”

  1. i am going to say the yellow one. by golly gee i hope i am right! =]

  2. I think the red/blue one is the shortest.

  3. I think the red/blue one is the shortest.

  4. Red & blue !
    Also, love your polish.
    Also, there are NO COOL STRAWS to be found in my neck of the woods – i have to drive over 5 hours for them. So this would be PERFECT !
    Thanks for the chance to participate !

  5. I guess “yellow” and I love your nail polish color!

  6. I think green is the shortest!

  7. my guess is the pink one! =)

  8. my guess is pink! LOVE PINK! :)

  9. red, white and blue!

  10. I’m going to guess black! but I’d choose green straws if I got to choose.

    This post made my Monday morning. How sweet & adorable! Thanks Bakerella! You make me want to quit my job and stay home and bake all day! Dangerous on a cold Monday morning ;o)

  11. Yellow is the shortest!

  12. The Black and White one.

  13. The cupcakes are so cute! I’m going to have to try them some time. I will guess the pink straw is the shortest.

  14. I’m going with pink…..(thats the color I like the most) ADORABLE!!!!

  15. I think Yellow

  16. Hmm…green??

  17. The Black one!!! I haven’t seen Mr. Sprinkles in the grocery stores….hopefully they’re back here too!

  18. Green!

  19. Black and white :)

  20. i think the pink one is the shortest

  21. Green is the shortest…

  22. My guess is that black is the shortest!

  23. My best guess would be the black straw I’d have to say…I believe this is the shortest? =]

  24. The black one

  25. The blue and red… I hope!
    By the way, really nice nails :)

  26. the red and blue is the shortest.

  27. The green one!

    thanks for letting us play with straws too!!

    Melissa from Naches, WA

  28. Black I say!

  29. Wow! I’m amazed at the responses! Every color has it’s votes. However, I am convinced the REAL shortest straw is GREEN!

    Thanks for the cute post and giveaway…you are always fun!

  30. the dual coloured

  31. I say YELLOW is the shortest straw! Hope I will!

  32. The black/white one???

  33. I’ll say pink…great post. Thanks!

  34. i am thiking it might be the black straw…. Hopefully I am correct!

  35. I’m GuessIng thE piNk is thE shorTest!

  36. green, I think
    : ) They made me smile this morning.

  37. i think its the green one!!!

  38. Ooh! It’s the yellow one, right? Ooh! maybe the pink one. No, definitely the yellow one. That’s my guess, and I’m sticking to it. Yes. Well… yes.

  39. I think it’s the green. :)

  40. yellow. you are so fun!

  41. I think it’s the black! But i LOVE the pink ones, i could happily buy a bulk load and never use them, but still never regret buying them :)

  42. I think the shortest is the pink…and I like all of them…

  43. Oh how cute! I am guessing the orangey yellow one!

  44. I think the black and white straw is shortest =)

  45. black one

  46. i’m gonna guess yellow!

    p.s. this might be my favorite recipe to date. can’t wait to make these! :) :)

  47. My guess is yellow. And the cupshakes would be PERFECT for one of my little girls’ birthday parties!!! So cute. Thank you so much for all your great ideas.

  48. My guess is the black one!

  49. Black!
    And I love the nail polish!

  50. I’m guessing yellow :)

  51. My guess is the black and white one.

  52. My guess is the red and blue one! These are GREAT!!!

  53. I think the black ones are the shortest.

    These cupcakes are so cute… I keep debating getting silicone cupcake wrappers but I tend to give away so many of my baked goods that I’m not sure when I would use them.

  54. You’re honestly the cutest. I love these!

  55. Pink!

    such a cute post! and I am so happy about MR SPRINKLES!!!

  56. I guess the pink straw is the shortest..

  57. red/blue strip is the shortest, I think.

    these are 2 cute, as always!

  58. I’ll guess the pink one is the shortest. The cupcakes are soooo CUTE! They would be perfect for my upcoming ice cream party!

  59. I think it’s pink! So adorable!

  60. Black is the shortest :)

  61. I guess the bLaCk one :)

  62. I really like the pink & black ones but I think the green is the shortest.

  63. I am going with black.

  64. my guess is the black one!

    p.s. i LOVE your site. i just came upon it on friday and HAD to go out and buy your book immediately!!!! thank you for giving me a new obsession :-)

  65. Pink, no green…no black
    Pink….I’m staying with pink

  66. I’m gonna guess black!

  67. Green!!! BTW, love your website :)

  68. I think it’s the pink one!

  69. Black!

    These are so cute and very inspiring! I want to get some now and slide them over my cupcake pop sticks when i insert them so I can have cute stripey stems on my pops! I don’t know if it would work, but the important thing is that I’m inspired enough to try it! :)

  70. I guess the yellow straw is the shortest!

  71. I’m going to have to say yellow.

  72. How fun! These cupcakes are gorgeous and the straws so adorable.

    Let’s see, I say the pink is the shortest.

  73. I think its yellow!

  74. Yellow!

  75. I think the PINK is the shortest straw!

  76. I’ll guess yellow. Paper straws are the best!

  77. the black one? yes, i’ll go with the black one!

  78. I think the pink is shortest. Sweet cupcakes!!

  79. I’m guessing black!

  80. GREEN striped! Adorable as always.

  81. I think Pink! They are all cute!

  82. Red white and blue!!

  83. Black one. Cute cupshakes!

  84. I guess it’s the black one

  85. I’m guessing pink is the shortest.

  86. I think it’s the black one. Super cute idea, I may have to try it out.

  87. I’m going with pink!

  88. black and white………

  89. Pink =) Simply cuz its my favorite color!!!!

  90. I think its the Pink and blue one!!!!

  91. Blue and Red ones :)

  92. I’m going with pink is the shortest!

  93. I think the green ones are shorter. Such cute cupcakes! The pink straws would be perfect for a cherry lemonade cupcake.

  94. My guess is black!

  95. Eenie… Meenie… Green! ;)
    Love the silicone cupcakes find. I’ll try and see if they sell them here in Europe as well, would be seriously good fun with rainbow cakes or I’m thinking orange and green Halloween already ;)

  96. I think it is the pink one. Love the nail polish!!

  97. Adorable cupcakes! I’m guessing pink because it’s my favorite:)!!!

  98. I’m guessing Pink is the shortest. Love them!

  99. I am going to say……YELLOW!

  100. I think the blue and red straws are the shortest.

  101. These cupcakes are adorable! I’ve never thought about using the silicone baking cups, but having the “cake” portion of the cupcake visible is great!

  102. I think Pink!!! Beautiful cupcake/shakes!

  103. i think the yellow & white stripe is the Shortest!! (they are all so cute!)

  104. I think it’s the pink? maybe?

  105. I LOVE Bake it Pretty, they have the cutest stuff. I order from them all the time and Amanda is such a sweetheart.

  106. I’m gonna go with the green and white straw being the shortest!

  107. I’m going to be hopeful and say the blue and red one.

  108. Black!?!

  109. soooo cute… black is the shortest :)

  110. My guess is the red, white, and blue one!

  111. I think pink… but really I have no clue!

  112. Very cute shakecakes and love the straws! You also inspired me to go get out my nail polish! I think I will go with green! Thanks!

  113. Love them! The black is the shortest!!

  114. The red and blue one!

  115. Cupshakes – cute!!! My guess is yellow!

  116. I hope its yellow…I’d love to win the yellow ones

  117. pInK!!! :-)

  118. the black one

  119. I think the yellow one is the shortest (:

  120. I am going to guess the yellow one.

  121. Pink one!!

  122. Red/blue ones

  123. I guess black!

  124. The straws are SO cute and the cupcakes are over the top! Another great baking project!

  125. I think the black one is the shortest!

  126. Yellow!

  127. I’m gonna guess green. Crossing my fingers!

  128. I think the yellow one is the shortest! Those are so cute, I can’t wait to make them!

  129. it’s the black one!

  130. I’m going with PINK

  131. Yellow, yellow, yellow! :)

  132. The PINK one?

  133. Black & White

  134. The pink one is the shortest!! I hope!

  135. I am guessing that green is the shortest!

  136. The red, white & blue straw is the shortest.

    Love, love, love your cuppa shake cakes! Adorable!

  137. I think the pink one is the shortest!

  138. I think the shortest one is the red, white and blue

  139. I think pink is the shortest. Those cupcakes are too darn cute!

  140. I guess the black one.

  141. I think that the pink straw is the shortest for sure!

  142. I think Black :)

  143. The Black one~

  144. I think the Green one!

  145. the red and blue one!!

  146. This is tough…I am going to go with the pink.

  147. My guess is PiNK!

  148. I remember these straws as a kid…so much fun! Pretty colors too!

  149. I’d have to say red/blue, my wedding colors! Love the idea!

  150. the pink straw

  151. pink! at least im hoping its the pink because they’re the prettiest :)

  152. the yellow one!!

  153. My guess is red/blue!

  154. I think the green is the shortest

  155. The red, white and blue!

  156. blue/red it looks like that 3 coloured toothpaste!

  157. I am going to say pink. They are all cute and old fashioned though! Love them! I have been stalking a source for these…. You always find the cutest stuff! And BTW, I like Mr. Sprinkles’s artificial colors too!

  158. I think the yellow straw is the short one.

  159. the yellow and white one!

  160. I think the pink are shorter~

  161. OK, I guess black! These are “smile” stuff, you’re right!

  162. Green – my favorite color.

  163. Black and White?

  164. I pick yellow :)

  165. gotta be BLACK

  166. Pink is my guess. Love these!!

  167. It has to be the yellow straw! (mainly because given the choice, I always choose yellow)

  168. My guess is the red and blue!

  169. yellow

  170. The black one !

  171. I think the black one is the shortest, I am inclined to say pink b/c I would LOVE to have the pink ones, but I am going to say black, b/c I want ALL of them. Is that awful of me to want all of them?!

  172. I think it’s the pink one.

  173. I guess that black is the shortest!!

  174. my guess is pretty pink please!

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