
Blue makes me happy


I made a cake and put it on a plate. A pretty blue glass plate that I ordered the other day. It came in this weekend so I decided it must be put to use right away… or else forever be united with my other cake plates that have yet to see the light of day.

So I made a cake. Several of them. I thought it would be a good time to finally venture into the scary world of cake stacking.


But first… mad respect to all the cake decorators out there. I’ve only made small cakes before. This was a task. And I didn’t even do anything fancy.


I made this recipe. TWICE.

The first time I baked three 8 inch cakes. And the second time, I baked three 6 inch cakes and 2 five inch cakes. Use two inch high cake pans and spread the batter evenly among the pans when you bake. You’ll have just enough batter for all 8 layers.

I wanted to try the recipe to see if how well it would work for stacking. It’s not very dense, so it wouldn’t be great for carving. But it bakes up nice and even so there is no need to level off the tops. Yay, one less step.

I baked the cakes at night and wrapped in plastic wrap so I could devote the next day to decorating.


Unwrap a layer and place it on a cardboard cake circle cut to size. Frost the top. Layer on the next one and repeat.


Then frost the sides. This is the called the crumb coat. You just want a thin layer of frosting. It’s okay if crumbs get in.

I placed the layers on top of the cake pan I baked them in as a stand and to make frosting the sides down to the bottom a little easier.

Once frosted as evenly as possible, you can place the cake in the freezer for a few minutes. The frosting will harden and when you remove the cakes from the freezer, you can use a knife dipped in a little warm water to help smooth out any uneven places.


Repeat with the 6-inch cakes. Kinda crumby.


And the 5-inch cakes.

Did I ever tell you that I’m a really, really messy baker? Like real.

When all the cakes are crumb-coated, you can apply a pretty layer of frosting without worrying about tearing the cake or getting cake crumbs on the outside.

Or you can cover them in fondant. Eeek. That’s what I did.

(I used the frosting recipe from this post and doubled it. Triple it if you want to frost it all in buttercream instead of covering in fondant.)

Unfortunately there is no photographic evidence of the covering.

Just imagine I rolled out fondant on a powdered sugar-dusted surface and then carefully placed the fondant over each tier. And then smoothed out the sides.

And imagine that it looked perfect. Because it did not.

Once each tier is covered in fondant you can get ready to stack away.


To stack the cake, you’ll need wooden dowels or even straws to support each tier, so the cake doesn’t smoosh in on itself.


Push the dowel in and mark the height of the cake on the dowel. Remove and use it as a guide to cut the other dowels. I used four for the bottom tier and the middle tier. Make sure the dowels are all placed within the diameter of the tier above it. So the dowels won’t show when you stack them all up.

Then just stack the cakes and decorate.


I cut white fondant hearts to keep a clean, simple look.

Okay, not really. I did it to help hide the slightly uneven surface.

And also because I ran out of time to do anything else.

I think it looks pretty cute. Even if I don’t really know what I’m doing.

What I do know is I need another lesson in covering fondant cakes. And then one in making sugar flowers and of course piping and then carving. And then I’ll need some therapy.


I like it with a single pink heart, too.


But what I like most is the cake stand.

That’s why I bought two of them.

One for me and another for one of you.


Want it?

Enter for a chance to win this happy blue 10-inch glass cake plate.

  • Leave a comment on this post and tell me something that makes you happy.
  • Deadline to enter is Monday, August 23 at 6:00 pm ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.

Good luck!

P.S. Here’s where I bought them.

I’m really glad I choose winners randomly or I’d be in a tough spot. Thanks for sharing all that makes you happy.

Now for the win, it’s comment #3612!

Congrats Angela from Memphis – I’m glad baking makes you happy. Now you have something new to put your treats on.


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6,801 comments on “Blue makes me happy”

  1. penne pasta, visiting my old history teacher, and laughing until my stomach hurts with my friends…

  2. a clean house makes me happy.

  3. My friend and I have been doing these little writing exercises lately…working on a larger story together. It’s all fluff and fun but it’s been making me so happy lately – especially because there’s so much crap going on too. So…writing makes me happy right now. :D

  4. Your INCREDIBLE food photography makes me happy… and so would eating this cake!!!

  5. a good book with time to actually read.

  6. I love the heart decorations, so simple and nice. The cake plate is a beautiful color and looks great with your cake. What makes me happy is getting in the kitchen and making something people love.

  7. Great job on the cake!!! So perfect!!
    I have been eyeing this same cake stand on Ebay for over a year! I would LOVE to win one!!

  8. I’m working on my daughter 5th birthday party. That’s making me happy! :)

  9. My new grandbaby makes me happy!

  10. It makes me happy when my baby gives me a big grin when I walk into the room.

  11. My two and a half-year old granddaughter makes me happy – especially when she tells me that she loves me “so much!”

  12. My 5 year old’s laugh :)

  13. My daughter dancing in the rain makes my heart happy!!!

  14. My daughter makes me unbelievably happy!

    She is also the reason I need this cake stand. Her 1st birthday is in just one month and I really want to make her a special cake!

  15. Amazing cake! Discovering baking at 28 and exploring my new found love for it makes me insanely happy. ^_^

  16. Eating yummy cake with my boyfriend :)

  17. Hanging out with friends and just being silly makes me happy

  18. Wow that looks beautiful!
    Baking things for other people makes me happy! Especially making them look cute! :)

  19. My daughters. Nothing else can make me happier:)

  20. Your photography makes me happy. One day I shall be so good. Errrrr…. right!

  21. The smell of the ground after rain, fresh cut grass and seeing my Mum smiling all make me happy.

  22. muddy’s cupcakes in memphis make me happy :)

  23. My new Beagle, Fred makes me happy!

  24. A lazy sunday at the beach in 80 degree weather with friends makes me happy :)

  25. baking for friends makes me happy.

  26. My 14 year old son has Crohn’s disease, so when he feels good, I’m happy!!! :)

  27. This cakestand is gorgeous! and your cake turned out wonderfully! love the pink heart — the perfect touch!
    My family makes me happy! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  28. rain makes me happy :)

  29. Lots of things! Chocolate, rainbows, rain on a tin roof, watching a movie with your doona, a good cup of tea, puppys, sitting in the sun, puttng a fresh bit of gum in your mouth when you…’ve been chewing an old one for a little while, butterflies when you go over a hill too fast, not having to cook dinner, clean sheets, fresh towels, looking at the clock and realising you only have 15 minutes of work left, good hair days, finding a pen that writes really well, capturing a picture that you love, the smell of vanilla, being able to pay for something with coins and making your wallet lighter, a really comfy pair of shoes, sunset, turning on the radio and finding the song you’ve been singing in your head all day is playing, fat babies, slippers, good wine, a bargin…Just to name a few…

  30. Spending time with my fiancee and decorating our new place!

  31. my weekends!

  32. a cute new dress!

  33. Books. And anything artsy related. An afternoon with nothing to do and books to read is heaven.

  34. Your cake looks awesome!!!! And as for what makes me happy, my family being healthy. Thank you so much for the chance!!!

  35. Reading through cookbooks makes me happy. Baking what is in them is a close second.

  36. Having a date night with my sweet hubby, even if we just take a picnic to the beach.

  37. When my baby smiles at me, I am HAPPY!

  38. My new friend John makes me happy. :)

  39. Reading your posts and seeing your pictures makes me happy…oh and baking too.

  40. Bakerella!!! Those Fishs Eddy cake plates have been making me HAPPY lately- I have seriously been drooooling over them!

  41. Painting! I’ve been painting lots of pictures some to keep, some for gifts, some to sell. It’s very relaxing!

  42. Having my sister surprise me by pre-ordering your Cakepop book before I did! And this cake….I totally love the one pink heart too!!

  43. I’m happiest during the summer when my 2 little grandsons visit us at the beach-we bike, walk to the beach, play, and have pancakes for breakfast every morning. Heavenly.

  44. Losing weight makes me happy. But so do sweets, so I’m kind of on a win-one/lose-one plan there. ;)

  45. What makes me happy is coming to this site and thinking I could do this and I have made some bakerella perfection:)

  46. I am in awe of how perfect and simple your cake looks! The single pink heart is a great addition as well.

    The thing that makes me happy right now is knowing that the fall is coming. It is cooling down at night and I can’t wait to see the leaves change!

  47. When I’m sitting on my sofa, & my 7yo son walks behind me & kisses me on the head. Bliss.

  48. my work brings me happiness!

  49. Seeing my 3 daughter’s face light up when ever I make them a cake! Especially when the cake did not turn out as impressive as I’d hope, they still seem very excited about it. Melts my heart!

  50. Having sleep overs with my daughter!

  51. cooking for friends and family makes me happy (even with the clean up afterwards)

  52. my kitchen smelling like a freshly-baked treat!

  53. Having my husbands arms around me.. and chocolate.

  54. Riding in one of my best friend’s convertibles in beautiful weather, laughing, and listening to music.

  55. Lazy weekends with my little man make me happy.

    And that today is my 25th birthday. :D

  56. What makes me the happiest is dancing in a full skirt that twirls out all around me, especially with my friends!

  57. Warm flour tortilla chips out of the oven make me happy! :)

  58. Lately it’s been our 3 yr old slow talker, tell me “I love you!” ?

  59. what makes me happy? knowing that in just a couple of months my twin girls will be here and i won’t be pregnant anymore :)

  60. When my cookies turn out extra chewy I get really really happy, or when I take a goodie to someone and they aske me for the recipe later. How flattering!

  61. At the end of a long day of teaching 4th grade I get a great big hug from the trouble-maker I’ve reprimanded all day. That makes me happy. I suddenly remember that there could be a million and one reasons why he/she is acting out. It makes me sad, but it also makes me happy that I can do a little. Kinda like cake. It doesn’t fix all of our problems, but for a minute or two we feel comforted!

  62. My one year old daughter makes me happy. And watching her eat her first cupcake made me happy knowing she was real happy to be eating it!

  63. Seeing my BF eat the things I make and actually like them makes me happy and I can’t wait until my little man is old enough to enjoy my baking too.

  64. That is one TALL cake! It’s spectacular!
    Cooking/baking/perusing books, magazines, websites for new cooking/baking ideas makes me happy! Just being in the kitchen makes me happy… even doing dishes (by hand!) makes me happy!

  65. Looking at old photos of my mom ( r.i.p) makes me happy.

  66. Fun little projects make me happy and I think your cake is beautifully simple!

  67. netflix, my family, and tons of cupcakes make me happy!

  68. Blue makes me happy too! Also, a quiet, rainy afternoon…

  69. A fabulous dinner with my husband and no distractions. The conversation never stops.

  70. My garden makes me happy. Especially when I then use what’s in to bake. :)

    I want to be a cake decorator someday but have only experimented with small cakes. Your post inspired me to try making a larger tiered cake.

  71. wow now that’s pretty… that’s one of the things on my list of things to do, learning how to make a pretty fondant cake!

  72. My kids make me happy…all 5 of them! I loveyour website!

  73. My husband..tonight I kissed him and was rushed back to when we were teenagers dating..I’m SO happy that in a world of high divorce rate we are still just 2 crazy kids in love 14yrs later.

  74. Hearing “G’night Mommy, I love you!” from a sweet little 3-year-old voice makes me happy.

  75. Hearing my little ones tell me they love me and chocolate cupcakes

  76. What makes me happy? Thats easy- Friends, Fondue and long walks at night.

  77. Wow, looks fantastic! Anything cake makes me happy :)

  78. My daschund Oscar makes me happy :)

  79. rubbing my mini schnauzer’s tummy!!! he loves it,it makes him happy,so it makes me happy! (his name is bruno)

  80. oh, I forgot to say that that one pink heart on the cake makes me very happy… and my three kiddos too.

  81. What makes me happy is my roommates. I love being able to come home to my best friends and know that even on my worst day they will always be there.

    Plus, I love your blog. That makes me happy too.

  82. Hearing my children laugh

  83. Finally getting something done just makes me giddy! I finished a skirt– with pockets– this week, and I was over the moon!!

  84. I need, I need, I want, I want, I want.

  85. My little boy running into my arms with a big smile and a kiss; my husband telling me I am beautiful (when I am having a great day); cookbooks and baking supplies…and my new Red Kitchen Aid Pro 6 quart mixer! All of these make me the happiest!!!

  86. Cherries make me happy.

  87. Baking makes me happy. Especially baking new recipes.

  88. Summer makes me happy!

  89. I’m getting married in 26 days and getting to spend the rest of my life with him makes me really really happy!

  90. What makes me happy? Cakes that are simple, yet beautiful. Oh, and sugar flowers that are so unbelievably realistic that I want to die (and then I become insanely jealous of the person who made them. HOW CAN YOU DO THAT?!)

  91. Baking with my sister makes me happy.

  92. My son makes me happy! He is always the bright spot in my day!

  93. Man, do my kids make me happy or what!!:)

  94. Reading your blog. Seriously!

  95. Baking makes me
    Totally happy :) it’s my passion…

  96. Just being with my girls makes me the most happy! My oldest and I made cookies tonight and I love watching her take it all in and learn.

  97. Gorgeous cakes and the first bit of one make me happy :)

  98. Planning my wedding with my fiance and when I buy new baking stuff! :-)

  99. My husband coming home to me and the kids after work makes me happy!

  100. Excedrin makes me happy. I say that right now because of this pesky headache.

  101. My puppy makes me happy, especially when she’s so excited to see me. :)

  102. It makes me happy when I make a cake for someone and see the look on thier face when I deliver it and they see it for the first time.

  103. Jimmy Buffett is what makes me happy. And cake pops. :)

  104. cooking and baking with my best friend makes me happy :D

  105. Listening to my children belly laugh makes me so very, very happy! (Listened to my 6 mo old daughter belly laugh for the first time today! ).

  106. Oh my! So pretty! What makes me happy is my family – spending time with them. :)

  107. Friday’s make me happy…..and brownies!!

  108. The smell of white cake batter makes me happy!

  109. Baking an awesome cake for my grandson’s birthday makes me really happy!

  110. Watching my 5 year old play soccer. His face just lights up once he puts those cleats on!

  111. Beautiful cake stands of ANY color make me smile!!!

  112. What makes myself and husband happy is to cook family meals for our close knit family and friends. Love it!

  113. You know that look on someone’s face when they look at a platter or plate of your baked goods, right before they ask “can i have one?”……That look makes me happy.

  114. This is so cute! I have a serious addiction to glass cake stands.

  115. Knowing everything will be ok makes me HAPPY! Thanks, Bakerella, your blog makes me happy toooooo!

  116. Oh Bakerella… what makes me happy is blogging, baking and eating… in no particular order but yes, all of the above!

  117. Knitting and my cat make me happy, and so does this cake!

  118. Experimenting until I find a recipie that taste like Aunt Caroline’s Sour Cream Pound cake and sharing it with my family makes me happy

  119. Watching TV show marathons until the early hours of the morning with my husband makes me happy.

  120. Well of course my husband and little boy make me happy, as do (most) of my family. :-P But seriously, baking. Baking makes me so unbelievably happy… <3

  121. CHOCOLATE!!

  122. My Beagle puppy, Rusty. He makes me happy… and frustrated and angry and all the other things that difficult puppy training makes you feel! Most of all though he just makes my day – each and everyone of them!

  123. Listening to my kids laugh…together! They are 12 months and 3 1/2 years and are beginning to be the best of friends!

  124. For some reason, KFC has been making me extremely happy lately :)

  125. Stacking cakes and covering them with fondant makes me happy (which is probably why I do it for a living), so I’m doubly happy that not only was your first attempt successful, but really very beautiful as well!

  126. What makes me happy is life in general! And cupcakes too.

  127. My son and husband make me extremely happy!

  128. my daughter makes me the happiest, her giggly bubbly personality makes her a joy to be around.

  129. I love the one red heart. You do amazing work.
    Hearing my children laughing and giggling at one another makes me happy.

  130. baking makes me happy!!!

  131. Seeing the people around me being happy fills my heart with joy and happiness! :)

  132. The thing that makes me most happy is my family and the little one growing inside me. I get down right giddy when i feel her kick inside and love it when my other kids wanna feel her move too.

  133. My family makes me happy. And chocolate cake. Mmmmm….cake.

  134. Being a messy baker makes me happy. I finally have a big kitchen so I can make a super big mess. :) I seriously doubt that anything tastes good if the kitchen isn’t covered in powdered sugar, flour and smears of cake batter and butter. Gorgeouse cake!

  135. right now? iced sweet tea is making me really happy

  136. Mmmmm. That Kentucky Butter Cake I just made using 3/4 a pound of butter makes me pretty happy…Fat….but happy.

  137. Baking wit and for my kids makes me happy!

  138. My kids and husband make me happy! I love how involved my 5 year old son and 3 year old daughter get in helping me to make cakes, bread, cookies, ect… My twins that are 20 months just like to eat what ever I make! My husband is very encouraging as I am learning to decorate cakes and learning to do more baking! We all seem to have fun together in the kitchen!

  139. Hearling my kids laugh always makes me happy and want to smile.

  140. The U.P.S. man delivering an online goodie makes me happy…..

  141. My family!!!

  142. Baking with my kids make me happy <3

  143. loving it :)

  144. a giant glass of white wine with a strawberry lemon cupcake. :)

  145. Fall makes me happy, even in the worst of moods the cool air and the smell of food slowly cooking in the crock pot puts a smile on my face

  146. reading your blog makes me happy :)

  147. Helping people makes me happy.

  148. puppies make me happy:) so sweet and innocent.

  149. What makes me happy? That part of the evening where all of the kids are asleep, and things are ready for the next day. Time for a cup of tea!

    Love, love the cake plate. I can’t wait to receive our household goods and move into our new house. Then, I just might bake a cake :)

  150. Cake stands make me happy! I am always looking for new and pretty ones to add to my collection.

  151. Gorgeous!!!!! I love cake decorating but no one realizes how much work it is!

  152. listening to the sound of my son and husband giggling together.

  153. Cakes make me happy!

  154. My husband, my cats and chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate…

  155. having friends that make music makes me happy

  156. Baking makes me happy. Being asked to make my niece’s 1st birthday cake, makes me overjoyed. <3 <3

  157. Chocolate chip banana bread makes me happy!

  158. my dog wagging her tail like crazy when I come home :-)

  159. My dog, Daisy, makes me incredibly happy–even when she hogs the bed.

  160. My sweet husband makes me happy.

  161. It makes me happy to be my kids’ hero for things as simply as making them a cake or even ordering chinese.

    8,5, & 3 are great ages!

  162. Wow!I must have the pretty blue cake stand!!

  163. Kisses from my husband and kids make me extremely happy! That and well eating popcorn! :)

  164. Bakerella….your website makes me happy! I love cake!

  165. Putting the finishing touches on an outfit I’ve sewn makes me happy…just being able to sew on that last button and then I know I’m done!

  166. I love, I love, I love!! I want, I want, I want!
    I’m a bit obsessive about cake stands as well. I get the eye roll every time I bring a new one home.

  167. What makes me happy? Chocolate…anytime, anyplace:)

  168. Watching my kids wrestle with my husband makes me happy.

  169. unnecessary kitchen items. The entire time I was reading this post I was coveting you cake stand (and pans).

  170. Besides my 3 boys & husband, baking makes me happy. Especially seeing my loved ones enjoying what I baked!

  171. My cute little boys make me SO happy! (And their dad’s not bad either.)

  172. looking at your creations make me happy!

  173. Seeing my son’s smiling face everytime he sees me walk in the room and say “mom mom” makes me happy and gives me strength.

  174. My ferret makes me happy, especially when he’s being silly!

  175. My husband and our five little children…the four kids all in one bedroom-baby in ours…then thinking about the new bigger house we are FINALLY going to build…soon!

  176. i’m happy when my family is happy … love the cake stand and the cake….and i’m not just saying…it looks awesome…sometimes simpler is better!

  177. I love it when you put up a new post!! Happy!!!

  178. That is beautiful! Great job (as always)!! Baking with my children and their excitement about it makes me happy.

  179. singing hymns at church makes me happy

  180. Last week, I attempted my first multi layer cake. It was 6 layers, ending with two small layers… Well, I omitted the dowels in the middle and a few hours after the birthday girl saw the cake, the top two layers went sliding off the top. It just added to the hilarity of the whole thing! Haha! Despite this cake ending in disaster, it was the most laughing I had done in a LONG time! :)

  181. waking up next to my adorable hubby that is what makes me happy.

  182. Coming home to my hubby after a looooong week of work!

  183. My family makes me happy! And we are about 2 weeks away from the arrival of a baby girl!

  184. Looks really cool. :) Travelling makes me really happy. :)

  185. Watching a friend’s face when I deliver a treat to them makes me really happy!

  186. Watching you create and enjoy the cake and the hearts makes me happy and glad I no longer bake for someone who just does it for the money.?

  187. every time i log into my greader and see a new bakerella post i get so happy!

  188. I cannot get over how cute this is. So perfect, your blog makes me happy!

  189. Having school start tomorrow makes me happy! :)

  190. Pretty Cupcakes all decorated make me happy! I finally have 2 little granddaughters ( after raising 2 boys) that love “girly” things!!

  191. taking pictures of my son makes me happy.

  192. I love the cake! You did a great job. I’m impressed.
    What makes me happy?
    Baking/Cooking/Holding babies/Snugling

  193. when i see my boyf of 7 yrs at the airport.. he currently lives in FL while i live in NJ. <3

  194. Oh. My. Word. That is really gorgeous, esp. for a first attempt at a multi-tiered cake? I can’t even fathom.

    Things that make me happy? The batch of brownies I whipped up right now and that just finished and how I just popped a tiny little piece of edge into the husband’s happy mouth. Yum!

  195. Baking things with love that makes people happy.. that’s makes me happ

  196. Crisp summer air and the smell of rain make me :)

  197. Quilting makes me happy.

  198. ‘window’ shopping online and finding something I really want and then figuring out how to make it myself for much much cheaper. Oh, and buying baking supplies.

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