
This is short, but oh so sweet!


It’s #7 for the week of September 26, 2010.

It’s #9 for the week of October 3, 2010.

It’s #14 for the week of October 10, 2010.

It’s #9 for the week of November 7, 2010.

It’s #15 for the week of November 28, 2010.

It’s #11 for the week of December 5, 2010.

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324 comments on “This is short, but oh so sweet!”

  1. Congrats! I cant imagine the joy you are feeling right now.

  2. Congratulations, you totally deserve it! I LOVE your stuff! You’ve actually inspired me to start my own website, so thank you. :)

  3. I meant to ask – any way to get an autographed plate for my book?

  4. Congratulations! I am one of the purchasers – and I LOVE it. So does my 3 year old and she wants me to make EVERYTHING in the book – preferably all at once. Thanks for all the inspiration and enjoy your success.

  5. That’s incredible news! Congratulations!!!

  6. Congratulations! I received the book a couple of weeks ago and made the little cupcake ones (without the stick) with my 1 and 3 year old… they had soo much fun putting the sprinkles on and the “cherry” on top (and they looked so darn cute!). Next on the list is to try the owls!! Thank you so much for putting out a book that has great ideas and projects to do with our children!!

  7. Did you know that you wrote an “advice” book?!

  8. Congratulations, Bakerella! You may be #7 on the NY Times list, but you’ll always be #1 on ours!

  9. Well, this would pretty much define thrilling for me!! Blow it up to 11×17 and get that in a frame!!!!!

  10. Way to go!! Did you ever think this would happen? Can’t wait to get the book.

  11. Oh wow!! Congratulations! I have to get my own copy, too – the Betty Crocker magazine only satiated my cake pop needs for so long ;)

  12. Congratulations!! I find it so funny that you are right under a book called Delivering Happiness. Even if I never get around to making one of your adorable creations, you deliver happiness to me with every (calorie-free) post!!

    Having your book full of happiness on my shelf will make me happy every time I see it, too! Enjoy the applause, you certainly deserve it!!

  13. Congratulations! What a great accomplishment that is well deserved. I brag about you every chance I get! (Even though I’ve never tried the cake pops….still working up the courage!) They are still so cute I tell everyone about you!

  14. CONGRATS! (And LOL to the #4. Dieting is so overestimated.)

  15. Made my first ever cake pops for a political reception last week. They were quite the hit! Thanks for the ideas…you deserve the praise!

  16. CONGRATS! That is SO awesome and exciting! I can’t wait to get your book. :)

  17. Congratulations….that’s so awesome!

  18. Woot! Woot! Congratulations!

  19. Congrats to you. Don’t get tooooo busy that you don’t have time for us out in the webworld!

  20. Way to go! When are you coming to Washington DC, I want an autographed copy!

    BTW, it was through your site that I was introduced to the Pioneer Woman. She will be one of the authors at the National Book Festival this weekend. I am super happy for her – it is an amazing event – and look forward to hearing her speak. (Next year you!) Thank you for always introducing us to awesome people such as yourself.

  21. Congrats Bakerella – it couldn’t of happened to a nicer blogger!

  22. Congratulations Bakerella!
    I, for one, bought 2 ! for me and my sis-in-law.
    btw, you have gained one new fan… my 4yo boy who’s very excited to make the robot cake pop. :-)

  23. I bought one :)

  24. I also had a vision about the charm but that one didn’t happen…maybe this one will!

    Lori from Canada


  26. I have a vision that a #1 beside that title!!! Spread the word and snatch up copies for gifts for Christmas…94 shopping days left :-)

    Make it so….
    Lori from Canada

  27. Congratulations! That’s fantastic news!

  28. That is so great! Big congrats, well deserved :)

  29. congrats Bakerella!! :D

  30. Congratulations! All your hard work deserves to climb the NYT bestseller list.

  31. Congratulations!!
    i got the book yesterday! i looove it!
    thank you!

  32. Congratulations, you deserve it! It is nor everybody that shares the talent and the ideas as you did!! Success!

  33. Congratulations! This certainly proves all your hard work pays off. I know I love the book!

  34. Congrats it is only a few short steps to the top, #1. All of us fans can help you there!!!

  35. CONGRATULATIONS! I got mine in the mail and just love it!!! Thanks so much for the wonderful ideas.

  36. I have the book and simply love it! Congratulations!

  37. Way to go!!! Congratulations!

  38. Congratulations! All of your hard- and delicious!- work has paid off!

  39. Way to go – you deserve it – I love your blog and your food.

  40. How WONDERFUL!!! Congratulations to one sweet and talented lady! Best wishes to you always!

  41. How fabulous!

  42. Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!

  43. YYAAAAYyy!!!!!!!!! I am sooo happy for you!!!

  44. Wow! That would be so exciting. Did anyone win the charm?

  45. Congratulations! I’ve enjoyed what little bit I’ve been able to flip through my copy. I can’t wait to try all the different and adorable ideas in the book. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas with all of us!

  46. OMG! So cooool! Congratulations!

  47. Are you still pinching yourself? I sure would be; its a beautiful accomplishment!

  48. Congratulations! All of your hard work has paid off! So wonderful…..

  49. Congratulations! How exciting!! ;)

  50. Oh my goodness!! Top 10 in your first week, that’s awesome!

  51. kudos! how wonderfully sweet!

  52. Congrats!! – I LOVE you book by yhe way – I live in Canada and ordered mine off of Amazon – can’t wait for an occasion to make some!

  53. You have worked so hard for this and I am so happy for you. Only one thing to say CONGRATULATIONS BAKERELLA!!!! Hugs Paulette

  54. Congratulations! I pre-ordered 2 copies for gifts and when they arrived I wished I had bought an extra for myself! Gorgeous.

  55. Aww, that’s wonderful! I’m fairly new to your site, but already obsessed. Totally deserved–congratulations!

  56. Congrats!! Can’t wait to get my book in the mail!! So excited for you…cake pops rock!!!

  57. Girl, that is awesome!!!! Totally hoping I get to meet you on the book tour!

  58. I got mine in the mail yesterday and it is sooooooo cute! Congratulations!

  59. Ooh, goosebumps! You should be there for awhile as I have NOT bought my book yet. Waiting for your book signing at Williams-Sonoma in King of Prussia, PA in November. Congrats!

    Next book – Making it Big with Social Media by Bakerella!

  60. Congratulations!!! What an amazing feeling you must have :) Well deserved!

  61. Whoot! Congrats! I got my copy and love it!

  62. Congratulations!

  63. WOW!! Celebrate your success with something divine!

  64. whooo hooo!!! This is a great accomplishment. Congratulations!!!

  65. Congratulations dear Bakerella!

  66. Well, I pre-orderd two for myself and a friend and now I need a copy for my sons 3rd grade teacher. Everything in it is sooo cute, especially the owls!

  67. Of course it’s a best seller! How could anything you touch not be?? ;) I’m so incredibly happy for you and thankful that you are so generous to share all of your creativity with everyone :) Congratulations!

  68. Way to go!!!! That is fantastic! Just ordered my copy here in the UK!!!!!

  69. Well done! That had to be another pinch me moment. How amazing for you!! We bought your book two weeks ago and then last night in Target I saw you peeking at me with the jack o lantern pops and got that one as well. You had me at pumpkin and chocolate chip!

  70. I echo #65 (Lorrinda)’s thoughts….Food makes me happy, too, CAKE POPS are a cute & happy way to do it!
    Conrats, “Miss Ella” you are the best!

  71. That’s wonderful – Congratulations!

  72. CONGRATS!!!!!

    WAY to go!!!!

  73. SQUEEEEEE!!!!! Congrats lady!!!!!

  74. Congratulations!!! you deserve it. Saw you on Martha TV show couple of years ago and loved your segment, your blog is amazing so creative and inspiring, thank you. I ordered your book from amazon UK can’t wait to receive it! wish you great success.

  75. Yay! I just got your book for my birthday over here in the UK, my mam had to order it off for me! Its great :D

  76. Congrats!! They FINALLY shipped my copies today!! I will be watching the mailbox for the rest of the week!!!! =)

  77. WOOT!!! CONGRATS!!

  78. WTG,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lucky #7

    will be number 1 soon !!!!!!!

  79. Yay! Congratulations!!! You totally deserve it.

  80. DUDE! You’re on a list with TIM GUNN!!! Congrats on the book, it’s on my birthday list and my husband will be in trouble if he doesn’t buy it for me.

    I, too, saw your Halloween pop cover and was so excited!

  81. That is so rad! Congratulations! You rule Bakerella!

  82. OMG, congratulations!!! You know you’ve made it when you get on the NY Times Bestseller list!!! You SO deserve this … you are amazing! I preordered your book about a month ago and received it from Amazon last week. I absolutely love the design of the book … the hard cover plus inside spiral binding is brilliant. The entire book from front cover to back cover is truly spectacular. I do believe this is my new favorite book (and I own a lot of books!) You are a gem. :)

  83. I bought 3 of your book and have them shipped to Singapore. They arrived 2 days ago and everything inside is so pretty and lovely. Can’t wait to share the other 2 books with my girlfriends – their birthday presents from me!

  84. OMG!!!!!! What a good new!!!! Congratulations !!!!!!

    In Spain we say_ CÓMO MOLA !!!!

  85. Congratulations Bakerella! You definitely deserve it :)

  86. SWEEEET!!! ….in more ways than one. ;0) Congratulations! I know you’re excited about your book but this is even more exciting. WOW!! Enjoy your time in the spotlight.

  87. Congratulations! I don’t live in the US, but my sister in law is going there in a few weeks, so I’ll be sure to aks her to pick up a copy!!!

  88. Congratulation to you Angie!! I ordered by very own copy and I can’t wait to receive it, so I can start making CAKE POPS!! Great job and I look forward to seeing your next creation.

  89. So cool!!

  90. Congratulations, you really deserve it

  91. lol I love the diet books and women food and god.

    We all just need some cake pops and people to share them with. Looks like Cakepops are doing for us, what seeking for happiness/money/thinness do for other people :)

    I am actually making my first cake pops this week. Got all the ingredients ready to go.

  92. Yippee skippee! Our copy is sitting waiting to be given to my 12YO daughter on her 13th birthday. :)

  93. step aside Mary Higgins Clarke she is coming thru lol CONNNNGRATS !

  94. Wow! A best seller!!!! Congrats!!

  95. WOO HOO… how exciting!!! That is so awesome!!!

  96. congratulations, bakerella! so proud to be a follower of your site. I’ve been looking for a copy of this here in UAE but couldn’t find one. Were there copies distributed outside USA?

  97. WOW, congratulations!!

  98. CONGRATULATIONS !!!!. Have your thing about do it in spanish too? :)

  99. Wow – Nice work.

    Cake pops by Bakerella beats out The Secret. That’s because we all know that cake pops are the secret.

  100. YAY!! I’m SO happy for you! Bought my copy last week and its amazing!

  101. Excellent job! Congratulations!

    I have a copy and it’s FABULOUS!!!
    Wonderful job :)

  103. CONGRATULATIONS!! You must be so excited :)

  104. I’m pretty sure we can make that climb to #1!!! :p

  105. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You deserve it. Your book is wonderful. I got my copy several weeks ago and I was so thrilled with it. I wish you were coming my way, so I could get my book signed and meet you. Love & blessings from NC!

  106. I am so happy for you!!! I’m not surprised at all!!!

  107. Congrats! I have the warm fuzzies. :) You deserve it!

  108. Congrats! I was just in Hong Kong last week and saw the book prominently displayed in the food section~

  109. Wow, you are creeping up on Tim Gunn! Good work! :D

  110. That is AWESOME! Congratulations!!! I’m waiting to buy mine (it’s very hard to wait, btw) until your book-signing in Portland, OR. Way to go!!

  111. Congratulations. I bought two copies from Amazon the first day!

  112. Congratulations!! This is fantastic! I can’t wait to get the book. It’s on my bday list. Just a few more days….

  113. congrats!

  114. Oh Bakerella….congratualtions! It certainly couldn’t have happened to a sweeter gal. You’ve started something big here, and we are all enjoying the rewards! You deserve that list!

  115. That is awesome! Not surprised because I had a feeling your book would be a great hit. It is at my house!

  116. Oh, that is WAY exciting!!! Congrats!

  117. Congratulations!! you must be so excited!

  118. congrats, that is so very awesome. You and your family must be so proud! :)

  119. Congratulations! I recently bought your book and it’s on the best sellers list because it’s a great book!!

  120. Congratulaions!!!

    I find it amusing that 8 out of the top 10 are books on searching for happiness, diet and food…. Here’s my advice: Have a cake pop! It’s delicious, low cal (compared to a piece of cake) and it makes me happy! Can’t get any simpler than that!

  121. How very exciting! Congratulations!

  122. That is so awesome, I also saw that you were featured in Betty Crockers Halloween edition magazine! At first I saw just the cake pops and got very upset that you were not getting credit for them, then when I picked up the mag and saw your pic I was relieved that it was you being featured!

  123. HUGE congratulations Bakerella!! You totally deserve the top spot!

  124. How exciting! You must be just so gitty!

  125. Congratulatiooons! In some days you´ll be the very fisrt one!

  126. Awesome! I haven’t gotten mine yet, but I am hoping to be able to soon.

  127. I LOVE your site, and your book. Congratulations on your success!

  128. Just got mine in the mail yesterday… all the way here in Australia…. LOVE it!! Have the cake made, frosting made and 2 (young) helpers ready to start!!! Well Done Angie!!!!

  129. woo hoo… cake pops are little bites of sweetness… enjoy the snippets of sweetness on this amazing list!

    You aren’t a best kept secret anymore!

  130. Whooohoooo. Good for you. Looking to get it soon. Can’t wait.

  131. AWESOME!!! ;)

  132. Congrats! I love the book! My friends are all picking out what I should try to make next.

  133. Congrats, you deserve it! Because of you’re cake balls I’m the go to friend for tasty treats :)

  134. I bought your book today and I love it!

  135. Yippee! Congratulations! I love the book! It makes me smile!

  136. How exiting!!!! I know I bought mine for your book sighing in Costa Mesa in Oct. !!!! I can’t wait!

  137. I SO TOTALLY LOVE my Cake Pops book i find it hard to get anything else done, I don’t want to put it down, the more you look at it the more endless ideas you get.

  138. OH that’s so wonderful!

  139. Congratulations, you truly deserve it! I LOVE my book!!!

  140. Saw that tweet of yours yesterday. Its so AWESOME. Congratulations!

  141. Congratulations, that is Amazing!!

  142. Right on! Cake Pops are taking over the world! Congratulations :o)

  143. Congrats!

  144. You go girl!!! I have my copy and planning on making the robots this weekend.

  145. Congratulations! Now, get to work on a follow up book! Very happy for you and your success!

  146. Very nice! Congratulations!

  147. Thank you all so much! It’s all very exciting and still hard to believe.

    And yes, RoMay Allen – you definitely did. All of you made this happen. I didn’t do anything except put something out there that I hope you all enjoy and makes you smile. Group hug! Yay for Cake Pops!

  148. Woooooooohooooooooooo! Your book is getting all the buzz in Mexico!!! People are buying it in the U.S. and bringing it here. WE LOVE BAKERELLA!!! Congratulations!

  149. Woo Hoo! Congratulations that is awesome. I saw your Halloween Jack O Lantern cake pops on the cover of a magazine at the grocery store!

  150. wow that’s so amazing! you’re a new york times best selling author!!!

  151. congratulations!!! (: it’s well deserved, and you should definitely be proud!! (:

  152. I am so proud of you! Congratulations to a gracious and hard-working woman. We celebrate with you!

  153. Congratulations ;) – I like to think I helped a bit by buying a copy … :) LOVE IT

  154. Exciting…can’t wait to get my copy!! Congrats!!

  155. That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!

  156. wow congrats!!! I absolutely looooveee it!!! I have given some copies to my friends and they love too. It is adorable!

  157. WOW, it just keeps getting better and better!!!

  158. Absolutely awesome! Can’t wait to get a copy signed on the book tour

  159. Congratulations!! I am not surprised, though, you are awesome! I am looking forward to getting a copy for myself soon.

  160. YAY!!!!!!! so exciting!

  161. that’s awesome congratulations

  162. How proud you must be! That’s AWESOME!


  163. Wow! That is amazing, congratulations! I knew your book would be a hit, your cake pops are beautiful!

  164. Wow, congratulations!!! That must be a huge honor, but as others have said, I’m not surprised!! :) Good luck on everything and anything else you set your mind to!

  165. How exciting! I can’t wait to pick the book up!

  166. awesome, not surprised at all.. congrats!!!

  167. Congrats! Also, did you know you and your website is mentioned in the October issue of Allure? I just got my copy yesterday and cover model Blake Lively said she loves your website and your cake pops!

  168. That’s awesome! I went to go and buy the book at my local Borders and it was sold out. Good for you, sad for me! ;o)

  169. Aaaaahhhh! I’m so excited for you! I saw your book just the other day in BAM and it looked ah-mazing! Congrats!

  170. Congratulations! What wonderful news.

  171. Fabulous.
    I have the book & it so deserves to be on this list!!!

  172. Congratulations!! That’s fantastic! (Especially considering #4 on the list…). I saw your book in Barnes&Noble the other night and it’s GORGEOUS.

  173. Congratulations!!

  174. Congrats :) You totally deserve it!

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