
Spot on

I know I just posted Muppet Cake Pops, but I have some more character pops to show you. Hope you don’t mind seeing pops back to back like this. I usually space them out with other goodies in between, but these just went live Wednesday and I wanted to share them with you.

I did them for Target’s recently launched blog, A Bullseye View. It’s a behind-the-scenes online magazine for the brand.


I’ve gotta say, I’m pretty excited about being able to make cake pops for them and getting to work with one of the stores I’ve shopped at forever. Pretty cool.

And pretty cool that they carry my Cake Pop Kit and Book, too. I actually saw them both at the store yesterday when I was picking up a few things for Thanksgiving. Awesomeness!


FYI, the book is on sale if you’re looking to get one.

I get giddy when I see these in stores. Still so unbelievable to me.

Anyway, want to see the cake pops I made?

Think spots.




Or rather Bullseyes.

Target’s adorable little Bull Terrier mascot in cake pop form.

Visit A Bullseye View to see how to make them.

And if you want to stay on Target, follow them on twitter @aBullseyeView.


Now, I know these are specific and spotted and you’re not likely to have a Target-themed birthday party anytime soon, but you can definitely use these cake pops as a base to create other doggie designs. These are pretty different from the Puppy Pops in my book, so take a look and get your creative juices flowing.

And if you could care less about cake pops, that’s ok, too. You might like this.

When I was at Target, I saw a cute little Bullseye Gift Card at the checkout. So I couldn’t resist grabbing a few to give away with this post.

So here goes.


Enter for a chance to win one of three (3) $100 Target Gift Cards.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me what you’d buy. Electronics, toys, groceries, Christmas gifts, clothes, candy? Do tell.
  • Deadline to enter is Sunday, November 20th at 5 pm ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP!
  • Three $100 winners will be chosen at random and announced sometime Sunday evening on this post.

Good luck.

Ruff. Ruff.

P.S. This giveaway is offered by and sponsored by me.

Okay, I just picked the three winners of the $100 Target Gift Certificates. Yay! Yay! Yay! And here they are…


Congratulations Marianna, Corinne and Suzanne. Have fun shopping!

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6,401 comments on “Spot on”

  1. I would knock out Christmas presents…and if there was anything left I would buy more baby girl things!

  2. I’d probably use it to buy groceries. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  3. I buy lots of items at Target. I love especially get sale items. I even use to post on a blog about the stuff I got on sale from Target. It’s hard to walk out of Target without spending $100! I would probably buy my girls more clothes. They keep growing out of them. :)

  4. I would probably by all kinds of things for my 7 month old..=) I just LOVE shopping at Target!!

  5. I second all the others – Christmas gifts!

  6. I would probably be a little practical and buy some groceries and other necessities, but also throw in some fun stuff like clothes, jewelry and/or bags. Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  7. They turned out amazing, like everything else.. If I happened to win, I will definitely get clothes for my little ones…

    Thank you..

  8. I would purchase christmas gifts for those that can’t. We have so much and I would like to give back.

  9. I’d buy Christmas gifts for my kids & little cousins! Thanks!

  10. I would definitely buy Christmas gifts and a few necessities for my brand new apartment!

  11. I would buy my daughter some new clothes for Christmas.

  12. I really like Target’s line of sports clothing, so I would get myself some new running gear for the winter!

  13. I would definitely use it to buy winter clothes for the kiddos!

  14. Spot is so cute!!

    With the $100 GC, I’d probably buy some groceries and some clothes :) And maybe some cute boots!

  15. I would use the money to buy me another iTouch with camera… but sometime I think I should give it to the charity who need it most than I do!!

  16. I would buy Christmas decorations for our new house!

  17. I would buy CLOTHES for work!!!! I need clothes so bad! lol! I have the same 5 outfits I wear Monday through Friday!! And I LOVE Target!!!!!!!!!

  18. I’d buy christmas presents.

  19. I would buy baby clothes! Our son gets to celebrate his first Christmas this year!!!

  20. I would buy my nephews the Lego Police Headquarters that they are really wanting for XMas.

  21. definitely Christmas gifts….this is a bad time of year to be tight on money. So sweet of you to do this giveaway, you are so thoughtful! :)

  22. I would treat myself to one of the expensive shampoo and conditioner sets. :)

  23. I don’t shop at Target. If I won I would give the gift certificate to a family in need.

  24. I would buy toys for my kids and then cake pop ingredients! My two kids love helping make them!

  25. Gifts and possibly a few groceries.

  26. Your book and cakepot kit of course!!!!!!:D

  27. Some new dishes. We’ve had these forever and I would love a new look for the holidays. I have your Cake Pop book and love it!

  28. Definitely Christmas gifts!

  29. Christmas gifts for my nephews and nieces.

  30. I would so buy an outfit from the shaun white collection my 10 yr old has been eyeing his clothes there for awhile n would love to get him some.

  31. I’d buy food. Mmmm food. Chocolate especially.

  32. I would definitely buy so adorable toys and treats for my two dogs as well as baking stuff to make for homemade christmas gifts for the family , might even try the adorable cake pops you made of the target dog , they are truly adorable :)

  33. Christmas gifts for sure!!

  34. I’d use it to buy some much needed electronics for my hubby!

  35. Christmas presents! :)

  36. I would probably buy a new tree or ornaments maybe. I would like some plastic ornaments for our tree this year as we have small granddaughters who love to play with the tree.

  37. I have the perfect family in mind who might need a little holiday cheer this year. It would be a treat to pass the Target gift card to them.

  38. Christmas gifts! And maybe a few things for the house. =)

  39. I would buy Christmas gifts and clothes! I love target, I am there at least twice a week!

  40. Oooh, I’d definitely buy some Christmas gifts – toys for my kids, a shirt or two for my husband and I’m sure a bottle of nail polish for me would sneak in there, too!

  41. I would purchase baby items for our new addition to our family!

  42. Wow! We love target! Since all 3 of my kids hit a growth spurt at the same time, I would be buying clothes. Maybe even something new for mom and dad since we’ve hit growing sprees too (just the other direction…we’ve been losing weight – yeah!)

  43. Ruff ruff, Mama needs a new pair of shoes! ;D

  44. Oh my gosh your book is the best Christmas idea yet for my friend Julie. We’ve shared many pop baking adventures together! I would have to buy baking supplies for our next adventure!

  45. Hello!
    If I won this contest I would head to target and scope out the kitchen section. The boyfriend and I have a new home, but we are coffee pot-less! I’ve had my eye on some fancy k-cup ones. =]

  46. My kids need clothes, so clothes it is!

  47. Seriously? I’d buy cat litter, cat food, and dog food. My life is a sad and practical thing. We have nine indoor cats and a lab mutt. You’d swoon at how much we spend on them.

  48. I’d buy your cake pops kit as a Christmas gift for my younger cousin! And then some new Christmas decorations…

  49. toys all the way!

  50. $100 gift card to Target??? 10 of my favorite tanktops in the world? Christmas gifts? Household goods? I don’t know. But I sure would not have a problem finding stuff to buy.

  51. I would buy Christmas gifts!

  52. I would definetly buy christmas gifts!

  53. Luv Target!!! Looking for a new TV this black friday:)

  54. I would use these to finance one of my many “browsing” trips to Target, where I go in to buy detergent and walk out with a cart full of stuff!

  55. I love seeing your new ideas anytime. The gift card would be used for new clothes for me. I had gastric bypass a couple of months ago and most of my clothes are too big now. Thanks for your wonderful ideas that you share.

  56. Oh, the possibilities are endless!!! I would spend it all on Christmas presents for my four kids for sure!!! :)

  57. I think I would use the card to get my girls a game and then we would use the rest of it to buy toys to donate to the local toy drive. I take the girls every year to pick out new toys to donate. This would let us do a little more!

  58. I’d buy some stuff for Christmas.

  59. Love the Bullseye! I would probably spend it on me. :-) Kids are already getting gifts from Santa, so why not. You are the bestest Bakerella!!

  60. I have done virtually no Christmas shopping yet. I’d go to Target and get busy!

  61. I would buy gifts for needy kids in our community. I work at the school and see lots of kids that don’t have what they need.

  62. I would by Christmas presents for my children (which mean toys). I love Target, though, so I would end up being in the store forever and probably by something for me too! Love the cake pops!

  63. I would buy Christmas happies to send to my boyfried who is in the Army and on deployment in Afghanistan. He won’t be able to make it home for Christmas this year and all the packages and happies keep him going!

  64. Christmas gifts! Student loans are kiillliiinnggg my Christmas budget this year.

  65. I would buy christmas presents for my family:)

  66. New pans! Thanks for the offering the giveaway!

  67. That would be a great help in the Christmas shopping -with food, decor, or gifts. I love Target!

  68. I’d buy the cakepops kit and curtains for my house. We’ve lived there for almost two years and have never gotten around to covering all the windows!

  69. Christmas presents for the family! :)

  70. Christmas shopping!

  71. Definitely Christmas gifts!

  72. Wow! I love all of your ideas. You make everything look so easy. I would purchase storage to get me organized in my craft room.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  73. I would buy new kitchen accessories for my new house!! And maybe something fun for myself as well :)

  74. I would spend half on clothes and half on craft supplies! :)

  75. Probably shoes. But maybe gifts, this time of year.

  76. I would buy some stocking stuffers or new bathroom rugs =) I just love your latest Spot cake pop, Bakerella!!!

  77. I would definitely buy Christmas gifts! It’s almost that time of year!

  78. I would buy clothes and Christmas presents! My husband and I are going through a weight loss journey (he has lost over 100, and I have lost 20!) and we need new clothes!!!

  79. I love the puppy pops & I look forward to making the character pops for my son’s upcoming birthday! First, Id buy your amazing book:) in addition to gifts for our family! My sons birthday is just a couple of days before Christmas:)

  80. Christmas gifts

  81. Um…I want a Target themed party. Lord knows I spend enough money there. :) Amazing pops and sweet giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

  82. I would buy some Christmas gifts for my little guys and a doughnut maker for me. I love to make home made doughnuts for my little guys. Have a neat pumpkin doughnut recipe I have been wanting to make for them.

  83. Most definately the Cake Pops Kit!!!!!

  84. I would use it for groceries and also treat myself to some DVDs that I’ve been wanting to buy to beef up my movie collection!

  85. I’d buy Christmas gifts for my family!!! There’s no gift more rewarding than the gift of giving :)

  86. I would by cake pop supplies and the Cake Pop kit. I love these cake pops. You are so talented! I would also buy some toys and donate them to “Toys for Tots”. And maybe a toy or two for my 3 grandsons! Have a great Christmas!

  87. these are too cute!!! I would let the kids buy their angel tree gifts with this

  88. I LOVE your site! You are amazing! If I won a Target gift card I would use it to buy much needed items for my baby. I’m expecting soon and our bundle was unexpected. I had no idea I was pregnant until my third trimester and times are rough financially, so this card would come in handy to help us out!

  89. I would buy Christmas presents for my one year old and clothes for my daughter (to be born in January)!!!

  90. I get everything at Target, so I’d probably split it on sensible things, like groceries, and fun things like shoes and clothes!

  91. As a stay at home mom I would use the gift cards to buy my kids gifts for Christmas. We are on a tight budget this year so I would use it so my kids could get extra gifts like Clothes. Stuff need for growning kids.

  92. Toiletries for my local children’s shelter!

  93. Home Decor, Clothes, and Christmas Presents!!

  94. I would check out the sparkly shoes for my daughter, books for the her cousins, and clothes for me! Thanks :)

  95. Target is the greatest store! It seems like I’m always there for some something or other. And your Spot os stop cute! Love the little pink tongue.
    If I won, I would probably spend it on baby clothes.

  96. I would use it towards some Christmas gifts although the whole family could use some new socks too! : )

  97. I’d buy baby clothes and diapers!

  98. I would definitely buy Christmas gifts for my family, to include my Sister, my son, and maybe a little something for me too :) LOVE THE CAKEPOPS!

  99. Target pop is sooooooo cute! I’ d buy your books, a pair of jeans and groceries to make cake pops!

  100. So cute! I would buy Christmas gifts!

  101. Well, of course, Christmas gifts. But Target always has a great selection of seasonal items for the home!

  102. Oh goodness! We have a new baby at home, so I’d probably be practical and get a few things for him.

  103. Christmas presents!

  104. The Bullseye pops are precious! I’d get Christmas gifts – Target has so much great stuff!

  105. These are so cute!! I would buy some Christmas gifts for my two girls!

  106. Stocking stuffers, definitely! That and maybe some snuggly sheet sets — it’s cold out!

  107. We are planning on remodeling our daughters room “Extreme Home” style for Christmas. This would be great to pick up some fun and funky accessories to decorate with!

  108. Christmas gifts for sure!! So sweet of you to do this, thanks for the chance to win!!!

  109. I’d get a little something for myself!! I have been begging for a new spice rack!

  110. I would definitely buy some groceries, and a Christmas gift for my great husband.

  111. Probably something for my daughter…but maybe some supplies for cake pops, too! ; )

  112. I’d buy clothes and food and it would be the greatest thing ever.

  113. Considering I practically LIVE at Target, I’d probably buy workout clothing for me and something fun for my husband.

  114. Toys for my boys!!!

  115. I think I would by Christmas gifts for my nieces and nephews!

  116. I would buy clothes perhaps, or maybe a new kitchen gadget, Target is so good for kitchen gadgets!

  117. Great giveaway! I’d buy kitchen supplies :)

  118. I would definitely buy Christmas gifts and Christmas decorations to make the sorority house feel a little more like home during the holidays! And Sunday is my birthday so it would be a sweet surprise to win :)

  119. I would buy Christmas gifts for the family. There are so many things I could think of that they would love. I love your cakepops. Those bullseye dogs are adorable!!

  120. Could by anything at Target…LOVE that store! Probably would do Christmas gifts for my 4 kids!!

  121. I’d put it towards Christmas gifts and fun food gift packaging for the holidays. :-)

  122. Bullseye is adorable in real and cake form. :) I love Target and would definitely buy some Christmas gifts with the gift card. And maybe one or two super cute things for Christmas themed movie nights. :)

  123. Christmas gifts for my son … and maybe some cake pop stuff for me. Gotta love ’em! Thanks!!

  124. Oh my gosh! I love Target. I would probably buy a cake stand I’ve had my eye on and other fun stuff!!

  125. I would definitely buy Christmas gifts! You are SO talented Bakerella!

  126. I would start Christmas shopping, I love Target!

  127. I would buy toys (for Christmas) for my boys.

  128. My son’s birthday party is Sunday so I’m probably pick up some swag for the big event. Love your pops!

  129. What wouldn’t I buy. I love Target and am sure all kinds of goodies would find a way to fly in to my cart. With 5 kids I am sure there is something each of them would love to find under the tree this year. But if it was just for me I think I would love to get a Kindle

  130. Christmas gifts! And a Christmas outfit.

  131. We LOVE Target! I would probably buy something I normally don’t which is decorating items, they have great ideas.

  132. Santa would be able to go pick up some things for my girls. :)

    Great job on bullseye! He’s adorable!

  133. OMG, I love these. I am a very frequent visitor of target so I would use it for everything I need. Currently I need to buy my kids Christmas presents, this card would be wonderful since we are on a very tight budget.

  134. I would be super selfish and buy some new Wilton bakeware before the holidays! My old bakeware is just awful and I’ve been wanting some new stuff forever!!

  135. I would buy stocking stuffers! Small things of makeup and bath products, candy (esp. chocolate oranges), toothpaste, etc. Thanks!

  136. I’d buy clothes for my kiddo or some holiday decorations for the house. They just opened a Target in the same shopping center where I grocery shop and I have such a hard time resisting!

  137. I would use the gift card at Target for all of those “extra” things that seem to jump in my cart every time I am there:). Thanks!!

  138. So cute!! I buy for a family every year so it would go towards that! Thanks.

  139. Those Bullseyes are SO cute!! I would use a Target gift card to purchase Holiday gifts and decor.

  140. My girls are growing so fast, their closets can’t keep up, so I would definitely buy them new clothes for Christmas!

  141. Christmas presents! I love the cake pops that you made!

  142. I would buy Christmas gifts for sure!

    Your cake pops are adorable!!

  143. Things for my classroom. This time of year it is expensive to be a teacher :) but SO fun!

  144. SO Cute!

    I would definitely by some Electronics for Christmas

  145. In the spirit of this contest, I’d buy dog toys, of course.

  146. Probably clothes! Target has excellent tights and knee socks for roller derby… and I’ve lost a bunch of weight and I have very little cold weather clothing that actually fits!

  147. I am a graduate doctoral student, so a gift card would certainly be helpful for Christmas presents.

  148. Those are ADORABLE!!! I would use the gift card for Christmas gifts or groceries, its one of those years….. THANK YOU for the opportunity!

  149. Definitely baking goodies – can’t resist all the gadgets, books, and bakeware!!

  150. I would use it for christmas presents for my children ages 5 & 3. Thanks. Love your creativity!

  151. OMG Target is one of my favorite retails stores!! I would allocate most of it for Christmas gifts and maybe there will be some leftover for a new tool for my craft room :)

  152. Christmas gifts and everyday needs! Thank you Bakerella!!!

  153. Christmas gifts for family and friends!

  154. I’d definitely buy some clothes and Christmas gifts for my family!!

  155. I would buy Christmas presents for my kids as well as a few baking supplies of course!

  156. I would buy Christmas gifts, for sure. And maybe just a tiny little something for myself. :-)

  157. Clothes for my growing daughter!! :) Without a doubt!

  158. I’d probably buy cute Christmas Wilton baking accessories to make gifts for our staff at West Alabama AIDS Outreach. And groceries :).

  159. Christmas stuff! And I love the Bullseye dog pops :)

  160. something for my husbands birthday which is on tuesday. Love the dogs.

  161. I’d buy clothes! I need some warm things for the winter. ;)

  162. Gosh, if I had an extra $100, I’d probably get myself something nice to wear for Christmas and would use whatever was left to help out with gifts.

  163. I’d use the gift card to buy Hanukkah gifts! I love your Spot Pops, too cute!

  164. I’d surprise my husband with it so he can browse through the electronics like a kid in the candy store. That selfless man deserves it!

  165. Christmas stuff, of course!!!! :D

  166. Love those pops!

    To enter:

    I would love to say that I would wander the store, and buy whatever caught my eye (this actually happens a lot at Target), but I recently lost my prescription sunglasses, and my eye doc is at Target, so, prescription sunglasses it is!

  167. Christmas gifts! I love Target…it’s a good thing I have to drive an hour to get to one or I would be broke for sure. :)

  168. Oh, my! What would I NOT buy, since I shop for almost everything there :) At the top of my list would be some new dishes.

  169. WOW! Love TARGET!! For gifts and for a little shopping for myself.

  170. I’d give the gift card to my sister. She’s been in a ruff spot lately and I would love to do something awesome for her. If we lived in the same city I would be making her cupcakes and the cake pops. But sadly she is in another city. I know that this gift card would make her day!

  171. Half would be donated to a child on the Angel Tree list and the other half would be for groceries.
    Thank you for all of your inspiration and joy!

  172. I would LOVE a Target gift card. I would like to help out a less fortunate family with a couple of toys this year, as did people for us last year, buy a couple of things for my boys(toys) and my little eight year old boy, Brendon wants a new “Spatula” to use for “his” cake pops!:)

  173. I’d buy lots of stocking stuffers, and some crafty things! Thanks for the chance to win.

  174. Christmas gifts, for sure!!

  175. I just love the cake pops and can’t wait to attempt to make some. I would definitely buy Christmas gifts with a gift card from one of my favorite stores. I usually NEVER ask for anything for Christmas but I am adding your book as the only item on my list this year. The bullseye dog is too cute for words. Thanks for sharing your talent and the opportunity.

  176. Well let me start by saying the target bullseye pops are so cute!
    What would I buy? This year I would say I would use it just to be able to buy presents for my boys. We are having a hard year financially and it isn’t looking like we are going to have enough money to buy Christmas gifts and pay our bills. So a gift card to target would at least help buy them each one gift. Thanks for always sharing your creations and being so generous. I hope you have a blessed holidays!

  177. I would buy the new call of duty game for my husband! He was deployed last year and TDY most of this year, so he needs something fun :)

  178. Those gift cards would make Christmas so much easier on us. We’d make sure our kids get some stuff in their stockings and my in-laws would get gifts then too.

  179. I would buy Christmas gifts (and a cake pop kit for myself!)

  180. Christmas presents for sure!!! It would go a long way toward the iPod my daughter wants!

  181. A little something (maybe a new scarf) for myself and then Christmas for my husband and boys. I love Target and your cake pops are just too cute!

  182. Christmas gifts!!! My brother and parents all have birthdays between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so money can be a little tight… But a gift card to Target would definitely help! :)

  183. Definitely Christmas gifts for my grandsons!

  184. Gifts for the kids!!

  185. It would give me a great jump on my holiday shopping.

  186. Christmas gifts, for sure!

  187. Groceries, the price of food have skyrocketed!

  188. I LOVE target. I would probably get the kiddos Christmas gifts, BUT, some iPad accessories would be fun too. : )

  189. I would buy stocking stuffers and decorations!

    Thank You!

  190. I have 2 friends that just finalized adoptions. One for a new born and one for 2 children from Ethiopia. I would def. send it to one of them! A WAY better gift then I could afford! thanks for the chance!

  191. I would use it to sponsor a needy family in our area. Thanks!!

  192. Absolutely love Target and one of my most fav place to shop.You can always find somehting there ..even in the dollar isle.Would love to win one of the gift cards for sure.

  193. I would donate the card to our Holiday giving initiative for Cordell Place in Bethesday, MD. Great pops!

  194. Honestly, this year is going to be a rough one. It would be so helpful for Christmas. It is the one time a parent dreads not having something for their child. Love the bullseye pops!

  195. These are adorable! I’d buy Christmas presents for my family. Thanks for the chance to win!

  196. I’d like to buy the $99 Nikon that Target is going to have available on Friday but probably wouldn’t. I’d most likely use the gift card to get some Christmas gifts for my family. :)

  197. Christmas Gifts, Diapers, and new shoes! LOVE Target!!

  198. We are new home owners so we would definately be getting some stuff to continue making and decorating it as our own. I can finally hang outdoor Christmas decorations too and Target has an excellent selection!

    Love the bullseye cake pops!

  199. Thank you so much for doing this giveaway! Who couldn’t use an extra $100 for Christmas gifts? That’s what I would use it for.

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