
Thanks everyone!

I found out yesterday that the winner of the first ever Iron Cupcake Earth Challenge was … ME! I want to say A BIG THANK YOU to everyone that voted for my Fire & Ice Cupcake. It was up against 70 tremendous contenders. You can take a look at them all here. Not only are the pictures great, but it’s also a handy go-to guide if you ever want your cupcakes a little on the hot side.

Now, with winning comes reward. And I can say that I’m super excited to receive all of the fun prizes. When I get them, I’ll do a little show & tell for you, so you can see them in all their awesomeness. And who knows, there might be something in it for you, too.

NEXT UP: BASIL. Join in on the fun.

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45 comments on “Thanks everyone!”

  1. Of course you won your bakerella, your the best!

  2. blaise – that’s sweet of you to say. I wish I had been on. It would have been a riot to meet Perez Hilton.



  4. thanks sammy

    and thanks for the vote chinamomxtwo

  5. hooray! My vote was not in vain! Congrats!

  6. you rock!!! you are a great artist

  7. I don’t have it yet, but I think I’ll love it! Will let you know.

  8. Congratulations! How do you like the Cupcake Courier? Isn’t it fabulous?!

  9. af – cool. thanks for the 411.

  10. Hey There! You were mentioned this AM in the Dallas Morning News in an article about cake balls.

  11. Congratulations, that’s exciting.

  12. hi bakerella, i have a question which is non related to this post (pertaining cupcakes & frosting though), wondering if I can send u an email?

  13. Thanks a bunch jess!

  14. I’m so glad you won. I think you deserved it, completely. Your pic was so delish!

  15. Sarah, Melinda, ajgazmen, Dawn in CA – thanks!

    Sarah Kay – thanks for the tip.

  16. I had the best martini in Boston. It had basil infused simple syrup with a pineapple juice base. YUMMMY! Maybe that’s an idea.

  17. Nicely done! Isn’t it fun to be recognized for something you’ve made (and, of course, to win cool prizes)? ;)

    I’m sooo glad coz I voted!
    Now, send me some!
    LOL =P

  19. Congrats!!! The cupcakes looked yummy!

  20. congrats!! yours was seriously the best one.

  21. Hey everyone! I appreciate all the congrats. It was a fun challenge.

    Jennifer – nope. not yet.

    baker k – hmmm. I just went to their site to see. Those do look like something I would do. But upside down and brownies. Actually I’m working on some ideas for Halloween that look surprisingly similar. And maybe I’ll try some brownies myself.

    Miranda – Don’t be nervous. Be adventurous. It’s just food and you’ll be surprised at what you can do when you just go for it. I’m jealous.

    alicen – look at my answer towards the bottom of this post:

  22. Congrats!
    This is probably a stupid question, but how do you get the frosting on your cupcake to look so “ruffly”??? :) It looks so cute and girly!

  23. oh my dearly talented blogging friend….what are we going to do with you??? OF COURSE you won!!! You never cease to amaze and inspire me! I am so proud of you! I see a book in your (very near) future! :)
    Love and admiration and lots of CONGRATULATIONS too!
    ~Robyn (YNOF) :)

  24. Yay! Congrats!

  25. You go girl! Glad I voted for the winning team! LOL!…..What a neat-o contest that was!
    And… Basil??….mmmm……


  27. u are an Artist..its amazing what U and the others did..keep the good work..and the beautiful things u create and the good energy and love u give with everything u post..
    congratulations and greetings from Dominican republic :D!!!

  28. Congrats to you. I have to admit you are inspiring. I am starting Culinary Arts school next week and I am a little nervous. Any advice?

  29. Congrats! That’s awesome!

  30. Congratssss sweetie :D Your work is awesome :D

  31. CONGRATS!! Just got the new Williams Sonoma catalog in the mail and they have Halloween Cake Pops that look like a Bakerella creation. Tell me they are not copying you!!

  32. Congratulations!

  33. Congratulations!!!

  34. awesome, huge congrats.
    i’m going to try to make some of your peanut butter cookies later today!!!! ummmmm

  35. I voted for you and am going to try out your recipe this weekend! Also, I’ve closed comments on the cupcake pop giveaway but there’s a new one up and it’s recipe cards again! My anticipation could only stand a week for the first giveaway, it’s just so addicting I had to do another one! Check it out!

  36. Congratulations! I voted for you.

    I can’t imagine basil incorporated into a cupcake…mint, yes, but basil? Wow, that will be an interesting one.

  37. Congrats! The win was well-deserved!

  38. Congratulations!!! Your cupcake sounded sooooo yummy… It was well worth the vote…

  39. Wonderful and very derserving!

  40. Congrats!

    And I’m excited about the basil coming up; I have bunch that I’ve grown but I’ve only used it a few times in lasagna and pizza. It’s such a cool herb, isn’t it? :)

  41. Grats :D I voted for your cupcake but they all were really awesome!

  42. I didn’t realize you were from atlanta. You don’t sell to a local bakery do you? I bet that Irwin St. Market would love to sell some cake pops.

  43. Congratulations! I felt your cupcake was very worthy of my vote. :)


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