

Pug Cake Pops

I made the cutest chocolate and peanut butter pug cake pops for you. These little guys were inspired by a recipe from I’m working with them to put my spin on one of the sweets from their site. Not that they don’t already have cute covered though. Tablespoon’s community is overflowing with fun recipes, creative ideas for entertaining and more. I love the way they think with categories like rainbow, OMG, party, and mini.

And you guys know it’s no surprise that I love little treats, so when I found this adorable pug cake on their site, I knew I had to down-size it to bite-sized proportions. But the full-size version is just as fun if you want one big cake.

Alright. Let’s get this pug party started.

Pug Cake Pops

Here are the goodies you’ll need to make 16 Pug Pops.
4 cups crumbled chocolate cake
1/3 cup buttercream frosting
2 tablespoons peanut butter
White candy wafers
Chocolate candy wafers, reserve 16 wafers for decorating
Medium heatproof bowl, plus two smaller heatproof bowls
Wax paper
Baking sheet
16 lollipop sticks
Cake pop stand
8 Tootsie Rolls
16 black sunflower seeds
32 sugar eyes with black edible ink pen
Pastel confetti sprinkles
Candy Bones
Toothpicks. I can’t live without toothpicks when it comes to decorating cake pops.

Here’s a link to my full instructions for making basic cake pops if you need more help.

Cake Balls

  • Stir peanut butter and buttercream until mixed together and then incorporate into chocolate cake crumbs until completely combined.
  • Roll the mixture into 16 balls and place on a wax paper covered baking sheet. Let the rolled cake balls rest for about 30 minutes and then place in the freezer for about 15 minutes to firm up. When firm, transfer them to the fridge to remain chilled (not frozen) for dipping.

Dipping Pops

  • Melt chocolate wafers with vanilla wafers. Start with vanilla and add a few chocolate wafers at a time until you achieve a lighter shade of brown. (Note: You can use peanut butter candy wafers insead of mixing chocolate and vanilla.)
  • When ready to dip, remove a cake ball from the fridge. Dip the end of a lollipop stick in the melted candy wafers and then into the cake ball and dip.
  • Make sure the cake ball is completely coated and tap off any excess.
  • Before the coating sets, place a chocolate candy wafer on the front – towards the bottom half of the pop. Hold in place until the coating dries and place in a cake pop stand until you’re ready to decorate.


We’re using Tootsie Rolls for ears, confetti sprinkles for tongues, sunflower seeds for noses and sugar eyes for the eyes. But you already guessed that one.

Pug Faces

  • With the candy wafer already in position on the pop, dip a toothpick in melted chocolate and swirl two large dots on the front of the pop in position for eyes. Then gently press the sugar eyes right on top so that the chocolate surrounds the eyes.
  • Dot on coating in position for the nose and tongue and then attach a sunflower seed and pink confetti sprinkle and let dry.

Decorating Pugs

Then finish the mouths. Use a toothpick dipped in melted chocolate candy wafers to apply coating on top of the already attached wafer … under the sunflower seed nose and down around the sides of the tongue. Make sure to overlap the confetti sprinkle so it looks like a sweet little tongue is sticking out.

Tootsie Rolls

Now for the ears. Cut a tootsie roll candy in four equal parts and hand shape into rounded triangles for ears. Note: microwave the candy for 3-4 seconds to make it easier to shape. Don’t overheat.

Pug Cake Pop

  • Use more melted chocolate to attach the ears and add finishing details to the mouth.
  • Draw big black pupils on the eyes with the edible ink pen. Feel free to stop here, but if you want to add a few more details, then keep going with me.

Pug Pops

  • Draw on eyebrows with a toothpick dipped in the melted lighter brown candy coating. Then dot tiny dark chocolate freckles on each cheek.
  • And most important, add a little sparkle to the eyes by dotting on melted white candy wafers.


But let’s dress these doggies up a bit more…

Candy Bones

… with candy bones.

Pug Cake Pops

Because they make the super cutest bow ties, you know.


This post is a collaboration with

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58 comments on “Pugtastic!”

  1. I love this recipe, Will try this today.

  2. Adorable!!!. Those pugs are just beyond Amazing. Loved your creativity.

  3. My dog will defiantly love it.

  4. Your new cake pop creation is pug-alicious!! Just adorable Angie!

  5. These all are awesome. It looks so cute. Thank you for sharing these pug cakes.

  6. we normally eat lollypops in chocolate flavor but the cake pop is an amazing idea to try something new… and it’s really delicious also.

  7. Are the “jowls” tootsie rolls also? I don’t see in the directions how you made those.

  8. Hey ANGIE ! They are looking as cute as you, thanks for the lovely post, keep it up.

  9. Adorable!!!
    Are you from Yorkshire? My dog ??is a yorkshire

  10. My favorite is the one with the bone as the bow tie

  11. I got a good time to read this blog and i would like to thank for creating this interesting blog.

  12. This is really awesome Pug cakes children will love it and they enjoy while eating this type of cakes

  13. This is really Pugstatic!! Im sure this will attract kids and elders as well. I will try this at our store with our expert chefs.

  14. Peanut butter pug cake pops looks so yummy!!!

  15. These are so awesome. We can make these fresh and deliver in bangalore at

  16. Such a cute idea! I would like to try making these for a Christmas gift, and I’m wondering about how long they will stay fresh? Is it possible to freeze them?

  17. Hi, I’m your biggest fan right now. Luuuuv ur work. Creative

  18. Dear Bakerella, could you please make bow Cakepops with this wiltonform?

  19. These are totally adorable! You must have a world of patience to be able to do that. Now I know why I stick to cooking savoury food!

  20. Way to cute my daughter and I have pug brothers so anything pug get to us Love them

  21. OMG, AWSOMEEE !!!

    I want 100 of them please hehe


  22. looking smartyyy n new style

  23. looking beautiful n smartyyy

  24. Thanks everyone! So glad you like them. Hugs!

    Sosheil – you mean these ……

    Audrey – try sliding them on wax paper to smooth or dusting them with a little cocoa powder.

    Carilyn – I haven’t tried powdered peanut butter. But you can always leave it out and just go with plain buttercream.

  25. Gorgeous. Thank you for the inspiration.

  26. OMG! Can these be ANY CUTER???
    Thank you so much for putting your effort and time making these cuties (I know you probably had a great time making them).

  27. You’re ridiculous, in the best way possible. Those pugs are AMAZING. Your creativity blows me away.

  28. Those are just so cute! I wouldn’t want to eat these!


  29. Those are so cute! Don’t tell my dogs, but you may have beat them out in the cute contest!

  30. Do you think that powdered peanut butter (PB2) would work instead of regular peanut butter?

  31. All of your pops are just impeccably adorable….there is a reason why you are the Queen of Cake Pops ;)
    I’ve used tootsie rolls as well…but it drives me insane being able to see fingerprints on the pieces when they’re done.
    Any tips on how to avoid that?

  32. OMG squeee :D

  33. Ooo! Like!!! What changes could I make for “Grumpy Cat”?

  34. Sooooo cute

  35. If you used yellow candy melts and stopped at the “cheeks” step, these would make perfect Jake The Dog (from Adventure Time) pops! So cute!

  36. Oh my gosh, too adorable! How in the world did you find or make candy bones?! Love these!! Will check out their site, thanks so much!

  37. OMG this is ridiculously adorbs!!! And how creative to use tootsie rolls for the nose! Love this!!!

  38. Great recipe! Though I hope you post some husky cake pops recipe :)

  39. These are so adorable, you are really talented! XO -Kim

  40. Your new cake pop creation is pug-alicious!! Just adorable Angie!

  41. Amazing! Theses are SOOOOOOOOO cute!

  42. These are the cutest!I´m going to pass pn this link to my friend that is a huge lover of pugs!

  43. So adorable. This post makes me want to eat cake and adopt a pug.

  44. You amaze me with your creativity! So adorable!!!!

  45. Wow, they look amazing!!!!

  46. Your skills are amazing.

  47. So cute!!! I will have to make this sometime.

  48. Ha, well these are just the most precious things!!!

  49. You are “pugtastically” amazing! Your cake pops are so cute, thank you for sharing!

  50. Its amazingly beautiful but I am sure its gonna take hell lot of time to prepare….

  51. So cute! I love your step by step directions! Can’t wait to give these a try????

  52. These are amazing! I love pugs and you have captured their face and expression so well. Adorable!

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