
Bundt, what’s matcha?

Chocolate Matcha Bundt Cake

Matcha is what I used to make the marbled part of this bundt cake green. Matcha is a fine powdered green tea used in Japanese tea ceremonies or, in this case used to help me celebrate an Irish Holiday. (Happy St. Pat’s everyone!) Makes sense to me. I mean it is green. I’ve actually been wanting to try this unusual ingredient ever since I saw this matcha loaf cake on Fresh From the Oven’s website. The color was so beautiful and I had never seen anything like it. So, it went straight on my “to try” list. You can check out her recipe here or the one I used below.

First, I greased a 10-cup Bundt Pan. (But, based on the amount of batter I had, I really needed a 12-cup. I’ll tell you why in a minute.)

Crisco Coated Bundt Pan

After greasing with Crisco, I dusted it with cocoa. Using cocoa instead of flour helps to keep white specks from showing up on chocolate cakes when you remove them from the pan. You can also probably get away with Pam if you have a regular Bundt pan. However, this pan has so many grooves, the first time I made it, the cake just stuck to the sides. I was forced to dump it in a bowl and spoon feed myself chunks of cake. I know… terrible. Terribly good!

Cocoa Coated Bundt pan

Below is the matcha I used. I found it at Whole Foods. YAY! I don’t really know anything about matcha, so I am assuming it’s okay. The cake tasted great, so it’s good enough for me. But, if any matcha experts are out there, feel free to give me the lo-down.

Matcha Powder

Here it is next to the cocoa I used. It was Hershey’s Special Dark cocoa and it was yummy.

Matcha & Cocoa Powder

Follow the recipe below to create the two batters and then drop alternating spoonfuls into the bundt pan.

Chocolate Matcha Cake Batter

And if you want it to look more “marbled,” then take a knife and gently run it through the batter in a swirling motion. Just once or twice should be good enough.

Chocolate Matcha Cake Batter

Pretty! Now, take a good look at the above picture. I filled the pan with a little too much of the batter because it overflowed from the pan and then sank a little. Okay, it fell! Boo Hoo! So either use a 12-cup Bundt or use some of the batter and make a batch of cupcakes.

I managed to salvage it enough to get some pictures though.

Chocolate Matcha Bundt Cake

The cake was really, really good. It was dense and moist. It’s especially good still warm. So good, that it didn’t even need frosting.

Chocolate Matcha Bundt Cake

Matcha Cake
Yield: one bundt cake

Chocolate Matcha Bundt Cake

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 35 minutes


Chocolate Mixture

  • 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup cocoa
  • 1-1/2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp. salt

Matcha mixture

  • 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2-3 Tbsp matcha powder
  • 1-1/2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt


  • 3 cups sugar
  • 1 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 3 eggs, room temperature
  • 1-3/4 cups milk, room temperature
  • 1 tsp vanilla


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease and flour (or cocoa) a 10 or 12 cup Bundt pan. (If using a 10-cup pan, you can reserve any extra batter for cupcakes.)
  2. With a wire whisk, mix the dry ingredients for the chocolate mixture in a small bowl and set aside.
  3. In another small bowl, do the same for the matcha mixture.
  4. Using a mixer, cream the butter and sugar. Add the eggs, milk and vanilla and mix until thoroughly combined.
  5. Divide the creamed mixture evenly in two separate bowls.
  6. Slowly add the chocolate mixture to one half of the creamed mixture and mix thoroughly.
  7. Then, add the matcha mixture to the other half of the creamed mixture and mix thoroughly.
  8. Drop alternating spoonfuls of each mixture into the bundt pan until it's about 3/4 full.
  9. For a marbled effect, gently run a knife through the two batters in a swirling motion. (Once or twice will do the trick.)
  10. Bake for about 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Also, here’s a bunch of Bundt pans and my favorite Bundt Classics Cookbook.
And here’s some other brands of matcha.

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211 comments on “Bundt, what’s matcha?”

  1. Very Tasty!

  2. What a beautiful cake!!! I had not heard of matcha… I love baking lessons! :)

  3. I know this is super out of date but I just got around to trying this out. My batter was soupy? Any idea what I did wrong? I checked the measurements about 20 times :( just in case anyone’s reading this now lol

  4. I love matcha and found some (pure) at T2 in Australia. It’s this fantastic, deep, dark green, with a grassy smell/flavour. It’s so strong you only need to use a tiny tiny bit!
    I am glad you had such a great result, but the matcha you used looks REALLY pale! Did it darken on contact with wet ingredients?
    Anyway- matcha like you used would probably be more cost-effective, especially if you’re only baking with it a couple of times. My tiny little 30g (1 oz) container cost me almost $25 !! (I love it, though.)

    Your cake looks amazing, I love your blog and find myself on here going “I want to make that one, and that one, and that one…” very often! :)

  5. Hi,

    I follow your blog occasionally and I love it!!!. I tried Match cake 2 days ago. Result was great!!. All who tasted, loved it. As an insipiration, I have added rum flavour to cacao mixture.:). It is so yummy and delicious. I also like the moistness of the cake. Thanks really to share this perfect receipt with us. Wish you happy new year and merry xmas. :)))

  6. I’m interested in making this cake but I was just wondering if the matcha powder you used was sweetened. I normally have matcha powder on hand but it’s unsweetened, would I have to adjust the sugar measurement if I used the unsweetened version?

  7. great recipe! but i cant find any matcha anywhere :(

  8. yummy!

  9. Omg, finally a matcha recipe! <3 Sounds amazing… gotta try this asap!

  10. Made the choc/match a cake for a birthday and it was a big success – thanks!

  11. I searched B&N and found the book for Cake Pops and since the internet is full our resources I found This looks really good plus the colors are just so mesmerizing.

  12. I just wanted to tell you that I tried this recipe (never had matcha in my life!) for Christmas Eve and added red candy melts as the “frosting” of this delightful and very, very yummy Matcha Bundt cake — thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ve tried a lot of the recipes you’ve posted here and receive so many wonderful comments. Plus, I bought your book and have made Snowmen and Reindeer pops for my daughter’s daycare this year – such a major hit!
    A happy, healthy and joyous New Year to you and thank you again for all your recipes and fantastic posts!

  13. hi hi!

    i’m not a regular baker (everything is ALWAYS from a box), but i tried this recipe last year & it was DELISH!

    this year, i want to try a chocolate/red velvet mixture instead. i was planning to use red velvet box cake mix instead of the match mix & see how that goes. i would just try it & see how that works out, but thought i should consult the expert first. would you suggest any other substitutions or tips?? i would really appreciate it! thank you! [:

  14. [Maureen’s husband speaking] I LOVE this site :)
    I found a website called Teanobi which sells a variety of matcha specially blended for different uses including baking!

    They charge about $20 for 100g for most of their matcha, but they also have a more expensive “signature” matcha for basic tea.

  15. I LOVE THE PICS OF THIS CAKE!! Beautiful! I just made one… my batters looked exactly the same, but the finished product, not so much =\ Uncut, the green tea cake is browned like a vanilla cake would be… Hmm, I made it for a family dinner tonight, so I guess I’ll have to wait to see what the inside looks like. I hope it will look at least half as good as Bakerella’s!!

  16. made this for my birthday last weekend and it tastes delicious! one question, does mixing the batter with a mixer give the cake the fluffy look yours seems to have? or was that over mixing? mine came out rather heavy and dense.

  17. This cake turned out beautiful and moist and well-formed, despite the fact as others have said the butter and sugar in the liquid part of the recipe tend to separate from the milk. I agree with Jessica that it is very sweet, maybe too sweet, and I would like to reduce the sugar next time. Read on another web site that its ok to cut sugar by 1/4 to 1/3 in cake recipes and substitute powdered milk, so I may try that. Could not find Matcha at Whole Foods but I did find it at Teavana. Just a fun, beautiful recipe. Thanks so much for the inspiration too.

  18. That is so beautiful look! It taste good?

  19. Hi. I was wondering if your matcha powder is sweetened or not? Help! Thanx in advance.

  20. I discovered your website just last week and tried this recipe at the weekend. My fiancé is obsessed with Matcha at the minute, so he was over the moon with this cake. It was absolutely delicious =D

  21. I must have over-baked the recipe because I didn’t get the bright green of the Matcha half… The Matcha batter itself was a wonderful colour, but baked and nothing…. any ideas on what might have gone wrong?

  22. I made this a couple of times now and it’s FABULOUS!! I sprinkled powder sugar over it just to pretty it up for a special occasion. I couldn’t believe I already had the same cake pan too. I was surprised at how expensive matcha was but we did find several different varieties and prices when purchasing it from a Japanese grocery store. They had the best selection. Thank you for sharing this luscious delight!

  23. Hi Bakerella! I think you have a fantastic blog…all your recipes are amazing and you sure know how to bake and decorate! :)

    But I would like to as something about this cake…does the tea taste good in the cake? And what does it taste like? Thanks so much! ?anna

  24. Hi,
    I just made this cake for the second time! The first time I followed the recipe pretty closely (adding mini-choc chips to the green part), and it was good, but I guess green tea just isn’t my thing. I’ve been wanting to make it again with some sort of variation, but was not satisfied just making the second half vanilla.

    This time, I had about a cup of raspberry yoghurt in the fridge, so I used that in place of 3/4 cup of milk. I split the butter/sugar/egg mixture before putting in the milk/yoghurt and also put 1/4 tsp almond in with the raspberry half, instead of the other 1/2 tsp vanilla. Also, some red food coloring to make sure it was really pink. It was pretty good. Next time I’d put in less coloring, as it turned out rather girly-looking for my tastes, but that’s the only thing I’d change. It made the bundt cake and 9 cupcakes, wow.


  25. I made this today but I made cupcakes instead, and I used the leftover to make the cake pops. It’s cool because when you break it up and mix it together it looks like camoflauge. Tasted great! Thanks for teh recipe!

  26. My mom sometimes makes matcha pound cake. It’s really good!

  27. Bakerella I hope you can help me! Did anyone else find this cake much too sweet? I wondered because the matcha is powdered green tea mixed with sugar, but I used the exact same brand pictured for the recipe and I found it to be so sweet. Has everyone been using matcha that does not have sugar in it? and do I just lessen the sugar amount to compensate the extra?

  28. my mom LOVES marble cake. adn we’re 100% irish so I’m sure she would adore this! But I haven’t a clue where to buy matcha???

  29. i just made this cake today, and half of its already gone!
    i think your cocoa powder is better than mine because its way darker than my chocolate batter was, still turned out amazing, so moist and delicious and perfect! <3 it and your cute blog

  30. When I was a kid my mom used to put a box of Pistachio Pudding mix into a White cake mix to make it green, she’d pour the batter into a bundt pan and then scoop brownie batter in the middle of the batter and bake. When you cut into the cake it was green with a brownie center.

    This cake reminded me so much of it. :o) I wish my mom still made me Birthday Cakes.

  31. I just made this last night for a small dinner party. Everyone loved it and reached in for second (third even!) helpings. Thanks for this wonderful post!

    I have a couple of tips… 1) I was wary when i added the milk into the nicely creamed batter because it made the whole batter really gross-looking – curdled and runny. But fear not, it comes together nicely again when you add the matcha/chocolate mixture together. 2) When it’s time to divide the creamed mixture, it helped to mix it and divide it as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the milk will separate quickly and sink to the bottom. I saw someone comment that one batter was more runny than the other – this may have been why. 3) I was curious before I made this if the bundt actually tasted like matcha or if it mostly was just a coloring effect but it definitely tasted like matcha through and through. I loved it.

  32. the cake is so Alice in Wonderland for me! I will look for Matcha my next visit to the local version of Whole-Foods.

  33. Cake looked great, recipe sounded interesting, chocolate & green tea, why not. Healthy & yummy at the same time. However, when I got to the WET ingredients the creamed batter was until the milk was added, then it separated. Is there a typo in the recipe? Made it THREE times and the same thing happened each time. By the way, everything was absolutely ROOM TEMP. Any help would be appreciated.

  34. Beautiful recipe, I’m seriously considering making this for my wedding coming up in August. It is so delicious!

  35. Gorgeous cake !

  36. I love Matcha. It's my latest *thing*. I've been ordering green tea lattes from Starbucks every chance I get and I'm afraid to admit that I've grown addicted to it. How could I have missed this cake? Matcha cake!

  37. This matcha looks so beautiful with the colors, I'm sure it'll be a big hit with the kids! Nice colors! although I'm to a big fan of matcha, this sure looks yummy! I'm normally the one that will say no to matcha. thank you for shearing your post.

  38. That cakes looks fantastic – first I thought the green part was made with mint but this matcha tea seems more exciting – definitely gotta try it.

  39. I just tried some chocolates from a company called Top Form Nutrition. They have them at my local grocery store in the nutrition section.
    Anyway they have Green Tea, Hoodia, Gurana, and B Vitamins, inside them. They were very good tasting and gave me a boost of energy, supposedly they help with weight loss too.

    Through the ingredients and the natural energy they give you. If you get a change i suggest giving them a try, cheers!

  40. Looks SO GOOD. i’ll def have to try this sometime!




  42. Glad you liked it.

  43. i tried this recipe today and made them into cupcakes. they were soooo yummy! you’re right, they don’t even need frosting! i will definitely be making these again!

  44. I’ve wanted to make this since I saw the photos. However, I’m in France and have had no luck finding a proper sized bundt pan. I finally lost patience and just made them as cupcakes. And boy am I ever glad I did! They came out beautifully, the colours are gorgeous and they are absolutely delicious. Thank you so much for sharing, this recipe is definitely a keeper!

  45. Pamela – Good question. I really don’t know since I’ve never had to bake that way.


    Here’s a link that might help you.

  46. this cake looks incredibly mouthwatering and i really want to bake it.. but i live in a city at 12,000 feet above sea level.. do i have to tweak this recipe much? and if i do.. can u tell me what i must adjust?
    thanks a million!

  47. The twin and I are making this today, and we spent 2.5 days going through gourmet stores looking for matcha. NO LUCK, not even at the Whole Foods! This close to NYC you’d think someone would carry it! *LOL* So I used orange oil instead in the green tea batch. Looks like I’ll be ordering matcha online this week.

    Thanks for the recipe! :o)

  48. I had trouble finding it, too. Try online.

  49. I tried to find Matcha at my Whole Foods and they didn’t have the kind you have. =( They had the tea- with the leaves, but that’s obviously not what we wanted. Any suggestions on where else to look? And about how much did it cost? Sorry all the questions!!!

  50. gee, thanks!

  51. you are incredible :)

  52. sherry – YAY!!!!!!!!!

  53. So far I’ve made this twice and both have been a huge success. :D very tasty

  54. MissJubilee – Here’s hoping it’s matcha!

  55. Wow. This looks delish and relatively easy! I wasn’t sure at first, but was curious and wished I could try it. Lo and behold, my last trip to the tiny baking shop in town here (in China) revealed not one but THREE tins of green powdered tea-looking and -smelling stuff with Japanese labels that I’m hoping is Matcha! The contents were bagged up by 50g weights so I bought a bag and am looking forward to trying it! (If not, I’m lost – between their Chinese, my English, and the package’s Japanese, I’ll never know what it is if it’s not tea, lol!)

  56. Yay – glad all three of you liked it.

  57. I made this cake today, and it is SOO fab! Thank you so much for posting this recipe! I made a matcha royal icing glaze to go over it- that made a nice addition (and the color was fun too)!

  58. I made this cake this weekend and it turned out really well! It only had to bake for about 45-50 minutes. There was some left till the next day and the green tea taste got much stronger; fresh-baked, the cocoa pretty much overpowered the matcha. Even one of my students liked it. So I know I’ll be making it again!

  59. Hi Bakerella! I’m a high school baker and long time lurker of your blog. I made this bundt cake today – it was delicious! Thanks for the great recipe.

  60. Beautiful cake, I have bookmarked Mandy’s post! Great idea to dust the bundt cake pan with cocoa powder.

  61. Yum! That looks great!

  62. Okay, now I’m starving!

  63. Hello! I have been following your blog for a while and really love this cake. It looks great. I just bought some green tea powder on the weekend actually, and was looking to incorporate it into my baking. I am making lots of French macarons right now so am thinking of making perhaps a matcha / chocolate macaron combination. Yum!

  64. This cake is so pretty…love the colors together. Must try!

  65. Anonymous – I don’t know because I don’t have anything to compare to. I’ve never even had it either kind to drink.

    Sara – I copy and past the code from flickr’s all sizes page.

    Jennifer – I’d say this one was light.

    Joy – Awesome. Thanks for the link

    dessertobsessed – go for it.

    Liz Wilcken – thanks

    jodyakimoto – I’ll look for some. Thanks fot the matcha tips.

  66. Please try some green tea ice cream. You can usually get it in a Japanese restaurant. It is so good, but if you make it yourself do not use the matcha you have, you will need the pure matcha powder (kind of pricey, but so worth it). I buy mine at the Japanese food store. I can’t wait to try this cake it looks so good.

  67. Love, love, love your site! Lots of great ideas and I can’t wait to try some of your recipes!

  68. I just discovered this amazing fondant site. Check it out. Ok, so it’s not in English, but maybe you might get some more cute ideas for us!

  69. OMGOMGOMG!! i just bought a container of matcha!! i MUST go make this right now!!

  70. i love this idea!Im gonna have to try it.

  71. Oh my gosh….I have to go bake something right now. I love your blog… is on my reader.

  72. I will be making this cake asap!

  73. I want it, I need it…..must try….damn it !!

  74. For all of those wanting to buy matcha, a good/reliable source is Upton Tea ( Just search for matcha. It is a little pricey…but I like knowing that it’s quality stuff. :-)
    I made this cake this morning, and it is pretty! Yummy, too. Thanks!!

  75. I am super sure you have received tons of awards, but I just wanted to share one with you as a way of saying thanks for all you do!

  76. Yum. Your photos are simply incredible.

  77. I had never heard of matcha: is it a light tea flavor or strong?

  78. Bakerella, quick question….I LOVE your photos, but I’m curious how you get them to post in such a large size on blogger? Just curious. :-)



  79. I LOVE this! It turned out with such beautiful colors. Thanks for the recipe. I’ve never heard of matcha before.

  80. How fantastic! I should have done this! I’m Japanese American and love matcha flavored stuff – it would have been the perfect combo to celebrate St. P’s day! Your bundt is just beautiful!!!

  81. that looks really good1! it’s will be good if I use the regular green tea ?
    coz,I don’t think I will find some matcha here

  82. Bakerella, I featured this site on my blog post today about the prettiest blogs on the web. I just love how your blog design makes your photographs really pop!

  83. This looks SO good!!!!

  84. Pholesha, yes it’s ME! – I’ll be around. Can’t wait to see you.

    Emily – green tea

    Little Miss Quynh – yes, yes. That would be pretty!

    Jen – Good, I’m going to have another piece, then.

    StuffCooksWant – it wasn’t very strong. I think I needed a stronger matcha powder.

  85. Very interesting idea! What kind of taste does that add to the cake? Must try.

  86. This is so much better than designing a four-leaf clover on a cheesecake using colored sugar. I can’t wait to try this!

  87. This would be delish with baily’s irish cream buttercream slathered all over it. Although it sounds pretty delectable as is! Beautiful!

  88. Hi! I’m new to your blog and I wanted to let you know that I will be trying your Hello Kitty Pops very soon! Also, I love the matcha cake! I’m going to give it a try if I ever come across the matcha! Thank you for sharing!

  89. This is great idea for St. Patty’s Day. Matcha is all the rage now so I decided to do a little research. Apparently it has 137 times greater the amount of EGCG available in regular green tea. Apparently EGCC is the stuff that makes green tea healthy. So does this mean that eating Bundt cake with Matcha is healthier than broccoli? :)

  90. ohhh i love it. it makes me think you could do a chocolate and pink swirled version for valentine’s day…or just because. :) i’m so making this cake this weekend!

  91. love it, i’m a matcha fan

  92. looks yummy. But does the matcha in the cake taste like? Wish I had somebody serve me this now.

  93. My family is known for their “Green Cake” which is just a pistachio bundt. I wonder how this would fit in, possibly as a substitute for the matcha?

  94. At home one day watching MS and there you were, I almost fell out of my chair. I check in on you from time to time. So proud of you!! I’m coming to town very soon. Would love to catch up if you’re around. Pholesha

  95. oooo! that looks really yummy & fun! can't wait to try it!

  96. What a great idea mixing the matcha with the chocolate. I bet it was delicious!

  97. Astrid s- thanks a bunch!

    Melanie – thanks. I have that book, so I’ll look it up.

    Ashley – now I need a Jamba Juice

    Little Miss Mel – thanks

    The Lake’s – try this

    Jodi – YAY! My matcha batter was still thick, but not as thick as the chocolate. Take another look at the pics and you can see the consistency.

  98. This looks amazing. Recently saw another post on matcha cupcakes with matching green frosting; if I can find it again, I’ll send it along! Matcha seems to be all the rage lately, especially combined with cocoa.

  99. My 11-year-old daughter and I made this cake last night. Couldn’t resist combining celebrating St. Patrick’s Day and the green tea (matcha) that I just brought back from Japan. The cake came out delicious!

    But a question for you. When we were making it the “green” side was much too soupy, likely as it had less dry ingredients than on the chocolate side – 1/2 c of cocoa compared to just 3 tablespoons of green tea. We compensated by adding another 1/2 cup of floor to the green tea batter.

    Did you have this issue and did we actually need to add the extra flour?

  100. I just found your blod recently and I am obsessed! I made your cupcake bites for my 4 year old’s birthday party and I cant believe how much everyone loved them! They all thought I was this amazing baker, which I am not at all! My little bro has Cystic Fibrosis and had a Liver transplant 3 years ago we always celebrate with a party and I thought how fun to make them themed in some way, any ideas?

  101. This looks so delicious! the green and the chocolate! yum yum yum!

    Just wanted to let you know that I’ve got 2 awards for your blog (because I love it so much!). Feel free to grab them from my blog when you’ve got the chance.

  102. Used to work for jamba juice and there we would serve up ‘matcha green tea shots’ for energy. It has natural caffiene that wont cause you to crash like sugar will. The shots were made using 4 oz. of liquid (either soy milk or orange juice, or if you are a fan of creamsiciles you can half soymilk and half OJ and you’ll never know it wasnt a popsicle), and shaking together with ice in a shaker and then straining into a shot glass. Its a great pick me up and not to mention, tastes great too! Thanks for this suggestions :)

  103. The cake looks yummy & beautiful!

    I made green tea mini muffins for our church "cafe" (coffee & omemade muffins). I had a hard time finding matcha. Whole Foods did have it in their bulk section, but it was VERY expensive for a tiny bit. I've never seen it in a can– will have to look again. Thanks for the "heads up"!

  104. OH wow – how intersting. This looks so yummy…
    …drooling in Tennessee!

  105. Whoa! I had never heard of Matcha before.

    I did a quick google search and found a recipe for a cake without the chocolate swirl.

    Anyways, I’m going to try making your cake balls out of them. Depending on how that goes I’ll use that instead of the oreo balls next year.

    It looks delish! Keep up the great work Bakerella!

  106. This looks UH-mazing!! I can’t wait to try it!! It’s making me hungry!

  107. that looks absolutely delicious. I’ll have to try it this weekend as a post-St. Patty’s day treat!

  108. You should try the “cake Doctor” chocolate pistachio cake! It looks just like that cake but its chocolate mixed with pistachio… so good!

  109. I make chocolate pistachio bundt cake that looks like this and tastes divine. It uses instant pistachio pudding and some OJ.

  110. Rock on! I have that same bundt pan! Now I’m dying find some matcha (good luck in my little midwestern town) and make cake!

  111. Everything you make looks SOOO yummy! Makes me want to lick my screen! lol I’m gaining weight byy reading your blog!!!!

  112. I’ve never heard of matcha! But the cake looks delicious! Great job Bakerella.

  113. I love Nordicware! I have a ton of them – and the best advice is to use Baker’s Joy Spray (cooking spray with flour, formulated I believe by Nordicware). All of the nooks and crannies of the designs come right out perfectly.
    And I need to try this cake.
    A few years ago, Starbucks had a blackberry green tea frappucino, and it was the best thing ever. I’ve been on the lookout for affordable matcha ever since.

  114. I had no idea so many people have used matcha. I am impressed! I definitely need to branch out more with the ingredients. I'll keep trying.

    Becky – it wasn't too strong

    ern – I'm looking that up

    Y – thanks for the tip

    Kate – Whoa – you are fast

    LaDue & Crew – Keep it up. That's awesome.

    Vera – I didn't think it was that strong. But it could have been the brand.

    Little Miss Cupcake – you are lucky.

    Girl Japan – I'm jealous!

    thereddeer – Whole Foods?

    Jen – this was actually a lighter green. I've got to find some stronger varieties to get the really dark green like the link to Fresh From the Oven's in the post.

    Nicole – I haven't, but thanks!

    amarus – it should

    The Gomes Family – Ha!

    Cakespy – I want a shamrock shake!

    Lori – I love a cake that's good enough on it's own

    Jenn – great info… thanks!!!!

    cAkEkItO – I'm happy you're here, too!

    Jessica colored papers

    Robynn's Ravings – try online. There is a link in this post. $32 is outrageous. It must be potent.

    Tony and Cayla – Creative. I like it

  115. Hi Bakerella!
    I made your cake this evening. I didn’t have matcha, so I cut open some green tea bags and whipped it through the food processor. I ended up with specks in my batter, but the green tea flavor came through in the end product. I told my husband they were just chocolate crumbs. ;)
    Check out my blog for pictures of my cake. Not nearly as good as yours, but passable.

  116. So happy to see you using matcha as an ingredient! I have been asked to make a green tea cake, and I am highly considering this recipe! Thanks Bakerella. Visit me at

  117. Hi Bakerella! Your cake looked so good I headed right over to my Whole Foods and they didn’t have anything that looked like your container of Matcha. They had one called Do (like long “o”) Matcha but it was THIRTY TWO DOLLARS!! Can that be RIGHT? Wonder where else you could get that stuff?

  118. The color of this cake is fantastic! I love when you can make foods/baked goods that have such rich and vibrant colors. So festive!

  119. Now, this is truly a St. Patty’s cake I could love. Your creative use of the matcha powder is just great, and it makes for such an attractive (and cool) looking cake. I wish I could share a slice right now!

  120. Looks great. Nice pair with chocolate.

  121. Ooooh, that looks fabulous. I wonder if I can buy matcha at the local Safeway…

  122. Your background colors are always so vibrant. Do you really have this many colored walls in your house or do you hange fabric in the background of each photo. I have really been wondering this.


    P.S. Hubby and I made the cupcake bites for the first time last night. It was a great “date night” activity. We had a blast and they were so easy.

  123. Wow, you got one good camera, the food looks like it’s right in front of me! Awesome!

  124. Hi, this is my first time here,I´m so excited and so much nervous at the same time,I´m from Mexico and my english sucks!…but i´m gonna try, Bakerella i love all the things you do, the cupcake!!..and now this matcha boundt cake…love it!…kind of strange but looks so yummy, anyway I´m so happy to be here with all of you,so Thanks!!

  125. I LOVE maccha! My Japanese boyfriend introduced it to me when he brought some from home. There are many different grades of maccha, as well as unsweetened and sweetened. In my experience, the higher the quality, the more bitter it is (but that’s just my experience…don’t quote me!) Higher qualities are typically used in formal tea ceremonies and for straight drinking and probably less so in cooking.

    The sweetened maccha is more often used in cold dessert drinks (lattes, flavored milk, etc), just like you’d use chocolate syrup, so you wouldn’t have to be bothered with drying to dissolve sugar.

    Unsweetened is used in just about anything you can think of. I liken it to unsweetened cocoa powder. I’d say either one is good for baking, though if you wanted to add the flavor of the green tea with out the sweetness, go for the unsweetened variety.

  126. I just bought some matcha last weekend, which is great timing. I bought it to make matcha shortbread cookies but this looks pretty darn good as well!

  127. “So good, that it didn’t even need frosting.”

    Frosting is the point of having cake in my book. :)

  128. Nothin bundt cake! I’ve got to say, this beats a shamrock shake basically to death with deliciousness. :-)

  129. This looks matcha better than I would do! I do want to try it though!

  130. Mmm, I love Matcha!

    The hubby… not so much. But he might just eat this.}:P

    And hey! Give me back my Bundt pan! }:P (My MiL gave me one identical to yours, cause she didn’t use it and I didn’t have one. I know, I know, for shame!).

  131. that looks amazing!!! mmm….

  132. hummm..never heard of Matcha before. I’ll have to give it a try my ds loves green tea. This cake looks so yummy!

  133. Looks really delicious – after Lent is over, I think I’ll try this recipe!

  134. I hate typos!

    I said…

    NOW I have to go find some Matcha…

    Wish we could EDIT our comments instead of having to delete them.

  135. Gorgeous cake! You couldn’t ruin one if you tried! :D I love the idea of matcha and chocolate– I’m gonna have to give this a try sometime!

  136. Do you suppose this would translate well to cupcakes? I don’t have a bundt pan, but I would love to try this cake!

  137. Also perfectly acceptable green cake occasions:

    – Birthday of the incredible Hulk
    – Martian tea party

  138. It looks tastey!! Thanks for sharing

  139. It’s beautiful! Now you’re making me stop at Whole Foods. :)

    Have you tried making a Irish stout chocolate cake? There’s a good recipe at

  140. just gorgious !!

  141. Mmm.
    Que bueno!!!

  142. How fun and festive! Too bad about too much batter – but enough for a few cupcakes means there’s extra for the cook without anyone being the wiser! :)

  143. Matcha is so good and healthy !
    Very often used in Japanese food and beverage. I love it !

    First comment in your blog, I love it !

    Valerie, Belgium.

  144. my mom makes a similar green and chocolate swirled bundt cake, except the green is made by adding pistachio pudding to a yellow cake mix. I need to figure out a scratch recipe for this, but for now, I’ll just have to do with boxed. (this one doesn’t need frosting, either – just a fine dusting of powdered sugar) I will need to try this recipe, though. I love green tea.

  145. Oh my! This is oe of my obsessions: green cakes. And this bundt looks really cool. I just love matcha taste in cakes and cookies.

    Happy St. Patricks Day!!!

  146. Hello,

    I’m surprised that the cake turned out green even if your matcha powder isn’t green in colour at all (or maybe it’s the photo lighting). The Japanese brands I have used are very green in colour (added colouring perhaps? or could be its true green colour)and quite bitter too. I’d like to know if they’re differnt tasting from the sweet one you have. Look for them in the Asian aisle of supermarkets or your oriental marts.

  147. Mmm! It looks good! I love matcha!

  148. Yum! I love matcha in baked goods and I hadn’t thought to do it in a marbled bundt yet! Well, this is a fine excuse to go out and buy a 12 cup bundt pan!

  149. Ooh, I love Special Dark cocoa. It’s so…dark!

  150. Mmmm that looks yummy – I wonder where I can find this matcha you speak of.

  151. I love it! I’ll have to try it! Your crazy choc cake was a huge hit and people have already requested it for parties etc! I’m so glad I found your site ;) Happy St. Patty’s Day

  152. The cake looks lovely! What a great idea to use matcha for color! I think it is the prettiest green. I use matcha a lot to make frozen yogurt. Same pretty green! :)

  153. Hi there!!! Congrats again on your fun with PW! Being a gal in Japan, I drink matcha everyday and love it, gosh you can incorporate so much with baking, I should send you some match drink (just add water) I think you’ll love it.

    The cake looks stunning and fabulous!!! Let me know if you need anything from Japan = )

  154. yummy! i love matcha

  155. I love green tea, usually with a little lemon. There’s got to be other flavor combos out there…lemon, orange, other asian inspired ones. There’s something there, and if anyone can figure it out it’s you!


  156. Wow, I love the way this looks – just beautiful! Luckily we have matcha aplenty here in Paris, France. I made some marbled cocoa-matcha cupcakes a few weeks ago, like the ones Jamieanne made for Iron Cupcake, and found the batter with the matcha cooked up so fluffy and light. It’s delicious. My one problem is that I couldnt eat too much as the théine (tea version of caffeine as it is called here) kept me up all night! Hazards of baking, I gues! :)

  157. I love all the baking ideas! Keep up the good work! You rock!

  158. Oh, this reminds me a one my mother used to make when we were kids. Only she used green, pistachio pudding mix with the chocolate cake. Now I’ve got to go dig that recipe out….

  159. Is the green tea taste distinguishable? Wondering if this would be great with a Starbucks Green Tea Blended Coffee. hehe :)

  160. It looks so, so moist! Even if it didn’t do what you wanted it to, it still would make my taste buds sing! Good thing I’m looking at the screen though and not in your kitchen~ I’ve lost 14.7 and have 23 lbs to go! Food pics rather than food are a good thing for me right now!

  161. Oh, that just looks delish… and I’m already snacklish!

  162. I have this in the oven right now – albeit with green food coloring instead of matcha (didn’t have any). I can only hope it turns out as pretty!

  163. Yay for swirly cake and yay for matcha! I haven’t used that one you bought before, but you should try looking for a matcha brand that contains pure matcha (that rishi brand seems to have sugar and brown tea in it as well) – the colour is a lot greener, and that unique flavour will also be more pronounced (it’s a beautiful grassy, slightly bitter flavour).

  164. First time commenter here. :) I just started following your blog since your visit to PW’s ranch and have been really enjoying it. Working up the ambition to make your cake pops. Thank you for providing a really entertaining and educational blog! It’s beautiful and fun, and I will be recommending it to my friends. :)

  165. Oh goodness, the color is gorgeous.

    And I must add that it’s nice to see you have errors in the kitchen as well. I think of you as such a pro (and you are.. but you know what I mean).

  166. Reading your description about using the matcha I couldn’t help but think of a similar ingredient commonly used in Malaysia, where I’m currently living. It’s called Pandan and it is used to flavor EVERYTHING, but usually sweets. It gives the baked goods a sort of…floral taste? That’s as close as I can describe it. I have NO idea if you can get it in the States, but after seeing pictures of your YUMMY-looking matcha cake I’d be interested to see what you’d do with another Asian ingredient!

  167. The green and black colours together are so fantastic…I will have to make this!

  168. That IS a gorgeous color…and the photos make me drool!

    Does the tea add a strong flavor of it’s own? I wonder how it would be with a dab of peppermint flavoring added in to make chocolate mint cake?

    When I saw the title, I could just see the mom from My Big Fat Greek Wedding saying “Boon-dt”, lol.

  169. VeggieGirl – You are always so quick. Hey!

    Judy in Indiana – I wanted to try green tea flavored cake.

    Funky Food Trisha – I like the way you think

    miss M.J. Ma’am – it was hard for me to tell with the dark chocolate.

    rasilla – it wasn’t very strong to me. Now I need to taste it in actual tea.

    Sarah Scottastic! – YAY

    Islipian – never had green tea ice cream.

    Mandy – so glad you like it Mandy!

    makefabcakes – maybe I will too.

    apparentlyjessy – that’s a bummer. It was kinda hard for me to find here, too.

  170. Thats so pretty! I have some matcha powder and have yet to try a green tea cake because I have no idea how much to add!

  171. Oh…I’m so jealous, no matcha to be found within a 25+ mile radius of where I live =(
    Looks beautiful!

  172. That looks terrific….Y- U- M!!!

  173. Looks great Bakerella! Looks delicious, moist and rich!
    I wish I could find some Matcha here in Adelaide, South Australia, have been hunting for it for a few months now to no avail!

  174. How pretty and it looks delish!

  175. mmmm…I love matcha flavour.Gotta try this one. And as per other comments here, I would like to try matcha chiffon cake too. Happy St. Patrick’s day everyone!

  176. The cake looks great! can’t wait to try the recipe. I have not found a marble cake recipe that I like yet. This could be it!

  177. I love matcha and use it in anything from tea to lattes and salt. I am always looking for recipes that use it. This is so on my to make list! In fact, it may go to the front of the line! I usually buy my matcha online, its good to know that Whole Foods has it!

    It looks so beautiful! Great job!

  178. your chocolate matcha cake is beautiful!!!!! Make me crave for a slice right now.

  179. looks delicious! I can’t wait to try it.

  180. I love matcha! It’s just basically a really good green tea. It’s even yummy in smoothies or “blended cremes”. The cake looks good, I love making bundt cakes. They are easy and pretty!

  181. Ooh, looks pretty, sounds yummy…the green tea powder stuff, does it taste like green tea ice cream??

  182. I’m a food buyer, and I have bought Matcha in bulk before. It’s not easy! I think there is a very expensive matcha that is seasonal and processed by hand. And, there is a less expensive matcha that is still seasonal, but available year round, processed by machine and therefore much cheaper. The cake looks interesting, and your escapades with PW have me itching to make cake balls!

  183. I love this cake! I am actually looking for a regular marble cake…can you give a recipe for that as well?

  184. I’ll be travelling for St. P’s day, but will hold onto this recipe for another day! What are the chances I’ll remember “matcha” when I get to Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods tomorrow?

  185. I am making a green pistachio bundt cake! Yay for cake!

  186. ahhhhh ive been looking for a decent quality matcha powder to try baking with!
    could you really taste the green tea ness??
    anyway it looks great!
    (ps once you have match tea, you will never want to go back to the regular stuff we buy in the stores :P)

  187. They make green tea cake in Korea – just add Matcha powder to a favorite sponge cake recipe. It adds a depth of flavor. Then, they layer it with red bean paste ( sweet). It’s quite tasty once you get used to the sweet bean concept.

  188. Yummy….can’t wait to try it.

  189. Mmmmmm, mmmmm. That looks heavenly! I’m definitely gonna put that on MY “to try” list. Thanks!

  190. Love the post title, love the results! Will have to give this a try.

  191. Looks good. I make a chocolate pistachio cake that looks just like that.

  192. Sounds interesting. I love to experiment with out of the ordinary ingredients! Does the matcha give it a unique taste too?

    • Made this cake today for stepdaughter’s Birthday tomorrow. Recipe easy to follow & both batters taste awesome. (Everyone wanted to eat it today because it smelld so wonderful). I am at high altitude so I baked at 350 for about 55-60 minutes in stoneware bundt pan, rested 15 min popped out beautifully. Looks really cool. Am pairing with Ermine Icing tomorrow. Thanks for recipe…should be delightful!

  193. Judy in Indiana – the matcha is green tea powder. Chocolate + green tea is a great combination :)

    Beautiful cake!! I just made a green tea chiffon cake yesterday using my bundt pan also :)

  194. Loving the matcha! This is practically health food now!

  195. This cake looks really good! Happy St. Patricks Day :)

  196. Is there a reason for the matcha? I would have just added green food coloring. Am I a moron?

  197. I’ve never used matcha for anything, but would love to try it just so I can make this cake!

  198. That looks really good! Similar technique to a marble cheesecake I make. Happy St. Pats!

  199. Oooh, the matcha swirl in the cake is so mesmerizing!!

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