
Spot on

I know I just posted Muppet Cake Pops, but I have some more character pops to show you. Hope you don’t mind seeing pops back to back like this. I usually space them out with other goodies in between, but these just went live Wednesday and I wanted to share them with you.

I did them for Target’s recently launched blog, A Bullseye View. It’s a behind-the-scenes online magazine for the brand.


I’ve gotta say, I’m pretty excited about being able to make cake pops for them and getting to work with one of the stores I’ve shopped at forever. Pretty cool.

And pretty cool that they carry my Cake Pop Kit and Book, too. I actually saw them both at the store yesterday when I was picking up a few things for Thanksgiving. Awesomeness!


FYI, the book is on sale if you’re looking to get one.

I get giddy when I see these in stores. Still so unbelievable to me.

Anyway, want to see the cake pops I made?

Think spots.




Or rather Bullseyes.

Target’s adorable little Bull Terrier mascot in cake pop form.

Visit A Bullseye View to see how to make them.

And if you want to stay on Target, follow them on twitter @aBullseyeView.


Now, I know these are specific and spotted and you’re not likely to have a Target-themed birthday party anytime soon, but you can definitely use these cake pops as a base to create other doggie designs. These are pretty different from the Puppy Pops in my book, so take a look and get your creative juices flowing.

And if you could care less about cake pops, that’s ok, too. You might like this.

When I was at Target, I saw a cute little Bullseye Gift Card at the checkout. So I couldn’t resist grabbing a few to give away with this post.

So here goes.


Enter for a chance to win one of three (3) $100 Target Gift Cards.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me what you’d buy. Electronics, toys, groceries, Christmas gifts, clothes, candy? Do tell.
  • Deadline to enter is Sunday, November 20th at 5 pm ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP!
  • Three $100 winners will be chosen at random and announced sometime Sunday evening on this post.

Good luck.

Ruff. Ruff.

P.S. This giveaway is offered by and sponsored by me.

Okay, I just picked the three winners of the $100 Target Gift Certificates. Yay! Yay! Yay! And here they are…


Congratulations Marianna, Corinne and Suzanne. Have fun shopping!

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6,401 comments on “Spot on”

  1. Great giveaway, and adorable pops! I would buy clothes for my kids!

  2. I would use the card for christmas gifts its been hard this year since I lost my job!! Good luck everyone. I would def buy the book my girl loves cake pops!!

  3. I’d totally buy Christmas gifts for my five kiddos! They all LOVE Targét Boutique. I might slip in a lil something for Mom & Dad too ;)

  4. I would give them to the benevolance fund at church they have helped us for the last 6 years buy gifts for our kids I would like to return the favor :)

  5. I’d put it towards a new dresser – mine is from Ikea and is falling apart!

  6. Not gonna lie, I’d probably spend it mostly on candy. Oh, Target.

  7. Christmas gifts and groceries- especially ingredients for Christmas cookies! :)

  8. How cute are these?!! I would first buy your cake pop kit, then most likely go straight to the pet section and housewares to find whatever I fancied!

  9. I would use it for Christmas gifts =)

  10. I would buy binders, pens, highlighters and sticky notes to replenish for the next semester of law school (you can never have too many post-its!).

  11. Christmas gifts!!!

  12. I would get a jump start on some Christmas shopping for my son, specifically some wii and ds games!

  13. I would buy clothes and toys! Free money is always fun!!

  14. Love target and bullseye!

    I would use this to buy the necessities…food and everyday items.

    And of course I would throw a few Christmas gifts in there and something for myself! :-)

  15. First I would buy your book and then I would buy the cake pops kit. I would do this because my daughter who is 4 years old loves to cook and bake and play restaurant at home all the time. Whenever she sees the inforemmerical for the fake cake pops she cries and makes sad puppy eyes and tries to convince me to buy that for her. LOL!

  16. I would buy my family Christmas gifts.

  17. household necessities…..

  18. I have 4 kids ages 8, 6, 2, 19 months. I would so buy them each a little extra something this xmas.

  19. I would buy my youngest daughter an iPod for Christmas.

  20. I would buy things for my house! I am having a big party for the holidays and could use some serving platters, etc.

  21. Christmas decorations and gifts! :)

  22. I’d take my baby sister on a shopping spree so we could have some good girl time!

  23. I’d definitely buy clothes…. but who am I kidding, I wouldnt walk out of there with out something for my kids. And candy, yes definitely candy. Im a sugar addict.

  24. I would buy a great Christmas present for my mom she is the best

  25. I’d probably buy Christmas decorations. Thanks for the chance!

  26. Like everyone else, I’d buy Christmas gifts!!! And, stuff to make cake pops for our couples Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest party!!!!

  27. Christmas gifts! My hubby and I are great shoppers and we can make those $100 stretch a long way!

  28. I want to get some awesome new bakeware, because really, I could never have enough.

  29. I’d buy supplies for my annual Gingerbread House Party! Soooo many things at Target for the perfect Gingerbread House! I’m spending it in my mind, already!! :-)

  30. I love target and I love cake pops.. made the apples for my daughters teachers.. I would use the gift card to make christmas a little sweeter this year!

  31. Christmas gifts for some people on my list…and couple nice new shades of nail polish for me :)

  32. I would get your book, of course! :-D And I would also buy some Christmas decorations, as you can never have enough holiday decorations! And a new dress for my works holiday party. :-)

  33. I would purchase more baking pans and materials so I can bake for the holidays :)

  34. I would probably buy new flatware or bedding.

  35. Those are so cute!! I would buy gifts for a charity drive.

  36. I’d buy toys for my 18 month old grandson and a few cake pop sprinkle type decorations, of course!

  37. Christmas presents for my 3 boys! :)

  38. Well, we would buy Christmas gifts for my 3 boys.

  39. What a great giveaway! I am a single mom, have been raising my two boys by myself since my husband left us 9 years ago. My sweet boys are now 12 and 10 and I would use that gift card to get them their Christmas presents this year!! Thanks for the opportunity, it is very generous of you.

  40. They don’t have Target where I live now but when I used to live in the states I bought things there all the time. Swimsuit, music CDs, stationary, random things I found cute.

  41. Oh goodness I LOVE Target!!… and cake pops!! I’ve gotten into making them myself over the past few months so I would definitely stock up on the supplies to make more for the holidays!! Then I’d use the rest of the money to buy some Christmas gifts for my family!!

  42. Well, Since I now am gainfully employed and we are officially a two income family Christmas shopping won’t be as difficult for us this year. For this I am THANKFUL. So I think I would adopt a family in need and spend the lot on a family not as fortunate as my family. I love cake pops and have the book and am THANKFUL to be able to share them with others! thanks Bakerella!

  43. I would use it to buy Christmas gifts. And any baking-related items I could find. I can never resist baking stuff.

  44. i would get the rest of my shelves to finish decorating my living room!

  45. I’d get my hunny new underwear and a nice sweater and get myself something pretty! Ho ho ho… All for under the tree of course! :)

  46. Honestly…I’d buy a little something for myself. My family is always yelling at me to treat myself once in a while because I’m always buying things for them! :)

  47. i’d buy groceries and clothes for the growing kids at my house.

  48. I would buy Christmas stuff for the family and a cake pops book for me!! Woo!!

  49. I have been on tour with a theatre show for the past 8 years and am looking forward to settling down. My husband and I, well mostly just me, NEED all wonderful things to bake so I’d spend it all on anything I could find! The only thing we have now are cupcake tins and an ice cream maker :D

  50. I would buy my niece and nephews wonderful Christmas presents. I love the toy aisle almost as much as they do! Fingers crossed.

  51. I would buy some new bakeware. I’ve been trying to cook more recently and some of the old stuff just isn’t cutting it lately.

  52. Christmas Gifts..Would come in very handy for me right about now..I LOVE Target!

  53. LOVE Target!! LOVE Cake pops!!

    Ok.. my kids usually fill up boxes for Operation Christmas Child with money they have saved..we always do it in I think we would fill up another box!

  54. adorable! I’d love to have a little help with the Christmas budget!

  55. You asked for it… My 11 month old grandson & NEW less than a week old Granddaughter!!

  56. A waffle iron! I’ve been wanting one for months but haven’t gotten one yet. Or a Kindle for my bff’s birthday present!

  57. With 4 sweet boys and 4 endless wish lists…the gift card would come in handy for tackling some of their wants!
    They deserve it <3

  58. I would pick up some much needed essentials for this soon-to-be newlywed’s kitchen. The bridal shower is way too far and there are many cookies & cakes to be made (:

  59. I would buy Christmas gifts, and your new book!

  60. I am in need of a new comforter and I have been looking on A gift card would be so helpful :)

  61. Christmas gifts for my awesome family :)

    And thanks for doing a giveaway!!

  62. Love Target!! I’d buy books and clothes.

  63. I would like to buy my family Christmas gifts and have a little shopping spree for myself

  64. Christmas gifts for sure!

  65. I would put this toward the purchase of a bookshelf the hubs and I have been wanting. And I would use the rest for some new clothes. :)

  66. I would spend it on my son for Christmas! Love your stuff bakerella ;)

  67. Christmas prezzies for the hubby! He deserves some spoiling too every once in awhile. ;)

  68. What wouldn’t I buy at Target?! I can’t leave without spending $100 when I mean to go in and buy toothpaste! But I would probably use it to buy presents for my family. It could stretch my budget to get someone a little something else. Thank you!

  69. probably DVDs!! I’m about to take a long trip, and I could use some entertainment!

  70. I would buy new bakerware to keep at my boyfriends place so whenever the mood strikes me, I can whip something up!

  71. LOVE the Bullseye pops! AND I LOVE Target. If I win I would probably just use the gift card on my regular shopping seeing as I’ve been to Target 3 times this week.
    Thanks Bakerella!

  72. Christmas gifts! I do love Tar-jay.

  73. kitchen stuff! I can’t get enough of bakeware and gadgets

  74. i’d like to say candy….but probably groceries and gifts!

  75. Probably clothes!

  76. I would buy some Xmas gifts for my family.

  77. I would by Christmas gifts for family. Mainly Toys for all the younger kiddos

  78. I would buy more Christmas gifts!

  79. I would do Christmas shopping for my two kiddos and some stuff for the school’s Angel Tree :-)

  80. I have 2 kids and 3rd on the way so def christmas presents and cute little baby girls things :) Would be wonderfully helpful, thats for sure.

  81. Christmas gifts for sure!

  82. I’d buy a new TV! Or Christmas presents, if I was in a good mood.

  83. I have neglected my wardrobe over the past several years. I LOVE LOVE LOVE fashion…yet I have let my closet/clothing go to pot. I have gotten in a slump. Generally, I’m spending money on my sons or the house…so I think if I won this I might just splurge on myself and spoil myself with some new clothes! Just keepin’ it real, LOL!

  84. Oh gosh. Christmas shopping $ for sure. I’d probably buy Legos. I’m swimming in them already, but my 7 year old just can’t get enough. Thanks for the chance to win. :)

  85. I would buy gifts for my family it’s been a rough year for us all..

  86. I love Target. I would probably buy Christmas gifts for my family. Thanks for being awesome and providing some baking mojo!

  87. Christmas Gifts!

  88. Christmas presents… a perhaps a lil towards something for myself

  89. I just got married and we don’t have a Christmas tree so I would first buy a table top size Christmas tree and then some books, some art supplies, and stuff to make cookies.

  90. Toys and toys and toys for nieces and nephews!

  91. I’d love to buy the cake pop kit, and a Christmas gift for my mom! Maybe even a little something for my pets, too. :p

  92. Make up, some cool kitchen gadget, shirt for hubby!

  93. I would buy Christmas gifts! I am currently unemployed so it would be great to have some Target cash to get people wonderful gifts! :)

  94. I would spend it on some fun stuff!

  95. I would buy Sweet Stocking stuffers!!!!

  96. Christmas gifts definitely!

  97. Christmas presents! Love target!

  98. I would buy Christmas gifts for my family. Good luck everyone!! Happy Holidays!

  99. I would buy some new rainboots and some Christmas gifts for my family :)

  100. Christmas presents & clothes :)

  101. Christmas gifts!

  102. I would buy some clothes and some stocking stuffers for my family!

    Those little guys are so cute!

  103. ZELDA. Also, socks. I love new socks.

  104. Love the cake pops. I need to check out your book soon! If I won the gift card I think I’d buy groceries with it. And maybe some makeup too. :-)

  105. Christmas presents! For my kids or maybe myself! ;)

    I would probably buy some cute cupcake decorating things…there are so many festive baking decorations and tools out this time of year! I would also probably buy some cute shoes and clothes. :)

  107. Honestly, I’d use it to buy groceries and diapers! And maybe a little something for Christmas.

  108. I would buy Christmas gifts for sure from Target my favorite store… Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  109. Christmas gifts for my sweet grandparents!

  110. I’d probably use the gift card for Christmas presents this year… my three-year-old has been carrying around the Target catalog since it came in the mail. He’d be so happy to get some of the things he’s been eyeing.

  111. Clothes! My winter wardrobe is looking shabby and I have several items I need to replace.

  112. Electronics for my teenage boys!

  113. I would most likely buy Christmas presents… and maybe some boots!

  114. I’m planning on shopping at Target on Saturday this weekend. Christmas, Christmas, Christmas!

  115. I would buy a few outfits for my new job but the rest would be for my sons bday and Christmas gifts

  116. I would have to use it for Christmas gifts…that would be EXCITING!!!

  117. I would buy Christmas presents for my kids!

  118. I would put that towards a kitchenaid mixer :)

  119. Bullseye is adorable in cake pop form! You did a great job, as always. Thanks for the chance to win. I would probably buy something from the baby section.

  120. e-books for my new iPad!

  121. Christmas presents, for sure! :)

  122. I’d buy Christmas gifts for our kids and maybe some comfy jammies for myself!

  123. I would probably spend it on groceries. Can never have enough food! :)

  124. Hanukkah gift for my best friend :)

  125. I would like to say that I would buy Christmas gifts, but let’s be honest here…I can’t walk into Target without buying myself stuff! :)

  126. I’d love to share buying Christmas gifts for my kiddo’s and some of the AngelTree kids we will get this year! LOVE Target!

  127. Most definitely it would help with our Christmas shopping!!!

  128. Christmas presents! Or it would help buy a new tv for my husband’s “man cave”! :)

  129. Galoshes, since it looks like that cold icky rain for the next few weeks. :)

  130. I would stock up on the basics. Or gifts. Or clothes. Or….

    And can I say how amazing you are? Those puppies are fantastic! When I try, they all end up like these weird little blobs. Never cute, but always tasty. *sigh*

  131. I’d start with your book and kit – and then shop around the $1 area…

  132. I would buy Christmas presents for all the kids in the family :)

  133. christmas baking supplies! and probably presents too!

  134. I would go with the intentions of using to buy Christmas gifts but the winter clothes would just suck me in!!

  135. I would buy my boys a wii.

  136. cute pops! we now have a super target so i would most likely get clothes & shoes for my kiddos, a game for my husband and books for myself. oh and lots of simply orange orange juice. : )

  137. Groceries and gifts for my family! :) Thank you for the chance!

  138. Definitely Christmas presents!!

  139. I would just spend it on one of my almost daily trips to Target. It would go very quickly this time if year between gifts and cooking!

  140. definitely buy some Christmas gifts…with 8 grandkids, this would help. Thanks for a chance

  141. Definitely Christmas gifts! And a cake pop kit! These are so cute! :)

  142. Clothes and Christmas gifts! Perfect timing. And those are so cute!

  143. My daughter loves shoes! The more the better.

  144. YOUR BOOK! Somehow I still don’t have a copy. Probably new boots as well =}

  145. We are getting a kitten from the animal shelter after Christmas, so I would stock up on food and litter and kitten toys!

  146. Probably Christmas presents and dog toys. :) That’s what I always seem to leave Target with this time of year!

  147. $100 to spend at target?!?

    something for each of my family members and for me…a new book to read!

  148. Definitely Christmas gifts or maybe that Shark Floor cleaner I’ve been eyeing for over a year now!

  149. I would probably buy toys and/or clothes for my daughter and my niece for Christmas.

  150. I would buy extra Christmas gifts, I love giving presents!!

  151. Love those pops! I would buy toys and let my kids chose one to donate to charity!

  152. I would definitely by Christmas gifts. Okay and maybe something for me too :)

  153. Definitely would stock up on clothes for my girls.

  154. I would but it towards my iPad purchased.

  155. I shop at Target for everything, so Christmas presents, groceries, whatever!!

  156. Christmas gifts or winter clothes. Great giveaway! :)

  157. I would buy goodies for my new granddaughter. Her parents don’t have lots of extra right now (what new parents do, lol) so any goodies we can help with is a nice support to them.

  158. Woohoo for Target (and Bullseye) – I think I’d save the giftcard until we are in a new house (we just moved) and buy some new decor or bedding or organizational stuff. :-) Thanks for sharing!

  159. Omg! I swear, each time you post it is sheer perfection. I adore those cake pops!!!

    If I won, I would definitely buy something, anything, and only for me. Every time in at target I am typically found buying diapers, wipes, some grocery item I am low on. But nothing ever for me. :-) I need my spirits lifted.

  160. I think that little Target dog cake pop is adorable. My kids would love them too. I know if I won a target gift card I’d be using it to buy some new video games for my kids. They’d really love that!

  161. I’d get my mom a watch that she was admiring, and some new long-sleeve shirts for my kiddo. And hit those $1 bins for stocking stuffers. Those pops are cute!

  162. Christmas stuff! New lights and decorations!

  163. I would definitely buy Christmas presents for my 2 kiddos!

  164. I would buy mostly books, maybe some gift wrap or decor stuff too.

    LOVE the bullseye pops – thanks for sharing the love!! :)

  165. LOVE the bullseye cake pops! So cute. I’ve always been a fan of Bullseye.

    I buy everything at Target! But if I won I’d use the gift card on myself for a Christmas gift (ok who are we kidding – I’d use it for Christmas for my kids)

    Thanks SO much for the chance!

  166. I would buy clothes for me! I haven’t done that in ages.

  167. I’d purchase matching lamps for my nightstands. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  168. I’d buy a new Christmas tree!! Tis the Season!

  169. I would buy new bedding or linens for the bathroom, our old ones are worn out!

  170. I love Target! I would like to say is buy something fun for myself, but the truth is I would probably end up letting my 4-year-old pick anything he wanted.

  171. Christmas Gifts! And some baking supplies, of course, because you can never have too many of those!

  172. I would buy lots of Christmas decorations! It’s my favorite time of year!

  173. Either toys or baby stuff!

  174. i would buy some Missoni for Target, if I ever find any!

  175. I’d put it towards Christmas gifts fo sho! :)

  176. i would go christmas shopping!!! including something from the kitchen department for myself. :)

  177. I’d buy gifts for my family! And probably some groceries. And maybe a chocolate bar for myself.

  178. What a great giveaway! An Ipod Touch for my son for Christmas.

  179. Some new clothes for my mom! And Christmas gifts for the rest of my family.

  180. Wow, what a generous giveaway, thank you! I must admit that my husband & I do more & more grocery shopping at Target so as boring as that sounds, that’s probably where the $ would be spent. ;) Thanks for the opportunity.

  181. I’d definitely buy Christmas gifts!

  182. i’d buy christmas toys for my two boys!

  183. Christmas presents would be first on my list! :)

  184. I would buy Christmas presents for my family!

  185. I’d get a nintendo 3ds for my 10-year-old!

  186. Christmas!! a menorah for my sister! and some floating shelves for my new bathroom.

  187. What a wonderful, generous giveaway!! I love to shop at the “red dot boutique”!! I would definitely be buying some Christmas gifts, but then will definitely hop over to the shoe aisle for myself….and grab a “Cake Pop Kit” on my way out, too (of course!). Thank you, Bakerella!

  188. Oh man, what wouldn’t I buy at Target!

    I buy clothes there, groceries, toiletries, light bulbs (they have a better selection than my local hardware store!), furniture, toys for my nephew…..everything. I love Target.

  189. Probably groceries and something fun for my home.

  190. I would buy accessories for our new house!

  191. I would buy groceries! :o)

  192. I would love to buy some gifts for The Giving Tree in my area.

  193. Those are ADORABLE! Love his little tongue!

    I think I’d buy some clothes. Or maybe Christmas gifts! And definitely On the Border salsa, since Target is one of the only stores I can find that stocks it. Woohoo!

  194. Cute!! I would get Christmas gifts for my kids. Probably mostly clothes, because they’re both growing like weeds and need new clothes.

  195. I would definitely use it to buy Christmas presents for my family!

  196. We spoil the kids at Christmas so I would buy CLOTHES for me!!!

  197. Where to begin? Some Christmas Presents and of course something fun for me too! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  198. Christmas gifts! It would be nice to afford a little something extra for the kids.

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