
Snickerdoodle Duo

Snickerdoodle Cupcakes

Cookies or cupcakes? That is the question.

Well, I couldn’t decide either. You see I’ve been mesmerized by a recipe for snickerdoodle cupcakes from Martha Stewart’s Cupcake Book. But, seeing as how I have never made snickerdoodle cookies, I had to make them, too. It’s only fair. Or at least it’s a good excuse… right?

These cookies were really easy to make and I’m not sure why I’ve never tried them before now. Maybe their name made them seem difficult or too fancy or something. Or, maybe it’s because they don’t have any chocolate in them. Yeah, that’s probably why. Recipes without chocolate usually get moved to the bottom of the list.

Snickerdoodles, prebaked

The cookie dough is rolled in cinnamon and sugar, which gives them their signature look when baked.

Simple and pretty!


Here’s the original Snickerdoodle Recipe from It makes about 4 dozen cookies.

And here is how I tweaked it slightly to make about 20 cookies.

Snickerdoodle Cookies

Snickerdoodle Cookies

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes


  • 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 4 Tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1/4 cup shortening
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons cinnamon


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. (I used one 14 X 20 and was able to get all 20 cookies on one sheet. Place about 3 inches apart and they won't bake into each other.)
  3. In a medium bowl, sift together flour, cream of tartar, baking soda and salt. Set aside.
  4. In a mixer, cream butter, shortening, and sugar on medium for about 2 minutes. Add egg and mix until combined. Add the flour mixture and beat until combined.
  5. In a small bowl, mix sugar and cinnamon.
  6. Use a small 1-1/4 inch ice-cream scoop to form balls. Release in the cinnamon-sugar mixture and roll until covered. When coated, you can shape them in a nice round ball and place on the baking sheet. (reserve any leftover cinnamon sugar to top the cupcakes)
  7. Bake for about 10 minutes or until the cookies begin to crack. Remove and let cool on a wire rack.
Snickerdoodle Cupcakes

Now… time to make the cupcakes.

Here’s the original recipe from that makes 28.

And here is how I tweaked it slightly to make enough for 12 cupcakes and 12 mini cupcakes (not shown).

Snickerdoodle Cupcakes

Snickerdoodle Cupcakes


  • 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 eggs, room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3/4 cup milk, room temperature


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Line regular and miniature cupcake trays with paper liners.
  2. In a medium bowl, sift together flour, baking powder and cinnamon. Set aside.
  3. In a mixer, cream butter and sugar on medium for about 2 minutes. Add eggs, one at a time and mix until combined. Add vanilla and mix until combined.
  4. Add flour mixture to creamed butter and sugar in three additions. Alternate with milk in two additions.
  5. Fill baking cups about 3/4 full. Bake for about 15-20 minutes. Remove cupcakes from trays and let cool.


Make this seven minute frosting. To decorate, pipe on frosting, place one cookie on top and then pipe another dollop of frosting on top. Sprinkle with leftover cinnamon and sugar from the Snickerdoodle cookie recipe.

Store in an airtight container.

Seven-Minute Frosting

While the cupcakes are cooling, make the frosting. I used the same one Martha recommends. It’s a Seven-Minute Frosting. Recipe here.

I’ve gotta tell you… I’d definitely make the cookies and cupcakes again… they were yummy. But I think I would have to try them with another frosting. The seven minute frosting was kind of a pain to make and couple that with the fact that I’m not a big fan of light and airy or meringue-tasting frostings… well, I don’t think I’ll be making it again anytime soon.

But they sure do look cute.

Snickerdoodle Cupcakes

By the way, did you even notice these super adorable cupcake pedestals? They come in a box of 6. Thank you Naomi, for sending me the link. And, the brown cupcake liners are from

Cookies & Cupcakes

Cookies or cupcakes? Cupcakes or cookies?

Hard choice, I know.

Here – let me make it a little more difficult with a few pictures from the inside of each of these books.

Cookies or Cupcakes

Do you want one?

Enter for a chance to win one of these books:
Martha Stewart’s Cookies or Martha Stewart’s Cupcakes

  • Just leave a comment on this post and let me know which book you would rather have. You get to choose. Easy.
  • Leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win.
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, October 13 at 7 p.m. ET
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening on this post.

Good Luck!

OK… TIME’S UP! I actually started counting all of the entries to see how many people wanted the cupcake book vs. how many wanted the cookie book. But, I stopped after a couple hundred comments because there was no way I would be able to get that done tonight in time to announce the winner. But fyi, in the first two hundred plus entries, cookies were slightly edging out cupcakes.

That’s good news for about half of you. Because all you cookie lovers are going to get another chance another day. The winner of today’s giveaway is a cupcake lover.

Congratulations Bailey! 1,751 is your lucky number.


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3,851 comments on “Snickerdoodle Duo”

  1. Ooo! ooo! ooo! The Cookie one! I love making new cookie recipes!

  2. Absolutely the cookies book. Love love your creativity. All the cakes or cookies that you made look super cute!

  3. cupcake book for sure! Gotta love Martha!

  4. Cookies… or Cupcakes??? I think definitely cookies!!!!

  5. OOoooo I would LOVEEEEEEEEEE the martha steward cupcakes book!
    I hope I win!

  6. CUPCAKES CUPCAKES CUPCAKES!!! Who doesn’t love cupcakes? My friends and family love the cupcakes that I make for them, but they are looking for some new recipies! I’d love the book to share the cupcake love around!

  7. i have the cupcake one so i need the cookie book =)

  8. the cupcake book is just too precious not to want :)

  9. Definitely the cookie book for me please! Cookies are just so much more versatile, with something for everyone!

  10. Cookies for sure. I’m not much of a cake/cupcake eater…is that weird?

  11. I’d love the cookie book! I bought the cupcake book a few month ago and I think it’s getting lonely.

    Katie xox

  12. as my two year old twins would say..”cuppy cake pweeze”.. that would be so awesome…

  13. I’m definitely going to have to go with the cookie one!!! My hubby and I love cookies- they never go to waste at our house! And I’m definitely more of a cookie girl!

  14. It is a difficult choice….. But I vote for the cookie-book, and then try Gingerbread-house with my boy, for christmas :-)

  15. I want the cookies book! No.. wait… the cupcakes!! No..

    Cookies. Definitely cookies.

  16. CUPCAKES! they are so fun to make and so precious! loooove your site. your creations are so inspiring!

  17. I would LOVE the cookie book!! Looks amazing!!

  18. Tough choice, but with christmas coming I’d have to say the cookie book.

  19. Do I have to choose just one of the cookbooks?! They both look great and I <3 Martha! If I had to choose, I guess I'd take the cookie book, but only because a friend of mine is already the cupcake queen.

  20. Those came out super cute! Never made snickerdoodle cupcakes before.

    But I’d love the cookie book!

  21. hose cookies and cupcakes look delicious!!! Mmmm. I would love the cookie book. Thanks!

  22. For Sure COOKIES!!! I can never have enough cookie recipes.

  23. such a tough choice… but today i’ll take the cupcakes.. thanks!

  24. I’m already addicted to another cookie mogul’s cookie book… so I must have this one!

  25. Oh neat!! I would love the cookie one the bestest! =o}

  26. I love snickerdoodles! I’ve never tried them in cupcake form though. I think I might have to give it a go soon.

    As much as I love cookies, cupcakes have a special place in my heart, so I would absolutely love the cupcake cookbook.

  27. I’m really hard pressed for both but I’ll go for the cookie book please!

  28. Cupcakes all the way! I love cookies, but cupcakes are where I like to experiment.

  29. YUMMY! I love Snickerdoodles, but the cupcake book is calling my name! :)

  30. I would LOVE the cupcake book!!!

  31. Cookies, because i already have the cupcake one!

  32. I AM the cookie monster! Cookies please!!

  33. Definitely the Cookie Cookbook!! I love cupcakes, but I’m a cookie ho. There, I said it. A COOKIE HO! :)

  34. Oooh – hard choice! But, I’m more of a cupcake kinda gal, so I’d go for the Cupcake book. :)

    (And thanks for all your beautiful, funny and inspiring posts, I really love your blog!)

  35. I guess I could try something besides cake pops! :) Drop my name in the hat for the cupcake book! Thanks for all of your wonderful ideas and pictures!

  36. I would love to make some cupcakes out of the cupcake book!! You can’t go wrong with anything Martha Stewart!
    And have to agree, those individual cupcake stands are adorable!

  37. my comment posted, right? I can’t find it.

  38. I really like the look of them both,, but if pressed, I think I would have to go with the cookie bookie. <–that was a typing accident, but I'm leaving it!

    I can be reached at MistyHCunningham (at) gmail (dot) com

  39. I’m going to have to try that Snickerdoodle recipe, my girls LOVE cinnamon!

    I would love the cookie book!

  40. CUPCAKES! yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy~ i would love the cupcakes book.. i forgot to update my feed to your new site, so ive been quite disappointed these few days.. how silly :P

  41. Cupcakes, please! :)

  42. omg ive always wanted to make snierdoodes:]

    i would rather get the cupcake one:]

  43. Cupcaaaaaaaaaaakes! Those cookies look amazing but I MUST know more about those chocolate ding-dong like cupcakes. They call to me…

  44. I would love the Cookie book! I lvoe baking, especially cookies. And I really heart snickerdoodles.

  45. The cookie cookbook!!! Oh, I would have fun with the cookie cookbook.

    But now… I’m off to buy me some cute cupcake pedestals!!!

  46. I would totally take the Cookie book! I really really wish I could reach into this computer screen right now so I could have a snickerdoodle cupcake/cookie. YUM! :)

  47. CUPCAKES!!!!!

  48. I would really like both of them, but I guess I can start with the cookie book!

  49. Oooh…cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes! Yes please :)

  50. Cookies! i love cookies!

  51. can I participate even if I live in Venezuela? I wuold like to win the cookie book ^^

  52. Everytime I’m at the bookstore I skim through both books, trying to decide which book I want to buy first. CUPCAKES please!

  53. I would like the cupcake book. I have checked it out of the library and made the pumpkin butter cupcakes, which were very good.

  54. LOVE your site. These cupcakes are adorable. Ill definitely have to try them soon. I would love to have the cupcake book :)

  55. Ooooooooh! :-) Love all the pics… but I would definitely choose the cupcake book! Yum!

  56. Cookies! No Cupcakes! No cookies! Ugh oh. Will my comment not count if I can’t decide? Will happily take either one.

    (Though if absolutely forced I suppose I’d have to take cupcakes because I don’t have cookbook for those and I have other ones for cookies.)

  57. C is for cookie, that’s good enough for meee! I love Martha Stewart, cookies and Bakerella so what could be better than winning a MS cookie book from Bakerella!!
    email –

  58. I can really see your problem. Today I solved it by baking soft cookies. :) It would be delicious to bake COOKIES as M. Stewart.

  59. Ooo, definitely the cupcake book since my mother-in-law owns the cookie book and shares the best recipes with me! :)

  60. wow, how can you choose between the two?! hmmmm, I think I’d have to go with cupcakes. then I’ll go out and buy the cookie one :)

  61. I would love the cookies book!

  62. I would LOVE the cookies book…while my husband and his sons love my chocolate chip cookies, I’m sure they’d appreciate a little variety every now and then!

  63. ohmygoodness, I would LOVE the cookie book. I’ve been putting off buying it for like a year. I keep telling myself I don’t need it. I was actually just on amazon looking at my wish list, I feel fate is intervening here. :)

  64. Those cookie cupcakes are adorable! What a great way to take a treat to the next level!!

    It’s a hard choice, either would be awesome, but I’d love to be entered to win the Cookie Cookbook!

  65. Oh, I would so much like the cupcake one. Yummy!

  66. It’s always a tough choice, but today it’s cookies for me!!

  67. Wow that truly is a hard decision but I think I have a million cookie recipes so what would be better than to add a million cupcake recipes to go along!


  68. I would love the cookie cookbook.

  69. Hi Bakerella! LOVE your blog and everything you do! I would love to win the cookie book. :) Thanks so much for all your awesome baking creations!

  70. Hmm, I made Snickerdoodles just last week. It was my first time too. :) They were awesome tasty but my mum gave most of them away so I only had 2. *Sob* I’m quite tempted to try the cupcakes now.

    And I couldn’t possibly choose between the two. It’s be like choosing a favorite child! So I’ll just take whatever you offer. x

  71. Ooooh cookies please? I just love making snickerdoodles – how fun that you finally got to try them out! I always feel my sweet tooth aching a little after looking at your posts.

  72. cookies for sure!

  73. I would LOVE the cookie book. If I got the cupcake book, I’d use it, too. I didn’t know these books existed. Perhaps if I don’t win, I’ll go out to Chapters. :)

  74. That is a hard decision but I think I would use the cookie book more often. GOOD WORK on the snickerdoodle cupcakes. They are lovely!


  75. Cookies! Simply because I’m much more likely to make cookies. lol.

  76. I would LOVE the cupcake book. We’re not huge on cookies in this house, but my little guy and I are all about making cupcakes together.

  77. I’d have to go with the Cupcake book… since those recipes can also be used for the full-size variety of cake, too!

  78. I’d love the Cupcake book, as I believe I have worn out my welcome at the local Barnes and Noble bookstore. This is the first time I have visited your site and I just want to say thank you for taking the time make it for us. It is so well done and cute I’m a hooked fan. I’ll be sneaking out of bed so I can surf it undisturbed. Cuz hey, I can sleep when I’m dead. Thanks Linda :)

  79. I want the cupcake book AND a post about what all you do that goes into the post. With LOTS of pictures

  80. I would love the cupcake book because I seem to ruin sugar cookies, and I have better luck with cupcakes! Maybe it’d help with perfecting one thing before I move onto cookies!

  81. Definitely Cookies! :-)

  82. definitely the cookie cookbook!

  83. I would absolutely love the cupcake cookbook!!!

  84. OOOooooh!! Both books are on my Christmas list! I’d love the cookie book! Thanks for the opportunity!!

  85. cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yum!!!!!!!!!

  86. Your site always makes me drool! It’s cruel, really. :) But I’ve tried a handful of your recipes since discovering this site only a few weeks ago and they’ve all come out great! I’d love to practice my decorating skills with the cupcake book.
    Keep up the great work!

  87. I can’t decide! I’d probably make cookies more often, but a cupcake book would be so fun and my kids would love it! You’ll have to choose for me. Pick me, and then pick for me. Deal?

  88. The MS cupcake book looks delightful. My fingers are crossed.

  89. The cookie book! I already have the cupcake cookbook and the snickerdoodle cupcakes are my favorite that I have made so far!

  90. Cupcakes rock.

  91. Cupcakes! Love them.

  92. Yummmm! I’d have to go with cookies.

  93. I want to cookie book!! I love cookies more than anything else in the world…. *Drool*

  94. I would loooove the cookie book. I’m such a cookie monster!!

    Now you’ve made me want to make snickerdoodles. I’ve only made them the “Sandra Lee way.”

  95. I would LOVE the cupcake book!

  96. I would love to see the cupcake book!!

  97. Cookies, hands down! Cupcakes seem more special occasion to me (I don’t know, they just do), but cookies, you never need a reason to make cookies!

  98. I’m torn… I’ll say cupcake book. Yum!

  99. CUPCAKE BOOK!! I just started baking not too long ago, but I just can’t stop baking cupcakes. And I love the look on my friends’ faces when they eat the cupcakes! So happy that they like them :) Would love to know how to bake other kinds too! :)

  100. I really really want the cookie cookbook!!!

  101. I already own the cookie book and have been drooling over the cupcake book since reading through it in a store!

  102. I would love to win the cupcake book. My 4 year old and I bake a different kind of cupcake every weekend and this would be a great addition to our ideas.

  103. Those are SOO cute! You make me so jealous.

    and hungry.

    and now making me choose between cookies and cupcakes?

    you’re not earning brownie points, darling. (haha…brownie points…)

    I choose…COOKIES!

  104. Definitely cupcakes. I’ve made too many cookies lately, and need a change of scenery! :)

  105. Cookies! I love baking cookies!

  106. Hi! i would want the cookie book, i already have too many cupcake books :)

  107. I can’t believe I don’t have the cupcake book yet. I need it!

  108. Cookies, cookies, cookies!

  109. I would love to win the cupcakebook.

  110. Cupcakes, of course! So much prettier!

  111. Cookie book please. Cake is good, but COOKIES are what my little grand loves. Thanks!

  112. I’m just learning to take more risks, risks meaning different flavors and ways of cooking, when it comes to baking. Baking sweets has never been kind to me, so I’m learning as I go. Having that Martha Stewart Cookie book may just help ease that road for me! Those cupcakes you’ve made look very very delicious!!

  113. I would pick the cupcake book. Lately I have been in a cupcake mood and haven’t been able to make any. My best friend and I would make great use of this book!

  114. cookies.. definitely cookies. :)

  115. I would love either one! I’m more of a chocoholic, too, but I do like Snickerdoodles:) Those cupcake stands are adorable!

  116. I’d LOVE to have the Martha Stewart cookies. For some reason, my kids hate cupcakes. They usually lick off the frosting and give me the cake. Not that I’m complaining. :O)
    LOVE your blog, love your photography, love your creativity
    Thanks for the smiles

  117. I am going to try making those tomorrow morning! It is Canadian Thanksgiving tomorrow and I wanted a fresh dessert to share with my American friends.

    I would love her cupcake book. I am far from perfecting my cupcake skills. Love your site!

  118. Cupcakes, for sure! ^^

  119. Ooo… those snickerdoodle cupcakes look tasty, indeed! I’m definitely thinking I need a cupcake book. :)

  120. They’re adorable and look delicious! I recently received the Cupcake book but have yet to try anything! Thank you for some cupcake motivation! I would absolutely want the cookie book. I have been spying it for a long time.

  121. i would LOVE the cupcakes book!!!

  122. Wow! Those snickerdoodles look so yummy! I’m going to have to try them one of these days because I’ve never made them either. I would love to have the cupcake book, they look so cute!
    P.S. Love the new site, great job!

  123. Cookies! Those are the easiest things for me to make and put out in my office where they would disappear in the speed of light.

  124. Don’t make me choose! Okay, if I have to. Cookies!

  125. The cookie book would keep my 3 boys happy for a long time!

  126. cupcakes! They were my favorite long before they were popular:)

  127. cupcakes, hands down!!!

  128. it was an EXTREMELY difficult decision, but i’ll have to pick cookie book, just because i already have a cupcake book :)

  129. i would love the cupcake one as i already own the yummy cookie one. i’ve been dying to get the cupcake one if my DH would just understand my sweet tooth addiction.

  130. Wow! Hard choice…I’ll go with the cupcakes!

  131. What a tough choice! I think I’d choose the cookie book, though. Thanks for a delightful post. I’m glad it’s late, or I just might be tempted to bake something!

  132. I think either book would make a good birthday present (18th on Wednesday!) but I would definitely ask for Cupcakes. :)

  133. I would love to have either one but I’m a cupcake fanatic so definitely the Martha Stewart Cupcakes book would be my choice! And Snickerdoodles are the best! Yummmmy!

  134. That is a hard choice, but I think I would love the cupcake book the best! Recently I have really loved the thought of gourmet cupcakes, so I think that’s what I would choose.

    torrimahoney at gmail dot com

  135. DEFINITELY cupcakes!

  136. Cupcakes! My little boy will gobble down cookies by the dozen, but he takes his sweet time with the cupcakes…..and I think they’re more fun to make.

    Love your website! We’re now addicted to cake pops/balls and I’ll be making the groom’s cake out of cake balls for my sister’s wedding in April. Yum!

  137. oooh, ive been debating for a good half hour and i still cant decide……..ARGH! Ok then im gonna choose……Cookies. No offence cupcakes, but cookies won my vote this time. xxx

  138. Oh my, it is so hard to chose which one I’d like to win most – I’ve been wanting both for a while now, and have been really excited since the Cupcake book came out, but I think I’d use the Cookie one more often if I’m selected as the winner. Thanks for the contest and the chance to hope I’m going to be the owner of one of Martha Steward’s recipe books.

    dorisandpete AT

  139. I think the first time I had snickerdoodles was in college; they’d often have them for lunch in the dorms.

    Sorry to hear the 7-minute frosting was disappointing. I’m always looking for alternatives to teeth-achingly sweet buttercreams.

  140. i absolutely LOVE snickerdoodles!! i have Martha Stewart’s Cupcake book but I haven’t gotten around to making the snickerdoodle cupcake yet.. I know, shaaaame. haha but I would love to have her cookie book too!

  141. Cupcakes!!!!!! I have SO many cookie recipes, but I’m always looking for something new with cupcakes.

  142. Nothing like making it difficult. I would LOVE the cookie book.

  143. Snickerdoodles were the first cookie I ever learnt to cook up. Yet, I’ve since turned cupcake-convert and so would adore the addition of Martha’s cupcake book upon my cupboard.

  144. Its a very tough decision but I’ll have to say the cookie book, I do not have a cookie recipe book yet

    shepparc [at] gmail [dot] com

  145. CUPCAKES are my soft spot! (:

  146. very tough choice! hmm…cookies please!

  147. So cute!! It be awesome to win the cupcake cookbook because I have plenty of cookie cookbooks! It would definitely be a nice change.

  148. oh my!! they both look delicious… but, i would have to choose cookies! :)

  149. cookies! that’ll be perfect with the holidays coming up!

  150. cupcakes!!!! with lots of frosting!!!!

  151. I would love the cookie book!

  152. definitely martha stewart cupcakes -I need all the help I can get!

  153. Cookies! I’ve already seen the cupcake book so the cookie book would be neat to read.

  154. COOKIES! I have cupcakes ;)

  155. Easy choice…Cupcakes! :)

  156. Cookies!!!

  157. Definitely the cookies! I am always amazed at the recipes that come out of the people at Martha Stewart.. and the way the recipes are so nice to work with and adapt.
    Your cupcakes with cookies were adorable and would make such a nice addition to a dessert plate during the holidays.

  158. Definitely the cookie book!

    I made snickerdoodles just a few weeks ago. We made them as a family every Christmas. Now I don’t wait for the holidays to enjoy them!

  159. Definitely the cookie book.

    I can’t believe you had never made Snickerdoodles! Are they more of a Southern cookie? They are a staple in OK.

  160. I would love either!! I don’t own a cupcake cookbook so that would be great, but I also love to bake cookies!!

    By the way, I made the mini pumpkin pies last week and they were a huge hit! Loved them!!

  161. I LOVE your site, it gives me such inspiration to bake beautiful yummy treats~ I am gonna say the cupcake one would be so much fun !

  162. oooh – tough call but would have to go for the cookies one! YUMMY!

  163. would LOVE the cookie book!!! PS made the mini pumpkin pies last night for a craft night – they were gone before any appetizer!!! DELISH!

  164. Ooh, definitely the cookie book. I love baking cookies.

  165. I think cupcakes are adorable, but we aren’t friends. I am hands-down a COOKIE kind of girl. And thank you for the new recipes to try … my husband L-O-V-E-S snickerdoodles (though I always am in competition with his grandma’s recipe). We’ll see how the martha/bakerella version stacks up.

    PS- just made your kitty cakes for my daughter’s 3rd bday (Hello Kitty). Big success. I’ve been passing out this site address ever since! :)

  166. Oh my…I think I would choose cupcakes!!!!! But I’d have to buy the matching cookie book if I won. :)

    Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  167. I stumbled upon your blog while googling “cake balls,” and fell instantly in love! :) Though I am the mommy of triplets plus one, I LOVE to bake! I’ve already made the little pumpkin tarts that you’ve shown and they were a big hit!

    Anyways, I would be thrilled to win the Martha Stewart Cookie book!

  168. Gotta be cookies! Bakerella, you are a fabulous lady, and your site is fantastic!

  169. i love eating cookies more but i love decorating cupcakes more, hard choice….i will have to say cookies!

  170. I love them both, but cookies are easier to pack in lunch boxes, so I’m going to have to go with the cookie book. Love the new look on the website!

  171. Would love to have the cookie one for my 14 year old daughter who loves to bake cookies. Thanks, Bakerella!

  172. No choice here, has to be the cupcake one! I love a good cupcake anytime!!

    Love LOve LOVe LOVE your new site. You are rockin the oven girl, love it!

  173. I would LOVE the cookie book!!! It would be perfect for my Cookie exchange I host every year!!! XOXO

  174. Cupcakes rock!!!

  175. Ooooo so yummy! And tough choice — I am a Cookies girl, so I’d have to go with that one!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  176. What a difficult choice! But I’m definitely more partial to cupcakes, so the cupcake book it’ll be :)

    P.S. Your new site is snazzy!

  177. Wow, that is a tough choice….I would have to go with the cupcake book. Fun for parties and other events.

  178. First, may I say how much I love your site, especially at its new home! Second, all of your work is amazing. And third (the reason why I’ve been buttering you up, not that it matters ;), I would love to win the cookie book! The cupcake book is awesome, but I already own it. Thanks for the contest!

  179. The cookie book looks good, but i think I would rather have the cupcake book. Thanks. :)

  180. I would honestly love to have either of these books. I have been eyeing them both, but if I had to choose just one, I would choose the cookie book.

  181. A book from Bakerella! Yay!! I’d love to have my own copy of teh cupcake book! :D

  182. I would love the cookie book! I love Martha!

  183. I already have the cupcake book, so the cookie book it is!

    Once again, you’re amazing!


  184. The cookie book looks great!! As much as I love baking cupcakes, cookies tend to be easier time-management-wise. Love your site!

  185. I love cupcakes! I’ve been trying to teach myself to decorate better too.. but its more fun with people and I live alone.. I think I need to have a party :)

  186. I’m definitely making this recipe!
    And why would you make me CHOOSE?! But I guess if I have to, I will choose the cupcake book since I’m planning to open a cupcake shop one day…I will just buy the cookie book later :)

  187. I would love the cupcake book! And I am so on that link for the pedestals!

  188. I would just love to have the cookie book! And I love your website – such an inspiration! Thanks to you – I can make doughnuts! :)

  189. My kids love cupcakes and I enjoy baking them. I would love having Martha’s cupcakes book.

  190. I would love love love that cookie book. Too cute! I love baking new, fun, cute cookies.

  191. Ooh those look so yummy! I would love to win the cookie book since I make a lot more cookies than I do cupcakes :-)

  192. The cookies one! I might get pummeled for this one..cupcakes can get old..but not cookies!

  193. I would like the cupcake book, please!! :-)

    And your cupcakes are so cute! And I really like those cupcake pedestals too!

    Thank you!! :-)

  194. Hmm, both look tempting, but I think the cupcake one is calling my name!

  195. I would love the cookie book. It would come in handy for new ideas for my annual Christmas cookie tray.

  196. Oooo, cookie or cupcake book. Tough choice—how about cupcakes?! Love, love, love your ideas.

  197. Cupcakes, hands down! The pictures in that book are so enticing and whimsical.

  198. cookies please! :) btw, i’m going to try to make your mini cheesecake bites this weekend for a friend’s baby shower. can’t wait to taste them. :)

  199. I would loooove Martha Stewart’s Cookies book! Also, those cupcake pedestals are adorable!

  200. I have ALWAYS wanted the cookie book! You can never know enough ways to make cookies.

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