
A LoveLee Giveaway

LoveLee Soaps

How does a whole bunch of yumminess sound?

I’m talking cinnamon rolls, doughnuts, cupcakes, ice cream sandwiches, cookies, crullers and much more.

Sounds pretty sweet to me… only you can’t eat these little treats. No sirree.

You can shower, splash and scrub-a-dub-dub with them though.

That’s right. They’re not sugar, they’re soap. But, they’re still totally sweet. Like literally.

Wafer Cookies Soaps

These wafer cookies? Yep. Soap.

Doughuts and Cinnamon Roll Soaps

Doughnuts. All soap.

LoveLee Soaps

And the crullers. Well, they’re just cruel. I mean they’re soap, too. But they taunt me because they look too real … I just want to wash my mouth out with them.

But seriously, these soaps are super fun. And I can’t help but smile when I look at them. They’d make great gifts or party favors and they’ll certainly sweeten up your soap dish.

They’re all from Leeana of Lovelee Soaps. A while back Leeana surprised me with some adorable cupcake pop soaps and now I’m happy to be giving away gift certificates to three lucky winners to choose their own clean, sweet, fun.

Here’s some more samples of her work.
(P.S.… she has some savory soaps too if you’re into that sort of thing.)

Lovelee Soaps

Enter for a chance to win one of three $75 gift certificates to
LoveLee Soaps and 
choose your own treats.

  • To enter, just leave a comment on this post and let me know which sweet soap you’d pick first.
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, June 26th at 7:00 pm ET.
  • Three winners will be chosen at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good Luck!

Sweet Soaps by LoveLee Soaps

Soaps for photos provided by LoveLee Soaps. Giveaway sponsored by me.



Okay, I have have some sweet soap winners to announce. Congratulations Clarissa, Jackie and Karen!!!

It’s time to get your hands dirty so you can have fun cleaning up.


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2,006 comments on “A LoveLee Giveaway”

  1. Hello! I just learned of your web site! Wonderful stuff here :)

    If I had the opportunity to pick my soapy sweet treat, the first one I’d pick would be:

    The Doughnuts! They are fantastic!!

    I am looking forward to spending a lot of time exploring the yummy goodness of your web site.

    God Bless and happy creating,

  2. These are so cool! what a cute idea. I love the sprinkle donut one!!

  3. All of these soaps are so beautiful! And they look so delectable haha :) I would choose the ice cream, it just looks so cute!:)

  4. I would totally pick the teddy Graham’s or gummy bears first! No savory here!

  5. Head over heels for the Oreos !! <3

  6. The Oreo ones, oh yes, definitely the Oreos!
    I would have to twist them apart first before my shower of course!

  7. Oh yum yum! I would love to eat…..err, I mean wash up with those Oreo treats! Pick me! Pick me!

  8. I love the donut ones ! they look so real!

  9. Mmm…the Cinnamon Roll! Haven’t had a cinnamon roll in over a year (since I went GF) and would love to lather up with it :-)

  10. The gumdrops for sure!

  11. The popsicle or sprinkle donut soaps would probably be my first choices!!!

  12. I love the cinnamon rolls, but my first choice would have to be the macs!

  13. I love the cinnamon roll too! Looks good enough to eat :)

  14. I think they are ALL adorable, but if I had to choose just one..
    hmmm I love cake so would have to go with the CUPCAKES!

  15. Soap that looks like a Hostess cupcake!? That is beyond awesome!

  16. Crisp Ocean Breeze Salt Bar – Looks AMAZING!

  17. Totally love the wafer cookies and Popsicles. Now I want dessert (edible sweets of course).

  18. The ice cream cone and chocolate bar look so yummy!!! Too bad these aren’t edible!

  19. love the chocolate chip cookies and everything look so yummy !

  20. Cinnamon Rolls! No two ways about it =) Mmmmmm

  21. cinnamon roll yummie

  22. Oreos, Ding dongs,doughnuts

  23. Oreos, for sure!

  24. Oreos! They are a weakness for me….probably in soap form too!

  25. Doughnuts!!!

  26. I would go for the gummy bears or gum drops – they look so real!

  27. Cupcake or ice cream sandwich!! :) Super cute!

  28. Seeing as how we keep gummy bears in the bathroom for my potty training toddler, these would be so very confusing to him. Would it be especially cruel of me to pick the gummy bear soap?

  29. the oreos are calling my name.

  30. Animal Crackers not in my soup
    In my bathtub, now that would be cute!

  31. Cinnamon rolls! Yummy!

  32. That’s soooo cute! Donut with sprinkles!

  33. Saweeet giveaway! Thank you Bakerella!

  34. They all look amazing! The gummy bears & Popsicle are too adorable!

  35. Doughnuts!

  36. I would go with the mini cinnamon rolls! :)

  37. LOVE the cinnamon rolls! They look just like my homemade ones but with none of the calories!

  38. The Oreo cookies or the mini donuts are my favorite! These just might be the trick to get my 4 year old sweetie to remember to wash her hands before dinner!

  39. The donuts are adorable!

  40. I still can’t quite believe they’re soap! Have to have them in my hands to decide for sure!

  41. I would pick the gummy bears because they are my favorite candy of all time and would look totally adorable in a jar next to my tub. =)

  42. I love love love the oreos, they look so real!

  43. why, the Oreos of course!

  44. I would pick the 4 pack of donuts ! They look good enough to eat!

  45. Definitely, the donuts! :)

  46. I’m just here to kind of congratulate you on how far you’ve come. I’e been with this website the entire way through, and have loved every bit of it!! (And if I did win some soap, I wouldn’t complain! ;) I love all of the donuts!!)

  47. The chocolate chip cookies. Too cute!

  48. I love them all but if I have to pick one I’d pick the donuts.

  49. I’d pick the wafer cookies!! They’re all adorable.

  50. The sweetly colored wafer cookies ~ such great childhood memories … you could eat 100 of them and not be full!

  51. The cupcake for sure.

  52. Those wafers are just too darn cute and my eternal love of sugar wafers sure isn’t about to fail now!

  53. I think I would pick the wafers, although they are all fantastic!

  54. I would get one of the birds! They might be too cute to use!

  55. The fruity loop cereal soap :)

  56. The mini donuts. Yum, yum!!

  57. the gumdrop soaps!!!!!

  58. I would get the cinnamon roll soaps :)

  59. How can I pick just one!?! OK, if I must, I guess I’d have to say the pop tarts, or the licorice, or maybe the chocolate, because they seriously look so real and good enough to eat! Really, they all do!

  60. I am sooooooooooo in love with the Pop-Tart soap!!

  61. I would pick the gummy bears! They are so cute!!

  62. Donuts!

  63. I would choose the donuts! Adorable!

  64. The hostess cupcake…no, the sweet roll…no, the animal crackers…no, the licorice…Aaaaaaaa! I can’t decide! They’re all so darn cute. :)

  65. Cinnamon Roll is adorbs! It would be hard not to eat it! haha

  66. I would absolutely looooooooooooooove the ice cream cone. Washing your hands with ice cream? Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  67. Ice Cream Sandwich…so cute!

  68. I love the ice cream sandwich one, it caught my eye first ! Thanks for sharing !

  69. Ice cream sandwich!!!

  70. Oh my gosh! The little donut soaps are just too cute. They look so real!

  71. Thanks, as always for your amazing contests! I would have to pick the Hostess Chocolate Cupcake. Who does not miss all the yumminess from Hostess?

    Which one would you pick?

  72. Gummy bear soap!!!

  73. Oh my goodness I can not believe those are soaps! That is too funny & awesome! I think I would get the ice cream sandwich one =P

  74. The wafer cookies:)

  75. I would pick the gummy bear soap first because i love yummy bears. then the dougnut yummy.

  76. I would pick the vanilla wafers. It was my favorite treat growing up when I was at m great grams house.

  77. I don’t think I could use them. I would just look at them like they were pretend soap.

  78. These are just so freakin’ CUTE!! I’d love ’em. So pick me! ;)

  79. I love the licorice and the oreo cookies! so cute!

  80. I would most definitely pick the donuts!

  81. they look amazing! and i would love to have some yummie oreos right now…

  82. I would definitely want some wafer cookies! They look so real!

  83. The Ice cream sandwich!

  84. Love to have the wafer cookies,used to eat them as a special treat when I was a kid.Now I would rather look at them.

  85. I would pick the ice cream sandwich first because it goes with summer!!! Yummy coolness!!!

  86. I can’t believe this is soap! I’d have to choose the cinnamon rolls!

  87. The ice cream sandwich. I can’t believe how real they look!

  88. Oh, the cuteness!! I’m loving the mini doughnut soap!

  89. the wafer cookies!!

  90. omg they are super duper cute. I would definitely have the cookies there my mums favourite :)

  91. I’d probably go for the ice cream sandwich first.

  92. The donuts, or the cinnamon rolls! Too bad you can’t eat them -and- wash with them. Siiiigh, one day!

  93. The wafer cookies look so cute and sweet ;)

  94. I don’t know which one I’d pick first! Probably the cookies, but the donut ones are so adorable! They are wayyyyyy too cute to just pick one! They are so awesome!

  95. My daughter and I love the pink donuts with the sprinkles. They remind us of the one’s from Dunkin Donuts. Beautiful. So realistic I would be afraid to leave her in the bath tub eating them. What a photo moment!
    Susan Lumpkin

  96. I love them all, but my first choice is the cinnamon rolls.

  97. It’s hard to choose, they are all so cute, but the gummy bears are awesome! :)

  98. The ice cream sandwiches are my favorite!

  99. Love, love, love the sugar wafers!!!

  100. Oh my! I’m thinking maybe the cinnamon roll??

  101. Cinnamon Roll but they are all so cute!

  102. Dear sweet lord, Oreo soap?! Amazing.

  103. I am in love with the animal crackers and teddy grahams. They would be perfect in the tub with my little boy. He could play and get clean!

  104. love them all, probably the ice-cream one though!!

  105. So hard to pick one as I LOVE sweets, but probably the gummi bears! :)

  106. The donuts!

  107. I love the strawberry shortcake soap!

  108. Think the popsicles are super cute for summer! :D

  109. donut with the rainbow sprinkles!

  110. Wow, these are amazing! I would definitely go for the oreos!

  111. The cherry swirl popsicle soap! Looks amazing.

  112. I’d pick the wafer cookies soap first for me and the Macarons soap for my husband..he just loves them..Even I am planning to gift him a big box fullll of all types of Macrons next month on his b’day (oh next 26th.. exactly after 30 days) Sshhhhh.. Its a surprise..!!!!

  113. The chocolate teddy bear heads. Totally. They are all really cool, but those little faces did me in.

  114. Cinnamon rolls! They are all too cute

  115. I am dying over the donuts!!!

  116. I LOOOVE the cinnamon bun soaps! They’re so cute :D

  117. Those donuts with sprinkles look delicious!

  118. There is nothing like an oreo.

  119. The little Popsicle are so cute!

  120. I like the Gummy Bears.

  121. Such adorable soaps! I love the four little mini doughnuts! Sooooo cute.

  122. The cinnabon – looks amazing! x

  123. There are too many ! Cherry Vanilla Popsicles would go in the cart first though, as its summer time and they sound so good!

  124. The hostess cupcakes are super cute! I love the wafers too

  125. How lovelee! These are just so cool! I’m thinking animal crackers…

  126. This is probably the most adorable things I’ve ever seen!! I looved it and I would love to be the winner! Your blog its amazing!!!

  127. wowowow! These are so cuuute. the mini donuts is adorable as heck.

  128. Definitely the ice cream sandwich

  129. Either the pink popsicles, the ice cream cones, or the crullers (what a tease!!) They all look soooo delicious!

  130. I would definitely pick the Oreo-like soaps… they look so real and yummy! (and oreo’s so damm good…)

  131. I’d choose the donuts. They look really nice!

  132. They are awesome!! How can I choose???
    I love the cute oreo cookies!! (but the cinnamon rolls are lovely too)

  133. Sticking with a classic: the chocolate chip cookies!

  134. Pop tarts :)

  135. Oh my goodness I love these soaps, they look even better than the treats I make

  136. The oreos look like the absolute best to me!

  137. They all look great but the one I like the best is the popsicle, refreshing.

  138. I would pick the cherry vanilla swirl popsicle !! A perfect summer treat.

  139. The ice cream pops- that would be so cute in the kitchen and bath!

  140. These are awesome! Would be perfect for use at my daughters next birthday party, or as a unique goodie bag gift…beats the all candy that some parents are concerned about! Thanks Bakerella for always sharing your awesome finds!!

  141. Super cute! I definitely need one of the sprinkled donuts

  142. These are fantastic, and yummy looking. I would love to have the wafer cookies.

  143. I’m so obsess with macarons, I would love those!

  144. The doughnuts or the waffer cookies ?

  145. I’d pick one of the candy soaps-the licorice and gum drops are adorable.

  146. The cream fluff soaps…all those scents sound amazing!

  147. I would get the licorice soap, my husband loves licorice!

  148. The donut with sprinkles!

  149. They are all so cute! But I would love the Oreo ones!

  150. Definitely the popsicles and the ice cream sandwiches! mmmmmm!

  151. Sandwich cookies or red licorice

  152. For sure those cute doughnuts!

  153. They are all pretty stinking cute, but I think I will have to go with the chocolate chip cookies!!!! :)

  154. How can someone even choose from all of these? EVERYTHING looks delicious!!!

  155. The cinnamon roll that looks so so yummy!!

  156. The chocolate chip cookies! Yum!

  157. The wafer cookies are my favorite! They remind me of visits to grahdma’s house.

  158. Wow, such talent. My pick is the Pop Tarts!

  159. I would choose the cinnamon roll… But they all are SO cute, and very realistic! ????

  160. Cinnamon roll looks just way too yummy! I need it!!!

  161. Wow how can I choose just one? But i’m going to have to go with the classic oreo…

  162. My favorite is the chocolate chip cookies.

  163. All of them look yummy but my favorite is the Classic Oreo.

  164. Gummy bears!! Love them even if I can’t eat them!

  165. Definitely the cinnamon rolls!

  166. I would go first with the icecream sandwich takes me back to so many summers as a kid! Whats better then going back every time I reach for the soap lol

  167. Hard to choose but I love the wafer cookies.

  168. I’d definitely get a banana marshmallow pie<3

  169. Macaroons for me, please.

  170. The cinnamon rolls! Hope they smell as good as they look!

  171. These look amazing! I would definitely go with the gummy bear soaps.

  172. cupcake! so cute!

  173. I would have to pick the cupcake first, but they all look simply scrumptious!!

  174. I LOVE DONUTS SOAP! ???? gina

  175. I’d pick the chocolate chip cookie one! In my home, I’m known as the cookie queen, since I made Bakerella’s chocolate chip cookie recipe for Christmas one year. Now it’s become a family tradition! :)

  176. the sprinkle donut!!

  177. I would go for the macarons because I want to see my sister unknowingly eat it since she loves them!!

  178. I would totally pick the ice cream sandwich, so cute!!!

  179. I love the mini-donuts!!

  180. Darling! I’d probably pick the gum drop soaps first, they would look so cute in a glass container in the bathroom!

  181. Wafer cookie soaps

  182. Lovelee soaps are amazing!! I’d pick the cinnamon rolls! :)

  183. They are all so adorable! I love the cinnamon rolls the best. Or the cookies.

  184. Popsicles are so cool!

  185. Cinnamon roll! I love these!

  186. I would get the mini cinnamon rolls first, they look delicious!

  187. The ice cream sandwich! So cute!

  188. Okay, now that I’ve seen all of them, most likely chocolate bars!!

  189. The donuts!

  190. I think I’d have to go with the sprinkle donut. Some of the other treats are awesome but they are small so they wouldn’t last very long. So I’m choosing one that is big and pretty and girlie and pink!

  191. I love the cinnamon roll ones

  192. Those cinnamon rolls look mouth-wateringly gorgeous!

  193. I’d love to get the licorice sticks! They look amazing!

  194. I LOVE the ice cream sandwich bar! I could use a pick me up about now that doesn’t involve actual sugar.

  195. Ooo these look good enough to eat! I would pick the doughnuts because who doesn’t love doughnuts?! :)

  196. Cinnamon roll! Lovely creations.

  197. Those gummy bears and red vine licorice are soooooo cute! Too sweet and cute to wash up with!

  198. I love the cruller soap!!! So adorable!! Now on craving a donut :)

  199. The donut soaps – so cute!

  200. LOVE the cinnamon roll ~ now I can enjoy them inside and out! :)

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