
They Got Me

The other day I was doing a little impromptu shopping. I had already spent more than I wanted and I was about to pass the Williams-Sonoma store. I said to myself. “Walk faster. Faster. Don’t look in. You don’t need anything else. Whatever you do…

…don’t stop…

Don’t look in the …”


Dang. They got me.

I really tried not to go in, but how could I be complete without these Star Wars Cookie Cutters. I knew if I left empty handed, I’d wish I had bought them in the off chance someone I know wants Boba Fett cookies one day. So I went in, telling myself the whole time I would just have a peek. I can resist.


I can resist so well that I only bought two. One for me and one for you. Okay, one for one of you.


Now, I like to bake to go along with a giveaway if I can, but I knew I wouldn’t have enough time to make and pipe these this weekend and I just couldn’t wait to show you these cutters. Plus, my piping skills might deter you from wanting to try them. Piping royal icing is a skill I need to work on, but the way to go if you’re up for it. They’d still be super cute just like this photo from the back of the box, though.


The cutters have plungers that make impressions in the sugar cookie dough as you cut shapes.


You can whip up some Storm Troopers…


A Dark Lord perhaps.


Maybe some Boba Fett’s just so you can say the name over and over.


And you have to make Yoda, of course. Make him you should. And eat him you shall.

But… but wait… where’s Chewbacca and R2-D2? What’s up with that? I want to nibble on a little Wookiee. And maybe a little Harrison Ford.

They need a second edition. Fingers crossed.


The set comes packaged in a cute box with a recipe for cookies and icing.

Besides the kiddies going gaga for these, I think it would make a great gift for Daddy’s Day. Well, it might make some Daddy’s Day, not all.

Find them at Williams-Sonoma or…

You can enter for a chance to win a Star Wars Cookie Cutter Set here:

• Leave a comment on this post sharing something about Star Wars. Your favorite character? Favorite movie? How many star wars figurines your son has? Or maybe your husband? Or you? Whatever works.

• Deadline to enter is Saturday, May 22 at 12:00 noon ET. Sorry, Time’s UP. Winner Below.

• One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Saturday.

May the force be with you.

Oh man… your Star Wars stories were a real treat to read. So fun. Thank you for sharing. Wish I could give you all a set of these cutters. But I only have one set to give away and that one is going to Commenter 3034.

shannonwilli – congrats and tell your husband to brush off his yoda costume. Fun times ahead.


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4,812 comments on “They Got Me”

  1. My boys are soooo into star wars right now its crazy! They love Luke and they would go crazy for these!

  2. Well I remember going to my first Star Wars movie when I was maybe 6 years old. My husband loves all the movies and our son and our nephews are really enjoying Star Wars now. I was thinking of doing a star wars party this summer when all the boys were together to play. I am building up my cookie collections, and when I saw your post, I told my husband I want those! Best wishes to who ever wins!

  3. definitely a fan of yoda, r2 and the cute ewoks :) wish jar jar binks had never been created…!!!! the original movies were soo much better than the newer ones!
    these cookie cutters are awesome – my dad and brother would love to get star wars cookies from me! :)

  4. Oh my GOSH. I SO need these for my husband. I know absolutely nothing about star wars other than my husband and his friends love it. :) Does that count as a star wars something?

  5. My husband has…a few Star Wars lego figurines. I had never seen Star Wars (any of them) until he made me watch it when we were first married…9 months ago. Yep. I had never seen any of the Star Wars’ movies until this last year. It was fun. I made him watch Pride and Prejudice after wards. Fair is fair.

  6. I LOVE Star Wars as does my husband.

  7. My family LOVES Star Wars, and I like it too… but my knowledge is much less than theirs… all I know is, I like the “movie with the little bears” and the “movie with the squishing garbage pit”

  8. We always played star wars as kids and pretended to be ewoks(sp?). Those are great memories from the early 80s. I still love the old movies!

  9. OMG, I really liked the AT-AT walkers… that and the taun-tauns, maybe I just really like repeating…

  10. Yoda I love. Talk like him, I sometimes do!

  11. I’ve kept a keychain of my favorite character in my car for the past ten years- Darth Vader!

  12. I’m a Star Trek nerd but my husband loves Star Wars. I have pretended to listen to so many rants now about the new ones that I have perfected the wait-for-a-pause-to-agree and exactly which pause requires what response. “yes anakin was too angsty” and “yes making yoda jump about demeans his character” I do love that man of mine

  13. You know the preverbial monster under the bed that every kid’s afraid of? For me it was the eel-like things from the trash compactor…starred in quite a few childhood nightmares! Still loved the movies though! :)

  14. I got an ewok piggy bank when I was around 4. I liked it, but it was more than a decade later that I understood why my older sister bought the silly thing for me!

    Now I totally wish I hadn’t colored the silly thing with magic marker. How fun would that be to decorate my son’s room with!

  15. I just happen to be one of the biggest star wars geeks. I don’t dress up for comiccon or anything but I do own star wars trivia pursuit and own star wars t-shirts. I really really really want to win these for my annual star wars party night!

  16. My 5 year old son has yet to see the movies (too scary), but he knows every character. He LOVES the Lego Star Wars game and even asked us to paint his room black like Darth Vader!

  17. If I don’t win them at least I know what I’m making my husband for fathers day.

  18. My son wants to be darth vader for Halloween!!

  19. My son is totally into Star Wars–books, movies, video games. My first thought was, “I better show him these. He will go crazy.” Then on second thought I thought, “Hmmm, better not. Then I will have to buy some!”

  20. I love all science fiction, and Star Wars is my number two favorite, after Star Trek! :) I would LOVE these!!!

  21. The rebellion would have failed without the ewoks!

  22. My son and nephews loved Star Wars when they were little boys. They’re all grown up, but would love some Star War cookies!!

  23. I have 3 boys. They are huge star wars fans!

  24. My husband and his friends would love these. They have a couple of light sabers and dual while watching the movies. They actually went to the midnight showing of the last movie all dressed up. So funny

  25. My 3 year old daughter LOVES Star Wars and says that Yoda has beautiful eyes!

  26. My husband and I used to lay around and watch the original trilogy before we got married! Now 10 years of marriage and 2 kids later, our favorite activity is laying around as a family and watching all 6!! My son would LOVE a Storm Trooper cookie!

  27. Oh those are so SWEET! (oh, I made a pun – lol) My favorite character is Obi Wan. 30 years ago in High School my friends and I gave each other nicknames from the Movies and I was Obi Wan. Who cares if I am female and Obi is male. He is so wise and awesome. Qualities I admire. hahaha

  28. I haven’t figured out what the plot or point was to Episode One. But my husband and I love the rest of the films. My favorite characters are the Ewoks- small, fuzzy, and they resemble the Downey Bear so they probably smell good too. I wish they were sold in pet stores. JK

  29. I’m not a huge SW fan, but my brother is. He got my daughter an awesome shirt before she was born…it said “Somebody change me, I smell like a wookie” :)

  30. My favourite was Boba Fett, When I was little I named my giant goldfish after him. I guess I’m a sucker for the strong silent type!

  31. OMG!!! WANT WANT WANT! Those are so awesome! They would make a great birthday present :o) I’m going to have to track down a store that sells in or ships to Canada!!!

    Star Wars anything for me. Characters, story, original trilogy… I once went out as Slave Leia for Halloween and of course made my partner go out as Han Solo!

  32. Where is R2D2 and C3PO? Even though it is so very wrong without them, I still want them.

  33. I’ve only seen part of the original movies and my fiance and I keep trying to find time to watch them. Making these cookies might be the best excuse to watch the movies and eat the cookies! Those are awesome!

  34. awwwwwwwwww way cute. I loooooooove to bake sugar cookies. These look like tons of fun

  35. i love star wars with reckless abandon, empire strikes back most recklessly.

    please let me win these cookie cutters. pleaseohpleaseohplease let me win these cookie cutters!

  36. OMG! We LOVE Star Wars in our house! We seriously let our kids start watching them when they are 2! (Terrible, I know!) My daughter, who is 5, has been through the Jedi Training Academy (at Disneyland, of course, where else?) 3 times! So she’s officially a Padawan to the 3rd power. (Get that? Power? LOL! I crack myself up!) So, we would totally have fun with those cookie cutters! And may the force be with you! :o)

  37. The best part about Star Wars is Han Solo. He’s just yummy! I bet he’d be even yummier in cookie form! :-)

  38. my metaphorical big brother and his roommate are huge geeks (and i love them for it!) and LOVE star wars. since i bake for them all the time it would be awesome to be able to bake them fabulously geeky cookies :] :]

  39. So apropos! I am currently in the middle of a personal Star Wars marathon. A friend gave me all 6 movies…complete with bonus material…who doesn’t love Star Wars?


    Oh my, those are a must have. I truly hope I win, but if I don’t then I think Williams Sonoma will be getting my business.

    Random Star Wars thought? The first that came to mind is that my husband would do just about anything for me to wear a “Princess Leah all chained up to Jabba” costume…(yeah, not gonna happen so maybe the cookies will be a good enough distraction).

  41. Ah, star wars. :) My husband and sons LOVE it. One of our first dates was watching the trilogy back-to-back-to-back on DVD. My boys would love these cookies.

  42. My husband and I both love Star Wars….In college one of my teachers was Storm Trooper which I thought was kind of cool.

    Princess Leia Quote: The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers

  43. The music is awesome :-) . Gotta love Star Wars…these cookie cutters are amazing!

  44. These are SO cute. I’m not a huge star wars nut but I know my boyfriend would love cookies like this. I agree though they need R2D2.

  45. The force will always be with me if I win this how cool are the now besides copying process L’ hair I can have a complete bday cookie extravaganza!!!!!

  46. My husband LOVES Star Wars . . . personnally I think he’s a little nerdy for it! He even asked for a Star Wars Lego set for Christmas last year! Good thing I’m nice!!! It would be so awesome to surprise him with some Star Wars cookies! :)

  47. My mom had to buy a special ice cube tray for the small lid on my The Empire Strikes Back thermos when I was little. Thanks, Mom!

  48. These. Are. RAD!!! Of course my favorite Star Wars character is Han Solo. C’mon! He’s cute!! And, having 2 sons, there are plenty of figures & at least 5 light sabers (not counting the home-made ones) in this house. Good, good stuff!!

  49. Yoda, love him. He’s so wise (:

  50. Yoda is great. great is Yoda. :)

  51. wow, i really wish have this cutters, i specially lob star wars more than my husband…i love R2-D2, 3PO, Jabba , Master Joda and phrases, if i could ever had a chance i would have named my baby girl Padme…i love the name, i named here Valeria Renée and i will give her all my collection to her …

  52. OMG!! i want! i need!! i have to have!!! if i win them then i don’t have to explain to my husband why i want/need/have to have them :)

  53. Before I had kids, I thought I’d die if my kids were ‘Star Wars geeks.’ Now I’m trying to talk myself out of buying the 3 ft. wide X-Wing fighter wall decal that would look SO cool in their room!

  54. well I am not exactly sure how many figures my son has, but they would really love these cookies. I love making stuff for their classes. thanks for all the great ideas

  55. This is the one time I think my boys would actually like cookie cutters!lol All boys makes it no fun to make cookies:)

  56. I remember watching the first 3 (episode 4, 5, and 6) with my brother! He was a big fan..still is!! Now, I can watch them with my husband and my boys and it takes me back! My boys are too young for those kinds of action figures but, I’m sure as soon as they can, they’ll have some!!! Oh, and when we played Star Wars as a kid, I was always Princess Leah!

  57. I think I have seen the original Star Wars a hundred times…my husband is a Star Wars nut and my 3 and 6 year old are following suit! Great cutter!

  58. Loved the original movie. Never really got into the other ones, but I sure know a lot of people who’d go crazy if I made cookies with these cutters.

  59. I’ve had really long brown hair for most of my life. My mom would sometimes braid it and make me “Leia Buns” even now all grown up I still wear them sometimes. I always wanted to be her!

  60. i’ll take a chance.

  61. I remember watching Star Wars in the movie theatre as a kid and thinking it was so cool. My husband also loves it :).

  62. WOW!!! My son would FLIP over these cookie cutters!

  63. My six year old would go c-RAZY over these :)
    Very cool.

  64. Love these cookie cutters! My husband and son are Star Wars obsessed. My son insists on wearing only Star Wars shirts to school and my husband can quote pretty much any line from any of the movies. He loves Star Wars so much that for our daughters first Halloween this year he bought her a Yoda costume lol. I would LOVE, LOVE,LOVE these cookie cutters.

  65. I was 5ish when my Dad took us to see Empire Strikes Back. I was horrified when they cut open the tauntaun and shoved Luke inside to keep warm. I went to my happy place and fell asleep in the movie theater, sparing myself for the rest of the movie.

    While I love star wars now, and my 3 little boys adore it. Its a family legend that I forced myself to sleep during Empire Strikes Back. My family lives to mock. Mockery is a family sport.

  66. I have seen all of the Star Wars but I told my husband that I would only watch them if we put them in order…sooo, we watched the more recent ones first and then went for the classics. Good movies, cute cookie cutters!

  67. My Grandson Cooper, My Aunt Pauline and I were in the car. As Cooper rambled on naming many, many Star Wars characters, I stopped him to ask him Paulines name. He stuttered a little, looked embarrassed and admitted he couldn’t remember her name. Maybe she just isn’t exciting like Boba or Yoda…I don’t know.

  68. Yoda. My favorite, he is. Cookie cutters, win them I shall (Yoda would hate any negative thoughts). . .

  69. I have a “light saber” app on my iPhone. My boyfriend constantly takes it and has fake fights by/with himself.

  70. I think everyone who says that they don’t like Star Wars is lying…we all have a little of the Force in us ;)

  71. I personally am not very “down” with Star Wars. But I have a husband and 3 teenage boys that are… and my hubby does theee BEST wookie call ever!
    Cute, I hope they come out with an R2D2 and Chewy as well!

  72. A friend of ours has a room that’s all Star Wars. They even had Luke and Leia on their wedding cake! I would love to surprise them with this set….their boys would love it, t oo!

  73. My husband is actually watching one of the Star Wars episodes, as I type!

    I know there will be a Star Wars themed b-day party for my son, one of these years! These would be perfect for that!

  74. My son has too many Star Wars characters to count!! He would be so excited if I were to win these..How fun!! :)

  75. Adorable! My boys love Star Wars. I grew up loving it too. I think my favorite thing about Star Wars is when my kids and husband have light sabre fights all through the house, it’s great to see my 6’4″ hubby being chased around by our 2, 3 and 4 year old boys all trying to get the bad guy. :)

  76. I’m not personally a huge fan, but I have three brothers who would definitely love some star wars cookies!

  77. I’m going to have to get these, one way or another! I grew up a huge fan, when I was little I even had some trading cards. I plan on dressing my 2 year old daughter up as Princess Leia, this year!

  78. Little girl me loved the ewoks and Return of the Jedi. Grown-up me knows better.

  79. Return of the jedi is my very favorite movie of all time! When I was little, my cousin and I used to pretend to be princess Leia in the bathtub….in our underwear…because we thought she was so cool in her teensy bikini in the Jaba the Hutt scene. Then my other cousin told our parents of our scandelous ways and made us stop. Haha anyway, I love anything star wars. And when its related to baking?? Be still my heart.

  80. My husband is such a huge fan of Star Wars and since I love to bake cookies these cute cookie cutters would be an ideal Father’s Day present. Not to mention we just found out we are expecting our first child…Happy Fathers Day!

  81. Though I’m not super crazy about Star Wars, I do know some fanatics. One of my best friends from back in high school managed to talk a movie store employee into giving her the life-sized cardboard cut-out of Darth Vader they had on display in the window. It’s in her room to this day!

  82. I loved the first three movies (the last three of the series), but can not stand the newest three (the first three of the series). My brothers on the other hand…

    What a kick they would get out of these. I may need to run in to W S myself!

  83. I didn’t see the Star Wars movies until I was 24 years old, mostly because I was deathly afraid of aliens. But I would say the ewoks are adorable.

  84. That was my fav movie as a kid. I so wanted to be Princess Leia.

  85. I’ve never in my life seen a Star Wars movie but my sweetheart is a lifelong fan! I must make him Star Wars cookies for Father’s day!!

  86. My son loves Star Wars! And I remember loving to watch Empire Strikes Back on our Laser Disk player as a kid. That’s right. I said Laser Disk. I’m not ashamed.

  87. Our youngest daughter (8) is constantly trying the jedi mind trick on us and HOPING that it will work. For example “You will give me more dessert” (complete with the little hand wavey thing and a crooked eye brow). As long as she keeps trying, I’ll keep laughing.

  88. Han shot first. And the weird little head moving thing that they edited in A New Hope does not work.

    The inner geek in me rejoices over the cookie cutters though =)

  89. What fun cookie cutters! I sorta love everything about Yoda, particularly his way with words.

  90. My sister had R2-D2 Underoos when we were kids. (Why they had R2-D2 Underoos for girls I can’t explain–wouldn’t Leia have made more sense?) I’m more of a Yoda fan myself.

  91. I LOVE Star Wars!!

  92. I’ve always like the machines, spaceships, weapons from the movies. I always collected them more than the figures. Wished I wouldv’e kept them.

  93. I would say Obi Wan Kenobi–in Episode 4 a New Hope…

    Alec Guiness is awesome.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  94. I remember seeing the very first Star Wars in a theater when I was about 20 – the opening was so hyped that I felt guilty that I didn’t love the movie! But I DID think Harrison Ford was dang cute! The rest of my family adores the series and we occasionally have a looooonnnnng Star Wars marathon day.

  95. Holy CUTENESS! Forget my kids, my husband would LOVE those for Father’s Day! :)

  96. I love Star Wars. I used to keep a Yoda Pez dispenser on my piano so I could use the Force when I played. Yeah, I’m that much of a geek.

  97. These would be perfect for my Star Wars lovin’ family! If I don’t win them, I have to buy them! Absolutely AWESOME!!

  98. My favorite thing about Star Wars is that on may the fourth, you are able to say may the fourth be with you.

  99. I’m not a huge star wars fan but my husband and my son are. My son wants every Star Wars lego set. He would LOVE me to make some of those cookies!!

  100. My brother is such a fan. He has over 100 different action figures. He has been collecting for almost 20 years!

  101. Empire strikes back is my all time favorite movie, and tomorrow happens to be the 30 year anniversary of its release! I would LOVE these cookie cutters, just for me, me and me!!

  102. we were expecting twins when star wars came out; so i’d have to say luke and leah!

  103. My husband LOVES Star Wars and he would really get a kick out of these! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  104. I have always liked the original three movies, but my husband is a true fanatic. ONCE thought, I actually beat him at Star Wars Trivial Pursuit! It was a dark day for the rebellion.

  105. My daughter would faint!!! She’s the biggest Star Wars fan out there… has been Darth for Halloween for 4 straight years. Gotta love it!

  106. I hope they have them in Canada. My son is a huge Star Wars fan and would love those cookies.

  107. These are awesome! I’m still working on watching the Star Wars movies. I’ve started with the first one and am working towards the 6th. I am one of those people that decided it’s worth watching them in order. :-P LOL! My favorite character is Princess Leia.

  108. I loveee Star wars goods! Even though I’ve never watched the actual movies, I still have a favorite character, Yoda
    I have a starwars-themed shirt that says Stop Wars in that starwars font, but it shrunk in the washer so I can’t wear it anymore :( booo

  109. Today, someone showed me this Star Wars-y video on YouTube! I thought it was awesome.

  110. I watched the entire series with my boyfriend when he stayed with me while my dad was in the hospital. It was such a good distraction from everything that was happening at the time. I would love to be able to make him some Star Wars cookies! =)

  111. How awesome! I could definitely get some use out of Star Wars cookie cutters.

    Last year for Halloween I made my husband a jedi costume because he looks so much like Obi-Wan a la Ewan McGregor. We visited some friends that night (in costume) and one of them went crazy over it. He put on his Star Wars LP and the jedi robe and danced to the disco version of the Star Wars theme for quite a while. So of course, when his birthday rolled around in January, I knew exactly what to give him.

  112. My husband would love Star Wars Cookies!!

  113. Yoda is the bomb.

  114. EVEN if I don’t win them, I will still be buying them!

  115. I had never seen star wars until I started dating my boyfriend, but now I’m a fan. Sort of. He is, anyway.

  116. SO. COOL. How about an ewok in the 2nd set?? I think they’re my favorite!

  117. My best friend’s boy loves Star Wars… Would love to suprise him with these!!

  118. so cute and cool! my random fact – the star wars theme song will unfailingly get any other song thats stuck in your head out and, if sung slowly enough, will not replace it

  119. My husband LOVES all things star wars! He would love cookies made from these!!!

  120. I haven’t seen Star Wars in years but now that I have a little boy it seems as though I will be revisiting this legendary movie from my childhood in the very near future. He has no clue what Star Wars is but we walk past anything Star Wars and he’s sucked in!

  121. My favorite character isn’t in this cookie cutter set, but I would still definitely eat some Star Wars cookies! I <3 Princess Leia!

  122. Oh my goodness, my 5 year old saw these with me(he loves checking out the cake bites) and went CRAZY. He is a Star Wars nut.(the origionals, not so much the prequels) He was Luke for halloween last year and still wears his costume all the time. His favorite though is “Dark” Vadar. He’s already picked his costume for this year. He also loves to cook with his sister and I and would have a blast with those cookie cutters.

  123. my dad’s love for star wars is immense. these would rack up some major daughter points for me….
    just sayin.


  124. I spent every Christmas for years looking for new Star Wars Men for my brother. I would love to make these cookies for him.

  125. My boyfriends a member of the 501st Imperial Costuming Organization. I desperately want this set to take on troops for the other Stormtroopers!

  126. Making a Death Star cake tomorrow. Wish I had these!

  127. Oh, my best friend’s little guy would LOVE these!

  128. I used to dress up like Princess Lea when I was a little girl. I had really long hair and would braid it and roll it into two buns. Good times!

  129. I love the original star wars movies. my brothers wore out the movies when i was a kid i always wanted to be princess laya

  130. Love Yoda, I do. Ummm….is it weird that I like the movies more than my husband!?! Yes? Okay, then I won’t say it.

  131. My 5 year old LOVES Star Wars. My husband was a huge fan so it kind of rubbed off on the little one, They watched the movies together, played with toys together, it was their thing big-time bonding. In fact, the first movie we took our son to was Star Wars:Revenge of the Sith wearing his “Who’s your Daddy?” Darth Vader onesie. Granted he was only 4 weeks old and slept through the whole thing but he was there! Oh yes we must have these! :)

  132. I’m a Yoda fan! :D You reminded me to go watch Star Wars again! :D

  133. Oh my god, you would be a life saver! It’s my little brother’s birthday in 7 days and I still do not know what to get him! He is a huge starwars fan (and a great baker. Actually the only good one in the family…) but I always thought that it would be a bit lame to get him a star wars themed shirt. And what would be cooler then these cookie cutters. Thank you so much for a chance to win this!

  134. I *love* Star Wars! A month or two ago, I watched all six movies in (story) chronological order. My favorite character at the moment is Obi-wan (Ben) Kenobi.

  135. My grandson has discoverded Star Wars and would love cookies like these made by his Grandma

  136. It looks like the force was strong with WS that day.
    The are super cool. I just saw a wedding cake that was made to look like an AT-AT and had Admiral Akbar and Mon Moth as the cake toppers.

    As for a fav character, can you really pick one? they all have there charms, though SO and I love wandering up to each other and exclaiming “its a Trap!”

  137. Everyone close to me is some level of Star Wars nerd. I just like Ewoks because they speak Tagalog. =)

  138. apart from how the characters look like, i know nothing about star wars..

  139. Oh my gosh. My Brother is OBSESSED with Star Wars. This would earn me the title of Best Sister Ever for pretty much the rest of my life. Fingers crossed!!

  140. I have loved Star Wars since I saw Episode IV when I was a teenager!

  141. OOH!! I just saw these the other day when checking out the Star Wars Pancake Molds. This would be such a great way to introduce my 4 and 2 year olds to the realm of Star Wars!! Please let the force be with me…

  142. My mom says I saw Return of the Jedi before I was born. That doesn’t count. I didn’t see Star Wars until it was re-released in the 1990s.

  143. I am a girl who LOVES Star Wars married to a man who could care less. ha :) I was raised on the movies, I own Star Wars Trivial Pursuit, and yoda brings me much joy. I did not realize that EVERYONE didn’t like Star Wars until college, and still made it my floor theme when I was an RA (the girls didn’t mind when they got their cute Yoda Sweatshirts with the SLogan “the force is strong with this one”. I now work with children full time, and this helps me form an instant bond with the boys. It’s cheesy to say, but Star Wars has really made my life more enjoyable in the most nerdy, lovable, and tangible of ways. :)

  144. I’ll be totally honest- any attempt from friends to get me to watch the first couple installments- I fall asleep! But if it helps (which it totally doesn’t), I love Spaceballs, haha!

  145. star wars was the bestest movie ever made i just love the cookie cuters

  146. My brother in law LOVES LOVE LOVES star wars. He and his wife had a star wars reception.

  147. I love Yoda. I love those cookie cutters and almost bought them the other day, instead I got the Star Wars pancake molds.

  148. My husband had a stuffed ewok growing up. He would LOVE these.

    Pick me, pick me….

  149. My favorite character is Yoda- I love the way he talks and I had a cat that kind of looked like him. My husband would love this set!!! Thanks for the chance to win.

  150. Longtime fan of Star Wars. My favorite is the first, however corny it may be. I want these because of a certain couple little ones whose hearts would be completely won over by my SW-cookie-making powers- little cousins A. and E.
    May the force be with me in winning this giveaway.

  151. “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

  152. These cookies look awesome! I first watched Star Wars a year ago!

  153. Oh, my!!! These are AWESOME!!!! We are Star Wars freaks! LOVE them all!!

  154. Oh my goodness, those are just adorable! Must have! I’m partial to Han Solo myself, as a young Harrison Ford just gets me. That said, the Ewoks make me giggle, so I’d love to see an Ewok cookie, too!

  155. Han Solo is not only my favorite SW character, he’s my favorite character in film – PERIOD.

    No one better than an unbelievably gorgeous scoundrel with a heart of gold.

  156. My brother is convinced that he became a Star Wars fan in the womb. His mom went to see the first movie while pregnant with him and he says it was so amazing it made that deep of an impression on him. Of course I was forced to watch all the Star Wars movies over and over and over again growing up with him. It’s a fun thing that we share :)

  157. My husband and BIL are ALL about some Star Wars, I know about a few things but they would love to get cookies made out of these!

  158. How fricken awesome!!! My husband and son would LOVE to eat “force” cookies!! And I 100% agree, they need a Harrison Ford cookie cutter. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  159. We used to watch the three original Star Wars movies every year on Thanksgiving.

  160. I love the original trilogy so much, but Empire Strikes Back is my fave! My favourite character isn’t in the movies, she’s only in the books: Mara Jade.

  161. My favorite memory of Star Wars was Princess Lea’s hair! I so wanted my hair to do like her’s with the brown cinnamon rolls on each side of her head! Her hair was the greatest!!

  162. My husband is a huge fan of Star Wars and would flip for some star wars cookies.

  163. I remember watching the movie in the theater when it first came out. That year, my brother got all sar wars toys for presents and we played with them for hours. Now my son has a huge collection. He prefers the galactic heroes toys, the ones that look a bit cartoony with really big feet. He also loves his star wars legos! He wants his next birthday party to be star wars themed. Cool giveaway, thanks so much for having it. I’d love to see your finished product!

  164. As a kid my dad got me hooked on Star Wars, and I’ve been hooked ever since!!
    I even had Star Wars pod Racing for N64!

  165. I have many good memories of my brother and I playing the Eewok Game.

  166. My boyfriend loves Star Wars and sugar cookies. I just like sugar cookies. Hey, cookie sounds a lot like wookie. Aren’t there wookies in Star Wars?

  167. I frequently call my husband a nerf herder ;)

  168. I hope I win!
    This reminds me of my husband, his nick name is “Wookie Chest hair”. Too bad they don’t have a wookie cookie cutter!

  169. I’m not the biggest Star Wars fan, but I was in Target and they had a stuffed Yoda. I couldn’t pass it up. He hangs out on top of the bookshelf in the living room so he doesn’t get bitten by our dog.

  170. Too cute!!! I love that my dog makes noises like Chewie! He’s a great dane/mastiff mix and I am always says I shoulda named him “Chewie” but didn’t want to give him any ideas!!

  171. This is awesome!! We’re in love with the Lego Star Wars games here!

  172. My husband and I saw these at the store while shopping last weekend. He’s a big Star Wars geek and had to stop and check them out. I’d love to surprise him with his own set!

  173. I always wanted Princess Leah hair….maybe I still do

  174. I would love to make Star Wars cookies for my dad for father’s day!!

  175. I am the biggest Star Wars geek there is! Well, maybe not the biggest in the whole world, but I am a huuuuuge fan. My heart will always belong to the original trilogy, but my nephew, who’s 5, has become a fan because of the new Clone Wars TV show. Someday I’ll introduce him to the real good stuff.

  176. Return of the Jedi, best one! I love Star Wars!!

  177. Oh my goodness my husband would love these….and I mean absolutely love them. If I don’t win I might have to go and buy some for his birthday next month!

  178. If I won these, I would be the coolest Mama EVAH! My 7 y.o. son has recently become obsessed with all things Star Wars. As a matter of fact, we just bought one of the HUGE Lego Star Wars sets…..and it’s spread out all over the kitchen island.

  179. My brother NEEDS to have these in his life. He still has his R2D2 lamp that he got when he was 6. Let’s see… Star Wars was the first movie I ever saw in the theater AND the first movie we watched on our brand new VCR years later. And when they re-released them (before the prequels came out), I was in college and camped out all night for opening night tickets (for each of them, so 3 times). Oh, and of course, I was Leia for Halloween when I was about 5. Super freaking cute.

  180. I used to play Star Wars with the boys in my neighborhood growing up. Since I was the only girl, I *always* got to be Leia.

  181. My boyfriend is obsessed with Star Wars and he was upset that I haven’t seen the 3 original so recently he made me watch 4 & 5 and we’re watching #6 soon. He’s turning me into a star wars fan! =)

  182. Oh the Star Wars fan in my house is definitely my husband. He still has all his old figurines, much to my chagrin!

  183. I would love to win these for my nephew. He and his parents are Star Wars crazy and they would go nuts over these cookies! Thanks for the chance!

  184. The boyfriend and I wholeheartedly agree that we enjoyed the original 3 movies more than the newer 3 (although I’ve only seen 2 of the newer ones). These would be so much fun to have!

  185. My husband is actually a HUGE Star Wars fan. When we started dating (in high school) three walls of his room were covered with Star Wars figurines. I would love to win these to make him cookies.

  186. I was never in to Star Wars until I had my son. He’s 7. We go to Disneyland and he’s in to the Star Tours thing and the Darth Vader thing where they train little Jedis or whatever. I would love to make these little cookies for him! ADORABLE!

  187. My husband would love these! We have a replica light saber and I don’t even know how many figurines.

  188. My husband LOVES Star Wars. We have a very large replica of the death star made out of legos sitting on our desk and about 7 lego space ships on the shelf above. Our three-year old is already in to playing with them so I see much Star Wars and many legos in my future. These would go well with that!

  189. I always thought it was cool how Mace Windu had the only purple lightsaber!

  190. On my desk at work, I have a talking Yoda and Darth Tater (Mr. Potato Head dressed up as Darth Vader).

  191. My sons have both recently become huge Star Wars fans and they’ve never seen teh movies! Thanks to Clone Wars and Lego Starwars for the Nintendo DS.

  192. Oh my. I would have had to go right in and get a set too! (and I WILL get a set if I don’t win!)

    My husband & brother in law would just flip if I made these for them! They are both huge fans. Last year for Christmas I got the brother in laws wife a Star Wars cookbook so she could make him stuff. :)

  193. R2-D2 is easily my favorite. My husband even bought me the LEGO figure of him online! I plan on getting the pancake molds from Williams-Sonoma.

  194. I love Star Wars- the originals, not the prequels. So many great lines. My favorite thing, though, is probably the John Williams Score. When I hear the music I just get all nostalgic. My favorite is the music played when Luke is looking at the moons at night in the original.
    Anyway- love the cookie cutters!

  195. My secret: I’ve never watched Star Wars!

  196. Me and my boyfriend have bonded spending many hours playing the Xbox game “Star Wars Battlefront 2”. I’m not a huge Star Wars fan (he is), or a video game girl (he is too), but I LOVE that game. I would love to get these cookie cutters to make cookies for him! So fun!

  197. my parents met on a blind date–and that blind date was going to see ’empire strikes back”! the movies have always been special to me in that way. :)

  198. i love star wars more than anything, these are so cutee!

  199. I had a TON of Star Wars figures and i am a woman (girl at the time). Would play with all my cousins. I liked Darth Vadar the best! LOL

  200. I actually don’t know ANYTHING about Star Wars, but my husband loves it and would love anything made with these! :)

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