
Blue makes me happy


I made a cake and put it on a plate. A pretty blue glass plate that I ordered the other day. It came in this weekend so I decided it must be put to use right away… or else forever be united with my other cake plates that have yet to see the light of day.

So I made a cake. Several of them. I thought it would be a good time to finally venture into the scary world of cake stacking.


But first… mad respect to all the cake decorators out there. I’ve only made small cakes before. This was a task. And I didn’t even do anything fancy.


I made this recipe. TWICE.

The first time I baked three 8 inch cakes. And the second time, I baked three 6 inch cakes and 2 five inch cakes. Use two inch high cake pans and spread the batter evenly among the pans when you bake. You’ll have just enough batter for all 8 layers.

I wanted to try the recipe to see if how well it would work for stacking. It’s not very dense, so it wouldn’t be great for carving. But it bakes up nice and even so there is no need to level off the tops. Yay, one less step.

I baked the cakes at night and wrapped in plastic wrap so I could devote the next day to decorating.


Unwrap a layer and place it on a cardboard cake circle cut to size. Frost the top. Layer on the next one and repeat.


Then frost the sides. This is the called the crumb coat. You just want a thin layer of frosting. It’s okay if crumbs get in.

I placed the layers on top of the cake pan I baked them in as a stand and to make frosting the sides down to the bottom a little easier.

Once frosted as evenly as possible, you can place the cake in the freezer for a few minutes. The frosting will harden and when you remove the cakes from the freezer, you can use a knife dipped in a little warm water to help smooth out any uneven places.


Repeat with the 6-inch cakes. Kinda crumby.


And the 5-inch cakes.

Did I ever tell you that I’m a really, really messy baker? Like real.

When all the cakes are crumb-coated, you can apply a pretty layer of frosting without worrying about tearing the cake or getting cake crumbs on the outside.

Or you can cover them in fondant. Eeek. That’s what I did.

(I used the frosting recipe from this post and doubled it. Triple it if you want to frost it all in buttercream instead of covering in fondant.)

Unfortunately there is no photographic evidence of the covering.

Just imagine I rolled out fondant on a powdered sugar-dusted surface and then carefully placed the fondant over each tier. And then smoothed out the sides.

And imagine that it looked perfect. Because it did not.

Once each tier is covered in fondant you can get ready to stack away.


To stack the cake, you’ll need wooden dowels or even straws to support each tier, so the cake doesn’t smoosh in on itself.


Push the dowel in and mark the height of the cake on the dowel. Remove and use it as a guide to cut the other dowels. I used four for the bottom tier and the middle tier. Make sure the dowels are all placed within the diameter of the tier above it. So the dowels won’t show when you stack them all up.

Then just stack the cakes and decorate.


I cut white fondant hearts to keep a clean, simple look.

Okay, not really. I did it to help hide the slightly uneven surface.

And also because I ran out of time to do anything else.

I think it looks pretty cute. Even if I don’t really know what I’m doing.

What I do know is I need another lesson in covering fondant cakes. And then one in making sugar flowers and of course piping and then carving. And then I’ll need some therapy.


I like it with a single pink heart, too.


But what I like most is the cake stand.

That’s why I bought two of them.

One for me and another for one of you.


Want it?

Enter for a chance to win this happy blue 10-inch glass cake plate.

  • Leave a comment on this post and tell me something that makes you happy.
  • Deadline to enter is Monday, August 23 at 6:00 pm ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.

Good luck!

P.S. Here’s where I bought them.

I’m really glad I choose winners randomly or I’d be in a tough spot. Thanks for sharing all that makes you happy.

Now for the win, it’s comment #3612!

Congrats Angela from Memphis – I’m glad baking makes you happy. Now you have something new to put your treats on.


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6,801 comments on “Blue makes me happy”

  1. A cup of coffee and watching the sun come up, So peaceful.

  2. reading bakerella blogs; baking cakes; browsing cook books in shops; lunching with my sister and dreaming all make me happy :)

    ps love every one of your blog entries, you write as you speak and I love that style!

    thx, susie x

  3. Lemon Curd always makes me happy and a cup of tea!

  4. birds chirping outside my window make me happy.

  5. Trying out a brand new recipe (and it being wonderful) makes me happy.

  6. my niece, Ruby, makes me happy.

  7. spending all my days off for the past three years on the beach, reading hundreds of books!

  8. I love blue……all kinds of blue. I want to make a peacock blue cake and put it on that blue stand that I am going to win. LOL. Have a great day!

  9. My daughter makes me profoundly happy!

  10. I am a Novice Caker. Just started ‘caking’ 3 weeks ago, and seeing GREAT cakes and designs REALLY make me HAPPY and inspire me to extract the creative juices out of me and make a creation that will pinch the hearts and taste buds of every crowd.

  11. Looking at pictures of great looking cakes makes me happy :)

  12. Reading your blog makes me happy!

  13. Sparkly things make me happy :)

  14. Giving things I make to people and seeing them happy makes me happy,rather it’s something I have crocheted or baked,so making others happy makes me happy.

  15. the smell of freshly baked cookies make me very happy! ;)

  16. I work at an animal shelter, so I get exceptionally happy when I see a sick or shy animal turn around for the better and get adopted out to a loving home. :)

  17. Baking is just the best, isn’t it? It’s something that makes me very happy, too :)

  18. I am a huge dog person. So anything to do with dogs. Petting dogs, walking dogs, sleeping with my dog, going to the shelter to train dogs, training other peoples dogs. Dogs make the world a better place..

    So to paraphrase, dogs make me happy

  19. Dear Bakerella, WOW! I just found your site, and am super happy that I am. :) I love to bake, especially pies and cakes, but as a full time college student, and part time photographer, never really have the time. Maybe some rainy day, I will throw a party, so I can have an excuse to make this cake! Thanks for blogging :)

    ps. I really love this color blue as well :)

  20. Baking makes me happy…

  21. Baking recipes from your website and photography makes me happy! C)

  22. Something that makes me happy is reading food blogs like yours!

  23. Hmmm…my new house!!

  24. Chocolate. Chocolate makes me so happy.

  25. Chocolate makes me happy. Especially in the form of a chocolate lava cake. Om nom nom.

  26. This is beautiful! And blue makes me happy too – especially a bright, happy blue. I’ve always looking to add to my collection of blue happiness. :)

  27. Spending a night sitting out in the full moon with my very best friends make me very happy. The moon does something to me, I get more creative, more emotional and sleep different. I love it!

    Either that or sitting under a roof out in the pouring rain with the one you love. That makes me very happy to!

    Cakes doesn’t always have to be perfect, as long as they taste good :D

  28. a day with my family and friends make me happy

  29. A sandwich from Subway makes me really happy!

  30. both my boys sleeping at the same time! That makes mummy happy :-)

  31. Anything to do with baking makes me happy. I get so gosh awful goofy! My kids and their first day of school (today!) makes me happy and a little sad; but I am getting housework done and want to bake!!!! *evil laugh*….

  32. Being with family makes me happy. Talking, laughing, eating… Doing those things with my family makes me a happy camper. =)

  33. I love the simple lines of this cake. The colour blue makes me happy. Love this cake stand.

  34. Wow, this is a beautiful cake. And a beautiful blue cake plate! I’m always wondering – Is this pretty pink/violet/whatever the colour of your kitchen wall or do you have your own studio?
    What makes me happy is meeting friends when I’m kind of in a grumpy mood and only seeing them for a minute cheers me up immediately.

  35. I took the Wilton Master Course this summer with my sister and had a BLAST. I love finding little reasons to bake someone a cake and am looking forward to making my niece a princess castle cake for her birthday this weekend!

  36. Chocolate makes me happy =]

  37. what makes me happy is seeing people enjoy my cupcakes!

  38. LOVE THIS just a week ago it was my b-day
    also had a fondant cake but just love this one as much so true blue is always cool.

  39. Something that makes me happy…

    Making baked goods and sharing it with my friends. I’m always so happy to see them joyfully gobbling up the things I make. :]

  40. Music always makes me happy. :)

  41. a fresh bouquet of flowers

  42. The goodnight sayings to the little ones when I tuck them in, make me soooo happy.

  43. Making a new cupcake recipe that tastes yummy makes me happy.

  44. Wow, thinking about all the cute cakes I could put on that lovely blue cake stand makes me very happy! I love blue…and I love cake…please pick me!! :)
    Also, I love your cake design…simple, clean–very nice work!
    Thanks for the giveaway, Bakerella!

  45. Driving with the windows down, good food+friends, happy music

  46. Good Job on the cake!! Relaxing on my couch and doing absoutley NOTHING makes me happy! :)~

  47. The fact that my 7-year old niece shares my love of baking and cake/cupcake decorating – that makes me happy!

  48. My husband and my 2 children make me happy x

  49. Hot salty fries.

    I am hungry.


  50. lovely esp baking and then watching my family when the devour the fruits of my labor makes me the happiest

  51. Hmm, cupcakes always make me happy. And right now, books that make me laugh make me happy too.

  52. My 3 beautiful kids make me happy…..and my cookie cutters. :)

  53. New cookbooks make me very, very happy! The plate is gorgeous and your cake is amazing!!! Well done!!!

  54. I think it is a truly wonderful cake, even though you had your struggles with it. I really like the one single pink heart on it, it makes it pop. I especially love that blue cake stand, it is such a pretty color!!

  55. Baking cookies and cup cake makes me happy. l even happier when l get to see the look on peoples faces when they eat them.

  56. Seeing how happy people are when I bake them a cake or cookies makes me really happy, but my boyfriend makes me happiest =)

  57. Sitting in our backyard with my husband and a glass or two of wine after a wonderful dinner my husband grilled. :)

  58. making delicious desserts and seeing friends & family happy makes me happy :)

  59. The smell of my children after a bath makes me happy!

  60. Licking the icing out of oreos before eating them makes me very happy :D

  61. My two little boys age 2 & 5 make me happy! And so does reading your blog :)

  62. WOW, your first attempt! I’ve never tried to use fondant icing and my butter icing is improving slowly.

  63. making a big ball of marshmallow fondant and have ALL the time in the world to experiment making all kinds of flowers and miniature things from it!

  64. Me, hubby and kid snuggled on the couch.

  65. Being with my husband and my baby, who just got his first tooth and rolled over for the first time today, makes me happy and mushy!!!

    I <3 this cake! And the one PINK <3!!!!!! Maybe I will try it someday…

  66. My new baby girl makes me happy. Still in the hospital, which is giving me a chance to read this blog. :)

  67. Blue makes me happy because it is my grandson, Myles, favorite color and he spent the weekend with me and we baked a mountain of cookies together!

  68. Midnight posting @ make me happy!

  69. Filling family & friends’ bellies with delicious homemade food makes me happy! The cake stand is TOO cute! Thanks for the fun opportunity!

  70. amazing pictures like that ones you take and post!! and CAKES. those make me happy!

  71. Love that stand, it is my favorite color! MANY things make me happy, one of which is listening to the rain at night.

  72. The thing that makes me happy is, when out of the blue, my best friend just puts his arm around me… for no reason but to let me know I am not alone. It is the Best feeling.

  73. Watching my baby learn to walk makes me so happy and a proud mama!

  74. What makes me happy is not tearing the fondant, getting it smooth, and making it look like I know what I’m doing! (This does not occur very often!!!)

  75. Cakes like this make me happy :) LOVE the single pink heart!

  76. Your blog makes me happy! It gave me enough faith in myself to start my own business and I am making a go of it! I love seeing what you try, and that give me confidence to try something new too! (I’ve started playing with fondant but not mastered the cake smoothing step either!). Following my passion makes me “heart” happy!

  77. baking yummy sweets for my boyfriend and all of his friends. The absolute smile of satisfaction that appears on their face makes the washing and cleaning up worthwhile. (I am also a very messy cook)

  78. What makes me happy is being in the arms of my US Navy Sailor and what’s makes me even happier is thinking about the day where I will forever be in his arms and heart <3

  79. Buy flowers for my mom, because she deserves it, makes me happy. :)

  80. Adding books to lists on! And, of course, reading books, too! And baking. And sewing. And napping!

  81. I love the stand.

    What makes me happy is my little 4 1/2 month old.

  82. Stepping into a used bookstore makes me happy :)

  83. Eating makes me happy!

  84. my puppy cuddling with almost anything

  85. Baking and sharing the treats, as well as, the calories with friends :)

  86. Seeing myself inside my vintage 1958 Airstream travel trailer decorating a cake placed on this adorable blue cake plate!
    Its very vintage looking! I LOVE it!

  87. It’s beautiful, like a mini wedding cake! I should like to bake one for my anniversary next March. Well done!

  88. Seeing the satisfied smiles of those that taste my cooking and baking…that’s why I do it!!!

  89. Books! Reading and finding myself in a new and exciting world makes me happy! ^.^

  90. I get really happy looking at beautiful photos. That’s why I’m on Flickr so much.
    Your blue cake stand is the bees knees! thanks for the chance to win one.

  91. Making little things for my girls and seeing their faces makes me happy

  92. Laying in a hammock on a warm day with a good book :)

  93. I think Fondant taste gross. No wonder they peel it off when they cut the cake!! But I love using it for school projects..say a edible cake version of a human cell? kekeke.

    btw…don’t tell me you ate that whole cake by yourself?!

    The single pink heart makes me happy and flutter!!! <3

  94. Chocolate cake with chocolate mouse makes me REALLY happy, Especially because I found a recipe that everyone I have made it for so far has told me that they can’t help but eat more. i like that feeling.

  95. Spending time with my baby makes me happy!

  96. My baby girl singing Jesus Loves Me.

  97. I think Fondant taste gross. No wonder they peel it off when they cut the cake!! But I love using it for school projects..say a edible cake version of a human cell? kekeke.

    btw…don’t tell me you ate that whole cake by yourself?!

  98. seeing the excitement, surprise, and pride of one my kiddos do something they’ve worked at for a while and finally accomplished…makes me happy!

  99. Hugging my husband makes me happy. :)

  100. My 4 month old giggling for the first time and my 2 year old telling me he loves me on his own!

  101. Being with hubby makes me happy :-)

  102. That little pink heart makes me happy!!

  103. Nothing makes me happier than when my grandkids telephone to tell me all about their day of fun and play. I love being in the loop with all their activities.

  104. My kids, brand new boxes of crayons, Snoopy, and a good cup of coffee are things that make me happy!

  105. You trying new things makes me happy, It gives me a little boost to go try something new too!

    I’m in love with the fresh blue look of the stand!

  106. Hearing my daughter say “ra-bee” when she sees a picture of a rabbit makes me happy :)

  107. Bakerella makes me happpppppy! lol. Other stuff too!

  108. Love makes me happy!

  109. Reading a book with my cat blissfully asleep on my lap makes me so happy!

  110. makes me happy decorated cookies. Also relaxes me a lot and then also a lot like

    Salu2. Paula

  111. My amazing son makes me happy!

  112. My two daughters, London and Cali, make me the happiest person in the universe. :)

  113. This is a beautiful Cake! I love baking for my kids and with my kids. My five year old son loves to “break” the eggs!
    That makes me Happy!

  114. my family, running and nutella

  115. The signs of fall make me happy!

  116. WHat makes me the happiest woman in the world, is when my baby boy wakes up and runs for mommy´s hugs and kisses!

  117. frosting….sigh…..any kind, all kinds….alone on a spoon, on a cupcake, in a cakepop, anytime, anywhere = happy!

  118. my beautiful family make me super happy :o)

  119. I’m moving into a new apartment over the next week. And painting the walls purple! This makes me very happy.

  120. My husband makes me happy all the time!

  121. cooking dinner for my boyfriend and eating it together with a glass of red wine make me very happy.

    p.s i dig the lone pink heart.

  122. My adorable 3 month old miracle baby boy makes me happy!!!

  123. Baby kisses make me happy.

  124. Love, love, love Your blog and step by step guides that helps me try new things out in baking and decorating!

  125. Helping my sister make beautiful cakes to put on beautiful stands like this makes me happy. :)

  126. Nursing and snuggling with a newborn baby makes me happy

  127. Listening to Scissor Sisters makes me happy.

  128. Hi Bakerella,
    I am happy if I think about that preordered Book of yours that will come hopefully soon to Germany!! :))

  129. I love the single pink heart! Reading at the beach makes me insanely happy.

  130. Thinking about sending off my wedding invitations in 11 days makes me very, very happy! :)

  131. Watching my son playing and decorating cakes makes me happy.

  132. Thinking about God makes me happy..

  133. So many things make me happy! My garborator, built in sprinklers, a great whisk:) But using my shiny red kitchen aid always makes me smile!
    (oh right and my family)

  134. When my daughter (3mos old) sleeps on my chest, rainy sunday mornings with slippers and coffee, being with my family and a nice walk with my dog.

  135. My brand new oven and trying to figure out what to bake first in it!

  136. Anything colorful makes me happy. So does my family.

  137. ANYTHING blue makes me happy!

    That and baking for my friends and family :)

  138. Looking into my husband and daughter’s smiling blue eyes, which happen to be the same color as your cool cake stand! :)

  139. your site.. your site makes me really happy… and knowing that people as talented as you exist.

    kittens also make me happy.. zomg, why are they so cute!?

  140. My baby boy makes me happy, as well as the smell of a freshly baked cake or cookies that emerges from the oven :o).

  141. It makes me happy when my kids ask me to make them homemade things, rather than store bought (Costumes, baked goods, DIY parties, etc)

  142. Fancy dress parties make me happy.
    I love dressing up.

    Just been to my sister’s 40th medieval birthday party held in a castle.Very happy.


  143. What males me happy?? Simple things make me happy, a ray of sunlight in the morning, my nephew’s smile,…….fresh picked rasberries!!!


  144. My little family makes me happy :)

  145. A cup of tea and a good book :-)

  146. Lists make me happy. Nothing I love more than making a list, then crossing things off it. :)

  147. cake plates make me happy! especially pretty pretty blue ones…

  148. Beating a challenging dungeon in World of Warcraft with my fiance. … Well, geeky happiness counts, too.

  149. Today something that made me happy is that I decided to sponsor a child in guatemala. :)

  150. spending time with my husband and two children make me happy. especially on saturday mornings when we all hang out on our bed.

  151. Cake makes me happy of course :-)

  152. Good food, wine and friends…

  153. back to school makes me happy! It has been a loooooong summer!

  154. Lazy Sundays!!!!!

  155. Becoming a mom again, for the third tim,e in July!

  156. laughter :)

  157. Baking makes me really, really happy :-)

  158. Blue makes me happy too, so I would love this cake stand! (All four of my blogs are blue. LOL)

    One other thing that makes me happy is reading the Little House on the Prairie books out loud to my family. We’re on the next to last book now, and Laura is just starting to return Almanzo’s affections. How sweet!

  159. Making people smile makes me happy… even if I just made the biggest goose of myself to do it :-)

  160. Making me happy right this moment — I just learned that my cousin’s high-risk pregnancy came to a happy end with a healthy baby.

  161. Being with my grandkids makes me happy…and actually having all 3 of our kids and their families here…and cooking for them! I love it!

  162. This blog made me happy!

  163. the smell of chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven!

  164. freshly baked chocolate chip cookies!

  165. exploring new and wonderful places makes me happy

  166. I really like how the single pink heart stands out

  167. Winning your contests makes me happy =) Alas, I have yet to win one! =O

  168. My 2 yr old’s laughter!

  169. great cake! happiest when I see an unexpected bonus on my pay check!!

  170. Yummy food and getting great marks for uni assesment :)

  171. I always LOVE your stuff! You are so very creative! Spending time with my family makes me happy!

  172. What makes me happy? Hearing some Good News on Sunday morning, seeing my baby girl smile at me, getting a package in the mail, baking yummy things for others, reading your post!!!

  173. A nice fire with people you love! And my dog of course!
    makes me happy

  174. EATING WHATEVER I WANT makes me happppppy!!! and baking lovely things for others makes me happy… and making ice cream makes me happy… too many things??

    EXCELLENT job on the tiered cake bTW!! :)

  175. My son makes me incredibly happy! And so does baking for him. I LOVE that cake stand, it’s gorgeous!

  176. Seeing my son’s face light up when he sees me in the morning as I get him from his crib.

  177. Cake turned out cute!!!
    what currently makes me happy is all the unexpected phone calls from my deployed husband!

  178. Snuggling with my girls!

  179. The silence of all of my kids sleeping while I read a book makes me happy….and maybe eat a yummy treat while reading too!

  180. My husband makes me happy! :D

  181. Baking with my daughter and then having a tea party afterwards makes me happy.

  182. That is a darling cake with the just one pink heart! Cute Idea…

    As for what makes me happy, I love anything that I am doing with my kids but I expecially love when we can all come around the kitchen and make something yummy and creative to share!

  183. Seeing and hearing about people enjoying the wonderfully yummy treats I learn to make them from Bakerella, that makes me happy :)

  184. baking of course! :)

  185. Hearing my kids’ belly laughs makes me happy. There’s something so infectious about it :)

  186. Traveling all over the world and seeing the amazing things different cultures have to offer

  187. random hugs and kisses from my son!

  188. Big big football mums! Reminds me of my wedding bouquet :)

  189. sleeping in on saturdays makes me happy

  190. So pretty!!! I have always wanted to stack cakes and use fondant. You are brave… I am not…

  191. My husband! And winning this plate!

  192. Funfetti cake mix boxes + cupcake liners + fondant along with two friends on a weekend night makes me immensely happy.

  193. Sprinkles, frosting and floral cupcake cups make me ecstatic!!!!

  194. Being part of a roller derby league!

  195. Today makes me happy!! 2 years ago I married my best friend, and even tho he has to work today and we cant find a sitter for tonight, I know that it’s 2 years down and many more to go!

  196. Happiness is coming home to my boyfriend after a horrible day at work and a never ending day of school!

  197. waking up to a rainy day, nowhere i need to be & a good book to stay in bed with.

  198. My darling 5 month old daughter, my sweet-sweet husband, and our adorable dog Pochacco, makes me happy!

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