

Need a fork? Or maybe a shovel. This is one ginormous piece of cheesecake. And oh boy, was it good. The cheesecake, that is. Personally, I can do without a bunch of fru fru when it comes to cheesecake. But, I wanted to dress a slice up and make it all pretty for you. This one is topped with raspberry, whipped cream, and white chocolate. It’s also the first real grown-up cheesecake I think I’ve ever made. Yay me! (Anyone else, hear London Tipton in their head when they read that? If you didn’t, don’t worry, that means the Disney Channel hasn’t infiltrated your brain.)

The only other kind of cheesecake I’ve made are these itsy-bitsy mini ones. Take a look. You’ll love how easy they are.

Anyway, when it comes to cheesecake, this is how I like mine.


Plain. Jane. No whipped cream. No whole fruit. Ever. Just dense and delicious. But, on occasion, I don’t mind a little raspberry sauce to touch it. I actually don’t mind fruit flavors at all. I just won’t eat the actual fruit. For instance, on these itsy bitsy mini ones. The cherries had to go. Cherry sauce… fine. Cherries… trash can. I know. I’m weird like that.

But, not totally weird. I do like other cheesecake flavors, like Oreo, chocolate, of course, and just about every other combination from the Cheesecake Factory – as long as it’s served without whipped cream or whole fruit. But, I usually gravitate towards the classic… and then I hope someone else orders a different flavor so I can try it.

And now that I’ve had success, I may just have to do some more experimenting on my own. This was really so easy, I don’t know why I’ve been hesitant to try making one for so long.

Graham cracker crumbs

Start with the crust. Graham cracker crumbs, sugar and melted butter mixed together.

Graham cracker crust

Then press the mixture into the bottom and up the sides of a springform pan.

Cheesecake Filling

Cream cheese, eggs, sugar, sour cream, vanilla, flour, and lemon juice. Dump it in.

And in a little over an hour, voila…


… cheesecake!

Now, it wasn’t perfect. It did have a crack going through the middle. From what I understand, this can be a common annoyance. You can see a hint of it to the right in this photo. But, that’s ok. You can cover stuff up like that with a sauce, or chocolate, or caramel and nuts, or (gags) whipped cream. Or just go ahead and slice the cheesecake, avoiding any defect.

Raspberry jelly

For the raspberry sauce, I just used some jelly and heated it up until it was thin enough to spread on in a thin layer. Easy!

Here’s the entire recipe if you want to give it a go.

Yield: one 9-inch cheesecake


Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 25 minutes
Additional Time 3 hours
Total Time 4 hours 55 minutes



  • 2-1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 2 Tbsp sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted


  • 4 (8oz.) packages cream cheese
  • 1-1/2 cups sugar
  • 3 Tbsp flour
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 Tbsp vanilla
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice


  • raspberry jelly
  • fresh raspberries
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream + 2 Tbsp powdered sugar
  • white chocolate


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees
  2. To make crust, combine graham cracker crumbs and sugar. Stir in melted butter until moistened.
  3. Pour the mixture into a 9-inch springform pan (3 inches tall). Press the crumbs into the bottom and 1 inch up the sides of the pan.
  4. Bake for about 10 minutes. Remove and cool to room temperature.
  5. To make the cheesecake filling, cream the sugar, cream cheese and flour with an electric mixer on medium until light and fluffy.
  6. On medium low, add eggs one at a time, mixing well with each addition. On low, add sour cream, lemon juice and vanilla just until combined.
  7. Bake for about 1 hour and 15 minutes at 325.
  8. Make sure to take it out of the oven before the center looks done. It will be kind of wobbly and it will move in one piece. The center will look more shiny than the edges. That's ok because it will continue to cook a little while it's in the pan.
  9. Remove from the oven and let cool completely to room temperature. Hope that it doesn't crack.
  10. Go ahead and separate the cheesecake from the sides of the pan by running a knife around the edges. I also opened and reclosed the springform pan to help separate.
  11. Chill in the refrigerator overnight. That's right. It's best to make this the day before because it needs plenty of time to chill and firm up.
  12. Before serving: Heat up some raspberry jelly on low heat until the consistency is thin. Spread on top of the cheesecake. Refrigerate while you do the following.
  13. Melt some white chocolate and put it in a ziploc bag or squeeze bottle. Draw abstract shapes on wax paper and let dry.
  14. Pour some heavy whipping cream in a small chilled metal bowl. Add 2 Tbsp powdered sugar and beat the cream on high until it becomes firm and thick.
  15. Remove the cheesecake from the refrigerator and spoon on whipped cream or use a decorating bag with a 1M tip to decorate.
  16. Top with fresh raspberries and white chocolate decorations.

Now, before I let you go, I’m curious. How do you roll?
Plain Jane or Fancy Shmancy?

How do you roll?

Or somewhere in between?

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644 comments on “Cheesecake!”

  1. Holy cow, I feel exactly the same way! I can eat the fruit sauce, but I won’t touch the fruit. I’m so relieved to know that I’m not the only one.

  2. should I be scared that I got the London Tipton joke!!!!! Ugh! Yummy cake though I might have to make that for my hubbys b-day this summer.

  3. OMIGOD, cheesecake is my weakness. Sucks that I’m dieting, my mouth is watering. :(

  4. Love the fancy schmancy!

  5. Usually plain jane, but I do love some chocolate cheesecake with just the perfect amount of perfectly sweet and fluffy whipped cream. *drool*

  6. wow, that’s gorgeous

  7. I’m closer to Plain Jane than Fancy Schmancy… I totally agree about the whole fruit.

    White chocolate cheesecake is my favorite, with raspberry sauce

  8. It’s fancy schmancy for me!

  9. Plain Jane!!

    Cheesecake is fabulous. I find that anything added actually takes away from it.

  10. I use that Dickonson’s brand, but the lemon curd, for filling in lemon cakes. It’s so good!

  11. give me the fancy schmancy and I’ll eat the toppings and then enjoy the plain jane cheesecake . . . I guess it’s having my cate and eating it too :)

  12. Now how about some cheesecake bites? :)

  13. plain jane, topped with sliced strawberries!

  14. I’m all about the Fancy Schmancy!! Your cheesecake looks lovely, btw!

  15. The secret to perfect cheesecake is really easy.

    1) let your ingredients come to room temp before mixing

    2) bake the cheesecake in a water bath (wrap bottom of pan in foil first)

    3) Don’t overbake! There should be about a silver-dollar sized area in the middle that is still jiggly when you take it out.

    For me? I’m a plain jane girl but also like my cheesecake with a sour cream topping too.

  16. Boy that looks delicious!! Now I need to make one!! :)

  17. one fruit topping only – nothing else! no chocolate shavings, whipped cream nonsense, or heaven forbid multiple fruits! It’s already cheesecake, people! what more does it need? not my favorite dessert by far – yet everyone else seems to like it. It’s easy enough to make – try not overbeating your eggs and putting a pan of water in with the cake when baking to avoid crackage. mine always seem to leak – next time i’m going to double up on the crust layer down there and see how that goes.

    when is your book coming out?

  18. slower cooling = no crack. also, a water bath (or just a pie pan of water in the oven)to get the humidity up in the oven. from experience only…i usually make the alton brown cheesecake, never have had a crack. and plain jane for sure. unless someone has some fresh blackberries. then im in.

  19. I just had to come back and comment AFTER making the cheesecake. It’s simply DELISH! It turned out almost perfect. My pan was about half an inch wider than yours so I increased ingredients by 1/4. Because of that the very center didn’t cook quite enough but was only noticeable to me. Next time I’ll either cook a couple minutes longer or not increase the ingredients and put up with a slightly shorter cheesecake. I decorated the top with raspberry jam (like us suggested) and a bit of whipped cream. I also made american flags out of candy melts and stuck them in the dabs of whipped cream in celebration of Memorial Day.

    Thanks for a fabulous recipe! It’ll be my “go-to” from here on out!

  20. Give me plain jane cheesecake with LOADS of fresh fruit. Sauces, whipped cream, no way – but load on the fresh berries.

  21. I’d have to say I’m more of a fancy Schmancy person. Just not cherries like justpam said. I’m more of a turtle or chocolate cheesecake girl.

  22. When I was little, I used to claim that “if I were stranded on an island and could bring only one thing with me….” it would be cheesecake. Plain, delicious cheesecake.

    Your cupcake tower inspired me to make one for my son’s Confirmation this past weekend. I used the papers from his invitation to cover the columns. Thanks! I posted a picture at

  23. fancy… lol. and it has to be good.. real good. i don’t usually do cheesecake tho. seriously lactose intolerant. lol. so if i do decide to do some. it HAS 2 be DeLiSh!!

  24. Fancy Shmancy, definitely!

  25. I was doing some squats while I waiting for your website to load, and when I looked at the monitor, there was this lovely cheesecake looking at me. Just shoot me now.
    I, too, do not like the fruit–just the sauce please. But I do really love the Cheesecake Factory's (served at Barnes & Noble's Starbucks in my town) Double Chocolate Cheesecake. No squashy fruit, and chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!

  26. Definitely plain! And I love that you don’t like whipped cream either. People think I’m so weird for not liking it!

  27. I’m definitely going to try the Plain Jane one… Adding more in this case seems like “gilding the lily”, as they say. Thanks!

  28. Okay how about neither? Before today I would have said fancy schmany, but now I am saying ice cream. Braums has new cheesecake ice creams and the dulce de leche is to die for!!

  29. Cheesecake Factory used to have a cheesecake called German Chocolate Cheesecake. Chocolate, caramel, coconut, pecans….mmmmmmm. I’m not much on fruit topping, either. Give me chocolate! :)

  30. Plain Jane!! (But I do like a little strawberry sauce – but, like you, no whole strawberries!) :o)

  31. Fancy Schmancy….sometimes decorating the desserts is just as much fun as eating them.

    To make the chocolate decorations (with real chocolate) you need to temper it….I have a tempering machine that makes such things a cinch…or I use my chocolate ruffle roll maker….(I have pics using it on my blog). …and, Id use my Dove raspberry sauce too….YUM!

  32. I prefer a more plainer cheesecake, and would say I am more middle of the road, not to fancy but not to plain. My favorite will have something chocolate to go along with it, whether it be Oreos or chocolate sauce.

    mmmm… chocolate and cheesecake

  33. I’m not really a cheesecake fan, until it comes to the Cheesecake Factory. They are so good, but I usually stick to the strawberry and whipped cream topping. So I guess I’m somewhere in between…

  34. I’m somewhere in between. I’ll take the fancy schmancy minus the whipped cream.

  35. I really love the plain jane stuff!
    YUMMY. cuz it had enough sugar as then they add whipped cream and sauce. I do like fresh strawberries on top though as that is natural sugar.

    hey Bakerella. can you blog a little about your life here? How you started this sugar craze? LOL

    you are good and should be on food network.

    do you have a culinary degree?
    thanks for the inpiration!

  36. Hmmm — yes, yes, and yes. Plain, fancy, and everywhere in between

  37. Ohh!! that looks so good.

  38. neither! i hate cheesecake! although, i do think the “fancy schmancy” one looks great!

  39. If the cheesecake is as good as yours appears to be, then it’s PLAIN all the way. Only bad cheesecake needs something to go with it! (In my opinion only)

    Congrats on that beautiful Cheesecake… Yum!

  40. Plain jane but with a fruit topping!

  41. I like it plain–also, have you ever tried Zweibeck Cookies instead of Graham crackers? Way, yummy–my grandmother’s “secret”.

  42. PLAIN JANE definitely! I’m much like you too I like only the cherry sauce but not the cherries. :)

  43. I’d heard “Bakerella this” and “Bakerella that” and finally got around to checking your blog out a couple months ago. I’m now hooked.

    Clearly I’m not the only one but I’ll say it anyway — I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! I get so excited when I see you’ve updated. Your recipes. Photos. Creations. Writing. Creativity. It’s all so lovely!!
    A lotta times, I check blogs in the evening while my husband and I are watching tv. Your blog is one of the only ones he likes to look at with me. :)

    You are one talented lady. Keep up the great work!

  44. I don’tlike cheesecake, but for desert in general I say fancuschmancy is usually the way to go

  45. Fancy Schmancy all the way! Chocolate cake cheesecake from TCF is to die for!

    Sad to say, I too am without a springform pan. Not much of a baker.

  46. I’m somewhere in between. I like the whole strawberries/or sliced with a drizzle of juice and maybe just a dollop of whipped cream….mmm cheesecake… :-)

  47. Plain for me!!!

  48. The fancy shmancy looks wonderful but sometimes masks the taste of a truly wonderful cheesecake.I don’t like the taste of fruit with my chocolate so if it’s plain cheesecake then dress if up but if it’s chocolate cheesecake let the wonderful taste of chocolate stand alone.

  49. I will eat whichever one is in front of me – yum!!

  50. Plain Jane is decadent enough for me. Looks amazing — thanks of sharing this recipe!

  51. Ok, I thought I was the only one on the planet who didn’t mind the cherry sauce but not the actual cherries on cheesecake!!! I had to crack up at that one. I’m always taking the fruit off!! Plain cheesecake for me please!!

  52. Girlfriend, I don’t care how you serve it up, just hand over the danged cheesecake and no one gets hurt! YUUUUMMMMMM

  53. Fancy Schmancy puleeze! Chocolate, caramel…chocolate chips…sock it to me! :) Mmmm. Now I’m craving cheesecake will the works…thanks for sharing!

  54. fancy schmancy

  55. Fancy Shamancy please!

  56. Plain jane! Cheesecake is so flavorful and rich that I hate when it’s tainted with other things, especially chunks of fruit (ugh!). Ok, a little bit of raspberry syrup is acceptable, but just the tiniest amount. And never on those final bites when you get a nice 50% crust 50% custard ratio at the edge. Dang, now I’m hungry!

  57. I don’t like cheesecake any way at all, but that’s probably because it’s my husband’s very favorite thing (and he likes them ALL, fancy, plain, or in-between) and I’ve made about 499 of them in the eight years we’ve been married.

    So! If you don’t want cracks,
    1. Don’t over-beat the custard mixture, especially after adding the eggs.
    2. Bake at a low temp. I usually bake mine at 350 for 15 minutes, then lower the temp to 200 until the custard is JUST set-overbaking causes mega-cracks.
    3. Run a knife around the edge of the pan IMMEDIATELY after removing the cheesecake from the oven.
    4. Cool the cheesecake in the fridge, uncovered, to prevent moisture condensation on the top.

    Since I’ve been using those little tricks, I haven’t had a single crack. Seriously. And no water baths necessary!

  58. YUMMY!!!
    I will take cheesecake any way that I can get it. Fancy schmancy, plain, or anywhere in between. My NY hubby doesn’t like cheesecake (strange huh?). So unless I want to eat a whole cheesecake, I have to order it when we go out.

  59. I’m like you…plain Jane, maybe some fruit sauce, but definitely no fruit, i.e. cherries, blueberries, etc. I had no idea there were so many of us plain-Jane-anti-fruit-cheesecake-lovers out there!!

  60. I like a little of both. You can never replace the plain jane but a little fancy shmancy once in awhile is nice and tasty. Plus it’s fun when you’re the one decorating. =P

  61. I like Plain Jain or to mix it up a little with some chocolate and caramel. I do not like mine touching fruit or fruit sauce whatsoever. Cheese cake factory definitly has the best new york plain cheesecake.. yummmm…

  62. Plain. Jane. Period.

    But I don’t mind a bit of sour cream topping or a hint of lime flavoring or a swirl of berry sauce either in it or on it.

    And quite honestly, I’ll eat any darn piece of cheesecake you set before me :O) I’m almost certain that it is the perfect dessert. Yours looks so amazing.

  63. Not a big whipped cream gal myself. I has the Cheesecake Factory to leave off the schlag! But I love some cherries on mine – like the pie filling kind – yummo! But my fav has got to be the Oreo at CF, or the key lime, or the bannana cream…oh heck – favorite, schmavorite!

  64. I am definately a Fancy Shmancy girl!! YUM!


  65. Im a cheesecake lover and addicted. unfortunately i need to drop some weight for the summer… :( i love your blog, i read it everyday, but that’s my first comment :)

  66. I’m in between – depending on the toppings of the fancy schmancy one!

  67. I’m OK with a little sauce, but never whipped cream or whole fruit.
    I continue to compare all cheesecakes to the best I’ve ever had and that’s homemade by Aunt Klara with a sour cream top layer. She’s originally from Hungry and whips this up like its oh so easy but I’ve yet to get the recipe. Ina Garten’s recipe is easy even though its multi-steps may seem intimidating and it never cracks (if that’s important to you).

  68. Fancy schmancy please. ?

    Nice looking cheesecake, by the way. Yummy.

  69. I’m definitely with you- plain all the way! (But I must admit that all the fancy “extras” make the cheesecake look really pretty!)

  70. More toward Plain Jane here, but I do love the pretty fancy shmancy photos.

    I almost said ‘plane’ Jane… I think I need to get more sleep! This newborn business is getting to me! :o

  71. Oh my God…this looks so delicious…yummi!!!

  72. Fancy schmancy all the way!

  73. Oh my total yum-o-licious! Wanting the fancy schmancy right now! You are heaven sent!

  74. Plain Jane, always! I always find that the crust is my favorite part, too. And while the graham cracker kind is awesome in its own right, I think a plain cheesecake with an Oreo crust is the way to go.

  75. Mmmm…plain usually. If I want fancy, I go with a pumkin, caramel pecan cheesecake that has a sauce. I can do w/out fruit. Let that go to the triffle.

  76. *shudder* Ewww.

    I hate cheesecake. Yuck yuck yuck. In fact, I hate most cheeses! When I do your cake balls, I buy a thing of canned Duncan Hines frosting and use about 3/4ths of the can.

    I’d have to say, the fancy schmancy looks a hell of a lot better. And if it were a regular cake I’d prefer that.

  77. Plain jane for sure but I LOVE chocolate with/in it… crushed oreo crust is to die for.

  78. I like maximum graham cracker crust! I hate the ones where they rip you off with a thinny-shimney layer of crust. I want thick!

    Other than that, my favourite cheesecake ever was this creamy, light triple-berry or raspberry cheesecake at Chateau Lake Louise. It was sooo good! I think I ate 4…

  79. I love cheesecake in any fashion! However, I usually only eat plain cheesecake if that’s my only cheesecake option :) I cannot pass up a slice of chocolate cheesecake. I also love turtle cheesecake with tons of caramel on top. I think my favorite from the Cheesecake Factory is the Vanilla Bean. YUM! :)

  80. OMG ,I love it ,it looooooooooooks yummmmmy
    great job

  81. Plain Jane here. If there is a topping on the cheesecake, I’ll rake it off and eat it last.

  82. This honestly looks like the simplest cheesecake recipe I have ever seen! And I’m so glad that yours’ cracked too (I don’t mean that in a bad way at all) because all of mine have seemed to be epic failures. You’ve given me hope to try again. I definitely will bookmark this one.

  83. I don’t care how it is served as long as I have something to get it into my mouth! ha!
    I am also a no whole fruit person. I love cherry pie but I won’t eat the actual cherries…

  84. Plain Jane Cheesecake. Why mess with perfection.

  85. I love anything with sugar… but if i had to make a decision it would be fancy schmancy… because it looks sooooo beautiful

  86. I love the fancy schmancy one!

    My favorite way to eat cheesecake is infused with a yummy liqueur. Like amaretto, kahlua, frangelico, creme de menthe, wilderberry schnapps, etc. I think amaretto is my favorite.

    My favorite crust is vanilla sandwich cookies crushed and mixed with butter.

  87. Plain Jane all the way!

  88. Oh, yum :)

    I’m a bit of a cheesecake addict, I must admit. I’m a plain jane person, mostly. That jam on top does look nice, and a bit of fruit might be nice every now and then, as long as it doesn’t overwhelm the cheesecaky goodness. But no whipped cream, please. And I’d rather have a good solid cheesecake with no extras than a lousy one with a ton of goodies.

  89. I’ll take the raspberry sauce and the fresh berries. NO whip.

  90. Plain jane for me!

  91. Unless you are going to drizzle chocolate on top, plain jane is the way to go. Allows you to really taste the depth of the flavor.

  92. Fancy, but without the chocolate. It looks DIVINE!!! Yum!

    I am trying to eat better, so please forgive me if I don’t visit your site for a few days. ;) I think I just gained 10 pounds.

  93. Being fancy schmancy is the best way to cover up those annoying cracks!

  94. GODIVA CHOCOLATE from cheesecake factory! and that is the only one i EVER get b/c it feels like you’ve died and gone to heaven. PURE ECSTACY! okay now my mouth is watering thinking of that!

  95. Plain Jane all the way!

    But, OF COURSE I’ll still eat it if it’s fancy shmancy…or still batter, or whatever….did I mention that cheesecake is my favorite?

  96. All you have to say is “cheesecake” and my mouth starts to water! I love it plain jane, fancy-shmancy, and anything in between! Thanks for the recipe. :)

  97. I love my cheesecake plain jane. Once in a while I will branch out and get just raspberry sauce on the side. I do love the flavored variety, too, but unadorned.

  98. I prefer some chocolate somewhere in my cheesecake; but since I don’t like the fruits and whipped creams either, I consider myself a “Plain Jane”. :) Great job!

  99. I’m totally plain jane! I love taking in the flavor of the cheesecake without any toppings of the sort. My favorite cheesecake, though, has to be what my favorite ice cream flavor and favorite cookie is……..Oreo! Yummmmmmmy :D

  100. I have a recipe for a chocolate swirl cheesecake; it’s the only one we eat in my family. It doesn’t even have a crust, I just bake it in a pie dish.

  101. I love cheesecake. I love to make Raspberry Sour Cream Cheesecake. The cheesecake layer is baked for only 35 minutes and then cooled. Then I add a sour cream layer and bake again for only 5 minutes. I make the raspberry topping with frozen raspberries, sugar, and cornstarch. My family and friends love it!

  102. I don’t like mine too fancy, I like it with chocolate or whole, fresh strawberries on top. No syrup :D

  103. One day you should try cheesecake prepared in a water bath – of really makes an amazing moisture difference in the cheesecake and gives it that amazing professional texture and taste. Of course I’ve never tried making it myself that way… It’s too scary complicated looking!

    I love the look of the fancy shmancy cheesesake, but I’m a fan of it untouched (however, I have been known to get a little raspberry sauce on the side to dip every second bite. Mmmmm…)

  104. I admit I’m a plain jane, scraping off any toppings, especially fruity stuff. Ditto about the cheesecake factory and maybe the occasional CHOCOLATE cheesecake. Is it possible to make a cheesecake without a crust? Because sometimes that even stands in the way of the cheesy goodness!

  105. Not at all. I abhor cheesecake. Means more for the masses, since I recognize I am in a minority!

  106. I like stuff in it but not on it, no whip, fruit sometimes, but mostly caramel is okay. I think that leaves me somewhere in between.

  107. Plain jane! And have a cheesecake eating system. I tend to eat all the filling first and then save the crust for last. Yummy!

  108. A Plain Jane slice of S&S chocolate mousse cake is the best dessert a girl could ask for. Well, it might be even better with a pretty little dollop of homemade whipped cream…

  109. I luv it with raspberry sauce. Actually I don’t think I have ever met a fruit I don’t like. You can have the whipped cream and fru fru. I also love chocolate cheesecake with a chocolate cookie crust – decadent all the way!

  110. Plain Jane all the way when I make them home made! There is something lovely about the simple indulgence!
    On another note: I tried making the 14 Layer Cake for my husband’s 30th birthday party today. It turned out fairly well, but I did not have enough of the frosting from the Smith Family Recipe. So glad I took your advice and finished it off with the buttercream frosting!

  111. OMG… cheesecake. My totally favorite food group. lol .. I love the stuff. I have to go with in between. Fancy Schmancy is pretty but not needed. I can go for plain or just a hint of sauce on top. YUM-O!!!

  112. yummm yummmm Fancy Shmancy :)

  113. My favovorite is plain old cheesecake but it doesn’t have a regular crust – it has a brownie bottom crush. If I’m entertaining, I’ll drizzle chocolate over the top.

  114. Fancy for me for sure, but no goopy cherries in too-sweet syrup! Fresh fruit or thinned out jelly is the way to go.

    Can you tell me the font on the Fancy-Schmancy picture? thanks!

  115. Oh, yum! Give it to me plain with just a bit of sour cream topping. Please don’t ruin that luscious goodness with goopy fruit sauce, or anything else for that matter.

  116. love cheesecake anyway think it would be great with anything on it how can you mess it up. was wondering if you had any ideas about a monkey cupcake pop. nephew is having a monkey 1st bday party and i love your ideas

  117. love the texture of your cheesecake. I think I can have mine either way…plain or fancy smancy

  118. i have to go in between. just a basic cheesecake with maybe a whipped cream or fresh fruit is the best.

  119. I Love cheese cake, I think I am somewhere in the middle. But hey I just have to thank you for your recipe for Oreo Truffles! I made them and my husband and I have a new favorite treat!!

  120. Keep it classic or dress it up. I love my cheesecake either way as long as the cheesecake itself is high-quality. I’ll take good Plain Jane over pre-frozen factory-processed Fancy Schmancy any day. But if it’s good cheesecake you can do anything you want to it and I’m happy. My next cheesecake may look something like your Fancy Schmancy! I love the look of the white chocolate squiggle on the syrup against the fresh raspberries and whipped cream. Yum!

  121. Plain! I hate whipped cream and fruit chunks!

    Or fried! If you haven’t had fried cheesecake, you haven’t lived!

  122. it’s all good – plain or fancy – as long as its regular old, graham cracker crust cheesecake… except at Thanksgiving – then it has to be pumpkin’d up!

  123. My sister told me that the secret to preventing a cheesecake from cracking is putting the pan in a cookie sheet filled with a little water when you put it in the oven. This helps evenly cook the whole thing.

    Then she also usually leaves it in the oven when she turns off the heat until the oven cools completely. That way it doesn’t crack when it’s exposed to the cooler kitchen air; instead, it can slowly cool down with the oven.

    Those were her tips for me anyway, and they really seem to work!

  124. I love plain cheesecake with a thick graham cracker crust!

  125. i love plain too! my mom used to make the mini cheesecakes when we were little and before the cherries she puts a sauce that is made of sour cream, sugar and vanilla. it seriously is AMAZING…(minus cherries for me though). you should try the sauce out on just plain cheesecake next time, you will be hooked. i dont have exact measurements.

  126. I gotta go Fancy Schmancy all the way! the more stuff on top and inside the better!

  127. I like mine plain jane – but with a lil’ raspberry puree drizzled on the plate.

  128. In between. I like cheesecake with a little chocolate and caramel sauce. The cheesecake you made is beautiful. Keep the ideas coming.

  129. fancy.

    no cherries.

  130. fancy.

    no cherries.

  131. fancy.

    no cherries.

  132. fancy.

    no cherries.

  133. Two words…Pah-lain Jane!

  134. I like plain cheesecake with strawberry sauce. YUM!

  135. simply plain is the best, IMHO. Glad to know I’m not the only one.

  136. oh that looks so good. I love cheese cake

  137. plain Jane, maybe sauce but just a little.

  138. Oh I am all over the fancy schmancy cheesecake. Flavored with some kind of chocolate of course with fresh berries. Yummy!

  139. Plain as day for me too. I LOVE and adore either plain, Oreo or chocolate cheesecake. There is a well known restaurant beside me (HERE IN IRELAND) that does a FAB chocolate and white chocolate cheesecake. OMG, it is to DIE FOR!!! Do I ever have to walk my butt off after having some of that baby!!! Wouldn’t have it any other way!Mmmmmm

  140. I’m somewhere in the middle! I made my first cheesecake a few weeks ago and I was surprised at how easy it was!

    And I definitely hear London saying “Yay me!” without even thinking about it….That’s what happens with 3 younger sisters in the house! :-)

  141. Wow, that looks delish! I like mine plain jane…well, maybe with a strawberry on the side. ;)

  142. I’m a plain jane myslef- I’m also weid about the actual fruit thing- to me fruit and desserts are kind of a clash- the sauce is ok- but the fruit itself- I’ll pass I don’t mind some chocolate sauce on mine either- occasionally. My hubby is OBSESSED with the Godiva chocoalte cheesecake from Cheesecake factory and I have looked and looked for a great recipe similar to thiers with no luck- do youhave any recipes for delicoius chocolate cheesecake? If so PLEASE share- I’m at a loss!

  143. Plain Jane but maybe with a little whipped cream :)

  144. I’d have to go with both! BTW, I did the cake pops at our Easter party…ADORABLE! I got rave reviews! Thanks for the hard work you put in to this blog…work just wouldn’t be the same without it!

  145. They both look just delicious!


  146. Key lime! When I was pregnant the first time, it’s all I wanted!!

  147. Oh my gosh I want a bite of that soooo bad right now! lol I am somewhere in between, No whip cream for me or the chocolate fancy but very cute thing. Just cheesecake and some raspberry sauce and I am one happy camper! lol

    I had to smile this week when the cookie of the day was your cake pop! I thought to myself, hey I know the creator of those (ya I know I don’t really ‘know’ you but ya know what I mean) :)

    Yes, Yeah Me totally sends London Tipton into my brain and my granddaughter is only 2.5 so I have MANY MANY more years of it to go lol

  148. PLAIN!!!! If you add a little finely chopped lemon zest in your cheese cake…it is yummy!

  149. As a load of other folks have said, a pan of hot water in the bottom of the oven will help with the cracks. Also turning off the oven a little before it’s done, cracking the door slightly, and letting it cool right there in the oven.

    Also, this is my favorite cheesecake recipe in the whole wide world:

    White Chocolate and Strawberry Cheesecake

  150. I can make the plain jane version myself, but the fancy one it beautiful and the one I’d order in a restaurant. I think I’m gonna try to make a fancy one for myself and some girlfriends!


  151. Cheesecake is cheesecake, fancy schmancy or plain jane, Now give it to me and no one will get hurt. Thats my motto!

  152. My first thought after seeing your top picture was, “She is soooo EVIL!!!” lol

    Honestly though, I’m a plain jane. I think cheesecake is rich enough to stand on it’s own without sauces or creams. :)

  153. If I ate cheesecake it would have to be with the cherries, but mostly plain jane, one bite, one cherry! That is how I roll!

  154. Plain jane with maybe one strawberry.

    Yummy!! I’m pregnant and now I gotta go get me some from Salt Grass! lol

    Gotta love the pregnancy cravings!

    Raychel from

  155. I go both ways.. Today I made individual caramel apple cheesecakes… They are quite tasty…

  156. Definitely Plain Jane! Can’t stand whipped cream.

  157. Plain jane style for me!

  158. No fancy shmancy for me! Just plain jane….but it has to be chocolate!!!

    Thanks for all your inspiration!

    What do you use for the background of your pictures?


  159. Plain with a thick crust makes for a perfect little slice of heaven!

    Though I make a mean turtle cheesecake…

  160. I would probably like a Fancy shmancy if I had a cheesecake, but usually,I’m content with a slice of cake, a cookie or so, or ice cream. Mmmmmm.

  161. I try to go inbetween, a fancy shmancy with balance.

    I love some cheesecake with a layer of maple syrup or honey on the top. Mmm…and if it’s honey, maybe a slice of lemon on the side.

  162. I love Cheries on top of my cheesecake

  163. Ooohhh… I prefer Fancy Schmancy. I think I might have to make something like this for Father’s Day. And I completely agree with you on the “no fruit” rule!! I can enjoy some delicious fruity glaze, but whole fruit pieces? No thanks. I think it has to do with the texture.. Gets too mushy too fast.

  164. I’d say I prefer to have my cheesecake somewhere in between plain and fancy. I like fancy flavors with modest toppings.

  165. I wouldn’t so much say I like mine fancy, but it’s GOTTA have strawberries or cherries in sauce as the topping.

  166. Plain jane – but I won’t turn down a little raspberry sauce.

  167. Ooo, definitely fancy schmancy – especially if it involves raspberries and chocolate! Mmm! Beautiful!

  168. I’ll take both please….OINK!!

  169. You took the words right out of my mouth – plain jane with a little sauce.

  170. This looks so delicious! Great for a Memorial Day BBQ dessert today too!

  171. If I’m going to eat all those calories, it better be fancy and pretty!!

  172. looks delicious!! i go fancy schmancy – hold the fruit.

  173. For eating purposes, I prefer plain jane, but it sure is breathtaking to see a fancy schmancy slice!

  174. oh my gosh! i’ve just started reading your blog a bit ago, and i LOVE it!!! thank you so much for such a great website to look at that has gorgeous pictures and fun recipes :-)

    i’m so torn, the fancy schmancy and plane jane both look so awesome…
    fancy schmancy to look at, and plane jane to eat! haha

  175. I like mine plain with a touch of sauce just on the plate. None touching the cheesecake unless I choose to.

  176. I can go either way…Cheesecake is the best!!

  177. plain jane all the way!

  178. I love cheesecake, so i would take either one. i like it both ways, but if I had to chose i would say the fancy schmancy one. i like things to look pretty too! :) Plus, I happen to love whipped cream and fruit sauce.

  179. Wow, your cheesecake looks gorgeous! I LOVE Cheesecake, so looking at this is really making my mouth water!

    I would love to make cheesecake, but always thought it quite difficult to do, so never tried it, but you’ve made it look so easy, I really wanna give it a go! Thanks so much for posting how to do it! :)

    Angela :)

    P.S. Oh, and I usually like them Plain Jane, but I recently had one with Strawberries all over the top, and it was gorgoeus! So I could be converted! ;)

  180. I love your blog and photos, but I also learned lots from the commenters who have experience baking cheesecakes, too! Thanks. p.s. I’m a plain jane girl, and Brooklyn’s Juniors’ cheesecakes are my fave!

  181. plain jane…i’m with you. i love it all by itself. i don’t like the fruits on it either.

  182. plain jane, for sure. We like it with a LOT of crust too, and I push it all the way up the back if I can! Looks great – congrats on a successful first time out!

  183. I like plain or with chocolate or fruit sauce. But just like you I don’t like the actual fruit and I do not like whipped cream!

  184. I roll both ways I suppose. depends on the cheesecake flavor I guess.
    I would rather have chocolate cheesecake over plain or peanut butter cheesecake. Okay now I’m really hungry. :)

  185. Looks divine. I like mine plain as well if it is a really good cheesecake. Only need the extras if it isn’t a nice cheesecake to start with. Haven’t found any good ones here in Vienna so far…

  186. Fancy Schmancy – I’ve got an amazing recipe for Cheesecake that literally SLIDES down your throat…I LOVE CHEESECAKE!!Just no sweet stuff like chocolate or caramel, or stuff like that.

  187. I love the look of your fancy one, but I’m not sure I could eat all that. I’d have to tone it down a little. Maybe with just the sauce. With just caramel is divine. You’ve inspired me to try my own little white chocolate designs to put on the brownies I’ll be making this weekend!

  188. Looks so yummy!!!
    I like the fancy schmancy in terms of looks… but not to sure about the taste? ^^

    I think I'll try this recipe<33

  189. A woman after my own heart! Gotta love that plain-jane cheesecake. You wouldn’t believe the strange looks I get from waitresses when I ask for my dessert “just plain, no sauce and stuff” (on those rare date nights sans kids)!

  190. Plain jane is plenty for me. I’d rather have all of my calories in the heesecake. Forget all the toppings.

  191. To avoid the crack in the middle, you can bake it by placing the pan in a larger pan with about an inch of water in it. And make sure the oven door is closed for the entire baking time.
    I learned that after having a marble cheesecake turn out looking like it was in an earthquake. :-)

  192. Fancy schmancy, the more chocolate the better. My weight watchers group would groan if they knew how much i love fancy cheesecake…

  193. Oh my gosh! You are sooooo evil!! Now I am totally craving cheesecake and these dang pregnancy cravings do not go away! This looks easy enough to make though, so maybe I will make some! YUM YUM YUM.

    I like my cheesecake all ways, but I guess I could do without the whole fruit. Sauce and cream or just plain is fine with me!

  194. I roll in between.. I like my sauce and chocolate, but I don’t have to have it as decked out as you’ve got that piece… it does look good, though!

  195. I like mine somewhere in between. Take the Plain Jane and add a little strawberry sauce, but that’s all I need. Strawberry is definitely my favorite.

  196. Yes, I heard London Tipton’s voice! Yay me! and I will take cheesecake anyway it comes, plain or fancy, it’s all fabulous!
    Thank you for the recipe!

  197. that main photograph is UNFAIR!

  198. Just like you, I love Plain Jane for myself, but if making for others of for a picture, the Fancy Shmancy almost becomes a necessity

  199. Plain or with strawberry sauce. I don’t like too many things on my cheesecake or it doesn’t taste like cheesecake anymore. And then, what’s the point?

    My son was watching Suite Life as I was reading this so I definately heard the London lol

  200. I like fancy schmancy but I am with you on no whole fruit. Something about the texture ruins it for me.

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