
Spot on

I know I just posted Muppet Cake Pops, but I have some more character pops to show you. Hope you don’t mind seeing pops back to back like this. I usually space them out with other goodies in between, but these just went live Wednesday and I wanted to share them with you.

I did them for Target’s recently launched blog, A Bullseye View. It’s a behind-the-scenes online magazine for the brand.


I’ve gotta say, I’m pretty excited about being able to make cake pops for them and getting to work with one of the stores I’ve shopped at forever. Pretty cool.

And pretty cool that they carry my Cake Pop Kit and Book, too. I actually saw them both at the store yesterday when I was picking up a few things for Thanksgiving. Awesomeness!


FYI, the book is on sale if you’re looking to get one.

I get giddy when I see these in stores. Still so unbelievable to me.

Anyway, want to see the cake pops I made?

Think spots.




Or rather Bullseyes.

Target’s adorable little Bull Terrier mascot in cake pop form.

Visit A Bullseye View to see how to make them.

And if you want to stay on Target, follow them on twitter @aBullseyeView.


Now, I know these are specific and spotted and you’re not likely to have a Target-themed birthday party anytime soon, but you can definitely use these cake pops as a base to create other doggie designs. These are pretty different from the Puppy Pops in my book, so take a look and get your creative juices flowing.

And if you could care less about cake pops, that’s ok, too. You might like this.

When I was at Target, I saw a cute little Bullseye Gift Card at the checkout. So I couldn’t resist grabbing a few to give away with this post.

So here goes.


Enter for a chance to win one of three (3) $100 Target Gift Cards.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me what you’d buy. Electronics, toys, groceries, Christmas gifts, clothes, candy? Do tell.
  • Deadline to enter is Sunday, November 20th at 5 pm ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP!
  • Three $100 winners will be chosen at random and announced sometime Sunday evening on this post.

Good luck.

Ruff. Ruff.

P.S. This giveaway is offered by and sponsored by me.

Okay, I just picked the three winners of the $100 Target Gift Certificates. Yay! Yay! Yay! And here they are…


Congratulations Marianna, Corinne and Suzanne. Have fun shopping!

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6,401 comments on “Spot on”

  1. I’d buy some toys. Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. Those target pops are so cute! Love the ones with the little pink tongues! I’d do some Christmas shopping for my girls.

  3. Christmas gifts for my kiddos!

  4. I would use it for the iPad my boys want for Christmas.

  5. Bullseye is so cute!!!i would buy Christmas gifts for my kids for sure! Thanks for your generosity!

  6. I would use them for Christmas gifts. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Probably food and gifts… maybe clothes.

  8. Cute pops! I’d like to think that I’d get something fun for me, but probably end up buying something for my kids or classroom.

  9. I would probably spend it on toys for the kiddos. Or I might splurge and get myself something…like a cake pop book:)

  10. I’d buy a small crock pot for melting chocolate! The rest would be spent on organic baby foods. Target has the best prices on the brands we use. Love your work!

  11. Wii games for my kids… We saved money to buy a Wii but now looking at games, they are expensive! P.S. LOVE your creativity :)

  12. Your books as Christmas gifts

  13. Target! New bedding and I’m thinking SPOTS!

  14. I’d probably go practical and get some diapers for the little one…and probably sneak in a superhero toy for the big one.

  15. I would use it towards buying Kinect for XBox for myself.

  16. wow! That would seriously help with my christmas shopping! I would be the best aunt ever- because I would buy TOYS!

  17. I’d buy Christmas gifts, and some new baking pans for myself!!

  18. I would buy new bath towels! And maybe a few Christmas gifts, too… :)

  19. I would use it to purchase a new dress for the holiday season and new SHOES! who doesn’t need new shoes? a lot of new shoes. and some new baking pans cos you never have enough of them.

  20. I would buy clothes, and Christmas presents, maybe some special Christmas candy… Who knows… The list is endless. I love target but since I live overseas I only get to see it once a year. A gift card would fix that. Haha :)

  21. I’d probably just use it for my everyday stuff. Boring, I know, but I’m on budget. I got to Target all.the.time. for basically everything that I need.

  22. I would buy gifts, for sure!

    p.s. I love the Spot cake pops…too cute!

  23. absolutely LOVE Target and love these pops!! I’d buy more Christmas gifts for my boys :-)

  24. I’d buy more stuff for my children, but would be sorely tempted to hit the book department…

  25. If the nearest Target here was a super center, I’d probably buy lots of groceries, but it’s not, so I’d mostly buy clothes (for the kids) and I love wandering around housewares and such and I’m sure a few things from there would fly into my cart!

  26. I would buy my husband and son’s christmas presents. Gosh it would really come in handy.
    Hope someone gifts me your book this christmas!

  27. Your bullseye pops are so so cute! Thanks so much for the generous giveaway, too. I would buy groceries and Christmas gifts :)

  28. Oooo! I love’s like my second home. I would buy clothes, toys, diapers…everything my 3 1/2 month old baby girl could need!

  29. I will most likely end up getting clothes and toys for the kids. They grow so fast!

  30. Christmas PrEsEnTs, of course!!!

  31. Of course I’d buy the cake pops book for myself for Christmas, then I’d save the rest for Christmas clearance. I love picking up sprinkles, pans, and other cooking stuff half off or better – last year after Easter I scored six mini springform pans 75% off for 2.50 each, plus the 5% from my Redcard.

  32. We have a new baby girl in our household, so trips to Target have become an almost daily occurrence (thank goodness it’s just down the street!) I would use the gift card for Christmas goodies for her and my husband.

  33. I love Target! I can’t seem to get out of there for less than $100…even if I went in to get gum! :0) I’d start buying Christmas presents for my kiddos. It’s fun to see your kits on the shelves! Congrats.

  34. I would buy Christmas gifts for my family. My kids are out on their own and need some matching dinnerware!

  35. Some bowls! We’ve broken most of our bowls, so now we’re only down to two… :P

  36. Ohhhh…free money at Target! We purchased our first home in late October, and as you can imagine, moving right before Christmas with two kiddos leads to budget crunch. I’d pick up some Christmas extras, but mostly I’d use that money to get decor for the new house. That beautiful mantel needs some charm!

  37. I have a sister that is a single mother to three kids and lives enough above the poverty level that she doesn’t qualify for benefits. She lives paycheck to paycheck and I know Christmas is weighing heavily on her. I’d give them to her.

  38. Christmas and Birthday presents – all three of my boys have birthdays within the next 6 weeks. So between birthdays and Christmas, that’s a lot of gifts!!

  39. This would be a HUGE help for Christmas shopping! I would probably also get some Fekkai shampoo & conditioner… that stuff’s expensive, but it works.

  40. I would definitely buy Christmas gifts!

  41. A new flat iron!

  42. I am thinking about getting my own apartment, so I would probably get a few things that I would need for that.

  43. Love Target! I would buy clothes and some stocking stuffers for the kids.

  44. I would buy Christmas presents! And maybe a little something for myself :)

    The Target Dog cake pops are probably the cutest thing ever!! You did amazing on them!

  45. Definitely Christmas gifts for the friends and fam.

  46. I would use it on my husband for Christmas, it has been a tight year and we may have an imagination Christmas this year :)

  47. Christmas gifts for sure! Maybe a little something small for my own fun too!

  48. I would buy Christmas things and baby girl clothes ;)

  49. I’d definitely buy the cake pops kit, and after that probably Christmas gifts or groceries.

  50. There has been an adorable little cake stand there that I’ve been eying for a while. ; ) After that, I’d make a dent into my Christmas gifts list!

  51. I’d buy your book and kit, and do some Christmas shopping!

  52. I bet it is awesome to go into a store and see your own products there! I gotta try making German Chocolate cake pops or balls one of these days.

    I would possibly buy something pretty for the house, or possibly clothes. Probably the stuff for the house, though. They have some pretty stuff.

  53. I would buy accessories for my house, plus a few holiday gifts. Thanks for the great giveaway. Those cake pops are adorable!

  54. Cute! LOVE the cake pops! If I win, I would use the gift card to buy Christmas presents.

  55. I would buy Clothes for my girls!

  56. Christmas gifts!!

  57. So cute! I’d get candy and books for my nephews and a day planner for me and a new tshirt bra. And baby clothes for friends who are expecting very soon. :)

  58. Christmas presents!! or if I’m done Christmas shopping, it would pay for groceries :)

  59. Would love to buy some fun goodies to put in my family’s stockings this year. Target always has a great selection.

  60. How cute!!! Definitely Christmas Gifts!!!

  61. I have to say this time I would be selfish. I have lost a bit of weight and need new clothes. So that is where it would go. So fun!!

  62. Not sure, i was there just last night and there are so many cute things. But I do have a family I am sponsoring for Christmas and I could use it for that but I could also buy some cute clothes for the little girls in my life.

  63. I would buy Christmas gifts for family. My husband lost his job a year ago and has been only able to find part time work since.

  64. def Christmas presents for everyone.

  65. I would buy your book! And browse and buy frivilous things with the rest!

  66. It’s been a tough few months, so definitely Christmas gifts. Love Target :)

  67. clothes for the family

  68. Those pops are so stinkin’ cute!! I’d use the card for gifts for my kids and a bag of Reese’s PB trees for me. :)

  69. Cutest cake pops! I love Target! I would buy christmas gifts!!

  70. I could put a nice dent in my christmas list with a Target Gift card!!

  71. I’ve recently started losing weight and hopefully even more over the next year and I would definitely use those giftcards to buy some new clothes for myself. And of course to spoil my husband and two daughters with even more gifts for Christmas!

  72. Diapers, wipes and formula!!! My baby is due today, but I have a feeling she’s going to make her arrival on Thanksgiving!!

  73. I love Target! It’s close to home, so I’m there all the time. If I won, I would buy the Cars 2 DVD for my son and a Baby Alive for my daughter. ‘Tis the season!

  74. Oh! You continue to amaze me! Those Target pops are adorable!
    If I won one of your gift cards, I’d probably get some of the extra groceries I’ll need for the holiday season!

  75. I would use the gift card to buy accesories for my house and goodies for my two pups!

  76. I’d get some gifts! I love Target and it’s a perfect place to get some stocking stuffers! I love their seasonal socks too!

  77. I have a relative going through difficult times right now. I would send them the gift card so they could put a nice holiday dinner on the table for their son.

  78. Christmas gifts for the world’s cutest nephews and for an angel off of the Salvation Army Angel Tree.

  79. I love the Bullseye cake pops – how adorable! If I won a gift card it’d definitely go toward Christmas gifts – seems that this year I am trying to do more with less, so I’d be grateful!

  80. I would buy Lets Rock Elmo. My son has to play with it every time we go to Target.

  81. Food for the holidays!

  82. clothes and toys and then a winter coat to donate because it’s really cold in Chicago!

  83. Christmas presents! …. and stuff to make cake pops! lol
    What an awesome give away and those Bullseyes are SO CUTE!!!! :)

  84. Target is one of my “spots” for just about everything. At this point I’d definately be starting on Christmas.

    Those doggies are just about the cutest thing ever!

  85. Christmas gifts… And pick up a some cake pops notecards!

  86. Christmas gifts!!! I love all the stocking stuffer options!!!!!!!!

  87. Diapees and wipes! I have a 6 month old and you can never have enough!

  88. Oh wow! Hard choice, but I think anything having to do with cake and cookie decorating..I love Target!

  89. I’d actually spend the whole thing on storage containers. Boring, yes, but one of my projects for this year is to get my craft room/office into shape and good containers get expensive really quickly!

  90. Diapers and wipes for our new baby!

  91. I LOVE Target! I’m so glad to have one close by again. I would probably buy the K’Nex Mario Kart set for my son, that I can only seem to find there. And maybe a new outfit for myself . ;-)

  92. I love how these cake pops look exactly like their mascot- very impressive (as always :-)

    My mother and I just chose 3 children for our local Giving Tree, so I would use the gift card towards that.


  93. Christmas P.J.’s for everyone and then goofy socks to complete the package!

  94. Love the Target cake pops!! Way too cute (and one of my fave stores!!).

    Thanks for offering an awesome giveaway too! I would love to buy some holiday gifts and baby items for our little girl arriving March 28, 2012.

    Going off in search of cute baby shower cake pop ideas…. :)

  95. Clothes and household items… maybe your book :)

  96. Shoes and clothes. I am a poor college student and just want some new clothes

  97. I would purchase some natural hair care products and Christmas gifts for my family.

  98. i would buy christmas gifts (probably a birthday gift too!…my husbands birthday is the 16th)…p.s…loved the bullseye pop!!…

  99. Christmas Presents! and maybe a Christmas outfit too?

  100. I just found out that I’m pregnant, so I’d hit up the baby aisle.

  101. Cute cake pops!! :) i would probably buy some clothes or some candy… :)

  102. Christmas presents for my family! Woo!

  103. Def ur new kit n cards n the rest in iTunes to purchase ur new app <3 it! <3 u!!! thanks miss bakerella ur 100% awesome ;o)

  104. I would buy clothes. I luv going to Target. Me and my teenage son go there all the time. Sometimes together and a lot of times he goes there with his friends. He luvs the clothes there. They always have cool hoodies, jeans, tees, and shirts. They eat and then they shop around for clothes and electronics. Target rules :)

  105. definitely groceries. I’m making a re-Thanksgiving dinner for my polo team once we’re back from our thanksgiving break!

  106. Clothes for my kids and christmas gifts

  107. Definitely Christmas gifts. Love the new cake pop designs! <3

  108. I would buy your kit and send it to my sister so she knows what I am always talking about!! The rest goes to baby stuff, she is due in Jan :)

  109. You are awesome! So very talented and nice to boot! I would buy a cake pop book for the daughter in law and nieces who dont have one yet and get one for myself! I keep giving mine away when my family falls on love with your book. I just realized I don’t have mine yet again! happy thanksgiving by the way.

  110. Precious pops! I LOVE Target! I would buy toys and other Christmas fun!

  111. I’d buy something for my beautiful, precious granddaughter!!

  112. This would be a wonderful gift to pass on to a granddaughter in college!

  113. Bullseye is just TOO cute!!

    I would love to use it for Christmas presents to be honest. Probably a few toys for the kiddos, a bike for my son and maybe some home goods for my parents. Not exciting, I know, but some much needed help :0)

  114. OMG, those are amazing! I would love to win a Target gift card! I would purchase some new clothes!

  115. I would use it towards our holiday dinner (5 kids eat alot!!) LOL! Love the Spot Pops, so cute!

  116. Some fun surprises for my loved ones.

  117. I love Target and never leave there empty handed. Kitchen stuff, yep, definitely kitchen stuff. And maybe some new holiday decorations.

  118. Absolutely adorable little Bullseye pops! Ummm $100 at Target…let’s see…anything! Always seems like I end up buying more than what I came in for. I’m thinking using it toward a Keurig since baby #4 is coming in a few weeks and caffiene will be needed!

  119. Hi, I’m from the UK and adore your page, I come to NY twice a year to visit my daughter and three grandchildren and would love to be able to take them to Target for a shopping trip, love you blog

  120. Very Cute! I’d probably shop for Christmas gifts – it’s coming quickly!

  121. I am not sure, I was just there last night and saw tons of stuff to get. I would either gift it to a needy family that we are sponsoring at church or use it to buy clothes for the nieces and grandaughters. LOL

  122. I would buy Chanukah presents for my family. My siblings are in college so I’m carrying the weight for both parents! oy vey!

  123. I would buy some nice bedding so my military son could come home for Christmas and have a nice comfy bed to sleep in.

  124. I’d buy school clothes for my son!

  125. Christmas gifts for my husband and some new, white socks for me. Happy Turkey Day, Bakerella!

  126. Oh you are so creatively cute in words and actions! If I were to win this offer, I would spend it on my sister whose birthday is on Christmas day. She recently was permanetly laid off so I know this would be a blessing to her! I’d also make her a cake…hmmm…cake pops!!! Now there’s an idea! Happy Blessed Thanksgiving to you and your family and to all the Cake Pop family as well!!!

  127. Decisions, decisions. It’s too early in the morning to make up my mind! But, I am sure a bag or two of Christmas candy would make it into my cart…..

  128. Love Target! How exciting for you to work with them! I have had my eye on some picture frames there for a while, but I would probably buy Christmas gifts for my kids.

  129. omg! love the Target dog and those pops. I love shopping for clothes at Target, for me and my kiddo. Let’s go!

  130. I would spend it on my 19-month old daughter.

  131. Christmas gifts, definitely!

  132. Christmas gifts for sure! & maybe some decorations, as I have none yet.

  133. I’d plan to buy clothes but I LOVE everything at Target so who knows what I would buy!

  134. Clothes for me and my baby girl and dollar bin items!

  135. I just saw this super-sweet menswear-looking coat at Target that i would love to be able to own. I’d use the rest for holiday gift shopping. Happy Holidays to you :)

  136. I would give the card as a gift at an upcoming bridal shower.

  137. Christmas gifts for my family! They deserve them!

  138. I would buy some toys and some clothes for my family for Christmas. Target is one of my favorite stores to shop. Somehow, the cart fills up quickly with only a few items on my list!

  139. I would buy Christmas presents for my family. Love bullseye!

  140. Id buy some stuff for me and use the rest for supplies for my classroom!

  141. Definitely toys! Beautiful work as always!

  142. What a great give away. I’d use it for Christmas baking and Taylor Swift cds for my Gracee.

  143. Christmas gifts – especially your Cake Pops book for my daughter!

  144. Target is definitely my favorite store. I would probably buy some cute new home decorations.

  145. I would buy Christmas gifts for my daughter and my son that I am expecting any day now!

  146. OH MY GOODNESS! What a nice gift to give away. Well, if I were to win I would use have of the cards for my family with groceries, clothing etc as we are in such a poor economy, one salary does not go far anymore, and, the rest of the money from those cards I would use for toys to donate to Toys for Tots. We have dontated to them each Christmas, just this year is so munc tighter. and BTW I ALWAYS buy the toys from Target whether we win the card or not! Thanks so much for being so generous! xoxox Deborah

  147. Christmas gifts, decorations, clothes, crafts… I could go on and on. Love Target!

  148. I would buy Christmas presents if I won!!!

  149. A gift card would definitely help with Christmas gifts. I want to get my son a portable microphone since he’s always giving impromptu living room performances for us and then there’s his whole list of legos too.

  150. It would be all about the Christmas gifts for my 2 little ones and this would help save a little extra to make it to my mommy’s retirement from the military!!
    So hope I win!

  151. Christmas gifts i.e. toys, clothes, travel mugs for my husband because he NEVER has enough

  152. I would buy gifts for a family in need. I know this totally sounds like I’m saying it to help my chances of winning, but my mom works at a rehab hospital and every Christmas you have the opportunity to get gifts for a family who for medical reasons is unable to provide gifts for themselves. I think it’s an awesome program and if I won, I would absolutely use that money on gifts for them.

  153. a Christmas present for myself in the form of a Nook or Kindle. I’m itching for an e-reader!

  154. I have 2 young daughters (6 & 3), so I would be buying toys and Christmas gifts for them.

  155. I would definitely buy my 2 year old daughter a microphone because she loooves to sing and dance!

  156. Holy cow you got a lot of comments fast! Well I love the bullseye cake pops! Very cute and looks just like him :) I live@/love Target so much its hard to say what I would get. I usually go in to get diapers for my daughter and then we end up in the toddler clothes/ toy area. (They have some of the most adorable little girl clothes/shoes) so I guess I would buy diapers and baby clothes and maybe a toy for the lil one. :) Thanks for every single one of your post! I love this website! I hope you never stop!

  157. I would pick up Christmas gifts for my children or fill the prescriptions for my upcoming surgery.

  158. SO CUTE. Great job!

    I’d honestly use it to get groceries and some things for Christmas. Nothing too exciting, but I can make $100 go a long way!

  159. I’d buy some baby things for friends that are expecting and for myself! We’re also expecting our first baby next year :)

  160. You are so amazing it’s ridiculous! I look forward to your posts! If I were to win a gift card I would certainly use it to buy gifts for my children! Thank you!

  161. It’s impossible to leave Target without spending $100!!! I think I do that on a weekly basis for household items and groceries for my family. :-) But it would be fun to splurge on a few items for myself — like my much-neglected wardrobe… THANKS for the giveaways!

  162. I would get groceries! What a savings that would be out of my monthly grocery bill!

  163. I’d buy Christmas presents… a Wii finally for my kids :)

  164. Those are so cute! If I won the gift card I would buy the new plaid dresses from the mini Harajuku line.

  165. Adorable! If I win something I’d buy something I wouldn’t normally buy for myself…so I’d do the frivilous spend. Maybe fun things to bake with…yummy ingredients and presentation pieces that I would normally buy on the cheap and less fun.

  166. I would definitely use it towards Christmas!!!

  167. Lots of Kitchen/Cooking stuff!

  168. I would buy cozy pajamas!

    Love the pup pops!

  169. I think I would use the gift card to buy a few extra gifts for our adopt a family for Christmas. But I can also never resist a new accessory of some sort, shoes or a purse or something, every time I’m in Target. It sucks you!!! I’m sure there would be something like that involved too :)

  170. I would buy Christmas gifts for daughter and husband. I love Target!!

  171. Oooooh, extra to spend. I’d likely get some kitchen items as mine are old and in need of replacing. Or, perhaps, toys for holiday gifts.

  172. I’d buy stocking stuffers and Christmas presents. The last Harry Potter movie for my husband and anything and everything Rupunzle and Ariel for my two little girls.

  173. Presents!!! DS stuff for my son, anything pink and princessy for my daughter.

  174. I love the bullseye dog, so I am so going to find a reason to make these cake pops!!! A gift card would definitely help with black friday shopping…maybe grab a few cake pop books to give to my friends that are constantly requesting me to make them cake pops…what better gift than education LOL

  175. There is no telling what I could come out of Target buying! I’m there a few days a week and never end up buying only what I go in to get! That place is definitely dangerous for my wallet but of course one of my favorites!

  176. I would buy your book and toys for my son!

  177. Christmas presents…or more decorations! :)

  178. I’d buy some clothes for my 7-yr-old daughter who has grown two dress sizes since school started. I’d also pick up something for an angel tree child.

  179. I’d buy things to prepare for Christmas. What a fun cake pop!

  180. I’d spend it on my kiddos!

  181. Diapers! I’m always buying diapers! I would also pick up some new shoes and some baby clothes.

  182. Christmas decorations in bright colors! (I have a problem) Or, more stuff for my little one who will make his worldly debut shortly after Christmas.

  183. I’d buy Christmas presents…my oldest wants a razor scooter.

  184. Love Target for their house ware items!

  185. Target has a crib and chair that we love and since we’re having a baby in April this would help out ALOT!

  186. It the most wonderful time of the year! I would use it for Christmas gifts! :)

  187. I believe you can never have enough cake pops! I love the newest pops posted! I would buy Christmas presents for ME! Some accessories, maybe a purse… and definitely the Cake Pop kit!

  188. Hey there

    I would get myself to buy a couple of clothing items for myself, since I usually buy things for my kids first and forget me later…Perhaps stuff to decorate some rooms in our house…a few Christmas gifts for family…

  189. I’d buy Christmas gifts and storage containers!

  190. I would go in for one thing…say, coffee creamer…but come out with $100 worth of goodies. At least that’s how it usually happens!

  191. OMG, I buy almost everything from Target, so I don’t think I could narrow it down – other than to say that I would have a whole lot of fun doing it!

  192. I love the target pup! He reminds me of my own Jack Russell. I would buy christmas decorations and gifts!

  193. Target has such a great collection of unique items…it would have to go to Christmas gifts.

  194. I’d buy cooking/baking supplies! I can always use some new cookie sheets!

  195. How nice! Christmas presents for sure!

  196. Christmas gifts!

  197. Toys, toys, toys.

  198. I’m going with the masses here and saying Christmas Gifts too! I think we all feel the holiday pressure building up; an extra hundred dollars would NOT hurt!!

  199. I get such a kick out of buying stuff for my kiddos stockings! Candy, playdoh, toothbrushes, socks etc. That is what I would use a gc for.
    Michelle W.

  200. Christmas shopping! (and maybe just a teensy bit for myself!)

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