
Rise and Shine


How about some yummy muffins to get your Monday started off right. These aren’t just morning muffins though – filled with lots of melty, chocolatey goodness – they’re great any time of the day.


I’ve been going through my pantry the last few weeks trying to use up some supplies that didn’t get any attention while I wasn’t feeling well earlier this year. Oreos for cupcakes, three whole bags of chips for these cookies and now some chunks for muffins. For chunky muffins. And I still have several more bars and blocks of chocolate to go through before they expire much more than they are right now.


Not that it would really stop me from using them, but I want to use them before my stash gets out of control. Because I always seem to pick up more thinking I don’t have enough at home. Then they stack up. Although I don’t keep track, I usually have every type of morsel except the kind I want that day. If I need peanut butter, I have butterscotch. If I need dark, I have milk, but luckily today I had chunky.

Good, because I wanted some muffins filled with chunks of chocolate.


These are so simple to throw together. Stir flour, sugar, baking powder and salt together.


In another bowl, add sour cream, milk, eggs and vanilla.


Then melted butter. Stir that all together…


Pour into your flour mixture and stir together until combined.


Chunks. Check.


You can fill regular size baking cups about 3/4 full or…


Make your muffins feel special with these fancier tulip baking cups.


These are taller so you’ll want to fill each cup with more batter.
1/3 cup or more of batter so they won’t be too short inside the wrappers.




Let me tell you how I like my muffins. Especially chocolate chip and blueberry muffins… I like to eat them warm just out of the oven and with a little added butter tucked inside…


… so that it melts away making the muffins even more moist and yummy.


I love chocolate chunk muffins. I love muffins period. Well, except ones with raisins. Yuck.
What’s your fave muffin? Poppyseed, bran, cranberry, banana, savory, sweet? Do tell.

Chocolate Chunk Muffins
Yield: one dozen muffins

Chocolate Chunk Muffins

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes


  • 1-1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup sour cream
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 1/4 cup melted butter, cooled slightly
  • 6 oz. semisweet chocolate chunks


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Line muffin tray with 12 regular size baking cups.
  3. In a medium bowl, stir flour, sugar, baking powder and salt together with a wire whisk until combined.
  4. In another bowl, stir sour cream, milk, eggs, vanilla and melted butter. Stir until combined.
  5. Stir in chocolate chunks and divide batter into baking cups.
  6. Bake for about 18-20 minutes or until done.
  7. Makes 12 regular or 9 larger muffins. Bake a couple minutes longer for taller muffins.

Eat them warm and enjoy every last bite.

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238 comments on “Rise and Shine”

  1. The paragon of unedtrasnding these issues is right here!

  2. Hi There,
    I was just wondering since I love trying out all your recipes if the oven heat is degrees celsius or fahrenheit?
    Thank You, :)

    Your blog is amazing :]

  3. I ventured into baking and tried making these muffins after having several failed attempts with other recipes (muffins not rising, etc.). These were so easy to make and came out absolutely delicious the first time! Thank you so much (my husband also says thanks!)

  4. I like to make blueberry muffins once in a while! But chocolate muffins? Come on! You’re makin’ my mouth water!

  5. hello i ordered 2(two) books on cake pops tricks and recipes for more than 40 irresistiblemini treats order number
    105-0634895-7777830 price of order was $37.17
    please let me know if the order has been sent as money has been taken out of my account

    thank you carol

  6. @sandy I always use an ice cream scoop. We actually just bought an ice cream spade and just use our older deeper scoop for cupcakes and muffins! You could also mix it all together in a measuring cup with a spout.

    I’ve been eyeing this recipe since you posted it and finally decided to make it tonight. It took just minutes and the batter was delicious! I had just under the amount of sour cream called for and no milk (I used water instead) and they were still SO GOOD! I personally love chocolate chip with or without nuts and blueberry. Not a huge fan of any other kinds.

  7. I LOVE chocolate!!!!! So these are a MUST to make :) thanks for sharing. But my favorite Muffin is Banana Nut :) so yummy with a glass of cold milk mmmmm

  8. does caramel apples count as a candy?

  9. milky way! yummy!

  10. they are cute i could make those for my kids breakfest

  11. My girls and I just got done devouring ours! We decided they taste like chocolate chip cheesecake! Our new fav! We are already coming up with add-in ideas. Next attempt will be frozen raspberries to make a healthy version of raspberry cheesecake. Yum. Thanks for making breakfast awesome.

  12. I just made your muffins for the first time.

    Oh. My. Goodness.

    These were the best chocolate muffins I’ve ever had. And I’ve never baked muffins (I’m usually too busy making cupcakes, so almost the same thing) – I couldn’t believe how easy they were!!!!

    Needless to say, I’ve got a new staple for brunch with my friends. Thank you!

  13. These look so delicious!! so glad to see you’re doing great….I’m going to make this with my niece (she’s 5 and loves to bake) this weekend. Thanks for the recipe!

  14. Holy yum! Just had my first one and they are too good for words. Like pancake cupcakes, and will make a great start to tomorrow morning.

  15. I was super excited to make these as I had all the ingredients and they looked easy and yummy.

    Unfortunately they were a bummer. When we ate them warm, the sour cream taste was too strong. After they had cooled, they were just bland and boring kind of gummy though I made sure not to overmix. I thought they had a smidge too many chocolate chips too.

    I had no problems with the directions, just these muffins did not taste good to our particular tastes. But I will be baking more Bakerella’s items as I have had success with other recipes on this site. Thanks!

  16. Wow! Every time I make muffin, my son asks me to make chocolate chip ones. These ones looked so good, I broke down and made him some for his first day of school. (i even sent my hubby out to get some sour cream!) They did not disappoint! I have been instructed that I must make more, exactly the same way! Thank you!

  17. hey, bakerella.
    i am a HUGE thirteen-year-old fan. im always trying something of your yummy-looking stuff.
    just one challenge stood in my way a lot of times: I DONT HAVE SOUR CREAM:}
    so what can i use instead of it?


  18. Bakerella, these were wonderful! I made them for my daughter’s preschool class, because the teacher didn’t want me to bring frosted cupcakes, and these were a deliciously sweet alternative (ahem, made enough to sample!) They remind me of the chocolate chip waffles and pancakes I used to eat on weekends in college. Fluffy and chocolately and perfect!

  19. I just had one of these over the past weekend….such a comfort type of food for me :) BUT it certainly didn’t look as good as yours.
    But it was delicious none the less, especially with a little pat of butter mmmmmm

  20. My favourite muffins are the chocolate ones that my 11 year old daughter makes, with a large chunk of chocolate in the middle for good measure! Thankfully she never tires of making them!

  21. oh my…i think i just drooled on my keyboard.

  22. omg this looks beyond delicious. SO MAKING THIS!!!

  23. Just made these with lunch. I tried a healthier version, adding one cup of whole wheat flour (ground myself) and cutting back on the sugar. They came out really great! The didn’t brown enough though, but they still tasted really good!

  24. look so delish!
    can’t wait to try it :d

  25. I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for posting this recipe! I made these yesterday with white Callebaut chocolate chunks, and they are SO delicious. My husband has already eaten half of them, and normally muffins sit on the counter for a week and then get tossed.

    So, THANK YOU for my new ‘go to’ muffin recipe! :)

  26. What are the odds? I made chocolate chunk muffins just this morning! :D Lol! Hmm, will have to try your recipe though, the one I used wasn’t too exciting and the chocolate chunks fell to the bottom even though they were mixed with the dry ingredients first. :P Hate when that happens!

    Favorite muffins are blueberry with lemon zest. Oh, yes! Oh, or is it pumpkin chocolate chip? ;) HaHa! I’m a muffin maniac….

    ~Miss Rachel~

  27. oh no you didn’t!! i thought i could try to fight the need to make cake cups… but not muffins!! ACK! those look delicious!!

  28. These looks SO moist and delicious I cannot wait to try them
    I am a long time follower of Bakerella and I’m so glad to see you are on the road to recovery.

    I was inspired by you and a few other blogs, so I decided to try start my own. If you have time, I would really appreciate if you took a look:
    Thank you so much!

  29. Angie these look so tasty!! I wouldn’t mind popping a few of them in right now! =D

  30. These look SO yummy! I can’t wait to try them! I love ALL muffins but I especially love chocolate ones!

  31. I like the butter on top idea… My favorite recipe is for banana and choc chip muffins. So quick, and very moist. And the bananas give the illusion of them being healthy!

  32. i am forever hungry whenever i read your blog :)

  33. Made these this morning. They were a hit with my family. Thank you for sharing this yummy recipe.

  34. Great Recipe to enjoy.

  35. This will be a great after school treat for the kids! What a nice way to come after on a dreary, cool Fall day :)

  36. Sunday Brunch! My girls will adore these!

  37. OMG!!! Could you send a few to me? I have a newborn baby and don’t have time to bake;)
    Darcy brown

  38. I’m salivating just looking at the photos. Can’t wait to try these muffins!

  39. They look soooo sweet ! Yummy yummy ! :P

  40. These look beautiful. I can imagine having them with a nice cup of tea in the afternoon. Love the big chunks of chocolate. Looks like my kind of muffin. Will try this recipe. Yum!

  41. Mmmmmmm…do you know how many people you made happy because of this recipe? Me, and all four of my kids, and my cousin, and her husband who just happened to stop by for a visit, and (hopefully) my husband…I say hopefully because he has been in Canada all week, and even though I made a double batch, I am not absolutely sure there will be even one left over by the time he gets home tonite!

  42. yum they look totally gourmet with those chocolate chunks and special cups!


  44. oooh. lunch box here we come! my girls are going to love these for a treat. Better send them to school in some clothes that I don’t mind getting chocolate on though!

  45. orange/cranberry

    in that order!

  46. Oh my… I want it right now!!!! it looks so yummy!!!!! :-P

  47. Where can I buy chocolate chunks? They don’t have any at my local store :(

  48. This is the first time I visited this site and I love your site, it’s very inspiring!!

  49. Ooooo … these look super yummy! I NEED to try these!

  50. I am absolutely making these tonight!

  51. Your muffins look so tasty! *thumbs up*

  52. OH wait, I forgot about my pumpkin cream-cheese muffin recipe with streusel topping. Gah! THAT’S my favorite. I only make them in the fall for some reason(?!?) so I forgot about them for a moment! :)

    Yay, fall is coming! Pumpkin everything!

  53. Well, *angything* with chocolate is excellent in my opinion, BUT my favorite muffin is cranberry orange with coarse sugar baked on top to get that crunchy-sugar bite! Mmmmm!

    Glad you’re feeling better, Angie! :)

  54. I haven’t made these in a while, but they’re caller sunrise/sunshine muffuns. It’s half a box of yellow cake mix, half a box of cornbread muffin mix, an egg and some orange juice. Yum.

  55. Made these this morning. Glorious!

  56. Now I’m hungry! My fav are pumpkin, but you can’t go wrong with chocolate :) sadly I am oven-less for a few weeks, so no baking for me :(

  57. Just pulled these out of the oven. The flavor was pleasantly surprising. Definitely will be making these again! Thanks.

  58. I think you’ve inspired me to clear out the pantry too- especially with a yummy, easy recipe like this.

    I have to say, I am SO glad to see that you are doing well, Bakerella posts are the highlight of my week!

  59. I recently made a banana bread recipe into muffins, but instead of nuts I added chocolate chips and craisins.

  60. These muffins look amazing! I love the chocolate chunks. Yum!

  61. I LOVE me some Kitchen Sink Muffins… you know, as in Everything but the Kitchen Sink. Dried cranberries, golden raisins, pepitas, walnuts all wrapped up in a yummy carrot cake base. My mouth is watering for them right now!

  62. These muffins look so good! I can’t pick one favorite kind of muffin, so I narrowed it down to my three favorite recipes: cappuccino chocolate chip, lemon blueberry, and apple cinnamon. Yum!

  63. Bananas are very expensive here in Australia at the moment so I would love to be able to make my banana and choc-chip muffins – I miss them so much as they are so yummy.

  64. CHOCOLATE ! and chocolate chip…………. : ) yum!

  65. These look amazing… And I don’t even like chocolate! :)

  66. I love making warm muffins for my kids before school. Their favorite is Chocolate Chip..which I do enjoy, but my favorite is a raspberry muffin with a strudel topping.

  67. I love strawberry, and my husband loves blueberry. I often mix the two to keep everyone happy. Muffins are our Sunday morning tradition. Can’t wait to try these!

  68. I always tell myself it’s better to have sweets in the morning, rather than just before bed, so I lovvvve muffins for breakfast :) These look so good and what a brilliant touch adding in a sliver of butter to the centers to really put these over the edge!

  69. I asked my sister to bring all sorts of chips when she comes (pb, chocolate, etc) because you can’t get it here. And especially not the fancy stuff.

  70. I tried this recipe yesterday morning! They turned out great and my 3 yrs old son ate 4 of them in a minute!
    I know people like to eat them warm just out of the oven, but actually they taste better next morning. This is the one of great recipe when you got too much sour cream in your fridge!!!
    Thank you for sharing!

  71. I love almond poppyseed and orange cranberry. I’m with you on the raisin bit, yuck!

  72. Omg those look amazing! Mm I love butter on my muffins too!

    Favorite muffin would be banana nut or blueberry!

  73. I love anything with chocolate but I also love a good lemon poppyseed muffin with a lemon glaze.

  74. Looks so yummy! I really love lemon poppy seed muffins, but I’ll eat any kind! :)


    I have GOT to make these! Because they look effign irresistible!

  76. Banana Nut Muffins are my favorite!! Wait, maybe pumpkin muffins!! Ohh they are both so good!!!

  77. Mmmm, my favorite is chocolate chip muffins. Sometimes I like to vary it up by having banana chocolate chip

  78. I cracked up when I saw todays topic. I made Banana Chocolate Chip Bread (with walnuts) yesterday and was thinking about doing chocolate chip muffins soon!!! The melty chocolate is the best. But my fave is blueberry muffins with a hint of lemon – warm!!!

  79. Anything chocolate will not go to waste around our house, I do like Buttermilk Spice pretty well.

  80. You bad girl Bakerella! I’m on the west coast, so I peeked at this at midnight. I was salivating and wondering why breakfast was SO far away! They look sinfully delicious!!! :)

  81. Im more of a banana and choc chip kinda gal :) these look SO delicious!

  82. YUM. Favorite is banana muffins…. with nuts…. and chocolate chips…. mmmmm mmm mmmm. I don’t do raisins either. ewww. Second favorite is a pumpkin muffin (which I could easily add some chocolate chips as well.) =)

  83. My favorite muffin is a toss up between chocolate chip and chocolate cheesecake. Neither are very (if at all) healthy, but they are SO good!

  84. They look yummy. Glad you’re feeling better. I like cranberry-orange muffins.

  85. @Sandy (comment 110) I’m no Bakerella, but I think I could help :) I sometimes put the batter into a measuring cup, which makes pouring batter into the muffin tins really easy, and other times, I use a soup ladle. You could also get a mixing bowl with a “beak”, so you can pour directly from it… hope this helps!

  86. I think these muffins are what heaven is made of… they look soooo good! My favorite muffins are probably banana-oat, and pretty much anything with chocolate! Happy to know you’re feeling better! :)

  87. Those look AMAZING! I need to find someplace I can get those chocolate chunks!

  88. yum!! these look delcious!!! my favorite kind of muffins are chocolate!! but no raisins… EVER!!

  89. Can you please tell me what method you use for getting batter into the muffin tins without making a mess everywhere? I could use a few pointers. Btw I am so happy you are back and feeling better.

  90. My current faves are corn muffins with honey and cheddar cheese mixed in! But I love almost any kind of muffin. Even bran with raisins!!

  91. Oh wow! These look absolutely delicious and so easy to make! My favorite are Banana bread muffins with hershey’s kisses inside! I did a tutorial of sorts as well :P

    Look who’s Wearing (LwW)

  92. Chocolate chip muffins are my favorite. Those look amazing and I will be baking them soon!

  93. Wow, these look so great!!!! Maybe I can add a bit of orange zest? I’m the same way with chips-never have what I need! And somehow I always have white chocolate….ill never quite figure that out…

  94. These look so yummy! Can’t wait to try!

  95. Uuuggghhhh!! You’re killing me here! Chocolate muffins are one of my all-till-faves! (I’ll be using alot of these”!!!” in this comment) AND I’m trying to stay away from so much bread!!! BUT…now that I’ve seen these and my birthday is 2 days away I’m gonna have to make them…for MYSELF!!!!! Thanks. ;-)

  96. Favorite muffin: blueberry lemon or lemon poppyseed!

  97. these look FABULOUS!( :

  98. I made some banana chocolate chip muffins this weekend and they were super delish! Mini-chocolate chips definitely made them better (more chocolate in each bite).

    I was pretty excited to use my new double oven…I baked cheese enchiladas at the same time. WOOT!

  99. My fav muffin is any muffin at this point. i am droooooling over yours. I have to wait until Wednesday and I am going shopping for ingredients!!!!

  100. Applesauce muffins w/ a dollop of cream cheese in the middle baked right in. Sounds weird, I know, but seriously good.

  101. Wow..Just want to thank you for shareing with us, these look sooo delicious cant wait to try them for my family.

  102. Nice,real nice, nothing better then chocolate! I do however love blueberry muffins.They are also so very yummy.

  103. I love muffins, lime blueberry, chocolate chocolate chip, lemon poppy seed, I could keep going! Anytime you want to come bake for me, just let me know :)

  104. I love blueberry muffins. I just made the yummiest muffins on friday. I love especially the ones with the crumbly stuff on top. Cant wait to try these chocolatey muffins!!!

  105. I am so excited about these! I cannot have trans fats, and so I am excited these are something I can make from scratch with real ingredients. I would love a good made from scratch cake ball recipe so I could try those too! =)

  106. These look SO good! I love all the chocolate chips! You can’t have too many in my opinion! :)

  107. All set to try these tommorow, just need to make sure i have my convertor to hand to switch all the weights :)

  108. Oh my goodness, I want to nom on those right now. My favorite muffin ever is actually a bran muffin–specifically the honey bran muffins from The Kettle ( in Manhattan Beach, Calif. All of their muffins are huge and delicious, but the honey bran makes my heart sing (the blueberry crumb muffins are some of the best blueberry muffins I’ve had, too). I strongly recommend it if you ever make your way out there!

  109. These look so yummy! They remind me of my cappuccino muffins.

  110. Yummy-chocolate cheers me up :D

  111. a white chocolate and raspberry muffin would take my fancy =)
    glad your fine.
    Amber – Rose

  112. oh forgot to tell which is my fav. muffins in my last post… i luv Poppyseeds!!!

  113. this looks yummy. I never baked muffin with chocolate. To me, muffin is for breakfast, and breakfast doestn’ incld. chocolate, but this looks absolutely delicious!! I’m saving this recipe, and plan to bake it this coming week!! Yesterday morning, I baked 3 chocolate chip cookies you posted here, with white chocolate chip & butter scotch!! They are yummy!! Thank you~~

  114. OMG! My favorite muffins are chocolate chip or pumpkin chocolate chip. These look awesome!! I want one right now! Glad you are feeling better. Looking forward to your next post.

  115. My favorite is chocolate chocolate chip!! But these will be amazing I’m sure. My daughter is going to love them. Thanks so much!! Your pictures alone are making me drool over the computer!

  116. Those are gorgeous and look delicious…LOVE the tulip wrappers! For sentimental reasons, my favourite muffin would have to be blueberry, but dipped in melted butter and sugar, like my mom did when I was little. :)

  117. Cappucino muffins are my favorite . . .haven’t been able to find or create a really good recipe yet. A (former) local coffee shop had them and I wish I would have asked for the recipe before they went belly-up :(

    Your choco-chunk muffins look absolutely divine!

  118. Oh wow, these look delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I love the tulip baking cups.

  119. Oh dear… I’ve really been trying to get away from eating dessert for breakfast, and this is not making it easy! But these are definitely going on my “dessert for dessert” list.

  120. YUM! So happy to see that you’re doing better! :) My favorite muffin is definitely chocolate chocolate chip (my sister in law claims that it is not a muffin if it’s chocolate, but what does she know!), followed very closely by pumpkin.

  121. Everything you make looks wonderful!!

  122. I swear that sour cream makes every baked good better. These look so tasty!

    Consumed: My Culinary Adventure

  123. Time to go shopping!!! These look scrumpdillyitious :o)

  124. These look fabulous! Hope you are doing well xoxox

  125. YUM!
    Pumpkin. Anything and everything pumpkin. Dang it. Now I might try to make some pumpkin chip muffins tonight. :)

  126. Wow, these look incredible. I’ve got to get my hands on some of those chocolate chunks!


  127. We love muffins of all sorts! :)
    Here is a link to a deliciously moist recipe –
    I think anything with chocolate in it is better though ;)

  128. I LOVE lemon poppyseed muffins, especially in the morning. We even had a lemon poppyseed wedding cake! It just tastes so fresh and makes me think of sunshine :)

  129. Those look AMAZING! My favorite muffins are almond poppyseed! Yummy…..

  130. My favorite muffins are probably corn muffins. Those are the muffins I buy if I’m out getting a muffin.

    What I want to know is how do you fill your muffin cups so perfectly. My last batch of cupcakes the liners pleated in, so I had areas where the paper was almost completely inside the cupcake. So sad, and much harder to eat neatly.

  131. Howdy,
    So glad to see you blogging again! Hope you’re doing much better! These look sooooo good, but my favorite is blueberry.

  132. I laughed when you mentioned your stash and never having what you need although you have lots. I too just buy stuff when I see it on sale…like Andes mint chips for $.79 @ Target… then every so often go through the stash to organize and use what is older. It always amazes me that I have so much. I have vowed to use things up before I buy anything more…made double dark chocolate chip cookes yesterday during Hurricane Irene. I think I might be trying your recipe next…so thanks!!
    Hope you are doing well, Angie

  133. yummmmmmmmm. I’m glad you are doing better! I didn’t exactly go to medical school, but I’m pretty sure these muffins are just what the doctor ordered.

  134. I like blueberry and cranberry orange muffins… Yum!

  135. These are getting made this week! My husband will love them!

  136. These look so perfect! My husband is slightly obsessed with muffins. He can say no to cupcakes and ice cream all day long (how?! I have no clue!), but if I make a batch of muffins he can’t keep his hands off of them! I’ve made so many varieties but I think my favorite is probably pumpkin chocolate chip or banana cream cheese with crumb topping! I can’t wait to try this recipe next!

    (You can find all of my muffin recipes here:

  137. i love blueberry muffins.

    as a birthday present for a roommate one year, a friend and i baked 16 dozen mini muffins and then handed them out to everyone we knew (friends, family, professors, co-workers…seriously everyone we knew). they spent the day giving them to her as a gift for her birthday. she came back home with a massive basket of muffins. (i conveniently forgot that we would have to eat those 16 dozen muffins!) turned out to be a fun memory though.

  138. These look amazing. I’m normally a Lemon Poppyseed kind of girl, but I never turn down chocolate!

  139. These would do wonders for my Monday!

  140. Cranberry Orange or Lemon Poppyseed…it’s a toss up!!

  141. Mmmmmmm! These look delicious! The way the choc chips melt… oooh!!!

    My favourite muffin would probably be chocolate… simple but delicious!

    The Tiny Ninja

  142. Yes please!

    Clearly you know the proper amount of chocolate required in a muffin. The breakfast of champions! Go Monday!!!

  143. Mmmmmmm! These look delicious! The way the choc chips melt… oooh!!!

    The Tiny Ninja

  144. Oh, those little pockets of melted chocolate…

  145. WOW! These look amazing.. Will have to make some of these ASAP. Thanks for the recipe. xx

  146. Just made some miniature muffins. They were apple/cranberry struesel. I had some cinnamon filling mixture( that I made up and swirled into the muffins. Gooey and good.

  147. You can never have too many chocolate chunks in a muffin! These look perfect.

  148. Yummy!! Can’t wait to try them!

  149. Oh, these look delightful! Do you know where I can get hold of the chocolate online? I live in the UK and it seems pretty tough to get hold of :(

  150. They make my mouth water just looking at them!

  151. Just baked these. YUM but they were stuck to the paper. Not sure why….followed the recipe exactly. Oh well. Still delish.

  152. WOWSERS! These look awesome. I can’t wait to make them! Now I have a favor. Can you show us how to make whoopie pies?

  153. These look like they could well be my favourite muffin! But at the moment the more chocolate the better in my muffins, i want to feel like one big chocolatey blob afterwards :) This looks like a wonderful recipe, i dont make muffins much/ever so would love to give these a shot! :)

  154. My fav would have to be banana nut!
    But these look beyond delicious!!! ;)

  155. Look amazing! I must give them ago :)

  156. I’m totally with you on the raisins…
    As to my favorite anything with chocolate is a hit in my book. But I won’t say no to a bluberrymuffin either ;)

  157. I wish we had chocolate chunks like that here!!! To die for x

  158. I just popped these out of the oven and This batter rocks, the muffins are light and creamy and just wonderful. I think it has now become my ‘staple’ muffin recipe. I can’t wait to try this w/other additions!

  159. I usually live for a really good blueberry muffin, you know the type w/a lovely lemon sugar topping!! UGH to die for! But these? I will be hunting those chocolate chunks ASAP! I have been usually keeping up w/all your latest post and these no doubt will be waiting for long to be made in this house.

    My husband’s co-workers love me b/c of you!

  160. I’m not a chocolate chip fan but I love me some blueberry muffins … I think I need to make some … and surprise the husband with these sometime.

  161. Yay you’re back!! Those look amazing. Did they stay gooey for a long time? I wish I could get a hold of those chocolates in my country. :(

  162. Oh and by the way… I love me some raisins in a muffin! ;)

  163. I literally just popped these into the oven and if the muffins taste half as amazing as the batter does, I’m sold! It almost tastes like the cheesecake that I make. These were SO easy to throw together and the batter is smooth and creamy. I can’t wait for the next 18 minutes to go by!

  164. Omg the warm chocolate oozing out of the muffins look amazing! Choco-chip muffins are definitely my favorite but blueberry muffins are awesome as well!

  165. Your chocolate-to-muffin ratio looks crazy appetizing! It’s always such a let-down when there isn’t enough chocolate…

  166. I make chocolate chip cupcakes with a mix….I can’t wait to try this recipe. Sometimes I use a tangerine infused oil with the mix to add different flavor…very yummy too.

  167. Those look just delicious. What a way to start the day right! Delicious! With butter? Wow! yes, yes! I think it is time for me to branch out from the ordinary chocolate chips and “get chunky”.

    I will be trying these! Thanks!

  168. Luckily for me chocolate chip (or chunk in this case!) are my favorite!!!!! Thank you for being so generous as to share the recipe!!! I CANT WAIT to try them!!!

  169. These muffins look great! For me, muffins are the foolproof answer when I need to get some sort of cake done. Besides the classics blueberry, banana chocolate and apple cinnamon, I love carrot muffins. It’s like carrot cake but small and without raisins. I also do savoury muffins; recently I discovered shiitake rice muffins that worked out very well.

  170. These rock my socks. Love them!

  171. YUMMY!!! I wonder what other delicious add-ins could find their way to this batter? ideas, ideas! :)

  172. These sound delish! My 4 yo daughter asked me the other day for choc chip muffins-I will definitely be making these! Thanks! :)

  173. these look delicious. glad to see you are back at it – tempting us at every turn. :) hope you & your mom are feeling better each day!

  174. These look delicious! Given the choice of any muffin, I would always choose chocolate chip! :)

  175. In Asia we mesure butter in gram, so like to know if you melt the butter first then measure out 1/4 cup?

  176. Oh these look delish! I too, like to add butter to a warm muffin…especially blueberry and you’re right…raisins, yuck!

  177. These look so yummy! I love muffins…all muffins. I never knew (until this last Monday) that I like lemon poppyseed muffins. But my super favorites will always be corn muffins…warm with butter of course.

  178. YUMMY!!!! They look so ooey gooey good :)

  179. Yum! I can’t wait to make these. My boys will love them. Maybe for the first day of school, to celebrate!!

  180. You are reading my mind! First the cookies and then the muffins! I so will be baking tomorrow!

  181. Pumpkin chocolate chip! These might be my next favorite!!

  182. These look awesome, if only I had some waiting for me in the kitchen as I wake up on my first day of nursing school tomorrow! That would be a great start!

  183. Yummm. I know my son would LOVE me if I made these for breakfast.

  184. Yum! These look amazing! Would love to add in some banana!

  185. These look so yummy! My dad made some crazy muffins once that were bran muffins, with shredded carrots and chocolate chips in them! Bran & carrots made them healthy(ish) and the chocolate made them delicious!

  186. Chocolate and butter with breakfast…. sounds good to me!! =)

  187. Could i use dried fruit (or fresh) with this same recipe??

  188. These look absolutely wonderful!!! I think I may have to start my day tomorrow out with these – I know my kiddo will LOVE them. And maybe it will put me in the right mood to bake up a whole mess of cookies. I’ve been promising them to my deployed hubby for a month now, and I haven’t motivated myself to make any. These look like motivating muffins, though!!! Thanks!!!

  189. Ohhh yum! Those look amazing!

    My favourite kind of muffin? All of them, really. It’s hard to go wrong with muffins.

    So glad you’re feeling better!

  190. looks so yummy! gonna try to bake it one oe these days

  191. These sound so good right now. I LOVE muffins too. I love blueberrie, cranberry, chocolate chip and banana…OH heck give me just about anything, exept like you said I am not a fan of rasins

  192. I am thinking these will be making an appearance in my home sometime in the VERY near future! :)

  193. They are screaming to my sweet tooth. No better way to start the day. They look wonderful!

  194. i want one of those now… Looks really delicius…

    Im glad your fine…

    One of this day i make some…

    God bles you…

  195. YUM! I can’t wait to try this! And I’m so glad you’re feeling better. I’ve been stalking your blog/site for a while and just never commented. :)

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