
Spot on

I know I just posted Muppet Cake Pops, but I have some more character pops to show you. Hope you don’t mind seeing pops back to back like this. I usually space them out with other goodies in between, but these just went live Wednesday and I wanted to share them with you.

I did them for Target’s recently launched blog, A Bullseye View. It’s a behind-the-scenes online magazine for the brand.


I’ve gotta say, I’m pretty excited about being able to make cake pops for them and getting to work with one of the stores I’ve shopped at forever. Pretty cool.

And pretty cool that they carry my Cake Pop Kit and Book, too. I actually saw them both at the store yesterday when I was picking up a few things for Thanksgiving. Awesomeness!


FYI, the book is on sale if you’re looking to get one.

I get giddy when I see these in stores. Still so unbelievable to me.

Anyway, want to see the cake pops I made?

Think spots.




Or rather Bullseyes.

Target’s adorable little Bull Terrier mascot in cake pop form.

Visit A Bullseye View to see how to make them.

And if you want to stay on Target, follow them on twitter @aBullseyeView.


Now, I know these are specific and spotted and you’re not likely to have a Target-themed birthday party anytime soon, but you can definitely use these cake pops as a base to create other doggie designs. These are pretty different from the Puppy Pops in my book, so take a look and get your creative juices flowing.

And if you could care less about cake pops, that’s ok, too. You might like this.

When I was at Target, I saw a cute little Bullseye Gift Card at the checkout. So I couldn’t resist grabbing a few to give away with this post.

So here goes.


Enter for a chance to win one of three (3) $100 Target Gift Cards.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me what you’d buy. Electronics, toys, groceries, Christmas gifts, clothes, candy? Do tell.
  • Deadline to enter is Sunday, November 20th at 5 pm ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP!
  • Three $100 winners will be chosen at random and announced sometime Sunday evening on this post.

Good luck.

Ruff. Ruff.

P.S. This giveaway is offered by and sponsored by me.

Okay, I just picked the three winners of the $100 Target Gift Certificates. Yay! Yay! Yay! And here they are…


Congratulations Marianna, Corinne and Suzanne. Have fun shopping!

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6,401 comments on “Spot on”

  1. i would love to buy clothes for my kids and some much needed home decor. =) <3

  2. Very cute. I would buy Santa gift’s for my boy’s, who are 4 and 11. More then likely Legos

  3. We have no Target in Canada, so when we go we buy ALOT! I ? the kids clothes for my girls!!! :)

  4. Probably Christmas decorations, its been the worst year, my Fiance and I definitely need some Christmas cheer!!

  5. I’d buy a cake pop maker and all the accessories needed to decorate them with.

  6. Christmas gifts! I have 19 nieces and nephews, this would go a long way! :)

  7. oh my goodness, they are ADORABLE!! You are too talented :) I’m addicted to Target, so I would definitely have no problem using the gift card ;) I’m sure I would be tempted to spoil myself, but it would definitely be nice to put towards Christmas gifts!

  8. So cute!! I would definitely buy electronics and groceries.

  9. I’d put it towards Christmas decorations, especially ornaments!

  10. Christmas gifts for sure!

  11. I would buy christmas presents for my kids! I love to make them smile!

  12. Clothes, maybe a pocket camcorder, or some of that trail mix that is really just M&Ms and chocolate chips with a few nuts and raisins.

  13. I would buy your cakepop books to give away as Christmas presents to my bestest friends and families!

  14. Those cake pops are adorable! Bullseye is such a cute mascot! I would probably get some snuggly new jammies for each of my little ones. There is something special about snuggly new jammies on Christmas when you are little! They wear them all Christmas day!

  15. Those are adorable!!! We have a terrier that reminds me of the target dog.

    I would selfishly put the gc towards a new tv for the family room.

  16. I’d spoil myself and my husband!!! a few Blu-rays for him and some girlie things for me (make up, hair products, fancy lotions). it would be heaven!!!

  17. Supplies for some Christmas cake pops ;)

  18. Definitely CHRISTmas gifts!!!

  19. Id get a drumb set for my nephew he loves music and the drum set they have is perfect for his sie. Or the cars toddler bike, hes addicted to cars also

  20. OOOH I love you Bakerella!!!! I would love to buy the Cake Pop Kit, since I already have the book!!! And something for my sweet 16 month old! :) xoxo!

  21. I would buy stuff for my babies first Xmas soccer things for my husband and baking stuff for me.

  22. Something just for me. Like a kindle!

  23. I’d use it to buy my husband something nice for Christmas, I don’t spoil him enough and he deserves it.

  24. I would probably buy a mixer of clothing and kitchen supplies!

  25. Toys for my girls and books or decorations!!! I love Target! Thank you for the chance. How fun!

  26. I’d split it between clothes and seasonal goodies!

  27. I would buy some Christmas decorations to warm up the house for the holidays

  28. Clothes and shoes for me!!

  29. I would buy your book, of course! Oh, and probably some clothes, decor and a few stocking stuffers, too.

  30. Christmas Presents!! :D

  31. I would buy Christmas Gifts!!!! My hubby and I just bought our very first house so we need to get it equipped!! So excited for all you are doing!

  32. I would love to buy your book .. I think I would love to try making these cake pops .. so cute !!!

  33. So cute! Love those pops! I think the first thing I would buy is your book! Although, I may have to get a copy even if I don’t win. :)

  34. I would prolly buy a rainjacket and rainboots, because I’m going to be in Tel Aviv this winter (during the rainy season) and I’m used to dry weather! Target is awesome.

    Also, these pops are ADORABLE!!

  35. Gosh, that’s tough! Probably Christmas presents.

  36. I’d go to Super Target and do some grocery shopping which would definitely include supplies for baking some yummy goodness!

  37. I would like to buy myself a dyson vacuum, but i would probably end up buying clothes for my 3 month old and 1 1/2 year old.

  38. I’d use it for house decor for my new home!

  39. birthday presents for my son :)

  40. I would probably split the amount with my husband so I am sure he would get $50 in movies and I would buy some kitchen supplies!

  41. Oh wow, I would definitely buy a few Christmas gifts, a few fun outfits/shoes for myself and of course plenty of yummy baking necessities! Thanks Bakerella :)

  42. I’d buy Christmas presents for my nieces – all kinds of cute and girly things!

  43. Would definitely go towards the Christmas gift fund! Adorable cake pops as always!

  44. Christmas gifts. And Vanilla Almond Crunch Cereal by Market Pantry. A pair of socks. And school supplies to donate to Kids International Ministries.

  45. I would looove the gift card…and would buy ornaments for my Christmas tree and help Santa shop for my 5 year old son ;)

  46. Cute Cake Pops! Your so Sweet for doing this Giveaway!!!! Always nice to give something extra for the Kids!!!!

  47. Maybe holiday gifts, but probably pretty new kitchen gadgets. And your book of course! It’s been on my wish list forever.

  48. I would not spend it but rather add it to the gift box that my work team gives to a needy family each you for them to spend.

  49. Oh my word, those are just PERFECT! I love them! I would probably use it for some gifts, and maybe and hit up the clearance racks while I’m there, because hey, you can’t be at target and not hit up the clearance!

  50. I would definitely buy Christmas gifts!! I love shopping for Christmas, it’s my favorite time of year :)

  51. I think I would spend 33.33 on each of my three children ;-)

  52. CLOTHES!! I’d buy clothes! Or this awesome pair of boots that they have.

    Oh, and I got my Cake Pops cards in the mail the other day, I can’t wait to give one to my friend at her baby shower! She loves owls, so I can’t wait for her to open the envelope and see that sweet owl card!

  53. I’d buy Christmas presents for my fiancé and my family!

  54. Christmas presents for my boys!!;)

  55. I would buy Hannukah items and gifts for my children. Target is one of the ONLY major retailers in my area that gives any consideration to families who celebrate anything other than Christmas. It’s a refreshing change, and one I’m happy to support.

  56. I would give the gift card to my mom and dad.. they have given their 5 children more than we could ever pay back to them! it would be a wonderful surprise!

  57. I would buy more Christmas decorations! I love to decorate for Christmas, but it’s hard to justify buying more decorations when there are so many other things to buy during the holidays! I could really do some damage with $100!! :)

  58. Wow – you’ve captured Bullseye perfectly!

    I’d most likely pick up blu-rays for fam movie nights!

  59. For Christmas gifts!

  60. Christmas gifts for my family and myself!

  61. I would buy DVDs and Christmas presents for some little kids :)

  62. If I won I would buy my Mommy a Kindle for Christmas. She loves to read and I think the Kindle would be the perfect gift for her. If there was money left, I’d buy stuff for my son for his new house. Good Luck Everyone ~

  63. I would use this card to buy groceries. Times are tough so it would come in very handy. It would also help out with Xmas gift for the kids.

  64. Hmm hard one! Prolly an electronic my lil brothers and sisters could share :) or some winter clothes! :)

  65. Your cake pop book!! Chirstmas gifts for the kids and other family memebers.

  66. Baby stuff…I’m going to be a Grandma! SHE is due on 1/31 and her wonderful Daddy will be watching via SKYPE from Afghanistan….we’re all so very excited!!!

  67. I would buy my new niece some cute clothes and toys for Christmas :)

  68. I would use it to get holiday gifts for my kids!

  69. Target, the store I go into and never ever know with what I will emerge! But whatever it is, my total is never under $100.

    I think we would get some DS games for my girls, and maybe the Cake Pop book!

  70. Gifts, definitely. And coffee.

  71. Ooh so fun! Probably Christmas presents and maybe a little present for myself! ;)

  72. I would love to buy my nieces and newphews toys that my sisters would not be able to buy for them. I have 4 nieces 3 nephews all under 10. They would love the little things most take for granted. (Xmas of course :))

  73. A ballet outfit with shoes for my daughter – she has been doing well with regular clothes and socks but I think she’d have fun wearing the leotard like the other girls. I will be doing it anyway but I saw that Target sells the ballet gear now.

  74. I want a cake pop maker so bad!!!!!!! I can make so many cool things.

  75. All things wonderful and sparkly!

  76. I would absolutely spoil some very deserving people with it…everyone has been so good to me this year. Thanks for the opportunity!

  77. Anything! I love Target!!!

  78. Definitely Christmas gifts! There is a garbage truck at Target that my three-year-old has his eye on…

  79. Candy sounds great!

  80. Definitely Christmas presents since I don’t have the money this year. This is so sweet of you to do!

  81. I love their accessories! I would probably get a new necklace or handbag or shoes or scarf or…..pretty much EVERYTHING!

    PS. Bakerella, I think we would be really good friends. Just FYI.

  82. Christmas gifts for sure! But also baby stuff…. baby #1 on the way! :)

  83. Christmas gifts!! And new baking gear!!!

  84. I would buy Christmas presents for my children and my family! and some household items!thanks

  85. Christmas gifts for my kids :)

  86. I would use the Card to do some retail therapy, like I used to do in college with my roomie… If I was feeling down we would jus go and walk down the aisles and grab something anything that caught our eye. (once a Kiddie tv tray and crayons and coloring book) I haven’t been able to do that for sometime as now being a si gle parent I feel guilty grabbing frivolous things, even tho I remember the simple things that always brought a smile back!!! **as cakepopping does now**

  87. I would definitely make my niece and nephew extra happy this Christmas if I won! :)

  88. It’s never hard to find something ot spend $ on at Target but right now I’d DEF spend it on Christmas gifts! I do the majority of my kid shopping there and this would be great!

    Plus I’d buy your book!!! :)

  89. If I win one of the gift cards I’d buy some holiday presents with it.

  90. Single serving crock pot and clothes!!

  91. I’d use it for my kids :) Clothes for winter and dance class!

  92. toys for my son!

  93. I’d buy Christmas gifts for my kids and family :)

  94. I love love love Target! One of my favorite places to shop because they have everything! The gift card would have to go towards Christmas presents and decorations. I love the holidays and can’t wait to start decorating!

  95. Groceries, and Christmas gifts, and groceries (I’m thrifty).

  96. Christmas gifts for my two little girls!

  97. Tis the season for the best giveaways! We happen to be blessed with a Target within walking distance from our home and shop there frequently. I’m certain I could find Christmas gifts for my husband & 5yr old with noooo trouble at all :)

  98. For Christmas gifts! And maybe some “good luck with finals” study packs (snacks, chapstick, instant coffee, etc) for my friends still in school.

  99. Christmas presents! And baby supplies…never-ending need for diapers :)

  100. Ooh…I’d help Santa get a microscope for my daughter, and then replace some of our family’s perpetually holey shoes and socks.

  101. I’m not quite sure what it would be but I’m definitely sure it would be something I absolutely love and is all for me. :) No, I don’t get out often!

  102. Oooh! How fun! I would buy some stocking stuffers for the kids, diapers, and supplies to bake presents for Christmas. :)

  103. Christmas gifts for sure for my boys or maybe something for my amazing hubby.

  104. I’d buy books and dvds!

  105. Christmas gifts, and a few bags of candy cane hershey kisses….my holiday favorite :)

  106. =D Believe it or not, I would by t-shirts! I work in a print shop, so nice clothing is not in the plan. They have these men’s Mossimo t-shirts that are SO soft & wash up SO WELL!!! They are in great colors & I wear them with jeans to work all the timel. The heathered plum color is probably my favorite. =)

  107. I would buy diapers for my newborn baby girl, Harper Grace!

  108. I would buy toys/clothes for my kids!!!

  109. supplies to make sweet treats for my family, from a poor college student :-)

  110. I would buy Christmas gifts, diapers, and maternity clothes, since I just found out I’m pregnant with my 2nd and am already showing!

  111. Thank you for this giveaway, and an opportunity to win! :-)

    I think I would possibly buy something in the pots and pans and gadget section.

    Thank you again!! :-)

  112. i would buy Christmas gifts with it! My kids have been marking the toy catalog for weeks.

  113. I’d buy Christmas gifts…..because Tarjay has it all!

  114. I’d get clothes! I love Target clothes!

  115. Barbie camper for our little girl!

  116. Christmas gifts. Mostly for the kids. :)

  117. I would buy books for the Christmas store our church sponsors every year!

  118. Those are just adorable!!!!! I cant wait to see what you come up with next!!!! TFS!!

  119. i wish they did bullseye commercials again! i would use this to help subsidize our christmas, that’s for sure… probably for something for my husband.

  120. Hi there, I love your blog! Thanks for the opportunity to win a Target gift card! My husband is graduating with his Masters in Physical Therapy on Dec 17th, and I would use it to buy him something nice. He deserves it for all of his hard work. Happy holidays! :)

  121. What cute dog pops! I could do a bit of damage at Target with a gift card. I think it would all be spent in the electronic deparment for my boys.

  122. I’d use it as a big discount on a kitchenaid!

  123. Either Christmas gifts or baking supplies to get my Christmas baking on!

  124. For Christmas, I would buy my mom some slippers & a bag. I would get my dad some clothes for the winter. Love the cake pops!

  125. Christmas gifts for my family!

  126. These cakepops are sooo adorable!!! YOU are such an inspiration Bakerella!!! Thank you for sharing you creations with me :-) If I win I am going to buy some stuff for my kitchen!


  127. I would buy , toys for my son , and cake tools for him , he is 3 years old and loves to decorate cakes and play with fondant , id love to get him a cute little apron and baking stuff :)

  128. I haven’t had time to go clothes shopping in months…so that is exactly where it would go!

  129. I would buy christmas presents!!

  130. I would buy toys for my toddler boy and clothes for my baby girl (I’m due on Sunday!)

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  131. I would buy my kids toys and clothes and shoes.

  132. I’m a nanny and it would be great to get my kiddos something really awesome for the holidays! :0)

  133. My husband says “Batman:Arkam City”… But he’s already getting that for Christmas… So I would have to say something to make my 2 cousins’ Christmas a bit merrier. This economy is just so tough around the holidays for young kids. Congrats on you Spot cakepops! So cute!!!

  134. I would put that Gift Card towards a purchase of a camera! I always have to borrow one for my kids events! And if I can’t get a hold of one… I just use my phone camera, lol better than nothing right! Lol

  135. I would spend half on some Christmas shopping for our family, and then I would use the other half to help another family in need during the holidays.

  136. I would probably spend it on my new grandson for Christmas! SUPER cute cake pops!!!

  137. My 3 year old saw these and now he wants to make “Target Dog” Cake Pops!
    We would buy baby food smoothies, new socks, and a new purse for mommy. And then we would look at toys.

  138. I would buy some DVD’s so my husband and I could have some great nights watching movies :).

  139. Definitely christmas gifts!

  140. a wheely bug bee for my little girl.

  141. I would probably buy baby items for my best friend who’s pregnant with her first child! Her and her husband are young. They can need all the help they can get!

  142. Probably a gift for my very patient boyfriend as a thank you for getting me through my recent surgery.

  143. I would buy something extra special for my daughter’s birthday. Her birthday is sooo close to Christmas- it’s always a difficult trying to juggle getting to nice gifts. Crossing my fingers!

    And BTW, love the Bullseye cake pop! Target is my store of choice- so much better than its competitors!! Love Target!

  144. Curtains for my livingroom and Buzz Lightyear and Woody for my son for Christmas because he “loves” them.

  145. I would buy clothes, or new sheets, or something for the kitchen.

  146. You always make the cutest things EVER! If I won a gift card, I’d have to use it for supplies to continue to organize all my sprinkles, molds, cookie cutters, Americolor pens, candies, paper sticks, cello bags, etc. that I’ve accumulated since becoming pop obsessed! I seriously need to get it all contained!

  147. I would buy home decor items for my new bedroom and bathroom that are currently under renovations! Goodness knows that is what I won’t have money left for after the holidays!! :) :)

  148. LOVE THE CAKE POPS!! :)

  149. Christmas gifts!!! I am a recent college graduate and my wallet is getting on empty because I am still currently jobless! I love to GIVE gifts and I love being creative with them!

  150. I would get a new camera!

  151. Definitely clothes! :)

  152. I love your book and actually bought it at Target. I would use it to buy electronics or maybe baking supplies.

  153. I would buy cute Christmas pjs for my girls!!!

  154. I would use it towards Christmas gifts for the kids and try to make sure to get a little something for my husband and I…like a candy bar if we’re lucky! ;)

  155. I would buy toys and donate them all to the local charity for Christmas. We really don’t need anything.

  156. I would buy electronics and christmas presents for my family.

  157. I’d probably buy some movies and books. (Including yours! I’ve been too broke to buy any cookbooks lately.)

  158. Winning would be a blessing… Id buy the kids 1 gift each and let them choose/buy stuff to bake and give away for the holidays.

  159. I would buy clothes and toys and all sorts of goodies for my new baby girl!!

  160. Christmas gifts, I been out of work for a while and a gift card would do wonders for me right now. tks for the giveaway oportunity…

  161. I would share with my 2 kids, and purchase things they may need. My daughter is in college and always need personal items.

  162. Love love Target! I usually head to the clearance spots first but if I won, I would actually use it to help me buy an iPad cause my 5 year old daughter, 3 year old daughter, hubby and I, have been saving up to buy one! Would really help a lot =)

  163. I’d love to be able to say I’d buy practical things like toothpaste & paper towels but if I win I’ll be using it for shoes!!!

  164. Baby clothes for all the babies on the way, some adorable sprinkles, and lotion to keep the winter scales away!

  165. Probably Christmas gifts. And maybe a little treat for myself. ;)

  166. I’d get some new clothes, stocking stuffers, and coconut milk (since it’s one of the only places I can find it).

  167. Hmm probably some Christmas presents for the girls then check out a new comforter!

  168. Ohmygosh! $100 gift card to Target would make my little boys’ Christmas SO much better!

    Awesome giveaway! Thanks!

  169. I would buy your cake pop book & some clothes for my 4 boys.

  170. Clothes? Home decorating stuff? All those fun/seasonal/trendy things that I really WANT to buy but make myself wait until they’re on clearance but then they sell too fast? Yeah, those. At full price, baby.

  171. My favorite store by far and I always spend too much money there. I would by buy PJ’s and CD players for my kids, cuz that is what they need at this moment.

  172. Toys for my little boys!

  173. I would probably get some clothes for me since I am losing weight and my clothes are getting a little too big! Best problem to have!

  174. Extra Christmas gifts for those in need.

  175. Those pops are amazing. My family and I would use it to restock our pantry with Gluten free items and some new decorations for christmas. My family loves decorating for Christmas.

  176. I would use it on Christmas presents. I love this time of year. I love giving gifts, just need a money tree to do it.

  177. I would buy books for myself and Christmas gifts for my neices and nephew. Cute little doggie pops!

  178. I’d splurge on something fun for me… Some new make-up!

  179. Gifts! For me! Kitchen gadgets!!!

  180. First of all…Love the bulllseye dog…geez your good! I would definitely use the card towards presents and pick up your book for my boyfriends daughter. She just loves being crafty & baking w/me. I already have it so she can have 1 at her Moms too. Gracias!

  181. Love Target! I would buy gifts!

  182. Christmas gifts-it is the time for giving! And maybe a little gift for me?

  183. Christmas presents!

  184. Definitely Christmas presents. Perfect timing! Those cake pops are adorable!!

  185. Christmas gifts for sure!

  186. I would get fun things for Christmas, or holiday outfits and I’d be sure to save enough for your kit! Ho ho ho!

  187. I would buy some clothes :)

  188. I’d pass it along to my baby sis who’s a poor college kid :) You’re so talented lady! Your posts always bring a smile to my face :D

  189. So very cute! I love Target. I’d definitely buy Christmas gifts with the gift card, since I already have your book. ;-)

  190. I would totally use it to buy baking supplies such as sprinkles, liners, shaped pans and of course your new Cake Pop Kit!!! =)

  191. New rain boots for the kiddo. Hats, gloves and scarves for our family of three. Whatever is left would go towards getting the small 3 in 1 Lego sets that we want to put in out Christmas Child shoe boxes.

  192. A combination of clothes (sweaters), nail polish (glitter), and Christmas gifts (electric blanket specifically requested by my mom).

  193. i would love to buy Christmas gifts for kids other than my own.

  194. I would use the giftcard to get some Christmas gifts!

  195. I would spend it on myself. I would probably buy cake decorating, craft books and kitchen stuff.

  196. electronics for my hubby&stepson…toys&clothes for my niece and nephew…doggie toys for our “fur” babies..and cake pop books&supplies for my mom who LOVES them just like i do!!! :0)

  197. I would buy Christmas presents for my kiddos.

  198. I would buy serveware!! I love the stuff Target home carries bc it always makes my goodies look that much better once they are all nicely plated! :) And with the holidays comming I know they’ll have tons of options!!

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