
Stay Safe & Soapy

How are you guys doing during this crazy time? I’m trying my best to stay safe over here and that includes lots of hand washing to try to avoid getting this virus that’s affecting people and places all over the world. It’s definitely not a fun time right now, and I decided I needed to add some cute to my self-imposed quarantine. I’m a big worrier by nature, so I can’t seem to relax lately. But making cake pops always seems to help.

If you’ve ever made them before, then you know how therapeutic they can be. It’s usually a time I set aside and spend in total focus trying to make something super cute, and usually when I do, all my other thoughts wash away. So these sweet soapy cake pops seemed like the right thing to make. Plus, little bars are a lot cuter than a soapy pump dispenser don’t you think.

To make them, you can follow my basic cake pops instructions here and then follow the directions below to shape, dip and decorate. I just made a few of these with some leftover cake I had in the freezer, but if I had baked a cake for this, I think I would have gone with strawberry for the color.

Okay, you should have some rolled cake balls on wax paper ready to go.

  • You can use a rectangular cutter to easily shape these little soap bars. Here’s the cutter set on amazon that I have.
  • Flatten the ball slightly to make sure it will fill the shape and then cut it out.
  • After that, flatten it even more if needed by pressing the side of your cutter against it. Don’t flatten too much though because you need to leave enough space for your lollipop stick to be inserted.
  • Then use a smaller cutter with a flat side to press and make an obvious indent in the middle.

Note: If you don’t have cutters like these, you can shape the rectangles by hand. Flatten and slide the balls against the wax paper for a flat surface, then repeat and rotate several times on each side to achieve sharp edges. Using wax paper like this really helps to make smooth surfaces. Then for the indentation, get creative with a small flat kitchen utensil that would be smaller than the shape of the rectangular.

Okay, here we go.

It’s important to mention again, that you don’t want to flatten these too much. There needs to be enough room in between the indented area and back of the cake pop to insert a lollipop stick that also allows enough cake pop mixture for support… otherwise it will fall right off when you dip it.

But the nice thing about these cake pops is you only need one color of candy coating to decorate them.

And if you want to add bubbles, then look for sugar pearls in different sizes. The large ones in the individual package on top are sixlets.

Insert the tip of a lollipop stick into candy coating and then into thickest part of the flat bottom of the cake pop. The layer of coating will reduce the size of the indentation so it is more subtle.

While the coating is still wet, go ahead and attach the white candies and sugar pearls in random positions to represent the soapy bubbles. Then let dry completely.

For a more pronounced indentation, you can apply candy coating around the edge using a toothpick and let it dry before dipping. Here you can see that there is more of a difference in depth.

For faces, I just used confetti sprinkles for eyes and cheeks and a black edible ink writing pen for smiles and expressions. Then I dotted the eyes with coating. Usually I use white, but I didn’t feel like melting a second color and the light pink totally works.

You can also spell out soap on the front of your bars. Go ahead and use a toothpick to etch letters into the candy coating to use as a guide. Wipe off the candy coating shavings. Then dip your toothpick into melted and fluid candy coating and use it to draw carefully on the surface. You can also try using a squeeze bottle, but I felt like I had more control with the toothpick.

Voila … So Soooo-apy cute!

And the only time I wouldn’t mind having soap in my mouth. : )

Hope these brought a little smile and brightened your day.

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12 comments on “Stay Safe & Soapy”

  1. Do you remember approximately how many cake pops was the final count when you finished using the cake batter produced by the basic cake pop instructions? Just wondering how many I might have and if I need to prepare to make these more than once. Many thanks

  2. OMGosh, these cake pops are so beautiful! Fun is definitely the name of the game right now. We have to find ways to keep on smiling. Take care!

  3. Hi Angie,
    I am sorry to hear that you can’t relax. Even though this world seems like it is out of control, God is still on the throne and in control. I don’t always understand His ways but I know He is wise and smarter than me. I turn to Psalm 121 when I feel afraid. It was a great comfort to me when my son was in the hospital at the start of this year. Thanks for all the recipes and inspiration. I pray you find the peace that surpasses all understanding. :)

  4. Wow Bakerella!
    My daughters and I really got a kick out of these adorable bars of (delicious-looking) pink soap!
    Thank you for this soapy reminder to wash our hands.
    Please continue to stay safe!
    Best wishes,
    Laura (Frédérique & Nina)

  5. These are too cute! Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Omg I love the little shocked face soap. So cute. XD

  7. So cute and creative! 

  8. ohhh sooooo cute as usual. I have followed you for many years and I’m glad you are still making us smile! I hope you are staying healthy!

  9. These are adorable… & add some light while we all live in the twilight zone. You are right… soap is our best friend during these times. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home. I’m a nurse so I don’t have that luxury but appreciate your efforts ? ?

    • Lori, Thank you for serving the sick as a nurse during this time. You are a hero among us. I know you are just doing your job but I appreciate you so much. May you stay well during this very hard time.

  10. You are so clever and these are so cute!

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